[ROM][A14][Mi11 Pro/Ultra][mars/star] crDroid v10.x [OFFICIAL]

  • 11 Antworten
  • Letztes Antwortdatum


Weder ich noch AH übernehmen Verantwortung für eventuelle Schäden, die ihr durch das Flashen an euer Gerät verursachen könntet!!



*** Disclaimer
I am not responsible for any damage you made to your device
You have been warned

crDroid wurde entwickelt, um die Leistung und Zuverlässigkeit von Standard-Android für Ihr Gerät zu verbessern und versucht auch, viele der besten Funktionen zu bieten, die es heute gibt

crdroid_features/README.mkdn at 12.1 · crdroidandroid/crdroid_features

Flashing Anleitung:
Erstinstallation (Clean Flash):
Die Firmware muss nicht separat geflasht werden, sie ist integriert

  • Geben Sie Fastboot ein
    Flash boot.img
    fastboot flash boot_ab boot.img
    Flash dtbo.img
    Fastboot-Flash dtbo_ab dtbo.img
    Zur Wiederherstellung booten (kann vom Bootloader oder mit Schaltflächen aus dem ausgeschalteten Zustand ausgeführt werden)
    Gehen Sie jetzt in der Wiederherstellung zum Zurücksetzen auf die Werkseinstellungen und bestätigen Sie das Zurücksetzen
    Neustart zur Wiederherstellung
    Wählen Sie Update anwenden und Von ADB anwenden
    Installieren Sie nun crDroid zip per Sideload
    adb Seitenladen crDroid.zip
    Gehen Sie zurück zum Hauptmenü und starten Sie die Wiederherstellung neu, um Gapps zu installieren (wenn Sie keine Gapps möchten, starten Sie das System neu).
    Um gapps zu installieren, laden Sie einfach gapps.zip von der Seite auf die gleiche Weise, wie Sie crDroid.zip installiert haben, und starten Sie dann das System neu
Update installation:
Via recovery:
  • Starten Sie Recovery
    Wählen Sie Update anwenden und Von ADB anwenden
    Installieren Sie nun crDroid zip per Sideload und starten Sie neu
    adb Seitenladen crDroid.zip
    Wenn Sie Gapps hatten, starten Sie zur Wiederherstellung neu und laden Sie gapps.zip von der Seite und starten Sie neu
Via OTA:
  • Gehen Sie zu Einstellungen -> System -> Updater und laden Sie den neuesten Build herunter
    Wählen Sie Installieren und lassen Sie es beenden
    Wenn Sie Magisk installiert haben, klicken Sie nicht auf Neustart, wenn Sie dazu aufgefordert werden, und gehen Sie zu Magisk und wählen Sie In einem inaktiven Steckplatz installieren

ROM: crDroid Android
Kernel: GitHub - FlowerSea0208/kernel_xiaomi_mars: Kernel source code for Xiaomi Mi11 Pro (mars)

ROM crDroid.net - Download crDroid for supported devices

Known issues:
* You tell me

Visit official website @ crDroid.net
crDroid MI 11Pro/Ultra Telegram
crDroid Community Telegram
Mars/Star ROM Updates

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Bearbeitet von: Scum - Grund: Update auf A14 /cDroid 10.x
Sofern es jemand geladen hatte es gibt ein kleines Update da es jetzt Ofiziell ist:

Currently people in unofficial will not receive the update push, you need to adb the full package in recovery to overwrite
Neues Update!
Highlights & Device Specific Changes:
Build type: Monthly
Device: Xiaomi 11 Pro (mars)
Device maintainer: Flower Sea
Required firmware: build-in


* device/xiaomi/sm8350-common
sm8350-common: Expose aux cams to Aperture

Changelog/Download usw.

Highlights & Device Specific Changes:
Build type: Monthly
Device: Xiaomi 11 Pro (mars)
Device maintainer: Flower Sea
Required firmware: build-in


* device/xiaomi/sm8350-common
sm8350-common: rootdir: Allow all filesystems for USB-OTG
sm8350-common: Hardcode LD and AR for custom clang
sm8350-common: Migrate vendor.camera.aux.packagelist to overlay

* device/xiaomi/mars
mars: overlay: Ignore some camera ids for Aperture

* kernel/xiaomi/mars
qcacld-3.0: Fix compilation with Google clang 15.0.2

* source Changelog
Updated to November security patches (android-13.0.0_r13)
Added face unlock support
Added option to disable clipboard overlay
Implemented cutout force full screen option
Enable split notification shade
Launcher: added some app icons for themed icons
Sync with the latest crDroid 9 source
updated translations
some other fixes and improvements


* device/xiaomi/sm8350-common
sm8350-common: Expose aux cams to Aperture
sm8350-common: Remove references to a2dp module
sm8350-common: Pull appropriate USB props from vendor_product.mk
fixup! sm8350-common: Move Bluetooth power overlays to sysprops
sm8350-common: Move BT profiles props to vendor
sm8350-common: Fix disabling A2DP offload
sm8250-common: sensors: Migrating to LineageOS

* device/xiaomi/mars
mars: overlay: Configure aux camera for Aperture

* kernel/xiaomi/mars
November: Camellia blooms

* source Changelog
Sync with the latest crDroid 9 source
updated translations
some other fixes and improvements

crDroid.net - Download crDroid v9 for Xiaomi 11 Pro (mars)
Highlights & Device Specific Changes:
Build type: Monthly
Device: Xiaomi 11 Pro (mars)
Device maintainer: Flower Sea
Required firmware: build-in

===== 24 November, 2022 =====

* device/xiaomi/sm8350-common
sm8350-common: rootdir: Remove discard command tuning
sm8350-common: Remove odex/oat files from pinner list

* device/xiaomi/mars
mars: Don't sign Wifi RROs with platform cert
mars: Set default hotspot ssid

* kernel/xiaomi/mars
Flower kernel v2.10
Merged the CLO tag "LA.UM.9.14.r1-20800-LAHAINA.QSSI13.0"
Kernel version: 5.4.197 -> 5.4.210
net: wireguard: Update to version 1.0.20220627
cert host tools: Stop complaining about deprecated OpenSSL functions
qcacld-3.0: Add time slice duty cycle in wifi_interface_info
qcacmn: Add time slice duty cycle attribute into QCA vendor command
media: meson: vdec: fix possible refcount leak in vdec_probe()
qcacmn: Disable all of qdf_trace when WLAN_DEBUG is disabled
qcacld: disable DFS on AP mode
mars_defconfig: Disable stack frame size warning
drm/msm/sde: Don't read and clear VBIF errors upon commit
drm/msm/sde: Compile out sde debug if DEBUG_FS disabled
gpu: drm: Use power efficient workingqueues
drm/msm/sde: Skip heavy autorefresh checks when it's not enabled
msm/dsi: free phy_timing_val if it's not used anymore
qca-wifi-host-cmn: Fix unused function/variable warnings
qcacld-3.0: Disable debugging bloat as much as possible
cnss2: discard non-critical logs
net/bluetooth: Queue delayed work on power efficient wq
techpack/dataipa: Conditionally enable ipa wakelocks
techpack/dataipa: Run delayed work on power efficient workqueues
drivers/qca-wifi-host-cmn: Run delayed work on power efficient wq
mars_defconfig: Disable NL80211_TESMODE
ipa: Allocate page with __GFP_RETRY_MAYFAIL and __GFP_NOWARN
msm: ipa3: Fix non-atomic read on atomic_t variable
GKI: wireless: allow disabling NL80211_TESTMODE
sock: remove one redundant SKB_FRAG_PAGE_ORDER macro
zram: do not waste zram_table_entry flags bits
ANDROID: binder: retry security_secid_to_secctx()
FROMGIT: Binder: add TF_UPDATE_TXN to replace outdated txn
NDROID: Configure out the macros in android_kabi and android_vendor
drivers/base/memory.c: cache memory blocks in xarray to accelerate lookup

* source Changelog
Synced latest crDroid 9.x source


crDroid.net - Download crDroid v9 for Xiaomi 11 Pro (mars)
Highlights & Device Specific Changes:
Build type: Monthly
Device: Xiaomi 11 Pro (mars)
Device maintainer: Flower Sea
Required firmware: build-in

===== 27 December, 2022 =====
* device/xiaomi/sm8350-common
Show refresh rate QS tile in Quick Settings

* device/xiaomi/mars
Remove smooth display
Aperture: Unlock additional camera framerates

* kernel/xiaomi/mars
-Flower Kernel: Dec: Daffodils-v3.0
-built with the latest LLVM Clang 16
-Merge CLO tag 'LA.UM.9.14.r1-21000-LAHAINA.QSSI13.0'
-Add simple_lmk(Simple Android Low Memory Killer)
-Switched I/O scheduler from BFQ to Samsung's SSG for lower CPU overhead and better Android-specific optimizations
-mm: vmstat: use power efficient workingqueues
-Enable power efficient workqueues
-techpack/video: Split lahaina video config from kona
-Makefile: Use O3 optimization level for Clang LTO
-Makefile: Set --lto-O3 LLD linker flag with clang LTO
-allow all arches to enable O3
-drivers: scsi: ufs-qcom: set auto hibern8 back to 1ms
-qcacld-3.0: Do not allow any wakelocks to be held
-drivers/qcacld-3.0: Disable power debugging by default
-cpufreq: qcom-hw: Reduce limits polling delay
-cpufreq: qcom-hw: Switch to non deferrable work

* source Changelog
Updated to December security patches (android-13.0.0_r16)
Initial support for Parallel Space
GameSpace: Update takeScreenshot API in ScreenUtils
Lots of Aperture changes and fixes
Slightly optimize less boring apps check for heads up
Some more fixes here and there (this is a complete rewrite of crDroid base)
Added reset battery stats possibility
Introduce dynamic VoLTE & VoWiFi icons
Repalced ripple animation with Fluent Design-inspired animation
SystemUI: Match lockscreen clock font with system
Removed smart pulldown settings
Replaced default wallpaper
Aperture updates
Removed custom style notification clear all button
Launcher: Added kill action to app shortcuts popup
Launcher: Added memory info in overview
Added Google Sound Search tile
Added Package installer ability to show current and new version on apk installation
Fixed possible battery info crash
Launcher: Fixed hotseat bar space only if QSB enabled
Addeded screenshot tile
Fixed custom statusbar logo customizations
Fixed issues with center clock
Fixed statusbar start side content layout
Fixed statusbar clock bg chip layout
Fixed statusbar end side content layout
Make center clock follow paddingTop
Updates to arm-optimized-routines and bionic
Added back custom style notification clear all button
Switched notification background to monet on heads up
Small change to battery style icon fill
Some other small changes
Updated translations
Synced latest crDroid 9.x source


crDroid.net - Download crDroid v9 for Xiaomi 11 Pro (mars)
@Scum würde mich freuen wenn die beiden Geräte laaaange von CrDroid gepflegt würden
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Scum
Highlights & Device Specific Changes:
Build type: Monthly
Device: Xiaomi 11 Pro (mars)
Device maintainer: Flower Sea
Required firmware: build-in


