Gefunden auf XDA:
I liked and I had to have it done.... and.... I decided to share it with you
bootanimation.zip (landscape mode)
bootanimation.zip (portrait mode)
I recommend the one in lendscape mode, but for those who just want bootanimation in portrait mode (slightly elongated ).... I made it.
renamed to bootanimation and placed on the usual /data/local
For those who want, here is bootsound
I liked and I had to have it done.... and.... I decided to share it with you
bootanimation.zip (landscape mode)
bootanimation.zip (portrait mode)
I recommend the one in lendscape mode, but for those who just want bootanimation in portrait mode (slightly elongated ).... I made it.
renamed to bootanimation and placed on the usual /data/local
For those who want, here is bootsound