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SuperGinger V2 (SuperTe@m GingerBread ROM)
Die neue ROM von Super@tmel und seinem Team. Der Ram Hack ist dafür erforderlich. Wer ihn noch nicht gemacht hat: [How-To] Guide zum Einspielen der neuen SPL/Radio-Kombination für 15MB Extra-RAM
Original Thread & Screenshots: SuperGinger V-2x del SuperTe@m basada en GingerBread
- Rom in "LITE"
- New graphical look
- New option in the extras Applications SupSetup
- You can add gestures from the Spare Parts
- Wake & Unlock
- New music player
- Kernel 02/06/1937
- Added Development (Off from SupSetup)
- Added provider sim STK (Off from SupSetup)
- Added File Explorer from the SupSetup (Off from SupSetup)
- Terminal (Available from SupSetup)
- Added news and weather
- Now you can customize the toolbars notifications from the Spare Parts.
- Control the music in the lockscreen activated from the Spare Parts
- Many improvements and funny Spare Parts for the control of the rom.
- You can modify all the colors of the rom including notification bar (text notifications, time and date)
- Now applied directly SupSetup changing CPU frequency
- Modified the management of the force be with you, with better results to suffer FC's sporadic.
- Fixed the problem of always-on Bluetooth from SupSetup
- Implemented and LinuxSwap CompCache, but eye can only be activated one of the two. if you enable one off the other car (Thanks Tole)
- And many small modifications to control the system.
- Optimized all the apk's png
- Unlock & Wake up Wake
- Sound Recorder can record conversations
- Updated Spanish translations
- Added Speech Synthesis (To the voices of the GPS)
- Added provider SIM STK
- Now you can activate and deactivate the JIT from the Spare Parts
- Spare Parts and SupSetup integrated into the rom settings
- You can install more from the extra applications SupSetup
- Google News
- Fancy Widget
- Jrose Metamorph
- Rom Manager
- SupSetup V16
- Wifi Status
Version V-2
- Fixed the problem of Gtalk
- Recompiled the framework for reconnecting with providers
- New Google GAPPS
- Fixed giving fc Keyboard when you change the language
- Fixed crash when accessing the options SupSetup
V-2.1 Version
- Android 2.3.2 (Gingerbread) - Google
- Integrated T-Mobile Themes
- New format of Parts
- More languages
- Added option in connection wifi device name
- Fix Wake & Unlock
- Wipe if you do not need any previous version SuperGinger
- New kernel very highly polished, lowest cost battery
- Implemented LinuxSwap
V-2.2 Version
- New Power widget (now allows anyone interested in including a change of site)
- Integrated player icons if you want the widget power
- Fixed problem widget did not update the data property
- New control from framework Bluetooth
- Fixed black screen when receiving a call
- During installation, automatic deletion of all. Thumbnails to prevent battery drain of MediaServer
- Adjustment of the framework graphics
- Google Fixes and Cyanogen
V-2.4 Version
- Published on Phone for braoadcastreceiver (called black) to see if that solves this
- Now it ja integrated control of the CPU also from Parts
- Circular battery icon, as many as you have asked
- New kernel configuration
- Added new DspManager
- Etc. ..
V-2.6 Version
- Fixed the blank screens in nexus with an alpha control
- Now the wifi autoreconecta when a minute to check emails if you do not have 3G enabled data
- Improved apps2d
- Questionable calls without listening, but with three possible solutions
Version V-2.6.8
-Final Solution to blank screens (Nexus One)
-Fancy Widget removed
-New Wallpaper
Download: http://cdn.movilzona.es/repos/superatmel/ROMS/SuperGinger-ST@-Magic-V.2.6.8.zip
Derzeit bekannte Probleme:
Compcache funktioniert nicht. Das Problem kann aber durch diesen Workaround behoben werden:
*Datei runterladen rzscontrol
* Endung .txt entfernen, falls ihr die Datei auf dem Handy runtergeladen habt. Da wird sie komischerweise angehängt
* Datei nach /system/bin kopieren. Kann man per ADB machen, oder mit dem Rootexplorer oder so wie ich mit dem ES Datei Explorer (dort in den Einstellungen Root aktivieren). Denkt dran, das dass System gemountet ist.
