[COLOR="SeaGreen"][FONT="Verdana"][SIZE="3"] v0.1 (08.02.2012)
•Now Based on ErwinP's ICS ROM (Android 4.0.3)
•Integrade GAPPS
•92MB Big is the ROM with Gapps !!!
•Apps are deodexed
•No Gallery include, downloading under the ROM !!!
•Speed UP the rom
•RAM Script
•New Launcher : Apex
•Removing /media/Video
•Works Good the ROM !
•Download from market works well and install
•Live Wallpaper
•Overclock your CPU : Min 692 - Max 710/728
v0.2 (10.02.2012)
•New Launcher : Stock ICS Launcher !! Faster!!!
•All unnecessary apps out there
•Stock Apps!!
•New RAM Script!!
•Rom much Faster!!
•86 MB is the ROM big with the GAPPS!!!
v0.3 (11.02.2012)
•New Launcher : Trebuchet ....
•New Music.apk ...... : Google Music for ICS!!
•Rom much Faster!!
•USB-Storage.apk for Debugging
•Update Market : 3.4.4
•Remove old Apps and renew it
v0.4 (19.02.2012)
•New Music App : "Google Music ICS"
•Latest Build from ErwinP 15.02.2012
v0.5 (25.02.2012)
•Arco-Patch ...2D Rendering Work ,for Faster Rom....
•Add the Nice Apex Launcher
•Removing Google Music ....replace with the Original Musik apk
•Latest Build from ErwinP 22.02.2012
•For work USB-Thetering enter this in the Terminal: ifconfig usb0
•ZIP: 83 MB
•Camera -->LED Flashlight!
•Gallery - Downloading QuickPic from Market
•Live Wallpapers[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
Rom: SplashICS v0.5 - Have Fun
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