Sony Xperia M4 Aqua - Bootloop, Brick, und andere Gründe für den Nichtstart des OS

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ich bekomme derzeit nur noch Bootloops bis zur Sprachauswahl wo es dann hängt also ich nix auswählen kann und dann startet es automatisch neu.
Hab mittels Flashtool mehrfach die Originale Firmware drauf gespielt und hab mich an diese Anleitung gehalten.
hab nun auch TWRP Recovery installiert und damit auch schon auf Werkseinstellungen zurückgesetzt, habe aber immer noch den Bootloop.
Leider hab ich keine TWRP Sicherung von diesen Handy die testen könnte.

Hat irgendjemand noch Ideen?

Besitze M4 Aqua, nicht Dual Sim

edit: erstmal danke an Darkman fürs verschieben und Titel ändern.

Ich habs selbst geschafft :)
Also ich verwendete vorhin E2303_26.1.A.2.99_Central Europe1 aber diesmal E2303_26.1.A.3.111_CE.
Beim Sony Mobile Flasher unter Wipe und Misc Reset Customizations Häckchen gesetzt
Danach erstmal 1 mal starten lassen um die Setup einstellungen zu machen und danach erst vorsichtshalber TWRP installiert.

Was davon der springende Punkt war damits nun geht, kann ich nicht sagen. Vielleicht kanns ein anderer ergänzen.

Ich werd erstmal twrp sicherung machen :)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Ich schätze mal du hast vorher schlicht die Wipes vergessen, wie viele beim ersten mal ;)
Ich habe veruchst mit dem Xperia Flasching Tool
Meinen Bootloader wieder zusperren. Danach boot das Handy aber nicht mehr und bleibt im Fastboot. Rest hilft auch nicht.
Erst wenn ich den Bootloader wieder unlock startet das Handy wieder.
Ich habe die Firmware 26.3.A.0.131 drauf

02/027/2016 18:27:30 - INFO - Flashtool Version built on 08-06-2016 22:30:00
02/027/2016 18:27:30 - INFO - Executing search strategies to find proxy selector
02/027/2016 18:27:30 - INFO - No proxy found for IE. Trying next one
02/027/2016 18:27:30 - INFO - Proxy found for firefox
02/027/2016 18:27:30 - INFO - Syncing devices from github
02/027/2016 18:27:30 - INFO - Opening devices repository.
02/027/2016 18:27:30 - INFO - Scanning devices folder for changes.
02/027/2016 18:27:34 - INFO - Pulling changes from github.
02/027/2016 18:27:35 - INFO - Quietly closing devices repository.
02/027/2016 18:27:35 - INFO - Devices sync finished.
02/027/2016 18:27:35 - INFO - Loading devices database
02/027/2016 18:27:35 - INFO - Loaded 94 devices
02/027/2016 18:27:35 - INFO - Starting phone detection
02/027/2016 18:27:36 - INFO - Please connect your device into flashmode.
02/027/2016 18:27:39 - INFO - Device connected in flash mode
02/027/2016 18:27:39 - INFO - Opening device for R/W
02/027/2016 18:27:40 - INFO - Reading device information
02/027/2016 18:27:40 - INFO - Phone ready for flashmode operations.
02/027/2016 18:27:40 - INFO - Opening TA partition 2
02/027/2016 18:27:40 - INFO - Current device : E2303 - YT9113B6LB - 1295-6657_R3C - 1291-5963_26.3.A.0.131 - GENERIC_26.3.A.0.131
02/027/2016 18:27:40 - INFO - Closing TA partition
02/027/2016 18:27:40 - INFO - No loader in the bundle. Searching for one
02/027/2016 18:27:40 - INFO - Processing loader.sin
02/027/2016 18:27:40 - INFO - Checking header
02/027/2016 18:27:40 - INFO - Flashing data
02/027/2016 18:27:41 - INFO - Loader : S1_Root_54c8 - Version : MSM8936_14 / Boot version : S1_Boot_MSM8939_LA2.0_207 / Bootloader status : ROOTED
02/027/2016 18:27:41 - INFO - Max packet size set to 512K
02/027/2016 18:27:41 - INFO - Opening TA partition 2
02/027/2016 18:27:41 - INFO - Start Reading unit 00 00 08 B2
02/027/2016 18:27:41 - INFO - Reading TA finished.