* android
6c665a7 manifest: Retire colorkt and themelib

* frameworks/base
373aaa85ac92 Revert "DisplayWindowSettings: Don’t check for forceDesktopMode for freeform"
fb76095d0d92 QRCodeScannerController: Check for google package availability
de92aed86a7b QRCodeScannerController: Use Lens as fallback activity

* packages/apps/Settings
8b1aa7450d don't sort user profiles by serial number, sort alphabetically
67a236103e Settings: Add back illustration to face settings

* vendor/lineage
0aa84c2e fixup! overlay: SystemUI: Offload WM shell to another thread


* android
147acf7 Merge 'lineage-20.0' into 13.0

* build/make
62b87b926 Merge 'lineage-20.0' into 13.0

* external/selinux
6869d5ec Merge tag 'android-13.0.0_r43' into 13.0

* external/vixl
99874e61 Merge tag 'android-13.0.0_r43' into 13.0

* frameworks/av
4ea50bb89f Merge 'lineage-20.0' into 13.0

* frameworks/base
281442faf46f New Crowdin updates (#975)
7007b3772afc Update Crowdin configuration file
fe6dd5acd49c binder - include calling PID/UID in uncaught remote exception code
12e96c19fd92 Clear calling identity before calling to DeviceIdleController
4ff9c4d4d22c Fix cursor not blinking when view re-added to layout
447e60026906 Fixed UID mismatch in telephony registry
44385d3cadad View: Prevent NPEs when initiating surface drag
bfd233c04c41 ActivityThread: Prevent a NPE caused by null configuration
8d03511e9b6d Skip screen on animation when wake and unlock via biometrics
f1f154762370 SystemUI: Fix optional ripple animation issue
bb56ecf8b5c8 QSPanel: Prevent systemui crash when adjusting tiles height
35975833dd61 WindowManager: finally proper desktop mode handling
397664ff4e17 SystemUI: Enable cast tile without Wi-Fi connection
8791c10d1ec9 SystemUI: CastTile: Open cast settings on long click
9a8b39ce629b SystemUI: Fix crash in cast tile for non-carrier wifi
b70416bf8f26 HWUI: reset buffer state only for ES3 context
15e0632228b7 KeyguardStatusBarView: Clean up cruft
3355ac2ed5fd Extend kill button to notification conversation guts
d13ee82f6b0c OomAdjuster: Remove excessive log
ec21f08cc38c oom: Enable proactive kills only on modern kernels
dd5c04833e4a SystemUI: Make QS Header Image less intrusive with codebase
d3b17d81d870 SystemUI: QS Header Image [1/2]
0032d3165607 Use try-with-resources to avoid accidentaly leaking unclosed objects.
5768de43fc5b AppProfiler: dont be so hectic on cpu battery stats
cea52a6651b4 os: Process: Fix wrong code in isThreadInProcess
d5393f0c1787 SystemUI: Rework dismiss all view in QS
010a9ead62fe Fix unqualified-std-cast-call compiler warning
c11d839a7bdb HWUI: reset buffer state after MakeCurrent
fce808a3352c Restoring SDR brightness immediately when entering dim state if the device is in HDR brightness scale mode.
4f3b62b0948e Return with error logs instead of exception for unexpected nsi
72ae68fcf75d Fix getRootTask may be null led to client NPE
394155d423b0 Fix task info null crash
c75338146e4d Fix potential crash when TaskDisplayArea is null
f239cb6e98cf Fix wrong ime parent in embedded activity
d9968012b63f Catch exception when dump local window.
2ba9b62a1a32 Fix hang when dumping local window.
fc4ef289f009 Prevent crash with pin protected user and taskview
c882b0424396 Activity not finishing even after pressing back key
416b0301a0d9 SystemUI: Handle more exceptions for firewall
773b59ee25c1 Fixed process can't start because of mPendingStart is true problem
204e1b8e6152 wm: Prevent NPE for springanimation
1959bee9f26e Add a suspension check to SuspendedAppActivity
25e2f1c3cc87 base: Fix issues with linked volumes
e9d6e5ef5e23 base: Add switch to unlink ringtone and notifications volume [1/2]
08864efb5dfc NetworkTraffic: Simplify stats calc to prevent issues
c24c31487fd3 Fix com.android.server.wm.TaskFpsCallbackController#unregisterListener method NEVER works
dbb7278678b5 Do not crash webview if its group creation fails due to a dead process
0943bfb52265 NotificationMenuRow: fix logspam
f013216cab12 BatteryStatsImpl: Avoid dividing by 0.0 in updateWifiState.
d07433ab1e90 allow toggling VoWiFi while roaming by default
b8959fc79d67 Fix NPE when store brightness and displayDevice is null
33374f31ab15 Fix warnings from static analysis tool.
208088724312 base: Try loading input filter only if specified
25f5e7469914 base: Support for device specific input Filter
9d30902affdd base: Add SmartSwitchChanged api
62ca47216fb2 opengl: Don't request render in GLSurfaceView.GLThread ctr
31e30fcaeed3 SystemUI: Enable media player surface ripple on button press
20687dac8707 SystemUI: VolumeDialog: add support for unlinked ringer streams
a902cfe229bb SystemUI: Align keyguard carrier text with status bar
01ab039fdac8 Fix crash with HW assist button
da1dbba68ac8 Support per-UID VPN lockdown policy
a6e30b1371e5 fixup! Implement firewall status bar indicator
3bfa5a10ac87 NPMS: Check if UID is disallowed by transports
1730d18efc8a Track and send allowed transports to Connectivity
f3d664c86642 Do not consider transports for restricted mode
8c49ac11922e Stop unsuspending packages in profiles
edd5cf551c97 Add managed profile support for cross profile intents
8167862e879d services: Allow pause/suspend app feature with parallel space
db227f703644 Pause apps feature
94ca0abd303d SystemUI: Prevent InternetDialog crashing system
f0b7309c6828 SystemUI: Clean up battery callback in CollapsedStatusBar
0f79b7fc219e SystemUI: Switch to TunerService for CollapsedStatusBar
e43f47b3c5ce SystemUI: Use better icon for camera keyguard affordance
f9d80109f1e2 Use IPv4v6 as default protocol when APN setting is not available
b85eb98a59e2 SystemUI: keyguard: preview: Catch InterruptedException
22bde1b38b03 SystemUI: Reduce keyguard indication text padding
35b53db95e7b Fix the problem of slow exit of boot animation
34716f247197 PulsingGestureListener: nit: Remove typo semicolon from imports
b2d0396308a1 base: Allow setting bottom keyguard shortcuts [1/2]
13adcced302c Fix: "Clear All" recent app screen loop bug
0b1115f97f30 SystemUI: write initial value of SHOW_QR_CODE_SCANNER_SETTING on first call
0718dae7e8b6 Fix memory leak in GroupExpansionManager
71031ba1126a SystemUI: Enable Partial Screensharing
2a535a84162f SystemUI: global actions: fix icon position on multi-line action
87b4c9e0c373 Treat process group creation failure due to a dead process as non-fatal
5ab72ec28701 Treat failure to create a process group as fatal
93c65d0c1fd9 WindowProcessController: Fix potential memory leak
39b0a154d0e4 JobScheduler: Stop leaking user information
d6439875d428 Avoid needless Integer.valueOf() object allocation.
c0935fcc5ee3 DisplayPowerController: Disable log spam
1124abed2a35 SystemUI: Enable session-based media actions for all apps
f1962617dd90 Allow unpausing apps that have an unpause dialog
b3eb4d276228 bugfix: automatic notification permission request breaks in some cases
01e052d6dab3 AudioService: Unmute Le Audio devices when activated
720197a764f7 Fixes crash/race condition when destroyActivity
2d4b6fa95b59 base: disable DBG
e57406968863 Fix NullPointerException to get sim accounts
694381c7f23f Close DirectoryStream in ActivityThread after use.
6aa73ded32d3 Add missing Nullable annotations to UsbDeviceConnection.controlTransfer.
1f86d1d3aed0 Do not kill the server process itself
e26ba274bc3c Update persist cache when package updated.
8ff77eb15db4 When the sharedUserSetting of the application on /system is different from the sharedUserSetting on /data, we should trust the sharedUserSetting on /system
7b923a28ff60 Request correct rendering type for EGL config
69f493d22d80 Add package name to WorkSource for Wakelock acquired from WindowManage.
0c5bc0f89c70 ExifInterface: Use FileDescriptors whenever we can.
cfa0a3507723 Zygote: Fix dropping capabilities in containers
41afe0f4d715 Use SecureRandom instead of java.util.Random.
dd269ef4717c check whitelisted packages exclude nonsystem app
f28a0b316892 Improve Transition GC initiation by improving the Frameworks triggering signal
a32545d32655 SystemUI: Add monet customization [1/2]
885610a96314 SystemUI: Block few clock customizations in QS header
d0b08e676a5c bugfix: isServiceTokenValidLocked() was called without holding the lock
3f223e63f655 Fix viewing app info dashboard of hidden work app
c2d30beeb04a Fix: Firewall: NMS inverts default rule behavior
f8eb63096d9e Doze-on-charge: Add few improvements
ef8dbb1c5e6c SystemUI: Fix battery color on QS for circle battery styles
11b3f179d475 SystemUI: Follow status bar battery style is QS
c90f06c0ad51 Opt libhwui out of -fprofile-sample-accurate
375ee4a2199c SystemUI: cleanup bluetooth dialog impl
08724ee9cf1b base: add option to enable AOD on charging only [1/2]
9423e9e8825f SystemUI: Apply QS transparency to footer actions background
ba07b210157c QSFooter: Launch crDroid Settings when long clicking settings
3d4a4b4021b5 EdgeLight: Fix up applying custom color
09923f2036d5 libandroid_runtime: workaround global ThinLTO bug
d04c22f7a9b0 libandroid_defaults: force full LTO to workaround runtime bug
b4572b810b8b Skype is not opening in full screen
e1e964941b11 SystemUI: Add restart SystemUI in Advanced Reboot [1/2]
a748d798e554 Fix NPE when pip onAnimationEnd
7f7d78cf72c5 Always make mouse cursor show on external display if it exists
8bfa66538069 InputManager: allow to force NULL cursor
35a5ceec842d InputManager: add cursor change listener
a6537cc5ea22 DisplayWindowSettings: Don’t check for forceDesktopMode for freeform
bdbba0451f22 Add back button for freeform window
9a5612739d26 Only show pip button if activity supports it
5f2846f53ff2 Add minimize & pip buttons to freeform windows
aa25b8bac824 Ignore AGPS toggle during user-initiated emergency calls
3245892bb08f Fix secondary user crash with system user locked
690ebb3eb0c5 Fix profile provisioning check in secondary users
59de21cece64 Make sure gc_urgent is normal mode, when no need GC
ed4b12599938 Allow profile owner to set user_setup_complete secure setting
45741a20c915 SystemUI: add haptic feedback for qs tiles (#956)
8f63a0388a2a SystemUI: Move bluetooth dialog creation to LongClick method
