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habe mir wieder virtuos unity geflasht und dazu das honey theme,irgendwie läuft googlemail sobald ich das theme flashe nicht mehr. Möchte aber unbedingt das akkusymbol und den 5x5 transparenten appdrawler habe, jemand ne lösung?

Ich bin neu hier und weis leider noch nicht viel über Themes usw.
Aber mir hat dieses Theme sehr gefallen!!
Ich habe es auf meinem Desire HD (Android RevolutionHD 2.2.5) raufgemacht und es sieht Super aus!
Doch einige Programme scheinen jetzt nicht mehr zu funktionieren...
Zbs Anrufliste,Kontaktliste,Musik,Alben usw. öffnen sich nicht mehr da kommt immer die Meldung wo ich "Schließen erzwingen" drücken muss......
Was mache ich falsch?
Die ganze Sache mit dem Sense usw. habe ich nicht verstanden ich hab mir das Theme einfach raufgemacht und bin sehr zufrieden damit auser das viele Programme sich nicht mehr öffnen.
Wäre nett wenn mir jemand erklären würde wie ich es zum laufen kriege den viel habe ich nicht verstanden als ich mir die Anleitung usw. durchgelesen habe

danke im voraus
Hast Du auch die richtige Version genommen?
Honey HD Skin for all Sense 3.0 ROM`s (up to GB 2.3.4)

Skins your DHD within the limitation of Skins
Can be used as standalone or as add-on for soon to be released full Honey HD Theme
Skins large parts of the UI in well known Honey style and also all HTC Widgets
Including Honeycom popups


Just copy on your SD and install like a market app in your file explorer


Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!


Honey HD Theme for Virtous 2.35+ ROM

Welcome to the most flexible Sense Theme ever!

This Theme update will give you the opportunity to customize your Virtous ROM like never before. It basically feels like Sense merged with Cyanogen Mod. There is a lot to digest with this update and I try to guide you through all the features. Hopefully you guys will appreciate all the effort, that went into this major update.

First things first - credits:

  • romanbb for the incredible Tour de Force with his new sense tweaks - chapeau ;)
  • Virtous Unity Team for the major task resizing the Sensation ROM for us and delivering a smooth Sense 3.0 experience
  • capychimp for being a great dev and helping me, whenever he can
  • Tamas Barta for delivering the base for extra toggles with his great elixir2 app


1. Tweaks - you can choose what you need

  • Bulletproof Tweaks ported to systemui, Rosie, settings and framework
  • New quick-quick settings - allows you to start Quicksettings first, when there are no active notifications
  • Remapping hack ported to Unity Rosie, you can set a custom shortcut in settings/tweaks
  • Remove or color clock to your liking
  • Show battery percent, color the text based on charge
  • Show signal strenght in statusbar in dBm
  • Choose H or 4G icon
  • Enable unlock animation
  • Choose 4 column or 5 column app drawer
  • Show or hide recent apps
  • Enable screenshot function
  • Enable or disable screen-off and/or screen-on animation
  • Customize overscroll effect

2. More user choices

  • Choose your prefered HTC widgets by selecting NO Skin(HTC) or Honey HD Skin
  • Flash your prefered font out of 5 different styles
  • Customize Rosie app drawer background by switching only applistbackground.png
  • Customize Notifications background by switching only status_bar_background.png
  • Customize Quicksettings background by switching only quicksettings_background.png
  • Add extra toogles or favorite apps to notifications with new toggles app - modded and based on elixir2

3. Other features

  • Better toggle sorting in Quicksettings
  • Optimized font sizes - smaller then before, just a tad bigger then Unity 2.35 stock
  • Semi transparent app drawer
  • Semi transparent Rosie with 5x4 option and remapping
  • Themed AOSP widgets
  • Themed HTC widgets or stock (your choice)
  • Revolution Icon Pack
  • Themed Launcher Pro
  • Large parts of UI themed
  • New battery and notification icons to match the new mod
  • Harmonized battery icon appearance matched to new mod - 5% visual changes as compared to 20% in standard mod
  • New checkboxes as option (see user choices)

Note: If you don`t need any part of this Theme like toggles, fonts or LauncherPro, just delete it from the update.zip, BEFORE you flash the Theme

Note: RCMix will follow soon (next weekend)

Correct settings for status toggles, if you want to use the app (you find it in app drawer as "toggles", you need to open the app, hit "statusbar" and choose a name for your widget first.):


You can certainly do way more with the Elixir2 app, it also delivers tons of information about your device or you use the 7 spots for favorite apps.