02/027/2016 18:27:41 - INFO - Closing TA partition
02/027/2016 18:27:41 - INFO - Unlock code saved to C:\Users\Richard\.flashTool\registeredDevices\YT9113B6LB\ulcode.txt
02/028/2016 18:28:42 - INFO - Relocking device
02/028/2016 18:28:42 - INFO - Opening TA partition 2
02/028/2016 18:28:42 - INFO - Writing TA unit 000008B2. Value :
02/028/2016 18:28:42 - INFO - Closing TA partition
02/028/2016 18:28:42 - INFO - Relock finished
02/028/2016 18:28:45 - INFO - Ending flash session
02/028/2016 18:28:45 - INFO - You can now unplug and restart your device
02/028/2016 18:28:46 - INFO - Device connected in flash mode
02/028/2016 18:28:46 - INFO - Device disconnected

Kann sich der Relook code geändert haben?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
03/001/2016 00:01:36 - INFO - Flashtool Version built on 08-06-2016 22:30:00
03/001/2016 00:01:36 - INFO - Executing search strategies to find proxy selector
03/001/2016 00:01:36 - INFO - No proxy found for IE. Trying next one
03/001/2016 00:01:36 - INFO - Proxy found for firefox
03/001/2016 00:01:36 - INFO - Syncing devices from github
03/001/2016 00:01:37 - INFO - Opening devices repository.
03/001/2016 00:01:37 - INFO - Scanning devices folder for changes.
03/001/2016 00:01:41 - INFO - Pulling changes from github.
03/001/2016 00:01:41 - INFO - Quietly closing devices repository.
03/001/2016 00:01:41 - INFO - Devices sync finished.
03/001/2016 00:01:41 - INFO - Loading devices database
03/001/2016 00:01:41 - INFO - Loaded 94 devices
03/001/2016 00:01:41 - INFO - Starting phone detection
03/001/2016 00:01:48 - INFO - Device connected with USB debugging off
03/001/2016 00:01:48 - INFO - For 2011 devices line, be sure you are not in MTP mode
03/012/2016 00:12:04 - INFO - Creating bundle for Xperia M4 Aqua Customized DE 26.3.A.0.131
03/012/2016 00:12:16 - INFO - Adding loader.sin to the bundle as loader.sin
03/012/2016 00:12:16 - INFO - Streaming from file : C:\Users\Richard\.flashTool\firmwares\Downloads\E2303_Customized DE_1295-6657_26.3.A.0.131_R3C\loader.sin
03/012/2016 00:12:16 - INFO - Adding default.fsc to the bundle as default.fsc
03/012/2016 00:12:16 - INFO - Streaming from file : C:\Users\Richard\.flashTool\devices\E23XX\default.fsc
03/012/2016 00:12:16 - INFO - Adding amss_fsg_S1-MODEMSW-LIVE-54C8-PID1-0005-MMC.sin to the bundle as amss_fsg.sin
03/012/2016 00:12:16 - INFO - Streaming from file : C:\Users\Richard\.flashTool\firmwares\Downloads\E2303_Customized DE_1295-6657_26.3.A.0.131_R3C\amss_fsg_S1-MODEMSW-LIVE-54C8-PID1-0005-MMC.sin
03/012/2016 00:12:16 - INFO - Adding amss_fs_1_S1-MODEMSW-LIVE-54C8-PID1-0005-MMC.sin to the bundle as amss_fs_1.sin
03/012/2016 00:12:16 - INFO - Streaming from file : C:\Users\Richard\.flashTool\firmwares\Downloads\E2303_Customized DE_1295-6657_26.3.A.0.131_R3C\amss_fs_1_S1-MODEMSW-LIVE-54C8-PID1-0005-MMC.sin
03/012/2016 00:12:16 - INFO - Adding amss_fs_2_S1-MODEMSW-LIVE-54C8-PID1-0005-MMC.sin to the bundle as amss_fs_2.sin
03/012/2016 00:12:16 - INFO - Streaming from file : C:\Users\Richard\.flashTool\firmwares\Downloads\E2303_Customized DE_1295-6657_26.3.A.0.131_R3C\amss_fs_2_S1-MODEMSW-LIVE-54C8-PID1-0005-MMC.sin
03/012/2016 00:12:16 - INFO - Adding apps_log_S1-SW-LIVE-54C8-PID1-0005-MMC.sin to the bundle as apps_log.sin
03/012/2016 00:12:16 - INFO - Streaming from file : C:\Users\Richard\.flashTool\firmwares\Downloads\E2303_Customized DE_1295-6657_26.3.A.0.131_R3C\apps_log_S1-SW-LIVE-54C8-PID1-0005-MMC.sin
03/012/2016 00:12:16 - INFO - Adding auto-boot.ta to the bundle as auto-boot.ta
03/012/2016 00:12:16 - INFO - Streaming from file : C:\Users\Richard\.flashTool\firmwares\Downloads\E2303_Customized DE_1295-6657_26.3.A.0.131_R3C\auto-boot.ta
03/012/2016 00:12:16 - INFO - Adding boot_delivery.xml to the bundle as boot_delivery.xml
03/012/2016 00:12:16 - INFO - Streaming from file : C:\Users\Richard\.flashTool\firmwares\Downloads\E2303_Customized DE_1295-6657_26.3.A.0.131_R3C\boot\boot_delivery.xml
03/012/2016 00:12:16 - INFO - Adding rpm_AID_4_MSM8939_LA2.0_207_PLATFORM-KANUTI-LIVE-HWID0090B0E1-SWID0A-OEM1-AID4-DEBUG00_S1-BOOT-LIVE-54C8-0004-MMC.sin to the bundle
03/012/2016 00:12:16 - INFO - Adding sbl1_AID_1_MSM8939_LA2.0_207.sin to the bundle
03/012/2016 00:12:16 - INFO - Adding aboot_AID_1_MSM8939_LA2.0_207.sin to the bundle
03/012/2016 00:12:16 - INFO - Adding s1sbl_AID_1_MSM8939_LA2.0_207.sin to the bundle
03/012/2016 00:12:16 - INFO - Adding hyp_AID_4_MSM8939_LA2.0_207_PLATFORM-KANUTI-LIVE-HWID0090B0E1-SWID15-OEM1-AID4-DEBUG00_S1-BOOT-LIVE-54C8-0004-MMC.sin to the bundle
03/012/2016 00:12:16 - INFO - Adding hyp_AID_1_MSM8939_LA2.0_207.sin to the bundle
03/012/2016 00:12:16 - INFO - Adding tz_AID_1_MSM8939_LA2.0_207.sin to the bundle
03/012/2016 00:12:16 - INFO - Adding Tulip_S1BootConfig_MiscTA.ta to the bundle
03/012/2016 00:12:17 - INFO - Adding sbl1_AID_4_MSM8939_LA2.0_207_PLATFORM-KANUTI-LIVE-HWID0090B0E1-SWID00-OEM1-AID4-DEBUG00_S1-BOOT-LIVE-54C8-0004-MMC.sin to the bundle
03/012/2016 00:12:17 - INFO - Adding rpm_AID_1_MSM8939_LA2.0_207.sin to the bundle
03/012/2016 00:12:17 - INFO - Adding s1sbl_AID_4_MSM8939_LA2.0_207_PLATFORM-KANUTI-LIVE-HWID0090B0E1-SWID65-OEM1-AID4-DEBUG00_S1-BOOT-LIVE-54C8-0004-MMC.sin to the bundle
03/012/2016 00:12:17 - INFO - Adding aboot_AID_4_MSM8939_LA2.0_207_PLATFORM-KANUTI-LIVE-HWID0090B0E1-SWID09-OEM1-AID4-DEBUG00_S1-BOOT-LIVE-54C8-0004-MMC.sin to the bundle
03/012/2016 00:12:17 - INFO - Adding tz_AID_4_MSM8939_LA2.0_207_PLATFORM-KANUTI-LIVE-HWID0090B0E1-SWID07-OEM1-AID4-DEBUG00_S1-BOOT-LIVE-54C8-0004-MMC.sin to the bundle
03/012/2016 00:12:17 - INFO - Adding cache_S1-SW-LIVE-54C8-PID1-0005-MMC.sin to the bundle as cache.sin
03/012/2016 00:12:17 - INFO - Streaming from file : C:\Users\Richard\.flashTool\firmwares\Downloads\E2303_Customized DE_1295-6657_26.3.A.0.131_R3C\cache_S1-SW-LIVE-54C8-PID1-0005-MMC.sin
03/012/2016 00:12:17 - INFO - Adding cust-reset.ta to the bundle as cust-reset.ta
03/012/2016 00:12:17 - INFO - Streaming from file : C:\Users\Richard\.flashTool\firmwares\Downloads\E2303_Customized DE_1295-6657_26.3.A.0.131_R3C\cust-reset.ta
03/012/2016 00:12:17 - INFO - Adding elabel-E2303-row_201606030655449.1_26.3.A.0.131_S1-ELABEL-LIVE-54C8-PID1-0004-MMC.sin to the bundle as elabel.sin
03/012/2016 00:12:17 - INFO - Streaming from file : C:\Users\Richard\.flashTool\firmwares\Downloads\E2303_Customized DE_1295-6657_26.3.A.0.131_R3C\elabel-E2303-row_201606030655449.1_26.3.A.0.131_S1-ELABEL-LIVE-54C8-PID1-0004-MMC.sin
03/012/2016 00:12:17 - INFO - Adding fota-reset.ta to the bundle as fota-reset.ta
03/012/2016 00:12:17 - INFO - Streaming from file : C:\Users\Richard\.flashTool\firmwares\Downloads\E2303_Customized DE_1295-6657_26.3.A.0.131_R3C\fota-reset.ta
03/012/2016 00:12:17 - INFO - Adding fotakernel_S1-SW-LIVE-54C8-PID1-0005-MMC.sin to the bundle as fotakernel.sin
03/012/2016 00:12:17 - INFO - Streaming from file : C:\Users\Richard\.flashTool\firmwares\Downloads\E2303_Customized DE_1295-6657_26.3.A.0.131_R3C\fotakernel_S1-SW-LIVE-54C8-PID1-0005-MMC.sin
03/012/2016 00:12:17 - INFO - Adding kernel_S1-SW-LIVE-54C8-PID1-0005-MMC.sin to the bundle as kernel.sin
03/012/2016 00:12:17 - INFO - Streaming from file : C:\Users\Richard\.flashTool\firmwares\Downloads\E2303_Customized DE_1295-6657_26.3.A.0.131_R3C\kernel_S1-SW-LIVE-54C8-PID1-0005-MMC.sin
03/012/2016 00:12:18 - INFO - Adding modem_S1-MODEMSW-LIVE-54C8-PID1-0005-MMC.sin to the bundle as modem.sin
03/012/2016 00:12:18 - INFO - Streaming from file : C:\Users\Richard\.flashTool\firmwares\Downloads\E2303_Customized DE_1295-6657_26.3.A.0.131_R3C\modem_S1-MODEMSW-LIVE-54C8-PID1-0005-MMC.sin
03/012/2016 00:12:20 - INFO - Adding oem_S1-SW-LIVE-54C8-PID1-0005-MMC.sin to the bundle as oem.sin
03/012/2016 00:12:20 - INFO - Streaming from file : C:\Users\Richard\.flashTool\firmwares\Downloads\E2303_Customized DE_1295-6657_26.3.A.0.131_R3C\oem_S1-SW-LIVE-54C8-PID1-0005-MMC.sin
03/012/2016 00:12:23 - INFO - Adding osv-restriction.ta to the bundle as osv-restriction.ta
03/012/2016 00:12:23 - INFO - Streaming from file : C:\Users\Richard\.flashTool\firmwares\Downloads\E2303_Customized DE_1295-6657_26.3.A.0.131_R3C\osv-restriction.ta
03/012/2016 00:12:23 - INFO - Adding partitions_S1-SW-LIVE-54C8-PID1-0005-MBR.sin to the bundle as partitions.sin
03/012/2016 00:12:23 - INFO - Streaming from file : C:\Users\Richard\.flashTool\firmwares\Downloads\E2303_Customized DE_1295-6657_26.3.A.0.131_R3C\partitions_S1-SW-LIVE-54C8-PID1-0005-MBR.sin
03/012/2016 00:12:23 - INFO - Adding system_S1-SW-LIVE-54C8-PID1-0005-MMC.sin to the bundle as system.sin
03/012/2016 00:12:23 - INFO - Streaming from file : C:\Users\Richard\.flashTool\firmwares\Downloads\E2303_Customized DE_1295-6657_26.3.A.0.131_R3C\system_S1-SW-LIVE-54C8-PID1-0005-MMC.sin
03/013/2016 00:13:36 - INFO - Adding userdata_S1-SW-LIVE-54C8-PID1-0005-MMC.sin to the bundle as userdata.sin
03/013/2016 00:13:36 - INFO - Streaming from file : C:\Users\Richard\.flashTool\firmwares\Downloads\E2303_Customized DE_1295-6657_26.3.A.0.131_R3C\userdata_S1-SW-LIVE-54C8-PID1-0005-MMC.sin
03/013/2016 00:13:40 - INFO - Creating torrent file : C:\Users\Richard\.flashTool\firmwares\E2303_26.3.A.0.131_1295-6657_R3C.ftf.torrent
03/013/2016 00:13:43 - INFO - Torrent file creation finished
03/018/2016 00:18:27 - INFO - Selected Bundle for Sony Xperia M4 Aqua(E2303). FW release : 26.3.A.0.131. Customization : Customized DE
03/018/2016 00:18:27 - INFO - Preparing files for flashing
03/018/2016 00:18:41 - INFO - Please connect your device into flashmode.
03/018/2016 00:18:45 - INFO - Device disconnected
03/018/2016 00:18:47 - INFO - Device connected with USB debugging off
03/018/2016 00:18:47 - INFO - For 2011 devices line, be sure you are not in MTP mode
03/018/2016 00:18:49 - INFO - Device disconnected
03/019/2016 00:19:23 - INFO - Device connected in flash mode
03/019/2016 00:19:24 - INFO - Opening device for R/W
03/019/2016 00:19:24 - INFO - Reading device information
03/019/2016 00:19:24 - INFO - Phone ready for flashmode operations.
03/019/2016 00:19:24 - INFO - Opening TA partition 2
03/019/2016 00:19:24 - INFO - Current device : E2303 - YT9113B6LB - 1295-6657_R3C - 1291-5963_26.3.A.0.131 - GENERIC_26.3.A.0.131
03/019/2016 00:19:24 - INFO - Closing TA partition
03/019/2016 00:19:24 - INFO - Start Flashing
03/019/2016 00:19:24 - INFO - Processing loader.sin
03/019/2016 00:19:24 - INFO - Checking header
03/019/2016 00:19:24 - INFO - Flashing data
03/019/2016 00:19:25 - INFO - Loader : S1_Root_54c8 - Version : MSM8936_17 / Boot version : S1_Boot_MSM8939_LA2.0_207 / Bootloader status : ROOTED
03/019/2016 00:19:25 - INFO - Max packet size set to 512K
03/019/2016 00:19:25 - INFO - USB buffer size set to 512K
03/019/2016 00:19:25 - INFO - Parsing boot delivery
03/019/2016 00:19:25 - INFO - Found a template session. Using it : C:\Users\Richard\.flashTool\firmwares\prepared\default.fsc
03/019/2016 00:19:25 - INFO - Opening TA partition 2
03/019/2016 00:19:25 - INFO - Writing TA unit 00002774. Value : 01
03/019/2016 00:19:25 - INFO - Closing TA partition
03/019/2016 00:19:25 - INFO - Processing partitions.sin
03/019/2016 00:19:25 - INFO - Checking header
03/019/2016 00:19:25 - INFO - Flashing data
03/019/2016 00:19:25 - INFO - Opening TA partition 2
03/019/2016 00:19:25 - INFO - Processing aboot_AID_4_MSM8939_LA2.0_207_PLATFORM-KANUTI-LIVE-HWID0090B0E1-SWID09-OEM1-AID4-DEBUG00_S1-BOOT-LIVE-54C8-0004-MMC.sin
03/019/2016 00:19:25 - INFO - Checking header
03/019/2016 00:19:25 - INFO - Flashing data
03/019/2016 00:19:25 - INFO - Processing hyp_AID_4_MSM8939_LA2.0_207_PLATFORM-KANUTI-LIVE-HWID0090B0E1-SWID15-OEM1-AID4-DEBUG00_S1-BOOT-LIVE-54C8-0004-MMC.sin