4e7b7d3c5bf1 SystemUI: Implement Bluetooth dialog
cb4bb7bed107 Reset buffer after stop protolog to file
329df3730c50 Use getPackagesForOps instead of iterating packages by checkOperation
0080a0bde3b5 ColorContoller: Fix getting default accent color
c1a0dd3ee381 UI: Use SNAP_FIXED_RATIO for multi-window globally
0228100a5a44 SystemUI: Hide wifi standard icon if not connected to wifi
fd559315d54b AppLock: Fix hidden apps reset after reboot
a1cfe2d633fb AppLock: Update API
ab4eb2dfacae AppLock: Allow locking all apps visible in launcher
2bdeec35f375 base: Introduce app lock [1/4]
949c9c28856d Hidden Apps filter for use in the Settings app
29cd05b59ae1 Show hidden apps on secondary users' app lists
6ad7abeb94b2 Switch back to the application on /system when UID and path changed
f7e7e1ee28f9 Fix NullPointException when PackageInfo's verifiers is null
075e9fb46ee8 StrictStandby: Offload force stop onto lock-free context
aa35d684ed2d am: Block MEDIA_MOUNTED broadcast for restricted apps
837b8e2fa89f base: Add support for strict standby policy
745d95b98593 SystemUI: Do not add lens screenshot without google package enabled
9622dd6614d6 SystemUI: Make Lens work without independent package installed
f3387a18e006 SystemUI: Integrate Google Lens into Screenshot UI
d633490ddc61 Use profile's power button/timeout lock settings
b41e3f3290b1 Fix unlocking of multiple work profiles at boot
49a3aaf89186 Fix Open With dialog within a work profile
de4274e33bee Add additional work profile badge colors and labels
1f4a0a5edad6 Always allow overriding the number of work profiles
d5397061d349 SystemUI: Blurs: allow blur even when GFX acceleration is disabled
3f13df5ecb16 QS: Locale Tile
f7b13d963c72 NotificationShade: Make blur crossfading more gradual
b4acfa162918 Toast: Solve the NPE problem in session.java
d74ecead3825 Handle graceful exit with constants
49b86e67ee96 PowerStatsService: Prevent NPE in BatteryTrigger.
a14bf9cc27a7 Fix background activity start.
2098febc1430 UI: Adjust default navbar layouts
e9acaa95b450 CachedAppOptimizer : Pageout File pages during system compaction
511d8e34f891 SystemUI: Allow limiting AOD & ambient display refresh rate via overlay.
2d76cf53a21c SystemUI: fix duplicated creation of KeyguardStatusBarViewController
a0bc17572dfe SystemUI: Also blur power sub-menus
17359b84f005 SystemUI: Blur the power menu
a44f1868e9c0 Fix disabling power menu completely on secured locscreen
8f5702061247 SystemUI: Allow making Navigation Pill thinner [1/2]
318065c3275c SystemUI: Allow Configuring Navbar Radius [1/2]
189759b81a1c Catch IllegalArgumentException for invalid phone id
aa139ae910ea Fix potential NPE when MessagingMessage's message is null
410c19965b2b Fix crash when comparing messages
d2f1179988e7 use max_adj to control process final adj
a04e4cf2e257 Avoid resursion for sleep check in embedding window
9e8a8843cccf PowerUI: Mute logcat spam.
7dba63d00368 SystemUI: Don't force small clock when media isn't allowed on keyguard
ac1d30a8e15e base: make per-app work with multi audio focus
0a0cf8de76a6 SystemUI: Remove visibility check in setting QSCarrier color
66099a8c6992 MobileSignalController: Do not duplicate SPN and PLMN
616d168a5637 PhoneWindowManager: Clean up unused keys
7869709ce264 Add handling of missing ServiceSpecificException
8ca1a8c5dfb7 Cleanup 'Update battery info every second when device is charging'
633de8fff8d4 Make overlay for 'Update battery info every second when device is charging'
8c2e184dff47 Update battery info every second when device is charging
8e9f94dc3aee Fix an issue that the FoldStateListener induces a memory leak
49a831458dbf Guard in short-circuit evaluations for stringSplit methods.
74dfe87c5639 Add `@Nullable` to SensorManager.getDefaultSensor's return value
510bd32ec16e Fix potential crash in ImageTransformState
a16dae178991 fwb: Only enable some features on eng build
73a2661c1144 SystemUI: Re-designed caffeine tile icon
d87d94037bfb base: Add support for Lockscreen clock fonts
ea9981a521ac create different pendingintent via appwidgetId
82d6657ca91a Calculate apk size multiple times
aee76ad0cbd5 vibrator: fix log format and level issue
5b08e7223b9b Dynamic broadcast receivers that are not exported need to be filtered in checkBroadcastFromSystem
5231a2049820 base: dont call roundStorageSize on Storage API for getting sizes
41af3e43b6ef Fix black screen issue due to wallpaper decoding exceptions
438e28e21739 KeyguardIndication: Set wakelock on doze only when required
6a855ae739eb base: Refactor Wi-Fi standard icons
ae4cc1a6a617 base: Import Wi-Fi standard icon [1/2]
deedb337a121 VolumePanel: Change bg tint for inactive rows
32c38adb1fd0 VolumePanel: Fix cuttered layout when on setup or lock task mode
e5830ff6cb5a VolumePanel: Add long click for expand icon
1ddbb3f48110 NotificationPlayer: use AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN_TRANSIENT instead of AUDIOFOCUS_GAIN in looping mode
ae3d7415bb4a SystemUI: Remove existing icon group if its overriding
f391cc6e0443 SystemUI: Ensure keyguard statusbar is gone when not showing
4bc3bc382f89 Avoid NetworkPolicyLogger NullPointException
6881203e9548 SystemUI: Fix QS header alignment with status bar
13510f782ab5 Network traffic mode for status bar [2/3]
b70719767bb5 StatusBarIconController: Avoid crash due to incorrect casting
400fe1bd3ca0 Fix VPN icon failed reloading after disabling
ee67cd863b72 TwilightService: Save and use last fetched location
34dfb389eee6 TwilightService: Use temporary TwilightState when location is not available
7730d6b92290 Package installer: show current and new version on apk installation
55a4a6110272 SoundSearchTile: Update intent flags for the apps
ec101d40ac77 SoundSearchTile: Extend the use
887f581d1a10 Add Google Sound Search tile
10c6c53697a3 Logspam: Properly handle optional app widgets service
ecb9a5b6c382 SystemUI: Switch notification background to monet on heads up
7ab8651c8489 SystemUI: Fix up status bar end side content layout
c15befd9d20e SystemUI: Fix up status bar start side content layout
9bc038669616 base: Added screenshot tile
a451c8ef2408 fwb: Smart Pixels on UDFPS - drop disable_smart_pixels_on_udfps flag
be065a5c5793 fwb: Allow disable Smart Pixels on UDFPS
a829ac451e80 FingerprintManager: Fix NPE due to sensorProps
ad250e8c8946 SideFpsController: Apply ScaleFactor to sensorLocationY
59c8eafc74ee fixup! Improvements for dynamic VoLTE & VoWiFi icons
7d5e2eee1093 SystemUI: Update IMS states and update icon when necessary
1a49f1a50a71 MobileSignalController: Try register IMS callback when listening
e808964bbf5c Improvements for dynamic VoLTE & VoWiFi icons
89fbd924c7cf SystemUI: Introduce dynamic VoLTE & VoWiFi icons
afd0e2022cec SmartPixels: Fix BatteryController dependency crash
507554c64ff1 QSTileHost: Fix crashes with tiles like Anti flicker
bb13f52f572c DisplayModeDirector: Make sure we apply refresh rate on startup
cda34d3ad6f2 DisplayPowerController: avoid updating settings when adjustment is NaN
c8feddec1f8a System crash during dismissing split in multi-user scenario
f75c22ccd6c9 When a user is unlocked, it will install provider, but it cannot publish Provider successfully,we need add pr.installProvider before scheduleInstallProvider
3fdc66d3cb5f Fix watchdog when NaN lux is reported.
814a227c753a services: Suppress double upgrade notification for parallel space
7f4a1481f7d6 services: Do not turn on multi user switch for new parallel space
a0d00921830f SystemUI: Fix privacy indicator not showing for apps in parallel spaces
18a61e6200b2 ParallelSpace: Prevent system crash for blocking notification of blocked apps
683fda363602 ParallelSpace: Block telecom server package
820da795cdf7 ParallelSpace: Add Android Auto to block list
bc96a08205d5 ParallelSpace: Allow/block essential apps without overlay
c3d183ffc8de Add support for GMS switch
388ba3265604 ParallelSpace: Allow devices to overlay whitelist/blocklist apps
49358a6cf7a4 ParallelSpace: Mark badge string as not translatable
4af5b2683ad3 services: Fix parallel space crash with third party launcher
eb30df6df55d data: Add missing priv-app permissions for parallel space
1c68c3c7790f ActivityStarter: Resolve launcher intent to parallel owner user
d2b91025b6f0 services: location: Whitelist parallel space users
4d5ae07979a1 services: camera: Whitelist parallel space users
be951bddcad4 base: Expose parallel space owner to api
79c885b7ea50 Whitelist some Packages for Parallel space
7c5b4d2d9111 base: Add support for managing files across parallel spaces
ed1ca540b3a3 base: Add support for parallel space
1dda31aa19db BatteryStatsImpl: Guard against OOB
94e8da2e4eaf Remove RESET_BATTERY_STATS permission for resetting stats
044d8cf9ed5f BatteryStatsImpl: Stop resetting battery stats after reboot
5be6aad736aa frameworks: Reset battery stats [1/3]
af5aaf9948e8 Add config overlay to force enable multi resolution for camera
73fe559b03b4 Revert "Remove fixed grant of READ_PHONE_STATE and cleanup"
962e95e19d81 SystemUI: Switch to config for Refresh Rate QS tile
29c044d0de10 RefreshRateTile: Improve logic
c7e8c4f0ad41 base: added refresh rate tile
2cd3fcac0923 Introduce trimMemory to AppIconCacheManager
7a4729c3b0de udfps: Implement framework dimming support
7df54fdf095e base: Allow toggling floating rotation button [1/3]
d7841acf2f2b Settings: make SensorBlock readable by non-system apps
ea90be8d2e09 Make sensor block package list configurable [1/2]
595775227442 base: Add Accelerometer and Linear Acceleration sensors in blocking list
ccb73578b4ba FWB: Sensor block per-package switch (1/2)
98f25b0cde58 SystemSensorManager: sensor block per-package
9c66609e2e41 Do not show camera indicator for Face Unlock service
d1a1b13f3a9b SystemUI: use simple check for isFaceDisabled
d53e1bd3ab6e SystemUI: Face Unlock animation
361c25ce881a Hide face recognizing message on bouncer when authenticated
448ba2c7552e face: Pass requestId on our authentication client
7244b659a035 SystemUI: Tell user when face unlock detection is running
b1963f84dbff Reset face auth on occluding app when authenticated
f2207e53fb66 WalletActivity: Don't explicitly request face auth
