- 9.864
Achtung!! Dieses Recovery ist nur für das GT-I9195!!!!
Da ja hier recht wenig los ist Root Bereich und ich sowieso ab und zu hier bin, habe ich mich entschlossen mal den Thread fürs PhilZ aufzumachen. Ist eines meiner Lieblings-CWMs auf meinem ehemaligen S3 gewesen so auch aktuell auf meinem S4. Basiert auf der Touch-Version von CWM mit vielen Erweiterungen/Extras daher. Kommt vom Dev "Phil3759" und nennt sich PhilZ Touch.
<< New and First True JB 4.2 migration support: live toggle /data/media or /data/media/0 >>
<< New in version 5: True touch GUI and scrolling >>
<< New in version 5: True touch GUI and scrolling >>
<< New in version 6: Smoother touch with kinetics, basic theme support, KitKat ready >>
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
PhilZ Touch 6 Recovery
CWM Advanced Edition 6.0.5.X
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
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Main thread + features + install instructions + dev support
Download linksThis is a first release and you are probably the first to flash it
Flashing can brick your phone. Do it at your pure own risk
If it survives the flash, please give a feedback
Last version can be found here:
6.48.4 (06.07.2014)
- merge multi stage install packages support from AOSP
6.48.1 (30.06.2014)
- add option to directly parse time_daemon data files
- refresh current time in menu header after time daemon fixes
- fix first passkey prompt screen did not show proper background under some circumstances
- libtouch_gui 1.30
6.47.7 (25.06.2014)
- preserve background icon user settings after sideload, install zip and wipe actions
- use real fstype instead of auto in /etc/fstab when converting between ext4 <-> f2fs using extra.fstab
- libtouch_gui 1.29
- LG G2 variants: enable performance mode in recovery (device tree)
- HTC One Mini (m4): enable f2fs and exfat kernel support
- Galaxy S5 LTE (klte): enable backup/restore of /efs, /modemst1 and /modemst2 partitions
6.47.6 (24.06.2014)
- recovery lock: support use of virtual / capacitive keys as pass key
- libtouch_gui 1.28
6.47.4 (23.06.2014)
- fix adb was disabled when no recovery lock passkey was setup
- Galaxy S3 D2 variants: enable f2fs support
6.47.3 (20.06.2014)
- add recovery lock with passkey on start
- better extra partitions support in custom nandroid operations
- fix segfault during shell nandroid backup/restore commands
- enable progress display during "adb shell nandroid backup/restore" commands
- enhance and fix bugs of progress display during install/nandroid... operations
- nandroid restore: fix progress bar animation when md5 verify is enabled
- nandroid md5: fix progress bar was not reset for each file
- nandroid md5: fix .android_secure md5 sum was never generated or checked
this could cause md5 check to fail under some circumstances
- limit logging to console in adb shell nandroid and mount commands
- fix detection of real fstype (pointer to in the scope char array bug)
- merge: "Only chmod backup/blobs directory if it exists"
- merge: "Enable cmdline nandroid backup of vold volumes"
- disable useless sd-ext warnings and errors
- merge loki updates
- f2fs <-> ext4 conversion: support fs_options2 through extra.fstab before dropping to bare minimal options
- clean up code
- libtouch_gui 1.26
6.43.8 (02.06.2014)
- fix recursive path creation bug for /data/media/0
- f2fs: do not try f2fs recovery.fstab mount options on an ext4 partition
- f2fs: do not redefine default recovery ext4 mount options when migrating from an f2fs recovery.fstab
- f2fs: error message when converting unsupported file systems
- fix Galaxy Mega variant background resolution
6.43.5 (01.06.2014)
- default to /data/media/0 unless we define BOARD_HAS_NO_MULTIUSER_SUPPORT
- use lstat to check if file exists
6.43.4 (01.06.2014)
- fix text print colour could persist after md5 check
6.43.3 (31.05.2014)
- fix f2fs conversion of /data on /data/media devices
- allow ext4 <-> f2fs backup data migration in nandroid
- cleanup code
6.43.0 (30.05.2014)
- nandroid backup: fix 'media' exception:
In CWM, a bug present from the begining was preventing any path/file named media from backup on /data/media devices
This fix will only exclude /data/media path and not other media files/folders
6.42.9 (30.05.2014)
- default again to libtar for backup/restore
6.42.7 (30.05.2014)
default to busybox tar:
- use busybox tar by default as it now supports selinux context backup/restore
- unify libtar and busybox tar options (-p for selinux context)
- remove now deprecated external selinux container code
6.42.5 (30.05.2014)
- f2fs: recreate /etc/fstab after ext4/f2fs conversion for proper use of system mount command
- comment useless dead code
6.42.4 (30.05.2014)
- f2fs: fix nandroid restore to f2fs partitions
- f2fs: support format extra storage to f2fs (vold patch needed)
- f2fs: support switching between f2fs/ext4 (needs f2fs in kernel modules), thanks @KumaJaya
- f2fs: reload volume table after f2fs/ext4 conversion (no reboot needed after conversion)
- f2fs: do not format whole /data when not expected on /data/media devices
- f2fs: allow /data f2fs/ext4 conversion for non data_media devices
6.41.8 (26.05.2014)
Preserve recovery settings after a wipe
- on settings change, create a second copy of recovery settings on primary storage (/sdcard)
- on recovery exit, always copy recovery settings to sdcard if no copy is present
- after a wipe, on recovery exit, try to restore settings from the copy on primary storage
- fix save/restore settings menu labels
- libtouch_gui 1.22
6.41.6 (12.05.2014)
- update exfat to dorimanx 1.2.9 latest sources
- fix compile error when enabling BOARD_RECOVERY_USE_BBTAR
- repo sync latest sources
- Galaxy Tab Pro 8.4 WiFi SM-T320 (mondrianwifi)
- HTC M7 variants: use new cm kernel with exfat sources
- HTC M8 variants: use new unified recovery
6.41.5 (11.05.2014)
- libtouch_gui 1.21: auto detect BRIGHTNESS_SYS_FILE path if it is not set during compile
* search for the file in most common locations
* if found, save it to recovery settings ini file to be called on next recovery starts
* else, disable adjust brightness function to avoid error logs on recovery start
- fix various compiler warnings and errors
- enhance pre-compile setup
- dedupe: merge clean up code from @xiaolu
- merge: fix restorecon_from_file potential crash from @xiaolu (only for BOARD_RECOVERY_USE_BBTAR)
- fix 240x320 images
- merge "cwm: Honor recovery variant "
- merge "cwm: Remove hardcoded paths"
- merge "Keep 'show log' on screen until user dismisses it"
- create /data/media directory after internal storage is wiped
prevents denial to read/write from internal storage under some circumstances
- open source touch_gui library
- update licence files
6.40.1 (03.05.2014)
- proper libtar implementation: support backup/restore of selinux context inside archive
- dedupe: support backup/restore of selinux context by @Chenglu
- libtouch_gui 1.20: support custom key files (BOARD_CUSTOM_RECOVERY_KEYMAPPING)
6.29.9 (27.04.2014)
- merge "Recovery: swap XY on swipe controls"
- shell pipe: set exit code to error if any pipe element fails
* this was causing backup state to be reported good while tar command failed
6.29.7 (27.04.2014)
- minitar: add options help and change log
- minitar: build as a static library to spare 150 kb (only 16kb size increase)
6.29.2 (26.04.2014)
- fix potential bug when verifying root and recovery state on exit
- merge "Fix verify_root_and_recovery menu selections":
- hide the Go Back button from confirm menu
- merge "Prohibit mounting/formatting swap partitions in recovery"
- add minitar binary to /sbin instead of busybox tar
- minitar: enable more options, enable long options, fix selinux backup/restore, enhance GNU tar compatibility
- enable seamless backup/restore selinux context using minitar binary
- TWRP mode: support backup/restore of selinux context
- libtouch_gui 1.19
6.27.6 (21.04.2014)
- add libtouch_gui for armv6 devices, thanks @yuweng and androidarmv6 team
- loki: sync to upstream
- Galaxy S5 SM-G900H (k3gxx): update kernel to XXU1ANCI
- Amazon Kindle Fire HD 7 (tate): fix background and virtual keys
- Amazon Kindle Fire HD (jem & tate): fix display battery level
- LG G2: repack on older cm 6.25.4 kernel to fix graphic issues
- New: HTC One M8 Verizon (m8vzw)
- New: LG Optimus One P500 (p500) - arm v6 based
6.27.2 (18.04.2014)
- libtouch_gui 1.18
- confirm cancel nandroid jobs (prompt to press 'Back' twice or resume after 5 secs)
- vibrate after backup/restore operations
6.27.0 (17.04.2014)
- MTK support: fix backup & restore of boot/recovery/uboot partitions
- MTK devices: improve error handling of partitions size
- do not consider su symlink in /system/bin as a broken root
- New: Amazon Kindle Fire HD 7 (tate)
- New: Amazon Kindle Fire HD 8.9 (jem)
- New: Galaxy S5 SM-G900H Exynos variant (k3gxx)
6.26.6 (14.04.2014)
- m7 unified for m7ul, m7att and m7tmo
- merge support for native dual boot devices
- sync sources
6.26.4 (12.04.2014)
- update libloki to latest sources
- broken root: help victims of bad custom ROMs
This adds extra code to detect if two su instances are installed in /system/bin and /system/xbin
It will kill both and properly apply SuperSU
- fixing root on exit was never done what ever was user choice
6.26.1 (06.04.2014)
- New: Note 10.1 2014 3G - SM-P601 (lt0wifiue)
- New: LG Optimus L7 P700 (p700) by @ali.filth
- New: Galaxy Grand Quatro (i8552) by @ali.filth
- New: HTC One mini (m4)
- fb2png: better error logging
6.25.7 (05.04.2014)
- New: HTC One M8 (m8)
- New: HTC One M8 sprint (m8spr)
- New: Note 10.1 2014 Wifi - SM-P600 (lt0wifi)
- derp cm_moto_msm8960
6.25.4 (31.03.2014)
- sort files using case insensitive order (adapted from @titanic-fanatic)
- use new ro.loki_disabled for unified variants not needing loki
This way, we only need to set the ENABLE_LOKI flag to have a loki enabled recovery
No more need to set an extra ro.loki_enabled property
Only modification needed now is for jflte variants not using loki
Only jflteatt and jfltevzw do
We have to set ro.loki_disabled to 1 for all other variants in libinit_jflte
- New device: Galaxy X Cover 2 - skomer
- New device: Galaxy S3 Mini - golden
- New device: Sony Xperia ZR (dogo)
- New device: Sony Xperia Tablet Z (pollux)
- New device: Sony Xperia Z1 Compact (amami)
- New device: Sony Xperia S (nozomi)
- New device: moto_msm8960 unified device (by @hachamacha)
- New device: Galaxy S Advance (janice)
- New device: Galaxy Ace 2 (codina)
- New device: Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 7.0 SM-T211 (lt023g)
6.25.0 (29.03.2014)
- jflte: enable back loki for jflteatt and jfltevzw
- remove old no more needed md5 check code
6.24.8 (28.03.2014)
- libtouch_gui 1.16:
- fix when quickly doing two gesture actions one after the other, highlighted m$
we only allow gesture actions when the previous one is terminated
- set these default gesture actions:
* swipe left = screen off
* swipe right = increase brightness
* press 1 sec and lift = show log
* press 2 sec and small move = screen shot
- merge "Only init legacy property environment once"
6.24.6 (28.03.2014)
- revert using ntfs module and drop to fuse for complete write support
- use new md5digest code to generate/verify nandroid backups
- bring progress bar during nandroid md5 generation and check
- exclude log and md5 file when regenerating md5 files
- twrp mode: use new md5digest function with status bar during md5 check/create
- twrp mode: fix double md5 verification bug
- fix delete backup menu failed to reopen base backup folder + wired log message
- libtouch_gui 1.15: fix the "umount: can't umount /data: Invalid argument" log message on start when time daemon was loaded
- libtouch_gui 1.15: show "time daemon loading" message on recovery start when we're waiting for the daemon to load
- libtouch_gui 1.15: support time_daemon /data/system/time path used on some ROMs
- add Xperia ZL (odin) flags (@shoey63)
- jflte: remove /firmware and /firmware-mdm from fstab
- repack builder: fix version display during install broken after fixing cm recovery builder script
6.23.7 (25.03.2014)
- cherry-pick @mdmower patches to legacy props init: better error checking to avoid segfaulting
- really hammer lazy developers
6.23.5 (25.03.2014)
- merge: "recovery: Compatibility with upstream minui change"
- merge: "use correct USB PID for adb and new PID for adb+ums"
- merge: "Fixes makerecoveries.sh"
- merge: "nandroid: Convert selinux_android_restorecon calls to new API" from @KumaJaya
- fix fb2png flag to be enabled by default
- cherry-pick: "Revert "Add a copy of the updater binary to the recovery resources""
- cherry-pick: "Make legacy prop environment available to recovery"
- cherry-pick: "Use legacy property environment if old update-binary"
- fix potential unsafe thread code
- libtouch_gui 1.10: disable gesture actions during md5 checks as they are not thread safe
6.22.5 (22.03.2014)
- fb2pn v2.0.0 by McKael & Phil3759
* autodetect image offset to properly align frame buffer data
* fix memory leak
* fix all compiler warnings
* auto detect active frame buffer to capture
* option to force buffer to capture by user
- fix compiling of Advanced Edition
6.22.1 (18.03.2014)
- fix fb2png code for new Qualcom boards (not merged, work in progress)
- fix key repeat for hardware keys
- fix MTK board support
- fix compiling error of Advanced Edition
- fix md5 check crash when installing zip files
6.21.2 (14.03.2014)
- add progress bar while reading zip file to compute md5 check
- add color printing during md5sum checks
- (derp) fix color code printing on md5 check disappears after 5 sec (ui_wait_key() screen refresh)
- md5sum check potential bug fixes and optimizations
- libtouch_gui 1.05
6.20.6 (12.03.2014)
- add md5 sum calculation and toggle verification during install of zip files
- hammerhead: fix efs backup (derp)
- loki: use new loki_tool multi bin sources
- add missing vkeys for 240 width
- many bug fixes and code cleanups
- libtouch_gui 1.04
6.19.6 (05.03.2014)
- loki: fix auto loki was broken and clean up sources
- hammerhead: add efs backup/restore
- m7 variants: fix charger in off mode
- jewel: fix no fstab!
6.19.3 (02.03.2014)
- fix compiling for QCOM devices when using a prebuilt kernel with TARGET_PREBUILT_KERNEL
- galaxysmtd: remove ntfs-3g drivers to fit partition size
6.19.2 (01.03.2014)
- merge "nandroid: Allow tar backups of yaffs2 partitions"
- merge "update-binary: Add collect_backup_data function"
- merge "recovery: add overlay interface for recovery mode"
- merge "recovery: Add support for split display "
- merge "recovery: Fix compilation for non MSM target "
- merge "Fix overlay inclusion on MSM"
- merge "Loki: Add LG G Flex KDDI MODEL"
- merge Aroma patches:
* User selectable colorspace added to settings.
* Unmount /system at exit if mounted.
* Some more logging added.
- add 480x854 res backgrounds
- add 240x320 res backgrounds
- hlte: use new unified device builds but only for devices with new 4.4 bootloader
- hlte: fix cdrom in mount usb storage, thanks to @Chenglu
- jewel: use cm kernel with new layout partitions to fix charger
- hammerhead: revert to using cm kernel instead of stock
- falcon_gpe: use unified falcon device with init started script to swap fstab f2fs for ext4
- New: d2dcm (d2lte)
- lt02wifi: support fb2png screen shots
- loki fix for zip installers broken after unified devices releases
6.18.7 (25.02.2014)
- enable full touch gui build through re-distributable libtouch_gui
- merge "Fix mass storage in recovery"
- merge remote cm-11.0 changes
- loki: add support for unified devices
- fix loki user setting could be overridden on edify install_zip commands
- Galaxy S4 Qualcom variants: use new unified device "jflte" for all variants
- loki: show the enabled/disabled state in menu
- more comprehensive menu text display for /data/media/0 toggle
- fix potential memory leak in /data/media/0 toggle
- Galaxy S3 Qualcomm variants: use unified dlte recovery image
- New: Galaxy S2 Epic 4G Touch - SPH-D710 (d710)
- New: Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 7.0 SM-T210 WiFi (lt02wifi), credits to gr8nole and ketut.kumajaya
- New: ZTE Warp Sequent - N861 (warp2), credits to jetx2x
- New: ZTE Awe (nex), credits to cooldudezach
- New: HTC Rezound (vigor)
- merge: "P31XX: use landscape background"
- fix virtual keys on devices with 1024 pixel width resolution
- huge cleanup and potential bug fixes
- fix all compiler warnings
6.15.6 (15.02.2014)
- All Galaxy S4 variants now use one common recovery: jflte
It will properly enable loki on variants that need it and not on others
6.15.4 (13.02.2014)
- update superSU to 1.93
- sync sources
- fix recovery reboot command (adb and shell) by adding the init sys.powerctl property control
- merge "Fix mkfs.f2fs calling in roots"
- merge "Fix mass storage in recovery"
- fix display current path when navigating backward in folders
- Nandroid Simple Logging: toggle logging of file names during nandroid to keep screen progress while speed up nandroid operations for some devices
- increase NICE_INTERVAL to 300 msec (faster backup/restore on some devices)
- hide unused settings in Nandroid Settings menu (if we disable all progress on screen, hide non valid options)
- re-order nandroid settings menu
- add a toggle for fall back to pre-built update-binary to permit use of older update-binary in zip packages (doesn't persist on reboot).
this will fix the assert errors due to outdate update-binary. It could still be affected by assert error on device name getprop. However, that one is easier to fix by end users by editing updater-script. This is a workaround. The best is to hammer your ROM cooker to update his scripts and binaries
- setting for signature check toggle on zip updates will be now saved on reboot
- Aroma File Manager: mount vold managed volumes on launch from recovery
- Free Browse Mode: make it possible to install from any custom path even ramdisk
- Free browse mode: fix exceptions when setting up custom path
- Free browse mode: mount known volumes during setup
- Free browse mode: better handling of /data/media devices
- Free Browse Mode: mount vold managed volumes when navigating in
- HTC One variants (m7): fix charger
- HTC Evo 4G LTE (jewel): fix charger
- HTC Evo 4G LTE (jewel): update to new Sense 5 partition layout (/data/media)
- HTC Evo 4G LTE (jewel): use exfat modules for much faster backup speed to exfat cards
- New: Moto G variants (falcon): xt1028 xt1031 xt1032 xt1033 xt1034
- New: Moto G Google Play Edition (falcon_gpe)
- New: Galaxy Note 8.0 LTE (n5120) support
- New: HP Touch (tenderloin), no touch
- fix potential logging issues
- fix compiler warnings
- clean up code and misc fixes
6.13.1 (05.02.2014)
- HTC One variants (m7xx): fix charger bug
- Nexus 5 (hammerhead): use stock kernel to fix graphic issues
- LG G2 variants (d80x, vs980, ls980): add faster exfat backups using exfat modules from samsung (credits @dorimanx)
- LG G2: add d805 and d806 support
- Galaxy S4 variants (jflte): derp fix kernel random hang on boot
- SGH-I757M (celoxhd): use exfat static drivers
6.12.8 (30.01.2014)
- time and date menu text formatting and order
- version display edit
- add ntfs write support to devices using kernel modules instead of fuse
- loki: merge "Support LG Optimus F7 ZV5_02"
- zip installer: update loki binaries for LOKI devices
- zip installer: use new update-binary sources
- add NTFS kernel module support for more Samsung devices
6.12.2 (28.01.2014)
- manually set time and date in recovery
- support Qualcom time daemon to sync time with main system (credits to dougiebee)
- supportRTC offset hack for Qualcom devices without a proper time daemon in system ROM (credits to dougiebee)
- option to drop to system set time and date commands (credits to dougiebee)
- set default nandroid compression level back to low
- roll out exfat-nofuse sources from dorimanx into various kernels from Samsung and other brands
- code fix and cleanup
- New: Oppo N1
6.10.6 (23.01.2014)
- update SuperSU to 1.91
- merge android_system_core changes to adb to fix push to extra storage paths
- do not use performance mode during install zip: fixes hang on unmount /system in updater-script when usb cable is connected
- i9505 ans US variants: update kernel to fix random hang on boot
- update to CWM
- merge "Fix up bu restore"
- ROM Manager: workaround to backup/restore to/from external storage
6.10.2 (20.01.2014)
- enhance touch init (fix touch on some Sony devices)
- really fix reading device max brightness value
- loki: merge "Support Open EU LG Optimus F6 and US Cellular Optimus F7"
- New: HTC One X+ (enrc2b)
6.10.0 (18.01.2014)
- read the device max brightness setting to fix brightness toggle on some Sony devices
- merge: "Populate mount menu with new mount/format matrix" - final version
- merge: "Use cat for adb backup."
