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taker-` schrieb:kurze frage... läuft damit cm11 (4.4.1)? ich hatte vorher immer das prob, wenn ich n ota update bei cm bekam, konnte ich nicht flashen. musste immer manuell die zip flashen, was ich aber net will.
hats schon jmd getestet?
- built on cm-11.0 device tree
- built in kernel modules for exfat/ntfs both in read/write
- fix selinux issues to format external storage (OTG and microsd) in ext4/ext2/ext3
- uses cm-11.0 native kernel modded with permissive selinux and ko fs modules from samsung
Nicht wundern, gibt fürs S4 nur die 6.03.4. Die .5er ist wohl fürs N5.6.03.5 (11.12.2013)
- Nexus 5 (hammerhead) support
- rebase on KitKat Android 4.4.x cm-11 branch
- restore NICE_INTERVAL to 100 for faster refresh of progress bar during nandroid restore
- Samsung phones: use built in kernel exfat/ntfs modules + fix selinux permissions to support exfat/ntfs read/write
- fix format to any user fstype without direct call to vold functions as it was no longer supported in cm-11.0
- proper ext2/ext4 support on extra storage volumes
- fix looping into readlink for boot/recovery partitions
- Samsung: add selinux permissions for preload partition
- if minivold fails to mount a voldmanaged volume, still drop to system mount (support ext2/ext3 mount)
Good news!!
I was playing with time_daemon to fix date on Note 3 and I broke time on my S4
Now, happily, I am affected like you by the time bug
The assumptions I have from my quick readings:
- Qualcom disabled write time/date for some reason
- we need time daemon custom binary to load date + a correct tzdata file
- @Chenglu managed to fix it in his Note 3 recovery
- My last 6.04.4 release for Note 3, using Chenglu trick seems to work
I will try to reproduce the thing on S4 to find a good fix
For now, I feel if Qualcom disabled it, they have their reasons. So not willing to revert to force writing it like in early versions of my recovery or like Abyss kernel seems doing from users reports
There are some challenges as the time_daemon is closed source, at least in my knowledge, dynamically linked, and I am not sure if it is the same across devices/kernel versions
Will do some testing asap
But will first update recovery to cm-11 for all supported devices and add new ones
6.05.6 (21.12.2013)
add 5 extra partitions support in nandroid: can be added in fstab and will be auto detected
better fit text logs on non HD devices: stop slightly overwrite of bottom virtual keys separation bar and clock/battery area
fix logs overwriting bottom virtual keys and progress bar in sideload mode
custom backup and restore menu: move reboot item to top of partitions list
custom backup and restore menu: auto hide all unused items
advanced menu: hide /data/media toggle for non datamedia devices
sync loki sources: add new LG devices
SuperSU update to 1.86
busybox: merge @Chenglu changes to support selinux (no tar --selinux yet)
huge code clean ups and fixes
New: LG G Pad 8.3 (v500)
New: Samsung Galaxy Premier I9260 (superior)
New: Samsung Galaxy Mega 6.3 I9200 - SGH-i527 (meliusltexx)
New: Samsung Galaxy Mega 5.8 I9150 (melius3gxx)
New: Galaxy S i9000 support (galaxysmtd) : still needs cat /proc/mtd to add in extra.fstab
New: Galaxy S3 verizon - SGH-I535 (d2vzw)
Note 3: fix device name to hlte
Note 3: ramdisk changes to better handle enforced selinux and usb mount storage
Note 3 (hlte): add modem support in backup/restore
Note 3 (hlte): repack on @Chenglu ramdisk to fix time
Note 3 (hlte): fix boardconfig for correct ums lun path (mount usb storage)
i9100/n7000: add extra.fstab support
i9100/n7000: use built in kernel exfat modules for faster writes to exfat cards
Neophyte79 schrieb:Warum ist die Uhrzeit so wichtig?
Update 6.07.1
- Touch and GUI fixes
This one killed me, just look at the version bump to get how many builds it took
Fixes various bugs and issues when returning from sleeping screen, gesture actions sensitivity, sideload GUI fixes, touch issues when returning from pause on logs...
Give it a test while I sleep