30a8cecd9790 Allow changing face unlock method when locked
caa3ae090fbd base: do not use new lockscreen layout for bypass
5876d2c16ffa KeyguardBouncer: Don't delay showing if face auth running
b4d49a9b9ae0 FaceService: Allow our face unlock to be used on third-party apps
d30ced65d9a2 SystemUI: Improve pt-br translation for fingerprint_dialog_use_fingerprint_instead
4df3bb67d925 Add idle lockout message for FaceUnlock
fa60e56742c3 services: Merge T changes on our custom face unlock impl
f15654f3c9ba Initial import of Face Unlock for S
c8f8a36c189b BiometricScheduler: Cancel operation if not idle
a652dcf2ac17 SystemUI: Allow disabling clipboard overlay [1/2]
dd11a87f1779 Youtube application when moving to PIP animation was very bad
5615622fe177 fixup! TtsEngines: avoid crashes caused by null engine name
1b0e1720577f Fix the pip bounds error when entering pip mode.
78a54e60b096 Fix pip error, from split-screen to pip in landscape..
4ce4108dfd41 Shrink by 0.5 for YUV TextViews
8010eef46e26 ViewGroup: Remove child parent when a new view is added
468c41f601f7 Fix drawable-state cache expired issue
e140a894cfa3 Touch is not working
44ec72727c40 Reduce the memory usage of the ProtoLogToFile
18954dd1503d SystemUI: Prevent systemui crash when reinflating QS
90ba462403a0 InputMethodManager: Prevent unnecessary invocation of IME
02482dcca6f3 Pause is getting scheduled 2 times
aa7c2f5ddfb0 Custom statusbar logo customizations [1/2]
083320f5b895 SystemUI: Add Weather tile based on OmniJaws client
ad164829993a SystemUI: Introduce Adaptive Playback [1/2]
42c36ca1e8fb Keyguard: Fix quick unlock not applying without reboot
ae87cfcd4080 Keyguard: Fix scramble pin layout not applying without reboot
4e1a97628f77 base: Avoid saving length as in a sql db for quick unlock [1/2]
33a91abdbf50 Make Quick Unlock compatible with long PIN/Password [1/2]
d191fc2df038 Keyguard: Forward port lockscreen quick unlock (1/2)
e18fc48a71b6 Keyguard: Add option to scramble pin layout when unlocking (2/2)
741968cffadc Revert "Keyguard: Add option to scramble pin layout when unlocking (2/2)."
168fbcfd0118 Revert "fixup! Keyguard: Add option to scramble pin layout when unlocking (2/2)."
137d9285de7e base: Fix smart charging bug
90f9a42751fa Add interface for battery stats reset
99c09e3c4045 base: Smart Charging (1/4)
61d369d58e4b Pulse: Implement pulse color based album art [1/2]
f793564675e0 Pulse: Detach pulse view only when attached
fa0464659280 Pulse: Solid renderer round lines [1/2]
b30c9da158a9 Pulse: Set current Refresh rate as FPS animation value
84d2d3eeb153 Pulse: Add more NPE checks
a28803ae8ed5 Pulse: Extend to Ambient Screen
5e085390d124 Pulse initial checkin for Android 13 [1/2]
8338e5559f25 SystemUI: Nuke oriented navbar handle
0674dc928c33 base: allow disable of screenshot shutter sound [1/2]
91c9067223a6 Volume dialog timeout [1/2]
c2b8a0301bbe SystemUI: Use App icon for per-app volume
3ad1ba733183 base: support per-app volume [2/3]
03efb3ef9ea3 base: Live Volume Steps [1/2]
3120ccac2e54 HeadsUp: Change heads up timeout to seconds
17a2d5aee13a HeadsUp: add timeout option (1/2)
7e53e0bd57c9 NotificationInterrupt: Clean up for isSnoozedPackage
51c3dd3ee894 LessBoring: fixup LessBoring preventing bubbles
1c85e3ac6612 Less boring heads up: Don't skip heads up for most messaging apps
124439515a1c Slightly optimize less boring apps check for heads up
c49149cd91b8 Skip less boring notification check when reTicker mode is active
372f192fb1b4 Allow to suppress notifications sound/vibration if screen is ON [1/2]
b144163083bf Less boring heads up option [1/2]
42ace445d8c3 AudioSystem: Add AUDIO_FORMAT_APTX_ADAPTIVE_{QLEA|R4}
ab298f87997e AudioSystem: add missing native audio formats
8e5b59803a16 Avoid Installer APP ANR when starting install in main thread
d5447be1714b Safely handle the case of BroadcastOptions being null.
9c6e33dbc1db Don't warn for displays with no input device matching.
8cc5807608d9 Check NULL for Drm object
8bc814dba2f3 Fix screenshot sharing failure after the recent task is opened.
b56f2d199f67 Fix getStorageVolumes to return public volumes visible to userIdSharingMedia with.
42ff18df1813 ActivityManager: Add stub implementation of enableBinderTracing
4a40f8a3df27 Add YCBCR_P010 in switch content in ImageUtil getNumPlanes.
5ef84e6bc4c1 base: wm: Follow rounded corners by split divider corner size
a385997ea303 VolumePanel: Pass touch outside of volume panel
3ce8fbd56488 Volume panel: avoid multiple animations on touch spam
f589f76ca7c3 audio: add support for extended formats
aa8bbd7cb9f4 pm: microg-spoof: Add null check
627688a1a8a2 Give slightly more descriptive error messages when you can't find resource IDs
756e6fcc1646 Add deep sleep preference controller [1/2]
2af332de5338 fix NullPointException when pkg is null
76e99ab158c3 Fix how ExifInterface creates VP8X chunks for WebP files
0620195e0c52 Prevent ExifInterface incorrectly copying a WebP padding byte
fee2a2003a4c Fix PermissionHelper NullPointerException
704f93a3cf49 Fix kotlin deprecation warnings
fcd340a0f7f7 AudioService: RecordActivityMonitor: fix unbounded list growth
dc7bcf88baef Fix broken anchor tags.
a7abdc0bbd9e Fix unused-but-set-variable warnings
3b59e077a142 Fix ATRACE_TAG redefinition in SysTrace.h
598750d995a5 Fix module-file name collisions
49ef4860cc7f Fix error message being cut off.
1b29f947f44b ViewConfiguration: Fix multi-thread safety issue
a5b37fe837d5 TwilightService: Explicitly use `FUSED_PROVIDER` instead of getProvider()
29239f01b588 Fix errorprone warnings that should be errors
18214c726fc3 Fix SystemUI NPE when ScreenDecorations is disabled
096863710f5c Fix errorprone warnings that should be errors
59fff11b75e0 modify requestLocationUpdates
e8310a9850f5 Easteregg: Fix wrong PendingIntent flag at BubbleMetadata
a076d773e2c0 Delay display DOZE on LS => AOD only if blanking is not needed
a79c713b2393 Unhide Parcel.writeTypedList() with additional flag
da5220f83abb Fix array-related errorprone warnings
cdf8a4009077 Rely on Display#getRealSize when dumping XML hierarchy
acfdd6a01d08 Reset PowerGroup.mIsSandmanSummoned while waking up.
44a1204dbd7e Fix problem that sub user`s active CustomTile can`t be updated by requestListeningState API
9f3f98c8ee8a Fix errorprone 2.15.0 errors
6f56c8247d08 CEC: Do not allow null callback
ec60a84f8558 toString() of StringBuilder need to create a array copy with count, if no more memory could be made available by the garbage collector, "free list large object space" maybe oom.
9e99d97cd5c6 Fix binderDied of an app can not be triggered in some cases.
882d17b29fa1 Delete all templates that do not match
3e6ab97ff5fe Services: Boost gesture flings
9af80649a333 Fix erroneous self deletion on SkImage creation failure
6dc1cf95c0c3 ImeFocusController: Prevent a rare NPE
161588402069 Fixed Attribution Source’s calling Uid check for multiuser.
3c16b0bc6945 Fix the problem that the turn_screen_on Activity does not draw.
ea326cab7f11 Fix NullPointerException when starting app with old ApplicationInfo
f69764bc6b9a Fix WifiInjector instance exception if WifiService disabled
a106dd962708 Replace LinkedList by a more performant collection
dc20f045aa78 Fix the problem that the home key can not work in some cases.
d58347c8e135 AudioService: catch RuntimeException for IServiceManager.getService
43b224b3a08e Change the default value of sync mode to NORMAL
e05c33ed5e36 Make sure view is laid out before calling createBitmap
67435b8f5fa8 Make sure width and height are not zero before calling createBitmap
15ef5e4c348e telephony: SmsMessage: Bring newFromCDS method back
ed7434372335 StorageManager: Add dummy inCryptKeeperBounce method
d7b4a1546aa0 SystemUI: Respect Statusbar left padding in keyguard carrier
a56cecf17338 Don't report after view detached from window.
765b028d4002 Skip tracing missing binder txn names
e657938cfeab Enable binder txn tracing more broadly
2350f1fa9c31 Clean up binder txn tracking special case
c457d94785f3 Populate binder trace txn names lazily
78f295d9b5d0 Only create clip bound object when RenderNode is not quick rejected
6faff1b2629e Send <Request ARC Termination> when Standby
8ec4934bbab4 EnhancedEstimates: Get estimates from Device Health Services
fea50fe13533 Cleanup and consistency around system server profiling.
27f1092fa0b3 Allow profiling for standalone system server jars.
efef15e694ee Use synchronization to protect service list and service class name set
6f49ce776784 Fix bug for user removed case
a561d64e53fc PackageInfo: Optimize ApplicationInfo creation
c4b40f04e2d8 Update HWUI to use GrGLMakeNativeInterface instead of deprecated GrGLCreateNativeInterface.
d2f252179e3a Remove unnecessary HashMap instantiation
b085a4cc7e9d Hide contaminant dialog "Enable USB" button if not supported
3abf1de18860 Fix freeform window resize not working on multiple displays
e9e68dbf1132 Avoid crash when dream starts
79fcbcb1f568 SystemUI: Check whether the selected WFD route is available
0354a21bdf7f Check if disabled system package exists before cloning its setting in createNewSetting
5c55408613ad Check if integrity verification has already completed in case INTEGRITY_VERIFICATION_COMPLETE
9d64fc773629 Parcel: fix memory leak
28388b26b751 Allow fabricated RROs to survive a reboot in non-user builds
516840a79113 screencap: Add async option to media scanner broadcast
cd8612f3789b Not run hideDotView as an animation
b9b8012d2901 Fix bluetooth tile show blank
ace87c93b7ef Change sendVolumeKeyEvent condition
93fd69d09145 fwb: GLSurfaceView: Be less picky about EGLConfig alpha sizes
6dee1561c940 display: Don't spam log when display state changes
798425bd80ff Fix bug Device that can't support adoptable storage cannot read the sdcard.
2d0c137bb4ae Fix permission issues for network update service
7ad33e620db8 MediaSessionStack: rechoose the media button session after the current one was removed
0e70ffc832c1 Add absent sim info to locked screen text
6538e4c6cdbe Changing max SampleRate limits for raw audio decoder
32ff635beee8 RecoverySystem: make the package readable before checking capex