6.09.8 (16.01.2014)
- merge: "Populate mount menu with new mount/format matrix"
- New: Moto X variants: US Cellular (xt1055), Sprint (xt1056)
- New: Galaxy Tab 2 P3110 (p3110)
6.09.6 (15.01.2014)
- do not error on missing sd-ext when wiping dalvik cache
- merge: "su: Update for latest su daemon compatibility"
- merge "Clean up c formatting - 1"
- merge "Remove "Go Back" option from verify root and recovery options"
- merge "Fix potential chmod failures"
- merge: "Add a copy of the updater binary to the recovery resources"
- merge: "install: Support downgrade scenarios"
- merge: "install: Fix possible overflow condition in the updater "scanner""
- merge: "minui: do not use flexible array initialization"
- merge: "correctly mount tmpfs as /tmp in recovery"
- New: Sony Xperia SP (huashan)
- New: Sony Xperia T (mint)
- New: Samsung i9192 (serranodsub)
- New: Motorola Moto X variants: VZW (xt1060), GSM (xt1058), TMO (xt1053)
- New: Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 LTE (n8020)
6.09.2 (12.01.2013)
- toggle prompt on low free space during backup
- SuperSU update to v1.89
- loki: merge "Support LG Vu 3."
- code cleanup
- New: US Cellular CH-R530U (d2usc) support
6.08.9 (04.01.2013)
- gesture action defaults changed
- long press and lift gesture action is now triggered after finger pressed for more than 1 sec
- do not include fb2png on non supported devices
- stop always rebuilding aroma intermediates
- Update: Samsung Exhilarate SGH-I577 (exhilarate)
- New: Galaxy Express AT&T (expressatt)
- New: Asus Transformer Pad TF300T (tf300t)
- New: Asus Transformer Prime TF700T (tf700t)
- New: HTC Evo 4G LTE (jewel)
- New: LG Optimus 4X HD P880 (p880)
6.08.7 (03.01.2014)
- fix Free Browse Mode folder cannot be changed in menus once first setup
- add back custom format fstype using vold (now patched in cm-11.0 thanks @cyanogen)
- disable journalling when formatting non voldmanaged extra storage in ext4 fstype
- merge "recovery: Add support for performance control"
- update CWM to v6.0.4.6
- loki: sync sources (support LG G2 D80010o)
- default backup compression level is now 5 (medium)
- v500: fix background width to 1200 pixels
- e970: fix OTA assert line breaking zip installer
- New: HTC Desire 601 (zara)
- New: HTC Droid DNA (dlx)
- New: Samsung Galaxy Grand Duos GT-I9082 (i9082)
6.07.8 (28.12.2013)
- fix exiting "pause on logs" mode with virtual keys caused erroneous validation
- fix exiting screen off mode with hardware key could cause erroneous validations
- fix some devices could not exit "pause on logs" mode with screen touch
- bring immediate touch responsiveness after exiting screen off mode and "pause on logs" mode
- fix erroneous first menu validation when exiting screen off mode on some devices
- fix long press and move action could be triggered while swiping outside menus and returning to first touched area
- increase threshold for long press and move action for easier triggering
- small touch scroll optimizations
- improve touch responsiveness on low res devices
- code clean-up and optimization
- fix log text could overwrite clock/battery icons on some low res devices
- after successful zip install with sideload, hide the install background icon
- after installing zip with sideload, do not trigger "pause on logs" mode
- loki: sync latest sources (support LG G2 VS98012b)
- New: HTC One Verizon (m7vzw)
- New: Galaxy Note 3 International, Sprint and TMO (now built with cm-11.0 device tree and kernel)
- New: Galaxy S Relay 4G - SGH-T699 (apexqtmo)
- New: LG G Pad 8.3 (v500)
- New: Samsung Galaxy Premier I9260 (superior)
- New: Samsung Galaxy Mega 6.3 I9200 - SGH-i527 (meliusltexx)
- New: Samsung Galaxy Mega 5.8 i9150 (melius3gxx)
- New: Galaxy S i9000 support (galaxysmtd) : still needs cat /proc/mtd to add in extra.fstab
- New: Galaxy S3 verizon - SGH-I535 (d2vzw)
6.07.6 (23.12.2013)
- fix waking up screen from sleep with hardware POWER or HOME buttons would validate selected menu
- add a time fix menu
6.07.1 (22.12.2013)
- Touch and GUI fixes
6.05.6 (21.12.2013)
- better fit text logs on non HD devices: stop slightly overwrite of bottom virtual keys separation bar and clock/battery area
- fix logs overwriting bottom virtual keys and progress bar in sideload mode
- add 5 extra partitions support in nandroid: can be added in fstab and will be auto detected
- custom backup and restore menu: move reboot item to top of partitions list
- custom backup and restore menu: auto hide all unused items
- advanced menu: hide /data/media toggle for non datamedia devices
- sync loki sources: add new LG devices
- SuperSU update to 1.86
- busybox: merge @Chenglu changes to support selinux (no tar --selinux yet)
- huge code clean ups and fixes
- New: LG G Pad 8.3 (v500)
- New: Samsung Galaxy Premier I9260 (superior)
- New: Samsung Galaxy Mega 6.3 I9200 - SGH-i527 (meliusltexx)
- New: Samsung Galaxy Mega 5.8 I9150 (melius3gxx)
- New: Galaxy S i9000 support (galaxysmtd) : still needs cat /proc/mtd to add in extra.fstab
- New: Galaxy S3 verizon - SGH-I535 (d2vzw)
- Note 3: fix device name to hlte
- Note 3: ramdisk changes to better handle enforced selinux and usb mount storage
- Note 3 (hlte): add modem support in backup/restore
- Note 3 (hlte): repack on @Chenglu ramdisk to fix time
- Note 3 (hlte): fix boardconfig for correct ums lun path (mount usb storage)
- i9100/n7000: add extra.fstab support
- i9100/n7000: use built in kernel exfat modules for faster writes to exfat cards
6.04.0 (14.12.2013)
- fix twrp backup/restore default mode
- save loki support user setting (default is now disabled)
6.03.8 (13.12.2013)
- Galaxy Note 3 - n9005 (lt03ltexx)
- add custom backup and restore options to main nandroid menu for each storage volume
- ditch stock cwm limited advanced restore function
- add toggle to switch between TWRP/CWM as default backup mode
- ors: backup mode is now the default backup mode set for all recovery session
- ors: smart restore mode to override main backup mode depending on path we restore from (TWRP vs CWM auto detection)
- backup/restore validation menu moved to top in custom modes
- sanitize rom name for backup: exclude "&" symbol and fix compiler warnings (size_t)
- when deleting backups, do not exit the menu each time
- fix new line in process_volumes()
- merge: "Don't return immediately from reboot commands."
- merge: "Enable incremental builder to find files that moved"
- merge: "Support recoveries without CONFIG_EXT4_FS_XATTR"
6.03.5 (11.12.2013)
- Nexus 5 (hammerhead) support
- rebase on KitKat Android 4.4.x cm-11 branch
- restore NICE_INTERVAL to 100 for faster refresh of progress bar during nandroid restore
- Samsung phones: use built in kernel exfat/ntfs modules + fix selinux permissions to support exfat/ntfs read/write
- fix format to any user fstype without direct call to vold functions as it was no longer supported in cm-11.0
- proper ext2/ext4 support on extra storage volumes
- fix looping into readlink for boot/recovery partitions
- Samsung: add selinux permissions for preload partition
- if minivold fails to mount a voldmanaged volume, still drop to system mount (support ext2/ext3 mount)
6.03.1 (09.12.2013)
- built on cm-11.0 device tree
- built in kernel modules for exfat/ntfs both in read/write
- fix selinux issues to format external storage (OTG and microsd) in ext4/ext2/ext3
- uses cm-11.0 native kernel modded with permissive selinux and ko fs modules from samsung
6.02.1 (08.12.2013)
- loki: fix new line in ui_prints
- Nexus 7 (2013) deb and flo: fix background image size to better fit screen
- Galaxy Note 8.0 GSM (n5100): fix touch at kernel level for recovery and aroma, credits to @nickdollahz
- Galaxy Note 8.0 Wifi (n5110) support
- Galaxy Note 2: stop flashing sensors on boot (credits @AndreiLux), use built in kernel exfat modules (big thanks @wanam)
6.01.7 (07.12.2013)
- loki: update to v2.1 latest sources
- loki: use libloki_recovery for easier maintenance + clean-up the code
- loki: update to latest sources
- loki: fix all compiler warnings
- loki: remove licence in header file as requested by author
- fix get size of boot and recovery partitions from device block name link on some devices (yet another round, for good this time)
- LG G2 (d801): fix assert in zip installer
- Samsung Galaxy S2 Skyrocket i727 (skyrocket) support
- Samsung Galaxy W - GT-I8150 (ancora) support
- Samsung Galaxy S Plus i9001 (ariesve) support
6.01.2 (03.12.2013)
- fix error log when changing backup format for non datamedia devices
- fix celoxhd vibrator thanks @titanic_fanatic
- support LG G2 Int (d802), LG G2 AT&T (d800), LG G2 TMO (d801), LG G2 Verizon (vs980), LG G2 Sprint (ls980)
- support LG Nitro HD AT&T (p930)
6.01.0 (01.12.2013)
- fix settings file and themes could not be saved/restored on non data media devices
- fix various issues with non data media devices (new vold names)
- settings path (/data) is unmounted only on recovery start and not on every settings refresh
- move all recovery setting files/paths to a common header file
- fix Atrix HD mbm886 compiling
- fix success/failure display when copying files
- crespo (Nexus S): revert to cm-10.2 kernel sources
6.00.8 (30.11.2013)
- merge selinux backup/restore changes from @xiaolu
- by default, enable selinux context backup/restore
6.00.7 (30.11.2013)
- fix unpredictable first touch on some devices
- support MTK devices backup and restore of boot, recovery and uboot
6.00.5 (29.11.2013)
- fix potential memory overflow on elapsed timers
- use clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC) for more reliable elapsed timers
- fix virtual keys won't repeat for some devices since recent cm device tree updates
- update SuperSU to v1.80
- resync sources for fixing selinux permissions on lost and found folder
- Galaxy S3 US variants (d2spr, d2tmo, d2att): fix vold dropping to fuse instead of exfat kernel module
- i9500: use adam 3.5 kernel + built in exfat + ntfs, credits @wanam
- Galaxy S Relay 4G - SGH-T699 (apexqtmo)
- Galaxy Note 8.0 (n5100)
- Galaxy S2 HD LTE - SGH-I757M (celoxhd) credits @titanic_fanatic
- Nexus 7 (2013) LTE (deb)
- LG Optimus G Pro GSM (e980)
- LG Spectrum 4G - vs920
- Motorola Atrix HD
- Galaxy S4 int + US: do not show unsafe volumes in mounts and storage
6.0.0 (24.11.2013)
Change log: so huge that it will come later
Please browse a bit inside all menus and sub menus
Check new touch kinetics
Root with superSU from chainfire
Flash kit kat
and so crazly more things
5.18.9 (04.11.2013)
- add option to disable all nags on exit (root, flash recovery)
- add menu to root system and verify recovery
- code clean-up
5.18.7 (03.11.2013)
- optimize Install zip menu + order entries
- merge "minui: Allow devices to blank/unblank using LCD backlight" into cm-10.2
- merge "recovery: Add a proper CleanSpec.mk * Clean all the stuff that conflicts with AOSP recovery."
- merge "Add guard makefile for allowing simple recovery build"
- merge "Quickly install from last install path"
- merge "Enable optional swipe based touch controls"
5.18.5 (18.10.2013)
- unmount /data on user request for /data/media devices
- Asus Nexus 7 2013 (flo) support
- HTC One AT&T support
- HTC One m7ul, m7spr, m7att, m7tmo: support exfat kernel module instead of fuse
- Galaxy S3 i9300/i9305: add exfat kernel module support in minivold
- fix bug when reading partition link target
- do not ever log to screen mount/unmount events for sdcards (this will preserve ui_print for USB OTG volumes)
- write recovery version on exiting recovery instead of start: spare an extra partition mount/unmount on start
5.18.2 (15.10.2013)
- merge @Chenglu latest changes for selinux context backup/restore (4.3 ROMs)
- user can enable/disable nandroid backup/restore of selinux context: speed up things for non JB 4.3 users
- fix bug where restore compressed archive from external storage caused vold crash because of busy volume:
- misc bug fixes
- S4 mini (i9195/i9190): use exfat/ntfs ko modules with custom kernel from samsung sources (thanks to @wanam)
- Xperia Z (yuga): use stock Sony + exfat ko module instead of fuse
- Galaxy S4 ATT and VZW: support auto loki on flash
5.17.7 (12.10.2013)
- merge su changes: "Add required libraries to list." into cm-10.2
- set lowest brightness value from 25 to 10
- i9505: use new custom kernel from google sources to fix ext4 corruption, exfat and ntfs kernel modules (huge thanks to @wanam)
5.17.6 (09.10.2013)
- Merge "Recovery: Loki patching support" into cm-10.2
- Merge "Support f2fs format"
- Fix f2fs formatting through edify scripting (roots.c entry)
- Merge "Don't print any messages regarding sd-ext to the UI"
- merge touch changes into cm-10.2
- add extra.fstab file support to provide blk_device2, fs_type2 and fs_options2
- use blk_device2 to partition sdcard and to format in ext2/ext3 for voldmanaged volumes
- fix Aroma file manager cannot see external storage due to minivold/fuse
- fix ors scripting for new cm-10.2 fstab format
- ors backup target: ensure user doesn't enter a non valid volume mount point in recovery settings file
- fix Get_Size_Via_statfs() handling of /data/media storage with new vold
- improve get_ors_backup_volume() call
- serious cm-10.2 bug: do not show partition sdcard menu for voldmanaged devices unless they have a valid blk_device2
- allow custom format of voldmanaged volumes if fs_type == auto even if they cannot be partitioned (!can_partition)
- format_device() could fail to wipe /sdcard on /data/media devices
- format_volume() could fail to wipe /sdcard on /data/media devices (edify scripting)
- ensure_path_unmounted() could not unmount /sdcard path on /data/media devices
- Find_Partition_Size() can now get /data size partition from a /data/media path (/sdcard)
- misc bug fixes for cm-10.2 and vold
- remove included device_config.h and put all additional BoardConfig.mk in one file (easier port for devs)
- ignore Rainbow commit
- improve write_recovery_version() to also unmount /sdcard on non /data/media devices
- favour kernel module over fuse to mount exfat volumes
- add get_device_mmcblk() function to read real device /dev/block path from blk_device link
- fix dd raw backup and restore to better detect real device block (efs / modem backup and restore)
- nandroid backup and restore speed fix
* spare some pthread_mutex_lock(&gUpdateMutex) on ui_delete_line() call
* do not hammer with fputs to write nandroid log
* increase NICE_INTERVAL from 100 to 350 msec to lower screen refresh rate during nandroid jobs
- do not define S4 i9505 with BOARD_HAS_SLOW_STORAGE to re-enable displaying all backup stats by default
- allow sideload to be used in conjunction with other commands.
- merge: Array max is incorrectly calculated, can lead to missed events for ids > MAX_DEVICES (thanks @jeboo)
- sync sources to update su
- merge "loki: Update to 2.0, Add support for LG G2 (and device trees in general)"
- update cwm to + sync sources
- i9505: move to wanam 1.6 kernel : small size, adb root, touch, force load of exfat
- i9505: support ntfs through ko modules
5.15.9 (26.09.2013)
- get rid of = and space in ors script (merge from twrp) + merge to cm-10.1
- touch: drop unwanted devices to handle touch events for some devices (Xperia Z...) + merge to cm-10.1
- touch: improve scroll and make it more friendly
- touch: fix slide right/left actions triggered after a scroll ending outside menu
- touch: improve long press and lift + long press and move actions and lower delay to 0.6 sec
- touch: in double tap and highlight only modes, fix unwanted scroll down while selecting a menu after a scroll
- touch: misc bug fixes + cleaner code
- HTC One X (endeavoru): repack with 4.18 stock ramdisk to fix write/read speed
- Xperia Z: fix touch handling
5.15.0 (21.09.2013)
- fix bug where android_secure could not be restored
- add png files for 320px width devices and fix pico device tree for screen resolution + merge to cm-10.1
- selectively force tar wrapper on yaffs2 file systems (better handling of make update.zip from ROM and ors backup in cwm format)
- fix touch support for some Samsung phones
- merge latest aroma 1.91 changes to fix theme loading bug
- fix user choice format sdcard options
- i9505: powered by stock 4.3 Samsung kernel compiled and fixed by @ausdim: huge thanks to him
- i9505: fix adb root, sideload, exfat loading, time setting, touch and brightness
- i9500: fix flashing of cm-10.2 and AOKP 4.3 ROMs
- Galaxy S4 US variants: fix flashing of cm-10.2 and AOKP 4.3 ROMs
- fix /data/media toggle display was not correctly refreshed
- remove compute_archive_stats() file number calculation and replace with archive size for faster restores
- increase nandroid size check interval from 3 to 5 sec for slow storage devices (i9505)
- merge exclude google music cached files from nandroid backup
- merge new tar.gz wrapper into cm-10.1
- add pigz fast compression (-1) option + merge to cm-10.1
- add backup and restore of /data/media to external storage
- fix left free space warning when backup in compressed tar.gz mode
- fix partition sdcard menu not showing on devices without a second storage (cm-10.1 only)
- misc menus cleanup
- when key repeat is disabled: fix reboot when turning on screen after it was auto-blanked
- when key repeat is disabled: fix dim screen will not occur and only blank screen event was triggered
- fix dim/blank screen issues after reboot timer was reached and USB cable was connected
- fix various bugs with key handling through ui_wait_key()
- after screen is turned on, next touch event will now be considered (better touch response)
- more stable blank screen gesture actions (mainly on long press and move gesture)
- merge remove install update.zip from cm-10.2 to cm-10.1
- support new phones:
* Sony Xperia Z (yuga)
* Samsung S3 Sprint SPH-L710 (d2spr) - d2tmo repack
* Galaxy Exhibit Variants - SGH-T599N (codinamtr) - credits to @Unjustified Dev
* Galaxy Grand Duos (i9082) - credits @chotu222
* Galaxy S Plus - i9001 (ariesve) - thanks to @alireza7991
* HTC One V (primou) - credits to @doga.ozkaraca
* Huawei Acsend P1 U9200 (viva) - credits to @kiprap
5.11.2 (19.08.2013)
- ramdisk fixes for most devices to fix adb and sideload
- n7100/n7105/i317M: update to adam 2.7 kernel sensor free
- i9500: migrate to wanam sensors-free kernel v1.8 (fix boot into recovery delays, add back ntfs support)
- i9500: do not mount /data in postrecoveryboot.sh
- i9505: migrate to audism special repacked kernel (13.1) to fix poweroff bugs + update exfat kernel modules
- i9505 variants: revise ramdisk for stock based kernel edition
- properly unmount /data after loading recovery settings on start
- properly unmount /data on recovery start for datamedia devices as per last cm changes
- mount /data before write_recovery_version() checks
- move advanced and twrp nandroid code to separate included file for easier code maintenance with cm sources
5.11.0 (17.08.2013)
- update to cwm
* Fix issue where android device manager, etc, dont actually wipe data.
--wipe_data issues via /cache/recovery/command will now completely format data.
- i9505: update to audism kernel v13 (smaller size to fit new ntfs/exfat format options) + new exfat modules
- jfltexx (i9505 cyanogenmod version) is now built properly using new TARGET_RECOVERY_INITRC in BoardConfig
- release i9505 cyanogenmod kernel based version
- n7100: update to adam kernel v2.7 for smaller size to fit ntfs/exfat format options
- endeavoru (HTC One X): do not use NTFS modules to fit recovery size
- i9500: remove fb2png and ntfs support because of small recovery size
- pico: remove exfat and ntfs support because of small recovery size
- clean up code when calling format_device() for sd-ext
- fix repacking script for toro, toroplus, grouper, protou
5.10.8 (14.08.2013)
- update to cwm
- merge cm sources: shrink cid
- fix text file formatting for dosfstools/Android.mk (PC to UNIX)
- sync sources
5.10.0 (25.07.2013)
- reorganize Backup and Restore menu:
* remove stock CWM Advanced Restore function
* move choose backup format to Misc Nandroid Settings menu
- add Misc Nandroid Settings option to disable nandroid size progress
- nandroid size progress is now disabled by default for specific phones (i9505)
- merge cm-10.1 changes:
* remove useless Fix Permissions menu
5.09.8 (24.07.2013)
- new time set function using TZ environement variable (should fix issues for some i9505 users)
- remove warning about selinux file_contexts (log only)
- Update CWM to v6.0.3.4
* merge more headless fixes from cm-10.1
- i9505 ramdisk: fix init.rc adb and sideload
- increase refresh backup size stats delay from 0.5 to 3 seconds (a proper fix will follow for i9505 users)
- fix some /data/media files could be included in TWRP backup mode
- It's summer time: open source many parts of PhilZ Touch
* settings file config
* all misc nandroid settings menu setup
* get rom name function to stamp backup folder name
* free browse mode and custom install zip folder
5.09.2 (21.07.2013)
- fix compiler warning in nandroid.c / nandroid_callback()
- remove non used virtual_keys images from ramdisk
- resync sources
- merge cm-10.1 changes:
* SELinux: don't suppress the "no file_contexts" message on the UI
* add --headless mode
5.09.1 (20.07.2013)
- add NTFS support for external storage
5.09.0 (19.07.2013)
- exfat-fuse: use existing external/exfat and external/fuse branches
- exfat-fuse: remove old implementation for prebuilt binary
5.08.9 (18.07.2013)
- compile mount.exfat-fuse static binary along recovery source to support exfat on cm-10.1 kernels
- fix Aroma File Manager compiling for non NEON devices
- clean up code (partition sdcard menu)
- fix broken touch after screen wake-up for some phones (i9500)
- resync sources
5.08.5 (11.07.2013)
- Compile Aroma File Manager (by amarullz) zip installer under recovery:
* either compile whole recovery, zip will be created at first pass
* or only compile aroma zip installer in two pass:
1- mmm bootable/recovery/aromafm
2- mmm bootable/recovery/aromafm/tools
* output: [target_out]/aromafm_out/aromafm_[DeviceID].zip
- detect aroma compatibility with non NEON devices during compiling
- use less conflicting flags: TARGET_NAME --> TARGET_COMMON_NAME
ältere Changelogs:
- merge multi stage install packages support from AOSP
6.48.1 (30.06.2014)
- add option to directly parse time_daemon data files
- refresh current time in menu header after time daemon fixes
- fix first passkey prompt screen did not show proper background under some circumstances
- libtouch_gui 1.30
6.47.7 (25.06.2014)
- preserve background icon user settings after sideload, install zip and wipe actions
- use real fstype instead of auto in /etc/fstab when converting between ext4 <-> f2fs using extra.fstab
- libtouch_gui 1.29
- LG G2 variants: enable performance mode in recovery (device tree)
- HTC One Mini (m4): enable f2fs and exfat kernel support
- Galaxy S5 LTE (klte): enable backup/restore of /efs, /modemst1 and /modemst2 partitions
6.47.6 (24.06.2014)
- recovery lock: support use of virtual / capacitive keys as pass key
- libtouch_gui 1.28
6.47.4 (23.06.2014)
- fix adb was disabled when no recovery lock passkey was setup
- Galaxy S3 D2 variants: enable f2fs support
6.47.3 (20.06.2014)
- add recovery lock with passkey on start
- better extra partitions support in custom nandroid operations
- fix segfault during shell nandroid backup/restore commands
- enable progress display during "adb shell nandroid backup/restore" commands
- enhance and fix bugs of progress display during install/nandroid... operations
- nandroid restore: fix progress bar animation when md5 verify is enabled
- nandroid md5: fix progress bar was not reset for each file
- nandroid md5: fix .android_secure md5 sum was never generated or checked
this could cause md5 check to fail under some circumstances
- limit logging to console in adb shell nandroid and mount commands
- fix detection of real fstype (pointer to in the scope char array bug)
- merge: "Only chmod backup/blobs directory if it exists"
- merge: "Enable cmdline nandroid backup of vold volumes"
- disable useless sd-ext warnings and errors
- merge loki updates
- f2fs <-> ext4 conversion: support fs_options2 through extra.fstab before dropping to bare minimal options
- clean up code
- libtouch_gui 1.26
6.43.8 (02.06.2014)
- fix recursive path creation bug for /data/media/0
- f2fs: do not try f2fs recovery.fstab mount options on an ext4 partition
- f2fs: do not redefine default recovery ext4 mount options when migrating from an f2fs recovery.fstab
- f2fs: error message when converting unsupported file systems
- fix Galaxy Mega variant background resolution
6.43.5 (01.06.2014)
- default to /data/media/0 unless we define BOARD_HAS_NO_MULTIUSER_SUPPORT
- use lstat to check if file exists
6.43.4 (01.06.2014)
- fix text print colour could persist after md5 check
6.43.3 (31.05.2014)
- fix f2fs conversion of /data on /data/media devices
- allow ext4 <-> f2fs backup data migration in nandroid
- cleanup code
6.43.0 (30.05.2014)
- nandroid backup: fix 'media' exception:
In CWM, a bug present from the begining was preventing any path/file named media from backup on /data/media devices
This fix will only exclude /data/media path and not other media files/folders
6.42.9 (30.05.2014)
- default again to libtar for backup/restore
6.42.7 (30.05.2014)
default to busybox tar:
- use busybox tar by default as it now supports selinux context backup/restore
- unify libtar and busybox tar options (-p for selinux context)
- remove now deprecated external selinux container code
6.42.5 (30.05.2014)
- f2fs: recreate /etc/fstab after ext4/f2fs conversion for proper use of system mount command
- comment useless dead code
6.42.4 (30.05.2014)
- f2fs: fix nandroid restore to f2fs partitions
- f2fs: support format extra storage to f2fs (vold patch needed)
- f2fs: support switching between f2fs/ext4 (needs f2fs in kernel modules), thanks @KumaJaya
- f2fs: reload volume table after f2fs/ext4 conversion (no reboot needed after conversion)
- f2fs: do not format whole /data when not expected on /data/media devices
- f2fs: allow /data f2fs/ext4 conversion for non data_media devices
6.41.8 (26.05.2014)
Preserve recovery settings after a wipe
- on settings change, create a second copy of recovery settings on primary storage (/sdcard)
- on recovery exit, always copy recovery settings to sdcard if no copy is present
- after a wipe, on recovery exit, try to restore settings from the copy on primary storage
- fix save/restore settings menu labels
- libtouch_gui 1.22
6.41.6 (12.05.2014)
- update exfat to dorimanx 1.2.9 latest sources
- fix compile error when enabling BOARD_RECOVERY_USE_BBTAR
- repo sync latest sources
- Galaxy Tab Pro 8.4 WiFi SM-T320 (mondrianwifi)
- HTC M7 variants: use new cm kernel with exfat sources
- HTC M8 variants: use new unified recovery
6.41.5 (11.05.2014)
- libtouch_gui 1.21: auto detect BRIGHTNESS_SYS_FILE path if it is not set during compile
* search for the file in most common locations
* if found, save it to recovery settings ini file to be called on next recovery starts
* else, disable adjust brightness function to avoid error logs on recovery start
- fix various compiler warnings and errors
- enhance pre-compile setup
- dedupe: merge clean up code from @xiaolu
- merge: fix restorecon_from_file potential crash from @xiaolu (only for BOARD_RECOVERY_USE_BBTAR)
- fix 240x320 images
- merge "cwm: Honor recovery variant "
- merge "cwm: Remove hardcoded paths"
- merge "Keep 'show log' on screen until user dismisses it"
- create /data/media directory after internal storage is wiped
prevents denial to read/write from internal storage under some circumstances
- open source touch_gui library
- update licence files
6.40.1 (03.05.2014)
- proper libtar implementation: support backup/restore of selinux context inside archive
- dedupe: support backup/restore of selinux context by @Chenglu
- libtouch_gui 1.20: support custom key files (BOARD_CUSTOM_RECOVERY_KEYMAPPING)
6.29.9 (27.04.2014)
- merge "Recovery: swap XY on swipe controls"
- shell pipe: set exit code to error if any pipe element fails
* this was causing backup state to be reported good while tar command failed
6.29.7 (27.04.2014)
- minitar: add options help and change log
- minitar: build as a static library to spare 150 kb (only 16kb size increase)
6.29.2 (26.04.2014)
- fix potential bug when verifying root and recovery state on exit
- merge "Fix verify_root_and_recovery menu selections":
- hide the Go Back button from confirm menu
- merge "Prohibit mounting/formatting swap partitions in recovery"
- add minitar binary to /sbin instead of busybox tar
- minitar: enable more options, enable long options, fix selinux backup/restore, enhance GNU tar compatibility
- enable seamless backup/restore selinux context using minitar binary
- TWRP mode: support backup/restore of selinux context
- libtouch_gui 1.19
6.27.6 (21.04.2014)
- add libtouch_gui for armv6 devices, thanks @yuweng and androidarmv6 team
- loki: sync to upstream
- Galaxy S5 SM-G900H (k3gxx): update kernel to XXU1ANCI
- Amazon Kindle Fire HD 7 (tate): fix background and virtual keys
- Amazon Kindle Fire HD (jem & tate): fix display battery level
- LG G2: repack on older cm 6.25.4 kernel to fix graphic issues
- New: HTC One M8 Verizon (m8vzw)
- New: LG Optimus One P500 (p500) - arm v6 based
6.27.2 (18.04.2014)
- libtouch_gui 1.18
- confirm cancel nandroid jobs (prompt to press 'Back' twice or resume after 5 secs)
- vibrate after backup/restore operations
6.27.0 (17.04.2014)
- MTK support: fix backup & restore of boot/recovery/uboot partitions
- MTK devices: improve error handling of partitions size
- do not consider su symlink in /system/bin as a broken root
- New: Amazon Kindle Fire HD 7 (tate)
- New: Amazon Kindle Fire HD 8.9 (jem)
- New: Galaxy S5 SM-G900H Exynos variant (k3gxx)
6.26.6 (14.04.2014)
- m7 unified for m7ul, m7att and m7tmo
- merge support for native dual boot devices
- sync sources
6.26.4 (12.04.2014)
- update libloki to latest sources
- broken root: help victims of bad custom ROMs
This adds extra code to detect if two su instances are installed in /system/bin and /system/xbin
It will kill both and properly apply SuperSU
- fixing root on exit was never done what ever was user choice
6.26.1 (06.04.2014)
- New: Note 10.1 2014 3G - SM-P601 (lt0wifiue)
- New: LG Optimus L7 P700 (p700) by @ali.filth
- New: Galaxy Grand Quatro (i8552) by @ali.filth
- New: HTC One mini (m4)
- fb2png: better error logging
6.25.7 (05.04.2014)
- New: HTC One M8 (m8)
- New: HTC One M8 sprint (m8spr)
- New: Note 10.1 2014 Wifi - SM-P600 (lt0wifi)
- derp cm_moto_msm8960
6.25.4 (31.03.2014)
- sort files using case insensitive order (adapted from @titanic-fanatic)
- use new ro.loki_disabled for unified variants not needing loki
This way, we only need to set the ENABLE_LOKI flag to have a loki enabled recovery
No more need to set an extra ro.loki_enabled property
Only modification needed now is for jflte variants not using loki
Only jflteatt and jfltevzw do
We have to set ro.loki_disabled to 1 for all other variants in libinit_jflte
- New device: Galaxy X Cover 2 - skomer
- New device: Galaxy S3 Mini - golden
- New device: Sony Xperia ZR (dogo)
- New device: Sony Xperia Tablet Z (pollux)
- New device: Sony Xperia Z1 Compact (amami)
- New device: Sony Xperia S (nozomi)
- New device: moto_msm8960 unified device (by @hachamacha)
- New device: Galaxy S Advance (janice)
- New device: Galaxy Ace 2 (codina)
- New device: Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 7.0 SM-T211 (lt023g)
6.25.0 (29.03.2014)
- jflte: enable back loki for jflteatt and jfltevzw
- remove old no more needed md5 check code
6.24.8 (28.03.2014)
- libtouch_gui 1.16:
- fix when quickly doing two gesture actions one after the other, highlighted m$
we only allow gesture actions when the previous one is terminated
- set these default gesture actions:
* swipe left = screen off
* swipe right = increase brightness
* press 1 sec and lift = show log
* press 2 sec and small move = screen shot
- merge "Only init legacy property environment once"
6.24.6 (28.03.2014)
- revert using ntfs module and drop to fuse for complete write support
- use new md5digest code to generate/verify nandroid backups
- bring progress bar during nandroid md5 generation and check
- exclude log and md5 file when regenerating md5 files
- twrp mode: use new md5digest function with status bar during md5 check/create
- twrp mode: fix double md5 verification bug
- fix delete backup menu failed to reopen base backup folder + wired log message
- libtouch_gui 1.15: fix the "umount: can't umount /data: Invalid argument" log message on start when time daemon was loaded
- libtouch_gui 1.15: show "time daemon loading" message on recovery start when we're waiting for the daemon to load
- libtouch_gui 1.15: support time_daemon /data/system/time path used on some ROMs
- add Xperia ZL (odin) flags (@shoey63)
- jflte: remove /firmware and /firmware-mdm from fstab
- repack builder: fix version display during install broken after fixing cm recovery builder script
6.23.7 (25.03.2014)
- cherry-pick @mdmower patches to legacy props init: better error checking to avoid segfaulting
- really hammer lazy developers
6.23.5 (25.03.2014)
- merge: "recovery: Compatibility with upstream minui change"
- merge: "use correct USB PID for adb and new PID for adb+ums"
- merge: "Fixes makerecoveries.sh"
- merge: "nandroid: Convert selinux_android_restorecon calls to new API" from @KumaJaya
- fix fb2png flag to be enabled by default
- cherry-pick: "Revert "Add a copy of the updater binary to the recovery resources""
- cherry-pick: "Make legacy prop environment available to recovery"
- cherry-pick: "Use legacy property environment if old update-binary"
- fix potential unsafe thread code
- libtouch_gui 1.10: disable gesture actions during md5 checks as they are not thread safe
6.22.5 (22.03.2014)
- fb2pn v2.0.0 by McKael & Phil3759
* autodetect image offset to properly align frame buffer data
* fix memory leak
* fix all compiler warnings
* auto detect active frame buffer to capture
* option to force buffer to capture by user
- fix compiling of Advanced Edition
6.22.1 (18.03.2014)
- fix fb2png code for new Qualcom boards (not merged, work in progress)
- fix key repeat for hardware keys
- fix MTK board support
- fix compiling error of Advanced Edition
- fix md5 check crash when installing zip files
6.21.2 (14.03.2014)
- add progress bar while reading zip file to compute md5 check
- add color printing during md5sum checks
- (derp) fix color code printing on md5 check disappears after 5 sec (ui_wait_key() screen refresh)
- md5sum check potential bug fixes and optimizations
- libtouch_gui 1.05
6.20.6 (12.03.2014)
- add md5 sum calculation and toggle verification during install of zip files
- hammerhead: fix efs backup (derp)
- loki: use new loki_tool multi bin sources
- add missing vkeys for 240 width
- many bug fixes and code cleanups
- libtouch_gui 1.04
6.19.6 (05.03.2014)
- loki: fix auto loki was broken and clean up sources
- hammerhead: add efs backup/restore
- m7 variants: fix charger in off mode
- jewel: fix no fstab!
6.19.3 (02.03.2014)
- fix compiling for QCOM devices when using a prebuilt kernel with TARGET_PREBUILT_KERNEL
- galaxysmtd: remove ntfs-3g drivers to fit partition size
6.19.2 (01.03.2014)
- merge "nandroid: Allow tar backups of yaffs2 partitions"
- merge "update-binary: Add collect_backup_data function"
- merge "recovery: add overlay interface for recovery mode"
- merge "recovery: Add support for split display "
- merge "recovery: Fix compilation for non MSM target "
- merge "Fix overlay inclusion on MSM"
- merge "Loki: Add LG G Flex KDDI MODEL"
- merge Aroma patches:
* User selectable colorspace added to settings.
* Unmount /system at exit if mounted.
* Some more logging added.
- add 480x854 res backgrounds
- add 240x320 res backgrounds
- hlte: use new unified device builds but only for devices with new 4.4 bootloader
- hlte: fix cdrom in mount usb storage, thanks to @Chenglu
- jewel: use cm kernel with new layout partitions to fix charger
- hammerhead: revert to using cm kernel instead of stock
- falcon_gpe: use unified falcon device with init started script to swap fstab f2fs for ext4
- New: d2dcm (d2lte)
- lt02wifi: support fb2png screen shots
- loki fix for zip installers broken after unified devices releases
6.18.7 (25.02.2014)
- enable full touch gui build through re-distributable libtouch_gui
- merge "Fix mass storage in recovery"
- merge remote cm-11.0 changes
- loki: add support for unified devices
- fix loki user setting could be overridden on edify install_zip commands
- Galaxy S4 Qualcom variants: use new unified device "jflte" for all variants
- loki: show the enabled/disabled state in menu
- more comprehensive menu text display for /data/media/0 toggle
- fix potential memory leak in /data/media/0 toggle
- Galaxy S3 Qualcomm variants: use unified dlte recovery image
- New: Galaxy S2 Epic 4G Touch - SPH-D710 (d710)
- New: Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 7.0 SM-T210 WiFi (lt02wifi), credits to gr8nole and ketut.kumajaya
- New: ZTE Warp Sequent - N861 (warp2), credits to jetx2x
- New: ZTE Awe (nex), credits to cooldudezach
- New: HTC Rezound (vigor)
- merge: "P31XX: use landscape background"
- fix virtual keys on devices with 1024 pixel width resolution
- huge cleanup and potential bug fixes
- fix all compiler warnings
6.15.6 (15.02.2014)
- All Galaxy S4 variants now use one common recovery: jflte
It will properly enable loki on variants that need it and not on others
6.15.4 (13.02.2014)
- update superSU to 1.93
- sync sources
- fix recovery reboot command (adb and shell) by adding the init sys.powerctl property control
- merge "Fix mkfs.f2fs calling in roots"
- merge "Fix mass storage in recovery"
- fix display current path when navigating backward in folders
- Nandroid Simple Logging: toggle logging of file names during nandroid to keep screen progress while speed up nandroid operations for some devices
- increase NICE_INTERVAL to 300 msec (faster backup/restore on some devices)
- hide unused settings in Nandroid Settings menu (if we disable all progress on screen, hide non valid options)
- re-order nandroid settings menu
- add a toggle for fall back to pre-built update-binary to permit use of older update-binary in zip packages (doesn't persist on reboot).
this will fix the assert errors due to outdate update-binary. It could still be affected by assert error on device name getprop. However, that one is easier to fix by end users by editing updater-script. This is a workaround. The best is to hammer your ROM cooker to update his scripts and binaries
- setting for signature check toggle on zip updates will be now saved on reboot
- Aroma File Manager: mount vold managed volumes on launch from recovery
- Free Browse Mode: make it possible to install from any custom path even ramdisk
- Free browse mode: fix exceptions when setting up custom path
- Free browse mode: mount known volumes during setup
- Free browse mode: better handling of /data/media devices
- Free Browse Mode: mount vold managed volumes when navigating in
- HTC One variants (m7): fix charger
- HTC Evo 4G LTE (jewel): fix charger
- HTC Evo 4G LTE (jewel): update to new Sense 5 partition layout (/data/media)
- HTC Evo 4G LTE (jewel): use exfat modules for much faster backup speed to exfat cards
- New: Moto G variants (falcon): xt1028 xt1031 xt1032 xt1033 xt1034
- New: Moto G Google Play Edition (falcon_gpe)
- New: Galaxy Note 8.0 LTE (n5120) support
- New: HP Touch (tenderloin), no touch
- fix potential logging issues
- fix compiler warnings
- clean up code and misc fixes
6.13.1 (05.02.2014)
- HTC One variants (m7xx): fix charger bug
- Nexus 5 (hammerhead): use stock kernel to fix graphic issues
- LG G2 variants (d80x, vs980, ls980): add faster exfat backups using exfat modules from samsung (credits @dorimanx)
- LG G2: add d805 and d806 support
- Galaxy S4 variants (jflte): derp fix kernel random hang on boot
- SGH-I757M (celoxhd): use exfat static drivers
6.12.8 (30.01.2014)
- time and date menu text formatting and order
- version display edit
- add ntfs write support to devices using kernel modules instead of fuse
- loki: merge "Support LG Optimus F7 ZV5_02"
- zip installer: update loki binaries for LOKI devices
- zip installer: use new update-binary sources
- add NTFS kernel module support for more Samsung devices
6.12.2 (28.01.2014)
- manually set time and date in recovery
- support Qualcom time daemon to sync time with main system (credits to dougiebee)
- supportRTC offset hack for Qualcom devices without a proper time daemon in system ROM (credits to dougiebee)
- option to drop to system set time and date commands (credits to dougiebee)
- set default nandroid compression level back to low
- roll out exfat-nofuse sources from dorimanx into various kernels from Samsung and other brands
- code fix and cleanup
- New: Oppo N1
6.10.6 (23.01.2014)
- update SuperSU to 1.91
- merge android_system_core changes to adb to fix push to extra storage paths
- do not use performance mode during install zip: fixes hang on unmount /system in updater-script when usb cable is connected
- i9505 ans US variants: update kernel to fix random hang on boot
- update to CWM
- merge "Fix up bu restore"
- ROM Manager: workaround to backup/restore to/from external storage
6.10.2 (20.01.2014)
- enhance touch init (fix touch on some Sony devices)
- really fix reading device max brightness value
- loki: merge "Support Open EU LG Optimus F6 and US Cellular Optimus F7"
- New: HTC One X+ (enrc2b)
6.10.0 (18.01.2014)
- read the device max brightness setting to fix brightness toggle on some Sony devices
- merge: "Populate mount menu with new mount/format matrix" - final version
- merge: "Use cat for adb backup."
6.09.8 (16.01.2014)
- merge: "Populate mount menu with new mount/format matrix"
- New: Moto X variants: US Cellular (xt1055), Sprint (xt1056)
- New: Galaxy Tab 2 P3110 (p3110)
6.09.6 (15.01.2014)
- do not error on missing sd-ext when wiping dalvik cache
- merge: "su: Update for latest su daemon compatibility"
- merge "Clean up c formatting - 1"
- merge "Remove "Go Back" option from verify root and recovery options"
- merge "Fix potential chmod failures"
- merge: "Add a copy of the updater binary to the recovery resources"
- merge: "install: Support downgrade scenarios"
- merge: "install: Fix possible overflow condition in the updater "scanner""
- merge: "minui: do not use flexible array initialization"
- merge: "correctly mount tmpfs as /tmp in recovery"
- New: Sony Xperia SP (huashan)
- New: Sony Xperia T (mint)
- New: Samsung i9192 (serranodsub)
- New: Motorola Moto X variants: VZW (xt1060), GSM (xt1058), TMO (xt1053)
- New: Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 LTE (n8020)
6.09.2 (12.01.2013)
- toggle prompt on low free space during backup
- SuperSU update to v1.89
- loki: merge "Support LG Vu 3."
- code cleanup
- New: US Cellular CH-R530U (d2usc) support
6.08.9 (04.01.2013)
- gesture action defaults changed
- long press and lift gesture action is now triggered after finger pressed for more than 1 sec
- do not include fb2png on non supported devices
- stop always rebuilding aroma intermediates
- Update: Samsung Exhilarate SGH-I577 (exhilarate)
- New: Galaxy Express AT&T (expressatt)
- New: Asus Transformer Pad TF300T (tf300t)
- New: Asus Transformer Prime TF700T (tf700t)
- New: HTC Evo 4G LTE (jewel)
- New: LG Optimus 4X HD P880 (p880)
6.08.7 (03.01.2014)
- fix Free Browse Mode folder cannot be changed in menus once first setup
- add back custom format fstype using vold (now patched in cm-11.0 thanks @cyanogen)
- disable journalling when formatting non voldmanaged extra storage in ext4 fstype
- merge "recovery: Add support for performance control"
- update CWM to v6.0.4.6
- loki: sync sources (support LG G2 D80010o)
- default backup compression level is now 5 (medium)
- v500: fix background width to 1200 pixels
- e970: fix OTA assert line breaking zip installer
- New: HTC Desire 601 (zara)
- New: HTC Droid DNA (dlx)
- New: Samsung Galaxy Grand Duos GT-I9082 (i9082)
6.07.8 (28.12.2013)
- fix exiting "pause on logs" mode with virtual keys caused erroneous validation
- fix exiting screen off mode with hardware key could cause erroneous validations
- fix some devices could not exit "pause on logs" mode with screen touch
- bring immediate touch responsiveness after exiting screen off mode and "pause on logs" mode
- fix erroneous first menu validation when exiting screen off mode on some devices
- fix long press and move action could be triggered while swiping outside menus and returning to first touched area
- increase threshold for long press and move action for easier triggering
- small touch scroll optimizations
- improve touch responsiveness on low res devices
- code clean-up and optimization
- fix log text could overwrite clock/battery icons on some low res devices
- after successful zip install with sideload, hide the install background icon
- after installing zip with sideload, do not trigger "pause on logs" mode
- loki: sync latest sources (support LG G2 VS98012b)
- New: HTC One Verizon (m7vzw)
- New: Galaxy Note 3 International, Sprint and TMO (now built with cm-11.0 device tree and kernel)
- New: Galaxy S Relay 4G - SGH-T699 (apexqtmo)
- New: LG G Pad 8.3 (v500)
- New: Samsung Galaxy Premier I9260 (superior)
- New: Samsung Galaxy Mega 6.3 I9200 - SGH-i527 (meliusltexx)
- New: Samsung Galaxy Mega 5.8 i9150 (melius3gxx)
- New: Galaxy S i9000 support (galaxysmtd) : still needs cat /proc/mtd to add in extra.fstab
- New: Galaxy S3 verizon - SGH-I535 (d2vzw)
6.07.6 (23.12.2013)
- fix waking up screen from sleep with hardware POWER or HOME buttons would validate selected menu
- add a time fix menu
6.07.1 (22.12.2013)
- Touch and GUI fixes
6.05.6 (21.12.2013)
- better fit text logs on non HD devices: stop slightly overwrite of bottom virtual keys separation bar and clock/battery area
- fix logs overwriting bottom virtual keys and progress bar in sideload mode
- add 5 extra partitions support in nandroid: can be added in fstab and will be auto detected
- custom backup and restore menu: move reboot item to top of partitions list
- custom backup and restore menu: auto hide all unused items
- advanced menu: hide /data/media toggle for non datamedia devices
- sync loki sources: add new LG devices
- SuperSU update to 1.86
- busybox: merge @Chenglu changes to support selinux (no tar --selinux yet)
- huge code clean ups and fixes
- New: LG G Pad 8.3 (v500)
- New: Samsung Galaxy Premier I9260 (superior)
- New: Samsung Galaxy Mega 6.3 I9200 - SGH-i527 (meliusltexx)
- New: Samsung Galaxy Mega 5.8 I9150 (melius3gxx)
- New: Galaxy S i9000 support (galaxysmtd) : still needs cat /proc/mtd to add in extra.fstab
- New: Galaxy S3 verizon - SGH-I535 (d2vzw)
- Note 3: fix device name to hlte
- Note 3: ramdisk changes to better handle enforced selinux and usb mount storage
- Note 3 (hlte): add modem support in backup/restore
- Note 3 (hlte): repack on @Chenglu ramdisk to fix time
- Note 3 (hlte): fix boardconfig for correct ums lun path (mount usb storage)
- i9100/n7000: add extra.fstab support
- i9100/n7000: use built in kernel exfat modules for faster writes to exfat cards
6.04.0 (14.12.2013)
- fix twrp backup/restore default mode
- save loki support user setting (default is now disabled)
6.03.8 (13.12.2013)
- Galaxy Note 3 - n9005 (lt03ltexx)
- add custom backup and restore options to main nandroid menu for each storage volume
- ditch stock cwm limited advanced restore function
- add toggle to switch between TWRP/CWM as default backup mode
- ors: backup mode is now the default backup mode set for all recovery session
- ors: smart restore mode to override main backup mode depending on path we restore from (TWRP vs CWM auto detection)
- backup/restore validation menu moved to top in custom modes
- sanitize rom name for backup: exclude "&" symbol and fix compiler warnings (size_t)
- when deleting backups, do not exit the menu each time
- fix new line in process_volumes()
- merge: "Don't return immediately from reboot commands."
- merge: "Enable incremental builder to find files that moved"
- merge: "Support recoveries without CONFIG_EXT4_FS_XATTR"
6.03.5 (11.12.2013)
- Nexus 5 (hammerhead) support
- rebase on KitKat Android 4.4.x cm-11 branch
- restore NICE_INTERVAL to 100 for faster refresh of progress bar during nandroid restore
- Samsung phones: use built in kernel exfat/ntfs modules + fix selinux permissions to support exfat/ntfs read/write
- fix format to any user fstype without direct call to vold functions as it was no longer supported in cm-11.0
- proper ext2/ext4 support on extra storage volumes
- fix looping into readlink for boot/recovery partitions
- Samsung: add selinux permissions for preload partition
- if minivold fails to mount a voldmanaged volume, still drop to system mount (support ext2/ext3 mount)
6.03.1 (09.12.2013)
- built on cm-11.0 device tree
- built in kernel modules for exfat/ntfs both in read/write
- fix selinux issues to format external storage (OTG and microsd) in ext4/ext2/ext3
- uses cm-11.0 native kernel modded with permissive selinux and ko fs modules from samsung
6.02.1 (08.12.2013)
- loki: fix new line in ui_prints
- Nexus 7 (2013) deb and flo: fix background image size to better fit screen
- Galaxy Note 8.0 GSM (n5100): fix touch at kernel level for recovery and aroma, credits to @nickdollahz
- Galaxy Note 8.0 Wifi (n5110) support
- Galaxy Note 2: stop flashing sensors on boot (credits @AndreiLux), use built in kernel exfat modules (big thanks @wanam)
6.01.7 (07.12.2013)
- loki: update to v2.1 latest sources
- loki: use libloki_recovery for easier maintenance + clean-up the code
- loki: update to latest sources
- loki: fix all compiler warnings
- loki: remove licence in header file as requested by author
- fix get size of boot and recovery partitions from device block name link on some devices (yet another round, for good this time)
- LG G2 (d801): fix assert in zip installer
- Samsung Galaxy S2 Skyrocket i727 (skyrocket) support
- Samsung Galaxy W - GT-I8150 (ancora) support
- Samsung Galaxy S Plus i9001 (ariesve) support
6.01.2 (03.12.2013)
- fix error log when changing backup format for non datamedia devices
- fix celoxhd vibrator thanks @titanic_fanatic
- support LG G2 Int (d802), LG G2 AT&T (d800), LG G2 TMO (d801), LG G2 Verizon (vs980), LG G2 Sprint (ls980)
- support LG Nitro HD AT&T (p930)
6.01.0 (01.12.2013)
- fix settings file and themes could not be saved/restored on non data media devices
- fix various issues with non data media devices (new vold names)
- settings path (/data) is unmounted only on recovery start and not on every settings refresh
- move all recovery setting files/paths to a common header file
- fix Atrix HD mbm886 compiling
- fix success/failure display when copying files
- crespo (Nexus S): revert to cm-10.2 kernel sources
6.00.8 (30.11.2013)
- merge selinux backup/restore changes from @xiaolu
- by default, enable selinux context backup/restore
6.00.7 (30.11.2013)
- fix unpredictable first touch on some devices
- support MTK devices backup and restore of boot, recovery and uboot
6.00.5 (29.11.2013)
- fix potential memory overflow on elapsed timers
- use clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC) for more reliable elapsed timers
- fix virtual keys won't repeat for some devices since recent cm device tree updates
- update SuperSU to v1.80
- resync sources for fixing selinux permissions on lost and found folder
- Galaxy S3 US variants (d2spr, d2tmo, d2att): fix vold dropping to fuse instead of exfat kernel module
- i9500: use adam 3.5 kernel + built in exfat + ntfs, credits @wanam
- Galaxy S Relay 4G - SGH-T699 (apexqtmo)
- Galaxy Note 8.0 (n5100)
- Galaxy S2 HD LTE - SGH-I757M (celoxhd) credits @titanic_fanatic
- Nexus 7 (2013) LTE (deb)
- LG Optimus G Pro GSM (e980)
- LG Spectrum 4G - vs920
- Motorola Atrix HD
- Galaxy S4 int + US: do not show unsafe volumes in mounts and storage
6.0.0 (24.11.2013)
Change log: so huge that it will come later
Please browse a bit inside all menus and sub menus
Check new touch kinetics
Root with superSU from chainfire
Flash kit kat
and so crazly more things
5.18.9 (04.11.2013)
- add option to disable all nags on exit (root, flash recovery)
- add menu to root system and verify recovery
- code clean-up
5.18.7 (03.11.2013)
- optimize Install zip menu + order entries
- merge "minui: Allow devices to blank/unblank using LCD backlight" into cm-10.2
- merge "recovery: Add a proper CleanSpec.mk * Clean all the stuff that conflicts with AOSP recovery."
- merge "Add guard makefile for allowing simple recovery build"
- merge "Quickly install from last install path"
- merge "Enable optional swipe based touch controls"
5.18.5 (18.10.2013)
- unmount /data on user request for /data/media devices
- Asus Nexus 7 2013 (flo) support
- HTC One AT&T support
- HTC One m7ul, m7spr, m7att, m7tmo: support exfat kernel module instead of fuse
- Galaxy S3 i9300/i9305: add exfat kernel module support in minivold
- fix bug when reading partition link target
- do not ever log to screen mount/unmount events for sdcards (this will preserve ui_print for USB OTG volumes)
- write recovery version on exiting recovery instead of start: spare an extra partition mount/unmount on start
5.18.2 (15.10.2013)
- merge @Chenglu latest changes for selinux context backup/restore (4.3 ROMs)
- user can enable/disable nandroid backup/restore of selinux context: speed up things for non JB 4.3 users
- fix bug where restore compressed archive from external storage caused vold crash because of busy volume:
- misc bug fixes
- S4 mini (i9195/i9190): use exfat/ntfs ko modules with custom kernel from samsung sources (thanks to @wanam)
- Xperia Z (yuga): use stock Sony + exfat ko module instead of fuse
- Galaxy S4 ATT and VZW: support auto loki on flash
5.17.7 (12.10.2013)
- merge su changes: "Add required libraries to list." into cm-10.2
- set lowest brightness value from 25 to 10
- i9505: use new custom kernel from google sources to fix ext4 corruption, exfat and ntfs kernel modules (huge thanks to @wanam)
5.17.6 (09.10.2013)
- Merge "Recovery: Loki patching support" into cm-10.2
- Merge "Support f2fs format"
- Fix f2fs formatting through edify scripting (roots.c entry)
- Merge "Don't print any messages regarding sd-ext to the UI"
- merge touch changes into cm-10.2
- add extra.fstab file support to provide blk_device2, fs_type2 and fs_options2
- use blk_device2 to partition sdcard and to format in ext2/ext3 for voldmanaged volumes
- fix Aroma file manager cannot see external storage due to minivold/fuse
- fix ors scripting for new cm-10.2 fstab format
- ors backup target: ensure user doesn't enter a non valid volume mount point in recovery settings file
- fix Get_Size_Via_statfs() handling of /data/media storage with new vold
- improve get_ors_backup_volume() call
- serious cm-10.2 bug: do not show partition sdcard menu for voldmanaged devices unless they have a valid blk_device2
- allow custom format of voldmanaged volumes if fs_type == auto even if they cannot be partitioned (!can_partition)
- format_device() could fail to wipe /sdcard on /data/media devices
- format_volume() could fail to wipe /sdcard on /data/media devices (edify scripting)
- ensure_path_unmounted() could not unmount /sdcard path on /data/media devices
- Find_Partition_Size() can now get /data size partition from a /data/media path (/sdcard)
- misc bug fixes for cm-10.2 and vold
- remove included device_config.h and put all additional BoardConfig.mk in one file (easier port for devs)
- ignore Rainbow commit
- improve write_recovery_version() to also unmount /sdcard on non /data/media devices
- favour kernel module over fuse to mount exfat volumes
- add get_device_mmcblk() function to read real device /dev/block path from blk_device link
- fix dd raw backup and restore to better detect real device block (efs / modem backup and restore)
- nandroid backup and restore speed fix
* spare some pthread_mutex_lock(&gUpdateMutex) on ui_delete_line() call
* do not hammer with fputs to write nandroid log
* increase NICE_INTERVAL from 100 to 350 msec to lower screen refresh rate during nandroid jobs
- do not define S4 i9505 with BOARD_HAS_SLOW_STORAGE to re-enable displaying all backup stats by default
- allow sideload to be used in conjunction with other commands.
