[ROM][A13][Mi11 Pro/Ultra][mars/star] Evolution X 7.x [OFFICIAL]

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Weder ich noch AH übernehmen Verantwortung für eventuelle Schäden, die ihr durch das Flashen an euer Gerät verursachen könntet!!

Evolution X 7.1 for the Xiaomi 11 Pro [mars]


* Your warranty is void. Or valId, probably?
* I am not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards, Ebolation X,
* thermonuclear war, or the current economic crisis caused by you following。


Keep Evolving
Pixel UI, customization, and more, we are Evolution X!

- Team Evolution X -

Reach us on Twitter! @EvolutionXROM


Einfach flashen und "The Evolver" checken. Wir haben unzählige Funktionen, die aus verschiedenen ROMs kombiniert wurden.


* Die Rückseitenanzeige wurde vorerst deaktiviert (star).
* Du sagst es mir
Support für Star, aber ich werde nichts für Star tun
Gapps und Firmware nicht flashen, BEREITS ENTHALTEN


Erstmalige Installation / Clean-Flash
1. Starten Sie den Fastboot neu, indem Sie die Ein-/Aus- und Lautstärketaste gedrückt halten
2. Verwenden Sie <fastboot flash boot_ab boot.img>, um das Boot-Image zu flashen
3. Verwenden Sie <fastboot flash dtbo_ab dtbo.img>, um das dtbo-Image zu flashen
4. Verwenden Sie <Fastboot Flash Vendor_Boot_ab Vendor_Boot.img>, um das Vendor_Boot-Image zu flashen
5.Gehen Sie danach in die Wiederherstellung über <fastboot reboot recovery>
6. Datenformat
7. Flashen Sie das ROM durch <adb sideload path-to-ROM.zip>
8. Starten Sie das System neu und #KeepEvolving

Update / Dirty-Flash
1. Neustart zur Wiederherstellung
2. Laden Sie das Update für Ihr Gerät herunter
3. Flashen Sie das ROM <adb sideload name>
4. Starten Sie das System neu und #KeepEvolving

Donate to me! / Official Chat / Device Support

XDA: DevDB Information
Evolution X, ROM for the Mi 11 Pro


Flower Sea
Source Code: Evolution X

ROM OS Version: Android 13.0
ROM Kernel: Linux 5.4.191
Based On: AOSP

Version Information
Current Stable Version: 7.1
Stable Release Date: 2022-09-15
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Build date: 23/09/2022

Download: Link
Device Support Group: Link

Build type: Monthly
Device: Xiaomi 11 Pro (mars)
Device maintainer: Flower Sea
Required firmware: build-in

* kernel/xiaomi/mars:
Merged CL tag "LA.UM.9.14.r1-20700-LAHAINA.QSSI13.0"

* device/xiaomi/sm8350-common:
sm8350-common: gps: Revert oem changes

* source Changelog:
Merge Pixel 7/7 Pro October 2022 security patches (android-13.0.0_r11)
PixelPropsUtils: Spoof cheetah for Adaptive VPN
PixelPropsUtils: Switch from raven fp to cheetah
PixelPropsUtils: Update pixel devices list
Power menu: change the flashlight drawable
QSTileHost: Add reloadAllTiles method
QSTileHost: Don't recreate tiles when LiveDisplay gets initialized
core: Blacklist P22 experience system feature from Google Photos
frameworks: Add device controls shortcut to power menu
keylayout: Add config for 8bitdo pro 2
vendor: overlay: Sync with TP1A.221005.002

Evolution X #KeepEvolving
Build type: Monthly
Device: Xiaomi 11 Pro (mars)
Device maintainer: Flower Sea
Required firmware: build-in

* device/xiaomi/sm8350-common:
sm8350-common: Remove references to a2dp module
sm8350-common: Pull appropriate USB props from vendor_product.mk
sm8350-common: Move Bluetooth power overlays to sysprops
sm8350-common: Move BT profiles props to vendor
sm8350-common: Fix disabling A2DP offload
sm8350-common: update wfd system blobs
sm8350-common: update DPM, IMS, and RIL system blobs
sm8350-common: Migrate to AIDL ClearKey DRM HAL
sm8350-common: Add a system property for System UI compiler filter.
sm8350-common: Preopt SystemUI for AOSP builds.
sm8350-common: Enable zygote critical window

