- 7.843
Hi, meine ich noch nicht bekannt:
User tytydraco (bei xda-developer) hat einige Tweaks erstellt, die wohl ohne Root funktionieren:
[MODS] Small Collection of Tweaks!
Ich zitiere mal daraus:
Always On Display Tweaks
Hide Battery (icon and percent): com.draco.mods.aodnobattery.apk
Hide Notification Icons: com.draco.mods.aodnonotifications.apk
Hide Date: com.draco.mods.aodhidedate.apk
Double Tap To Wake Anywhere: com.draco.mods.aoddt2w.apk
For DT2W, you must enable the home button in your AOD settings. Another thing is that this disables the home button icon. It is a side effect of the tweak, so it's manually hidden entirely.
UI Tweaks
Carrier Hider: com.draco.mods.carrierhider.apk
Disable Nav Bar: com.draco.mods.hidenav.apk
Disable Status Bar: com.draco.mods.hidestatusbar.apk
Remove Unlock Text: com.draco.mods.rut.apk
Remove Status Bar Clock: com.draco.mods.hidestatusclock.apk
Remove Status Bar Battery Icon (not percent): com.draco.mods.hidestatusbatteryicon.apk
Better Default Nav Colors: com.draco.mods.betternavcolors.apk
Half Nav: com.draco.mods.halfnav.apk
DracoNav (best with Half Nav): com.draco.mods.draconav.apk
Bigger InCallUI Photo by RequeLine: [MODS] Small Collection of Tweaks!
Precise Animation Scales: com.draco.mods.pas.apk
User tytydraco (bei xda-developer) hat einige Tweaks erstellt, die wohl ohne Root funktionieren:
[MODS] Small Collection of Tweaks!
Ich zitiere mal daraus:
Always On Display Tweaks
Hide Battery (icon and percent): com.draco.mods.aodnobattery.apk
Hide Notification Icons: com.draco.mods.aodnonotifications.apk
Hide Date: com.draco.mods.aodhidedate.apk
Double Tap To Wake Anywhere: com.draco.mods.aoddt2w.apk
For DT2W, you must enable the home button in your AOD settings. Another thing is that this disables the home button icon. It is a side effect of the tweak, so it's manually hidden entirely.
UI Tweaks
Carrier Hider: com.draco.mods.carrierhider.apk
Disable Nav Bar: com.draco.mods.hidenav.apk
Disable Status Bar: com.draco.mods.hidestatusbar.apk
Remove Unlock Text: com.draco.mods.rut.apk
Remove Status Bar Clock: com.draco.mods.hidestatusclock.apk
Remove Status Bar Battery Icon (not percent): com.draco.mods.hidestatusbatteryicon.apk
Better Default Nav Colors: com.draco.mods.betternavcolors.apk
Half Nav: com.draco.mods.halfnav.apk
DracoNav (best with Half Nav): com.draco.mods.draconav.apk
Bigger InCallUI Photo by RequeLine: [MODS] Small Collection of Tweaks!
Precise Animation Scales: com.draco.mods.pas.apk
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