App2Card-new method for app2sd for Milestone-anti all known bug from known app2sd

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Hi folks,

I found App2Card, new package that is a another hack of app2sd, the one we know and found so many out there. But this App2Card is far different from known app2sd methods that I've tried. The greatest function it has is: It automatically control the system settings for ability to recognize every kind of SD card and automatically switch on app2sd or switch off to internal memory mode depending on what status of sd Card on your Milestone. Especially, it provides free-bugs Milestone while operating in app2sd mode, even in case that you remove the sd card or change the blank sd card to it, every thing run smoothly with no any bug such as crash of some apps, widgets, services like other known app2sd package.

Just go to here for the original post (vietnamese):[Milestone] [C?p nh?t 28/4] App2Card v1.3 - Cài ?ng d?ng lên th? nh?

Or this link of google translate for it: Google Translate

Feel free to comment to the author of it: hainguyen273 -


Update 07/05/2010: New version v1.5 (v1.4 ignored).

This version fixed boot-hang error occured on serveral MS roms. With this valued fix, this maybe is the final version of App2Card for Milestone.
New features of v1.5 package:

1. Added new installation choices:

- Install new App2Card as: Installing new App2card to memory card: With this option, all the old data and apps on the card will be erased. Instead, App2card will create a new database for apps on card from apps in internal memory. This option can be used for fixing boot-hang error or some unknown error caused by previous versions.

- Merge (add) apps from internal memory to SD card:
This merges apps in internal memory to existing apps list in-there on SD card. In other words, if you have apps on the card by then and wanted to merge with other apps that are in the internal memory, you will choose this option.
Note: You cannot port the stock apps ( in /system/app) to put to the SD card.
- Activate App2card for new rom: To use for reactivating App2Card for new rom. Because as you know, every time you flash a new rom, App2Card as well as all mod other settings else will be cleared. So here is the time you you this option to reactivate app2card. With this choice, all data on memory cards and internal memory will be intact, script just simply reactivate App2Card that has been installed on SD card on previous rom. This option also can be used once you lose App2card by some reason.
- Uninstall: Deactivate/Remove App2card from the system.
- Quit: Yes, exit.

2. Have fixed:

- V1.5 has no error of boot-hang at the Moto logo at boot occured on some roms. This was a cool fix helps App2Card to run perfectly. So from now it supports all types of rom.
- V1.5 also fixed the error of lose of app configs/settings everytime you change alternately between SD cards (as described by huuhiep175)

3. Inherited Features: V1.5 continue inheriting the features from previous versions, such further as below:
- Automatically identifies sd card status whether the ext2 is available or not, or identifies the absence of memory cards, from then automatically re-configs system settings for running apps in internal memory.
- In case that a memory card with ext2 available was inserted, the phone will automatically deploys applications for transferring them from internal memory to SD card without having to install by script like the first setup anymore.
- Self-stabilizing mechanism to eliminate the hang or crash status from incorrect operation by user.

4. Notes before upgrading to v1.5:
- Due to the previous buggy versions caused problem of boot-hang on a number of Roms, so if you have been faced such problem you must install this v1.5 script with the first option (Install as new), so that the script will erase all old buggy data, and then build new database for your sd card.
- The steps to install App2Card v1.5 still be performed like the guidelines of the previous version.

Download link: App2Card_v1.5.1 (Due to a missed upload by author, this new version v1.5.1 has just been re-uploaded and replace to the v1.5 on this morning. People who downloaded that v1.5 so pls re-download this v1.5.1 for the correct one.)

Known issues:
On the first running and some more next reboot after installing App2Card, the phone may spend a while (depending on how many apps you have) to re-buid the apps managing xml files and cache for every app, so it should made some few lagging during this time. Dont worry, it will operate smoothly back after this while and you will see its cool performance :) Ive been experiencing for some hours and now my milestone is running very cool.


Good enjoy! :)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Ich kann diese Methode nur empfehlen. Funktioniert ausgezeichnet!
Der Vorteil ist, dass die Apps im internen Speichern nicht gelöscht werden, sondern nur temporär durch die Apps auf der SD-Karte überlagert werden, aber nur wenn eine entsprechende SD-Karte eingelegt wird.

