AndroidControl v1.0
Hi guys
I want to introduce you a multi-functional tool which makes your life with your Android device much easier.
There are so many tools which can do one helpful thing. But here are the most needed things ins one place:
- Copy files from device to pc
- Copy files from pc to device
- Normal restart, reboot in bootloader and reboot in recovery
- ADB kill- and start-server, and Remount
- List all on the device installed packages and uninstall, enable and disable them (good against float ware)
- Install apk from pc (internal storage OR SD card)
- Flash radio image
- Flash recovery image
- Flash zImage (Kernel) and kernel-modules
- Flash boot image
- .NET Framework 3.5 (on your pc)
- Drivers (HTC Sync)
- USB Debugging turned on
- Android Phone
- USB cable
I am not responsible if your device takes any damage.
Download AndroidControl v1.0
Please post your noticed bugs, feedback or ideas what features I could add too.
Have fun!
[TOOL] AndroidControl v1.0 - control your Android - xda-developers
Ich habe es selber nicht getestet werde es mir aber die Tage anschauen.