ecc4a5cde13f SystemUI: Add colors to assistant animation
d7e214c739b8 SystemUI: Set launcher activity name
a80abe3e70e8 Fix crash with protected content with ElectronBeam/Scale screen-off animation
30c5b92f688d Add upstream fixes to ElectronBeam screen-off animation
a340aa6e892b fwb: Screen off animations [1/2]
437c0edefcd4 Fix long click intent for Smart Pixels tile [1/2]
ff5edd7da7a5 SystemUI: mark smartpixels as a trusted overlay
07f414e9a075 Smart Pixels: Update default grid pattern
bc2027285ea4 SystemUI: Add Smart Pixels tile
f7a46fed889f SmartPixels: Use CoreStartable interface for receiver
48567fa44d00 Smart Pixels: Dynamically register receiver
26261dc1e15b Smart Pixels: Switch to registered receiver
36f79b36a0fa SystemUI: Smart Pixels [1/2]
6ff9ec129eb7 SystemUI: screen-dimmer-pixel-filter
7a2e5554d158 Reload navbar icons on changing style [1/2]
638a82cbb920 Add kill button to notification guts [1/2]
1f224ac289d0 fwb: Implement cutout force full screen [1/2]
e725d17bd747 Ambient Music Ticker - Allow to pulse on new tracks [1/2]
560cc2bbb704 SystemUI: add edge light customizations [1/2]
009108f1143b base: Add bool to enable/disable doze by default
d1465a6fbe0e Allow tuning ambient display with sensors [1/3]
68833833ce15 Add toggle to disable charging animation [1/2]
7ddbd609880f base: Use wireless charging animation for wired charging too
9afa3ee6d305 UI: Follow Monet and light/dark theme in user 1 icon
707ab40bd715 Follow Dark/Light theme for Safe Mode dialog
c0d48ce51a1a ThemeUtils: Make it compatible for all targets
45690b505dab Bring back ThemeUtils for Theming
abc563317c3b Add support for Navbar styles
6651b87f30da ThemeOverlayApplier: Apply wifi and signal icon styles last
19b64239fa66 ColorUtils: Prevent crash if alpha component is translucent
235455022ee0 appop: Save discrete app op history for more permissions
a284c606309e Paint: Enable subpixel text positioning by default
bb81356f8748 Add button to AppErrorDialog to upload crash information to pasty
6ff90a35d1f7 InternetDialog: Launch mobile network settings on long press
163ec2f00c5c SystemUI: Add hotspot toggle in QS internet dialog
f60496eca70a SystemUI: QSAnimator: Hide secondary label in QQS
4a4a3e884b30 base: Bluetooth timeout feature (1/2)
ee3521720581 base: Wi-Fi timeout feature (1/2)
31b02116e871 Fix NPE when AOSP ambient display preference is removed
2db495f62c3b SystemUI: BurnInProtectionController: offset less aggressively
5075ead17c60 SystemUI: Implement burn-in protection for status/navbar
5561ed2b1c6a SystemUI: Re-inflate QS and SB when CONFIG_SCREEN_LAYOUT
f0fbdd00ff02 SystemUI: BatteryMeterView: Set white tint in darkmode
28e00c1669d2 PhoneWindowManager: Pocket Judge: Don't mess with power button to reject call
8339629a4fb5 base: Pocket Judge: Don't go to sleep while on call
6f73d10c0234 pocket mode: Update style to latest OOS specs
8353d33b892a PocketJudge: Allow to register vendor proximity sensor
ab5882ff1117 PocketLock: Make using light sensor optional
1fc1466e555b SystemUI: Improve pocket mode layout
fd403069b747 base: Redo Pocket mode view like OOS
002a57ce250d Fix an edge case in KeyguardUpdateMonitor pocket callback
5f64863dac13 PocketJudge: allow register vendor pocket sensor
140c06377936 PocketLock: fix flickering on animations
6ed28405b03b Pocket lock: Add config_pocketModeSupported overlay
d97508cc67e0 pocket: introduce pocket bridge
eb9fb5172486 pocket: Reduce sleep timeout for pocket lock
255498cc99a1 pocket: Use MD2 lock drawable
b39088c3d8da Pocket lock improvements
f12e45ac6ec0 pocket: Fix pocket lock view for display cutouts
cdc6118c15d2 pocket: Adjust sleep timeout for pocket lock view to 10 secs
c912c5921ed5 PocketService: Adjust light sensor rate to 400ms
15bfcd542d49 pocket: Add hardware acceleration and properly maintain SYSTEM_UI flags
706e698e49e9 policy: introduce pocket lock
652c4f422e04 pocket: introduce pocket judge
3e7eea4e6acf AlertSlider: Allow UI to work with multiple resolutions
457870d1a260 AlertSlider: check for existing dialog before creating new
a530f3f78fee AlertSlider: Support slider actions without broadcast from device
80cf7b2ec7cf AlertSlider: Add toggle to disable notifications [1/2]
bf6bc39ed775 AlertSlider: Update theme more swiftly
95ddb57e4c91 AlertSlider: Prevent crash in case of incomplete broadcast
35a1429907ea AlertSlider: Add more resources
8a812aa9e509 AlertSlider: Fix layout for 180 rotation
e42562698f1b AlertSlider: Update resources
949e0a0050da AlertSlider: refactor to reflect slider state
c09eca11237f AlertSlider: Improve layout
2a61fbcd483b AlertSlider: Use default position behaviour if position not specified in intent
241eec07f50d AlertSlider: Do not hardcode slider position based on ringer mode
fa788eef09fb AlertSlider: Work better with Key Handlers
a75f53e87443 AlertSlider: Make tri-state SystemUI dialog dimensions conditional
2c3b51360499 AlertSlider: Introduce user interface for Alert Sliders
33f4b829a5ce QS: Use Settings.Panel intent for Volume Tile
7c16929e4d7c SystemUI: Add tile to show volume panel
4a5974f9e9cb DataSwitchTile: Show active sim as tile current state
d1273ef4b503 DataSwitchTile: Update SIMs QS icons
b5dcee287405 DataSwitchTile: Use Mobile Data panel
76c68eb67e53 DataSwitchTile: Resolve initial tile state
587ace9702a5 DataSwitchTile: Fix issue when subId is non-binary
dc54a9fde513 SystemUI: Introduce DataSwitchTile
5e007941c44d SystemUI: Fix QS compass tile spam & instability
3408f9ebfdf4 SystemUI: Add Compass tile
3472a00f04bf SystemUI: Rewrite FPSInfoService in kt from scratch
50b88220ec5c SystemUI: FPS Info Overlay & Tile
1fbc05eb0d3a QS: Add CPUInfo toggle tile
bd0569368e66 base: add CPU info overlay
39ff733974ea OnTheGoTile: Fixed refresh state when turning off tile
a45665f2f713 SystemUI: QS: Add On-The-Go Tile
5d6dca4f65ec SystemUI: On-The-Go Mode (1/2)
243c0539ba82 Use double click effect for long swipe
ace26b7772df Optional haptic feedback on back gesture [1/2]
5c358f9f74b1 Allow to hide arrow for back gesture [1/2]
349bb7ff946e EdgeBackGestureHandler: Change back gesture height intervals
2f0a8a280419 Allow changing back gesture height [1/2]
b56bde933a3e Allow changing the length of gesture navbar [1/2]
562b40d46d1d NavigationBarInflaterView: Improve applying overlays
19f1c7db2c33 Navbar: Fix issue where pill disappears in gestural mode
70f9497a41cc Add separate tunables for navbar layout customization
bbbde1ecb95b Forward port pixel navbar animation from redfin 11 [1/2]
86e1a3d4ad09 fw/b torch: add haptic feedback
a4ca8b79ed62 UdfpsAnimations: Migrate to DisplayUtils.getScaleFactor
bfade87a926c DisplayUtils: Introduce getScaleFactor
d277201b66a6 SystemUI: UdfpsAnimation: Don't run scaleFactor on mAnimationSize
0109dada1342 SystemUI: Allow UdfpsAnimations to work with multiple resolutions
d02dfdd7fa7e biometrics: Fix udfps races
c122d149ea25 SystemUI: Improve fp ripple animation color
91f646cc9051 Bring back UDFPS icons and animations [1/3]
49a492c76a94 UdfpsController: make sure to continue with onAcquired even when pulsing
789c8086e672 base: Allow toggling screen off FOD [1/2]
65c36e63f5fd udfps: Allow devices to pulse onFingerDown instead of waking the screen
3c2de33ae894 udfps: Add support for udfps on aod without dedicated sensor
710b4aa02388 udfps: Trigger onFingerDown with regular action down events too
c1702ac35368 Fingerprint authentication vibration [1/2]
3c7f291babac base: allow disabling ripple effect on unlock [1/2]
50d8cb956485 SystemUI: Disable lockscreen album art by default [1/2]
cf50ca00af77 Add Lockscreen album art filter [1/2]
f6528ea0fc48 SystemUI: Allow to change QS tile label text size [1/2]
e40f85cb03f4 SystemUI: Update and fix QS tile layout settings
b85c94cb9b61 SystemUI: Improve vertical QS tile layout & animation
9ae43cc27338 SystemUI: Tune QS tile dimensions
967ac2f12ef4 SystemUI: Fix qs tile vertical layout scrolling
dd7551cec42f SystemUI: Add QS tile layout settings [1/2]
4eda2b16c7ff QSPanel: Add rotationX animation to quick settings tiles [1/2]
52e5fcc91bae QSPanel: Use Tuner API for QS tile animation style
cfe332e966cf QSPanel: Add animations to quick settings tiles [1/2]
52a92131892a Status bar notification: Use Material icons for missed calls
f6c7c3997f8b keyguard: Actually kill Fancy Colon
0b6096d94f36 SystemUI: Tiny expanding improvement
f42f43f7c307 ViewConfiguration: Set scroll friction to 0.012
a7f8ec02e542 Speed up Orientation Listener
6254556f9a48 Let's cut Max Excape Animation in Half
79a689d966c9 SystemUI: Hide oos clear all if reticker enable
6ad3c099c76b SystemUI: Introduce OOS style notification clear all button [1/2]
2011395ad276 SystemUI: Avoid NPE in QS footer data usage
3a7528acfae2 SystemUI: make QS footer rounded (#910)
84e0b18dd0b7 SystemUI: Match footer actions background with notifications background
2aba6d9375b6 SystemUI: Fix daily data view in QS footer
d2f3f8d8b851 SystemUI: Toggle data usage view on QS footer [1/2]
5101450b8450 SystemUI: Show daily data usage in QS footer
6a2881d6852f SystemUI: Fix multiple QS background scrim issues
fea4af19469a ScrimController: User Tuner API to apply custom alpha
0123df9a2d6e SystemUI: Transparent QS customization
76c3de2f0407 SystemUI: Refactor notification reticker
360590467fe1 base: add API for disabling gestural navigation
4e492ba52b9e reTicker: Do not jump to app when clicked in games
57116b454923 SystemUI: Add support for GameSpace
00463567ffde SwipeToScreenshot: Import MIUI implementation
571d59eb231e Improvements for swipe to screenshot
f916e1684f11 base: Add three-fingers-swipe to screenshot [1/2]
f004164be553 base: Introduce Accidental Touch
a83e256ca0d6 Move Swap capacitive buttons to Settings [1/3]
57c5b1bc2b8e Add toggle to disable HW keys [1/2]
fdb3b1fa05fa Hide power menu on secure lockscreen [1/2]
343fcc713347 Introduce customizable navbar and hardware buttons [1/3]
17feca3e79fb Revert "PhoneWindowManager: Fix wakeup and long-press actions of assistant key"
f14ba7bfc03f Switch gesture navbar to new navigation bar key event source
c31e7c7c4be1 base: Introduce new navigation bar key event source
a8edd72b7308 reTicker: Cleanup