- merge: Array max is incorrectly calculated, can lead to missed events for ids > MAX_DEVICES (thanks @jeboo)
- sync sources to update su
- merge "loki: Update to 2.0, Add support for LG G2 (and device trees in general)"
- update cwm to + sync sources
- i9505: move to wanam 1.6 kernel : small size, adb root, touch, force load of exfat
- i9505: support ntfs through ko modules
5.15.9 (26.09.2013)
- get rid of = and space in ors script (merge from twrp) + merge to cm-10.1
- touch: drop unwanted devices to handle touch events for some devices (Xperia Z...) + merge to cm-10.1
- touch: improve scroll and make it more friendly
- touch: fix slide right/left actions triggered after a scroll ending outside menu
- touch: improve long press and lift + long press and move actions and lower delay to 0.6 sec
- touch: in double tap and highlight only modes, fix unwanted scroll down while selecting a menu after a scroll
- touch: misc bug fixes + cleaner code
- HTC One X (endeavoru): repack with 4.18 stock ramdisk to fix write/read speed
- Xperia Z: fix touch handling
5.15.0 (21.09.2013)
- fix bug where android_secure could not be restored
- add png files for 320px width devices and fix pico device tree for screen resolution + merge to cm-10.1
- selectively force tar wrapper on yaffs2 file systems (better handling of make update.zip from ROM and ors backup in cwm format)
- fix touch support for some Samsung phones
- merge latest aroma 1.91 changes to fix theme loading bug
- fix user choice format sdcard options
- i9505: powered by stock 4.3 Samsung kernel compiled and fixed by @ausdim: huge thanks to him
- i9505: fix adb root, sideload, exfat loading, time setting, touch and brightness
- i9500: fix flashing of cm-10.2 and AOKP 4.3 ROMs
- Galaxy S4 US variants: fix flashing of cm-10.2 and AOKP 4.3 ROMs
- fix /data/media toggle display was not correctly refreshed
- remove compute_archive_stats() file number calculation and replace with archive size for faster restores
- increase nandroid size check interval from 3 to 5 sec for slow storage devices (i9505)
- merge exclude google music cached files from nandroid backup
- merge new tar.gz wrapper into cm-10.1
- add pigz fast compression (-1) option + merge to cm-10.1
- add backup and restore of /data/media to external storage
- fix left free space warning when backup in compressed tar.gz mode
- fix partition sdcard menu not showing on devices without a second storage (cm-10.1 only)
- misc menus cleanup
- when key repeat is disabled: fix reboot when turning on screen after it was auto-blanked
- when key repeat is disabled: fix dim screen will not occur and only blank screen event was triggered
- fix dim/blank screen issues after reboot timer was reached and USB cable was connected
- fix various bugs with key handling through ui_wait_key()
- after screen is turned on, next touch event will now be considered (better touch response)
- more stable blank screen gesture actions (mainly on long press and move gesture)
- merge remove install update.zip from cm-10.2 to cm-10.1
- support new phones:
* Sony Xperia Z (yuga)
* Samsung S3 Sprint SPH-L710 (d2spr) - d2tmo repack
* Galaxy Exhibit Variants - SGH-T599N (codinamtr) - credits to @Unjustified Dev
* Galaxy Grand Duos (i9082) - credits @chotu222
* Galaxy S Plus - i9001 (ariesve) - thanks to @alireza7991
* HTC One V (primou) - credits to @doga.ozkaraca
* Huawei Acsend P1 U9200 (viva) - credits to @kiprap
5.11.2 (19.08.2013)
- ramdisk fixes for most devices to fix adb and sideload
- n7100/n7105/i317M: update to adam 2.7 kernel sensor free
- i9500: migrate to wanam sensors-free kernel v1.8 (fix boot into recovery delays, add back ntfs support)
- i9500: do not mount /data in postrecoveryboot.sh
- i9505: migrate to audism special repacked kernel (13.1) to fix poweroff bugs + update exfat kernel modules
- i9505 variants: revise ramdisk for stock based kernel edition
- properly unmount /data after loading recovery settings on start
- properly unmount /data on recovery start for datamedia devices as per last cm changes
- mount /data before write_recovery_version() checks
- move advanced and twrp nandroid code to separate included file for easier code maintenance with cm sources
5.11.0 (17.08.2013)
- update to cwm
* Fix issue where android device manager, etc, dont actually wipe data.
--wipe_data issues via /cache/recovery/command will now completely format data.
- i9505: update to audism kernel v13 (smaller size to fit new ntfs/exfat format options) + new exfat modules
- jfltexx (i9505 cyanogenmod version) is now built properly using new TARGET_RECOVERY_INITRC in BoardConfig
- release i9505 cyanogenmod kernel based version
- n7100: update to adam kernel v2.7 for smaller size to fit ntfs/exfat format options
- endeavoru (HTC One X): do not use NTFS modules to fit recovery size
- i9500: remove fb2png and ntfs support because of small recovery size
- pico: remove exfat and ntfs support because of small recovery size
- clean up code when calling format_device() for sd-ext
- fix repacking script for toro, toroplus, grouper, protou
5.10.8 (14.08.2013)
- update to cwm
- merge cm sources: shrink cid
- fix text file formatting for dosfstools/Android.mk (PC to UNIX)
- sync sources
5.10.0 (25.07.2013)
- reorganize Backup and Restore menu:
* remove stock CWM Advanced Restore function
* move choose backup format to Misc Nandroid Settings menu
- add Misc Nandroid Settings option to disable nandroid size progress
- nandroid size progress is now disabled by default for specific phones (i9505)
- merge cm-10.1 changes:
* remove useless Fix Permissions menu
5.09.8 (24.07.2013)
- new time set function using TZ environement variable (should fix issues for some i9505 users)
- remove warning about selinux file_contexts (log only)
- Update CWM to v6.0.3.4
* merge more headless fixes from cm-10.1
- i9505 ramdisk: fix init.rc adb and sideload
- increase refresh backup size stats delay from 0.5 to 3 seconds (a proper fix will follow for i9505 users)
- fix some /data/media files could be included in TWRP backup mode
- It's summer time: open source many parts of PhilZ Touch
* settings file config
* all misc nandroid settings menu setup
* get rom name function to stamp backup folder name
* free browse mode and custom install zip folder
5.09.2 (21.07.2013)
- fix compiler warning in nandroid.c / nandroid_callback()
- remove non used virtual_keys images from ramdisk
- resync sources
- merge cm-10.1 changes:
* SELinux: don't suppress the "no file_contexts" message on the UI
* add --headless mode
5.09.1 (20.07.2013)
- add NTFS support for external storage
5.09.0 (19.07.2013)
- exfat-fuse: use existing external/exfat and external/fuse branches
- exfat-fuse: remove old implementation for prebuilt binary
5.08.9 (18.07.2013)
- compile mount.exfat-fuse static binary along recovery source to support exfat on cm-10.1 kernels
- fix Aroma File Manager compiling for non NEON devices
- clean up code (partition sdcard menu)
- fix broken touch after screen wake-up for some phones (i9500)
- resync sources
5.08.5 (11.07.2013)
- Compile Aroma File Manager (by amarullz) zip installer under recovery:
* either compile whole recovery, zip will be created at first pass
* or only compile aroma zip installer in two pass:
1- mmm bootable/recovery/aromafm
2- mmm bootable/recovery/aromafm/tools
* output: [target_out]/aromafm_out/aromafm_[DeviceID].zip
- detect aroma compatibility with non NEON devices during compiling
- use less conflicting flags: TARGET_NAME --> TARGET_COMMON_NAME
ältere Changelogs:
5.08.0 (07.07.2013)
- improve nandroid progress bar update
- fix recovery was not prompting when backup estimated size is larger than free space
- add ors backup support for twrp format requested by BillGoss
- ors backup: when no backup name is given, generate it using same way as nandroid operations (time stamp + rom name tag)
- support separated compiling for Loki patched devices (S4 AT&T and Verizon)
- i9505: revert some changes to fix time bug for some users
- Galaxy S4 US variants: repack around Audism stock JB 4.3 kernel v3 + Samsung exfat modules + revert use of mkefs for partition corruption issue
- fix missing break in set backup compression value menu (misc_nandroid_menu())
- misc clean up code
- sync latest sources
5.07.6 (05.07.2013)
- update version
- add exfat-fuse / 2.9.2 optional support by enabling USE_EXFAT_FUSE_BIN CFLAG in BoardConfig (exfat support on cyanogenmod repacks)
- i9505: use Audism kernel v3 (Stock Samsung sources) to fix partition corruption without additional code and for better exfat support
5.07.1 (01.07.2013)
- i9100G support
5.07.0 (30.06.2013)
- fix "unknown volume for path /res/images/koush.png" on boot (do not search for a volume on ramdisk path)
5.06.8 (19.06.2013)
- fix bug introduced in v5.06.5: folder entries duplicated in some choose file menus (custom and twrp restore modes, regenerate md5 selection menu)
- by default, if /data/media/0 exists, it will be used as internal storage. You can still alter it in Advanced menu to force /data/media
5.06.7 (17.06.2013)
- Galaxy R/Z (i9103) support, thanks to Adam77Root
5.06.6 (13.06.2013)
- fix multi-zip flash "select/unselect all" persisting (static int select_all --> int select_all)
- add sdparted option to partition in ext4 fstype
- enable partition sdcard when non vfat fstype2 option is used in recovery.fstab
- merge cm-10.1 changes ( Update 8):
* Merge "recovery: Fix adb backup" into cm-10.1
* Merge "Remove (un)mount option for datamedia partitions" into cm-10.1
* recovery.c: Fix the potential segmentation fault: Extral newline can trigger recovery segmentation fault
- Nexus 10 (manta): revert font changes since they were now merged in cm-10.1 device tree
- i9505 international: migrate to jfltexx device tree and repack with newer exfat modules
- misc code cleaning
5.06.4 (06.06.2013)
- fix touch repeat on capacitive virtual buttons for some devices
- Pico: ramdisk changes to enable backup size detection for mtd partitions (boot, recovery, misc)
5.06.3 (05.06.2013)
- HTC One Sprint and TMO variants support
- Galaxy S3 - T-Mobile (d2tmo): ramdisk changes to fix exfat (load modules using recovery-loader script)
5.06.2 (04.06.2013)
- Galaxy S3 - T-Mobile (d2tmo) - SGH-T999 support
5.06.1 (02.06.2013)
- HTC One: move to new m7ul device tree
5.06.0 (01.06.2013)
- support dual modem devices nandroid operations (dual sim, i9505)
- merge cm-10.1 changes: support version 2 (2048-bit e=65537) keys in recovery
- Nexus S/4G (crespo/4g): add mmcblk names to recovery.fstab to fix /data mount
- HTC Desire X (protou): support both protou-ics and protu-jb fstab
5.05.9 (31.05.2013)
- do not write backup size progress to log file
- show total time after restore job
- write backup path to log
5.05.7 (30.05.2013)
- use bigger 23x41 roboto font for HD devices (i9500, i9505, Nexus 10)
- do not uselessly statfs partition to refresh backup size progress if we're under NICE_INTERVAL (100ms)
- show backup compression 0% when backup is tar format and compression is disabled
- fix get time events during nandroid jobs and touch events
- universal scroll sensitivity and row height settings (fix hypersensitivity for HD devices)
- fix backup size progress for datamedia devices (special thanks to pickandwhammy for the time he spent in debugging this and providing logs)
- merge Get_Folder_Size() changes from twrp 2.5
- misc logging improvements
- small bug fixes
5.05.0 (26.05.2013)
- fix potential memory overflow during computing of size stats in backup
- fix /efs backup not possible for devices without /preload, unless preload menu was selected once
- fix custom nandroid and twrp backups for yaffs2 devices (do not force tar format on these)
- misc fixes for supporting more devices mainly during nandroid jobs:
* allow use of device2 for raw backup and restore operations (using dd/cat)
* better nandroid support when device names in fstab do not match actual mtd name (revert statfs for volume->device)
- revert cm-10.1 changes: write correctly fstab info in log (do not print to stderr)
- merge old custom_backup folder to cwm backup folder
- old .efs_backup and .modem_bin folders also should be moved to clockworkmod/backup
- .aromafm folder is now aromafm (no more hidden folder for this)
- add regenerate md5 sum option for nandroid backups (use with caution)
- revert inverting fstype and fstype2 (see github commit for more info on this)
- fix nandroid backup fails before generating md5 for /external_sd devices when card is not inserted/mountable (.android_secure check)
- fix falling back to system mount command will fail when calling ensure_path_mounted(filename)
- HTC Desire X (protou) support added
- HTC Droid Incredible 4G LTE (fireball):
* add support
* allow sd-ext and mount external sd in ext4
* allow backup/restore of /radio
- Galaxy S4 - i9505:
* support emmc partitions size detection during nandroid jobs
* fix exfat mount for some sdcards (thanks to chenglu)
- Nexus S/4G (crespo/crespo4g):
* allow raw + yaffs2 backups for /efs and /radio
* allow size detection for MTD partitions during nandroid backup
* fix device name to Samsung Nexus S
* repack with stock GB kernel to fix USB mount in recovery
- Nexus 10: enable efs backup and restore
- Galaxy Nexus (maguro/toro/toroplus): enable efs backup and restore
5.03.8 (20.05.2013)
- support HTC Droid Incredible 4G LTE - fireball
5.03.7 (19.05.2013)
- merge cm-10.1 changes: add getprop
- HTC One (m7) support
- i9505 fix graphics, date and cache/wipe issues (Big thanks to Chenglu for that)
- Samsung Nexus S (crespo) and Nexus S 4G (crespo4g) support
5.03.2 (16.05.2013)
- fix scroll down on touch issue when in double tap and highlight only modes
- support Galaxy Nexus GSM (maguro), Verizon (toro) and Sprint (toroplus), i9500 and i9505 Canada/Bell (jfltecan) and T-mobile (jfltetmo)
- merge cm-10.1 changes: add getprop
- fix backup size progress in twrp mode
- improve code for backup stats during nandroid jobs
- display full backup stats (total size, compression ratio, elapsed time) at end of backups
- merge last cm-10.1 updates:
* fix nandroid cmd command did not load volume table
* support nandroid dump/undump commands
* nandroid backup command line still segfaults
* silent log when mounting /data/media
- add 3 new color palettes (30 colors total): dimmer gray, yellow and gold
- add toggle for header custom color
- add toggle for battery and clock custom color
- line at bottom of menus will now have same color as menus separator lines
- set new defaults to header and menu text colors
- show backup/restore stats in color during nandroid jobs
- fix touch issue when exiting friendly log or blanked screen, and pressing on virtual buttons
- fix root break for devices with shared recovery partition caused by Whil Wheaton update
- advanced backup size monitoring during nandroid operations
- prompt to cancel backup on low free space (% and absolute)
- live display size stats during backup: total data written, free space left
- support backup and restore of /misc partition for both CWM and TWRP operations
- prevent potential segfault when calling is_data_media_volume_path()
- merge cm-10.1 changes:
* remove adb sideload /tmp/update.zip after flashing to avoid second flash under some circumstances
- fix android_secure could not be backed up under some circumstances (ensure mount of sdcard)
- completely rewritten android_secure support: much simpler code
- optimize cancel nandroid job action
- allow cancel yaffs2 nandroid operations
- allow dim screen timeout during yaffs2 nandroid operations
- fix set brightness and auto-dim screen timer for Nexus 7 and Nexus 10
- fix battery stats display for Nexus 10
- restore default actions of real device keys we fake for touch events
- correctly map device virtual keys to default recovery actions
- fix virtual buttons highlight color to match their line separator color (blue)
- support Nexus 7 and Nexus 10
- clean code for non PhilZ Touch buils
- Merge cm-10.1 changes to cwm
* recovery: fix sideload cancel" into cm-10.1
* make_ext4fs support
* auto prompt to root device when booting to main system
- use device specific background images during compile process
- touch code completely rewritten to support more devices (no more calibration needed)
- true touch scroll effect and much improved touch response
- secure touch: robust to wrong selections while scrolling + confirmation before any bad thing
- add option to completely disable touch
- options to restore Koush or PhilZ Touch background images
- restoring default backgrounds (Koush, PhilZ Touch) will apply live (a reboot was previously needed)
- fix touch on HTC Pico, HTC One S and HTC One XL
- restore support for device keys KEY_MENU and Home key (KEY_HOME, KEY_HOMEPAGE)
- add /preload support in twrp backup and restore modes
- mount /system and /data on Aroma File Explorer launch
- fix battery stats error in some circumstances
- i9100/n7000: update CWM Superuser to v1.0.1.8 (through zip installer)
- code cleaning, various fixes and optimizations
- force reset of recovery settings to v5: new settings file name
- backup file name is unchanged so that old settings can still be restored
4.96.6 (28.04.2013)
- support HTC One S (ville)
4.96.5 (27.04.2013)
- change event input handling code to support auto-interpolation
- auto support for devices built-in virtual keys
- enable key repeat for recovery virtual buttons (up/down): now they auto-repeat while pressed
- fix HTC One X nandroid backup was very slow (ramdisk changes)
- fix touch for new N71xx, T889, I317/M repacks based on wanam Adam 2.3 kernel to fix boot delay for non stock kernels
- misc bug fixes and code optimization
4.94.6 (21.04.2013)
- fix compile error for non touch version
- N71xx, T889, I317/M: repack on wanam Adam 2.3 kernel to fix boot delay for non stock kernels
- Fix touch support for HTC One X (endeavoru) and HTC One XL (evita)
- More fixes for HTC Explorer (pico) - work in progress
4.93.9 (18.04.2013)
- Initial support for HTC devices
* HTC One X (endeavoru) support
* HTC One XL (evita) support
* HTC Explorer (pico) support (big thanks to Nihar.G for this port)
4.93.6 (17.04.2013)
- fix reboot to bootloader for phones without download mode
- define default values for CWM Advanced Edition builds to non officially supported devices by PhilZ Touch
- no need to confirm sideload as it can be cancelled
- move philz settings file from /system to /data
- fix compile error for non PhilZ Touch version
- revert temporary assert fix for i9100/n7000 (ramdisk changes):
* do not mount /system in init.rc
* add needed entries in default.prop
- n7000: no more replace init binary to fix /data corruption bootloop issue (ramdisk changes)
4.93.2 (14.04.2013)
- share source for multi-zip installer
- add sideload and print commands support to ors as per TWRP specs
- always ensure sync before rebooting
- disable adb secure
- Update to CWM
* allow cancel sideload
* allow sideload install from /cache/recovery
* courier_extended_15x24
4.92.8 (05.04.2013)
>>True support for /data/media/0 for Android 4.2.2<<
First to introduce true JB 4.2 migration: live toggle between /data/media and /data/media/0
This implementation keeps compatibility with stock cwm while giving user option to force /data/media/0
When migrating from or to JB 4.2, you still need to move folders to/from /data/media/0. No one will do it for you
- fix early mount of /data for datamedia devices caused by write_recovery_version()
this could cause errors on some install scripts
- hide some external menus for devices without external storage
- fix Setup Free Browse Mode bug for devices without external storage
- fix Free Browse Mode could not browse up to the root for /data/media devices
- fix Misc Nandroid Settings menu regression for devices without external storage
- fix .nandroid_secure selection in custom backup and restore for devices without external storage
- no more mount internal/external storage when checking for ors script at startup
- do not report custom recovery logs to ROM Manager
- export error log on failure during boot installed packages
- make sure we have all the log posted by users
- misc bug fixes
4.92.3 (03.04.2013)
- properly set time for all recovery session: this will now apply to the time stamp of any file modified (logs, backups...)
- add Daylight Saving Time support
4.91.9 (03.04.2013)
- merge and fix fb2png source: now built as static binary and compatible with RGBX devices (Nexus 4...)
special thanks for this to McKael and a huge thumbs up to talustus for his great support
- silent failure when formatting non existing /sd-ext volume
- use statfs instead of stat in nandroid operations
- misc fixes
- i9100/n7000 zip installer: option to skip flashing superuser using philz_installer.cfg
- i9100/n7000: disable init binary substitution from older LSJ (aka /data corruption bootloop fix)
- i9100/n7000: update clockworkmod superuser to (security fix)
4.91.5 (29.03.2013)
- Support Nexus 4 (mako)
- fix nandroid backup and restore for devices without /modem, /radio, /preload and /efs
- fix recovery functions for devices without external sdcard storage
4.91.2 (26.03.2013)
- fix touch code to support P31xx and N8xxx
- merge cm-10.1 changes:
- nandroid backup: save recovery log to backup folder
- minadbd: remove unnecessary header files.
- add external_sd and efs to /etc/fstab generated by recovery
- revert chmod in write_string_to_file()
4.90.8 (22.03.2013)
- multi zip flash menu will now show the validation menu on top of files list
- added option to select/unselect all zip files in the multi zip flash menu
- touch code fixes: more responsive touch gui on menus. Less skips on bottom virtual buttons
- merge cm-10.1 changes
- update to cwm
- fix About dialog was not displaying what it should for non PhilZ Touch builds
- non PhilZ Touch builds are now: CWM Advanced Edition
- fix bug: if Key Repeat was disabled, blank screen will hang up when screen back on
- add beta support for P3100, P5100 and N8000
- i9100/n7000: migrate from Chainfire SuperSU to opensource superuser from clockworkmod
4.89.4 (14.03.2013)
- New Custom Install Zip mode: set a default folder to start with + browse backward up to the root
- toggle menus are now formatted to device screen width (right align menu option)
- add 30mn timezone offset
- merge CM 10.1 commit: Fix segfault with dead symlinks in char** gather_files()
- add extra check for carriage return for get_rom_name function: ensures windobe noobs do not get stuck
- fix: ors backup could overwrite an existing folder and end up with mixed old/new backup images
- migrate from cm10 to new cm10.1 source
- fix fs_type2 is fs_type to maintain ext4 external storage compatibility with fs_type2 entry
- fix redefined MACRO for ITEM_APPLY_SDCARD
- merge cmw changes (vchange only: ignored cwm commit: block google music cache from nandroid operations)
- fix: data partition was always restored in Advanced Restore menu
- in custom jobs: possibility to disable .android_secure from restore/backup as per TWRP/ors specs
- option to auto-restore recovery settings without a prompt screen on reboot
- ors support: fill ORS official specifications and more:
- optimize on boot check for openrecoveryscript command file
- add ors support for backup options: selected partitions, compression and md5 toggle
- fix: as per ors specifications, ors will now restore standard partitions when no options are set in script
- ors restore now supports TWRP and PhilZ Touch custom backup path
- ors-mount.sh: better support for path convfrom main system to recovery mount points
- ors backup target volume can be set by user in nandroid settings
- misc ors log fixes for special partitions ignored in cwm
- fix: show progress during TWRP backup and restore
- auto dim screen on timeout supported during backup and restore operations
- fix header menu could overlap battery stats if they are at 100%
- fix: restore custom rom zip failed because of left debug code
- fix: build custom rom zip from existing ROM would fail to restore if backup format was compressed
- huge performance optimize when building custom rom .zip from existing ROM (only backup needed partitions)
- fix useless edify incompatible code in custom rom .zip (alpha 06 files)
Backup and Restore:
- menu Custom Backup and Restore can now be accessed in main Backup and Restore menu
- support restore backups from /sdcard/0 (Android 4.2) in custom jobs and TWRP mode
- add support to sd-ext ext4 partition on external storage
- menu to delete custom and TWRP backup images
- auto-reboot option for custom backup and restore jobs
- set .android_secure path in custom jobs
- smart auto detect android_secure for stock CWM backup and restore operations
- fix preload was selectable in TWRP jobs (even if would not actually be processed)
- progress bar is no more overwritten by text
- time and battery stats are shown and refreshed during nandroid operations
- on successful or cancelled nandroid jobs, user background icon is restored
- on cancelled nandroid jobs, progress bar is correctly reset and user background icon is restored
- User configurable gesture actions
- gestures: double tap, long press/move, long press/lift, slide left, slide right
- always vibrate on long press/move action validation
- actions: show log, change brightness, blank screen, capture screen shot, launch Aroma File Manager
- default black theme without background icon
- toggle clock and battery on top
- header title will be auto-shortened to not overwrite battery and clock on lower res devices
- battery and clock will truly refresh indications every 15 sec
- user configurable dim screen timer
- user configurable turn-off screen timer
- manually adjust brightness (stock kernel doesn't support lower than 65, but recovery binary will accept 25 on custom kernels)
- when double tap mode is selected, you now really need to double tap the same menu to validate it
- menu Set Time Zone moved to GUI settings
- fix Moscow UTC time
- add support to sd-ext ext4 partition on external storage
- Move Clean before instal new ROM menu to Wipe Data/Factory Reset menu
- fix /system was left again mounted after start up and showing log
- fix: when disabled, virtual keys would still show for a fraction of a second on start
- preview support for slide right and double tap gesture actions
- friendly log mode now is final: logs are no more wiped when switching view for all operations (install zip, boot scripts, backup/restore...)
- fix: virtual keys will no more trigger an action at end of your scrolling if touched by case
- fix: virtual keys could remain highlighted under some circumstances
- fix screen capture index was back to 11 when it reached 100 (now it will be 999 photos and reverts to 001)
- fix: toggle background icon prompted for a key since 4.53
- fix: when toggle icon, screen logs are no more wiped
- fix: when change menu size, screen logs no more wiped
- deep revise of touch source to optimize and clean code (scrolling behavior is still same, this will be the next on my todo list)
- misc code cleaning
- fix user background image was not restored on restart
- TWRP backup and restore support, include full md5 sum support (single and multivolume, compressed and non compressed formats)
- support multiple efs backups in tar format (user request)
- now it is possible to restore from many modem.bin files under clockworkmod/custom_backup/.modem_bin folder to flash them (just name them *.bin)
- fix potential md5 error caused when restoring/flashing some modem.bin files
- fix recovery partition was restored when ever you restore something in stock Advanced Restore Menu
- custom restore option to browse from /sdcard/0 if it exists (this is a temporary workaround for Android 4.2)
- add ext4 support for mounting external storage (i9300 thread request)
- improved the friendly log view gui to include install zip, nandroid, boot scripts...
- enhance logging and user messages mainly in backup/restore operations
- remove useless support for browsable custom aromafm.zip folders (must be in default folder)
- many bugfixes + compiler warnings fix in code
- Clean Phone for a New ROM moved to Custom Backup and Restore
- Vulnerability fix: setting a fake/corrupted png file as background resulted in a bootloop into recovery
- Vulnerability fix: cancel nandroid operations could result in data corruption if user attempted to directly delete backup from menu or forced a reboot
- Friendly Log View: toggle during install of zip files (manual, multi, on boot) and forced when Show Log from advanced menu
- Pause on show log: Forced in Show Log from advanced menu. Always disabled for multi zip flash and on boot, toggle for manual zip installs
- Install zip menu order changed so that install from internal/external are nearby
- Move reset / save recovery settings to main PhilZ Settings menu
- add slide left to capture a screen shot from any active menu
- optimized code for cancel nandroid operations
- Back button now will cancel nandroid backup/restore operations (tar+dedupe) and custom_rom.zip operations
- merge CWM changes (credits to Koush)
- multi-zip flashing from custom set locations
- after installing a new ROM that wipes recovery settings, on next reboot, you are prompted to restore them from a backup if you have done one
- New menus separator lines that you can show/hide, set colors and transparency. Useful for solid color themes, like Black
- fix default menu highlight transparency was set to a wrong default value
- code optimizing for file checks
- mix code optimizing
- show / hide bottom virtual buttons
- set number of bottom log rows to show
- misc compiler warning fixes
- custom background image (png in 350x735 pixels)
- toggle background in preset 27 colors
- toggle background icon
- fix /preload was always restored during nandroid operations
- fix preload was again processed on each nandroid backup
- fix nandroid backup name was exiting on first checked missing key and using default noname
- fix output log for backup rom name was wrongly reporting error to open build.prop
- code cleaning
- life in color edition
- fix: resetting settings to default now is applied without the need to restart recovery
- small code optimize
- fix logging for file parser and load/save settings
- nandroid backup/restore with gz compression using pigz (multi cpu threading): toggle between low (3), medium (6), high (9) or disabled
- fix when preload toggle was enabled, preload was processed in custom backup even if it is not selected
- complete rewrite of gui settings toggles: new menus display
- new toggle for touch accuracy
- more menu height settings (useful for high res devices)
- more scroll sensitivity settings
- all settings are now saved to a single .ini file you can edit (detailed values will follow)
- possibility to reset all values to defaults, to export and to import them to/from sdcard
- Nandroid Advanced Restore menu now shows that /preload will be processed with /system
- Misc Nandroid Settings now can also be accessed from Nandroid Menu
- code cleaning and fix compiler warnings
- add show really progressing bar during nandroid restore operations
- fix pigz as static library
- i9100/n7000 ramdisk: fix getprop hack script (thanks to a3955269)
4.00-b22 Recovery (CWM based)
- unmount /system on recovery start to fix some install zip issues
- fix no time zone file message on start when no user time zone was selected
- i9100: fix error 7 was back (better fix later)
4.00-b21 Recovery (CWM based)
- Completely new Custom Backup and Restore menu
- Custom back and restore job list: backup and restore freely any partition combo from old nandroid folder or new custom_backup one
- Restore modem as custom modem.img file or modem.bin (found in Samsung tar roms)
- Backup EFS in tar (overwrite old backup) + img formats (time stamped)
- Restore EFS from either tar or img files
- All backup and restore tasks are now built completely on native nandroid functions: no more calling of many shell scripts
- One shell script only left to handle raw backup and restore of ext4 partitions (not supported by cwm, I actually use it only for efs.img and restore of modem.bin files)
- New Nandroid Settings Menu: improved UI with settings immediately reflecting on menus
- New TimeZone menu: friendly UI (idea from TWRP) and simpler code to fix issue where it could sometimes fail to write config file
- pigz library: big credits to TWRP team (will be used for new lightning fast compressed backups)
- fix ors mount script for phones without external sd
- remove useless run of ors mount when not started from boot
- fix some partitions could be formatted despite no backup file to restore when md5 check was disabled
- small bug fixes and code cleaning
3.99 Recovery (CWM based)
- Fix flash modem function failing when searching *.img files instead of *.bin files
- Merge sk8erwitskil changes: fix special backup and restore functions for devices without external sd
- Second pass at fixing write error of toggle time zone appearing on some conditions
- Make custom_rom.zip from current ROM or from pre-existing nandroid backup
- Ensure tar format during create custom_rom.zip operations
- Add sync() at end of special backup and restore functions (in case of... + fix lag on exit menu)
- Merge cwm changes
- nandroid: Fix nonexistent backup format type bug.
- do not attempt to back up .android_secure if it is on /data/media
- Add Home button to select for i9300/n7100
- Edit i9300/n7100 ums lun file path
- Add rom name to nandroid backup path: fetched from
- ro.modversion=
- ro.romversion=
- ro.build.display.id=
- noname if above are empty
- Fix the getprop issue in i9100/n7000 JB leak, aka error 7 (early mount /system in recovery.rc)
- Code cleanup
3.81 Recovery (CWM based)
- merge last cwm updates from jellybean cm10 branch
- remove wipe battery stats
- better implementation for setting default backup format
- fix crash in recovery that occurs during backup (popen.c)
- dedupe: fix buffer overflow
- i9300: fix vibrator not working
- n7100: fix exfat support
- n7100: fix aroma file manager failure
- n7100/i9300: fix ramdisk/kernel used: now based on stock kernel/recovery: fixes potential exfat and aroma issues
- enable mount external sd over usb in recovery for /data/media devices
- complete re-write of Special Backup and Restore menu and functions: more efficient code to easily add new backup/restore jobs
- complete rewrite of toggle gui menu code: 4Kb size gain on recovery binary + more efficient code performance wise
- new Misc Nandroid Settings: toggle md5 checksum, toggle /preload processing, set time zone
- no fail of nandroid job on /preload error (auto skip on error)
- set time zone for nandroid backup path moved to new Nandroid Misc Menu
- add credits to special backup and restore sh scripts
- fix mount /system error log on recovery start
- key repeat toggle now applied live, no more need to restart recovery to take effect
3.75 : PhilZ Touch 3.63 Recovery (CWM based)
- Complete rewrite of toggle gui menu code: 4Kb size gain on recovery binary + more efficient code performance wise
- New toggle to set time zone: correct time can now be set for nandroid backup path and recovery log
- Merge cm10 jb changes: set default backup format to tar
- Fix mount /system error log on recovery start
- Key repeat toggle now applied live, no more need to restart recovery to take effect
3.72 / 3.73 : PhilZ Touch 3.40 Recovery (CWM based)
- 3.72 ---- > 3.73: code cleaning for universal exFat compatibility
- Support exFAT for external sdcards in recovery: no +4Gb size file limit like fat32, better optimized for 64Gb cards
3.70 / 3.71 : PhilZ Touch 3.39 Recovery (CWM based)
- 3.70 --> 3.71: added format /preload on special wipe before install new rom
- Merge Koush last changes: (+ add credit inside code source)
- dedupe: fix buffer overflow, the length of key was incorrect, 4.2's libc detects the overflow and crashes
- fix bug where you cannot partition internal sd
- add wipe all before install ROM: wipe all user data + wipe system
- second pass at fixing partition sdcards menu by PhilZ, now it should work as supposed
3.65 : PhilZ Touch 3.35 Recovery (CWM based)
- Completed ors implementation: added script started on boot, with same function as custom ors (simpler code than previous versions)
- fixed ors-mount.sh support for phones without /emmc
- goomanager support fixed for phones without /emmc
- misc permissions fixes for recovery scripts
- permissions fixed: now special backup and restore functions work again
3.61 / 3.62 - 22 nov 2012
- Update to cwm + PhilZ Touch 3.34
- Add nandroid /preload backup & restore support
- Add option to flash modem image from recovery
- Fix Aroma File Manager path for devices without /emmc mount point
- Fix: mount sdcards before launch aroma as some times we did not have access to other sdcard under aroma
- Fix kerne/efs backup & restore for phones without /emmc
- Optimized backup/restore status log for kernel/efs/modem: now showing true success/failure based on exit code/stderr from CAT
- One ORS code is enough for custom and at boot scripts
- Fixed ORS backup job log
- Merge cm10 branch updates:
- Add support for doing a true ext4 format of /data on /data/media devices.
- Shorter confirmation menu if compiled as Philz Touch
3.5 - 18 nov 2012
- Update to new Touch PhilZ 3.25 cwm based recovery
- Option to flash kernels (zImage you rename to *.img file) directly from recovery
- Backup kernels now supports multiple time stamped backups
- ORS/EFS/Kernel backup/restore scripts support universal mount points/path through recovery.fstab: multi-device compatibility
- Major update to code for multi-device support (compile from source code for any phone)
- Now, philz-cwm6 recovery is open source (see post 1)
- Support exFAT for external sdcards in recovery: no +4Gb size file limit like fat32, better optimized for 64Gb cards
- ADB now starts with root access
- added format /preload on special wipe before install new rom
- second pass at fixing partition sdcards menu
- add wipe all before install ROM: wipe all user data + wipe system
- Merge Koush last changes: (+ add credit inside code source)
- Dedupe: fix buffer overflow, the length of key was incorrect, 4.2's libc detects the overflow and crashes
- Fix bug where you cannot partition internal sd
- completed ors implementation: now script started on boot, with same function as custom ors (simpler code than previous versions)
- fixed ors-mount.sh support for phones without /emmc
- misc *.sh permission fixes on compilation
Merge cm10 branch updates:
- Add support for doing a true ext4 format of /data on /data/media devices.
- Shorter confirmation menu if compiled as Philz Touch
- Add nandroid /preload backup & restore support
- Fix: mount sdcards before launch aroma as some times we did not have access to other sdcard under aroma
- edited recovery.fstab for some devices (i9100 / n7000) to include /modem
- Clean ORS code + Add modem flash menu
- for i9100 / n7000, edit recovery.fstab and add this line
- /modem emmc /dev/block/mmcblk0p8
- Updated Readme.md file with Special backup and restore menu instructions
- Rename EFS/Kernel backup menu to Special Backup Menu
- One ORS code is enough for custom and at boot scripts
- Fixed ORS backup job log
- Fix kerne/efs backup & restore for phones without /emmc
- optimized backup/restore status log for kernel/efs: now showing true success/failure based on exit code/stderr from CAT
- First alpha / private release for i9300
- Fix Aroma File Manager path for devices without /emmc mount point
3.1 - 09 nov 2012
- Update to new Touch PhilZ 3.0 cwm based recovery
- Completely revised new touch code: fixed old skips and jumps while scrolling
- Much more smooth behaviour after scrolling
- Even less risks of wrong validation of menus on touch while scrolling (can we say 0 risks?)
- GUI settings are now saved to /system/philz-cwm6 folder instead of /data/philz-cwm6: this is to fix some mount issues on early start and to maintain settings after a factory reset
- Added toggle key repeat for vol up/down keys (only feature needing recovery restart to take effect)
- Huge code cleaning and misc bug fixes
- Added install from sideload code based on last cwm6 update
- Moved sideload menu to install zip menu
- Added confirmation before "Fix Permissions" and "Install from sideload"
3.0 - 02 nov 2012 (i9100 only)
- Introducing PhilZ Touch 2.0 recovery (clockworkmod v6.0.1.5 based)
- touch interface: toggle 3 touch modes: FULL TOUCH, DOUBLE TAP to validate and SEMI TOUCH (scroll but no touch validation)
- very stable and safe scrolling in full touch mode: makes it hard to wrongly validate a menu while scrolling
- when you set full touch mode, it defaults to optimized settings for menu height and touch sensitivity (you still can alter them manually later)
- adjust scrolling touch sensitivity in 6 settings
- adjust menu height in 6 settings
- toggle vibrator on/off when using bottom virtual buttons
- toggle aggressive mode to try stealing bottom space for logs (may or may not work as expected depending on screen resolution and menu height)
- backup/restore EFS and Kernel
- browse phone with root access using full GUI in Aroma File Manager: checks first in default locations to give you direct access to your scripts, else you are prompted to browse for scripts in sdcards
- support openrecovery script in 3 modes using a smart one touch menu: looks first at goomanager scripts, then in default custom scripts location and finally prompts you to browse for scripts in sdcards
- show log menu modified to have its own screen: useful for the S2 because of its low resolution. Now, you can read teh screen logs even when having big menus
- reorganized menus layout
- miscellaneous fixes in initramfs for the kernel
2.7 - 07 oct 2012
- now using CWM6 based custom touch recovery (internal build 1.15) * Siyah source code *
- DUAL USB MOUNT in recovery is now supported * Special thanks to Gokhanmoral@Siyah *
- semi-touch interface with right slide to select disabled for safety: use slide up/down and left for back
- include bottom virtual buttons for easier navigation
- revised GUI with bigger fonts and larger menus for better readability
- transparency effects in recovery menus
- fixed backup format selection menu in original Koush cwm6 (was echoing previous menu)
- added power off and reboot to download mode options in recovery menus
- battery % level displayed in recovery
- fixed some menus spelling and aspect in original recovery
2.5 - 22 sept 2012
- Introduced brand new original feature: MULTI-bootanimation scrolling on each boot. See post 2 for details on how to use this new feature
- No more true insecure kernel (ro.secure back to 1), ADB root in recovery is through cwm adbd like other custom kernels
- CWM updated to last non touch: touch vcoming later
- CWM6 is now built from source, to avoid issues with dynamically linked binaries ** Big thanks to - Tallustus from Team Skyfire
2.0 - 14 sept 2012 (i9100 only)
- Now built automatically through scripting, no manual editing
- Added fake getprop to show custom kernel prop *credits to Siyah*
- Fixed missing /res/images fota png in ICS 4.0.4 (no bad consequence in any case)
- Minor cosmetic changes in scripts, mainly properties
- Added custom boot animation support:
- /data/local/bootanimation.zip
- /system/media/bootanimation.zip
- /data/local/bootanimation.bin
1.0 - 09 Sept 2012 : Initial release (i9100)
- Clockworkmod v6.0.1.2 recovery - Permanent
- Pure stock based kernel: only initramfs changes
- Flash through Odin or in Stock Recovery (no yellow triangle)
- Ready for root
- ADB root in recovery: just wait about a minute to activate
- Init.d and customboot.sh support
- improve nandroid progress bar update
- fix recovery was not prompting when backup estimated size is larger than free space
- add ors backup support for twrp format requested by BillGoss
- ors backup: when no backup name is given, generate it using same way as nandroid operations (time stamp + rom name tag)
- support separated compiling for Loki patched devices (S4 AT&T and Verizon)
- i9505: revert some changes to fix time bug for some users
- Galaxy S4 US variants: repack around Audism stock JB 4.3 kernel v3 + Samsung exfat modules + revert use of mkefs for partition corruption issue
- fix missing break in set backup compression value menu (misc_nandroid_menu())
- misc clean up code
- sync latest sources
5.07.6 (05.07.2013)
- update version
- add exfat-fuse / 2.9.2 optional support by enabling USE_EXFAT_FUSE_BIN CFLAG in BoardConfig (exfat support on cyanogenmod repacks)
- i9505: use Audism kernel v3 (Stock Samsung sources) to fix partition corruption without additional code and for better exfat support
5.07.1 (01.07.2013)
- i9100G support
5.07.0 (30.06.2013)
- fix "unknown volume for path /res/images/koush.png" on boot (do not search for a volume on ramdisk path)
5.06.8 (19.06.2013)
- fix bug introduced in v5.06.5: folder entries duplicated in some choose file menus (custom and twrp restore modes, regenerate md5 selection menu)
- by default, if /data/media/0 exists, it will be used as internal storage. You can still alter it in Advanced menu to force /data/media
5.06.7 (17.06.2013)
- Galaxy R/Z (i9103) support, thanks to Adam77Root
5.06.6 (13.06.2013)
- fix multi-zip flash "select/unselect all" persisting (static int select_all --> int select_all)
- add sdparted option to partition in ext4 fstype
- enable partition sdcard when non vfat fstype2 option is used in recovery.fstab
- merge cm-10.1 changes ( Update 8):
* Merge "recovery: Fix adb backup" into cm-10.1
* Merge "Remove (un)mount option for datamedia partitions" into cm-10.1
* recovery.c: Fix the potential segmentation fault: Extral newline can trigger recovery segmentation fault
- Nexus 10 (manta): revert font changes since they were now merged in cm-10.1 device tree
- i9505 international: migrate to jfltexx device tree and repack with newer exfat modules
- misc code cleaning
5.06.4 (06.06.2013)
- fix touch repeat on capacitive virtual buttons for some devices
- Pico: ramdisk changes to enable backup size detection for mtd partitions (boot, recovery, misc)
5.06.3 (05.06.2013)
- HTC One Sprint and TMO variants support
- Galaxy S3 - T-Mobile (d2tmo): ramdisk changes to fix exfat (load modules using recovery-loader script)
5.06.2 (04.06.2013)
- Galaxy S3 - T-Mobile (d2tmo) - SGH-T999 support
5.06.1 (02.06.2013)
- HTC One: move to new m7ul device tree
5.06.0 (01.06.2013)
- support dual modem devices nandroid operations (dual sim, i9505)
- merge cm-10.1 changes: support version 2 (2048-bit e=65537) keys in recovery
- Nexus S/4G (crespo/4g): add mmcblk names to recovery.fstab to fix /data mount
- HTC Desire X (protou): support both protou-ics and protu-jb fstab
5.05.9 (31.05.2013)
- do not write backup size progress to log file
- show total time after restore job
- write backup path to log
5.05.7 (30.05.2013)
- use bigger 23x41 roboto font for HD devices (i9500, i9505, Nexus 10)
- do not uselessly statfs partition to refresh backup size progress if we're under NICE_INTERVAL (100ms)
- show backup compression 0% when backup is tar format and compression is disabled
- fix get time events during nandroid jobs and touch events
- universal scroll sensitivity and row height settings (fix hypersensitivity for HD devices)
- fix backup size progress for datamedia devices (special thanks to pickandwhammy for the time he spent in debugging this and providing logs)
- merge Get_Folder_Size() changes from twrp 2.5
- misc logging improvements
- small bug fixes
5.05.0 (26.05.2013)
- fix potential memory overflow during computing of size stats in backup
- fix /efs backup not possible for devices without /preload, unless preload menu was selected once
- fix custom nandroid and twrp backups for yaffs2 devices (do not force tar format on these)
- misc fixes for supporting more devices mainly during nandroid jobs:
* allow use of device2 for raw backup and restore operations (using dd/cat)
* better nandroid support when device names in fstab do not match actual mtd name (revert statfs for volume->device)
- revert cm-10.1 changes: write correctly fstab info in log (do not print to stderr)
- merge old custom_backup folder to cwm backup folder
- old .efs_backup and .modem_bin folders also should be moved to clockworkmod/backup
- .aromafm folder is now aromafm (no more hidden folder for this)
- add regenerate md5 sum option for nandroid backups (use with caution)
- revert inverting fstype and fstype2 (see github commit for more info on this)
- fix nandroid backup fails before generating md5 for /external_sd devices when card is not inserted/mountable (.android_secure check)
- fix falling back to system mount command will fail when calling ensure_path_mounted(filename)
- HTC Desire X (protou) support added
- HTC Droid Incredible 4G LTE (fireball):
* add support
* allow sd-ext and mount external sd in ext4
* allow backup/restore of /radio
- Galaxy S4 - i9505:
* support emmc partitions size detection during nandroid jobs
* fix exfat mount for some sdcards (thanks to chenglu)
- Nexus S/4G (crespo/crespo4g):
* allow raw + yaffs2 backups for /efs and /radio
* allow size detection for MTD partitions during nandroid backup
* fix device name to Samsung Nexus S
* repack with stock GB kernel to fix USB mount in recovery
- Nexus 10: enable efs backup and restore
- Galaxy Nexus (maguro/toro/toroplus): enable efs backup and restore
5.03.8 (20.05.2013)
- support HTC Droid Incredible 4G LTE - fireball
5.03.7 (19.05.2013)
- merge cm-10.1 changes: add getprop
- HTC One (m7) support
- i9505 fix graphics, date and cache/wipe issues (Big thanks to Chenglu for that)
- Samsung Nexus S (crespo) and Nexus S 4G (crespo4g) support
5.03.2 (16.05.2013)
- fix scroll down on touch issue when in double tap and highlight only modes
- support Galaxy Nexus GSM (maguro), Verizon (toro) and Sprint (toroplus), i9500 and i9505 Canada/Bell (jfltecan) and T-mobile (jfltetmo)
- merge cm-10.1 changes: add getprop
- fix backup size progress in twrp mode
- improve code for backup stats during nandroid jobs
- display full backup stats (total size, compression ratio, elapsed time) at end of backups
- merge last cm-10.1 updates:
* fix nandroid cmd command did not load volume table
* support nandroid dump/undump commands
* nandroid backup command line still segfaults
* silent log when mounting /data/media
- add 3 new color palettes (30 colors total): dimmer gray, yellow and gold
- add toggle for header custom color
- add toggle for battery and clock custom color
- line at bottom of menus will now have same color as menus separator lines
- set new defaults to header and menu text colors
- show backup/restore stats in color during nandroid jobs
- fix touch issue when exiting friendly log or blanked screen, and pressing on virtual buttons
- fix root break for devices with shared recovery partition caused by Whil Wheaton update
- advanced backup size monitoring during nandroid operations
- prompt to cancel backup on low free space (% and absolute)
- live display size stats during backup: total data written, free space left
- support backup and restore of /misc partition for both CWM and TWRP operations
- prevent potential segfault when calling is_data_media_volume_path()
- merge cm-10.1 changes:
* remove adb sideload /tmp/update.zip after flashing to avoid second flash under some circumstances
- fix android_secure could not be backed up under some circumstances (ensure mount of sdcard)
- completely rewritten android_secure support: much simpler code
- optimize cancel nandroid job action
- allow cancel yaffs2 nandroid operations
- allow dim screen timeout during yaffs2 nandroid operations
- fix set brightness and auto-dim screen timer for Nexus 7 and Nexus 10
- fix battery stats display for Nexus 10
- restore default actions of real device keys we fake for touch events
- correctly map device virtual keys to default recovery actions
- fix virtual buttons highlight color to match their line separator color (blue)
- support Nexus 7 and Nexus 10
- clean code for non PhilZ Touch buils
- Merge cm-10.1 changes to cwm
* recovery: fix sideload cancel" into cm-10.1
* make_ext4fs support
* auto prompt to root device when booting to main system
- use device specific background images during compile process
- touch code completely rewritten to support more devices (no more calibration needed)
- true touch scroll effect and much improved touch response
- secure touch: robust to wrong selections while scrolling + confirmation before any bad thing
- add option to completely disable touch
- options to restore Koush or PhilZ Touch background images
- restoring default backgrounds (Koush, PhilZ Touch) will apply live (a reboot was previously needed)
- fix touch on HTC Pico, HTC One S and HTC One XL
- restore support for device keys KEY_MENU and Home key (KEY_HOME, KEY_HOMEPAGE)
- add /preload support in twrp backup and restore modes
- mount /system and /data on Aroma File Explorer launch
- fix battery stats error in some circumstances
- i9100/n7000: update CWM Superuser to v1.0.1.8 (through zip installer)
- code cleaning, various fixes and optimizations
- force reset of recovery settings to v5: new settings file name
- backup file name is unchanged so that old settings can still be restored
4.96.6 (28.04.2013)
- support HTC One S (ville)
4.96.5 (27.04.2013)
- change event input handling code to support auto-interpolation
- auto support for devices built-in virtual keys
- enable key repeat for recovery virtual buttons (up/down): now they auto-repeat while pressed
- fix HTC One X nandroid backup was very slow (ramdisk changes)
- fix touch for new N71xx, T889, I317/M repacks based on wanam Adam 2.3 kernel to fix boot delay for non stock kernels
- misc bug fixes and code optimization
4.94.6 (21.04.2013)
- fix compile error for non touch version
- N71xx, T889, I317/M: repack on wanam Adam 2.3 kernel to fix boot delay for non stock kernels
- Fix touch support for HTC One X (endeavoru) and HTC One XL (evita)
- More fixes for HTC Explorer (pico) - work in progress
4.93.9 (18.04.2013)
- Initial support for HTC devices
* HTC One X (endeavoru) support
* HTC One XL (evita) support
* HTC Explorer (pico) support (big thanks to Nihar.G for this port)
4.93.6 (17.04.2013)
- fix reboot to bootloader for phones without download mode
- define default values for CWM Advanced Edition builds to non officially supported devices by PhilZ Touch
- no need to confirm sideload as it can be cancelled
- move philz settings file from /system to /data
- fix compile error for non PhilZ Touch version
- revert temporary assert fix for i9100/n7000 (ramdisk changes):
* do not mount /system in init.rc
* add needed entries in default.prop
- n7000: no more replace init binary to fix /data corruption bootloop issue (ramdisk changes)
4.93.2 (14.04.2013)
- share source for multi-zip installer
- add sideload and print commands support to ors as per TWRP specs
- always ensure sync before rebooting
- disable adb secure
- Update to CWM
* allow cancel sideload
* allow sideload install from /cache/recovery
* courier_extended_15x24
4.92.8 (05.04.2013)
>>True support for /data/media/0 for Android 4.2.2<<
First to introduce true JB 4.2 migration: live toggle between /data/media and /data/media/0
This implementation keeps compatibility with stock cwm while giving user option to force /data/media/0
When migrating from or to JB 4.2, you still need to move folders to/from /data/media/0. No one will do it for you
- fix early mount of /data for datamedia devices caused by write_recovery_version()
this could cause errors on some install scripts
- hide some external menus for devices without external storage
- fix Setup Free Browse Mode bug for devices without external storage
- fix Free Browse Mode could not browse up to the root for /data/media devices
- fix Misc Nandroid Settings menu regression for devices without external storage
- fix .nandroid_secure selection in custom backup and restore for devices without external storage
- no more mount internal/external storage when checking for ors script at startup
- do not report custom recovery logs to ROM Manager
- export error log on failure during boot installed packages
- make sure we have all the log posted by users
- misc bug fixes
4.92.3 (03.04.2013)
- properly set time for all recovery session: this will now apply to the time stamp of any file modified (logs, backups...)
- add Daylight Saving Time support
4.91.9 (03.04.2013)
- merge and fix fb2png source: now built as static binary and compatible with RGBX devices (Nexus 4...)
special thanks for this to McKael and a huge thumbs up to talustus for his great support
- silent failure when formatting non existing /sd-ext volume
- use statfs instead of stat in nandroid operations
- misc fixes
- i9100/n7000 zip installer: option to skip flashing superuser using philz_installer.cfg
- i9100/n7000: disable init binary substitution from older LSJ (aka /data corruption bootloop fix)
- i9100/n7000: update clockworkmod superuser to (security fix)
4.91.5 (29.03.2013)
- Support Nexus 4 (mako)
- fix nandroid backup and restore for devices without /modem, /radio, /preload and /efs
- fix recovery functions for devices without external sdcard storage
4.91.2 (26.03.2013)
- fix touch code to support P31xx and N8xxx
- merge cm-10.1 changes:
- nandroid backup: save recovery log to backup folder
- minadbd: remove unnecessary header files.
- add external_sd and efs to /etc/fstab generated by recovery
- revert chmod in write_string_to_file()
4.90.8 (22.03.2013)
- multi zip flash menu will now show the validation menu on top of files list
- added option to select/unselect all zip files in the multi zip flash menu
- touch code fixes: more responsive touch gui on menus. Less skips on bottom virtual buttons
- merge cm-10.1 changes
- update to cwm
- fix About dialog was not displaying what it should for non PhilZ Touch builds
- non PhilZ Touch builds are now: CWM Advanced Edition
- fix bug: if Key Repeat was disabled, blank screen will hang up when screen back on
- add beta support for P3100, P5100 and N8000
- i9100/n7000: migrate from Chainfire SuperSU to opensource superuser from clockworkmod
4.89.4 (14.03.2013)
- New Custom Install Zip mode: set a default folder to start with + browse backward up to the root
- toggle menus are now formatted to device screen width (right align menu option)
- add 30mn timezone offset
- merge CM 10.1 commit: Fix segfault with dead symlinks in char** gather_files()
- add extra check for carriage return for get_rom_name function: ensures windobe noobs do not get stuck
- fix: ors backup could overwrite an existing folder and end up with mixed old/new backup images
- migrate from cm10 to new cm10.1 source
- fix fs_type2 is fs_type to maintain ext4 external storage compatibility with fs_type2 entry
- fix redefined MACRO for ITEM_APPLY_SDCARD
- merge cmw changes (vchange only: ignored cwm commit: block google music cache from nandroid operations)
- fix: data partition was always restored in Advanced Restore menu
- in custom jobs: possibility to disable .android_secure from restore/backup as per TWRP/ors specs
- option to auto-restore recovery settings without a prompt screen on reboot
- ors support: fill ORS official specifications and more:
- optimize on boot check for openrecoveryscript command file
- add ors support for backup options: selected partitions, compression and md5 toggle
- fix: as per ors specifications, ors will now restore standard partitions when no options are set in script
- ors restore now supports TWRP and PhilZ Touch custom backup path
- ors-mount.sh: better support for path convfrom main system to recovery mount points
- ors backup target volume can be set by user in nandroid settings
- misc ors log fixes for special partitions ignored in cwm
- fix: show progress during TWRP backup and restore
- auto dim screen on timeout supported during backup and restore operations
- fix header menu could overlap battery stats if they are at 100%
- fix: restore custom rom zip failed because of left debug code
- fix: build custom rom zip from existing ROM would fail to restore if backup format was compressed
- huge performance optimize when building custom rom .zip from existing ROM (only backup needed partitions)
- fix useless edify incompatible code in custom rom .zip (alpha 06 files)
Backup and Restore:
- menu Custom Backup and Restore can now be accessed in main Backup and Restore menu
- support restore backups from /sdcard/0 (Android 4.2) in custom jobs and TWRP mode
- add support to sd-ext ext4 partition on external storage
- menu to delete custom and TWRP backup images
- auto-reboot option for custom backup and restore jobs
- set .android_secure path in custom jobs
- smart auto detect android_secure for stock CWM backup and restore operations
- fix preload was selectable in TWRP jobs (even if would not actually be processed)
- progress bar is no more overwritten by text
- time and battery stats are shown and refreshed during nandroid operations
- on successful or cancelled nandroid jobs, user background icon is restored
- on cancelled nandroid jobs, progress bar is correctly reset and user background icon is restored
- User configurable gesture actions
- gestures: double tap, long press/move, long press/lift, slide left, slide right
- always vibrate on long press/move action validation
- actions: show log, change brightness, blank screen, capture screen shot, launch Aroma File Manager
- default black theme without background icon
- toggle clock and battery on top
- header title will be auto-shortened to not overwrite battery and clock on lower res devices
- battery and clock will truly refresh indications every 15 sec
- user configurable dim screen timer
- user configurable turn-off screen timer
- manually adjust brightness (stock kernel doesn't support lower than 65, but recovery binary will accept 25 on custom kernels)
- when double tap mode is selected, you now really need to double tap the same menu to validate it
- menu Set Time Zone moved to GUI settings
- fix Moscow UTC time
- add support to sd-ext ext4 partition on external storage
- Move Clean before instal new ROM menu to Wipe Data/Factory Reset menu
- fix /system was left again mounted after start up and showing log
- fix: when disabled, virtual keys would still show for a fraction of a second on start
- preview support for slide right and double tap gesture actions
- friendly log mode now is final: logs are no more wiped when switching view for all operations (install zip, boot scripts, backup/restore...)
- fix: virtual keys will no more trigger an action at end of your scrolling if touched by case
- fix: virtual keys could remain highlighted under some circumstances
- fix screen capture index was back to 11 when it reached 100 (now it will be 999 photos and reverts to 001)
- fix: toggle background icon prompted for a key since 4.53
- fix: when toggle icon, screen logs are no more wiped
- fix: when change menu size, screen logs no more wiped
- deep revise of touch source to optimize and clean code (scrolling behavior is still same, this will be the next on my todo list)
- misc code cleaning
- fix user background image was not restored on restart
- TWRP backup and restore support, include full md5 sum support (single and multivolume, compressed and non compressed formats)
- support multiple efs backups in tar format (user request)
- now it is possible to restore from many modem.bin files under clockworkmod/custom_backup/.modem_bin folder to flash them (just name them *.bin)
- fix potential md5 error caused when restoring/flashing some modem.bin files
- fix recovery partition was restored when ever you restore something in stock Advanced Restore Menu
- custom restore option to browse from /sdcard/0 if it exists (this is a temporary workaround for Android 4.2)
- add ext4 support for mounting external storage (i9300 thread request)
- improved the friendly log view gui to include install zip, nandroid, boot scripts...