* device/xiaomi/mars:
mars: Replace BTM_DEF_LOCAL_NAME with a sysprop

* kernel/xiaomi/mars:
November: Camellia blooms

* source Changelog:
PixelPropsUtils: Don't spoof euicc
Evolver: Add Pulse color based Album Art
Evolver: Add controllable squiggle animation
Settings: Add animation to dark mode preference
Settings: Buttons text should no longer be all Caps
Settings: Drop divider in dark mode screen
Settings: Adjust gesture navigation settings title
Settings: Fix up panel theme and layout
Settings: Fix show system status lost when switching dark theme
Settings: Fix incorrect switch status when user stay in NightDisplaySettings page while scheduled night lights on
Settings: Use ListPreference instead of DropDownPreference
Settings: Use Fullscreen instead of AlertDialog on Regulatory Info
Settings: Remove broken LTE only mode
Settings: Remove optional haptic feedback on back gesture toggle
Settings: Grab screen resolution drawables from cheetah-td1a.220804.031
Settings: Protect sensitive data on the about phone
SystemUI: Add Bluetooth dialog
SystemUI: Add missing location permission
SystemUI: Add delay for long-press partial screenshot
SystemUI: Add charging icon to the charging animation
SystemUI: Enable session-based media actions for all apps
SystemUI: Improve charging animation's color palette
SystemUI: Play all charging animator sets at the same time
SystemUI: Always show screenshot dismiss button
SystemUI: Detach Pulse view only when attached
SystemUI: Fix NPE Logo
SystemUI: Fix tuner pref for bluetooth
SystemUI: Fix clickability issue with privacy indicator on QuickStatusBarHeader
SystemUI: Make edit button click ripple effect rounded
SystemUI: Use proper Resolver background color
SystemUI: Use red color for low bluetooth battery
SystemUI: Refactor status bar bluetooth icon
SystemUI: Require haptic feedback on back gesture
SystemUI: Limit keyguard charging stats updates
QuickSettings: Add Full/Partial Screenshot QS tile
Camera: Allow skipping input configuration check
Camera: Expose aux camera if packagename is null
CameraDeviceImpl: Don't crash when checking input configuration failed
EventLog: Disable event writing in production builds
GlobalActions: Update the default actions to match the stock experience
GlobalActionsDialog: Implement partial screenshot for screenshot power menu long press
GlobalActionsDialog: Never show emergency without telephony support
GlobalActionsDialog: Remove broken PhoneStateListener for airplane mode toggle
BrightnessController: Don't update slider from DisplayManager callback if user is changing brightness
ListView: Disable dividers by default
MediaSessionStack: Rechoose the media button session after the current one was removed
base: Disable some DEBUG log spill
base: Don't send interaction hint for unnecessary events
base: Fix yet another TtsEngines NPE
biometrics: Fixup! Allow to disable unused fingerprints cleanup
config: Downscale task snapshots to 80%
overlays: Don't build NotoSerif font
telephony: Provide a default executor
Add absent SIM info to locked screen text
Enable backup service by default for all users
Fix SIM De-personalization
Fix NPE with 1.0 and 1.1 CardStatus
Fix DozeLogger NPE crash when DozeMachine.State is null
Fix crash when init QrCamera to start preview
Fix crash when trying to dismiss dialog
Link dialog radius to config_dialogCornerRadius
Pass correct value to setPreferredNetworkType() for RIL version < 1.4
Remove Safety Center tile from default tiles
Evolver: Add extended monet themes
Evolver: Allow changing system themes
Evolver: Allow to swap volume buttons rotation based
Evolver: Bring back optional Udfps haptic feedback toggle
Evolver: Pulse: Implement pulse color based album art
Evolver: Volume dialog timeout
Fix NPE with 1.0 and 1.1 CardStatus
GlobalActions: Update the default actions to match the stock experience
GlobalActionsDialog: Implement partial screenshot for screenshot power menu long press
GlobalActionsDialog: Never show emergency without telephony support
GlobalActionsDialog: Remove broken PhoneStateListener for airplane mode toggle
Pass correct value to setPreferredNetworkType() for RIL version < 1.4
Pulse: Detach pulse view only when attached
Settings: Bring back Battery charge warning
Settings: Configurable 0, 90, 180 and 270 degree rotation
Settings: Fix bluetooth pan memory leakage
Settings: Fix disabled sub showing as Active in Settings > Mobile network
Settings: Fix up panel theme and layout
Settings: Grab screen resolution drawables from cheetah-td1a.220804.031-factory-6152f6f3
Settings: Regulatory: Fullscreen instead of AlertDialog
Settings: Remove optional haptic feedback on back gesture toggle
Settings: Show more APK details on App info screen
Settings: Use a separate icon for the Notification category
Settings: Use proper string for designed maximum battery capacity
SystemUI: Add missing location permission
SystemUI: Always show screenshot dismiss button
SystemUI: Fix tuner pref for bluetooth
SystemUI: Make edit button click ripple effect rounded
SystemUI: Refactor status bar bluetooth icon
SystemUI: Require haptic feedback on back gesture
SystemUI: Set Quick QS pulldown to off by default
SystemUI: Use proper Resolver background color
SystemUI: Use red color for low bluetooth battery
SystemUI: screenshot: add delay for long-press partial screenshot
SystemUIGoogle: Use Google home icon on home controls lockscreen if app is installed
ThemedIcons: Add Desmos icon
Update translations
core: Blacklist P21+ experience system feature from Photos spoof
overlays: Stop building NotoSerif font
vendor: common: Exclude ntfs-3g from artifact path requirement
Update translations