Download Theme

Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!

Download Skin

Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!

Download Fonts

Stock Font - Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!

Revolution Font - Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!

Futura Font - Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!

Comfortaa Font - Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!

Caviar Font - Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!

Bauhaus Font - Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!

Note: Not all fonts will work as designed in all languages

Screenshots - Note: settings screenshots are from Revolution Theme:










hey :) cooles theme,

hab mir diese honey.apk via fileexplorer installiert - wie kann ich die jetzt aktivieren??

Honey HD Theme for original DHD Sense 3.0 based ROM`s like ARHD 6.1

  • Basically all known features
  • Transparent app drawer with 5x4
  • Scrolling Rosie (no page by page)
  • Advanced Power Menu
  • Transparent notifications
  • Inverted Dialer
  • Inverted Login
  • Custom background for app drawer and notifications
  • Flash your prefered font out of 5 different styles
  • Customize Rosie app drawer background by switching only applistbackground.png
  • Customize Notifications background by switching only status_bar_background.png
  • Add extra toogles or favorite apps to notifications with new toggles app - modded and based on elixir2
  • Themed AOSP widgets
  • Honey HD Icon Pack
  • Themed Launcher Pro
  • Large parts of UI themed

Note: If you don`t need any part of this Theme like toggles, fonts or LauncherPro, just delete it from the update.zip, BEFORE you flash the Theme

Note: Due to the current issues with m.10 editor not fully compiling fusion.apk images, it`s not possible at this time to properly theme HTC widgets, Rosie dock and some press effects. See my comment in ARHD thread Sept.6th.

Correct settings for status toggles, if you want to use the app (you find it in app drawer as "toggles", you need to open the app, hit "statusbar" and choose a name for your widget first.):


You can certainly do way more with the Elixir2 app, it also delivers tons of information about your device or you use the 7 spots for favorite apps.

Download Theme

Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!

Download Fonts

Stock Font - Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!

Revolution Font - Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!

Futura Font - Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!

Comfortaa Font - Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!

Caviar Font - Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!

Bauhaus Font - Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!

Note: Not all fonts will work as designed in all languages


Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!
Stoney,wird es für dieses Theme noch ein Update geben?Denn es ist doch noch recht viel Grün in diesem Theme.Ansonsten ist es super!

Gesendet mit der Android-Hilfe.de-App
Ich hatte es ja mittlerweile überall geschrieben, das der m.10 editor 95% der png`s in der fusion.apk derzeit nicht dekompiliert, daher sind allen Themern die Hände gebunden. Ich wollte es ursprünglich erst gar nicht updaten, aber viele nutzen es lieber so, als gar nicht. Ich bin natürlich genervt, aber derzeit sind viele press Effekte, fast alle HTC Widgets und das Dock in der fusion.apk regelrecht begraben und keiner hat den Schlüssel...
  • Danke
Reaktionen: DON VITO
Honey HD Theme Update for official Sense 3.0 ARHD 6.1

Credits: lyapota for great extended settings - thx

Besides a couple of changes I`m proud to present the first custom settings background for Sense ROM`s. This fits well into the environment of my other custom background mods.


  • Custom setting background
  • Extended quick settings Sense 3.5 style - thx to lyapota

Customization options:

App drawer background - applistbackground.png in rosie.apk
Notifications background - status_bar_background.png in systemui.apk
Quicksettings background - quicksettings_background.png in systemui.apk
Settings background - hestheone.png in framework-res.apk

Download Theme

Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!

Download Custom backgrounds - fitted for all 4 parts, just rename accordingly

Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!

Empty update.zip - use this to flash your custom mods

Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!


New setting background - YOU can change that with the new framework and settings hack.

  • Danke
Reaktionen: Big-Poppa
he_stheone64 schrieb:
Ich hatte es ja mittlerweile überall geschrieben, das der m.10 editor 95% der png`s in der fusion.apk derzeit nicht dekompiliert, daher sind allen Themern die Hände gebunden. Ich wollte es ursprünglich erst gar nicht updaten, aber viele nutzen es lieber so, als gar nicht. Ich bin natürlich genervt, aber derzeit sind viele press Effekte, fast alle HTC Widgets und das Dock in der fusion.apk regelrecht begraben und keiner hat den Schlüssel...

Ich habe dein HonyHDTheme wieder auf meine eigenen Bedürfnisse umgebastelt und auch in der Fusion einfach einige .pngs verändert. Nachdem ich das geänderte Theme jetzt zum zweiten Mal geflasht habe habe ich auch plötzlich blaue Presseffects. Von daher ist es jetzt wieder so, wie ich es haben wollte.
Danke für deine Antwort Stoney, und ich werde heute mal das abgeänderte Theme hier hochladen, wenn es für Dich ok ist.


  • 2011-09-11_18-48-57.jpg
    42,5 KB · Aufrufe: 339
Für welche Rom denn?
Da ist ja noch alles gut, die m.10 fusion.apk lässt sich erst ab GB 2.3.5 (ARHD 6.1) nicht mehr anpassen.
Hat denn jemand Interesse an meinem abgewandelten HoneyHDTheme mit einer Inverted Black Clock (siehe Screenshot weiter vorn)? Ich würde es dann hochladen,wenn stoney nichts dagegen hat

Gesendet mit der Android-Hilfe.de-App
Wo finde ich denn die Inverted Black Clock ?

Kannst du sie mal uploaden ?
Honey HD Theme Update for ARHD ROM

This will be a major update. Biggest part are new RC Tweaks, originally coded from gifted Sensation dev romanbb. This allows you to customize your UI big time, combined with my 4 custom background mods tthis allows you to really tweak your device to your needs. New for this Theme are also increased number of Browser tabs (4 to now 16) and a few minor visual fixes. Only remaining wish is still a working m.10 editor, that allows us to fully theme fusion.apk...


  • capychimp, maxdroid and romanbb for RCMix Tweaks
  • Tamas Barta for delivering the base for extra toggles with his great elixir2 app


  • Great RCMix Tweaks in settings, customize your UI
  • Increased Browser tab from 4 to 16
  • Added 3D Homescreen option in settings/display
  • Flash your prefered font out of 5 different styles
  • Customize Rosie app drawer background by switching only applistbackground.png in rosie.apk
  • Customize Notifications background by switching only status_bar_background.png in systemui.apk
  • Customize Quicksettings background by switching only quicksettings_background.png in systemui.apk
  • Customize settings background by switching only hestheone.png in framework-res.apk
  • Add extra toogles or favorite apps to notifications with new toggles app - modded and based on elixir2
  • Better toggle sorting in Quicksettings
  • Semi transparent app drawer
  • Semi transparent Rosie with 5x5 app drawer
  • Themed AOSP widgets
  • Icon Pack
  • Themed Launcher Pro
  • Large parts of UI themed with nice new Honeycomb settings background
  • 1% battery steps

Note: If you don`t need any part of this Theme like toggles, fonts or LauncherPro, just delete it from the update.zip, BEFORE you flash the Theme

Download Theme

Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!


Download custom backgrounds (just rename them accordingly)

Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!

Download Custom Fonts

Stock Font - Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!

Revolution Font - Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!

Futura Font - Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!

Comfortaa Font - Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!

Caviar Font - Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!

Bauhaus Font - Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!

Note: Not all fonts will work as designed in all languages



Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Deine Themes sind echt top, nehm ich wieder gerne!
Ich hätte noch eventuell eine kleine Anregung und zwar folgende: Wärs möglich, dass man die Aktion für eine einkommende Meldung (Anruf, SMS, etc.) ändern könnte? Bei dir bekommt man ja immer diese kleinen Fenster. Ich hatte mir das so wie die App "Full Screen Caller ID" vorgestellt. Diese App hat zwar eine gute Grundidee, ist meiner Meinung nach aber nicht allzu gut umgesetzt worden.
Just like that:

Nur eben so, dass es zu deinen Themes passt. So wie auf dem Bild sieht das irgendwie wie ein Fremdkörper aus. Ich hoffe, du verstehst was ich meine :D
Gibts das Theme auch für Sense 3.5 Roms? Also zb. Runny v1.4?

Sent from my HTC Desire HD using Tapatalk
Nun wenn ich mir den Eingangspost ansehe nein.
Und stoney hält diese immer aktuell.
Für weitere Antworten geschlossen.

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