Die neue ROM von Super@tmel und seinem Team. Der Ram Hack ist dafür erforderlich. Wer ihn noch nicht gemacht hat: [How-To] Guide zum Einspielen der neuen SPL/Radio-Kombination für 15MB Extra-RAM
Original Thread & Screenshots: SuperGinger V-2x del SuperTe@m basada en GingerBread
- Rom in "LITE"
- New graphical look
- New option in the extras Applications SupSetup
- You can add gestures from the Spare Parts
- Wake & Unlock
- New music player
- Kernel 02/06/1937
- Added Development (Off from SupSetup)
- Added provider sim STK (Off from SupSetup)
- Added File Explorer from the SupSetup (Off from SupSetup)
- Terminal (Available from SupSetup)
- Added news and weather
- Now you can customize the toolbars notifications from the Spare Parts.
- Control the music in the lockscreen activated from the Spare Parts
- Many improvements and funny Spare Parts for the control of the rom.
- You can modify all the colors of the rom including notification bar (text notifications, time and date)
- Now applied directly SupSetup changing CPU frequency
- Modified the management of the force be with you, with better results to suffer FC's sporadic.
- Fixed the problem of always-on Bluetooth from SupSetup
- Implemented and LinuxSwap CompCache, but eye can only be activated one of the two. if you enable one off the other car (Thanks Tole)
- And many small modifications to control the system.
- Optimized all the apk's png
- Unlock & Wake up Wake
- Sound Recorder can record conversations
- Updated Spanish translations
- Added Speech Synthesis (To the voices of the GPS)
- Added provider SIM STK
- Now you can activate and deactivate the JIT from the Spare Parts
- Spare Parts and SupSetup integrated into the rom settings
- You can install more from the extra applications SupSetup
- Google News
- Fancy Widget
- Jrose Metamorph
- Rom Manager
- SupSetup V16
- Wifi Status
Version V-2
- Fixed the problem of Gtalk
- Recompiled the framework for reconnecting with providers
- New Google GAPPS
- Fixed giving fc Keyboard when you change the language
- Fixed crash when accessing the options SupSetup
V-2.1 Version
- Android 2.3.2 (Gingerbread) - Google
- Integrated T-Mobile Themes
- New format of Parts
- More languages
- Added option in connection wifi device name
- Fix Wake & Unlock
- Wipe if you do not need any previous version SuperGinger
- New kernel very highly polished, lowest cost battery
- Implemented LinuxSwap
V-2.2 Version
- New Power widget (now allows anyone interested in including a change of site)
- Integrated player icons if you want the widget power
- Fixed problem widget did not update the data property
- New control from framework Bluetooth
- Fixed black screen when receiving a call
- During installation, automatic deletion of all. Thumbnails to prevent battery drain of MediaServer
- Adjustment of the framework graphics
- Google Fixes and Cyanogen
V-2.4 Version
- Published on Phone for braoadcastreceiver (called black) to see if that solves this
- Now it ja integrated control of the CPU also from Parts
- Circular battery icon, as many as you have asked
- New kernel configuration
- Added new DspManager
- Etc. ..
V-2.6 Version
- Fixed the blank screens in nexus with an alpha control
- Now the wifi autoreconecta when a minute to check emails if you do not have 3G enabled data
- Improved apps2d
- Questionable calls without listening, but with three possible solutions
Version V-2.6.8
-Final Solution to blank screens (Nexus One)
-Fancy Widget removed
-New Wallpaper
Download: http://cdn.movilzona.es/repos/superatmel/ROMS/SuperGinger-ST@-Magic-V.2.6.8.zip
Derzeit bekannte Probleme:
Compcache funktioniert nicht. Das Problem kann aber durch diesen Workaround behoben werden:
*Datei runterladen rzscontrol
* Endung .txt entfernen, falls ihr die Datei auf dem Handy runtergeladen habt. Da wird sie komischerweise angehängt
* Datei nach /system/bin kopieren. Kann man per ADB machen, oder mit dem Rootexplorer oder so wie ich mit dem ES Datei Explorer (dort in den Einstellungen Root aktivieren). Denkt dran, das dass System gemountet ist.
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