- enhance logging and user messages mainly in backup/restore operations
- remove useless support for browsable custom aromafm.zip folders (must be in default folder)
- many bugfixes + compiler warnings fix in code
- Clean Phone for a New ROM moved to Custom Backup and Restore
- Vulnerability fix: setting a fake/corrupted png file as background resulted in a bootloop into recovery
- Vulnerability fix: cancel nandroid operations could result in data corruption if user attempted to directly delete backup from menu or forced a reboot
- Friendly Log View: toggle during install of zip files (manual, multi, on boot) and forced when Show Log from advanced menu
- Pause on show log: Forced in Show Log from advanced menu. Always disabled for multi zip flash and on boot, toggle for manual zip installs
- Install zip menu order changed so that install from internal/external are nearby
- Move reset / save recovery settings to main PhilZ Settings menu
- add slide left to capture a screen shot from any active menu
- optimized code for cancel nandroid operations
- Back button now will cancel nandroid backup/restore operations (tar+dedupe) and custom_rom.zip operations
- merge CWM changes (credits to Koush)
- multi-zip flashing from custom set locations
- after installing a new ROM that wipes recovery settings, on next reboot, you are prompted to restore them from a backup if you have done one
- New menus separator lines that you can show/hide, set colors and transparency. Useful for solid color themes, like Black
- fix default menu highlight transparency was set to a wrong default value
- code optimizing for file checks
- mix code optimizing
- show / hide bottom virtual buttons
- set number of bottom log rows to show
- misc compiler warning fixes
- custom background image (png in 350x735 pixels)
- toggle background in preset 27 colors
- toggle background icon
- fix /preload was always restored during nandroid operations
- fix preload was again processed on each nandroid backup
- fix nandroid backup name was exiting on first checked missing key and using default noname
- fix output log for backup rom name was wrongly reporting error to open build.prop
- code cleaning
- life in color edition
- fix: resetting settings to default now is applied without the need to restart recovery
- small code optimize
- fix logging for file parser and load/save settings
- nandroid backup/restore with gz compression using pigz (multi cpu threading): toggle between low (3), medium (6), high (9) or disabled
- fix when preload toggle was enabled, preload was processed in custom backup even if it is not selected
- complete rewrite of gui settings toggles: new menus display
- new toggle for touch accuracy
- more menu height settings (useful for high res devices)
- more scroll sensitivity settings
- all settings are now saved to a single .ini file you can edit (detailed values will follow)
- possibility to reset all values to defaults, to export and to import them to/from sdcard
- Nandroid Advanced Restore menu now shows that /preload will be processed with /system
- Misc Nandroid Settings now can also be accessed from Nandroid Menu
- code cleaning and fix compiler warnings
- add show really progressing bar during nandroid restore operations
- fix pigz as static library
- i9100/n7000 ramdisk: fix getprop hack script (thanks to a3955269)
4.00-b22 Recovery (CWM based)
- unmount /system on recovery start to fix some install zip issues
- fix no time zone file message on start when no user time zone was selected
- i9100: fix error 7 was back (better fix later)
4.00-b21 Recovery (CWM based)
- Completely new Custom Backup and Restore menu
- Custom back and restore job list: backup and restore freely any partition combo from old nandroid folder or new custom_backup one
- Restore modem as custom modem.img file or modem.bin (found in Samsung tar roms)
- Backup EFS in tar (overwrite old backup) + img formats (time stamped)
- Restore EFS from either tar or img files
- All backup and restore tasks are now built completely on native nandroid functions: no more calling of many shell scripts
- One shell script only left to handle raw backup and restore of ext4 partitions (not supported by cwm, I actually use it only for efs.img and restore of modem.bin files)
- New Nandroid Settings Menu: improved UI with settings immediately reflecting on menus
- New TimeZone menu: friendly UI (idea from TWRP) and simpler code to fix issue where it could sometimes fail to write config file
- pigz library: big credits to TWRP team (will be used for new lightning fast compressed backups)
- fix ors mount script for phones without external sd
- remove useless run of ors mount when not started from boot
- fix some partitions could be formatted despite no backup file to restore when md5 check was disabled
- small bug fixes and code cleaning
3.99 Recovery (CWM based)
- Fix flash modem function failing when searching *.img files instead of *.bin files
- Merge sk8erwitskil changes: fix special backup and restore functions for devices without external sd
- Second pass at fixing write error of toggle time zone appearing on some conditions
- Make custom_rom.zip from current ROM or from pre-existing nandroid backup
- Ensure tar format during create custom_rom.zip operations
- Add sync() at end of special backup and restore functions (in case of... + fix lag on exit menu)
- Merge cwm changes
- nandroid: Fix nonexistent backup format type bug.
- do not attempt to back up .android_secure if it is on /data/media
- Add Home button to select for i9300/n7100
- Edit i9300/n7100 ums lun file path
- Add rom name to nandroid backup path: fetched from
- ro.modversion=
- ro.romversion=
- ro.build.display.id=
- noname if above are empty
- Fix the getprop issue in i9100/n7000 JB leak, aka error 7 (early mount /system in recovery.rc)
- Code cleanup
3.81 Recovery (CWM based)
- merge last cwm updates from jellybean cm10 branch
- remove wipe battery stats
- better implementation for setting default backup format
- fix crash in recovery that occurs during backup (popen.c)
- dedupe: fix buffer overflow
- i9300: fix vibrator not working
- n7100: fix exfat support
- n7100: fix aroma file manager failure
- n7100/i9300: fix ramdisk/kernel used: now based on stock kernel/recovery: fixes potential exfat and aroma issues
- enable mount external sd over usb in recovery for /data/media devices
- complete re-write of Special Backup and Restore menu and functions: more efficient code to easily add new backup/restore jobs
- complete rewrite of toggle gui menu code: 4Kb size gain on recovery binary + more efficient code performance wise
- new Misc Nandroid Settings: toggle md5 checksum, toggle /preload processing, set time zone
- no fail of nandroid job on /preload error (auto skip on error)
- set time zone for nandroid backup path moved to new Nandroid Misc Menu
- add credits to special backup and restore sh scripts
- fix mount /system error log on recovery start
- key repeat toggle now applied live, no more need to restart recovery to take effect
3.75 : PhilZ Touch 3.63 Recovery (CWM based)
- Complete rewrite of toggle gui menu code: 4Kb size gain on recovery binary + more efficient code performance wise
- New toggle to set time zone: correct time can now be set for nandroid backup path and recovery log
- Merge cm10 jb changes: set default backup format to tar
- Fix mount /system error log on recovery start
- Key repeat toggle now applied live, no more need to restart recovery to take effect
3.72 / 3.73 : PhilZ Touch 3.40 Recovery (CWM based)
- 3.72 ---- > 3.73: code cleaning for universal exFat compatibility
- Support exFAT for external sdcards in recovery: no +4Gb size file limit like fat32, better optimized for 64Gb cards
3.70 / 3.71 : PhilZ Touch 3.39 Recovery (CWM based)
- 3.70 --> 3.71: added format /preload on special wipe before install new rom
- Merge Koush last changes: (+ add credit inside code source)
- dedupe: fix buffer overflow, the length of key was incorrect, 4.2's libc detects the overflow and crashes
- fix bug where you cannot partition internal sd
- add wipe all before install ROM: wipe all user data + wipe system
- second pass at fixing partition sdcards menu by PhilZ, now it should work as supposed
3.65 : PhilZ Touch 3.35 Recovery (CWM based)
- Completed ors implementation: added script started on boot, with same function as custom ors (simpler code than previous versions)
- fixed ors-mount.sh support for phones without /emmc
- goomanager support fixed for phones without /emmc
- misc permissions fixes for recovery scripts
- permissions fixed: now special backup and restore functions work again
3.61 / 3.62 - 22 nov 2012
- Update to cwm + PhilZ Touch 3.34
- Add nandroid /preload backup & restore support
- Add option to flash modem image from recovery
- Fix Aroma File Manager path for devices without /emmc mount point
- Fix: mount sdcards before launch aroma as some times we did not have access to other sdcard under aroma
- Fix kerne/efs backup & restore for phones without /emmc
- Optimized backup/restore status log for kernel/efs/modem: now showing true success/failure based on exit code/stderr from CAT
- One ORS code is enough for custom and at boot scripts
- Fixed ORS backup job log
- Merge cm10 branch updates:
- Add support for doing a true ext4 format of /data on /data/media devices.
- Shorter confirmation menu if compiled as Philz Touch
3.5 - 18 nov 2012
- Update to new Touch PhilZ 3.25 cwm based recovery
- Option to flash kernels (zImage you rename to *.img file) directly from recovery
- Backup kernels now supports multiple time stamped backups
- ORS/EFS/Kernel backup/restore scripts support universal mount points/path through recovery.fstab: multi-device compatibility
- Major update to code for multi-device support (compile from source code for any phone)
- Now, philz-cwm6 recovery is open source (see post 1)
- Support exFAT for external sdcards in recovery: no +4Gb size file limit like fat32, better optimized for 64Gb cards
- ADB now starts with root access
- added format /preload on special wipe before install new rom
- second pass at fixing partition sdcards menu
- add wipe all before install ROM: wipe all user data + wipe system
- Merge Koush last changes: (+ add credit inside code source)
- Dedupe: fix buffer overflow, the length of key was incorrect, 4.2's libc detects the overflow and crashes
- Fix bug where you cannot partition internal sd
- completed ors implementation: now script started on boot, with same function as custom ors (simpler code than previous versions)
- fixed ors-mount.sh support for phones without /emmc
- misc *.sh permission fixes on compilation
Merge cm10 branch updates:
- Add support for doing a true ext4 format of /data on /data/media devices.
- Shorter confirmation menu if compiled as Philz Touch
- Add nandroid /preload backup & restore support
- Fix: mount sdcards before launch aroma as some times we did not have access to other sdcard under aroma
- edited recovery.fstab for some devices (i9100 / n7000) to include /modem
- Clean ORS code + Add modem flash menu
- for i9100 / n7000, edit recovery.fstab and add this line
- /modem emmc /dev/block/mmcblk0p8
- Updated Readme.md file with Special backup and restore menu instructions
- Rename EFS/Kernel backup menu to Special Backup Menu
- One ORS code is enough for custom and at boot scripts
- Fixed ORS backup job log
- Fix kerne/efs backup & restore for phones without /emmc
- optimized backup/restore status log for kernel/efs: now showing true success/failure based on exit code/stderr from CAT
- First alpha / private release for i9300
- Fix Aroma File Manager path for devices without /emmc mount point
3.1 - 09 nov 2012
- Update to new Touch PhilZ 3.0 cwm based recovery
- Completely revised new touch code: fixed old skips and jumps while scrolling
- Much more smooth behaviour after scrolling
- Even less risks of wrong validation of menus on touch while scrolling (can we say 0 risks?)
- GUI settings are now saved to /system/philz-cwm6 folder instead of /data/philz-cwm6: this is to fix some mount issues on early start and to maintain settings after a factory reset
- Added toggle key repeat for vol up/down keys (only feature needing recovery restart to take effect)
- Huge code cleaning and misc bug fixes
- Added install from sideload code based on last cwm6 update
- Moved sideload menu to install zip menu
- Added confirmation before "Fix Permissions" and "Install from sideload"
3.0 - 02 nov 2012 (i9100 only)
- Introducing PhilZ Touch 2.0 recovery (clockworkmod v6.0.1.5 based)
- touch interface: toggle 3 touch modes: FULL TOUCH, DOUBLE TAP to validate and SEMI TOUCH (scroll but no touch validation)
- very stable and safe scrolling in full touch mode: makes it hard to wrongly validate a menu while scrolling
- when you set full touch mode, it defaults to optimized settings for menu height and touch sensitivity (you still can alter them manually later)
- adjust scrolling touch sensitivity in 6 settings
- adjust menu height in 6 settings
- toggle vibrator on/off when using bottom virtual buttons
- toggle aggressive mode to try stealing bottom space for logs (may or may not work as expected depending on screen resolution and menu height)
- backup/restore EFS and Kernel
- browse phone with root access using full GUI in Aroma File Manager: checks first in default locations to give you direct access to your scripts, else you are prompted to browse for scripts in sdcards
- support openrecovery script in 3 modes using a smart one touch menu: looks first at goomanager scripts, then in default custom scripts location and finally prompts you to browse for scripts in sdcards
- show log menu modified to have its own screen: useful for the S2 because of its low resolution. Now, you can read teh screen logs even when having big menus
- reorganized menus layout
- miscellaneous fixes in initramfs for the kernel
2.7 - 07 oct 2012
- now using CWM6 based custom touch recovery (internal build 1.15) * Siyah source code *
- DUAL USB MOUNT in recovery is now supported * Special thanks to Gokhanmoral@Siyah *
- semi-touch interface with right slide to select disabled for safety: use slide up/down and left for back
- include bottom virtual buttons for easier navigation
- revised GUI with bigger fonts and larger menus for better readability
- transparency effects in recovery menus
- fixed backup format selection menu in original Koush cwm6 (was echoing previous menu)
- added power off and reboot to download mode options in recovery menus
- battery % level displayed in recovery
- fixed some menus spelling and aspect in original recovery
2.5 - 22 sept 2012
- Introduced brand new original feature: MULTI-bootanimation scrolling on each boot. See post 2 for details on how to use this new feature
- No more true insecure kernel (ro.secure back to 1), ADB root in recovery is through cwm adbd like other custom kernels
- CWM updated to last non touch: touch vcoming later
- CWM6 is now built from source, to avoid issues with dynamically linked binaries ** Big thanks to - Tallustus from Team Skyfire
2.0 - 14 sept 2012 (i9100 only)
- Now built automatically through scripting, no manual editing
- Added fake getprop to show custom kernel prop *credits to Siyah*
- Fixed missing /res/images fota png in ICS 4.0.4 (no bad consequence in any case)
- Minor cosmetic changes in scripts, mainly properties
- Added custom boot animation support:
- /data/local/bootanimation.zip
- /system/media/bootanimation.zip
- /data/local/bootanimation.bin
1.0 - 09 Sept 2012 : Initial release (i9100)
- Clockworkmod v6.0.1.2 recovery - Permanent
- Pure stock based kernel: only initramfs changes
- Flash through Odin or in Stock Recovery (no yellow triangle)
- Ready for root
- ADB root in recovery: just wait about a minute to activate
- Init.d and customboot.sh support
Main menu and PhilZ Settings
GUI Preferences: all is applied live (no reboot). Up to 14 menu height settings, scroll sensitivity, touch accuracy...
27 color settings + 5 alpha transparency levels for every GUI element
Change background image with a custom png (of your device resolution), a solid color (27 presets) or revert to original cwm image
User configurable touch gestures (feel free to request for new actions)
Setup your time-zone + 30mn offset, super wipe option to install a new ROM
Backup and Restore any partition in a complete freedom, include modem (.img + .bin) and efs (.img + .tar)
Custom backups can also be restored by original CWM Advanced Restore Menu
TWRP Backup and Restore Support + md5 + single/multivolume format
Support multi-cpu compression, md5 check toggle and custom .android_secure path
Choose ors backup volume target
Flash multiple zip files in a raw
Aroma File Manager + Terminal Emulator: launch with a gesture action (double tap is default)
Full Wipe to Install a new ROM (sdcard is preserved)
Free Browse Mode to install zip files: select a default folder to start with and browse up to the root
GUI Preferences: all is applied live (no reboot). Up to 14 menu height settings, scroll sensitivity, touch accuracy...
27 color settings + 5 alpha transparency levels for every GUI element
Change background image with a custom png (of your device resolution), a solid color (27 presets) or revert to original cwm image
User configurable touch gestures (feel free to request for new actions)
Setup your time-zone + 30mn offset, super wipe option to install a new ROM
Backup and Restore any partition in a complete freedom, include modem (.img + .bin) and efs (.img + .tar)
Custom backups can also be restored by original CWM Advanced Restore Menu
TWRP Backup and Restore Support + md5 + single/multivolume format
Support multi-cpu compression, md5 check toggle and custom .android_secure path
Choose ors backup volume target
Flash multiple zip files in a raw
Aroma File Manager + Terminal Emulator: launch with a gesture action (double tap is default)
Full Wipe to Install a new ROM (sdcard is preserved)
Free Browse Mode to install zip files: select a default folder to start with and browse up to the root
Wie komme ich ins Recovery?
- Dazu startet man das Handy neu, alternativ Handy ausschalten und warten bis es vibriert hat.
- Drückt beim Neustart einfach Vol. Up + Home.
- Power kann gleich nach dem Anspringen losgelassen werden. Heißt nur Vol. Up + Home ist gehalten!!
- Dies macht man solange bis das Handy vibriert und ne blaue Schrift in der oberen linke Ecke kommt - "Reboot to Recovery"
- Nun könnt ihr die Taste loslassen
- Alternativ kann per Extended Powermenü bei Custom ROMs gleich direkt reingebootet werden.
Wie flashe ich das Recovery?
- entweder ladet ihr euch die tar-Datei runter und flasht es per Odin am PC über PDA, oder
- ihr ladet euch die Zip runter und flasht es durch das vorhandene Custom Recovery - natürlich nur interessant, wenn man schon TWRP oder CMW drauf hat.![]()
Flash per CWM/TWRP
Man platziere die Zip auf den internen Speicher oder der externen SD Karte.
- Dazu Boot ins Recovery, siehe oben
- boote ins Recovery
- gehe zu "Install zip from sd card" oder "Install zip from extern sd card", je nach Recovery-Typ (CWM)
--> oder nur install (im TWRP)
- sucht sich den Ordner wo man die Zip rein gelegt hat
- und flasht diese nun indem man auf die Zip klickt und folgende Frage bejat (CMW) oder den Slider beim TWRP nach rechts zieht.
- Anschließend könnt ihr das CWM neustarten und habt das PhilZ drauf.
Flash per Odin am PC
Warum habe ich nach Flashen des CWMs immer noch das Stock Recovery drauf?- Dazu USB Debugging unter Menü-->Entwickler-Option den Haken setzen
- Wer dies Option nicht findet muss sie erst noch freischalten
--> Dazu in Menü-->Info zum Gerät-->und dort 7-mal auf die Buildnummer drücken
-Nun habt ihr die Entwickler-Option freigeschaltet
- Nun das Handy in den Download-Mode bringen
- dazu Handy neustarten und beim Neustart Vol. Down und Home festhalten bis ihr ne "Warnung" erhaltet.
--> Alternativ Handy ausschalten und warten bis es vibriert hat.
- Drückt beim Neustart Vol. Down und Home fest - vibriert danach wieder kurz
- Anschließend mit Vol. Up bestätigen
- Nun seid ihr im Download-Mode - steht Downloading... unter nem Android-Männchen
- Ggf. Kies komplett vom Rechner entfernen oder per Taskmanager killen
- Handy mit dem PC über mitgeliefertes Micro USB Kabel verbinden
- Odin, entweder Odin 3 V1.85 oder 3.04 (bleibt euch überlassen) am PC öffen, am besten als Admin
- Auf PDA drücken
- im sich anschließendem Datei-Explorer die runtergeladene tar.md5 Datei auswählen und bestätigen
- Bei Odin die Einstellungen checken, der Haken sollte nur bei F.Reset Time sowie Auto-Reboot sein - ist aber so voreingestellt!
- Ist alles soweit ok, könnt ihr auf Start drücken
- Das Handy startet danach neu
Schau unter /system /etc nach ner Datei "install-recovery.sh". Diese überschreibet bei jedem Neustart das Custom Recovery. Einfach löschen und das Recovery nochmals flashen. Falls man sie nicht löschen möchte, reicht es auch, sie einfach umzubenennen. Bsplw. in "install-recovery.sh.bak".
Wo finde ich meine Backups
Je nach Einstellung im PhilZ unter /data/media/clockworkmod
oder falls die Multiuser-Migration bei Android 4.2.2 (/data/media/0/) unter "Advanced" im CWM angewählt wurde (standard ist /data/media/), dann unter /data/media/0/clockworkmod
falls ihr es auf die externe SD Karte ausgelagert habt, dann unter /storage/extSdCard/clockworkmod
- Koush for having created and maintaining cwm
- Cyanogenmod for making all this possible
- Tallustus from Team Skyfire for his great support over IRC: MAJOR CREDITS
- Dees_Troy from TWRP team for pigz source and many great ideas in their recovery + source for backups compatibility
- Patrics83 and HTC One X xda community for their big help in debugging the touch events input code
- Nihar.G for his big support in testing touch, providing logs and the HTC Pico port
- Chenglu for his great unpack / repack tool
- kbc-developers for the base semi-touch code and much more
- Gokhanmoral@Siyah for his great job / support
- McKael for his invaluable support in fixing for Nexus 4
- sk8erwitskil for his recovery source, a great place to start learning
- amarullz for bringing Aroma File Manager
- shoe63 for his testing and great help in porting to the N7000
- Tectas and zscomp for their great support in porting to i9300, but not forgetting rulala and störte
- wanam for compiling kernels for N71xx and i317M to fix boot delay for custom kernels
- dr.ketan for his precious help in porting to the N7000 & N7100 (I don't own one) and all the support in threads
- The_Steph: for his major help in debugging for n7100.
- a3955269 for providing an updated port of TWRP to i9100
- adishakthi, ttav and kolmanb for the time they took to debug touch UI for tablets (N8xxx/P31xx)
- jeboo for all his feedback about fixing bootloops...
- utkanos for his great and kind support over IRC
- gweedo767 @ #Koush for sharing his touch code source (not used)
- myfluxi for his xxRecovery source in fixing dual usb mount
- RM57380 for the tip to grab pictures: fb2png
- Chainfire for his support (stock recovery flash) and all his work for the Android community
- superatmos and Dharam_Maniar for their great guides on unpacking/building custom kernels
tut nicht weh.
![Wink :winki: :winki:](/styles/uix/ah/smilies/wink.gif.pagespeed.ce.xNzc1zr8-l.gif)
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