- 775
Update: Aktuell momentan: Version
XDA-Link: [RECOVERY][GSM] Clockworkmod Recovery [Fastboot] - xda-developers
CWM link: http://www.clockworkmod.com/rommanager
Flashbar über Fastboot:
Download links
Touch CWM v6.0.1.9
Fastboot Befehl: " Fastboot Flash Recovery recovery-clockwork-touch- "
Flash im Fastboot Modus:
Tippe Fastboot Flash Recovery recovery-clockwork-touch-
Flashbar über CWM (ohne Garantie auf Funktionalität meinerseits!!) :
Flashable Zip
In den neuen Versionen ab gibt es die Möglichkeit unter dem Punkt "Backup" das Backup-Format auszuwählen. Folgende Punkte sind dort auswählbar:
Statement von koush zum neuen CWM 6
Koush hat das ClockworkMod Recovery veröffentlicht
Der Vollständigkeit halber der XDA link: [CWM][Fastboot][GSM] Clockworkmod Recovery - xda-developers
Downloads :
"normale Version" (flashbar über Fastboot):
Touch-Version (flashbar über Fastboot):
CWM Touch Variante ( über CWM flashbar):
Ich selbst habe das Recovery über den RomManager geflasht.
XDA-Link: [RECOVERY][GSM] Clockworkmod Recovery [Fastboot] - xda-developers
CWM link: http://www.clockworkmod.com/rommanager

Flashbar über Fastboot:
Download links
Touch CWM v6.0.1.9
Fastboot Befehl: " Fastboot Flash Recovery recovery-clockwork-touch- "
Flash im Fastboot Modus:
Tippe Fastboot Flash Recovery recovery-clockwork-touch-
Flashbar über CWM (ohne Garantie auf Funktionalität meinerseits!!) :
Flashable Zip
In den neuen Versionen ab gibt es die Möglichkeit unter dem Punkt "Backup" das Backup-Format auszuwählen. Folgende Punkte sind dort auswählbar:
- dub (default)
- tar
Statement von koush zum neuen CWM 6
So funktioniert´s:ClockworkMod Recovery 6 for Galaxy Nexus
... has been released on ROM Manager.
New backup format that deduplicates data between backups.
Faster backups.
Fixed restores > 2GB.
Minor UI tweaks (new background, animated Android)
In the past, I have merged/rebased every CWM with AOSP. With Jellybean, I have decided this is no longer in the best interest of the project. There are only a few areas of AOSP recovery that are of interest (roots.c - file system, minui, and updater). Those will continue to be merged into CWM. Other than that, doing a full rebase with every code drop has been a giant headache, with the code churn from upstream that providing little to no value to CWM.
In any case, this unties my hands to deviate completely from AOSP, with the primary goal to make a much more polished touch UI.
ROM Manager
ROM Manager is a little over 2 years old, and though it has grown in features quite a bit since its first incarnation, parts are starting to show its age. I've been contemplating a significant UI rewrite for some time now, and will pull the trigger on that shortly. I also want to add in some features that I am hoping will be of some interest:
* A paid ROM section for devs to publish their work and support their hobby.
* Upload your current ROM to ROM Manager for anyone to use, from the device.
* Connect ROM Manager to the Recovery Builder for automatic updates of recovery. No device left behind
Speaking of the Recovery Builder; it has been pleasantly successful. To date, around 1700 recoveries have been built. Many for devices ROM Manager currently does not even support.
Anyways, if you have any suggestions for the future of ClockworkMod products, please drop me a line!
Alt:New ClockworkMod Backup Format
Don't delete /sdcard/clockworkmod/blobs
I've gotten a few questions about how this works, so I figured I'd make a post on it.
Basically, here's what happens:
The files being backed up are hashed (sha256, not that it matters). Then it checks for a file with the name of the hash in
So, if the hash of the file was c5273884b90d490134e7737b29a65405cea0f7bb786ca82c63 37ceb24de6f5ed, it looks for /sdcard/clockworkmod/blobs/c5273884b90d490134e7737b29a65405cea0f7bb786ca82c63 37ceb24de6f5ed
If the hash file is found, it continues on to the next file. Otherwise, it copies the file to the blobs directory with the file name being the hash.
ROMs and user data, for the most part, do not change too much between builds and backups. So, your APKs, system files, etc, are generally only stored once. This saves a ton of space. Especially between incremental backups.
Some of you may be thinking "well, how do I delete a backup?".
First, never delete the blobs directory. This would actually delete all your backups by rendering them unusable.
Simply delete the usual backup directory, and the next time you run a backup, all the unused hash files will be automatically delete (a process known as garbage collection). The recovery will show "Freeing space..." while this is happening.
Koush hat das ClockworkMod Recovery veröffentlicht
Der Vollständigkeit halber der XDA link: [CWM][Fastboot][GSM] Clockworkmod Recovery - xda-developers
Downloads :
"normale Version" (flashbar über Fastboot):
Touch-Version (flashbar über Fastboot):
CWM Touch Variante ( über CWM flashbar):
Ich selbst habe das Recovery über den RomManager geflasht.
Zuletzt bearbeitet: