Android auf dem Galaxy S3 Neo aktualisieren

  • 257 Antworten
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Willst du kein root oder traust du dich nicht? Ist sehr simple...
So jetzt bin ich am Rechner und suche gerade den Magisklink. Kannst Du den aktuellen reinstellen?
Handy lädt wieder, seit es am Rechner hängt.



  • Magisk-v20.4(20400).zip
    5,7 MB · Aufrufe: 43
Soll ich alles außer SD-Karte löschen, preload also nicht.
Danach installieren oder erst hochfahren und dann installieren?

Nein nix löschen. Einfach magisk installieren und Rebooten. Allerdings wurde das neue boot.img gerade getestet. Ohne Erfolg.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
So, nun habe ich mit der X-plore-App das Verzeichnis aufgerufen.
Das Programm möchte Superrechte.
Die Datei "Last_kmsg" habe ich gefunden:

[ 0.000000] sec_dbg_setup: str=@0x3ff00008 [ 0.000000] sec_dbg_setup: secdbg_paddr = 0x3ff00008 [ 0.000000] sec_dbg_setup: secdbg_size = 0x80000 [ 0.005216] set_dload_mode <1> ( c0e0cc2c ) [ 0.050071] sec_debug_init: restart_reason_ddr_address : 0x0 [ 0.050084] sec_debug_init: enable=0 [ 0.050095] sec_debug_init:__raw_readl restart_reason=0 [ 0.050108] sec_debug_init: restart_reason : 0xfa00a65c [ 0.159357] qup_i2c f9924000.i2c: Missing 'qcom,master-id' DT entry [ 0.160534] qup_i2c f9926000.i2c: Missing 'qcom,i2c-src-freq' DT entry [ 0.168296] AXI: msm_bus_fabric_init_driver(): msm_bus_fabric_init_driver [ 0.204619] ION-heap mm: Cannot specify alignment for this type of heap [ 0.204930] ION-heap adsp: Cannot specify alignment for this type of heap [ 0.704237] sec_therm_probe:ret=-517 [ 0.704516] sec_therm_probe:ret=-19 [ 0.704590] vadc property missing [ 0.831858] spmi_pmic_arb fc4cf000.qcom,spmi: PPID 0xc2 incorrect owner 2 [ 0.832008] spmi_pmic_arb fc4cf000.qcom,spmi: PPID 0xc3 incorrect owner 2 [ 0.832403] spmi_pmic_arb fc4cf000.qcom,spmi: PPID 0xc7 incorrect owner 2 [ 0.832917] spmi_pmic_arb fc4cf000.qcom,spmi: PPID 0xa0 incorrect owner 4 [ 0.833318] spmi_pmic_arb fc4cf000.qcom,spmi: PPID 0xa4 incorrect owner 2 [ 0.833652] spmi_pmic_arb fc4cf000.qcom,spmi: PPID 0xa7 incorrect owner 2 [ 0.834778] mdss_mdp_parse_dt_prop_len: Error from prop qcom,mdss-ad-off : spec error in device tree [ 0.836910] [ on state : 0, off state : 1 [ 0.837572] dsi_panel_device_register:1666, Disp_en_gpio (73) [ 0.837711] dsi_panel_device_register:1832, Disp_te gpio not specified [ 0.837862] dsi_panel_device_register:1838, Disp_rst_gpio (25) [ 0.868485] mdss_dsi_event_handler: unhandled event=1 [ 0.868759] mdss_fb_alloc_fbmem_iommu: unable to alloc fbmem size=0 [ 0.868896] mdss_fb_register: unable to allocate framebuffer memory [ 0.930955] sps: BAM device 0xf9904000 is not registered yet. [ 0.968887] cypress_request_gpio: unable to request touchkey_scl [66] [ 1.056376] cypress_touchkey 2
Ja die Datei ist manchmal nur direkt nach einem Crash aussagekräftig. Die sieht gut aus. Ist aber auch tatsächlich wahrscheinlich nicht so wichtig, weil es fast klar ist, dass es ein wcnss Crash ist. Hast du aktuell noch andere Probleme außer reboots. Denn dafür gibt es aktuell keinen fix und ist schwierig zu ermitteln, da es nicht bei vielleicht vielen Auftritt...
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Vielleicht Akku schneller leer?
Vielleicht SD-Karte Probleme?
Werde beobachten ob das Ladeproblem jetzt weg ganz weg ist.

Ich kann dir auch gerne Mal den neuen Kernel und 3 Dateien zukommen lassen, dann kannst auch selbst testen. Vielleicht bringt es ja bei dir Besserung bezüglich reboots.
Hier mal noch ein anderer Kernel und WLAN - Dateien. Bei einem anderen User half das bisher die reboots zu unterbinden. Ist aber nicht 100% sicher, da sie bei ihm auch nur spontan und zufällig auftreten.

1) Die Datei boot...img auf das Handy speichern.
2) Die Datei prima... auf dem PC herunterladen und entpacken. Darin sind 3 Dateien, die auch auf das Handy speichern.
3) Handy ins twrp booten.
4) in twrp auf "Einhängen" drücken, dann "System" auswählen und einhängen.
5) In twrp auf "Erweitert" dann auf "Dateimanager".
6) Im twrp Dateimanager die 3 entpackten Dateien nach "/etc/firmware/wlan/prima" kopieren und somit die bestehenden ersetzen
7) Im twrp auf installieren klicken. und die boot...img nach boot installieren.
8) Reboot und testen ob das Handy immer noch die random reboots aufweist.

Du kannst damit aber auch gerne warten, den (ich denke) heute im Laufe des Tages wird ein user der die reboots triggern kann diese Dateien probieren. Wenn das für ihn funktioniert würde ich hier nochmal bescheid geben.
Zur Info, die angehängten Dateien enthalten Dateien von CM12.1


  • boot(cm12.1_test).img
    7,1 MB · Aufrufe: 39
  • prima (CM12.1_test)_replacing
    7,3 KB · Aufrufe: 38
Danke !!!
Habe noch alles beim Alten gelassen, da die Reboots jetzt nur noch 3 mal vorkamen in den letzten 7 Tagen.
Trebuchet Fehler gab es keine mehr.
Heute kam ein LineageOS Update jetzt komme ich nicht weiter da ich den Pfad /data/data/org.lineageos.updater/app_updates nicht habe (Bild)


Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Ja, die Dateien brauchst du nicht probieren. Gestern kam das Ergebnis. keine Besserung für die Leute mit den Reboots...
Ja die Update Server von LOS laufen seit ein paar Tagen wieder.
Die Updates musst du nicht manuell installieren. Wenn du TWRP hast, kannst du einfach auf "Einstellungen / System (ERWEITERT) / Updater" gehen und es installieren. Wenn ein älteres TWRP hast musst es manuell machen. Dann sind die heruntergeladenen ROMs allerdings in \DATA\LINEAGEOS_UPDATES

ist es ratsam, das TWRP zu installieren? Oder hat es noch Bugs?

Könntest Du mir dann die neue Version geben?

Ab und zu hatte ich den Fehler, dass er sich aus dem W-Lan ausgeloggt hat bzw. nicht richtig eingeloggt hat. Ein Reboot hat geholfen.

Habt ihr auch das Mailprogramm von Lineagos eingeschränkt, da es im Hintergrund an ist, verhältnismäßig viel Akku saugt und ich es nicht brauche. Oder habt ihr es deinstalliert oder irgendwie deaktiviert (mit Root?)?

Gibt es was Neues für die Leute mit den Reboots...

Beiträge automatisch zusammengeführt:

Hallo nochmal,

ich versuche gerade ein paar Apps auf die SD-Karte zu verschieben. Irgendwie geht das nicht. Z.B. OsmAnd, Total Commander. Leider lässt sich kein Programm verschieben. Wie gebe ich in Magisk nachträglich anderen Apps Rootrechte? Das geht irgendwie nicht.

Hattet ihr das auch? Oder gibt es noch einen Trick? Mache ich da was falsch? Bei mir lässt sich gar kein Programm verschieben, obwohl ich es auswählen kann. Z.B. AppMgr III bietet es mir an, doch in "Apps" ist kein Button "Speicher" da. Vielleicht braucht das Programm Rootrechte, die ich in Magisk nicht vergeben kann??
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Moin, TWRP hat (eigentlich) keine Bugs, nur dass man damit CM12.1 nicht installieren kann. Aber eigentlich sollte es nur mit TWRP möglich sein die OTA-Updates automatisch zu installieren. Also ich habe drauf. Download hier. (*.img in TWRP flashen oder *.img.tar in odin flashen).

WLAN - Probleme habe ich keine! Auch in der Telegram Gruppe hört man davon nix, ausser von den Benutzern mit den Reboots... Dazu bisher keine Neuigkeiten.

E-Mail - Programm LOS kannst du einfach deinstallieren - habe ich auch. Einfach in den Einstellungen auf Apps/Alle Apps und dann die App anklicken. Dann auf deaktivieren. - Kein Root nötig. Auf umgekehrte Weise kannst du es auch wieder aktivieren.

Ich habe bisher noch nie Apps auf SD-Karte verschoben, da ich eh nicht viele Apps drauf habe und mein "Interner Speicher" von 12 noch über 6GB frei hat... Von daher kann ich dazu keine Tipps geben. Ich glaube es gibt Apps die man nicht verschieben kann / darf?! - Weiß ich aber nicht genau.

Magisk App öffnen, links oben auf die 3 Striche und "# Superuser" wählen. Dort sind die Apps aufgelistet die bisher Root-Rechte angefordert haben. Das kannst du hier zulassen oder ablehnen... Bei mir sind das 3 Apps. Ein Kernel-Manager, ein Dateiexplorer und das Terminal...

heute hatte ich immer noch Probleme, dass mein Smartphone sich nicht ins WLan eingeloggt hat. Ich wurde immer wieder rausgeworfen. Ich weiß nicht, ob es was mit dem Handy meiner Frau zu tun hatte (Originalversion) oder mit einem anderen Problem.

Als ich in die WLaneinstellungen rein bin, ist das Smartphone abgestürzt. Danach wollte ich die Logdatei sichern, da war nach einer Weile der Akku leer.

Mit vollem Akku habe ich nun die Datei noch mal ausgelesen. Ich weiß nicht, ob man damit was anfangen kann:

