Mod´s / Magisk Module OP6

  • 29 Antworten
  • Letztes Antwortdatum
Ist viper4android schon im xxxnolimits Modul inbegriffen? Oder anders gesagt beide gleichzeitig installiert widersprechen sich?
Das kannst du alles selber steuern:
xXx Tweaks
Window Animation Scales
Disable Google Play Wakelocks
Disable ZRAM / Swap
Systemizing Apps
Youtube Vanced Detaching from Play Store
Dolby Digital
ViPER4Android 2.5.x & 2.7.x
Stereo Mod
Individual Debloating
Extreme Debloating
Debloat GApps down to Pico level
Full Hydrogen bloatware removal

SDcard Permission fix
Nova Launcher
Action Launcher
Pixel Launcher
Lawnchair Laucher
Android O Emojis
iOS12.1 Emojis
Emoji One
Samsung Emojis
Always On Display (Oreo only)
Different Boot Animations
GCam Google Camera with HDR+ etc.
Google Dialer mod
Call Recording (for OOS Dialer only!)
Substratum Theme Engine
Substratum Theme Modules like Ozone & K-Klock & Aether
YouTube Vanced - modded YouTube app
Caffeine Tile
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Bödi
edgonzo schrieb:
Ich selbst war von Anfang an dabei und kann sagen das es nur ein Placebo ist, mehr nicht.
Aus dem Grund habe ich es wieder gelöscht, was allerdings mehr braucht als nur aus Magisk zu entfernen!
Kannst du mehr dazu sagen oder hast du einen Link zur kompletten Deinstallation? Ich habe mittlerweile auch den Eindruck, dass es nicht allzu viel bringt.

Ich überlege gerade, ob ich xXx NoLimits nochmal eine Chance gebe. Allerdings würde ich die meisten Optionen in der Profil-Datei eh deaktivieren, von daher bin ich mir gar nicht so sicher, ob es mir dann überhaupt noch was bringt. 😂
Für mich ist das xXx Modul das A und O! Habe eine Stabile/Beta Stock Version die ich nach belieben anpassen kann!
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Bödi
Wäre interessant, mal deine Profil-Config zu sehen. Gerne auch per PN falls das hier den Rahmen sprengt.

Edit: Ich habe HIER vor über einem Jahr auch mal einen Threads für xXx NoLimits erstellt und ihn zugegeben so gut wie gar nicht gepflegt. Es gab aber auch nie den riesen Andrang...
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Hm...also ich konnte in twrp glaub keine Auswahl treffen, welche no Limits Module ich installieren möchte. Dann hat es glaube ich einfach alles installiert, per default. Aber ne extra Viper app hatte ich nicht drauf, ebenso keine Youtube vanced Version..

Bisher läuft aber alles sehr sehr gut, ich bin sehr zufrieden. Außer, dass manchmal keine WhatsApp Nachrichten durchgehen. Hab das Programm aus der battery optimization ausgenommen, aber scheinbar muss man da nochmal die apk verschieben in nen anderen Ordner bei no limits, falls das der Fall ist... Habt ihr das gleiche Problem? Falls ja, wenn ich die apk verschiebe, muss ich nur no limits nochmal drüber installieren, aber in WA geht nichts verloren?
RichtigerLurch schrieb:
Hm...also ich konnte in twrp glaub keine Auswahl treffen, welche no Limits Module ich installieren möchte. Dann hat es glaube ich einfach alles installiert, per default. Aber ne extra Viper app hatte ich nicht drauf, ebenso keine Youtube vanced Version..
Man kann sich eine Profil-Datei runterladen, in der man durch das Setzen von "0" oder "1" verschiedene Einstellungen an oder ausschaltet.

Zu dem anderen Problem kann ich leider nichts sagen.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: RichtigerLurch
Prerequisite to flash xXx NoLimits - xXx.NoLimits.profile

Unfortunately, todays TWRP don’t support Aroma Installers anymore.
In order to still provide you with the possibility to choose your favorite options to be flashed the rom is using a file called “xXx.NoLimits.profile” as a reference for all your individual settings.

If you just flash the xXx NoLimits without placing your individual edited xXx.NoLimits.profile to the sdcard default settings are used for flashing. This means you can just flash the xXx NoLimits rom but if you like to set your own preference presets you have to either edit the file or you extract the file from the and copy it to the /sdcard or /sdcard/xXx folder on your device.