Build type: Monthly
Device: Xiaomi 11 Pro (mars)
Device maintainer: Flower Sea
Required firmware: build-in

* device/xiaomi/sm8350-common:
sm8350-common: Remove references to a2dp module
sm8350-common: Pull appropriate USB props from vendor_product.mk
sm8350-common: Move Bluetooth power overlays to sysprops
sm8350-common: Move BT profiles props to vendor
sm8350-common: Fix disabling A2DP offload
sm8350-common: update wfd system blobs
sm8350-common: update DPM, IMS, and RIL system blobs
sm8350-common: Migrate to AIDL ClearKey DRM HAL
sm8350-common: Add a system property for System UI compiler filter.
sm8350-common: Preopt SystemUI for AOSP builds.
sm8350-common: Enable zygote critical window

* device/xiaomi/mars:
mars: Replace BTM_DEF_LOCAL_NAME with a sysprop

* kernel/xiaomi/mars:
November: Camellia blooms

* source Changelog:
PixelPropsUtils: Don't spoof euicc
Evolver: Add Pulse color based Album Art
Evolver: Add controllable squiggle animation
Settings: Add animation to dark mode preference
Settings: Buttons text should no longer be all Caps
Settings: Drop divider in dark mode screen
Settings: Adjust gesture navigation settings title
Settings: Fix up panel theme and layout
Settings: Fix show system status lost when switching dark theme
Settings: Fix incorrect switch status when user stay in NightDisplaySettings page while scheduled night lights on
Settings: Use ListPreference instead of DropDownPreference
Settings: Use Fullscreen instead of AlertDialog on Regulatory Info
Settings: Remove broken LTE only mode
Settings: Remove optional haptic feedback on back gesture toggle
Settings: Grab screen resolution drawables from cheetah-td1a.220804.031
Settings: Protect sensitive data on the about phone
SystemUI: Add Bluetooth dialog
SystemUI: Add missing location permission
SystemUI: Add delay for long-press partial screenshot
SystemUI: Add charging icon to the charging animation
SystemUI: Enable session-based media actions for all apps
SystemUI: Improve charging animation's color palette
SystemUI: Play all charging animator sets at the same time
SystemUI: Always show screenshot dismiss button
SystemUI: Detach Pulse view only when attached
SystemUI: Fix NPE Logo
SystemUI: Fix tuner pref for bluetooth
SystemUI: Fix clickability issue with privacy indicator on QuickStatusBarHeader
SystemUI: Make edit button click ripple effect rounded
SystemUI: Use proper Resolver background color
SystemUI: Use red color for low bluetooth battery
SystemUI: Refactor status bar bluetooth icon
SystemUI: Require haptic feedback on back gesture
SystemUI: Limit keyguard charging stats updates
QuickSettings: Add Full/Partial Screenshot QS tile
Camera: Allow skipping input configuration check
Camera: Expose aux camera if packagename is null
CameraDeviceImpl: Don't crash when checking input configuration failed
EventLog: Disable event writing in production builds
GlobalActions: Update the default actions to match the stock experience
GlobalActionsDialog: Implement partial screenshot for screenshot power menu long press
GlobalActionsDialog: Never show emergency without telephony support
GlobalActionsDialog: Remove broken PhoneStateListener for airplane mode toggle
BrightnessController: Don't update slider from DisplayManager callback if user is changing brightness
ListView: Disable dividers by default
MediaSessionStack: Rechoose the media button session after the current one was removed
base: Disable some DEBUG log spill
base: Don't send interaction hint for unnecessary events
base: Fix yet another TtsEngines NPE
biometrics: Fixup! Allow to disable unused fingerprints cleanup
config: Downscale task snapshots to 80%
overlays: Don't build NotoSerif font
telephony: Provide a default executor
Add absent SIM info to locked screen text
Enable backup service by default for all users
Fix SIM De-personalization
Fix NPE with 1.0 and 1.1 CardStatus
Fix DozeLogger NPE crash when DozeMachine.State is null
Fix crash when init QrCamera to start preview
Fix crash when trying to dismiss dialog
Link dialog radius to config_dialogCornerRadius
Pass correct value to setPreferredNetworkType() for RIL version < 1.4
Remove Safety Center tile from default tiles
Evolver: Add extended monet themes
Evolver: Allow changing system themes
Evolver: Allow to swap volume buttons rotation based
Evolver: Bring back optional Udfps haptic feedback toggle
Evolver: Pulse: Implement pulse color based album art
Evolver: Volume dialog timeout
Fix NPE with 1.0 and 1.1 CardStatus
GlobalActions: Update the default actions to match the stock experience
GlobalActionsDialog: Implement partial screenshot for screenshot power menu long press
GlobalActionsDialog: Never show emergency without telephony support
GlobalActionsDialog: Remove broken PhoneStateListener for airplane mode toggle
Pass correct value to setPreferredNetworkType() for RIL version < 1.4
Pulse: Detach pulse view only when attached
Settings: Bring back Battery charge warning
Settings: Configurable 0, 90, 180 and 270 degree rotation
Settings: Fix bluetooth pan memory leakage
Settings: Fix disabled sub showing as Active in Settings > Mobile network
Settings: Fix up panel theme and layout
Settings: Grab screen resolution drawables from cheetah-td1a.220804.031-factory-6152f6f3
Settings: Regulatory: Fullscreen instead of AlertDialog
Settings: Remove optional haptic feedback on back gesture toggle
Settings: Show more APK details on App info screen
Settings: Use a separate icon for the Notification category
Settings: Use proper string for designed maximum battery capacity
SystemUI: Add missing location permission
SystemUI: Always show screenshot dismiss button
SystemUI: Fix tuner pref for bluetooth
SystemUI: Make edit button click ripple effect rounded
SystemUI: Refactor status bar bluetooth icon
SystemUI: Require haptic feedback on back gesture
SystemUI: Set Quick QS pulldown to off by default
SystemUI: Use proper Resolver background color
SystemUI: Use red color for low bluetooth battery
SystemUI: screenshot: add delay for long-press partial screenshot
SystemUIGoogle: Use Google home icon on home controls lockscreen if app is installed
ThemedIcons: Add Desmos icon
Update translations
core: Blacklist P21+ experience system feature from Photos spoof
overlays: Stop building NotoSerif font
vendor: common: Exclude ntfs-3g from artifact path requirement
Update translations

  • Danke
Reaktionen: TheMissingLink
Build type: Monthly
Device: Xiaomi 11 Pro (mars)
Device maintainer: Flower Sea
Required firmware: build-in

===== 31 December, 2022 =====

For the last update in 2022, let's meet again in 2023. Happy New Year!

* device/xiaomi/mars
Remove smooth display
Aperture: Unlock additional camera framerates

* kernel/xiaomi/mars
-Flower Kernel: Dec: Daffodils-v3.0
-built with the latest LLVM Clang 16
-Merge CLO tag 'LA.UM.9.14.r1-21000-LAHAINA.QSSI13.0'
-Add simple_lmk(Simple Android Low Memory Killer)
-Switched I/O scheduler from BFQ to Samsung's SSG for lower CPU overhead and better Android-specific optimizations
-mm: vmstat: use power efficient workingqueues
-Enable power efficient workqueues
-techpack/video: Split lahaina video config from kona
-Makefile: Use O3 optimization level for Clang LTO
-Makefile: Set --lto-O3 LLD linker flag with clang LTO
-allow all arches to enable O3
-drivers: scsi: ufs-qcom: set auto hibern8 back to 1ms
-qcacld-3.0: Do not allow any wakelocks to be held
-drivers/qcacld-3.0: Disable power debugging by default
-cpufreq: qcom-hw: Reduce limits polling delay
-cpufreq: qcom-hw: Switch to non deferrable work

* source Changelog
Synced latest Evolution X 7.4 source



Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Build type: Monthly
Device: Xiaomi 11 Pro (mars)
Device maintainer: Flower Sea
Required firmware: build-in