[ 0.470031] AXI: msm_bus_fabric_init_driver(): msm_bus_fabric_init_driver
[ 0.478487] qup_i2c f9926000.i2c: Missing 'qcom,i2c-src-freq' DT entry
[ 0.484385] msm_thermal:msm_thermal_get_freq_table error reading cpufreq table
[ 0.527443] msm_thermal:msm_thermal_get_freq_table error reading cpufreq table
[ 0.527935] ION-heap mm: Cannot specify alignment for this type of heap
[ 0.528408] ION-heap adsp: Cannot specify alignment for this type of heap
[ 0.529429] ion_heap_create: Heap type is disabled: 1
[ 0.529700] msm_ion_heap_create: error creating heap kmalloc type 1 base 0x00000000 size 0
[ 0.655248] msm_thermal:msm_thermal_get_freq_table error reading cpufreq table
[ 0.848824] sec_therm_probe:ret=-517
[ 0.849112] sec_therm_probe:ret=-19
[ 0.849276] vadc property missing
[ 1.016111] mdss_mdp_parse_dt_handler: Error from prop qcom,mdss-ib-factor-overlap : u32 array read
[ 1.016284] mdss_mdp_parse_dt_fudge_factors: err reading qcom,mdss-ib-factor-overlap
[ 1.016384] mdss_mdp_parse_dt_prop_len: Error from prop qcom,mdss-ad-off : spec error in device tree
[ 1.019276] dsi_panel_device_register:2091, Disp_en_gpio (73)
[ 1.019453] dsi_panel_device_register:2430, Disp_rst_gpio (25)
[ 1.048073] mdss_dsi_event_handler: unhandled event=1
[ 1.048436] mdss_fb_alloc_fbmem_iommu: unable to alloc fbmem size=0
[ 1.110584] sps: BAM device 0xf9904000 is not registered yet.
[ 1.132869] conn_gadget_function_init(#) call conn_gadget_setup
[ 1.134231] cypress_request_gpio: unable to request touchkey_scl [66]
[ 1.209112] cypress_touchkey 21-0020: Touchkey FW Version: 0x06
[ 1.264161] qcom,qpnp-rtc qpnp-rtc-27: Probe success !!
[ 1.267260] cam_dummy_init_module:182
[ 1.267391] cam_dummy_platform_probe:87
[ 1.269694] csiphy_probe: device id = 0
[ 1.270017] csiphy_probe: device id = 1
[ 1.273486] msm_camera_request_gpio_table:556 invalid gpio_tbl 00000000 / size 0
[ 1.274032] CAM VREG[cam_vdig] output Voltage[1225000uV] range[1225000uV - 1225000uV]
[ 1.276992] CAM VREG[cam_vio] output Voltage[1800000uV] range[1800000uV - 1800000uV]
[ 1.286037] msm_camera_request_gpio_table:556 invalid gpio_tbl 00000000 / size 0
[ 1.288979] __msm_jpeg_init:895] Jpeg Device id 0
[ 1.290780] stream_cnt:0
[ 1.290951] cpp_dbg: end of cpp_init_hardware
[ 1.292935] iris_radio: Cannot open the command channel
[ 1.348819] qcom,leds-qpnp qpnp-charger-5: Unable to get LED base address
[ 1.349462] qcom,leds-qpnp leds-qpnp-41: Regulator get failed(-517)
[ 1.349556] qcom,leds-qpnp leds-qpnp-41: Unable to read flash config data
[ 1.349798] i2c i2c-23: an30259a_probe
[ 1.359275] QCE50: __qce_get_device_tree_data: Fail to get CE device information.
[ 1.359877] QCE50: __qce_get_device_tree_data: Fail to get CE device information.
[ 1.363232] usb_bam_ipa_create_resources: Failed to create USB_PROD resource
[ 1.363777] cm36651_parse_dt complete, vdd_en:110 p_out:65 /efs/prox_cal
[ 1.448674] cm36651_setup_reg: initial proximity value = 2
[ 1.450305] mpu6500_parse_dt complete, SCL:7 SDA:6 IRQ:64
[ 1.450584] mpu6500_vdd_on: error vreg_2p8 setting voltage ret=-22
[ 1.488325] mmc0: sdhci_msm_execute_tuning: data error (-84)
[ 1.493830] mmc0: sdhci_msm_execute_tuning: cmd error (-84)
[ 1.613669] msm8226-asoc-tapan sound-9302.46: Property 'qcom,audio-routing' does not exist or its length is not even
[ 1.629705] qcom,leds-qpnp leds-qpnp-41: Regulator get failed(-517)
[ 1.629878] qcom,leds-qpnp leds-qpnp-41: Unable to read flash config data
[ 1.630356] qpnp_chg_ibatterm_set: bad mA=70 asked to set, setting 100mA instead
[ 1.630475] qpnp_chg_ibatterm_set: REG IBAT_TERM_CHGR(105b) : 8
[ 1.653786] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31234) physical (366)
[ 1.654246] qpnp_batt_external_power_changed: skip qpnp_batt_external_power_changed
[ 1.654711] sec_bat_read_dt_props: sec_bat_read_dt_props:parsing device tree for SEC dt parameters
[ 1.654926] qpnp_charger_probe: SEC battery device tree read SUCCESS : rc(0)
[ 1.655027] qpnp_charger_probe: qpnp_charger_probe: initialize battery status(2) & health(1)
[ 1.655417] qpnp_batt_power_set_property: qpnp_batt_power_set_property: same cable, no change in cable type (0)
[ 1.655600] qpnp_charger_probe: LPM charging mode with cable_type(0)
[ 1.656543] qpnp_chg_usb_usbin_valid_irq_handler: USB-IN triggered : usbin-valid voltage
[ 1.657061] qpnp_batt_external_power_changed: skip qpnp_batt_external_power_changed
[ 1.657386] qpnp_chg_regulator_batfet_set: chip->charging_disabled=1, chip->bat_if_base=4608
[ 1.658253] BMS: set_battery_data: battery capacity: 2100 mA
[ 1.675908] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31235) physical (366)
[ 1.706553] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31235) physical (366)
[ 1.929715] power_supply bms: driver failed to report `current_avg' property: 4294967274
[ 1.929872] qpnp_batt_external_power_changed: skip qpnp_batt_external_power_changed
[ 1.979450] power_supply bms: driver failed to report `current_avg' property: 4294967274
[ 1.988935] sec_jack_probe - defer as codec_probe_done is false
[ 1.991319] gpio-keys gpio_keys.83: [Keys] no regulator: ignoring
[ 1.992997] sec_jack_probe - defer as codec_probe_done is false
[ 1.994481] sec_jack_probe - defer as codec_probe_done is false
[ 2.710823] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31239) physical (366)
[ 2.969878] power_supply bms: driver failed to report `current_avg' property: 4294967274
[ 3.219048] qpnp_chg_chgr_chg_fastchg_irq_handler: FAST_CHG IRQ triggered
[ 3.219238] qpnp_chg_chgr_chg_fastchg_irq_handler: FAST_CHG ON IRQ
[ 3.219340] qpnp_chg_chgr_chg_fastchg_irq_handler: FAST_CHG ON IRQ - ret.intval : (1000000)
[ 3.270634] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31241) physical (366)
[ 3.658584] sec_chg_time_management: discharging state! timer inactive
[ 3.676754] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31241) physical (366)
[ 3.687531] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31241) physical (366)
[ 3.687633] sec_bat_monitor: status(2), health(1), batt_present(1), cable(0), siop(100)
[ 3.687727] sec_bat_monitor: soc(1), vcell(3566), current(-578), temperature(366), chg_en(0)
[ 3.687897] sec_bat_monitor: ovp_uvlo(0), second_phase_chg(0), polling_time(60), event(0x0), HT(600), LT(-50)
[ 3.740912] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31240) physical (366)
[ 4.315276] inside Iccc_SaveData_Kernel
[ 4.315451] Iccc_SaveData_Kernel: Not ready! type:0xff000002, ret:1
[ 4.402688] init: waitid failed: No child processes
[ 4.407977] init: Unable to set property '' to '' in property file '/product/build.prop': Illegal property name
[ 4.458676] init: Unable to read config file '/vendor/etc/init/hw/init.qcom.rc': open() failed: No such file or directory
[ 4.458878] init: /init.rc: 10: Could not import file '/vendor/etc/init/hw/init.qcom.rc': No such file or directory
[ 4.487357] init: Unable to read config file '/product/etc/init': open() failed: No such file or directory
[ 4.487555] init: Unable to read config file '/odm/etc/init': open() failed: No such file or directory
[ 4.540552] ueventd: Unable to read config file '/vendor/ueventd.rc': open() failed: No such file or directory
[ 4.540809] ueventd: Unable to read config file '/odm/ueventd.rc': open() failed: No such file or directory
[ 4.546237] ueventd: /ueventd.qcom.rc: 147: invalid uid 'fm_radio'
[ 4.613451] power_supply bms: driver failed to report `current_avg' property: 4294967274
[ 4.694470] sm5502 15-0025: dev1: 0x40,dev2: 0x0,dev3: 0x0,Carkit: 0x0,ADC: 0x1f,Jig: OFF
[ 4.694663] sm5502_callback Charger status attached (1)
[ 4.694838] qpnp_batt_power_set_property: qpnp_batt_power_set_property: cable type changed (0) -> (2)
[ 4.694933] sec_handle_cable_insertion_removal: TA is inserted, batt_present(1)
[ 4.695112] sec_handle_cable_insertion_removal: chgpth_sts: 0x3
[ 4.695379] sec_handle_cable_insertion_removal: USB Trim : 40
[ 4.695476] sec_handle_cable_insertion_removal: iusbmax : 1000000
[ 4.695642] sec_handle_cable_insertion_removal: TA : SIOP change in current ibatmax_ma(MAX:2000)
[ 5.055941] sec_pm8226_start_charging: enable charging for cable type (2)
[ 5.056115] sec_pm8226_start_charging: battery status changed to (1)
[ 5.056282] qpnp_chg_charge_en: qpnp_chg_charge_en called with enable=1
[ 5.056428] sec_handle_cable_insertion_removal: battery status changed from (2)->(1)
[ 5.057764] qpnp_batt_external_power_changed: skip qpnp_batt_external_power_changed
[ 5.058191] sec_chg_time_management: Charging Time: 0 secs (rechg:0)
[ 5.085254] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31214) physical (367)
[ 5.125349] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31210) physical (367)
[ 5.125468] sec_bat_monitor: status(1), health(1), batt_present(1), cable(2), siop(100)
[ 5.125637] sec_bat_monitor: soc(1), vcell(3579), current(-586), temperature(367), chg_en(1)
[ 5.125806] sec_bat_monitor: ovp_uvlo(0), second_phase_chg(0), polling_time(60), event(0x0), HT(600), LT(-50)
[ 5.174520] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31208) physical (367)
[ 5.232267] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31208) physical (367)
[ 5.246790] qpnp_batt_external_power_changed: skip qpnp_batt_external_power_changed
[ 5.263978] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31207) physical (367)
[ 5.293014] power_supply bms: driver failed to report `current_avg' property: 4294967274
[ 10.360440] qpnp_batt_external_power_changed: skip qpnp_batt_external_power_changed
[ 10.387556] power_supply bms: driver failed to report `current_avg' property: 4294967274
[ 17.313788] qpnp_batt_external_power_changed: skip qpnp_batt_external_power_changed
[ 17.342516] power_supply bms: driver failed to report `current_avg' property: 4294967274
[ 20.451144] init: could not open /dev/keychord: No such file or directory
[ 20.744131] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(30992) physical (379)
[ 20.757785] mdss_dsi_event_handler: unhandled event=10
[ 20.757825] mdss_dsi_event_handler: unhandled event=1
[ 20.760214] msm_iommu_v1: Unexpected IOMMU page fault!
[ 20.760224] msm_iommu_v1: name = mdp_iommu
[ 20.760234] msm_iommu_v1: context = mdp_0 (0)
[ 20.760241] msm_iommu_v1: Interesting registers:
[ 20.760280] msm_iommu_v1: FAR = 0000000003387880
[ 20.760289] msm_iommu_v1: PAR = 0000000000000000
[ 20.760300] msm_iommu_v1: FSR = 00000002 [TF ]
[ 20.760309] msm_iommu_v1: FSYNR0 = 000005a1 FSYNR1 = 00030001
[ 20.760318] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR0 = 0000000028718000
[ 20.760327] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR1 = 0000000000000000
[ 20.760336] msm_iommu_v1: SCTLR = 00001043 ACTLR = 70000000
[ 20.760346] msm_iommu_v1: PRRR = ff0a81a8 NMRR = 40e040e0
[ 20.760375] msm_iommu_v1: Unexpected IOMMU page fault!
[ 20.760384] msm_iommu_v1: name = mdp_iommu
[ 20.760391] msm_iommu_v1: context = mdp_0 (0)
[ 20.760398] msm_iommu_v1: Interesting registers:
[ 20.760427] msm_iommu_v1: FAR = 0000000003390f00
[ 20.760435] msm_iommu_v1: PAR = 0000000000000000
[ 20.760445] msm_iommu_v1: FSR = 00000002 [TF ]
[ 20.760454] msm_iommu_v1: FSYNR0 = 000005a1 FSYNR1 = 00030001
[ 20.760463] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR0 = 0000000028718000
[ 20.760471] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR1 = 0000000000000000
[ 20.760480] msm_iommu_v1: SCTLR = 00001043 ACTLR = 70000000
[ 20.760490] msm_iommu_v1: PRRR = ff0a81a8 NMRR = 40e040e0
[ 20.760514] msm_iommu_v1: Unexpected IOMMU page fault!
[ 20.760523] msm_iommu_v1: name = mdp_iommu
[ 20.760530] msm_iommu_v1: context = mdp_0 (0)
[ 20.760537] msm_iommu_v1: Interesting registers:
[ 20.760566] msm_iommu_v1: FAR = 0000000003396c00
[ 20.760573] msm_iommu_v1: PAR = 0000000000000000
[ 20.760583] msm_iommu_v1: FSR = 00000002 [TF ]
[ 20.760592] msm_iommu_v1: FSYNR0 = 000005a1 FSYNR1 = 00030001
[ 20.760601] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR0 = 0000000028718000
[ 20.760609] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR1 = 0000000000000000
[ 20.760618] msm_iommu_v1: SCTLR = 00001043 ACTLR = 70000000
[ 20.760628] msm_iommu_v1: PRRR = ff0a81a8 NMRR = 40e040e0
[ 20.760653] msm_iommu_v1: Unexpected IOMMU page fault!
[ 20.760661] msm_iommu_v1: name = mdp_iommu
[ 20.760669] msm_iommu_v1: context = mdp_0 (0)
[ 20.760675] msm_iommu_v1: Interesting registers:
[ 20.760704] msm_iommu_v1: FAR = 000000000339c800
[ 20.760712] msm_iommu_v1: PAR = 0000000000000000
[ 20.760722] msm_iommu_v1: FSR = 00000002 [TF ]
[ 20.760730] msm_iommu_v1: FSYNR0 = 000005a1 FSYNR1 = 00030001
[ 20.760739] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR0 = 0000000028718000
[ 20.760747] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR1 = 0000000000000000
[ 20.760756] msm_iommu_v1: SCTLR = 00001043 ACTLR = 70000000
[ 20.760766] msm_iommu_v1: PRRR = ff0a81a8 NMRR = 40e040e0
[ 20.760791] msm_iommu_v1: Unexpected IOMMU page fault!
[ 20.760799] msm_iommu_v1: name = mdp_iommu
[ 20.760807] msm_iommu_v1: context = mdp_0 (0)
[ 20.760813] msm_iommu_v1: Interesting registers:
[ 20.760842] msm_iommu_v1: FAR = 00000000033a2200
[ 20.760850] msm_iommu_v1: PAR = 0000000000000000
[ 20.760860] msm_iommu_v1: FSR = 00000002 [TF ]
[ 20.760868] msm_iommu_v1: FSYNR0 = 000005a1 FSYNR1 = 00030001
[ 20.760877] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR0 = 0000000028718000
[ 20.760885] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR1 = 0000000000000000
[ 20.760894] msm_iommu_v1: SCTLR = 00001043 ACTLR = 70000000
[ 20.760904] msm_iommu_v1: PRRR = ff0a81a8 NMRR = 40e040e0
[ 20.760929] msm_iommu_v1: Unexpected IOMMU page fault!
[ 20.760937] msm_iommu_v1: name = mdp_iommu
[ 20.760945] msm_iommu_v1: context = mdp_0 (0)
[ 20.760951] msm_iommu_v1: Interesting registers:
[ 20.760980] msm_iommu_v1: FAR = 00000000033a7b80
[ 20.760988] msm_iommu_v1: PAR = 0000000000000000
[ 20.760998] msm_iommu_v1: FSR = 00000002 [TF ]
[ 20.761007] msm_iommu_v1: FSYNR0 = 000005a1 FSYNR1 = 00030001
[ 20.761016] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR0 = 0000000028718000
[ 20.761024] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR1 = 0000000000000000
[ 20.761033] msm_iommu_v1: SCTLR = 00001043 ACTLR = 70000000
[ 20.761043] msm_iommu_v1: PRRR = ff0a81a8 NMRR = 40e040e0
[ 20.761068] msm_iommu_v1: Unexpected IOMMU page fault!
[ 20.761076] msm_iommu_v1: name = mdp_iommu
[ 20.761083] msm_iommu_v1: context = mdp_0 (0)
[ 20.761090] msm_iommu_v1: Interesting registers:
[ 20.761119] msm_iommu_v1: FAR = 00000000033ad700
[ 20.761127] msm_iommu_v1: PAR = 0000000000000000
[ 20.761136] msm_iommu_v1: FSR = 00000002 [TF ]
[ 20.761145] msm_iommu_v1: FSYNR0 = 000005a1 FSYNR1 = 00030001
[ 20.761154] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR0 = 0000000028718000
[ 20.761162] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR1 = 0000000000000000
[ 20.761171] msm_iommu_v1: SCTLR = 00001043 ACTLR = 70000000
[ 20.761181] msm_iommu_v1: PRRR = ff0a81a8 NMRR = 40e040e0
[ 20.761206] msm_iommu_v1: Unexpected IOMMU page fault!
[ 20.761214] msm_iommu_v1: name = mdp_iommu
[ 20.761222] msm_iommu_v1: context = mdp_0 (0)
[ 20.761228] msm_iommu_v1: Interesting registers:
[ 20.761257] msm_iommu_v1: FAR = 00000000033b3300
[ 20.761265] msm_iommu_v1: PAR = 0000000000000000
[ 20.761275] msm_iommu_v1: FSR = 00000002 [TF ]
[ 20.761283] msm_iommu_v1: FSYNR0 = 000005a1 FSYNR1 = 00030001
[ 20.761292] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR0 = 0000000028718000
[ 20.761300] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR1 = 0000000000000000
[ 20.761309] msm_iommu_v1: SCTLR = 00001043 ACTLR = 70000000
[ 20.761319] msm_iommu_v1: PRRR = ff0a81a8 NMRR = 40e040e0
[ 20.761347] msm_iommu_v1: Unexpected IOMMU page fault!
[ 20.761355] msm_iommu_v1: name = mdp_iommu
[ 20.761363] msm_iommu_v1: context = mdp_0 (0)
[ 20.761370] msm_iommu_v1: Interesting registers:
[ 20.761399] msm_iommu_v1: FAR = 00000000033b8c80
[ 20.761407] msm_iommu_v1: PAR = 0000000000000000
[ 20.761416] msm_iommu_v1: FSR = 00000002 [TF ]
[ 20.761425] msm_iommu_v1: FSYNR0 = 000005a1 FSYNR1 = 00030001
[ 20.761434] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR0 = 0000000028718000
[ 20.761442] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR1 = 0000000000000000
[ 20.761451] msm_iommu_v1: SCTLR = 00001043 ACTLR = 70000000
[ 20.761461] msm_iommu_v1: PRRR = ff0a81a8 NMRR = 40e040e0
[ 20.761485] msm_iommu_v1: Unexpected IOMMU page fault!
[ 20.761494] msm_iommu_v1: name = mdp_iommu
[ 20.761501] msm_iommu_v1: context = mdp_0 (0)
[ 20.761508] msm_iommu_v1: Interesting registers:
[ 20.761537] msm_iommu_v1: FAR = 00000000033be980
[ 20.761544] msm_iommu_v1: PAR = 0000000000000000
[ 20.761554] msm_iommu_v1: FSR = 00000002 [TF ]
[ 20.761563] msm_iommu_v1: FSYNR0 = 000005a1 FSYNR1 = 00030001
[ 20.761572] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR0 = 0000000028718000
[ 20.761580] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR1 = 0000000000000000
[ 20.761589] msm_iommu_v1: SCTLR = 00001043 ACTLR = 70000000
[ 20.761599] msm_iommu_v1: PRRR = ff0a81a8 NMRR = 40e040e0
[ 20.761624] msm_iommu_v1: Unexpected IOMMU page fault!
[ 20.761632] msm_iommu_v1: name = mdp_iommu
[ 20.761639] msm_iommu_v1: context = mdp_0 (0)
[ 20.761646] msm_iommu_v1: Interesting registers:
[ 20.761675] msm_iommu_v1: FAR = 00000000033c4300
[ 20.761683] msm_iommu_v1: PAR = 0000000000000000
[ 20.761692] msm_iommu_v1: FSR = 00000002 [TF ]
[ 20.761701] msm_iommu_v1: FSYNR0 = 000005a1 FSYNR1 = 00030001
[ 20.761710] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR0 = 0000000028718000
[ 20.761718] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR1 = 0000000000000000
[ 20.761727] msm_iommu_v1: SCTLR = 00001043 ACTLR = 70000000
[ 20.761737] msm_iommu_v1: PRRR = ff0a81a8 NMRR = 40e040e0
[ 20.761762] msm_iommu_v1: Unexpected IOMMU page fault!
[ 20.761771] msm_iommu_v1: name = mdp_iommu
[ 20.761778] msm_iommu_v1: context = mdp_0 (0)
[ 20.761785] msm_iommu_v1: Interesting registers:
[ 20.761814] msm_iommu_v1: FAR = 00000000033c9e80
[ 20.761877] msm_iommu_v1: PAR = 0000000000000000
[ 20.761887] msm_iommu_v1: FSR = 00000002 [TF ]
[ 20.761897] msm_iommu_v1: FSYNR0 = 000005a1 FSYNR1 = 00030001
[ 20.761906] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR0 = 0000000028718000
[ 20.761923] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR1 = 0000000000000000
[ 20.761939] msm_iommu_v1: SCTLR = 00001043 ACTLR = 70000000
[ 20.761953] msm_iommu_v1: PRRR = ff0a81a8 NMRR = 40e040e0
[ 20.761985] msm_iommu_v1: Unexpected IOMMU page fault!
[ 20.761993] msm_iommu_v1: name = mdp_iommu
[ 20.762001] msm_iommu_v1: context = mdp_0 (0)
[ 20.762008] msm_iommu_v1: Interesting registers:
[ 20.762038] msm_iommu_v1: FAR = 00000000033d2e00
[ 20.762046] msm_iommu_v1: PAR = 0000000000000000
[ 20.762056] msm_iommu_v1: FSR = 00000002 [TF ]
[ 20.762065] msm_iommu_v1: FSYNR0 = 000005a1 FSYNR1 = 00030001
[ 20.762077] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR0 = 0000000028718000
[ 20.762086] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR1 = 0000000000000000
[ 20.762095] msm_iommu_v1: SCTLR = 00001043 ACTLR = 70000000
[ 20.762104] msm_iommu_v1: PRRR = ff0a81a8 NMRR = 40e040e0
[ 20.762132] msm_iommu_v1: Unexpected IOMMU page fault!
[ 20.762140] msm_iommu_v1: name = mdp_iommu
[ 20.762148] msm_iommu_v1: context = mdp_0 (0)
[ 20.762155] msm_iommu_v1: Interesting registers:
[ 20.762184] msm_iommu_v1: FAR = 00000000033d9080
[ 20.762192] msm_iommu_v1: PAR = 0000000000000000
[ 20.762201] msm_iommu_v1: FSR = 00000002 [TF ]
[ 20.762210] msm_iommu_v1: FSYNR0 = 000005a1 FSYNR1 = 00030001
[ 20.762219] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR0 = 0000000028718000
[ 20.762227] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR1 = 0000000000000000
[ 20.762236] msm_iommu_v1: SCTLR = 00001043 ACTLR = 70000000
[ 20.762246] msm_iommu_v1: PRRR = ff0a81a8 NMRR = 40e040e0
[ 20.762271] msm_iommu_v1: Unexpected IOMMU page fault!
[ 20.762279] msm_iommu_v1: name = mdp_iommu
[ 20.762286] msm_iommu_v1: context = mdp_0 (0)
[ 20.762293] msm_iommu_v1: Interesting registers:
[ 20.762322] msm_iommu_v1: FAR = 00000000033ded00
[ 20.762330] msm_iommu_v1: PAR = 0000000000000000
[ 20.762339] msm_iommu_v1: FSR = 00000002 [TF ]
[ 20.762348] msm_iommu_v1: FSYNR0 = 000005a1 FSYNR1 = 00030001
[ 20.762357] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR0 = 0000000028718000
[ 20.762365] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR1 = 0000000000000000
[ 20.762374] msm_iommu_v1: SCTLR = 00001043 ACTLR = 70000000
[ 20.762384] msm_iommu_v1: PRRR = ff0a81a8 NMRR = 40e040e0
[ 20.762409] msm_iommu_v1: Unexpected IOMMU page fault!
[ 20.762417] msm_iommu_v1: name = mdp_iommu
[ 20.762425] msm_iommu_v1: context = mdp_0 (0)
[ 20.762431] msm_iommu_v1: Interesting registers:
[ 20.762460] msm_iommu_v1: FAR = 00000000033e4680
[ 20.762468] msm_iommu_v1: PAR = 0000000000000000
[ 20.762478] msm_iommu_v1: FSR = 00000002 [TF ]
[ 20.762486] msm_iommu_v1: FSYNR0 = 000005a1 FSYNR1 = 00030001
[ 20.762495] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR0 = 0000000028718000
[ 20.762503] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR1 = 0000000000000000
[ 20.762512] msm_iommu_v1: SCTLR = 00001043 ACTLR = 70000000
[ 20.762522] msm_iommu_v1: PRRR = ff0a81a8 NMRR = 40e040e0
[ 20.762547] msm_iommu_v1: Unexpected IOMMU page fault!
[ 20.762555] msm_iommu_v1: name = mdp_iommu
[ 20.762563] msm_iommu_v1: context = mdp_0 (0)
[ 20.762570] msm_iommu_v1: Interesting registers:
[ 20.762599] msm_iommu_v1: FAR = 00000000033ea100
[ 20.762606] msm_iommu_v1: PAR = 0000000000000000
[ 20.762616] msm_iommu_v1: FSR = 00000002 [TF ]
[ 20.762625] msm_iommu_v1: FSYNR0 = 000005a1 FSYNR1 = 00030001
[ 20.762634] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR0 = 0000000028718000
[ 20.762641] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR1 = 0000000000000000
[ 20.762650] msm_iommu_v1: SCTLR = 00001043 ACTLR = 70000000
[ 20.762660] msm_iommu_v1: PRRR = ff0a81a8 NMRR = 40e040e0
[ 20.762707] msm_iommu_v1: Unexpected IOMMU page fault!
[ 20.762717] msm_iommu_v1: name = mdp_iommu
[ 20.762724] msm_iommu_v1: context = mdp_0 (0)
[ 20.762731] msm_iommu_v1: Interesting registers:
[ 20.762760] msm_iommu_v1: FAR = 00000000033efe00
[ 20.762768] msm_iommu_v1: PAR = 0000000000000000
[ 20.762778] msm_iommu_v1: FSR = 00000002 [TF ]
[ 20.762786] msm_iommu_v1: FSYNR0 = 000005a1 FSYNR1 = 00030001
[ 20.762795] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR0 = 0000000028718000
[ 20.762803] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR1 = 0000000000000000
[ 20.762812] msm_iommu_v1: SCTLR = 00001043 ACTLR = 70000000
[ 20.762822] msm_iommu_v1: PRRR = ff0a81a8 NMRR = 40e040e0
[ 20.762848] msm_iommu_v1: Unexpected IOMMU page fault!
[ 20.762856] msm_iommu_v1: name = mdp_iommu
[ 20.762863] msm_iommu_v1: context = mdp_0 (0)
[ 20.762870] msm_iommu_v1: Interesting registers:
[ 20.762899] msm_iommu_v1: FAR = 00000000033f6600
[ 20.762907] msm_iommu_v1: PAR = 0000000000000000
[ 20.762917] msm_iommu_v1: FSR = 00000002 [TF ]
[ 20.762926] msm_iommu_v1: FSYNR0 = 000005a1 FSYNR1 = 00030001
[ 20.762935] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR0 = 0000000028718000
[ 20.762942] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR1 = 0000000000000000
[ 20.762951] msm_iommu_v1: SCTLR = 00001043 ACTLR = 70000000
[ 20.762961] msm_iommu_v1: PRRR = ff0a81a8 NMRR = 40e040e0
[ 20.762986] msm_iommu_v1: Unexpected IOMMU page fault!
[ 20.762994] msm_iommu_v1: name = mdp_iommu
[ 20.763002] msm_iommu_v1: context = mdp_0 (0)
[ 20.763008] msm_iommu_v1: Interesting registers:
[ 20.763037] msm_iommu_v1: FAR = 00000000033fc100
[ 20.763045] msm_iommu_v1: PAR = 0000000000000000
[ 20.763055] msm_iommu_v1: FSR = 00000002 [TF ]
[ 20.763063] msm_iommu_v1: FSYNR0 = 000005a1 FSYNR1 = 00030001
[ 20.763073] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR0 = 0000000028718000
[ 20.763081] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR1 = 0000000000000000
[ 20.763089] msm_iommu_v1: SCTLR = 00001043 ACTLR = 70000000
[ 20.763099] msm_iommu_v1: PRRR = ff0a81a8 NMRR = 40e040e0
[ 20.763126] msm_iommu_v1: Unexpected IOMMU page fault!
[ 20.763135] msm_iommu_v1: name = mdp_iommu
[ 20.763142] msm_iommu_v1: context = mdp_0 (0)
[ 20.763149] msm_iommu_v1: Interesting registers:
[ 20.763178] msm_iommu_v1: FAR = 0000000003401d00
[ 20.763186] msm_iommu_v1: PAR = 0000000000000000
[ 20.763195] msm_iommu_v1: FSR = 00000002 [TF ]
[ 20.763204] msm_iommu_v1: FSYNR0 = 000005a1 FSYNR1 = 00030001
[ 20.763213] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR0 = 0000000028718000
[ 20.763221] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR1 = 0000000000000000
[ 20.763230] msm_iommu_v1: SCTLR = 00001043 ACTLR = 70000000
[ 20.763240] msm_iommu_v1: PRRR = ff0a81a8 NMRR = 40e040e0
[ 20.763283] msm_iommu_v1: Unexpected IOMMU page fault!
[ 20.763292] msm_iommu_v1: name = mdp_iommu
[ 20.763300] msm_iommu_v1: context = mdp_0 (0)
[ 20.763307] msm_iommu_v1: Interesting registers:
[ 20.763336] msm_iommu_v1: FAR = 0000000003407980
[ 20.763343] msm_iommu_v1: PAR = 0000000000000000
[ 20.763353] msm_iommu_v1: FSR = 00000002 [TF ]
[ 20.763362] msm_iommu_v1: FSYNR0 = 000005a1 FSYNR1 = 00030001
[ 20.763371] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR0 = 0000000028718000
[ 20.763379] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR1 = 0000000000000000
[ 20.763388] msm_iommu_v1: SCTLR = 00001043 ACTLR = 70000000
[ 20.763398] msm_iommu_v1: PRRR = ff0a81a8 NMRR = 40e040e0
[ 20.763424] msm_iommu_v1: Unexpected IOMMU page fault!
[ 20.763432] msm_iommu_v1: name = mdp_iommu
[ 20.763439] msm_iommu_v1: context = mdp_0 (0)
[ 20.763446] msm_iommu_v1: Interesting registers:
[ 20.763475] msm_iommu_v1: FAR = 000000000340df00
[ 20.763483] msm_iommu_v1: PAR = 0000000000000000
[ 20.763493] msm_iommu_v1: FSR = 00000002 [TF ]
[ 20.763501] msm_iommu_v1: FSYNR0 = 000005a1 FSYNR1 = 00030001
[ 20.763510] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR0 = 0000000028718000
[ 20.763518] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR1 = 0000000000000000
[ 20.763527] msm_iommu_v1: SCTLR = 00001043 ACTLR = 70000000
[ 20.763537] msm_iommu_v1: PRRR = ff0a81a8 NMRR = 40e040e0
[ 20.763562] msm_iommu_v1: Unexpected IOMMU page fault!
[ 20.763570] msm_iommu_v1: name = mdp_iommu
[ 20.763578] msm_iommu_v1: context = mdp_0 (0)
[ 20.763585] msm_iommu_v1: Interesting registers:
[ 20.763613] msm_iommu_v1: FAR = 0000000003413b80
[ 20.763621] msm_iommu_v1: PAR = 0000000000000000
[ 20.763631] msm_iommu_v1: FSR = 00000002 [TF ]
[ 20.763640] msm_iommu_v1: FSYNR0 = 000005a1 FSYNR1 = 00030001
[ 20.763649] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR0 = 0000000028718000
[ 20.763657] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR1 = 0000000000000000
[ 20.763666] msm_iommu_v1: SCTLR = 00001043 ACTLR = 70000000
[ 20.763676] msm_iommu_v1: PRRR = ff0a81a8 NMRR = 40e040e0
[ 20.763701] msm_iommu_v1: Unexpected IOMMU page fault!
[ 20.763709] msm_iommu_v1: name = mdp_iommu
[ 20.763716] msm_iommu_v1: context = mdp_0 (0)
[ 20.763723] msm_iommu_v1: Interesting registers:
[ 20.763752] msm_iommu_v1: FAR = 0000000003419800
[ 20.763760] msm_iommu_v1: PAR = 0000000000000000
[ 20.763770] msm_iommu_v1: FSR = 00000002 [TF ]
[ 20.763779] msm_iommu_v1: FSYNR0 = 000005a1 FSYNR1 = 00030001
[ 20.763788] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR0 = 0000000028718000
[ 20.763796] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR1 = 0000000000000000
[ 20.763804] msm_iommu_v1: SCTLR = 00001043 ACTLR = 70000000
[ 20.763814] msm_iommu_v1: PRRR = ff0a81a8 NMRR = 40e040e0
[ 20.763839] msm_iommu_v1: Unexpected IOMMU page fault!
[ 20.763847] msm_iommu_v1: name = mdp_iommu
[ 20.763855] msm_iommu_v1: context = mdp_0 (0)
[ 20.763862] msm_iommu_v1: Interesting registers:
[ 20.763891] msm_iommu_v1: FAR = 000000000341f200
[ 20.763898] msm_iommu_v1: PAR = 0000000000000000
[ 20.763908] msm_iommu_v1: FSR = 00000002 [TF ]
[ 20.763917] msm_iommu_v1: FSYNR0 = 000005a1 FSYNR1 = 00030001
[ 20.763926] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR0 = 0000000028718000
[ 20.763934] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR1 = 0000000000000000
[ 20.763943] msm_iommu_v1: SCTLR = 00001043 ACTLR = 70000000
[ 20.763953] msm_iommu_v1: PRRR = ff0a81a8 NMRR = 40e040e0
[ 20.763978] msm_iommu_v1: Unexpected IOMMU page fault!
[ 20.763986] msm_iommu_v1: name = mdp_iommu
[ 20.763993] msm_iommu_v1: context = mdp_0 (0)
[ 20.764000] msm_iommu_v1: Interesting registers:
[ 20.764029] msm_iommu_v1: FAR = 0000000003424c00
[ 20.764037] msm_iommu_v1: PAR = 0000000000000000
[ 20.764046] msm_iommu_v1: FSR = 00000002 [TF ]
[ 20.764055] msm_iommu_v1: FSYNR0 = 000005a1 FSYNR1 = 00030001
[ 20.764064] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR0 = 0000000028718000
[ 20.764072] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR1 = 0000000000000000
[ 20.764081] msm_iommu_v1: SCTLR = 00001043 ACTLR = 70000000
[ 20.764091] msm_iommu_v1: PRRR = ff0a81a8 NMRR = 40e040e0
[ 20.764116] msm_iommu_v1: Unexpected IOMMU page fault!
[ 20.764124] msm_iommu_v1: name = mdp_iommu
[ 20.764131] msm_iommu_v1: context = mdp_0 (0)
[ 20.764138] msm_iommu_v1: Interesting registers:
[ 20.764167] msm_iommu_v1: FAR = 000000000342a680
[ 20.764175] msm_iommu_v1: PAR = 0000000000000000
[ 20.764185] msm_iommu_v1: FSR = 00000002 [TF ]
[ 20.764193] msm_iommu_v1: FSYNR0 = 000005a1 FSYNR1 = 00030001
[ 20.764202] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR0 = 0000000028718000
[ 20.764210] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR1 = 0000000000000000
[ 20.764219] msm_iommu_v1: SCTLR = 00001043 ACTLR = 70000000
[ 20.764229] msm_iommu_v1: PRRR = ff0a81a8 NMRR = 40e040e0
[ 20.764254] msm_iommu_v1: Unexpected IOMMU page fault!
[ 20.764262] msm_iommu_v1: name = mdp_iommu
[ 20.764270] msm_iommu_v1: context = mdp_0 (0)
[ 20.764276] msm_iommu_v1: Interesting registers:
[ 20.764305] msm_iommu_v1: FAR = 0000000003430300
[ 20.764313] msm_iommu_v1: PAR = 0000000000000000
[ 20.764323] msm_iommu_v1: FSR = 00000002 [TF ]
[ 20.764332] msm_iommu_v1: FSYNR0 = 000005a1 FSYNR1 = 00030001
[ 20.764341] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR0 = 0000000028718000
[ 20.764349] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR1 = 0000000000000000
[ 20.764358] msm_iommu_v1: SCTLR = 00001043 ACTLR = 70000000
[ 20.764368] msm_iommu_v1: PRRR = ff0a81a8 NMRR = 40e040e0
[ 20.764393] msm_iommu_v1: Unexpected IOMMU page fault!
[ 20.764401] msm_iommu_v1: name = mdp_iommu
[ 20.764409] msm_iommu_v1: context = mdp_0 (0)
[ 20.764416] msm_iommu_v1: Interesting registers:
[ 20.764444] msm_iommu_v1: FAR = 0000000003435d80
[ 20.764452] msm_iommu_v1: PAR = 0000000000000000
[ 20.764462] msm_iommu_v1: FSR = 00000002 [TF ]
[ 20.764471] msm_iommu_v1: FSYNR0 = 000005a1 FSYNR1 = 00030001
[ 20.764480] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR0 = 0000000028718000
[ 20.764488] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR1 = 0000000000000000
[ 20.764497] msm_iommu_v1: SCTLR = 00001043 ACTLR = 70000000
[ 20.764507] msm_iommu_v1: PRRR = ff0a81a8 NMRR = 40e040e0
[ 20.764531] msm_iommu_v1: Unexpected IOMMU page fault!
[ 20.764540] msm_iommu_v1: name = mdp_iommu
[ 20.764547] msm_iommu_v1: context = mdp_0 (0)
[ 20.764554] msm_iommu_v1: Interesting registers:
[ 20.764583] msm_iommu_v1: FAR = 000000000343b780
[ 20.764591] msm_iommu_v1: PAR = 0000000000000000
[ 20.764601] msm_iommu_v1: FSR = 00000002 [TF ]
[ 20.764609] msm_iommu_v1: FSYNR0 = 000005a1 FSYNR1 = 00030001
[ 20.764618] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR0 = 0000000028718000
[ 20.764626] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR1 = 0000000000000000
[ 20.764635] msm_iommu_v1: SCTLR = 00001043 ACTLR = 70000000
[ 20.764645] msm_iommu_v1: PRRR = ff0a81a8 NMRR = 40e040e0
[ 20.764670] msm_iommu_v1: Unexpected IOMMU page fault!
[ 20.764678] msm_iommu_v1: name = mdp_iommu
[ 20.764685] msm_iommu_v1: context = mdp_0 (0)
[ 20.764692] msm_iommu_v1: Interesting registers:
[ 20.764721] msm_iommu_v1: FAR = 0000000003441180
[ 20.764729] msm_iommu_v1: PAR = 0000000000000000
[ 20.764738] msm_iommu_v1: FSR = 00000002 [TF ]
[ 20.764747] msm_iommu_v1: FSYNR0 = 000005a1 FSYNR1 = 00030001
[ 20.764756] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR0 = 0000000028718000
[ 20.764764] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR1 = 0000000000000000
[ 20.764773] msm_iommu_v1: SCTLR = 00001043 ACTLR = 70000000
[ 20.764783] msm_iommu_v1: PRRR = ff0a81a8 NMRR = 40e040e0
[ 20.764826] msm_iommu_v1: Unexpected IOMMU page fault!
[ 20.764835] msm_iommu_v1: name = mdp_iommu
[ 20.764843] msm_iommu_v1: context = mdp_0 (0)
[ 20.764850] msm_iommu_v1: Interesting registers:
[ 20.764878] msm_iommu_v1: FAR = 0000000003446e00
[ 20.764886] msm_iommu_v1: PAR = 0000000000000000
[ 20.764896] msm_iommu_v1: FSR = 00000002 [TF ]
[ 20.764905] msm_iommu_v1: FSYNR0 = 000005a1 FSYNR1 = 00030001
[ 20.764914] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR0 = 0000000028718000
[ 20.764922] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR1 = 0000000000000000
[ 20.764931] msm_iommu_v1: SCTLR = 00001043 ACTLR = 70000000
[ 20.764941] msm_iommu_v1: PRRR = ff0a81a8 NMRR = 40e040e0
[ 20.764966] msm_iommu_v1: Unexpected IOMMU page fault!
[ 20.764975] msm_iommu_v1: name = mdp_iommu
[ 20.764982] msm_iommu_v1: context = mdp_0 (0)
[ 20.764989] msm_iommu_v1: Interesting registers:
[ 20.765018] msm_iommu_v1: FAR = 000000000344d380
[ 20.765026] msm_iommu_v1: PAR = 0000000000000000
[ 20.765035] msm_iommu_v1: FSR = 00000002 [TF ]
[ 20.765044] msm_iommu_v1: FSYNR0 = 000005a1 FSYNR1 = 00030001
[ 20.765053] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR0 = 0000000028718000
[ 20.765061] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR1 = 0000000000000000
[ 20.765070] msm_iommu_v1: SCTLR = 00001043 ACTLR = 70000000
[ 20.765080] msm_iommu_v1: PRRR = ff0a81a8 NMRR = 40e040e0
[ 20.765105] msm_iommu_v1: Unexpected IOMMU page fault!
[ 20.765114] msm_iommu_v1: name = mdp_iommu
[ 20.765121] msm_iommu_v1: context = mdp_0 (0)
[ 20.765128] msm_iommu_v1: Interesting registers:
[ 20.765189] msm_iommu_v1: FAR = 0000000003453000
[ 20.765197] msm_iommu_v1: PAR = 0000000000000000
[ 20.765207] msm_iommu_v1: FSR = 00000002 [TF ]
[ 20.765216] msm_iommu_v1: FSYNR0 = 000005a1 FSYNR1 = 00030001
[ 20.765225] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR0 = 0000000028718000
[ 20.765233] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR1 = 0000000000000000
[ 20.765242] msm_iommu_v1: SCTLR = 00001043 ACTLR = 70000000
[ 20.765252] msm_iommu_v1: PRRR = ff0a81a8 NMRR = 40e040e0
[ 20.765278] msm_iommu_v1: Unexpected IOMMU page fault!
[ 20.765287] msm_iommu_v1: name = mdp_iommu
[ 20.765294] msm_iommu_v1: context = mdp_0 (0)
[ 20.765301] msm_iommu_v1: Interesting registers:
[ 20.765330] msm_iommu_v1: FAR = 000000000345a080
[ 20.765338] msm_iommu_v1: PAR = 0000000000000000
[ 20.765348] msm_iommu_v1: FSR = 00000002 [TF ]
[ 20.765356] msm_iommu_v1: FSYNR0 = 000005a1 FSYNR1 = 00030001
[ 20.765365] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR0 = 0000000028718000
[ 20.765373] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR1 = 0000000000000000
[ 20.765382] msm_iommu_v1: SCTLR = 00001043 ACTLR = 70000000
[ 20.765392] msm_iommu_v1: PRRR = ff0a81a8 NMRR = 40e040e0
[ 20.765417] msm_iommu_v1: Unexpected IOMMU page fault!
[ 20.765425] msm_iommu_v1: name = mdp_iommu
[ 20.765433] msm_iommu_v1: context = mdp_0 (0)
[ 20.765440] msm_iommu_v1: Interesting registers:
[ 20.765468] msm_iommu_v1: FAR = 000000000345fc00
[ 20.765476] msm_iommu_v1: PAR = 0000000000000000
[ 20.765486] msm_iommu_v1: FSR = 00000002 [TF ]
[ 20.765495] msm_iommu_v1: FSYNR0 = 000005a1 FSYNR1 = 00030001
[ 20.765504] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR0 = 0000000028718000
[ 20.765512] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR1 = 0000000000000000
[ 20.765520] msm_iommu_v1: SCTLR = 00001043 ACTLR = 70000000
[ 20.765530] msm_iommu_v1: PRRR = ff0a81a8 NMRR = 40e040e0
[ 20.765556] msm_iommu_v1: Unexpected IOMMU page fault!
[ 20.765564] msm_iommu_v1: name = mdp_iommu
[ 20.765571] msm_iommu_v1: context = mdp_0 (0)
[ 20.765578] msm_iommu_v1: Interesting registers:
[ 20.765607] msm_iommu_v1: FAR = 0000000003465780
[ 20.765615] msm_iommu_v1: PAR = 0000000000000000
[ 20.765625] msm_iommu_v1: FSR = 00000002 [TF ]
[ 20.765633] msm_iommu_v1: FSYNR0 = 000005a1 FSYNR1 = 00030001
[ 20.765643] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR0 = 0000000028718000
[ 20.765651] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR1 = 0000000000000000
[ 20.765659] msm_iommu_v1: SCTLR = 00001043 ACTLR = 70000000
[ 20.765669] msm_iommu_v1: PRRR = ff0a81a8 NMRR = 40e040e0
[ 20.765694] msm_iommu_v1: Unexpected IOMMU page fault!
[ 20.765702] msm_iommu_v1: name = mdp_iommu
[ 20.765710] msm_iommu_v1: context = mdp_0 (0)
[ 20.765717] msm_iommu_v1: Interesting registers:
[ 20.765746] msm_iommu_v1: FAR = 000000000346b400
[ 20.765753] msm_iommu_v1: PAR = 0000000000000000
[ 20.765763] msm_iommu_v1: FSR = 00000002 [TF ]
[ 20.765772] msm_iommu_v1: FSYNR0 = 000005a1 FSYNR1 = 00030001
[ 20.765781] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR0 = 0000000028718000
[ 20.765789] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR1 = 0000000000000000
[ 20.765798] msm_iommu_v1: SCTLR = 00001043 ACTLR = 70000000
[ 20.765808] msm_iommu_v1: PRRR = ff0a81a8 NMRR = 40e040e0
[ 20.765833] msm_iommu_v1: Unexpected IOMMU page fault!
[ 20.765841] msm_iommu_v1: name = mdp_iommu
[ 20.765848] msm_iommu_v1: context = mdp_0 (0)
[ 20.765855] msm_iommu_v1: Interesting registers:
[ 20.765884] msm_iommu_v1: FAR = 0000000003470e00
[ 20.765891] msm_iommu_v1: PAR = 0000000000000000
[ 20.765901] msm_iommu_v1: FSR = 00000002 [TF ]
[ 20.765910] msm_iommu_v1: FSYNR0 = 000005a1 FSYNR1 = 00030001
[ 20.765919] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR0 = 0000000028718000
[ 20.765927] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR1 = 0000000000000000
[ 20.765936] msm_iommu_v1: SCTLR = 00001043 ACTLR = 70000000
[ 20.765946] msm_iommu_v1: PRRR = ff0a81a8 NMRR = 40e040e0
[ 20.765971] msm_iommu_v1: Unexpected IOMMU page fault!
[ 20.765979] msm_iommu_v1: name = mdp_iommu
[ 20.765986] msm_iommu_v1: context = mdp_0 (0)
[ 20.765993] msm_iommu_v1: Interesting registers:
[ 20.766022] msm_iommu_v1: FAR = 0000000003476780
[ 20.766030] msm_iommu_v1: PAR = 0000000000000000
[ 20.766040] msm_iommu_v1: FSR = 00000002 [TF ]
[ 20.766049] msm_iommu_v1: FSYNR0 = 000005a1 FSYNR1 = 00030001
[ 20.766058] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR0 = 0000000028718000
[ 20.766065] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR1 = 0000000000000000
[ 20.766074] msm_iommu_v1: SCTLR = 00001043 ACTLR = 70000000
[ 20.766084] msm_iommu_v1: PRRR = ff0a81a8 NMRR = 40e040e0
[ 20.766109] msm_iommu_v1: Unexpected IOMMU page fault!
[ 20.766117] msm_iommu_v1: name = mdp_iommu
[ 20.766125] msm_iommu_v1: context = mdp_0 (0)
[ 20.766131] msm_iommu_v1: Interesting registers:
[ 20.766160] msm_iommu_v1: FAR = 000000000347c280
[ 20.766168] msm_iommu_v1: PAR = 0000000000000000
[ 20.766178] msm_iommu_v1: FSR = 00000002 [TF ]
[ 20.766186] msm_iommu_v1: FSYNR0 = 000005a1 FSYNR1 = 00030001
[ 20.766195] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR0 = 0000000028718000
[ 20.766203] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR1 = 0000000000000000
[ 20.766212] msm_iommu_v1: SCTLR = 00001043 ACTLR = 70000000
[ 20.766222] msm_iommu_v1: PRRR = ff0a81a8 NMRR = 40e040e0
[ 20.766246] msm_iommu_v1: Unexpected IOMMU page fault!
[ 20.766255] msm_iommu_v1: name = mdp_iommu
[ 20.766262] msm_iommu_v1: context = mdp_0 (0)
[ 20.766269] msm_iommu_v1: Interesting registers:
[ 20.766298] msm_iommu_v1: FAR = 0000000003481e80
[ 20.766306] msm_iommu_v1: PAR = 0000000000000000
[ 20.766315] msm_iommu_v1: FSR = 00000002 [TF ]
[ 20.766324] msm_iommu_v1: FSYNR0 = 000005a1 FSYNR1 = 00030001
[ 20.766333] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR0 = 0000000028718000
[ 20.766341] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR1 = 0000000000000000
[ 20.766350] msm_iommu_v1: SCTLR = 00001043 ACTLR = 70000000
[ 20.766360] msm_iommu_v1: PRRR = ff0a81a8 NMRR = 40e040e0
[ 20.766385] msm_iommu_v1: Unexpected IOMMU page fault!
[ 20.766394] msm_iommu_v1: name = mdp_iommu
[ 20.766401] msm_iommu_v1: context = mdp_0 (0)
[ 20.766408] msm_iommu_v1: Interesting registers:
[ 20.766437] msm_iommu_v1: FAR = 0000000003487880
[ 20.766444] msm_iommu_v1: PAR = 0000000000000000
[ 20.766454] msm_iommu_v1: FSR = 00000002 [TF ]
[ 20.766463] msm_iommu_v1: FSYNR0 = 000005a1 FSYNR1 = 00030001
[ 20.766472] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR0 = 0000000028718000
[ 20.766480] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR1 = 0000000000000000
[ 20.766488] msm_iommu_v1: SCTLR = 00001043 ACTLR = 70000000
[ 20.766498] msm_iommu_v1: PRRR = ff0a81a8 NMRR = 40e040e0
[ 20.766523] msm_iommu_v1: Unexpected IOMMU page fault!
[ 20.766531] msm_iommu_v1: name = mdp_iommu
[ 20.766539] msm_iommu_v1: context = mdp_0 (0)
[ 20.766546] msm_iommu_v1: Interesting registers:
[ 20.766575] msm_iommu_v1: FAR = 000000000348d200
[ 20.766582] msm_iommu_v1: PAR = 0000000000000000
[ 20.766592] msm_iommu_v1: FSR = 00000002 [TF ]
[ 20.766601] msm_iommu_v1: FSYNR0 = 000005a1 FSYNR1 = 00030001
[ 20.766610] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR0 = 0000000028718000
[ 20.766618] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR1 = 0000000000000000
[ 20.766627] msm_iommu_v1: SCTLR = 00001043 ACTLR = 70000000
[ 20.766637] msm_iommu_v1: PRRR = ff0a81a8 NMRR = 40e040e0
[ 20.766661] msm_iommu_v1: Unexpected IOMMU page fault!
[ 20.766670] msm_iommu_v1: name = mdp_iommu
[ 20.766677] msm_iommu_v1: context = mdp_0 (0)
[ 20.766684] msm_iommu_v1: Interesting registers:
[ 20.766713] msm_iommu_v1: FAR = 0000000003492d00
[ 20.766721] msm_iommu_v1: PAR = 0000000000000000
[ 20.766730] msm_iommu_v1: FSR = 00000002 [TF ]
[ 20.766739] msm_iommu_v1: FSYNR0 = 000005a1 FSYNR1 = 00030001
[ 20.766748] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR0 = 0000000028718000
[ 20.766756] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR1 = 0000000000000000
[ 20.766765] msm_iommu_v1: SCTLR = 00001043 ACTLR = 70000000
[ 20.766775] msm_iommu_v1: PRRR = ff0a81a8 NMRR = 40e040e0
[ 20.766800] msm_iommu_v1: Unexpected IOMMU page fault!
[ 20.766808] msm_iommu_v1: name = mdp_iommu
[ 20.766815] msm_iommu_v1: context = mdp_0 (0)
[ 20.766822] msm_iommu_v1: Interesting registers:
[ 20.766851] msm_iommu_v1: FAR = 0000000003498900
[ 20.766859] msm_iommu_v1: PAR = 0000000000000000
[ 20.766868] msm_iommu_v1: FSR = 00000002 [TF ]
[ 20.766877] msm_iommu_v1: FSYNR0 = 000005a1 FSYNR1 = 00030001
[ 20.766886] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR0 = 0000000028718000
[ 20.766894] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR1 = 0000000000000000
[ 20.766903] msm_iommu_v1: SCTLR = 00001043 ACTLR = 70000000
[ 20.766913] msm_iommu_v1: PRRR = ff0a81a8 NMRR = 40e040e0
[ 20.766938] msm_iommu_v1: Unexpected IOMMU page fault!
[ 20.766946] msm_iommu_v1: name = mdp_iommu
[ 20.766954] msm_iommu_v1: context = mdp_0 (0)
[ 20.766960] msm_iommu_v1: Interesting registers:
[ 20.766989] msm_iommu_v1: FAR = 000000000349e280
[ 20.766997] msm_iommu_v1: PAR = 0000000000000000
[ 20.767007] msm_iommu_v1: FSR = 00000002 [TF ]
[ 20.767016] msm_iommu_v1: FSYNR0 = 000005a1 FSYNR1 = 00030001
[ 20.767025] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR0 = 0000000028718000
[ 20.767032] msm_iommu_v1: TTBR1 = 0000000000000000
[ 20.767042] msm_iommu_v1: SCTLR = 00001043 ACTLR = 70000000
[ 20.767051] msm_iommu_v1: PRRR = ff0a81a8 NMRR = 40e040e0
[ 21.368659] to maintain default brightness
[ 21.701031] mdss_dsi_cmdlist_rx: No rx buffer provided
[ 21.734363] mdss_dsi_cmdlist_rx: No rx buffer provided
[ 21.767695] mdss_dsi_cmdlist_rx: No rx buffer provided
[ 21.801027] mdss_dsi_cmdlist_rx: No rx buffer provided
[ 21.834362] mdss_dsi_cmdlist_rx: No rx buffer provided
[ 21.867695] mdss_dsi_cmdlist_rx: No rx buffer provided
[ 21.901029] mdss_dsi_cmdlist_rx: No rx buffer provided
[ 21.934365] mdss_dsi_cmdlist_rx: No rx buffer provided
[ 21.967698] mdss_dsi_cmdlist_rx: No rx buffer provided
[ 22.001032] mdss_dsi_cmdlist_rx: No rx buffer provided
[ 22.034364] mdss_dsi_cmdlist_rx: No rx buffer provided
[ 22.067698] mdss_dsi_cmdlist_rx: No rx buffer provided
[ 22.101031] mdss_dsi_cmdlist_rx: No rx buffer provided
[ 22.134365] mdss_dsi_cmdlist_rx: No rx buffer provided
[ 22.167698] mdss_dsi_cmdlist_rx: No rx buffer provided
[ 22.201020] mdss_dsi_cmdlist_rx: No rx buffer provided
[ 22.267698] mdss_dsi_cmdlist_rx: No rx buffer provided
[ 22.301022] mdss_dsi_cmdlist_rx: No rx buffer provided
[ 22.334338] mdss_dsi_cmdlist_rx: No rx buffer provided
[ 22.367700] mdss_dsi_cmdlist_rx: No rx buffer provided
[ 22.401033] mdss_dsi_cmdlist_rx: No rx buffer provided
[ 22.434365] mdss_dsi_cmdlist_rx: No rx buffer provided
[ 22.467699] mdss_dsi_cmdlist_rx: No rx buffer provided
[ 22.501034] mdss_dsi_cmdlist_rx: No rx buffer provided
[ 22.534365] mdss_dsi_cmdlist_rx: No rx buffer provided
[ 22.567697] mdss_dsi_cmdlist_rx: No rx buffer provided
[ 22.601031] mdss_dsi_cmdlist_rx: No rx buffer provided
[ 22.634365] mdss_dsi_cmdlist_rx: No rx buffer provided
[ 22.667699] mdss_dsi_cmdlist_rx: No rx buffer provided
[ 22.701031] mdss_dsi_cmdlist_rx: No rx buffer provided
[ 22.734361] mdss_dsi_cmdlist_rx: No rx buffer provided
[ 22.767696] mdss_dsi_cmdlist_rx: No rx buffer provided
[ 23.384424] mdss_mdp_video_reconfigure_splash_done: [QC] handoff : 1
[ 23.396933] mdss_mdp_pipe_init: no 2 type pipes available
[ 23.691676] mdss_dsi_event_handler: unhandled event=10
[ 23.990146] mdss_dsi_event_handler: unhandled event=8
[ 23.990861] mdss_dsi_event_handler: unhandled event=9
[ 23.993031] mdss_dsi_event_handler: unhandled event=1
[ 24.310814] mdss_dsi_event_handler: unhandled event=10
[ 24.364085] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(30991) physical (379)
[ 24.386558] mdss_dsi_event_handler: unhandled event=10
[ 25.158211] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(30994) physical (379)
[ 25.180630] mdss_dsi_event_handler: unhandled event=10
[ 25.952049] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(30995) physical (379)
[ 25.974345] mdss_dsi_event_handler: unhandled event=10
[ 26.745417] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31001) physical (379)
[ 26.768011] mdss_dsi_event_handler: unhandled event=10
[ 27.539155] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31004) physical (378)
[ 27.561684] mdss_dsi_event_handler: unhandled event=10
[ 29.083860] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31010) physical (378)
[ 29.106517] mdss_dsi_event_handler: unhandled event=10
[ 29.877905] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31013) physical (378)
[ 29.900536] mdss_dsi_event_handler: unhandled event=10
[ 30.671613] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31018) physical (378)
[ 30.694226] mdss_dsi_event_handler: unhandled event=10
[ 31.465212] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31020) physical (378)
[ 31.487638] mdss_dsi_event_handler: unhandled event=10
[ 32.258561] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31022) physical (377)
[ 32.281221] mdss_dsi_event_handler: unhandled event=10
[ 33.803865] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31032) physical (377)
[ 33.826053] mdss_dsi_event_handler: unhandled event=10
[ 34.596899] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31033) physical (377)
[ 34.619180] mdss_dsi_event_handler: unhandled event=10
[ 35.390867] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31037) physical (377)
[ 35.413016] mdss_dsi_event_handler: unhandled event=10
[ 36.183400] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31040) physical (377)
[ 36.205575] mdss_dsi_event_handler: unhandled event=10
[ 36.976649] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31041) physical (377)
[ 37.264885] mdss_dsi_event_handler: unhandled event=8
[ 42.322784] qpnp_batt_external_power_changed: skip qpnp_batt_external_power_changed
[ 42.343368] power_supply bms: driver failed to report `current_avg' property: 4294967274
[ 57.330986] qpnp_batt_external_power_changed: skip qpnp_batt_external_power_changed
[ 57.345320] power_supply bms: driver failed to report `current_avg' property: 4294967274
[ 62.333006] qpnp_batt_external_power_changed: skip qpnp_batt_external_power_changed
[ 62.353909] power_supply bms: driver failed to report `current_avg' property: 4294967274
[ 66.660471] sec_chg_time_management: Charging Time: 61 secs (rechg:0)
[ 66.682212] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31166) physical (369)
[ 66.695388] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31168) physical (369)
[ 66.696515] sec_bat_monitor: status(1), health(1), batt_present(1), cable(2), siop(100)
[ 66.697235] sec_bat_monitor: soc(2), vcell(3801), current(-772), temperature(369), chg_en(1)
[ 66.697630] sec_bat_monitor: ovp_uvlo(0), second_phase_chg(0), polling_time(60), event(0x0), HT(600), LT(-50)
[ 66.761123] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31169) physical (369)
[ 66.799566] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31167) physical (369)
[ 80.760337] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31211) physical (367)
[ 87.317070] qpnp_batt_external_power_changed: skip qpnp_batt_external_power_changed
[ 87.337893] power_supply bms: driver failed to report `current_avg' property: 4294967274
[ 107.314314] qpnp_batt_external_power_changed: skip qpnp_batt_external_power_changed
[ 107.335114] power_supply bms: driver failed to report `current_avg' property: 4294967274
[ 112.334595] qpnp_batt_external_power_changed: skip qpnp_batt_external_power_changed
[ 112.355395] power_supply bms: driver failed to report `current_avg' property: 4294967274
[ 118.441544] qpnp_chg_usb_chg_gone_irq_handler: chg_gone triggered: disable chg
[ 118.442244] qpnp_chg_charge_en: qpnp_chg_charge_en called with enable=0
[ 118.443102] qpnp_chg_usb_chg_gone_irq_handler: chg_gone triggered: disable chg
[ 118.443487] qpnp_chg_charge_en: qpnp_chg_charge_en called with enable=0
[ 118.444339] qpnp_chg_usb_usbin_valid_irq_handler: USB-IN triggered : usbin UNDER VOLTAGE
[ 118.445771] qpnp_batt_external_power_changed: skip qpnp_batt_external_power_changed
[ 118.455953] sm5502_callback charger status detached (0)
[ 118.456739] qpnp_batt_power_set_property: qpnp_batt_power_set_property: cable type changed (2) -> (0)
[ 118.457144] sec_handle_cable_insertion_removal: cable not connected: cable_type(0)
[ 118.457906] sec_pm8226_stop_charging: disable charging
[ 118.459151] qpnp_chg_charge_en: qpnp_chg_charge_en called with enable=0
[ 118.459224] sec_pm8226_stop_charging: battery status changed to (2)
[ 118.459259] qpnp_chg_iusbmax_set: bad mA=0 asked to set
[ 118.459375] sec_handle_cable_insertion_removal: battery status changed from (1)->(2)
[ 118.460224] qpnp_batt_external_power_changed: skip qpnp_batt_external_power_changed
[ 118.460571] sec_chg_time_management: discharging state! timer inactive
[ 118.486346] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31314) physical (363)
[ 118.538330] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31315) physical (363)
[ 118.538888] sec_bat_monitor: status(2), health(1), batt_present(1), cable(0), siop(100)
[ 118.539654] sec_bat_monitor: soc(2), vcell(3714), current(73), temperature(363), chg_en(0)
[ 118.540560] sec_bat_monitor: ovp_uvlo(-1), second_phase_chg(0), polling_time(60), event(0x0), HT(600), LT(-50)
[ 118.564468] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31314) physical (363)
[ 118.569925] mdss_dsi_event_handler: unhandled event=9
[ 118.572367] mdss_dsi_event_handler: unhandled event=1
[ 118.611471] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31314) physical (363)
[ 118.700484] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31315) physical (363)
[ 118.872454] mdss_dsi_event_handler: unhandled event=10
[ 118.915402] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31319) physical (363)
[ 118.948679] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31322) physical (363)
[ 118.981833] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31319) physical (363)
[ 119.444390] qpnp_arb_stop_work: arb request :chg_en(0), chg_done(0)
[ 119.444514] qpnp_chg_charge_en: qpnp_chg_charge_en called with enable=1
[ 119.510420] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31333) physical (362)
[ 119.548269] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31332) physical (362)
[ 119.762020] qpnp_chg_usb_usbin_valid_irq_handler: USB-IN triggered : usbin-valid voltage
[ 119.763580] qpnp_batt_external_power_changed: skip qpnp_batt_external_power_changed
[ 119.809275] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31341) physical (362)
[ 119.867294] sm5502 15-0025: dev1: 0x40,dev2: 0x0,dev3: 0x0,Carkit: 0x0,ADC: 0x1f,Jig: OFF
[ 119.868072] sm5502_callback Charger status attached (1)
[ 119.868578] qpnp_batt_power_set_property: qpnp_batt_power_set_property: cable type changed (0) -> (2)
[ 119.869280] sec_handle_cable_insertion_removal: TA is inserted, batt_present(1)
[ 119.869987] sec_handle_cable_insertion_removal: chgpth_sts: 0x7
[ 119.870468] sec_handle_cable_insertion_removal: USB Trim : 40
[ 119.871184] sec_handle_cable_insertion_removal: iusbmax : 1000000
[ 119.871940] sec_handle_cable_insertion_removal: TA : SIOP change in current ibatmax_ma(MAX:2000)
[ 120.072474] sec_pm8226_start_charging: enable charging for cable type (2)
[ 120.073165] sec_pm8226_start_charging: battery status changed to (1)
[ 120.073561] qpnp_chg_charge_en: qpnp_chg_charge_en called with enable=1
[ 120.074314] sec_handle_cable_insertion_removal: battery status changed from (2)->(1)
[ 120.075517] qpnp_batt_external_power_changed: skip qpnp_batt_external_power_changed
[ 120.076411] sec_chg_time_management: Charging Time: 0 secs (rechg:0)
[ 120.102689] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31348) physical (361)
[ 120.135894] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31349) physical (361)
[ 120.136130] sec_bat_monitor: status(1), health(1), batt_present(1), cable(2), siop(100)
[ 120.136409] sec_bat_monitor: soc(2), vcell(3722), current(6), temperature(361), chg_en(1)
[ 120.136688] sec_bat_monitor: ovp_uvlo(0), second_phase_chg(0), polling_time(60), event(0x0), HT(600), LT(-50)
[ 120.187942] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31352) physical (361)
[ 120.210175] sm5502 15-0025: dev1: 0x40,dev2: 0x0,dev3: 0x0,Carkit: 0x0,ADC: 0x1f,Jig: OFF
[ 120.211001] sm5502_callback Charger status attached (2)
[ 120.211120] mdss_dsi_event_handler: unhandled event=10
[ 120.242088] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31353) physical (361)
[ 120.313711] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31355) physical (361)
[ 120.366174] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31355) physical (361)
[ 120.377172] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31360) physical (361)
[ 120.418570] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31359) physical (361)
[ 120.765629] sec_ovp_uvlo_worker: OVP/UVLO check: cable_type(2) uvp_uvlo(0)
[ 120.766333] sec_ovp_uvlo_worker: ovp_uvlo(0) VBUS(1) status(1) health(1)
[ 120.827268] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31371) physical (360)
[ 120.864442] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31371) physical (360)
[ 121.231824] qpnp_chg_chgr_chg_fastchg_irq_handler: FAST_CHG IRQ triggered
[ 121.232546] qpnp_chg_chgr_chg_fastchg_irq_handler: FAST_CHG ON IRQ
[ 121.233245] qpnp_chg_chgr_chg_fastchg_irq_handler: FAST_CHG ON IRQ - ret.intval : (1000000)
[ 121.294077] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31382) physical (360)
[ 121.331183] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31386) physical (360)
[ 121.730767] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31393) physical (360)
[ 121.752813] mdss_dsi_event_handler: unhandled event=10
[ 122.524490] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31400) physical (359)
[ 122.546834] mdss_dsi_event_handler: unhandled event=10
[ 123.318290] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31396) physical (359)
[ 123.340536] mdss_dsi_event_handler: unhandled event=10
[ 124.112014] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31391) physical (360)
[ 124.134146] mdss_dsi_event_handler: unhandled event=10
[ 124.905828] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31384) physical (360)
[ 124.928601] mdss_dsi_event_handler: unhandled event=10
[ 126.450568] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31376) physical (360)
[ 126.473050] mdss_dsi_event_handler: unhandled event=10
[ 127.245400] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31373) physical (360)
[ 127.267841] mdss_dsi_event_handler: unhandled event=10
[ 128.038686] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31368) physical (360)
[ 128.061089] mdss_dsi_event_handler: unhandled event=10
[ 128.832601] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31366) physical (360)
[ 128.854961] mdss_dsi_event_handler: unhandled event=10
[ 129.626374] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31360) physical (361)
[ 129.906628] mdss_dsi_event_handler: unhandled event=8
[ 157.338093] qpnp_batt_external_power_changed: skip qpnp_batt_external_power_changed
[ 157.352370] power_supply bms: driver failed to report `current_avg' property: 4294967274
[ 180.232861] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31441) physical (357)
[ 182.282698] sec_chg_time_management: Charging Time: 62 secs (rechg:0)
[ 182.309496] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31446) physical (357)
[ 182.337570] qpnp_batt_external_power_changed: skip qpnp_batt_external_power_changed
[ 182.363746] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31446) physical (357)
[ 182.364489] sec_bat_monitor: status(1), health(1), batt_present(1), cable(2), siop(100)
[ 182.365287] sec_bat_monitor: soc(3), vcell(3958), current(-746), temperature(357), chg_en(1)
[ 182.365741] sec_bat_monitor: ovp_uvlo(0), second_phase_chg(0), polling_time(60), event(0x0), HT(600), LT(-50)
[ 182.379794] power_supply bms: driver failed to report `current_avg' property: 4294967274
[ 182.437841] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31448) physical (357)
[ 182.476121] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31446) physical (357)
[ 212.330910] qpnp_batt_external_power_changed: skip qpnp_batt_external_power_changed
[ 212.351803] power_supply bms: driver failed to report `current_avg' property: 4294967274
[ 240.241980] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31556) physical (353)
[ 242.786493] sec_chg_time_management: Charging Time: 122 secs (rechg:0)
[ 242.807867] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31561) physical (352)
[ 242.821060] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31560) physical (352)
[ 242.822071] sec_bat_monitor: status(1), health(1), batt_present(1), cable(2), siop(100)
[ 242.822794] sec_bat_monitor: soc(3), vcell(4008), current(-741), temperature(352), chg_en(1)
[ 242.823194] sec_bat_monitor: ovp_uvlo(0), second_phase_chg(0), polling_time(60), event(0x0), HT(600), LT(-50)
[ 242.886312] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31560) physical (352)
[ 242.924328] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31560) physical (352)
[ 257.337924] qpnp_batt_external_power_changed: skip qpnp_batt_external_power_changed
[ 257.351948] power_supply bms: driver failed to report `current_avg' property: 4294967274
[ 292.305659] qpnp_batt_external_power_changed: skip qpnp_batt_external_power_changed
[ 292.326490] power_supply bms: driver failed to report `current_avg' property: 4294967274
[ 300.240351] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31641) physical (348)
[ 302.935992] sec_chg_time_management: Charging Time: 183 secs (rechg:0)
[ 302.962363] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31645) physical (348)
[ 303.016584] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31642) physical (348)
[ 303.017479] sec_bat_monitor: status(1), health(1), batt_present(1), cable(2), siop(100)
[ 303.018188] sec_bat_monitor: soc(4), vcell(4032), current(-740), temperature(348), chg_en(1)
[ 303.018586] sec_bat_monitor: ovp_uvlo(0), second_phase_chg(0), polling_time(60), event(0x0), HT(600), LT(-50)
[ 303.081389] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31643) physical (348)
[ 303.119259] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31642) physical (348)
[ 312.985557] qpnp_batt_external_power_changed: skip qpnp_batt_external_power_changed
[ 313.006368] power_supply bms: driver failed to report `current_avg' property: 4294967274
[ 357.984085] qpnp_batt_external_power_changed: skip qpnp_batt_external_power_changed
[ 357.998407] power_supply bms: driver failed to report `current_avg' property: 4294967274
[ 360.234491] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31706) physical (345)
[ 363.102678] sec_chg_time_management: Charging Time: 243 secs (rechg:0)
[ 363.123953] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31711) physical (345)
[ 363.137622] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31711) physical (345)
[ 363.138364] sec_bat_monitor: status(1), health(1), batt_present(1), cable(2), siop(100)
[ 363.138764] sec_bat_monitor: soc(5), vcell(4052), current(-740), temperature(345), chg_en(1)
[ 363.139566] sec_bat_monitor: ovp_uvlo(0), second_phase_chg(0), polling_time(60), event(0x0), HT(600), LT(-50)
[ 363.202634] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31711) physical (345)
[ 363.240910] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31708) physical (345)
[ 372.970348] qpnp_batt_external_power_changed: skip qpnp_batt_external_power_changed
[ 372.991158] power_supply bms: driver failed to report `current_avg' property: 4294967274
[ 412.989038] qpnp_batt_external_power_changed: skip qpnp_batt_external_power_changed
[ 413.009850] power_supply bms: driver failed to report `current_avg' property: 4294967274
[ 420.233777] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31761) physical (342)
[ 423.262527] sec_chg_time_management: Charging Time: 303 secs (rechg:0)
[ 423.283810] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31761) physical (342)
[ 423.297486] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31762) physical (342)
[ 423.298228] sec_bat_monitor: status(1), health(1), batt_present(1), cable(2), siop(100)
[ 423.298625] sec_bat_monitor: soc(5), vcell(4069), current(-743), temperature(342), chg_en(1)
[ 423.299418] sec_bat_monitor: ovp_uvlo(0), second_phase_chg(0), polling_time(60), event(0x0), HT(600), LT(-50)
[ 423.362849] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31761) physical (342)
[ 423.401032] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31763) physical (342)
[ 452.991127] qpnp_batt_external_power_changed: skip qpnp_batt_external_power_changed
[ 453.005166] power_supply bms: driver failed to report `current_avg' property: 4294967274
[ 480.234851] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31808) physical (340)
[ 483.428065] sec_chg_time_management: Charging Time: 363 secs (rechg:0)
[ 483.449450] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31811) physical (340)
[ 483.462795] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31811) physical (340)
[ 483.463627] sec_bat_monitor: status(1), health(1), batt_present(1), cable(2), siop(100)
[ 483.464371] sec_bat_monitor: soc(6), vcell(4088), current(-739), temperature(340), chg_en(1)
[ 483.464772] sec_bat_monitor: ovp_uvlo(0), second_phase_chg(0), polling_time(60), event(0x0), HT(600), LT(-50)
[ 483.528259] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31812) physical (340)
[ 483.566388] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31811) physical (340)
[ 517.982515] qpnp_batt_external_power_changed: skip qpnp_batt_external_power_changed
[ 518.003331] power_supply bms: driver failed to report `current_avg' property: 4294967274
[ 540.233773] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31851) physical (338)
[ 543.589485] sec_chg_time_management: Charging Time: 423 secs (rechg:0)
[ 543.610594] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31851) physical (338)
[ 543.624233] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31852) physical (338)
[ 543.624663] sec_bat_monitor: status(1), health(1), batt_present(1), cable(2), siop(100)
[ 543.625367] sec_bat_monitor: soc(6), vcell(4102), current(-737), temperature(338), chg_en(1)
[ 543.626070] sec_bat_monitor: ovp_uvlo(0), second_phase_chg(0), polling_time(60), event(0x0), HT(600), LT(-50)
[ 543.689316] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31852) physical (338)
[ 543.726885] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31856) physical (338)
[ 553.002632] qpnp_batt_external_power_changed: skip qpnp_batt_external_power_changed
[ 553.016861] power_supply bms: driver failed to report `current_avg' property: 4294967274
[ 600.231762] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31886) physical (336)
[ 603.746495] sec_chg_time_management: Charging Time: 483 secs (rechg:0)
[ 603.767862] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31887) physical (336)
[ 603.781039] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31891) physical (336)
[ 603.782054] sec_bat_monitor: status(1), health(1), batt_present(1), cable(2), siop(100)
[ 603.782774] sec_bat_monitor: soc(7), vcell(4122), current(-734), temperature(336), chg_en(1)
[ 603.783175] sec_bat_monitor: ovp_uvlo(0), second_phase_chg(0), polling_time(60), event(0x0), HT(600), LT(-50)
[ 603.855668] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31888) physical (336)
[ 603.893487] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31889) physical (336)
[ 617.975133] qpnp_batt_external_power_changed: skip qpnp_batt_external_power_changed
[ 617.995948] power_supply bms: driver failed to report `current_avg' property: 4294967274
[ 652.992857] qpnp_batt_external_power_changed: skip qpnp_batt_external_power_changed
[ 653.007088] power_supply bms: driver failed to report `current_avg' property: 4294967274
[ 660.232828] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31919) physical (335)
[ 663.905751] sec_chg_time_management: Charging Time: 543 secs (rechg:0)
[ 663.927104] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31923) physical (334)
[ 663.940702] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31923) physical (334)
[ 663.941441] sec_bat_monitor: status(1), health(1), batt_present(1), cable(2), siop(100)
[ 663.941841] sec_bat_monitor: soc(8), vcell(4138), current(-734), temperature(334), chg_en(1)
[ 663.942705] sec_bat_monitor: ovp_uvlo(0), second_phase_chg(0), polling_time(60), event(0x0), HT(600), LT(-50)
[ 664.005942] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31922) physical (335)
[ 664.043991] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31923) physical (334)
[ 720.231132] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31949) physical (333)
[ 722.977417] qpnp_batt_external_power_changed: skip qpnp_batt_external_power_changed
[ 722.998221] power_supply bms: driver failed to report `current_avg' property: 4294967274
[ 724.066918] sec_chg_time_management: Charging Time: 604 secs (rechg:0)
[ 724.086933] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31955) physical (332)
[ 724.098928] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31952) physical (333)
[ 724.099078] sec_bat_monitor: status(1), health(1), batt_present(1), cable(2), siop(100)
[ 724.099302] sec_bat_monitor: soc(8), vcell(4155), current(-713), temperature(332), chg_en(1)
[ 724.099526] sec_bat_monitor: ovp_uvlo(0), second_phase_chg(0), polling_time(60), event(0x0), HT(600), LT(-50)
[ 724.156784] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31953) physical (332)
[ 724.188781] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31953) physical (332)
[ 752.988870] qpnp_batt_external_power_changed: skip qpnp_batt_external_power_changed
[ 753.002601] power_supply bms: driver failed to report `current_avg' property: 4294967274
[ 780.233945] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31979) physical (331)
[ 784.226196] sec_chg_time_management: Charging Time: 664 secs (rechg:0)
[ 784.247440] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31978) physical (331)
[ 784.261046] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31979) physical (331)
[ 784.261785] sec_bat_monitor: status(1), health(1), batt_present(1), cable(2), siop(100)
[ 784.262184] sec_bat_monitor: soc(9), vcell(4172), current(-735), temperature(331), chg_en(1)
[ 784.263046] sec_bat_monitor: ovp_uvlo(0), second_phase_chg(0), polling_time(60), event(0x0), HT(600), LT(-50)
[ 784.326318] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31977) physical (331)
[ 784.364392] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(31975) physical (331)
[ 822.976922] qpnp_batt_external_power_changed: skip qpnp_batt_external_power_changed
[ 822.997735] power_supply bms: driver failed to report `current_avg' property: 4294967274
[ 840.234841] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(32002) physical (330)
[ 844.387857] sec_chg_time_management: Charging Time: 724 secs (rechg:0)
[ 844.409411] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(32003) physical (330)
[ 844.422704] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(32002) physical (330)
[ 844.423442] sec_bat_monitor: status(1), health(1), batt_present(1), cable(2), siop(100)
[ 844.424381] sec_bat_monitor: soc(9), vcell(4187), current(-737), temperature(330), chg_en(1)
[ 844.425093] sec_bat_monitor: ovp_uvlo(0), second_phase_chg(0), polling_time(60), event(0x0), HT(600), LT(-50)
[ 844.487790] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(32002) physical (330)
[ 844.525819] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(32001) physical (330)
[ 852.992256] qpnp_batt_external_power_changed: skip qpnp_batt_external_power_changed
[ 853.005977] power_supply bms: driver failed to report `current_avg' property: 4294967274
[ 900.230489] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(32025) physical (329)
[ 904.547094] sec_chg_time_management: Charging Time: 784 secs (rechg:0)
[ 904.568135] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(32024) physical (329)
[ 904.581617] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(32023) physical (329)
[ 904.582357] sec_bat_monitor: status(1), health(1), batt_present(1), cable(2), siop(100)
[ 904.582999] sec_bat_monitor: soc(10), vcell(4199), current(-731), temperature(329), chg_en(1)
[ 904.583712] sec_bat_monitor: ovp_uvlo(0), second_phase_chg(0), polling_time(60), event(0x0), HT(600), LT(-50)
[ 904.646811] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(32022) physical (329)
[ 904.684600] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(32021) physical (329)
[ 922.974849] qpnp_batt_external_power_changed: skip qpnp_batt_external_power_changed
[ 922.995750] power_supply bms: driver failed to report `current_avg' property: 4294967274
[ 952.995194] qpnp_batt_external_power_changed: skip qpnp_batt_external_power_changed
[ 953.008945] power_supply bms: driver failed to report `current_avg' property: 4294967274
[ 960.228631] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(32043) physical (328)
[ 964.709041] sec_chg_time_management: Charging Time: 844 secs (rechg:0)
[ 964.730384] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(32044) physical (328)
[ 964.743882] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(32044) physical (328)
[ 964.744315] sec_bat_monitor: status(1), health(1), batt_present(1), cable(2), siop(100)
[ 964.745178] sec_bat_monitor: soc(11), vcell(4216), current(-731), temperature(328), chg_en(1)
[ 964.745886] sec_bat_monitor: ovp_uvlo(0), second_phase_chg(0), polling_time(60), event(0x0), HT(600), LT(-50)
[ 964.808866] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(32044) physical (328)
[ 964.846260] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(32044) physical (328)
[ 1020.229314] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(32060) physical (327)
[ 1024.870829] sec_chg_time_management: Charging Time: 904 secs (rechg:0)
[ 1024.891478] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(32064) physical (327)
[ 1024.904981] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(32065) physical (327)
[ 1024.905413] sec_bat_monitor: status(1), health(1), batt_present(1), cable(2), siop(100)
[ 1024.906122] sec_bat_monitor: soc(11), vcell(4226), current(-730), temperature(327), chg_en(1)
[ 1024.906830] sec_bat_monitor: ovp_uvlo(0), second_phase_chg(0), polling_time(60), event(0x0), HT(600), LT(-50)
[ 1024.970162] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(32060) physical (327)
[ 1025.008069] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(32062) physical (327)
[ 1027.977285] qpnp_batt_external_power_changed: skip qpnp_batt_external_power_changed
[ 1027.998124] power_supply bms: driver failed to report `current_avg' property: 4294967274
[ 1052.993469] qpnp_batt_external_power_changed: skip qpnp_batt_external_power_changed
[ 1053.007656] power_supply bms: driver failed to report `current_avg' property: 4294967274
[ 1080.235377] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(32074) physical (327)
[ 1085.031260] sec_chg_time_management: Charging Time: 965 secs (rechg:0)
[ 1085.052818] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(32076) physical (326)
[ 1085.066309] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(32074) physical (327)
[ 1085.066740] sec_bat_monitor: status(1), health(1), batt_present(1), cable(2), siop(100)
[ 1085.067614] sec_bat_monitor: soc(12), vcell(4241), current(-728), temperature(326), chg_en(1)
[ 1085.068341] sec_bat_monitor: ovp_uvlo(0), second_phase_chg(0), polling_time(60), event(0x0), HT(600), LT(-50)
[ 1085.131481] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(32075) physical (326)
[ 1085.169031] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(32076) physical (326)
[ 1127.978766] qpnp_batt_external_power_changed: skip qpnp_batt_external_power_changed
[ 1127.999473] power_supply bms: driver failed to report `current_avg' property: 4294967274
[ 1140.230952] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(32091) physical (326)
[ 1145.188275] sec_chg_time_management: Charging Time: 1025 secs (rechg:0)
[ 1145.209530] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(32092) physical (326)
[ 1145.223021] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(32091) physical (326)
[ 1145.223759] sec_bat_monitor: status(1), health(1), batt_present(1), cable(2), siop(100)
[ 1145.224422] sec_bat_monitor: soc(12), vcell(4253), current(-727), temperature(326), chg_en(1)
[ 1145.225155] sec_bat_monitor: ovp_uvlo(0), second_phase_chg(0), polling_time(60), event(0x0), HT(600), LT(-50)
[ 1145.288274] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(32093) physical (326)
[ 1145.326382] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(32090) physical (326)
[ 1157.990819] qpnp_batt_external_power_changed: skip qpnp_batt_external_power_changed
[ 1158.005054] power_supply bms: driver failed to report `current_avg' property: 4294967274
[ 1200.233732] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(32104) physical (325)
[ 1205.349167] sec_chg_time_management: Charging Time: 1085 secs (rechg:0)
[ 1205.370726] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(32104) physical (325)
[ 1205.384209] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(32102) physical (325)
[ 1205.384639] sec_bat_monitor: status(1), health(1), batt_present(1), cable(2), siop(100)
[ 1205.385415] sec_bat_monitor: soc(13), vcell(4266), current(-726), temperature(325), chg_en(1)
[ 1205.386176] sec_bat_monitor: ovp_uvlo(0), second_phase_chg(0), polling_time(60), event(0x0), HT(600), LT(-50)
[ 1205.449528] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(32103) physical (325)
[ 1205.487199] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(32104) physical (325)
[ 1215.770849] mdss_dsi_event_handler: unhandled event=9
[ 1215.773854] mdss_dsi_event_handler: unhandled event=1
[ 1216.067500] mdss_dsi_event_handler: unhandled event=10
[ 1217.309756] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(32107) physical (325)
[ 1217.332680] mdss_dsi_event_handler: unhandled event=10
[ 1217.802406] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(32107) physical (325)
[ 1218.102943] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(32104) physical (325)
[ 1218.125355] mdss_dsi_event_handler: unhandled event=10
[ 1218.896807] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(32105) physical (325)
[ 1218.919620] mdss_dsi_event_handler: unhandled event=10
[ 1219.684536] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(32102) physical (325)
[ 1219.689302] mdss_dsi_event_handler: unhandled event=10
[ 1220.474328] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(32100) physical (325)
[ 1220.496985] mdss_dsi_event_handler: unhandled event=10
[ 1221.021854] get_prop_batt_temp: get_bat_temp: adc_code(32097) physical (325)
[ 1221.311889] mdss_dsi_event_handler: unhandled event=7
[ 1221.315203] Restarting system.
[ 1221.317475] failed to disable wdog debug: -4
[ 1221.317874] Calling SCM to disable SPMI PMIC arbiter

No errors detected
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Bearbeitet von: Cloud - Grund: Log's gespoilert. Gruß Cloud
Ist das die Datei last_kmsg?
Also einloggen ins WLAN geht, aber du wirst wieder ausgeloggt? Wenn das so richtig ist, wäre folgendes noch wichtig.
Welchen Router hast du, hast du noch weitere Repeater, evtl. Mesh mit Bandsteering aktiviert?
Wirst du nur vom WLAN getrennt, wenn das Display aus ist?
Evtl. hilft es dem Neo (Einstellung im Neo nicht im Router!) eine statische IP - Adresse zu verpassen.
JA FRITZ!Box 6490 Cable Mesh mit Bandsteering aktiviert? Nein
Wirst du nur vom WLAN getrennt, wenn das Display aus ist? Glaube ja
Hier noch 2 x last_kmsg mit reboots und eine mit Bluescreen von gerade!
Das Handy ist jetzt superschnell und sensibel. Es hat auch leider schon mal in der Hosentasche selbstständig gewählt - zum Glück nur meine Mutter...:)

Danke im Voraus für die Hilfe.


  • bluecreen.txt
    116,7 KB · Aufrufe: 39
  • Letzte reboots.txt
    51,2 KB · Aufrufe: 38
  • vorletzte reboots.txt
    51,2 KB · Aufrufe: 41
Bluescreen kenne ich nur von Windows...
Deine last_kmsg zeigen alle das selbe... Immer der wcnss Crash (WiFi).
Um das trennen zu verhindern Versuche Mal im Neo in den WiFi Einstellungen eine feste (statische) IP Adresse zuzuweisen und probiere Mal ob das hilft. Wenn nicht auch in der Fritzbox Mal eine feste IP zuweisen. Ich hatte die Trennung unter cm12.1. als ich im Neo die IP zugewiesen habe, blieb die Verbindung aufrecht. Bei mir wurde das Handy alle 10 Minuten wenn das Display aus war getrennt. Also immer zur selben Zeit. Sagen wir beispielsweise die Trennung erfolgte um 10.00, dann konnte ich quasi das Handy Display 10 Minuten auslassen und verlor die Verbindung dann wieder um 10.10 . Sobald das Display aktiviert wurde, hat es sich auch gleich wieder verbunden. Habe ich beispielsweise um 10.09 das Display ausgemacht, wurde ich also nach nur 1 Minute getrennt... Hintergrund war, das die Fritzbox alle 10 Minuten prüft ob ein verbundenes Gerät noch"Antwortet", wenn nicht, wird es getrennt.
Beiträge automatisch zusammengeführt:

Hat du also nur die Fritzbox und keine Repeater?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
habe nun eine feste IP-Adresse in den Smartphone-Einstellungen angegeben. Bis jetzt ist alles OK.
Das Rebootsproblem ist leider immer noch da. Es ist tendenziell häufiger.
Wird es besser sein, wenn ich nun alles nochmal frisch mache? Von 0 anfange? Ohne Datensicherung? Nicht, dass wieder ein Problem zurückkommt, wenn die alten Daten wieder draufgemacht werden.
Danke im Voraus.


  • Neues.txt
    386,2 KB · Aufrufe: 55
An den Reboots kannst du aktuell glaube ich nichts machen. Das wird auch für die Devs schwer zu beheben sein, das sie nur bei manchen Leuten auftreten und die Fehlermeldung leider nichts hergibt. Kannst du kurz diese Fragen beantworten.
- Hast du zusätzlich zur Fritzbox noch Repeater mit Mesh (denn dann wäre Bandsteering ja aktiv)
- Hast du zwei S3 Neos oder mal ein zweites gehabt (welches in deinem Router mal angemeldet war)
- Wann treten die Reboots auf? Also immer nur wenn das Display an ist bzw. angemacht wird. Oder auch wenn du das Handy aktiv benutzt - wenn bei Benutzung, dann nur wenn du an einem Platz sitzt / stehts oder wenn du dich in den Räumen umher bewegst?

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