d80060c7748e reTicker: Do not show when content/icon is null
cd2a3479d44b Use Tuner API for reTicker settings
48d97caae1d1 Properly update view for reTicker
d105454eeead Feature: reticker [1/2]
9bd51c6c43b3 Allow disabling qs on secure lockscreen [1/2]
f11252708788 Use FORCE_SHOW_NAVBAR to actually toggle navbar
1688307b6eba CentralSurfacesImpl: Clean messy tuner API usage
4fa38bf2c1b4 Calm down attention service logspam
9963ec53a053 base: Update few drawables
3a338ee6fca1 ServiceRegistry: Don't throw an exception if OEM_LOCK is missing
349e4f792e17 Fix incorrect context classloader initialization in system_server
89a4805a4e04 Fix MtpDatabase multithreading NullPointerException
45701522eaf9 BackupAgent: Add backup shared mode
6195c4a4d84a EventLog: Disable event writing in production builds
b9861462ef13 ripple: Replace with Fluent Design-inspired animation
eac6aad9b7f8 PowerMenu: Hide emergency affordance if not selected
2974a4140738 Prefer `Boolean.valueOf()` to `new Boolean()`
b06d16ae2ef9 Fix the problem that system apps cannot drag
3fcdae3be90b Fix exception caused by system app setting wallpaper
5da446c77abc Fix sticky firstEventAfterDiscontinuity setting
1535dc64ab06 Prevent FGS notification from exceeding allowed
5fd13f9afa65 Move SkiaCanvas::Clip above SkiaCanvas::SkiaCanvas
91fc767c1f54 app_process: Fix className check
56d67c12d03e Telephony: Fix the record output
c2903b77da7f make sure mSurfaceLock.unlock can be executed in unlockCanvasAndPost
bf6158200c5e Prefer valueOf() to boxed primitive constructors
c118e89af0fe Switch to source build of JavaPoet.
f09cc0d591ea Allow passing in a category override to aapt2
45b10f5cd807 Add FULL_ACCESS_CELL_BROADCAST_HISTORY permission to shell for CellBroadcast MTS test.
f941cf895986 Make LoadClass collect garbage as promised
1f34cfceae37 Fix stack-use-after-scope for a `std::string`
7dffdc61b549 Fix C compatibility in AMidi.h.
d63e99c2e845 audio: Provide boxed types for remaining primitive types
d092b6d9c32f fix: isMultiUserSupported in TestDevice does not reflect real value
433899af2e1a Run additional compat checks for checkapi
21f9825587a2 Explicitly discard released proto strings in test.
363fa6ae5d7d Replace usages of Context.getUserId() by Context.getUser()
aa25eb1540e9 Explicitly discard released proto strings.
913ae87670e8 Add a missing test dependency for StagedRollbackTest
491eb1750cbc Add null pointer check to avoid system crash.
1fc12aadd9dc Unpin staledataclass-annotation-processor from Java 8
2097133355bc base: Add crDroid utils
73533bd9e68b services: Skip access check for matlog shipped with rom
159121f832a6 QSPanel: Fix NPE in updateViewPositions()
b0043b49ab6c QSPanel: Don't crash when not using media player
0843307ddae6 display: Don't reset brightness adjustment on clearUserDataPoints()
6dd369008a5a display: Force a reset if brightness adjustment is changed directly
e7aff2312762 Do not brighten when dim state or low power mode.
67660589cfc2 SystemUI: BrightnessController: do not update slider from DisplayManager callback if user is changing brightness
46c9eb6988d4 SystemUI: Clean up and fix QQS Brightness slider padding
3772b6b74e15 Brightness slider: Fix issues with media mode
6e4f83cfe34d Bring back QQS brightness slider
f1495b797084 Revert "Remove QQS brightness controller"
69fbac52fe03 Allow tuning position for brightness slider
75db014c32ec SystemUI: Allow toggling privacy indicators [1/2]
e034bf2c7838 SystemUI: Kill old privacy indicator icons completely
40da72d4855b Battery Styles: Add BatteryBar [1/2]
d68b70296994 Add null checks
7a0ff16fe59f CtsWindowManagerDeviceTestCases android.server.wm.KeyguardTests#testResumeDismissKeyguardActivityFromBackground --fail
3add7a902bb1 CursorWindow_test: fix leaks
513ef1615397 Catch exceptions from prepareUserStorage() in loadPrivatePackagesInner()
6f0699d01501 Update various corner radiuses to align with AOSP apps
7da678f91feb Fix potential race condition problem
6c4c0e063dbc wm: Migrate deprecated getColor to one with Theme
ce52a7e56c19 Toast: Fix the concurrency problem of mAuthenticator
07d4ed6640c1 Fix the NullPointerException in Android S Version:mServicesData
a221339fc5cc Fix the logic of parsing profilebootclasspath flags.
a3ba8c345326 Fix for NullPointerException in SmsMessage
7c1de4bd8d3c BatteryStatsService: limit logspam
55a926113fb7 Fix potential crash when exit splash screen
8066b98dcc47 Syncronize frameowrk and ImsStack operation for ImsFeatureStatusCallback.
dbbc420a339e Accessibility BinderProxy leak
5d6def20031f ViewRootImpl: Fixed memory leak caussed by viewrootImpl objects
18567ccd656b ViewRootImpl: Set max fling ticks per sec to 24
7cda690d3cb0 Fix ViewConfiguration's ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
4dc151531598 ListView: Disable dividers by default
0ab2b6d49ff5 base: Update ic_doc_folder drawable to MD2
7ea8d173a94e InputWrapper: Opt out early if session == null
d76531f854a1 Screenshot: Remove text from expanded screenshot chip
6b7010aaa2e7 Change DropboxRateLimiter to rate limit proto tombstones and regular tombstones separately.
d4a5aea53707 fix MediaRouter error callback
3f3251517a0c Apply wakelock for notification sound
6318c18361d8 Change the order of Notification writeToParcel
63f5b7a4a85e Do not assistant delay for media notifications
32f7d3c0d2c7 Return no optmization info for package "android".
ca041cf8573b neko/Cat: Mark FLAG_IMMUTABLE PendingIntent with FLAG_MUTABLE
421ea10f559b Link dialog radius to config_dialogCornerRadius
fa47519f1525 SettingsLib: Fix nav bar color on certain apps
95743f181f91 Set navbar color for device default settings theme
fa95aa6d0952 BatteryService: Switch Dash charging status path to an overlay
34957a98edfb BatteryService: Switch Warp charging status path to an overlay
f03650744113 BatteryService: Add support for oem fast charger detection
96355b059e69 BatteryService: Add Turbo power charging support
fa97a3eea965 BatteryService: Add VOOC charging support
1c7b8872202a BatteryService: Add Warp charging support
e80807fcd0f2 BatteryService: Add Dash charging support
01048191d1b0 SystemUI: Add current divider config for lockscreen charging
c44a6c169418 KeyguardIndication: fix fc on lockscreen charging info
d149c9bb140c Lockscreen charging info: show decimal in battery temperature
c9d30664953c SystemUI: keyguard show charging watt
3b1d58e621af LockscreenCharging: squashed (1/3)
6e41d945464e SystemUI: Fix QS customizer corner radius
58e0b999ad2d SystemUI: Fix tuner pref for bluetooth
182d26903e38 SystemUI: Add missing init for isDeviceProvisioned in PhoneStatusBarPolicy
3069dc9b59dc SystemUI: Add ability to toggle bluetooth battery level [1/2]
86f42d55eca3 SystemUI: Show battery level for all devices
ca4539fb5ad8 SystemUI: Option to disable Data Disabled Indicator icon [1/2]
8e9d0dfbceb2 SystemUI: Allow using 4G icon instead LTE [1/2]
3909c79d34e9 SystemUI: Make roaming indicator optional [1/2]
a3060a99dcc3 SystemUI: old style mobile indicator layout fixes
7b6fb0288f41 SystemUI: Allow to use old style icons as default [1/2]
f4c7f6fb47b6 SystemUI: Improve mobile data style switch logic
2ca4f308b773 SystemUI: Old style mobile data indicators [1/2]
3506ba1e9054 base: Custom vibration pattern per notification channel [1/3]
149497c03819 base: Allow choosing a custom vibration pattern [1/4]
21a041690c58 base: Add vibration patterns from OOS [1/3]
070bc7aba7cd Battery light: 100% charged level (1/3)
2f539d4c9974 NavigationBarInflater: Change overlay for no hint
c6d5d42ccc4e base: Add DND & Rate settings to flash on call [1/3]
2ec6908cbb4b base: Allow to flash on call only when entirely silent [1/3]
009b3c9057b9 Add Flashlight blink on incoming calls [1/3]
a01592becc57 base: Incall vibration options [1/3]
b4dc1a99ad75 Phone ringtone setting for Multi SIM device [1/3]
86b34fcbaaad SystemUI: Update notification count overlay
33dbfe2bc967 SystemUI: Refactor colored statusbar icons
f95fec9f308b SystemUI: Refactor notification counter
effa96f827df SystemUI: Show infinity for large notification counts
b078bb67b666 SystemUI: Forward-port notification counters [1/2]
536abf321500 SystemUI: Make app icons in statusbar optional [1/2]
179d39b3e40b SystemUI: Use app icons for notifications in statusbar
1ed897d8c1a2 SystemUI: Separate double tap to sleep on lockscreen [1/2]
3f88237052d3 NfcA: Fix an NPE in constructor
529ce65ba07c SystemUI: Re-inflate keyguard statusbar on theme change
c1c18740dc2d SystemUI: Add statusbar call strength icon to tuner prefs
1e7612b554fe SystemUI: Add switch data saver icon
86f83a6d10a9 SystemUI: Add VPN to the icon blacklist in tuner
3a90a7497b3c SystemUI: Update NFC tile drawable
464d5660693d SystemUI: Add statusbar NFC icon
2f7b65a5a814 SystemUI: Remove excess margin in few statusbar icons
2540c048a834 SystemUI: Fetch bluetooth battery level from any device
89bc4cd41b39 base: Rearrange bluetooth icon on statusbar
246a999df38a CachedBluetoothDevice: Add missing LeAudioProfile
6ad78a3ef91d CachedBluetoothDevice: Fix detecting connect fail
7fe73a1c545e Fix BluetoothRouteProvider unsync randon crash
0226e3bbd208 BluetoothControllerImpl: Synchronize mConnectedDevices access
d583756818b1 SystemUI: Use red color for low bluetooth battery
6b9e644e894d SystemUI: Refactor statusbar bluetooth icon
b96f714610a3 SystemUI: Update Bluetooth battery level assets
66b0bbc667db base: add more notification channels to blockable
28c9fd027cf6 base: fix google copy pasta error :)
b6441c9ecd63 SystemUI: set heap tracking default also with a property like all the other flags
5ed78fde02cd Disable quick QS pull down by default
01db4a5b76cc SystemUI: Add case to quick pull down status bar anywhere
d69613185355 SystemUI: Add missing location permission
1477807dc50a SystemUI: Add pixel style lockscreen weather based OmniJaws
8d72a5c5f544 SystemUI: Make weather location on lockscreen optional [1/2]
4e907313fbfc SystemUI: add enablement settings for OmniJaws keyguard slice provider
9e944d99517e SystemUI: add OmniJaws keyguard slice provider
e4c5c4480004 OmniJaws: Use google icon set by default
c8ae04e0600c OmniJaws: add force refresh hook
