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Hinweis: Weder Android-Hilfe noch Oneplus oder ich übernehmen eine Garantie oder jegliche Haftung bei Beschädigung eurer Smartphones!
Download :
- Current Kernel Versions - Lord Boeffla
- Boeffla-Config App - Lord Boeffla
Installation :
- Herunterladen der korrekten Kernel Version entsprechend des Systems (OOS/CM) und der Boeffla Config App
- Flashen des Kernels im TWRP
- Reboot
- Installation der Boeffla Config App
- Update der Kernel-Version : Einfach über den bisherige Kernel im TWRP flashen
Features CM :
Links :
- XDA CM13/14.x : [KERNEL] [OnePlus3] [CM14/CM13] Boeffla-Kernel (05-12-2016)
- XDA OOS : [KERNEL] [OnePlus3] [OOS] Boeffla-Kernel (01-12-2016)
- Boeffla : Boeffla-Kernel - Lord Boeffla

Download :
- Current Kernel Versions - Lord Boeffla
- Boeffla-Config App - Lord Boeffla
Installation :
- Herunterladen der korrekten Kernel Version entsprechend des Systems (OOS/CM) und der Boeffla Config App
- Flashen des Kernels im TWRP
- Reboot
- Installation der Boeffla Config App
- Update der Kernel-Version : Einfach über den bisherige Kernel im TWRP flashen
Features CM :
- Support of anykernel concept (only latest kernels) - flash stock kernel before flashing Boeffla
- Full integration with Boeffla-Config V2 (you need at least version 2.4.02 or higher !!!) configuration app (get it from http://www.boeffla.de) to configure all kernel settings
- Dash charging fully supported
- The two CPU clusters (big and little cpu) can be configured completely separate in terms of min/max frequencies, governors and CPU core profiles
- Additional governors: Impulse, zzmoove, elementalx, conservative, ondemand
- Additional schedulers: fiops, sio, sioplus, fifo, vr, tripndroid and zen
- CPU overclocking - one additional overclocking step for both clusters (1,72 GHz for little CPU / 2,26 GHz for big CPU)
- No GPU overclocking, no CPU and GPU voltage interface
- CPU core profiles to restrict number of CPU cores being used (the OP3 does not hotplug based on load)
- Boeffla-Sound engine: Headphone volume and speaker volume (only lowering volumes for speaker)
- Dynamic FSync (activated if screen on, deactived if screen off), configurable
- Input boost frequencies and duration configurable per CPU cluster, input boost switch
- Show CPU frequency usage per CPU and frequency in Boeffla-Config
- Show GPU frequency usage per frequency in Boeffla-Config
- KCal V2 Color control (not yet fully compatible to msm8996, expect side effects)
- Swipe2wake gestures
- Swipe2sleep gestures
- SD card read ahead buffer configurable (default increased to 1024 kB)
- Ext4 File system tweaks (default to on, can be disabled)
- Kernel logger (dmesg) configurable
- CIFS support (module, do not mount inside /data, if you rooted with Chainfire SuperSu, make sure you uncheck the namespace separation in SuperSu app)
- NFS support (module)
- NTFS support (module)
- XBox support (module)
- OTG-Ethernet support (module)
- TCP Congestion changed to Westwood
- Many additional TCP congestion algorithms available
- Entropy values configurable
- Hardware touch keys are locked as long as screen is in use (touched) for better usability
- Swap supported
- Various minor kernel tweaks
- Doze mode configurable in Boeffla-Config
- Full selinux strict support (switchable to permissive on demand)
- Show speedbin information (PVS level) in Boeffla-Config app
- init.d support (in /system/etc/init.d - set correct permissions!)
- Automatic EFS backup
- Integrated full busybox 1.24.2 (own compilation)
- Kernel initialisation log file (with history of 3 log files)
- Emergency reset script automatically placed into /boeffla-kernel-data folder of your internal memory
- Google gcc 4.9 toolchain (64 bit) used for best stability
- Support of anykernel concept (only latest kernels) - flash stock kernel before flashing Boeffla
- Full integration with Boeffla-Config V2 (you need at least version 2.4.02 or higher !!!) configuration app (get it from http://www.boeffla.de) to configure all kernel settings
- Dash charging fully supported
- The two CPU clusters (big and little cpu) can be configured completely separate in terms of min/max frequencies, governors and CPU core profiles
- Additional governors: Impulse, zzmoove, elementalx, conservative, ondemand
- Additional schedulers: fiops, bfq, sio, sioplus, fifo, vr, tripndroid and zen
- CPU overclocking - one additional overclocking step for both clusters (1,72 GHz for little CPU / 2,26 GHz for big CPU)
- No GPU overclocking, no CPU and GPU voltage interface
- CPU core profiles to restrict number of CPU cores being used (the OP3 does not hotplug based on load)
- Notification LED control (effect + speed for blinking/fading, brightness for continuous notification like battery charging etc.)
- Boeffla-Sound engine: Headphone volume and speaker volume (only lowering volumes for speaker)
- Dynamic FSync (activated if screen on, deactived if screen off), configurable
- Input boost frequencies and duration configurable per CPU cluster, input boost switch
- Show CPU frequency usage per CPU and frequency in Boeffla-Config
- Show GPU frequency usage per frequency in Boeffla-Config
- KCal V2 Color control (not yet fully compatible to msm8996, expect side effects)
- Swipe2wake gestures
- Control haptic feedback of gestures (except fingerprint)
- Haptic feedback intensity control
- Swipe2sleep gestures
- SD card read ahead buffer configurable (default increased to 1024 kB)
- Ext4 File system tweaks (default to on, can be disabled)
- Kernel logger (dmesg) configurable
- CIFS support (module, do not mount inside /data, if you rooted with Chainfire SuperSu, make sure you uncheck the namespace separation in SuperSu app)
- NFS support (module)
- NTFS support (module)
- XBox support (module)
- OTG-Ethernet support (module)
- TCP Congestion changed to Westwood
- Many additional TCP congestion algorithms available
- Entropy values configurable
- Hardware touch keys are locked as long as screen is in use (touched) for better usability
- Swap supported
- Various minor kernel tweaks
- Doze mode configurable in Boeffla-Config
- Full selinux strict support (switchable to permissive on demand)
- Show speedbin information (PVS level) in Boeffla-Config app
- init.d support (in /system/etc/init.d - set correct permissions!)
- Automatic EFS backup
- Integrated full busybox 1.24.2 (own compilation)
- Kernel initialisation log file (with history of 3 log files)
- Emergency reset script automatically placed into /boeffla-kernel-data folder of your internal memory
- Google gcc 4.9 toolchain (64 bit) used for best stability
- Always based on latest OOS kernel sources (https://github.com/OnePlusOSS/androi...neplus_msm8996)
Links :
- XDA CM13/14.x : [KERNEL] [OnePlus3] [CM14/CM13] Boeffla-Kernel (05-12-2016)
- XDA OOS : [KERNEL] [OnePlus3] [OOS] Boeffla-Kernel (01-12-2016)
- Boeffla : Boeffla-Kernel - Lord Boeffla
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