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Update v6.57.8 / CWM / libtouch_gui 1.41
scheint wohl vorerst die letzte Version zu sein (Zitat Phil):
Download (Zip)- fix for ROM OTA updates generating two install scripts (openrecovery + extendedcommands)
- merge CWM updates to selinux permissions for init services
- fix adb for 3.10 kernel
scheint wohl vorerst die letzte Version zu sein (Zitat Phil):
Happily, I got new important projects in my real life.
My time is actually very limited and I can no more maintain this project as I did till now.
The main reason is the probable dead of official CWM and the poorly coded official cyanogenmod simple recovery.
There is only one option left: making the recovery independant of CWM/CM-SR. This involves spending huge time except if it is merged with an official ROM.
Porting all to C++ and breaking with CWM/CM-SR was on my plans. However, because of the above mentioned issues and the limited time I have for the next months, I am renouncing to this.
I could be back in a few months if I can afford it. However, for now, I do not plan to make any new major update, except maybe small commits whenever needed
Thanks to all who supported this project and hope someone else pops up and takes it further