e43fac72e853 crdroid: Add OmniJawsClient
b1c2580fd0e8 ThemeOverlayApplier: Catch a potential NPE.
36289d622a39 ThemeOverlayController: Remove repeated monet check
c927750daa14 Battery: make fill path rounded
54854f965ac2 Battery Styles: Hide plus when showing battery percentage inside icon
448d0f8c7e51 Battery Styles: Fix percentage view on landscape battery
430d64a94a50 BatteryMeterView: Move null check to the beginning of the method.
804d7aad7f41 Battery Styles: Allow setting percent view on left [1/2]
3999dfb900bc Battery Styles: Fix landscape battery size
a27ba5604258 Battery Styles: Introduce Battery Landscape [1/2]
6f6a25ef6b47 Battery Styles: More clean up
be18cda66ad3 Battery Styles: Fix signal icon padding with Hidden style
d6d11bba3bfc Battery Styles: Show a bolt ⚡ when charging
18d1ce5b3732 Battery Styles: Introduce full circle battery style
34a53f2a2e3f Battery Styles: Readd dotted Circle to Kotlin impl
ed4633fa7053 Battery Styles: Clean up for more customizations
aef48c9fa6d7 Make center clock follow paddingTop
83843ac876bd Fix issues with center clock
07f05cf45a7b SystemUI: Fix up statusbar clock bg chip layout
5dcfed43feaf Statusbar Clock background chip [1/2]
12cd8dbdf1d0 SystemUI: Retune clock paddings
5ee29f4c266d Clock: Fix issues with hidden mode
cb25f8b7300f SystemUI: Fix clock text color on combined qs header
ea95aaeb1e6c SystemUI: Apply dark theming to split shade
a8114e099e56 SystemUI: Properly apply dark theming to clock
43aa012f200e Use position tunable to hide clock as well
8954d373fd2f Add option to auto hide status-bar clock
a4f9ffdaf6aa Statusbar clock customizations
be78c414afd7 Add separate tunable for clock seconds
6d508bdc9645 Revert "SystemUI: Network Traffic [1/3]"
a4a5518b9e60 NetworkPolicyManagerService: turn this into just a warning
d856aeac0840 core: PinSet: fixup and improve code
fccc81cebf1e Cache pin algorithms in PinSet
26ee7f4e0261 (Point) Only calculate sin and cos once
095f0b1326c0 Cache KeyStoreService
4a2210c833a1 base: use a double click effect for charging if there is no amplitude control support
9fff6bcc562b aapt: Use a std::map instead of a SortedVector
89ade78aa463 aapt: Speed up the style pruning
756a2b61e1fd SystemUI: Use proper Resolver background color
ae9a3fea3aa0 SystemUI: buttons should no longer be textAllCaps
7988cd720343 SystemUI: Fix suspicious spaces around mobile icons
79031020b24d KeyguardIndication: Fix glitchy charging info on AOD
9b4edcca0bdf KeyguardIndication: Fix glitchy charging info on lockscreen
5926e8c79d1d SystemServiceRegistry: Replace ArrayMap with HashMap for performance
3cd8407d7fbb LocalServices: Replace ArrayMap with HashMap for performance
5b3b3eaf8958 LayoutInflater: Opportunistically create views directly for performance
e28bc327807a ThemedResourceCache: Replace ArrayMap with HashMap for performance
60a4059a4ce1 Screenshot: Add delete action chip intent
d76ef1f93047 SettingsLib: Don't show system overlays on apps list
30c4294d1205 Avoid Settings app NPE on broken packages
1f5456f19add Screenrecord: Remember last used blinking dot position
8cc6a1d14a64 Screenrecord: Save preferences for permission dialog
cfda1dded7c4 Screenrecord: Add summary for HEVC encoding
03de1fa147b6 Screenrecord: Add an option to use HEVC
b2a4abf0f5a3 Screenrecord: Slightly optimize loading/saving preferences
b183f4d53ae0 Screenrecord: Allow to reduce 3 second screen record timer
70f3a9c9e945 SystemUI: Export RecordingService for External Usage
60b562fa6fd4 Screenrecord: Add an option to record for longer
b68f23ef130c Screenrecord: Make low quality bitrate scalable per device
c51c7589df41 Screenrecord: Save and load set preferences
f8b117620c35 Screenrecord: add blinking stop dot and low quality options
92eb66a5b3aa Screenrecord: Allow to select AVC codec profile level
ee86081acc66 screenrec: Save recordings in ScreenRecords
59a2066f8c42 SystemUI: allow to limit the max framerate of built-in screen recorder
a53e88d3688b SystemUI: Add delete action to screen recorder notification
896098cb8a6a SystemUI: Make popup menus more rounded
cc69bdb108ae QS: Add Sound tile
678710c306a3 QS: Open WifiPanel on LongClick
e1e90523fbc2 QS: Add and use Mobile Data panel
b6fa30f11581 QS: Add and use Bluetooth Panel instead of full Settings
f58bc7ceea56 CastTile: Fix availability of Cast Quick Setting Tile
18d81e84a1be SystemUI: Name Cellular Tile based on carrier
f601f3f6c8f7 Use brightness icon matching with slider redesign
eee0089ea7bf KernelCpuUidActiveTimeReader: Do not spam log with negative active time
28f8b59b819f SystemUI: Update default tiles as per usability
d791124faea7 SystemUI: Let screenshot window ignore screen decorations
32d28e47cad3 SettingsLib: Update 5G+ icon to Silk design
90170b7e57d0 SettingsLib: Update 4G+ icon to Silk design as well
76f22784de5c SettingsLib: Update LTE+ icon as per new Silk design
db8e39337b8e core: Fix menu popup ripple
afff3d581409 SystemUI: Update black theme package overlay
d5f191f60fb1 base: Add support for app signature spoofing
8fde79749330 Fixed a crash in settings in tts engine selection screen.
f3f2ab00657d SystemUI: Fix SystemUI Crash
95fa19a47703 CarrierConfigManager: Enable payphone call blocking option
bbb654c6f933 SystemUI: Allow using tuner API for Global settings
0325abf6eb99 TunerService: Prevent NPE with tunable
004620533b18 PixelPropsUtils: Don't spoof fewer apps
37c184fc053e PixelPropsUtils: Simplify GoogleCamera whitelisting
255113bc0666 PixelPropsUtils: Consolidate google app check
653f932bed57 PixelPropsUtils: Update game props
437ac74f5f0a PixelPropsUtils: Spoof user build
83278030bc76 PixelPropsUtils: Don't declare propsToChange as static
c0a22163de11 PixelPropsUtils: Make CTS/Play Integrity pass again
cab41b607f1c PixelPropsUtils: Set shipping level to 32 for devices >=33
b18fb445eefa PixelPropsUtils: Use actual device model name
24673c54ea10 PixelPropsUtils: Use spoofBuildGms for FP and model alteration
ecf03b980fb5 PixelPropsUtils: Allow disabling netflix spoofing [1/2]
42ff626bc152 PixelPropsUtils: Restrict P21+ features usage for 2021+ Pixel devices only
8922352522b7 Introduce PixelPropsUtils for safety net spoof [SQUASHED]
ba664b0f7e66 base: Add rounded corners to activity open/close animation
af2fcfd7d58a CarrierConfigManager: Enable LTE+ icon
b2c87babc2ab SystemUI: Speed up actions expansion animation
78375108e0a3 SystemUI: Reduce screenshot dismiss delay to 2 seconds
2ed4727c72dc SystemUI: Dismiss screenshot window on touch outside
5d402c38c681 display: Make Night Light transition more gradual
b51ba0b1e7c7 SystemUI: Remove Android build number from QS footer
1c2ff5edfb8a Kill off provider info logspam
2a496769319b Reduce log verbosity: Don't spam logcat
eca338761a8c Suppress FingerprintManager logspam
72e7154854af NightLight: Allow lower temperatures
a5ce95d224ad FATAL EXCEPTION IN SYSTEM PROCESS: android.ui
97be58f31486 aapt2: silence positional arguments warnings
90912d3f07a9 MountService: Prevent NPE with DropBoxManager
36b62866da56 base: Remove more hardcoded fonts
3863d4ec84c4 We need know which font leads to system_server crash.
635675c02afc Set alert dialog message to use system font
c6f6d48a716c graphics: Override system fonts with user-selected overlays
7f126379a0d2 styles: Use user fonts for Material UI themes
e785f0b41d97 base: fix list style alert dialog to use system font
58f4ba7e320b SettingsLib: Use framework resource for headline font
565a579dd5a6 Fix action bar font family on material themes
a62fd867541f base: styles: Use user fonts for Material UI themes
b921fb46bece Fonts: Add regular / light font config
951331d07712 base: Use font configs instead hardcoded fonts
f9a1c79fe980 Wire up default fonts with font engine
837afe8c58a8 base: Export bodyFontFamily and bodyFontFamilyMedium symbols
2976393ca0f7 ManifestConfigSource: disable debug mode
506beeec9e49 ZygoteInit: Disable debug and tracing
bfeeb7a35b6b fwb: Disable some debug/log/trace
879b97fe88f9 Trace: Disable debug tracing on production builds
f0af0030cdbc Turn off some debugs
0f81c90eab11 base: Add metric for crDroid Settings
7e56a59fe5e8 crdroid: Adapt settings for A13
8f0f23a6e813 Restore cache clean up code in PackageManagerService
3fa42d99a4ee SystemUI: Better QS detail clip animation
b6f935d5dd60 base: Update some icons to MD2
ced722b9eb13 frameworks/base: Support for third party NFC features and extensions
178109018e29 Camera: Bump up the extension jpeg processor blob size
187a5a85462c Prevent camera pipeline stall due to ImageReader close lock
7452a532faea Camera: Remove GPS_LOCATION if set() is called with null
de794265e4ce Camera: Register LensShadingMap marshaler
8ebe2e8ad704 Camera: Fix null pointer access
f28befdd5478 Camera: Fix size list parceling
fda1cba922db Camera: Remove 3 processed streams combination for stream use case
97be9b505bb5 Camera: Avoid possible NPE after extension session configuration
d7eb78cb0955 camera: Add backwards-compatible CaptureResultExtras constructor
b7acbe022225 Camera: Expose aux camera if packagename is null
706bf2112181 CameraDeviceImpl: Don't crash when checking input configuration failed
f6334873b640 Fix crash when init QrCamera to start preview
66ac137f4e2a camera2: Add non burst sizes to mandatory streams for ultra high resolution sensors
d01ee169f799 Select the proper request list size
de36c1f374dc Camera: Clearing exception for Extended Face
2706f7e9f312 Camera: Don't crash when trying to disable shutter sound
423165174cc3 Camera: Don't throw exceptions when value pairs have spaces in them
bce5c87eb7b8 Camera: Add feature extensions
79f581ba6eca Camera: Prevent crash with prebuilt camera metadata
092299eb258e Camera: Extend face detection
5c504045f480 Camera: Ignore torch status update for aux or composite camera
4517f0fa6307 CameraManager: Fixup exposing aux camera to apps
3312831b87ae Fix Photosphere/Camera FCs
ec70fc701b84 Allow sending vendor- or device-specific commands to the camera HAL.
9ccb81ebcc57 Camera2: Notify fps as Session Based Parameter
ee45cdf2f9c2 camera: Allow selected camera apps to skip unconfigure
e3b3fd3ca352 base: Add stub files