1. Backup des Telefons mit ADBRecovery
2. Backup der SD-Karte auf PC
3. Partitionieren der SD-Karte für Apps2SD (siehe z.B. hier, oder im oben verlinkten Originalbeitrag)
4. App2Card (v1.3) aus dem oben genannten Beitrag auf die (normale) Daten-Partition der SD-Karte kopieren, ebenso ADBRecovery
5. Im Recovery-Modus booten und am PC ausführen:
adb shell
 cd /sdcard/app2card
 . ./ # Hinweis: zwei Punkte mit Leerzeichen dazwischen
Genauere Beschreibung in der Google-Übersetzung (für alle die nicht vietnamesisch sprechen) des oben verlinkten Beitrags.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: flussdroid
naja, ganz ehrlich, was bringt es die intallierten apps auf /data zu lassen? das frisst den speicher, denn man durch apps2sd freibekommen möchte, oder hab ich etwas verpasst?

und die installierten apps gehen bei unserem automatisierten script nicht verloren, sie werden wenn man es über das script wieder deinstalliert automatisch alle zurück kopiert (bringt nur probleme wenn man noch mehr installiert hat, wie interner speicher frei ist, oder wenn man die sdcard erst neu formatiert).

desweiteren wird bei dieser methode hier automatisch noch der dalvik-cache und der ordner /data/system mit auf die sdcard verschoben, was für Leute mit class4 sdcard zu geschwindigkeits einbusen führen wird.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: straussi_754
Also ich versteh das so:
Die Apps welche im Data Ordner auf dem internen Speicher liegen bleiben immer erhalten, egal welche SD Karte man nutzt.
Wenn man nun eine partitionierte Karte einlegt, dann werden die zusätzlich dort abgelegten apps geladen.
Das bedeutet, dass die wichtigsten Apps auf dem internen liegen und die übrigen auf der SD.

Sollte das nicht so sein, dann muß ich FuFu recht geben. Es wäre ja ohne Sinn einfach die Apps doppelt zu haben.
du hast es richtig verstanden, allerdings, wenn ein app nen update hat, bleibt die frage wie es sich dann verhält, da ja das update auf der sdcard gespeichert werden würde, und nach einem entfernen der sdcard wieder die alte version da wäre.

und ganz ehrlich, wer wechselt seine sdcard dauernt aus? von daher sehe ich es eben als überflüßig an, und das partitonieren muß man hier ja nun auch wieder selbst übernehmen
Update 07/05/2010: New version v1.5 (v1.4 ignored).

This version fixed boot-hang error occured on serveral MS roms. With this valued fix, this maybe is the final version of App2Card for Milestone.
New features of v1.5 package:

1. Added new installation choices:

- Install new App2Card as: Installing new App2card to memory card: With this option, all the old data and apps on the card will be erased. Instead, App2card will create a new database for apps on card from apps in internal memory. This option can be used for fixing boot-hang error or some unknown error caused by previous versions.

- Merge (add) apps from internal memory to SD card:
This merges apps in internal memory to existing apps list in-there on SD card. In other words, if you have apps on the card by then and wanted to merge with other apps that are in the internal memory, you will choose this option.
Note: You cannot port the stock apps ( in /system/app) to put to the SD card.
- Activate App2card for new rom: To use for reactivating App2Card for new rom. Because as you know, every time you flash a new rom, App2Card as well as all mod other settings else will be cleared. So here is the time you you this option to reactivate app2card. With this choice, all data on memory cards and internal memory will be intact, script just simply reactivate App2Card that has been installed on SD card on previous rom. This option also can be used once you lose App2card by some reason.
- Uninstall: Deactivate/Remove App2card from the system.
- Quit: Yes, exit.

2. Have fixed:

- V1.5 has no error of boot-hang at the Moto logo at boot occured on some roms. This was a cool fix helps App2Card to run perfectly. So from now it supports all types of rom.
- V1.5 also fixed the error of lose of app configs/settings everytime you change alternately between SD cards (as described by huuhiep175)

3. Inherited Features: V1.5 continue inheriting the features from previous versions, such further as below:
- Automatically identifies sd card status whether the ext2 is available or not, or identifies the absence of memory cards, from then automatically re-configs system settings for running apps in internal memory.
- In case that a memory card with ext2 available was inserted, the phone will automatically deploys applications for transferring them from internal memory to SD card without having to install by script like the first setup anymore.
- Self-stabilizing mechanism to eliminate the hang or crash status from incorrect operation by user.

4. Notes before upgrading to v1.5:
- Due to the previous buggy versions caused problem of boot-hang on a number of Roms, so if you have been faced such problem you must install this v1.5 script with the first option (Install as new), so that the script will erase all old buggy data, and then build new database for your sd card.
- The steps to install App2Card v1.5 still be performed like the guidelines of the previous version.