The xXx NoLimits installer detects automatically if you have the “xXx.NoLimits.profile” on your sdcard or not. If not it will use the presets from the profile included in the So the priority is the profile on your sdcard. If you install the rom via OTG you can also place the profile to the root of your usb-stick and this will have priority over the profile on the internal sdcard storage or the

Basic Instruction how to edit the “xXx.NoLimits.profile” you will find inside the file.
Just one more important information. If you are editing the profile on your Windows PC you must use Notepad++ otherwise you destroy the required file format.

You can download the xXx.NoLimits.profile here

Man muss die xXx.NoLimits.profile laden und mit Notepad++ Editieren/Anpassen so wie man es haben will (nur mit NotePad++ mach nicht mit Editor oder anderen tools)!
Danach die angepasste Version aufs Telefon ins Verzeichnis xXx verschieben (sofern noch nicht vorhanden selber erstellen)
Beim flashen mit TWRP jetzt einfach zusehen wie eure angaben ausgeführt werden.

Andere Methode ist Magisk flashen und das xXx als Modul einbinden!

Hier ein überblick wie die letzte xXx Profildatei bei mir aussieht (nicht viel verändert ...)

### ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
### x X x - N O L I M I T S
### Fast - Snappy - Smooth - Stable - Battery
### ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
### Magisk Module ROM
### Developer: xXx
### Supported ROM: Oxygen OS
### Supported Devices: OnePlus Series 5, 6, 7
### ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
### P R O F I L E I N S T R U C T I O N S
### ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
### This profile is used to configure xXx - NoLimits.
### Save Directory: /sdcard/xXx/
### If the profile is not stored in the above directory, the default profile will be used.
### This profile must be edited in Plain Text.
### For editing this file on Windows OS you MUST use Notepad++ for this.
### ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
### H O W T O
### ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
### Example 1: For binary selection.
### 0 = Stock/Ignore (do nothing)
### 1 = Do this
### Everywhere you don't find value options listed, you need to set either 0 or 1
### -----------------------------
### Example 2: For multi-options.
### 0 = don't change AnimationScale values
### 1 = Fastest - No Animation: 0
### 2 = Very Fast Animations: 0.25
### 3 = Fast Animations: 0.5
### 4 = Faster Animations: 0.75
### 5 = Android Stock Animations: 1
### For example to get "Faster Animations: 0.75" simply set AnimationScale = 4
### ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
### E N D O F I N S T R U C T I O N S S E C T I O N
### ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# S Y S T E M T W E A K S
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Windows Animation Scales
# The lower the number, the faster the animation scales.
# 0 = don't change AnimationScale values
# 1 = Fastest - No Animation: 0
# 2 = Very Fast Animations: 0.25
# 3 = Fast Animations: 0.5
# 4 = Faster Animations: 0.75
# 5 = Android Stock Animations: 1

AnimationScale = 2

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Google Play Wakelocks/Analytics (thanks to @MeggaMortY)
# This tweak blocks all non-critical Google Play wakelocks
# 0 = Stock/Ignore
# 1 = Standard blocking
# 2 = Standard + Extended blocking (affect Google Pay and Google Fit functionallity)

DisableGooglePlayWakelocks = 1

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Google Analytics
# This tweak will block all non-critical Google analytics for all apps.
# A red framework will be displayed in the ads place due to lack of connectivity to the Google analytics API.

DisableGoogleAnalytics = 0

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Universal GMS Doze - thanks to @gloeyisk
# Helps to increase battery life, as your device will be dozing most of the time, rather than waking up all the time.
# ATTENTION: Apps like Google Hangouts, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Telegram, etc. might not notify in time anymore.
# If you want to ensure real-time WhatsApp notifications for example, go to your WhatsApp notification settings and enable high priority notifications.
# By default, "High priority" notifications like from Alarm clocks, SMS or incoming phone calls are not affected at all.
# More explanations here: [MODULE] Universal GMS Doze
# Requires Busybox, therefore Busybox will be installed as well.

Universal.GMS.Doze = 0

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Disable zram
# zram is a kernel feature that uses on-the-fly compression to increase overall RAM.
# OnePlus have set a 2GB swap disk to improve memory management.
# By disabling these you will have less battery consumption due to less CPU usage.
# 0 = Ignore
# 1 = Disable the OnePlus 2GB swap disk
# 2 = Completely disable zram

DisableZRAM = 0

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# LMK RAM Management
# This setting will keep more apps in RAM longer.
# 0 = Stock/Ignore
# 1 = Improved - More Apps are kept longer in RAM
# 2 = Aggressive - Keep as many apps as long as possible in RAM

LMK_RAM_Management = 1

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Kernel Tweaks
# A carefully optimised set of kernel tweaks to increase the performance of your device.

