Ambitioniertes Mitglied
- 15
Hi everyone.
This is a tool written in JAVA for easier flashing of the following partitions:
Radio, hboot/spl, recovery, system, boot, userdata and splash.
It can do much more, like:
Erase/wipe multiple or single partitions.
Reboot device either to system or fastboot.
Print of device info.
Flash of signed zip files (E.g. fastboot flash zip myzip.zip) <- Not to be confused with flashing of rom files!
Flash multiple files in one click by using custom folders and tags.
It's basically a GUI over most fastboot commands.
It works for windows, linux and mac.
It has been in use in the magic/sapphire sub-forum under the name RadioSwitcherGUI.
So it's well tested and have more then +700 users.
I changed the interface + added more options to accommodate the Desire device.
But it works for all devices who has fastboot :0)
This should be seen as an extension of the modified hboot files by Alpha-Rev OR the unrevoked forever radio s-off.
If you do not know what they are, this tool is not for you.
Use it at your own risk :0)
Any feedback is appreciated.
Min 30 % battery!
Engineering hboot/spl OR S-OFF!
1. Extract FastbootCommanderV1.0.zip anywhere you like.
(A folder named "Tools" will be made with the right OS system files in same directory as the jar file. So make sure that you have write permissions)
2. Boot your phone into fastboot.
3. Connect it to your PC via USB.
4. Run FastbootCommanderV1.0.jar or WinRun.bat and select one of the options.
5. Enjoy the app.
N.B Don't double click on the jar file. It will not load the folder options correct! Use the provided LinuxRun.sh!!!
4. Right click on LinuxRun.sh and choose "Properties".
5. Click on the "Permissions" tab.
6. Click on "Allow executing file as program" and enable it. If it is allready enabled then leave it!
7. Click "Close".
8.Double click on LinuxRun.sh and choose "Run".
9. Enjoy the app.
If you want to have the files automatically recognized under startup, then do following:
(A good thing to have when you have been playing around with different roms)
1) If you want to have hboot, radio and recovery files recognized, put them in a folder named: "IMGFiles" in the same folder as the jar file.
"IMGFiles" is case-sensitive.
Make sure that they have right name tags, e.g.
For a hboot file the name should contain the "hboot" word. Like this hboot-1.76.2007Desire.img
Another example:
recovery-RA-sapphire-v1.7.0 is correct name for a recovery file.
2) If you want to have boot, system and userdata files recognized, put them in a folder named: "Nandroid" in the same folder as the jar file.
"Nandroid" is case-sensitive.
Make sure that they have right name tags, e.g.
For a system file the name should contain the "system" word. Like this system-backupDesire2010-10-28.img
Another example:
boot-backupDesire2010-10-28 is correct name for a boot file.
RapidShare AG, Cham, Switzerland
Quelle: [All devices & OS] Fastboot Commander [v.1.0][UPD 30 OCT 2010] - xda-developers