Download link: App2Card_v1.5 (go to the first post)

Known issues:
On the first running and some more next reboot after installing App2Card, the phone may spend a while (depending on how many apps you have) to re-buid the apps managing xml files and cache for every app, so it should made some few lagging during this time. Dont worry, it will operate smoothly back after this while and you will see its cool performance :) Ive been experiencing for some hours and now my milestone is running very cool.

Good enjoy! :)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Thx, but I can't find it or it comes following text:
Invalid or Deleted File
The key you provided for file download was invalid. This is usually caused because the file is no longer stored on Mediafire. This occurs when the file is removed by the originating user or Mediafire. If you believe you have reached this page in error, please contact support.

The link is dead...

i.d.S. mecss
mecss schrieb:
Thx, but I can't find it or it comes following text:
Invalid or Deleted File
The key you provided for file download was invalid. This is usually caused because the file is no longer stored on Mediafire. This occurs when the file is removed by the originating user or Mediafire. If you believe you have reached this page in error, please contact support.

The link is dead...

i.d.S. mecss
Mecss, due to a mistake by the author that he uploaded the draft one of v1.5 on this morning. Ive just got new update and re-edit the 1st post for v1.5.1 as the correct one of v1.5.

I really impress with this App2Card, it is a great script with perfect operation that far different from other known app2sd scripts
it's a nice script, but no sdcard partionation included and some other things.
The script make by me whats postet here, includes partitonation.
And in both scripts you have problems with FC by some apps, when you move all apps to the sdcard.

In the script here also move some other things to the sdcard, like /data/data and /data/system and /data/local, this may slow down the performance of the milestone when use an class4 sdcard or slower.
when using my script its also has an good performance with an class4 sdcard.

but i thing every use must make his own choise to find his favorite script ;)

and sorry for my bad english :D i hope all understand what i try to say ;)
-FuFu- schrieb:
it's a nice script, but no sdcard partionation included and some other things.
The script make by me whats postet here, includes partitonation.
And in both scripts you have problems with FC by some apps, when you move all apps to the sdcard.

In the script here also move some other things to the sdcard, like /data/data and /data/system and /data/local, this may slow down the performance of the milestone when use an class4 sdcard or slower.
when using my script its also has an good performance with an class4 sdcard.

but i thing every use must make his own choise to find his favorite script ;)

and sorry for my bad english :D i hope all understand what i try to say ;)
Hi FuFu,

This is not my script, its hainguyen273's from I dont understand "partionation" you told, whats it? :)

And can u pls post again your script here, cos I cannot get it from your Thema. It took me to "Access forbidden!" error, I dun know why :( (Is it yours? -->
Im right?)

A lot Thanks.
yes, this is my script, and i think your ip is on the blacklist from my server, because i must block the Asian ip range.
i will make an mirror on another filehoster for you.

and sorry, i mean this Disk partitioning
-FuFu- schrieb:
yes, this is my script, and i think your ip is on the blacklist from my server, because i must block the Asian ip range.
i will make an mirror on another filehoster for you.

and sorry, i mean this Disk partitioning

Ach... i know this. Thanks :)

I also mean about your app2sd script, could u pls post a mirror of it? Id like to give a try to find a better one for me. Thanks a lot :)
i created a mirror for you
just download
i hope you can download and give the script a try ;)
if you have an 16gb sdcard, you may have to chance the "" to create the partiton right, something to get the right size of the sdcard is wrong, it works with 8gb sdcards, but on 16gb and 32gb sdcards the script creates an 7gb partition for normal sdcard and the rest for app2sd.

may if you have problems, i will try to help you out
-FuFu- schrieb:
i created a mirror for you
just download
i hope you can download and give the script a try ;)
if you have an 16gb sdcard, you may have to chance the "" to create the partiton right, something to get the right size of the sdcard is wrong, it works with 8gb sdcards, but on 16gb and 32gb sdcards the script creates an 7gb partition for normal sdcard and the rest for app2sd.

may if you have problems, i will try to help you out
Vielen Danke, dude!

Ill give a try, i have to backup again my data
Works great with Class 4 Cards. But the Home and the Search Button are without a function. I press a button and nothing happens. The other 2 buttons are OK.
DJHarty schrieb:
Works great with Class 4 Cards. But the Home and the Search Button are without a function. I press a button and nothing happens. The other 2 buttons are OK.
Whats wrong? Ive never heard this strange bugs from other people

You mean after installing app2card you lost function of Search & Home buttons? Have you tried to unistall App2card and then check these buttons again?

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