KernelTweaks = 1

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Force xXx - NoLimits Tweaks
# This setting will force xXx - NoLimits tweaks to be used over any other tweaks on your device.

ForceTweakApplication = 0

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Rebuild Dalvik Cache
# Dalvik cache is cached odex files from installed apps on your device to prevent the app being optimised every time it runs.
# This needs to be done in many circumstances to avoid issues.
# Currently this is only rebuilt when the device is charging and reached 100%.
# Enabling this will rebuild the cache upon rebooting. (one time action after flashing NoLimits, OOS, or wiping dalvik cache)
# Note: This can take up to 12 mins.

RebuildDalvikCache = 0

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Irreversible delete selected bloat from System Partition
# Watch out! If you uninstall or reflash NoLimits with different debloat selection,
# already debloated stuff will be gone until you reflash OOS or custom Rom

IrreversibleDebloat = 0

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Skip Android Setup Wizard
# This will skip the Android Setup Wizard on the first boot after a clean install.

SkipAndroidSetupWizard = 0

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Hide NoLimits Version in Settings > About
# If Renovate Ice has been flashed, NoLimits will show the NoLimits Version under "About" instead of "Device Info".
# Set this to 1 if you don't want the version info under "About".
# This setting do nothing if Renovate is not in place.

HideNoLimitsVersionInABOUTinfo = 0

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# BusyBox by osm0sis
# Recommended
# It's a set of powerful tools which are used by some root applications and don't affect battery life

BusyBox = 1

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Fix SDcard permissions
# Fix ownership & permissions of files and folders on the SDcard to Android OS's original state.

FixSDcardpermissions = 0

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# b u i l d . p r o p T W E A K S
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 0 = Don't apply tweaks
# 1 = Applies all build.prop tweaks and ignore individual Tweak settings
# 2 = Individual Tweaks Selections - Applies only selected build.prop tweaks.

TweaksMasterSelector = 2

# Individual Tweak settings
RootsupportforTasker = 1
2.4GHzWiFichannelbonding = 0
Bettercallvoicequality = 1
Betternetspeeds = 1
3Gsignalandspeedtweaks = 1
MoreRAM = 1
MemoryTweaks = 1
Bettermemorymanagement = 1
IncreasegeneralPerformances = 1
Smootherscrolling = 1
Smoothervideostreaming = 1
Improvesaudio = 1
AGPSmods = 1
Fasterboot = 1
Disablelogs = 1
MagiskHidesupport = 1
Phoneringsimmediately = 1
Morevolumestepsincall = 1
Decreasescreenoff = 1
Enables270DegreeRotation = 1
Nowakeupbyhittingvolumerocker = 1
BetterFlashlightintensity = 1
DisablepersistantUSB = 1
MMSAPNretrytimersetto2sec = 1
MiscSystemTweaks = 1

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# A P P L I C A T I O N S , T H E M E S & I M P R O V E M E N T S
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# A P P L I C A T I O N S
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Launcher Selection
# Nova Launcher - One of the most popular launchers currently.
# Action Launcher - Based on the Pixel Launcher and Android Oreo.
# Pixel Launcher - The original Nexus Launcher packed full of features, including the Google Now side drawer
# Lawnchair Launcher - Based on the Pixel launcher with increased functionality.

NovaLauncher = 0
ActionLauncher = 0
PixelLaucher = 0
LawnchairLaucher = 0

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Sound Mods
# Dolby Digital thanks to @repey6. - Will disable OnePlus Dolby and Tuner
# JamesDSP - Thanks to james34602, ahrion, zackptg5
# Stereo Speaker Mod (NOT for OP7) - Adds the earpiece as an additional speaker. Earpiece audio might not be as clear as main speaker.
# Viper Profile Collection - Profile collection for Viper4Arise, thanks to @A.R.I.S.E. Team.
# ViPER4Android - Thanks to Team Arise, Team DeWitt, Ahrion, Zackptg5, ViPER520, ZhuHang
# 1 = Legacy Black/Red Themed Arise Version 2.5.x
# 2 = Team DeWitt Version 2.7.x - default theme White/Purple, but also themeable by Swift Installer etc.