03/019/2016 00:19:25 - INFO - Checking header
03/019/2016 00:19:25 - INFO - Flashing data
03/019/2016 00:19:25 - INFO - Processing rpm_AID_4_MSM8939_LA2.0_207_PLATFORM-KANUTI-LIVE-HWID0090B0E1-SWID0A-OEM1-AID4-DEBUG00_S1-BOOT-LIVE-54C8-0004-MMC.sin
03/019/2016 00:19:25 - INFO - Checking header
03/019/2016 00:19:25 - INFO - Flashing data
03/019/2016 00:19:26 - INFO - Processing s1sbl_AID_4_MSM8939_LA2.0_207_PLATFORM-KANUTI-LIVE-HWID0090B0E1-SWID65-OEM1-AID4-DEBUG00_S1-BOOT-LIVE-54C8-0004-MMC.sin
03/019/2016 00:19:26 - INFO - Checking header
03/019/2016 00:19:26 - INFO - Flashing data
03/019/2016 00:19:26 - INFO - Processing sbl1_AID_4_MSM8939_LA2.0_207_PLATFORM-KANUTI-LIVE-HWID0090B0E1-SWID00-OEM1-AID4-DEBUG00_S1-BOOT-LIVE-54C8-0004-MMC.sin
03/019/2016 00:19:26 - INFO - Checking header
03/019/2016 00:19:26 - INFO - Flashing data
03/019/2016 00:19:26 - INFO - Closing TA partition
03/019/2016 00:19:26 - INFO - Opening TA partition 2
03/019/2016 00:19:26 - INFO - Writing TA unit 0000084F. Value : 1A CE 33 00 01 00 08 05 00 02 02 32 00 10 03 00 02 04 02 05 00 01 02 33 00 10 05 00 03 02 0B 00 10 02 00 05 85 05 00 05 82 33 00 10 02 00 04 85 05 00 04 82 0B 00 10 12 00 02 00 48 EE BE BA 48 EE 00 00 A9 09 BE BA A9 09 00 00 04 00 03 00 02 00 04 00 04 00 B0 04 0E 00 06 00 B8 0B 01 4B 00 00 00 03 96 00 2C 01 03 00 09 00 01
03/019/2016 00:19:26 - INFO - Writing TA unit 000008FD. Value : 00
03/019/2016 00:19:26 - INFO - Closing TA partition
03/019/2016 00:19:26 - INFO - Opening TA partition 2
03/019/2016 00:19:26 - INFO - Processing tz_AID_4_MSM8939_LA2.0_207_PLATFORM-KANUTI-LIVE-HWID0090B0E1-SWID07-OEM1-AID4-DEBUG00_S1-BOOT-LIVE-54C8-0004-MMC.sin
03/019/2016 00:19:26 - INFO - Checking header
03/019/2016 00:19:26 - INFO - Flashing data
03/019/2016 00:19:27 - INFO - Closing TA partition
03/019/2016 00:19:27 - INFO - Opening TA partition 2
03/019/2016 00:19:27 - INFO - Processing cache.sin
03/019/2016 00:19:27 - INFO - Checking header
03/019/2016 00:19:27 - INFO - Flashing data
03/019/2016 00:19:28 - INFO - Processing modem.sin
03/019/2016 00:19:28 - INFO - Checking header
03/019/2016 00:19:28 - INFO - Flashing data
03/019/2016 00:19:39 - INFO - Processing apps_log.sin
03/019/2016 00:19:39 - INFO - Checking header
03/019/2016 00:19:39 - INFO - Flashing data
03/019/2016 00:19:41 - INFO - Processing fotakernel.sin
03/019/2016 00:19:41 - INFO - Checking header
03/019/2016 00:19:41 - INFO - Flashing data
03/019/2016 00:19:46 - INFO - Processing kernel.sin
03/019/2016 00:19:46 - INFO - Checking header
03/019/2016 00:19:46 - INFO - Flashing data
03/019/2016 00:19:51 - INFO - Closing TA partition
03/019/2016 00:19:51 - INFO - Opening TA partition 2
03/019/2016 00:19:51 - INFO - Processing userdata.sin
03/019/2016 00:19:51 - INFO - Checking header
03/019/2016 00:19:51 - INFO - Flashing data
03/020/2016 00:20:27 - INFO - Processing amss_fs_1.sin
03/020/2016 00:20:27 - INFO - Checking header
03/020/2016 00:20:27 - INFO - Flashing data
03/020/2016 00:20:28 - INFO - Processing amss_fs_2.sin
03/020/2016 00:20:28 - INFO - Checking header
03/020/2016 00:20:28 - INFO - Flashing data
03/020/2016 00:20:28 - INFO - Processing amss_fsg.sin
03/020/2016 00:20:28 - INFO - Checking header
03/020/2016 00:20:28 - INFO - Flashing data
03/020/2016 00:20:28 - INFO - Processing oem.sin
03/020/2016 00:20:28 - INFO - Checking header
03/020/2016 00:20:28 - INFO - Flashing data
03/020/2016 00:20:45 - INFO - Processing system.sin
03/020/2016 00:20:45 - INFO - Checking header
03/020/2016 00:20:45 - INFO - Flashing data
03/029/2016 00:29:13 - INFO - Closing TA partition
03/029/2016 00:29:13 - INFO - Opening TA partition 2
03/029/2016 00:29:13 - INFO - Writing TA unit 000008A4. Value : 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
03/029/2016 00:29:13 - INFO - Closing TA partition
03/029/2016 00:29:13 - INFO - Opening TA partition 2
03/029/2016 00:29:13 - INFO - Closing TA partition
03/029/2016 00:29:13 - INFO - Opening TA partition 2
03/029/2016 00:29:13 - WARN - Unit 2404 not found in bundle
03/029/2016 00:29:13 - INFO - Closing TA partition
03/029/2016 00:29:13 - INFO - Opening TA partition 2
03/029/2016 00:29:13 - INFO - Closing TA partition
03/029/2016 00:29:13 - INFO - Opening TA partition 2
03/029/2016 00:29:13 - INFO - Processing elabel.sin
03/029/2016 00:29:13 - INFO - Checking header
03/029/2016 00:29:13 - INFO - Flashing data
03/029/2016 00:29:17 - INFO - Closing TA partition
03/029/2016 00:29:17 - INFO - Opening TA partition 2
03/029/2016 00:29:17 - INFO - Writing TA unit 00002725. Value : 32 30 31 36 2D 31 30 2D 30 33 20 30 30 3A 32 39 3A 31 37 00
03/029/2016 00:29:17 - INFO - Writing TA unit 00002774. Value : 00
03/029/2016 00:29:17 - INFO - Closing TA partition
03/029/2016 00:29:17 - INFO - Ending flash session
03/029/2016 00:29:17 - INFO - Flashing finished.
03/029/2016 00:29:17 - INFO - Please unplug and start your phone
03/029/2016 00:29:17 - INFO - For flashtool, Unknown Sources and Debugging must be checked in phone settings

mal schauen was jetzt wieder nimmer geht...
Hallo,leider konnte ich keine M4 Abteilung finden. Ich habe ein M4 aqua,welches ich noch versuche über Garantie zu tauschen.das problem ist das es beim einschalten nach dem sony logo sofort ein blauer bildschirm kommt. Ich habe auch schon vesucht es mit sony companion zu Repararieren,aber ohne erfolg.könnt ihr mir helfen ?

Ich habe ein Problem mit meinem Sony XPeria M4.
Und zwar kam heute aus dem Nichts ein Boot-Loop, ich habe versucht, das Handy zu resetten und sogar es mit dem XPeria Companion vom PC aus zu reparieren, auch das hat nichts gebracht.
Habt ihr eine Idee, was ich sonst noch machen kann, damit das Ding heute noch funktioniert?

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