===== 04 May, 2023 =====

* device/xiaomi/mars
75f6104 mars: commonize audio HAL and other lahaina firmware
1b4e4d0 mars: set TARGET_OTA_ASSERT_DEVICE
a5ab52e mars: : Add support for udfps long press sensor
4a63de0 mars: include firmware
2501113 mars: build kernel with Prelude Clang
7998896 mars: Defining the kernel path and config
07db7f4 mars: Update modules list
95061a6 mars: add modules load list
a6146c2 mars: Pin fingerprint blobs
769c0a9 mars: Build common Xiaomi powershare HIDL
3ed1966 mars: Set USB product string to 'Mi 11 Pro'
096e88c mars: Build common Xiaomi touch HIDL
93323f0 mars: Fix *_motiontuning.xml format
562ee05 mars: Patch xiaomi camera libraries
51ef31a mars: Decommonize camera blob fixups
99ea5b5 mars: re-draw rounded corner vector assets
42aed4f mars: Set brightness threshold for peak refresh rate
9ed47ff mars: overlay-lineage: Disable proximity usage during doze
d035fcc mars: overlay: Unlock additional camera framerates
80492d6 mars: overlay: Ignore some camera ids for Aperture
e4d4e4b mars: overlay: Configure aux camera for Aperture
c0e2377 mars: Replace BTM_DEF_LOCAL_NAME with a sysprop
e8677fa mars: overlay: Set default Settings.Global.DEVICE_NAME according to MIUI
e127702 mars: Set recovery margin height to avoid clipping
43d6439 mars: Set screen density
0f5f1a4 mars: TARGET_HAS_UDFPS
3fef106 mars: Set stock fingerprint, description and product
7a7356d mars: Blob out audio HAL extensions
52bb630 mars: Go away Megvii [2/2]
e127752 mars: Move to AOSP NXP NFC HAL
794ce79 mars: Initial proprietary-files.txt list
c3dca56 mars: Make msm_drm module part of QGKI ramdisks
6840c7d mars: Define ramdisk kernel modules
c3f88ba mars: Use find-copy-subdir-files for audio configs
ae00448 mars: Add audio configs
bdee292 mars: Change all three default haptic levels to high
5c9300e mars: overlay: Import brightness configs
3a0452d mars: Setup udfps overlays
d4bbb04 mars: overlay: Add buttons locations overlay
d164dc6 mars: overlay: Remove dsp. prefix from audio and video power profiles
d47f138 mars: overlay: Update deprecated screen power items
c2226d3 mars: overlay: Import power profile
b89a6c8 mars: overlay: Allow switching between 60Hz and 120Hz
0258592 mars: overlay: Configure display cutout, status bar and rounded corners
973aafe mars: Set bootloader board name
65e0a06 mars: Set dtbo and userdata partition sizes
4ba5bf8 mars: Include device specific kernel config fragment
0b072a7 mars: Call the proprietary setup
1c4eca4 mars: Add extract script
046aa4d mars: Inherit sm8350-common
07f4729 mars: Use Soong namespace to avoid device build conflicts
8600270 mars: Initial device tree
d596351 mars: : Add spec info about Xiaomi Mi 11 Pro

* device/xiaomi/sm8350-common
77a6d5b3 sm8350-common: sepolicy: Label libSNPE.so as same process hal file
a453021d sm8350-common: sepolicy: Label camera libraries as same process hal files
8d9579bc sm8350-common: Update display blobs from Sony Xperia 1 III (XQ-BC72) 61.2.A.0.410
b71003eb sm8350-common: Update display HDR blobs from tundra S3SJS32.1-86-1-4
f3ea13c1 sm8350-common: Restructure display blobs sections
54080603 Revert "sm8350-common: media: Update lahaina from miui_STAR_V14.0.6.0.TKACNXM"
f329ff94 Revert "sm8350-common: rootdir: Update kernel post boot scripts from miui_STAR_V14.0.6.0.TKACNXM"
6cf8ba66 sm8350-common: Build graphics allocator 3.0 interface to vendor
00a832e0 sm8350-common: Switch to camera.xiaomi.so
c8404f8 sm8350-common: Updated from miui_STARGlobal_V14.0.1.0.TKAMIXM
e03ec20 sm8350-common: Go away Megvii [1/2]
219fdd1 sm8350-common: Unset DEXPREOPT_GENERATE_APEX_IMAGE

* source Changelog
Synced latest Evolution X source


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