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Elegancia™ Rom Series ICS_Sense_3.6: Phoenix_3.4.6
3.4.6 changelog
Ω Only an update from 3.4.5 Rom (just a small zip file to flash on top of Elegancia_ICS_3.4.5_Phoenix)
Ω Update some Task Management processes
Ω Your phone information will still show Elegancia_3.4.5 but no worry the patch will be "in"
Elegancia™ Rom Series ICS_Sense_3.6: Phoenix_3.4.6
3.4.6 changelog
Ω Only an update from 3.4.5 Rom (just a small zip file to flash on top of Elegancia_ICS_3.4.5_Phoenix)
Ω Update some Task Management processes
Ω Your phone information will still show Elegancia_3.4.5 but no worry the patch will be "in"