- 354
robocik schrieb:RCTeam presents
First Sense rom on Ice Cream Sandwich
SCREENS FOR NOW (of the 4.0.1, will make new screens soon):
- Base - Standard 3.24.401.2 with sense 3.6 or XE 3.12.401.102 Sensation, both are Android 4.0.3
- Kernel - Stock HTC 1.2GHz and SebastianFMs 1.5GHz modded, nice
- Optimized and zipaligned apks, zipaligned with sdk16
- Speed optimization scripts
- init.d support
- HTCSync working
- Background from gallery working fine
- Big MMS
- HTC Beats in XE only 3.12 base for now
- SRS and equalizer in Standard version
- Face unlock and most of other ICS goodies
- EVO Latin IME (standard android keyboard)
- Nice Custom RCMix ICE bootanimation
- Bravia engine
- Removed HTC logging shit
- Added Volume to wake up as choice when flashing the rom, thx Ziggy
- Remember that this rom has the auto install script, so putt all your apks into sdcard/RCTeam/user.app and they will all install on the first boot.
Known bugs:
- You tell me, remember that this is an early leak... still test build.
- Custom Recovery (so you can flash the rom
hehehe) this one is recommended.
- I booted it with the 3.12 firmware, but dont know how the stability is with that firmware, cause i just booted with it, then i flashed the 3.24 firmware
3.24 firmware is not compatible with previous ICE rom, so if you want to go back, you need to flash the 3.12 firmware.- Usefull reading
- Remember that this is an early leak... still test build.
- Flash this firmware and radio for best performance. Read this thread for more info.
- To save some battery change the wifi power settings.
- To make the battery last longer, turn off pocket mode in settings/sounds.
- Added the 1.5GHz modded SebastianFM kernel as a choice when flashing the rom
- Removed wipe DATA from the superwipe, so it can be flashed over the 3.1 without loosing data.
- Reworked the rom to fix the nasty com.bg FCs, fixed now
- Removed one more logger
- Replaced browser to the one from previous base to fix the flickery loading pages issue
- Flying now
- Rebased to the latest ICS sense ruu 3.24.401.1 android 4.0.3 sense 3.6
- Added all tweaks as in previous versions (init.d, SD-Card read ahead, etc.)
- Added Sony Bravia Engine
- Added Volume to wake up as choice when flashing the rom, thx Ziggy
- Updated some market apps
- Removed some logging shit
- Disabled OTA
- Remember that this rom has the auto install script, so put all your apks into sdcard/RCTeam/user.app and they will all install on the first boot.
- Rebased to the new 4.0.3 base
- Kernel unlocked to 1.5GHz, GPU 228MHz, by SebastianFM
- Added superwipe script into the rom, so it will wipe everything (SDCard will be spared
- Less bugs
- added all scripts and optimizations from the previous build
v1.2 *Added Standard Sensation based version too
- updated kernel to sebastians modded
- removed ciq
- added bravia engine
- added some more tweaks
- added new custom RCMix ICE bootanimation, very tasty
- Optimized and zipaligned apks, zipaligned with sdk16.
- Added some optimization scripts
- Added init.d support
- Added a reboot apk, to make a normal/bootloader/recovery reboot. Thats until a real APM comes.
- Cleaned out unnecessary appks (Ota, loggers and so)
- Added social network lockscreen
- Fixed small MMS issue
- HTCSync is working now!
- Initial release, almost stock, just added Keyboard popup animation thx capy and some minor few things.
3.24 and 3.12 firmware thx Kohr-Ah for the packages
- RCMix ICE 3.1 Standard Sensation base
MD5 STANDARD VERSION: 31aa3e8cc7269036acdfc437266a2a1c
- Sebastians modded kernel *included in the rom
- Stock 1.2GHz kernel from 3.06 base
- Recommended is the one included in the newest firmware, since you need to flash the firmware to get the rom to work, you will also get the recommended radio
- none yet...
To do:
- very much, i think i will wait for a newer base with most of tweaks...
Thank you:
- Capychimp
- Big T
- LeeDroid
- SebastianFM
- rmk
Hall of fame of donators: (Please tell me if your nick is wrong)
If you like this rom, give it a star
if you're planning to get dropbox for android,
please be one of the first 24 that use this link,
if you use that link both me and you will get 250mb space extra! (its free)
Vodka shots/donations appreciated
Post under construction
[ROM][★★ICS Sense 3.6★★][22 Jan]RCMix ICE v3.1.1, Faster Smoother Better
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