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Hallo Zusammen,
und auch ich bräuchte dringend Hilfe.
Inzwischen habe ich schon auf einigen HTC‘s (m8) ein alternatives OS installiert. Bisher immer mit Erfolg. - Ich bin zwar kein Programmierer oder dergleichen, aber habe nun schon etwas Erfahrung.
Diese scheint aber nicht auszureichen, um folgendes Problem zu lösen.
Hier das Log-file:
Vermutlich wäre das der richtige Weg: „htc one m8 needs a bootloader update from 3.18 to 3.19“. Des weiteren heißt es: „/Carrier“ not found …
Hängen die beiden Aussagen zusammen ? Ist es damit getan, den Bootloader zu aktualisieren oder sind das zwei unterschiedliche Probleme ?
Ich freue mich über jede Hilfe.
Im Besonderen darüber, wie ich das Update zu machen habe. 
und auch ich bräuchte dringend Hilfe.
Inzwischen habe ich schon auf einigen HTC‘s (m8) ein alternatives OS installiert. Bisher immer mit Erfolg. - Ich bin zwar kein Programmierer oder dergleichen, aber habe nun schon etwas Erfahrung.
Diese scheint aber nicht auszureichen, um folgendes Problem zu lösen.
Hier das Log-file:
Starting TWRP 3.5.2_9-0-2bc3eccd on Mon Apr 21 21:05:57 2014
(pid 235)
I:Lun file '/sys/class/android_usb/android0/f_mass_storage/lun0/file'
I:Found brightness file at '/sys/class/leds/lcd-backlight/brightness'
I:Got max brightness 255 from '/sys/class/leds/lcd-backlight/max_brightness'
I:TWFunc::Set_Brightness: Setting brightness control to 255
I:LANG: en
Starting the UI...
cannot find/open a drm device: No such file or directory
fb0 reports (possibly inaccurate):
vi.bits_per_pixel = 32
vi.red.offset = 24 .length = 8
vi.green.offset = 16 .length = 8
vi.blue.offset = 8 .length = 8
double buffered
framebuffer: 0 (1080 x 1920)
Using fbdev graphics.
I:TWFunc::Set_Brightness: Setting brightness control to 255
I:Loading package: splash (/twres/splash.xml)
I:Load XML directly
I:PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer loading filename: '/twres/splash.xml' directly
I:Checking resolution...
I:Loading resources...
I:Loading variables...
I:Loading mouse cursor...
I:Loading pages...
I:Loading page splash
I:Switching packages (splash)
I:minui: /sys/board_properties/virtualkeys.synaptics-rmi-touchscreen is 5 % 6
=> Linking mtab
=> Processing /etc/recovery.fstab for SAR-detection
I:Reading /etc/recovery.fstab
I:Done processing fstab files
I:SAR-DETECT: No build.prop found, falling back to Non-SAR
I:Cannot find file /s/system/build.prop
I:Unable to open build.prop for getting 'ro.build.fingerprint'.
I:Not overriding ro.build.fingerprint with empty value from system property ro.build.fingerprint
=> Processing /etc/recovery.fstab
I:Reading /etc/recovery.fstab
I:Processing '/boot'
I:Processing '/cache'
I:Processing '/system'
I:Processing '/data'
I:Processing '/misc'
I:Processing '/recovery'
I:Processing '/devlog'
I:Created '/devlog' folder.
I:Processing '/carrier'
I:Created '/carrier' folder.
I:Processing '/reserve'
I:Created '/reserve' folder.
I:Processing '/external_sd'
I:Created '/external_sd' folder.
I:Processing '/usb_otg'
I:Created '/usb_otg' folder.
I:Processing '/sd_ext'
I:Created '/sd_ext' folder.
I:Done processing fstab files
I:Using automatic handling for /data/media emulated storage device.
I:Setting up '/data' as data/media emulated storage.
I:Created '/and-sec' folder.
I:Creating Android Secure: /external_sd/.android_secure
I:mount -o bind '/external_sd/.android_secure' '/and-sec' process ended with RC=0
I:Backup folder set to '/data/media/0/TWRP/BACKUPS/HT494WM01319'
I:Settings storage is '/data/media/0'
I:mount -o bind '/data/media/0' '/sdcard' process ended with RC=0
I:Decrypt adopted storage starting
I:PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer loading filename: '/data/system/storage.xml' directly
I:No /data/system/storage.xml for adopted storage
Updating partition details...
I:Data backup size is 0MB, free: 10805MB.
I:Can't probe device /dev/block/mmcblk0p37
Failed to mount '/carrier' (Invalid argument)
I:Actual block device: '/dev/block/mmcblk0p37', current file system: 'ext4'
I:Unable to mount '/usb_otg'
I:Actual block device: '', current file system: 'vfat'
I:Can't probe device /dev/block/mmcblk1
I:Unable to mount '/sd_ext'
I:Actual block device: '/dev/block/mmcblk1', current file system: 'ext4'
I:Unmounting main partitions...
Partition Logs:
/boot | /dev/block/mmcblk0p42 | Size: 16MB
Flags: Can_Be_Backed_Up IsPresent Can_Flash_Img
Primary_Block_Device: /dev/block/mmcblk0p42
Display_Name: Boot
Storage_Name: boot
Backup_Path: /boot
Backup_Name: boot
Backup_Display_Name: Boot
Storage_Path: /boot
Current_File_System: emmc
Fstab_File_System: emmc
Backup_Method: dd
/cache | /dev/block/mmcblk0p46 | Size: 377MB Used: 6MB Free: 371MB Backup Size: 6MB
Flags: Can_Be_Mounted Can_Be_Wiped Can_Be_Backed_Up Wipe_During_Factory_Reset Wipe_Available_in_GUI IsPresent
Primary_Block_Device: /dev/block/mmcblk0p46
Display_Name: Cache
Storage_Name: Cache
Backup_Path: /cache
Backup_Name: cache
Backup_Display_Name: Cache
Storage_Path: /cache
Current_File_System: ext4
Fstab_File_System: ext4
Backup_Method: files
/system | /dev/block/mmcblk0p45 | Size: 2645MB Used: 45MB Free: 2599MB Backup Size: 45MB
Flags: Can_Be_Mounted Can_Be_Wiped Can_Be_Backed_Up Wipe_Available_in_GUI IsPresent Mount_Read_Only
Primary_Block_Device: /dev/block/mmcblk0p45
Display_Name: System
Storage_Name: System
Backup_Path: /system
Backup_Name: system
Backup_Display_Name: System
Storage_Path: /system
Current_File_System: ext4
Fstab_File_System: ext4
Backup_Method: files
/data | /dev/block/mmcblk0p47 | Size: 10961MB Used: 0MB Free: 10805MB Backup Size: 0MB
Flags: Can_Be_Mounted Can_Be_Wiped Can_Be_Backed_Up Wipe_During_Factory_Reset Wipe_Available_in_GUI IsPresent Can_Be_Encrypted Has_Data_Media Can_Encrypt_Backup Use_Userdata_Encryption Is_Storage Is_Settings_Storage
Symlink_Path: /data/media/0
Symlink_Mount_Point: /sdcard
Primary_Block_Device: /dev/block/mmcblk0p47
Crypto_Key_Location: /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/extra
Display_Name: Data
Storage_Name: Internal Storage
Backup_Path: /data
Backup_Name: data
Backup_Display_Name: Data
Storage_Path: /data/media/0
Current_File_System: ext4
Fstab_File_System: ext4
Backup_Method: files
MTP_Storage_ID: 65539
/misc | /dev/block/mmcblk0p24 | Size: 1MB
Flags: IsPresent
Primary_Block_Device: /dev/block/mmcblk0p24
Display_Name: misc
Storage_Name: misc
Backup_Path: /misc
Backup_Name: misc
Backup_Display_Name: misc
Storage_Path: /misc
Current_File_System: emmc
Fstab_File_System: emmc
Backup_Method: dd
/recovery | /dev/block/mmcblk0p43 | Size: 24MB
Flags: Can_Be_Backed_Up IsPresent Can_Flash_Img
Primary_Block_Device: /dev/block/mmcblk0p43
Display_Name: Recovery
Storage_Name: recovery
Backup_Path: /recovery
Backup_Name: recovery
Backup_Display_Name: Recovery
Storage_Path: /recovery
Current_File_System: emmc
Fstab_File_System: emmc
Backup_Method: dd
/devlog | /dev/block/mmcblk0p39 | Size: 29MB Used: 10MB Free: 19MB Backup Size: 10MB
Flags: Can_Be_Mounted Can_Be_Wiped IsPresent
Primary_Block_Device: /dev/block/mmcblk0p39
Display_Name: devlog
Storage_Name: devlog
Backup_Path: /devlog
Backup_Name: devlog
Backup_Display_Name: devlog
Storage_Path: /devlog
Current_File_System: ext4
Fstab_File_System: ext4
Backup_Method: files
/carrier | /dev/block/mmcblk0p37 | Size: 0MB Used: 0MB Free: 0MB Backup Size: 0MB
Flags: Can_Be_Mounted Can_Be_Wiped IsPresent
Primary_Block_Device: /dev/block/mmcblk0p37
Display_Name: carrier
Storage_Name: carrier
Backup_Path: /carrier
Backup_Name: carrier
Backup_Display_Name: carrier
Storage_Path: /carrier
Current_File_System: ext4
Fstab_File_System: ext4
Backup_Method: files
/reserve | /dev/block/mmcblk0p41 | Size: 45MB Used: 0MB Free: 45MB Backup Size: 0MB
Flags: Can_Be_Mounted Can_Be_Wiped IsPresent
Primary_Block_Device: /dev/block/mmcblk0p41
Display_Name: reserve
Storage_Name: reserve
Backup_Path: /reserve
Backup_Name: reserve
Backup_Display_Name: reserve
Storage_Path: /reserve
Current_File_System: vfat
Fstab_File_System: vfat
Backup_Method: files
/external_sd | /dev/block/mmcblk1p1 | Size: 7577MB Used: 1352MB Free: 6224MB Backup Size: 0MB
Flags: Can_Be_Mounted Can_Be_Wiped Can_Be_Backed_Up Wipe_Available_in_GUI Removable IsPresent Has_Android_Secure Is_Storage
Symlink_Path: /external_sd/.android_secure
Symlink_Mount_Point: /and-sec
Primary_Block_Device: /dev/block/mmcblk1p1
Alternate_Block_Device: /dev/block/mmcblk1
Display_Name: Micro SDcard
Storage_Name: Micro SDcard
Backup_Path: /and-sec
Backup_Name: and-sec
Backup_Display_Name: Android Secure
Storage_Path: /external_sd
Current_File_System: vfat
Fstab_File_System: vfat
Backup_Method: files
MTP_Storage_ID: 65537
/usb_otg | | Size: 0MB Used: 0MB Free: 0MB Backup Size: 0MB
Flags: Can_Be_Mounted Can_Be_Wiped Wipe_Available_in_GUI Removable Is_Storage
Primary_Block_Device: /dev/block/sda1
Alternate_Block_Device: /dev/block/sda
Display_Name: USB-OTG
Storage_Name: USB-OTG
Backup_Path: /usb_otg
Backup_Name: usb_otg
Backup_Display_Name: USB-OTG
Storage_Path: /usb_otg
Current_File_System: vfat
Fstab_File_System: vfat
Backup_Method: files
MTP_Storage_ID: 65538
/sd_ext | /dev/block/mmcblk1 | Size: 0MB Used: 0MB Free: 0MB Backup Size: 0MB
Flags: Can_Be_Mounted Can_Be_Wiped Wipe_Available_in_GUI Removable IsPresent
Primary_Block_Device: /dev/block/mmcblk1p2
Alternate_Block_Device: /dev/block/mmcblk1
Display_Name: SD-Ext
Storage_Name: SD-Ext
Backup_Path: /sd_ext
Backup_Name: sd_ext
Backup_Display_Name: SD-Ext
Storage_Path: /sd_ext
Current_File_System: ext4
Fstab_File_System: ext4
Backup_Method: files
I:Loading package: TWRP (/data/media/0/TWRP/theme/ui.zip)
I:Loading zip theme
I:Loading package: TWRP (/twres/ui.xml)
I:Load XML directly
I:PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer loading filename: '/twres/languages/uk.xml' directly
I:PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer loading filename: '/twres/languages/tr.xml' directly
I:PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer loading filename: '/twres/languages/sv.xml' directly
I:PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer loading filename: '/twres/languages/sl.xml' directly
I:PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer loading filename: '/twres/languages/sk.xml' directly
I:PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer loading filename: '/twres/languages/ru.xml' directly
I:PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer loading filename: '/twres/languages/pt_PT.xml' directly
I:PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer loading filename: '/twres/languages/pt_BR.xml' directly
I:PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer loading filename: '/twres/languages/pl.xml' directly
I:PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer loading filename: '/twres/languages/nl.xml' directly
I:PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer loading filename: '/twres/languages/it.xml' directly
I:PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer loading filename: '/twres/languages/hu.xml' directly
I:PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer loading filename: '/twres/languages/fr.xml' directly
I:PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer loading filename: '/twres/languages/es.xml' directly
I:PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer loading filename: '/twres/languages/en.xml' directly
I:PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer loading filename: '/twres/languages/el.xml' directly
I:PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer loading filename: '/twres/languages/de.xml' directly
I:PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer loading filename: '/twres/languages/cz.xml' directly
I:PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer loading filename: '/twres/languages/en.xml' directly
parsing languageFile
parsing languageFile done
I:PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer loading filename: '/twres/ui.xml' directly
I:Checking resolution...
I:Loading resources...
I:Failed to load image from indeterminate013, error -1
I:Loading variables...
I:Loading mouse cursor...
I:Loading pages...
I:Including file: /twres/portrait.xml...
I:PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer loading filename: '/twres/portrait.xml' directly
I:Loading resources...
I:Loading variables...
I:Loading mouse cursor...
I:Loading pages...
I:Loading page main
I:Loading page main2
I:Loading page install
I:Loading page flash_confirm
I:Loading page flash_zip
I:Loading page flash_done
I:Loading page flash_sleep_and_reboot
I:Loading page flashimage_confirm
I:Loading page clear_vars
I:Loading page reboot_system_routine
I:Loading page confirm_action
I:Loading page action_page
I:Loading page singleaction_page
I:Loading page action_complete
I:Loading page filecheck
I:Loading page rebootcheck
I:Loading page wipe
I:Loading page advancedwipe
I:Loading page formatdata
I:Loading page formatdata_confirm
I:Loading page checkpartitionlist
I:Loading page partitionoptions
I:Loading page refreshfilesystem
I:Loading page selectfilesystem
I:Loading page backup
I:Loading page multiuser_warning
I:Loading page backup_options
I:Loading page backupname1
I:Loading page backupname2
I:Loading page backupencryption
I:Loading page backupencryption2
I:Loading page checkbackuppassword
I:Loading page backup_run
I:Loading page restore
I:Unable to open '/data/media/0/TWRP/BACKUPS/HT494WM01319'
I:Loading page restore_read
I:Loading page restore_decrypt
I:Loading page try_restore_decrypt
I:Loading page restore_select
I:Loading page renamebackup
I:Loading page restore_run
I:Loading page mount
I:Loading page usb_mount
I:Loading page usb_umount
I:Loading page system_readonly_check
I:Loading page reboot
I:Loading page reboot2
I:Loading page installapp
I:Loading page system_readonly
I:Loading page settings
I:Loading page settings_timezone
I:Loading page settings_screen
