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4ext touch recovery is needed 4ext easy flash
>DSP Manager
>Google Talk
>Keyboard Dictionarys
>Live Wallpapers
>Voice Search
GApps (this is not needed but if you want the things iv not added you can still flash it)
Faux's Latest AOSP Kernel
Black & White Theme
More Themes
How To Flash
Make sure you have Firmware 3.32 Download Firmware 3.32
Wipe dalvik catch
Format all partitions (except sdcard)
Flash rom
Flash kernel (you don't have to do this now it can be done whenever you like)
Flash addons (you don't have to do this now it can be done whenever you like)
Reboot phone (first boot will take longer then normal)
After first boot reboot again
Then do what you like
How Is This Different From AOKP|CM9
Deleted junk (as you can tell by file size compared to original AOKP)
Modded Market app (so you can view all apps no matter what country your in)
Build.prop tweaks (for better battery and speed)
Added DSP manager (for boom boom)
Added volume boost (for more boom boom)
GAPPS already included
Thanks to Kristof for all his hard work with all the hyper roms (Original HyperSensation)
Thanks to AOKP team for the amazing base (Base found here)
Thanks to Vorbeth for the device tree and everything else he has done
Thanks to Sc2k for his bluetooth work
Thanks to Intervirgilium and Faux for kernel work
Thanks to Brads1 for multitouch
Thanks to dennisxl for Apex Launcher
Thanks to Razer(x) for the theme
Thanks to anyone else who i may of missed (please message me and ill add you)

JUN.08 - HyperSensation v2.6 (105MB) CM9 20120608
Re based on CM9 20120608
Added sense 4 clock (in launcher settings remove margin to make it look better)
Added apex launcher 1.2.1
Live wallpaper picker added back in
Keyboard dictionary added back in
All ringtones left in
Bootanimation left in
Removed wifi calling (to add back you need files: HTC-PYRTM-ICS-4.0.1-2.3-49986-4.3.apk & GanOptimizer.apk)
JUN.04 - HyperSensation v2.5 (79MB) CM9 20120604
Re based on CM9 20120604
JUN.04 - HyperSensation v2.4 (82MB) AOKP 38
Re based on AOKP 38
Same like v2.3 but based on AOKP 38
JUN.03 - HyperSensation v2.3 (79MB) CM9 20120601
Re based on CM9 20120601
Updated to lightlaunch 2.1
MAY.30 - HyperSensation v2.2 (79MB) CM9 20120530
Re based on CM9 20120530
Updated to lightlaunch 2.0.1
Updated moded market to 3.5.19
MAY.27 - HyperSensation v2.1 (81MB) CM9 20120526
Re based on CM9 20120526
Updated to lightlaunch 2.0
MAY.24 - HyperSensation v2.0 (76MB) AOKP 37
Based on AOKP 37
MAY.23 - HyperSensation v1.9 (69MB) CM9 20120523
Based on CM9 20120523
MAY.20 - HyperSensation v1.8 (86MB) AOKP 36
Based on AOKP 05.18 (wifi should be fix)
Updated lightlaunch 1.8 (hide apps is buggy will be fixed in 1.9)
MAY.18 - HyperSensation v1.7 (87MB) CM9
Same like 1.6 but based on cm9 2012-05-18 NIGHTLY
Updated lightlaunch
MAY.17 - HyperSensation v1.6 (85MB) AOKP 36
Rebased to AOKP 36
Updated gapps
Added music app by default (uninstallable)
Added dsp manager by default
Added keyboard dictionary's by default
Changed to lightlaunch (uninstallable)
Changed build.props a bit
Did not remove as many things as before
APR.30 - HyperSensation v1.5 (73MB) AOKP
Rebased to Milestone 5
Updated GAPPS
Updated apex launcher 1.1.0
Added Google Play Store v3.5.16 + MOD (no more need for market enabler) thanks to Deeco7​
APR.26 - HyperSensation v1.4 (70MB) AOKP
Fixed MMS send button
Some small theme tweaks​
APR.25 - HyperSensation v1.3 (70MB) AOKP
Rebased to AOKP build 34
Updated theme to 5.8
Fixed sygic not working without gapps hopefully this also fixes all other apps that dont work without gapps
changed build prop back to 4.0.4
Themed ApexLauncher black and white
Signal will always be bright white​
APR.24 - HyperSensation v1.2 (68MB) AOKP
Fixed texts like %d days ago
Fixed keyboard colours
Changed build.prop to 4.0.3 so that more market apps work its still 4.0.4 (just to trick the market)
updated GAPPS "gapps-ics-20120422-signed"​
APR.22 - HyperSensation v1.1 (69MB) AOKP
ReBased to AOKP33 (credit goes to the AOKP team for the amazing base)
Added colour icons back in
Fixed settings language force closing
Updated ApexLauncher to 1.1.0beta4
Added some camera(media_profiles.xml) tweaks
Updated theme to 5.7.9 (thanks to Razerx)
Deleted useless files from theme to save space
Removed more media sounds​
APR.21 - HyperSensation v1.0 (73MB) AOKP
Based on AOKP32 (credit goes to the AOKP team for the amazing base)
Removed many things
Added black & white theme (thanks to Razer(x))
Added many speed and battery tweaks​

original: [ROM][JUN.08][ICS][AOKP-CM9]HyperSensation-v2.6 - xda-developers

Der ursprüngliche Beitrag von 10:52 Uhr wurde um 10:54 Uhr ergänzt:

läuft bisher ganz gut, hab mal den faux draufgemacht, da die Rom nur mit 1118GHz läuft, den kernel hab ich hier geladen Index of /

Der ursprüngliche Beitrag von 10:54 Uhr wurde um 11:06 Uhr ergänzt:

ui, da hab ich nicht aufgepasst, sollte wohl verschoben werden... :)
Gute Rom ! Läuft sehr flüssig!

Gesendet von meinem HTC Sensation mit Tapatalk 2
Hier sind 2 verschiedene Roms, einmal cm 9 und aokp, wo liegt da der unterschied, außer das es verschiedene Teams sind?

Gesendet von meinem Sensation
wieso geht der Download nicht?
hier und bei xda dasselbe :confused2:
hat jemand ein Mirror
Vllt. Weil n Update da ist?

Gesendet von meinem Sensation mit Tapatalk 2
der hat doch dann ein anderer Link oder :confused2:
oder ist das immer der gleiche

EDIT: jetzt geht wieder
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
kann man damit keine Screenshot machen?
meine über Power Button
Musste vllt. Iwie in den einstungen gucken.

Gesendet von meinem HTC Sensation XE with Beats Audio Z715e mit Tapatalk 2
turnier schrieb:
kann man damit keine Screenshot machen?
meine über Power Button
Systemeinstellungen.. ROM konfigurieren.. An-/Aus-Schalter Menü ;)
  • Danke
Reaktionen: turnier
JUN.24 - HyperSensation v2.9 (93MB) CM9 20120623
If you have not done a full wipe its recommended to do a full wipe
Re based on CM9 20120623
Change file manager to OI file manager (just as light as the old one but with more things)
Added Apollo music player can be uninstalled in settings
Updated Apex Launcher 1.2.3
Added AOKP keyboard with downloadable languages
Think i fixed the problem in 2.7 where the notification bar would have a delay loading after unlocking
  • Danke
Reaktionen: afrolicious187 und turnier
welches radio nutzt ihr?

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