Viper4Android = 1
ViperProfileCollection = 0
DolbyDigital = 0
JamesDSP = 0
StereoSpeakerMod = 0

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# AdAway
# AdAway is an open source ad blocker for Android using the hosts file.

AdAway = 1

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# YouTube Vanced
# This is a modded version of YouTube which contains a lot of features like Ad Blocking, Background Playback and many more.
# Note: By default, YouTube Vanced is white themed. To use the black theme you will need to change it in Vanced settings.
# 0 = Stock/Ignore
# 1 = White/Dark themed
# 2 = White/Black themed

YouTubeVanced = 1

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Google Dialers
# 0 = Ignore / Keep Stock Dialer
# (OOS Dialer REMOVED) - Improves your calling experience and gain control over calls with features like spam protection, caller ID, call blocking and more.
# 1 = Latest Dialer App version with option for white or dark theming (white is default)
# 2 = Old Dialer v22 with fixed white/blue theme)
# (OOS Dialer REMAINS) - Google Dialer experience, but several features are not working when combined with OOS Dialer. Native call recording still works with OOS dialer.
# 3 = Latest Dialer App version with option for white or dark theming (white is default)
# 4 = Old Dialer v22 with fixed white/blue theme)

GoogleDialer = 0

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Google Camera
# A modded GCam version by @arnova.
# 0 = Ignore/uninstall previous installed version
# 1 = Standard installation as user app
# 2 = Ability to switch between the auxiliary back cameras which enables multi-lense switching between auxiliary back cameras.
# Attention! Depending on Rom version, selecting 2 might break the android settings search function!

GoogleCamera = 1

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# T H E M I N G
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Substratum Theme Engine - A theme engine for theming your device.
# Ozone Module(OREO Only) - A Substratum theme module.
# K-Klock Module - A Substratum Theme Engine module for theming the Action Bar, QS backgrounds, etc.
# Aether - A Substratum module for Center or Right statusbar clock, LTE/4G toggle and QS icon count changer

SubstratumThemeEngine = 0
OzoneModule = 0
K-KlockModule = 0
Aether = 0

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Emoji Fonts
# 0 = Keep stock Emojis
# 1 = Android O Emoji's - Thanks to xda recognized contributor, linuxct.
# 2 = iOS 12.1 Emoji's - Thanks to @RickyBush.
# 3 = Emoji One - JoyPixels (formerly Emoji One).
# 4 = Samsung Emoji's - Samsung device glossy emoji's.

EmojiFont = 1

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Boot Animations
# Assign the respective number to the "CustomBootanimation = " option below
# 0 = Disable custom bootanimations - Base Rom Bootanimation will be used
# 1 = xXx NoLimits Boot Animation - Thanks to Jay Jay @trapcoder666
# 2 = Oxygen OS Stock Boot Animation
# 3 = Boot Animation in xXx Folder - Copy a raw to the xXx directory on your internal SDcard
# 4 = WatchDogs Boot Animation - Thanks to @Robdyx
# 5 = McLaren Boot Animation - Thanks to @Mishaal Rahman
# 6 = Google Pixel 1 Boot Animation - Thanks to xda Senior Member @niwia
# 7 = Google Pixel 2 Boot Animation
# 8 = Google Pixel 3 Boot Animation

CustomBootAnimation = 1

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# I M P R O V E M E N T S
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Always On Display
# This adds an Always On Display option in Settings > Display > Ambient display.
# !! OREO only - Increase battery drain!

AlwaysOnDisplay = 0

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Navigation Gestures
# iPhone X style gesture control, thanks to @MishaalRahman and @Zacharee1.

NavigationGestures = 0

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# QuickTiles
# Caffeine - a screen timeout tile which lets you toggle between 15secs, 30secs, 1min , 2mins , 5mins , 10mins and 30mins screen on time.
# OnePlus Screen Record Tile - OnePlus Screen Recorder from the OP7Pro

Caffeine = 1
OnePlusScreenRecord = 1

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Digital WellBeing (Pie only)
# See a complete picture of your digital habits and disconnect when you want to.
# Visible as a Settings tile.

DigitalWellBeing = 0

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Ice Box Speedup System Plugin
# Speed up Ice Box's freezing and defrosting.

IceBoxSpeedup = 0

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# MoreLocale
# Morelocale can help you to enable your local language in HydrogenOS.
# Does not work on Android itself, but all user apps will switch to the selected language.

MoreLocale = 0

### ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
### D E B L O A T I N G S E C T I O N
### ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
### -- How to Debloat ------------
### 0 = No debloating / don't touch
### 1 = Debloat

### -- B U L K D E B L O A T O P T I O N S -----------------------------------------------

# ExtremeDebloating is a selection of 60+ items. The device will still run stable.
# In case you miss apps you wanted to keep, better make use of the Individual Debloat Section to decide on item base what to debloat.
ExtremeDebloating = 0

# HydrogenDebloating is a collection of 30+ items which only exist in H2OS but not in OOS. Most of them are Chinese apps.
HydrogenDebloating = 0

# OnePlus Analytics Disabler Light
# Disable the OPDeviceManager which was rumored to send personal device information to OnePlus
OnePlusAnalyticsDisablerLight = 1

# OnePlus Analytics Disabler Full
# Might mess up usefull stuff. Disables more stuff which is rumored to send analytics or potentially open a backdoor.
# Attention! This option will break secret codes menus like *#800# or *#801# etc. and OK Google.
OnePlusAnalyticsDisablerFull = 0

# GApps Pico level
# This will debloat the GApps Framework down to the GApps Pico level which is the absolut minimum to run the framework
GAppsPicolevel = 0

# Total GApps removal
# BEWARE!! This will completely remove the Google Framework. No GApps like Youtube, Chrome etc will work anymore
TotalGAppsremoval = 0

# -- I N D I V I D U A L D E B L O A T O P T I O N S -----------------------------------
# Debloats are categrorized in 3 sections
# - Light Debloating -> Safe to remove, but you might want to keep it
# - Extreme Debloating -> Removes system apps and services which you might never want to use
# - Experts only Debloating -> Debloating in this section could potentially remove important core system functionality

# MASTER SWITCH for all individual debloat selections
# 0 = Ignore all individual selections
# 1 = Debloat all selections
IndividualDebloatSelection = 1

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# L I G H T D E B L O A T I N G (belongs to the individual debloating section)
# Safe to remove, but you might want to keep it
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Google Chrome >
# If you debloat Google Chrome, you might experience FCs and Black screens until you update Webview to latest version!
GoogleChrome = 0

# AndroidPay >
# Debloat this means remove ability to do transactions with AndroidPay
AndroidPay = 1

# Device Health Service >
# Device Health Service priodicts how long your phone's battery will last based on your usage
DeviceHealthService = 0

# GooglePay >
# Debloat this means remove ability to do transactions with GooglePay
GooglePay = 1

# Google Space >
# Google Space brings all your games together and provides relevant gaming optimization features
GoogleSpace = 0

# Google ARCore >
# Debloat this means remove ability to use AR Stickers & Playmoji on Google Camera
ARCore = 1

# CalendarGoogle >
# Debloat this means remove Google Calendar app
CalendarGoogle = 0

# Drive >
# Debloat this means remove Google Drive app
Drive = 1

# Gboard - Google Keyboard >
# Make sure you have any keyboard installed. Otherwise you will end up with NO keyboard available
Gboard-GoogleKeyboard = 0

# Gmail2 >
# Debloat this means remove Gmail app
Gmail2 = 0

# Hangouts >
# Debloat this means remove Hangouts app
Hangouts = 1

# LiveWallpapersPicker >
# Debloat this means remove ability to choose Live Wallpapers
LiveWallpapersPicker = 0

# OPWallpaperResources >
# OnePlus Live Wallpapers
OPWallpaperResources = 0

# Maps >
# Debloat this means remove Google Maps app
Maps = 0

# Messages App >
# Debloat this means you need an alternative app in place to receive SMS/MMS messages
OPMms = 0

# Music2 >
# Debloat this means remove Google Play Music app
Music2 = 1

# OPDialer+Contacts >
# Make sure you have an alternative dialer in place. Otherwise you can't do or take any calls
OPDialer+Contacts = 0

# OnePlus Switch >
# Debloat this means remove OnePlus Switch app. Usually used for transferring data from old to new phone
OnePlusSwitch = 1

# OPFilemanager >
# Debloat this means remove OnePlus default File Manager app. When debloating, make sure you have another File Manager app
OPFilemanager = 1

# Files - Google Document File Manager >
# File Manager app on Android Q
GoogleDocumentsUIPrebuilt = 1

# OPForum >
# Debloat this means remove OnePlus Forum app
OPForum = 1

# OPMusic >
# Debloat this means remove OnePlus Music app
OPMusic = 1

# OPPush >
OPPush = 1

# OP Icons >
# Debloat this means remove OnePlus Icons that's used in launcher
OPIcons = 1

# Photos >
# Debloat this means remove Google Photos app
Photos = 1

# SoundRecorder >
# Debloat this means remove the voice Recording app.
SoundRecorder = 1

# SwiftKey >
# Debloat this means remove SwiftKey Keyboard
SwiftKey = 1

# talkback >
# Talkback is used for guiding partial or total blind people to navigate the touchscreen
talkback = 1

# Velvet - Google App >
# Required for Google Assist, OK Google, Pixel Launcher…
Velvet-GoogleApp = 0

# Videos >
# Debloat this means remove Google Play Movies app
Videos = 1

# Weather >
# Debloat this means remove OnePlus Weather app
Weather = 1

# YouTube >
# Debloat this means remove YouTube app
YouTube = 1

# OnePlus Card >
# Debloat this means remove OnePlus Card app. Usually used for store your train card, prepaid card, etc
Card = 1

# Google Backup Transport >
GoogleBackupTransport = 0

# BackupRestoreRemoteService >
BackupRestoreRemoteService = 1

# DeskClock >
DeskClock = 0

# HTMLViewer >
# Filters html to be more compatible, also enables to view files like html, txt etc.
HTMLViewer = 0

# NVBackupUI >
# OnePlus Backup solution. goes with OPBackup
NVBackupUI = 1

# BackupRestoreConfirmation >
BackupRestoreConfirmation = 1

# CallLogBackup >
# helps to backup up your call logs. But there’s no good option to restore.
CallLogBackup = 1

# GoogleRestore >
GoogleRestore = 1

# ManagedProvisioning >
# Work Profile Setup apk. Don't remove it if your company gave you this phone
ManagedProvisioning = 0

# OPAppLocker >
# Debloat this means remove ability to use app locker
OPAppLocker = 0

# SharedStorageBackup >
SharedStorageBackup = 1

# Turbo >
# device health services
Turbo = 1

# Calculator >
# Debloat this means remove Calculator app. Safe to remove, but you most probably want to keep it
Calculator = 0

# OPBreathMode aka Zen Mode>
# This is the Zen Mode app which should help Cell Phone addicted users to concentrate
# by turning screen pitch black and disable clock and notifications during defined schedule.
OPBreathMode = 0

# OPCommonLogTool >
OPCommonLogTool = 0

# OPLongshot >
# Debloat this means remove ability to take long screenshots. Safe to remove, but you most probably want to keep it
OPLongshot = 0

# OPRoamingAppRelease >
# Debloat this means remove ability to use OnePlus roaming services
OPRoamingAppRelease = 0

# OPRoamingServiceRelease >
# Debloat this means remove ability to use OnePlus roaming services
OPRoamingServiceRelease = 0

# OPSafe >
# Debloat this means remove ability to see cellular data usage in Settings
OPSafe = 0

# DocumentsUI >
# Safe to remove, but you most probably want to keep it
DocumentsUI = 0

# OnePlusCamera >
# Debloat this means remove OnePlus camera app. Make sure you have another camera app like Google Camera. Safe to remove, but you most probably want to keep it
OnePlusCamera = 0

# OnePlusCameraService >
# Safe to remove, but you most probably want to keep it
OnePlusCameraService = 0

# OnePlusGallery >
# Debloat this means remove OnePlus Gallery app. Make sure you have another Gallery app like Google Photos. Safe to remove, but you most probably want to keep it
OnePlusGallery = 0

# OPLauncher2 >
# Safe to remove, but you most probably want to keep it
OPLauncher2 = 0

# WallpaperCropper >
# Safe to remove, but you most probably want to keep it
WallpaperCropper = 0

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# E X T R E M E D E B L O A T I N G (belongs to the individual debloating section)
# Removes system apps and services which you might never want to use
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# AntHalService >
# App allows to connect to, and make use of various other ANT or ANT+ devices like...
# ...ANT+ sport/fitness/health devices such as heart rate sensors, fitness equipment, cycling products, weight scales and more
AntHalService = 0

