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beim flashen ist mir etwas schief gegangen, und hab es im handyshop gegeben
zum reparieren aber der techniker sag mir das der flashchip defekt
hier sind die logs, die hab von der techniker bekommen.
meine frage wäre kann das möglich sein und kann man das irgendwie reparieren mfg
beim flashen ist mir etwas schief gegangen, und hab es im handyshop gegeben
zum reparieren aber der techniker sag mir das der flashchip defekt
Open serial port...OK
Connecting to the RIFF Box...OK
Firmware Version: 1.37, JTAG Manager Version: 1.55
Selected Resurrector: [LG E975 V1.0.4968.1470]
Connecting to the dead body...OK
Detected dead body ID: 0x107190E1 - CORRECT!
Set I/O Voltage reads as 1.81V, TCK Frequency is 1 MHz
Resurrection sequence started.
Establish communication with the phone...OK
Initializing internal hardware configuration...OK
Uploading resurrector data into memory...FAILED
ERROR: RAM memory selftest failed.
Open serial port...OK
Connecting to the RIFF Box...OK
Firmware Version: 1.37, JTAG Manager Version: 1.55
Selected Resurrector: [LG E975 V1.0.4968.1470]
Connecting to the dead body...OK
Detected dead body ID: 0x107190E1 - CORRECT!
Set I/O Voltage reads as 1.81V, TCK Frequency is RTCK
Adaptive Clocking RTCK Sampling is: [Sample at 1 MHz]
Resurrection sequence started.
Establish communication with the phone...OK
Initializing internal hardware configuration...OK
Uploading resurrector data into memory...FAILED
ERROR: RAM memory selftest failed.
Open serial port...OK
Connecting to the RIFF Box...OK
Firmware Version: 1.37, JTAG Manager Version: 1.55
Selected Resurrector: [LG E975 V1.0.4968.1470]
Connecting to the dead body...OK
Detected dead body ID: 0x107190E1 - CORRECT!
Set I/O Voltage reads as 1.81V, TCK Frequency is RTCK
Adaptive Clocking RTCK Sampling is: [Sample at MAX]
Resurrection sequence started.
Establish communication with the phone...OK
Initializing internal hardware configuration...OK
Uploading resurrector data into memory...FAILED
ERROR: RAM memory selftest failed.
Open serial port...OK
Connecting to the RIFF Box...OK
Firmware Version: 1.37, JTAG Manager Version: 1.55
Selected Resurrector: [LG E975 V1.0.4968.1470]
Restarting target (nRST Low then High)...OK
Open serial port...OK
Connecting to the RIFF Box...OK
Firmware Version: 1.37, JTAG Manager Version: 1.55
Selected Resurrector: [LG E975 V1.0.4968.1470]
Connecting to the target...OK
Set I/O Voltage reads as 1.80V, TCK Frequency is RTCK
Following devices are found on the JTAG chain:
Device on TAP #0: ID = 0x4F1F0F0F, IR Length = 0x0F bits
Total IR length: 0x000F bits
Open serial port...OK
Connecting to the RIFF Box...OK
Firmware Version: 1.37, JTAG Manager Version: 1.55
Selected Resurrector: [LG E975 V1.0.4968.1470]
Connecting to the dead body...OK
Detected dead body ID: 0x107190E1 - CORRECT!
Set I/O Voltage reads as 1.81V, TCK Frequency is RTCK
Adaptive Clocking RTCK Sampling is: [Sample at 10 MHz]
Settings Code: 0x00000010000000000000000000000000
Resurrection sequence started.
Establish communication with the phone...OK
Initializing internal hardware configuration...OK
Uploading resurrector data into memory...FAILED
ERROR: RAM memory selftest failed.
hier sind die logs, die hab von der techniker bekommen.
meine frage wäre kann das möglich sein und kann man das irgendwie reparieren mfg