* frameworks/native
7aba90a006 Merge 'lineage-20.0' into 13.0

* lineage-sdk
54078f4b Merge 'lineage-20.0' into 13.0

* packages/apps/Backgrounds
6d42434 Merge 'lineage-20.0' into 13.0

* packages/apps/Contacts
92e1d5afe Merge 'lineage-20.0' into 13.0

* packages/apps/DeskClock
aac3d6981 Merge 'lineage-20.0' into 13.0

* packages/apps/Dialer
323552d96 Merge 'lineage-20.0' into 13.0

* packages/apps/Eleven
a516757 Merge 'lineage-20.0' into 13.0

* packages/apps/LineageParts
d36a669 Merge 'lineage-20.0' into 13.0

* packages/apps/Messaging
edb8e27 Merge 'lineage-20.0' into 13.0

* packages/apps/Settings
78a37c07de Merge 'lineage-20.0' into 13.0

* packages/apps/SetupWizard
7826df0 Merge 'lineage-20.0' into 13.0

* packages/apps/ThemePicker
84d5ba3e Merge 'lineage-20.0' into 13.0

* packages/apps/Updater
f07b22e New Crowdin updates (#54)
b1d286f Update Crowdin configuration file
3b7586f Correct changelog URL (#41)
c9ffce5 Updater: Point 13.0 sources
eb93011 Updater: Move strings for translation
8cdd2ab Revert "Updater: layout: activity_updates: add spacing.."
f6dd0a0 Updater: Rework drawables for support links
f4c22c4 Updater: Update parsed info whenever data is refreshed
f53fc8e Updater: Properly add visible strings
e7e4787 Updater: add support links and some more info
cf088a8 Updater: Use headline font for activity header
7a66d93 Updater: adapt to new changelog url
ab54f00 Updater: Hide recovery update option by default
6d6ccb1 Updater: Nuke Lineage's website on installation blocked dialog
02f908e Updater: Initial adaption for crdroid
f192960 Updater: Change package name to avoid conflict
83c87ff Updater: add support for local updates
b6743d1 Ship as crDroid based on LOS

* packages/inputmethods/LatinIME
02517f671 Merge 'lineage-20.0' into 13.0

* packages/services/Telecomm
d268335ae Merge 'lineage-20.0' into 13.0

* vendor/lineage
c21e6096 crdroid: Bump to version 9.5
49a667a3 overlay: Set components from pixel device
98dba59d Revert "Revert "config: Build NavigationBarMode2ButtonOverlay""
08189b9d crdroid: Update Pixel props
fc1c3972 common: Enable R8 optimizations for system_server and SystemUI
d44b9c87 overlay: Settings: Show memory usage in app info
206b66f3 overlay: SystemUI: Offload WM shell to another thread
7ca71bcf overlay: Partially disable gms chimera service
04d07072 overlay: Add google OTA to global disabledComponent
4325a119 crdroid: Bump to version 9.4
9fd6048e overlay: Allow gms to access persistent data partition
983c905a crdroid: Remove BETA tag
f8cf527a crdroid: Bump to version 9.3-BETA
72538f1a crdroid: Introduce App Lock [4/4]
a7c91bf9 prebuilts: sdk: Add latest preference-ktx library
3ede9de6 crdroid: Bump to version 9.2
32fa5284 overlay: Enable QR Code scanner on Lock Screen
4fecb492 vendor: soong: Add camera_needs_client_info_lib
d50336c4 soong: Add support to set vendor tag with client package name
66458f05 soong: Remove unused cflags for TARGET_ALTERNATIVE_FUTEX_WAITERS
a3fff957 crdroid: Minimize debug info
fc430df2 crdroid: Bump to version 9.1
cd08d011 overlay: Settings: Set styles/wallpaper picker action name
498293c9 crdroid: Build ParallelSpace
9888bf39 vendor: soong: Add target_alternative_futex_waiters
5024b77a crdroid: Inherit several Android Go configurations
48d3273c crdroid: Speed profile services and wifi-service to reduce RAM and storage
fe768d9f Revert "config: Remove TARGET_CAMERA_BOOTTIME_TIMESTAMP"
c50bbef0 overlay: Add tethering to location exemption
99de50eb crdroid: qcom: Allow a device to manually override which HALs it wants to use
cddb811f bacon: remove additional echo
9bcdfd86 createjson.sh: generate blank device json file on unofficial
61dcc305 overlay: Add SystemUI to location extra packages
fff6b0a9 overlay: Add OmniJaws to location extra packages
d0f33b18 build: Disable ABI checks
911d1a6b crdroid: Smart Charging (4/4)
d55fa97e roomservice: get me some crDroid
dd51b73d Revert "roomservice: Use mirror manifest instead of search API"
07a85fed Revert "roomservice: Read all local manifests"
6a8b9e5f overlay: Update SettingsProvider defaults
6e1754d3 config: Properly disable blur on app launch
0f710e36 apns: Update mobily APN for prepaid connection
a1f2e29f config: Cleanup and update common props from Pixel
de98c247 config: Optimize Launcher3 and Settings for speed
3a44a2ad build: Override host metadata
b5eadd1c apns: Grameenphone uses APN 'gpinternet'
ec6a3a45 Revert "overlay: Default to Seedvault backup transport"
c4252d89 crdroid: Generate OTA json at build time
fa39f3ff crdroid: Drop custom adb drawable
3bb75b23 crdroid: Clean up wallpaper overlay
669e1002 crdroid: Moved bootanimation to addons
1ce3f633 build: Ship as crDroid based on LOS
2c8ef718 crdroid: Remove TrebuchetOverlay
be9a044a crdroid: Add changelog script
4d850217 vars: Update kernels for May security update
72613567 vars: Drop unused prev_* vars
f0331425 vars: May 2023 Security update
16370640 vars: Add some vars to remove hardcoding in scripts

crDroid v9.6-BETA - Xiaomi 11 Pro
Updated: 26/06/'23


• pre-release version
• Updates will not be pushed via OTA
im telegram gabs eine wichtige Nachricht zu dem 9.6 update.
man soll vorher den privaten DNS ausstellen, bzw auf automatisch stellen, falls man einen privaten DNS gesetzt hat, bevor
man von 9.5 auf 9.6 updated, sonst gibts einen bootloop
crDroid v9.7 - Xiaomi 11 Pro | OFFICIAL
Updated: 17/07/'23


Highlights & Device Specific Changes:
Build type: Monthly
Device: Xiaomi 11 Pro (mars)
Device maintainer: Flower Sea
Required firmware: build-in

fix ims related issues

New implementation of udfps long press sensor
Build Lineage Health HAL (charge control)
Updated from miui_STARGlobal_V14.0.2.0.TKAMIXM
drop Misound
drop per app maximum refresh rate


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