# BookmarkProvider >
# App provides the list of installed apps to Market
BookmarkProvider = 1

# bugreport >
# Debloat this means remove ability to report bug to OnePlus
bugreport = 1

# CNEService >
# necessary in order to make VoWIFI work. Don't delete it if you're in the US and using it. I don't know
CNEService = 0

# Duo >
# Debloat this means remove Google Duo app
Duo = 1

# DiracManager >
# Debloat this means remove ability to use OnePlus default equalizer
DiracManager = 0

# DiracAudioControlService >
# Debloat this means remove ability to use OnePlus default equalizer
DiracAudioControlService = 0

# datastatusnotification >
# allows to cap data when you've reached the limit of your plan
datastatusnotification = 0

# EmergencyInfo >
# could break double tap power button to launch camera, as well as being the app necessary to setup emergency info (obviously)
EmergencyInfo = 0

# GoogleFeedback >
# Debloat this means remove ability to report bug to Google
GoogleFeedback = 1

# GoogleOneTimeInitializer >
# This is setup wizard helping you to base setup after a clean flash
GoogleOneTimeInitializer = 0

# GooglePartnerSetup >
# This is required if you want to setup a Google account
GooglePartnerSetup = 0

# GoogleTTS >
# Debloat this means remove ability to use Google Text to Speech
GoogleTTS = 1

# HotwordEnrollmentOKGoogleWCD9340 >
# makes OK Google work.
HotwordEnrollmentOKGoogleWCD9340 = 0

# HotwordEnrollmentXGoogleWCD9340 >
# makes OK Google work.
HotwordEnrollmentXGoogleWCD9340 = 0

# OnePlus Launcher >
# Debloating this will, enable the old vertical recents view known from Oreo but will also break OP gestures
# BEWARE! If you debloat this launcher, you MUST make sure that you have an alternative launcher in place, or you will end up with a black screen!
OnePlus_Launcher = 0

# OPBackup >
# System Updater for OOS Updates
OPBackup = 0

# OpSkin >
# apparently necessary for substratum and required to change OnePlus accents or themes without rebooting.
OpSkin = 0

# OPAod >
# Debloat this means remove ability to use ambient display feature
OPAod = 0

# OPFaceUnlock >
# Debloat this means remove ability to use Face Unlocking
OPFaceUnlock = 0

# OPSimContacts >
# Debloating this will remove the ability to switch to call history and contacts in the OOS dialer.
OPSimContacts = 0

# OPCellBroadcastReceiver >
# so you get alerts when there's a big issue like a natural disaster...
OPCellBroadcastReceiver = 1

# PartnerBookmarksProvider >
# App provides the list of partner installed apps to the Market
PartnerBookmarksProvider = 1

# PicoTts >
# Debloat this means remove ability to use Google Text to Speech
PicoTts = 1

# PlayAutoInstallConfig >
# basically allows the OEM or the carrier to download application behind your back, great feature :)
PlayAutoInstallConfig = 1

# QdcmFF >
# some Qualcomm software to make the screen better. I don't think it's used on the OP6 and it would probably make colors less accurate.
QdcmFF = 0

# SeempService >
# Solution from Qualcomm meant to possibly fight against Malware... Don't trust it.
SeempService = 1

# SetupWizard >
# This is a Setup Wizard which comes up when you create a new user account. Of course also your base account.
SetupWizard = 0

# Stk >
# Provides management of SIM provider contents on phone just as help etc. It’s useful if you want to use sim contents otherwise it’s not.
Stk = 1

# Tag >
# NFC Tags (it's not used by 99,9% of the population)
Tag = 0

# tts >
# Debloat this means remove ability to use Google Text to Speech
tts = 1

# uimremoteclient >
# qualcomm bullshit
uimremoteclient = 1

# usb_drivers.iso >
# Debloat this means remove USB Driver installation popup when connecting to PC
usb_drivers.iso = 1

# Extreme Debloating options without description
AutoRegistration = 1
BasicDreams = 1
BluetoothMidiService = 0
BTtestmode = 1
BuiltInPrintService = 1
DMAgent = 1
EasterEgg = 1
EngSpecialTest = 1
fmfactorytest = 1
LogKitSdService = 1
NFCTestMode = 1
OemAutoTestServer = 1
OpenWnn = 1

