- 10.437
Hier mal ein kleiner Einblick in ein kleines aber sehr mächtiges TOOL. Es gibt eigentlich kaum etwas, was es nicht kann. Der größte Vorteil: Es unterstützt mittlerweile 67 Handys, was das Development des Tools fast garantiert.
Wichtig ist, dass die Microsoft Net freamwork auf neuestem Stand sind.
Install Drivers
Unlock Bootloader
Lock Bootloader (use carefully)
Flash TWRP Recovery
Flash Stock Recovery
Flash Stock Factory Image
Automatic ROOT
Install APKs
Uninstall APKs
Take a Screenshot
Take a Screen Reocrd
Flash Partitions
Erase All Data (This function can decrypt the phone)
Reboot Phone
Update the Tool to latest version
Update Adb and Fastboot to latest version
Set Adb and Fastboot priviliges in system wide
Install Zip directly from PC (Required TWRP on phone)(These functions work perfectly on my pc but i have perfect adb drivers on my pc and perfect TWRP on my phone)
Flash Fastboot ROM
Delete downloaded files
ADB File Manager
Unlock Bootloader
Lock Bootloader (use carefully)
Flash TWRP Recovery
Flash Stock Recovery
Flash Stock Factory Image
Automatic ROOT
Install APKs
Uninstall APKs
Take a Screenshot
Take a Screen Reocrd
Flash Partitions
Erase All Data (This function can decrypt the phone)
Reboot Phone
Update the Tool to latest version
Update Adb and Fastboot to latest version
Set Adb and Fastboot priviliges in system wide
Install Zip directly from PC (Required TWRP on phone)(These functions work perfectly on my pc but i have perfect adb drivers on my pc and perfect TWRP on my phone)
Flash Fastboot ROM
Delete downloaded files
ADB File Manager
Wichtig ist, dass die Microsoft Net freamwork auf neuestem Stand sind.
Mit Version sind zwei interessante Dinge dazugekommen:
- Reboot recovery option is now available for xiaomi devices also when they are in fastboot mode;
- Added a new ADB File Manager Function in "Advanced Options".
Wie man einen FASTBOOT-ROM für TOOL ALL IN ONE herstellt
Alles, was Sie brauchen, finden Sie in diesem Zip (auch ein Leitfaden ist enthalten): FASTBOOT NEEDED FILES.zip
Alles, was Sie brauchen, finden Sie in diesem Zip (auch ein Leitfaden ist enthalten): FASTBOOT NEEDED FILES.zip
- Ins TWRP booten
- In ADB adb shell dd if=/dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/system of=/sdcard/system.img eingeben
- warten bis fertig
- In ADB adb shell dd if=/dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/system of=/sdcard/boot.img eingeben
- warten bis fertig
- SYSTEM.IMG u BOOT.IMG vom Handy auf den PC ins Verzeichning FASTBOOT+NEEDED+FILES kopieren
( Alternative Link )
( Another Alternative Link )
All Available Fastboot Roms
Auch hier: DANKE an die DEV´s
Thanks to www.chinadeals.it to send me the Nubia Z17 Mini S. You can find their telegram channel here: ChinaDeals.it™ 
Thanks to Sconticina to send me LeEco Le Pro 3 for the first time
Thanks to @alfazulu77 to send me LeEco X520
Thanks to LeEco Le Pro 3 Italia to send me LeEco Le Pro 3 for the third time
Thanks to @lvbaal to test the tool with his Huawei Mate 10 Pro
Thanks to Honor_USA and to @chris@Honor_USA to sent me an Honor View 10
Thanks to @alfazulu77 to send a Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Pro
Thanks to @alfazulu77 to send a Xiaomi Mi Max 3
Thanks to @alfazulu77 to send a Xiaomi Redmi 5 Plus
Thanks to @alfazulu77 to send a Xiaomi Redmi Note 4
Thanks to @1immortal to send a AMAZFIT Pace
Thanks to @Psy_Man for the new Tool logotype

Thanks to Sconticina to send me LeEco Le Pro 3 for the first time
Thanks to @alfazulu77 to send me LeEco X520
Thanks to LeEco Le Pro 3 Italia to send me LeEco Le Pro 3 for the third time
Thanks to @lvbaal to test the tool with his Huawei Mate 10 Pro
Thanks to Honor_USA and to @chris@Honor_USA to sent me an Honor View 10
Thanks to @alfazulu77 to send a Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Pro
Thanks to @alfazulu77 to send a Xiaomi Mi Max 3
Thanks to @alfazulu77 to send a Xiaomi Redmi 5 Plus
Thanks to @alfazulu77 to send a Xiaomi Redmi Note 4
Thanks to @1immortal to send a AMAZFIT Pace
Thanks to @Psy_Man for the new Tool logotype
und hier ist der Link zu XDA
Zuletzt bearbeitet: