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Habe zufällig ein Rom für unser Tab entdeckt.
(ROM) (Tab 3 7.0) Inspire v1.4 (SM-T210/SM-T210R) (4.1.2) (May 29th 2014) - xda-developers
v1.4 Features:
Based on stockrom series v5.0 with 4.1.2 Jellybean Software
Using Blackhawk kernel 2.1 for better performance
Latest xposed installer installed into system
Greenify Installed into system
Removed stock Samsung My Files app
Debloated Rom that runs really good! This is a Daily Driver
Brand New TV Shutdown Animation when you power off your tablet
Busybox installed into xbin and comes already installed
Next Browser included for a better browsing experience
LMT Launcher app installed into system
Great battery life when using rom
Standard Samsung Setup wizard included for normal setup of services and other things
Removed Stock Sammy Calculator
Inverted Dropbox app Installed into system
Galaxy S5 power-on sound at boot of device
Included stock samsung music player
Stock Internet Browser included
Cyanogenmod calculator app installed into system
Cyanogenmod File Manager app Installed into system
Cyanogenmod Gallery app installed into system
Removed Samsung Weather Wigdet
Removed Samsung Memo App
S-voice Is now removed and rom is much faster without it, also it's annoying sometimes!
Fast and responsive Rom with almost no lag for basic and moderate use!
HKthememanager xposed app installed into system
ES File Explorer installed into system
Xquicksetting toggles installed into system
Nova Launcher installed into system
Added more battery styles to ogbatterymod
Bug free tested rom
Themed stock settings app
Apollo Music player with holo theme both installed into system
Themed Touchwiz Launcher
Screen off effects with new xposed app included (Not going to give you the name of the app, it's a surprise!)
Boot Manager app installed into system
Blazing Fast Rom and stable
New Checkboxes and on and off switches
Ninjamorph app installed into system
Changed default font to something cool!
Terminal Emulator installed into system
Tesla Unread plugin included with nova launcher
Yahoo Weather app installed into system
Latest Trickster Mod App installed into system
App Settings Xposed app installed into system
Build.prop editor app installed into system
Rooted out of the box with SuperSu 1.94 installed into system
Inverted Playstore 4.8.19 installed into system
Latest Mega app installed into system
New Quick Setting Toggles for Notification Center
Tapatalk app installed into system (free version only and gets a new app icon)
PPX Tweak/Mod Installed
Mokee Wallpaper chooser installed into system
init.d support already activated with kernel
Brand New progressbars and scrubber knobs
MD5 Checker app installed into system
Latest Youtube app installed into system
Catlog application included for log cats
Miui Clock app installed into system
Touchpal Keyboard app installed into system
All Flip Fonts removed
Brand New Cyanonogenmod personalized Boot animation
Updated all apps and services
New wifi Icon in status bar
Multi-Language Rom
AOKP Wallpaper Chooser installed into system
Stock Contacts app included
Themed Touchwiz lockscreen images
Nexus 5 Email & Exchange installed into system
Cyanogenmod Wallpaper Chooser installed into system
Latest Google Search installed into system
New Power Menu Icons and popup background
New Dialog images
Total Commander App installed into system
Included sock Touchwiz alarm app
Included Stock Downloads app
Included stock Touchwiz Accuweather widget
Yahoo Weather gets a new icon
Viper4android Audio Mod included
Included Stock Touchwiz camera and keyboard
Included some more xposed apps that are very small size
Removed Samsung Stock World Clock app
Sieht bei Youtube sehr flüssig aus.
Hat das schon jemand geflasht ?
Edit: Habs geflasht und bin beim einrichten.
Erste Erfahrungen:
Sehr bunt und verspielt
sehr flüssig
viele Apps vorinstalliert, teilweise nervig
z.B. Nova Launcher modifiziert, muss man erstmal loswerden, wenn man die Kaufversion hat.
1.Ladet die Rom auf eure SD-Karte
2.Ihr braucht ein Custom Recovery z.B. TWRP Recovery
3.geht ins Recovery
4.Macht ein Backup eures Systems, falls etwas schiefgeht
5.Macht einen Fullwipe (advanced wipe und dann alles, ausser externer und interner sd card auswählen)
6.Geht auf install und flasht die Rom
7. Reboot und freuen
Ich übernehme keine Verantwortung für diese Anleitung oder was im Original Thread steht.
Nach dieser Anleitung habe ich es gemacht.
Im Zweifel macht es nach der verlinkten Anleitung bei xda.
Gesendet von meinem SM-N9005 mit der Android-Hilfe.de App
(ROM) (Tab 3 7.0) Inspire v1.4 (SM-T210/SM-T210R) (4.1.2) (May 29th 2014) - xda-developers
v1.4 Features:
Based on stockrom series v5.0 with 4.1.2 Jellybean Software
Using Blackhawk kernel 2.1 for better performance
Latest xposed installer installed into system
Greenify Installed into system
Removed stock Samsung My Files app
Debloated Rom that runs really good! This is a Daily Driver
Brand New TV Shutdown Animation when you power off your tablet
Busybox installed into xbin and comes already installed
Next Browser included for a better browsing experience
LMT Launcher app installed into system
Great battery life when using rom
Standard Samsung Setup wizard included for normal setup of services and other things
Removed Stock Sammy Calculator
Inverted Dropbox app Installed into system
Galaxy S5 power-on sound at boot of device
Included stock samsung music player
Stock Internet Browser included
Cyanogenmod calculator app installed into system
Cyanogenmod File Manager app Installed into system
Cyanogenmod Gallery app installed into system
Removed Samsung Weather Wigdet
Removed Samsung Memo App
S-voice Is now removed and rom is much faster without it, also it's annoying sometimes!
Fast and responsive Rom with almost no lag for basic and moderate use!
HKthememanager xposed app installed into system
ES File Explorer installed into system
Xquicksetting toggles installed into system
Nova Launcher installed into system
Added more battery styles to ogbatterymod
Bug free tested rom
Themed stock settings app
Apollo Music player with holo theme both installed into system
Themed Touchwiz Launcher
Screen off effects with new xposed app included (Not going to give you the name of the app, it's a surprise!)
Boot Manager app installed into system
Blazing Fast Rom and stable
New Checkboxes and on and off switches
Ninjamorph app installed into system
Changed default font to something cool!
Terminal Emulator installed into system
Tesla Unread plugin included with nova launcher
Yahoo Weather app installed into system
Latest Trickster Mod App installed into system
App Settings Xposed app installed into system
Build.prop editor app installed into system
Rooted out of the box with SuperSu 1.94 installed into system
Inverted Playstore 4.8.19 installed into system
Latest Mega app installed into system
New Quick Setting Toggles for Notification Center
Tapatalk app installed into system (free version only and gets a new app icon)
PPX Tweak/Mod Installed
Mokee Wallpaper chooser installed into system
init.d support already activated with kernel
Brand New progressbars and scrubber knobs
MD5 Checker app installed into system
Latest Youtube app installed into system
Catlog application included for log cats
Miui Clock app installed into system
Touchpal Keyboard app installed into system
All Flip Fonts removed
Brand New Cyanonogenmod personalized Boot animation
Updated all apps and services
New wifi Icon in status bar
Multi-Language Rom
AOKP Wallpaper Chooser installed into system
Stock Contacts app included
Themed Touchwiz lockscreen images
Nexus 5 Email & Exchange installed into system
Cyanogenmod Wallpaper Chooser installed into system
Latest Google Search installed into system
New Power Menu Icons and popup background
New Dialog images
Total Commander App installed into system
Included sock Touchwiz alarm app
Included Stock Downloads app
Included stock Touchwiz Accuweather widget
Yahoo Weather gets a new icon
Viper4android Audio Mod included
Included Stock Touchwiz camera and keyboard
Included some more xposed apps that are very small size
Removed Samsung Stock World Clock app
Sieht bei Youtube sehr flüssig aus.
Hat das schon jemand geflasht ?
Edit: Habs geflasht und bin beim einrichten.
Erste Erfahrungen:
Sehr bunt und verspielt
sehr flüssig
viele Apps vorinstalliert, teilweise nervig
z.B. Nova Launcher modifiziert, muss man erstmal loswerden, wenn man die Kaufversion hat.
1.Ladet die Rom auf eure SD-Karte
2.Ihr braucht ein Custom Recovery z.B. TWRP Recovery
3.geht ins Recovery
4.Macht ein Backup eures Systems, falls etwas schiefgeht
5.Macht einen Fullwipe (advanced wipe und dann alles, ausser externer und interner sd card auswählen)
6.Geht auf install und flasht die Rom
7. Reboot und freuen
Ich übernehme keine Verantwortung für diese Anleitung oder was im Original Thread steht.
Nach dieser Anleitung habe ich es gemacht.
Im Zweifel macht es nach der verlinkten Anleitung bei xda.
Gesendet von meinem SM-N9005 mit der Android-Hilfe.de App
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