OPNotes = 1
OPSesAuthentication = 1
OPWidget = 1
PhotosOnline = 0
ProxyHandler = 0
RFTuner = 0
SecureSampleAuthService = 0
SensorTestTool = 1
SoterService = 0
VrCore = 1
WallpaperBackup = 0
WapiCertManage = 0
WifiLogger_app = 1
WifiRfTestApk = 1

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# E X P E R T S O N L Y D E B L O A T I N G (belongs to the individual debloating section)
# Caution! Debloating in this section could potentially remove important core system functionality
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# ---- /system/app ----
Bluetooth = 0
BluetoothExt = 0
CallFeaturesSetting = 0
CaptivePortalLogin = 0
CarrierDefaultApp = 0
CertInstaller = 0
CompanionDeviceManager = 0
ConfURIDialer = 0
ConfUrlDialer = 0
CtsShimPrebuilt = 0
DeviceInfo = 0
DynamicDDSService = 0
DynamicDSService = 0
embms = 0
GoogleContactsSyncAdapter = 0
GoogleExtShared = 0
GooglePrintRecommendationService = 0
ims = 0
imssettings = 0
KeyChain = 0
NxpNfcNci = 0
NxpSecureElement = 0
oem_tcma = 0
OPIpTime = 0
OPMmsLocationFramework = 0
OPOnlineConfig = 0
OPTelephonyDiagnoseManager = 0
OPYellowpage = 0
PacProcessor = 0
PrintSpooler = 0
QtiSystemService = 0
QtiTelephoneService = 0
QtiTelephonyService = 0
remotesimlockservice = 0
remotessimlockservice = 0
SCardService = 0
SdCardService = 0
SimAppDialog = 0
SimSettings = 0
smcinvokepkgmgr = 0
SmscPlugger = 0
SmsPlugger = 0
Traceur = 0
uimlpaservice = 0
WallpaperPicker = 0
WAPPushManager = 0
WebViewStub = 0
app_Backup = 0
app_colorservice = 0
app_FidoCryptoService = 0
app_Netflix_Activation = 0
app_Netflix_Stub = 0
app_OPSoundTuner = 0
app_Qmmi = 0
app_remoteSimLockAuthentication = 0
app_uceShimService = 0
app_workloadclassifier = 0

# ---- /system/priv-app ----
AndroidPlatformServices = 0
BlockedNumberProvider = 0
BlokedNumberProvider = 0
CalendarProvider = 0
CarrierConfig = 0
com.qualcomm.location = 0
ConfigUpdater = 0
ContactsProvider = 0
CtsShimPrivPrebuilt = 0
DefaultContainerService = 0
DownloadProvider = 0
DownloadProviderUI = 0
dpmserviceapp = 0
ExternalStorageProvider = 0
FusedLocation = 0
GmsCore = 0
GoogleExtServices = 0
GoogleLoginService = 0
GooglePackageInstaller = 0
GoogleServicesFramework = 0
IFAAService = 0
InputDevices = 0
MediaProvider = 0
MmsService = 0
MtpDocumentProvider = 0
MtpDocumentsProvider = 0
oneplus-framework-res = 0
OnePlusWizard = 0
OPAppCategoryProvider = 0
OPConfigurationClient = 0
OPNetworkSetting = 0
OPSettingProvider = 0
OPSettingsProvider = 0
OPsystemUI = 0
OPWifiApSettings = 0
Phonesky = 0
qcrilmsgtunnel = 0
Rftoolkit = 0
seccamservice = 0
Settings = 0
SettingsIntelligence = 0
Shell = 0
StatementService = 0
StorageManager = 0
Telecom = 0
TelephonyProvider = 0
TeleService = 0
UserDictionaryProvider = 0
VpnDialogs = 0
WfdService = 0
priv-app_daxService = 0
priv-app_TSDM = 0

Kann ab OnePlus 5 benutzt werden...
Android 10 ist beim 6er noch Problem aber das ist ein anderes Thema und hat nix mit xXx zu tun


  • Screenshot_20191020-122418.jpg
    305,7 KB · Aufrufe: 222
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Bödi
Okay, das ist dann schon Spielerei. Aber ich belasse das jetzt so mit dem xxx ich bin sehr zufrieden. @Scum hast ein Problem mit Benachrichtigungen die nicht eingehen? Oder läuft bei dires ohne den oben angesprochenen Workaround
Habe keinerlei Probleme mit Nachrichten. WhatsApp,Treema, Viber & Telegramm funktionieren problemlos
  • Danke
Reaktionen: RichtigerLurch

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