I:Loading page settings_vibration
I:Loading page settings_language
I:Loading page copylog
I:Loading page advanced
I:Loading page partsdcardsel
I:Loading page partsdcardcheck
I:Loading page partsdcard
I:Loading page htcdumlock
I:Loading page repackselect
I:Loading page repackconfirm
I:Loading page lock
I:Loading page filemanagerlist
I:Loading page filemanageroptions
I:Loading page choosedestinationfolder
I:Loading page filemanagerrenamefile
I:Loading page filemanagerrenamefolder
I:Loading page filemanagerchmod
I:Loading page filemanagerconfirm
I:Loading page filemanageraction
I:Loading page decrypt
I:Loading page decrypt_pattern
I:Loading page trydecrypt
I:Loading page terminalcommand
I:Loading page sideload
I:Loading page fixcontexts
I:Loading page slideout
I:Loading page select_storage
I:Loading page select_language
I:Loading page decrypt_users
I:Loading page changeTwrpFolder
I:Set page: 'clear_vars'
I:Set page: 'main2'
I:Switching packages (TWRP)
Startup Commands:
ro.build.date=Mon Apr 5 14:32:05 UTC 2021
ro.build.display.id=omni_m8-eng 20.1.0 OPM8.181105.002 9 test-keys
ro.build.description=omni_m8-eng 20.1.0 OPM8.181105.002 9 test-keys
ro.vendor.product.model=HTC One_M8
ro.product.model=HTC One_M8
ro.bootimage.build.date=Mon Apr 5 14:32:05 UTC 2021
SELinux contexts loaded from /file_contexts
Full SELinux support is present.
tw_get_context got selinux context: u:object_r:rootfs:s0
I:Got default contexts and file mode for storage files.
I:TWFunc::Fixup_Time: Pre-fix date and time: 2014-04-21--21-05-58
I:TWFunc::Fixup_Time: Setting time offset from file /sys/class/rtc/rtc0/since_epoch
I:TWFunc::Fixup_Time: will attempt to use the ats files now.
I:TWFunc::Fixup_Time: no ats files found, leaving untouched!
I:Copied file /cache/recovery/log.gz to /cache/recovery/last_log.gz
I:No recovery folder found. Using default folder.
I:Attempt to load settings from settings file...
I:InfoManager file '/data/media/0/TWRP/.twrps' not found.
I:No recovery folder found. Using default folder.
I:Backup folder set to '/data/media/0/TWRP/BACKUPS/HT494WM01319'
I:Copied file /etc/recovery.fstab to /cache/recovery/recovery.fstab
I:Version number saved to '/cache/recovery/.version'
I:Unable to mount '/usb_otg'
I:Actual block device: '', current file system: 'vfat'
I:TWFunc::Set_Brightness: Setting brightness control to 255
I:PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer loading filename: '/twres/languages/en.xml' directly
parsing languageFile
parsing languageFile done
I:Translating partition display names
I:No recovery folder found. Using default folder.
I:Backup folder set to '/data/media/0/TWRP/BACKUPS/HT494WM01319'
I:Starting MTP
I:sending message to add 65539 '/data/media/0' 'Internal Storage'
I:Message sent, add storage ID: 65539 '/data/media/0'
I:sending message to add 65537 '/external_sd' 'Micro SD card'
I:Message sent, add storage ID: 65537 '/external_sd'
MTP Enabled
I:[MTP] Starting MTP
I:Switching packages (TWRP)
I:Set page: 'system_readonly'
I:[MTP] created new mtpserver object
I:[MTP] MtpServer::run fd: 19
I:[MTP] mtppipe add storage 65539 '/data/media/0'
I:[MTP] MtpStorage id: 65539 path: /data/media/0
I:[MTP] mtppipe add storage 65537 '/external_sd'
I:[MTP] MtpStorage id: 65537 path: /external_sd
I:Set overlay: 'select_language'
I:Set overlay: ''
I:operation_start: 'Set Language'
I:PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer loading filename: '/twres/languages/de.xml' directly
parsing languageFile
parsing languageFile done
I:Translating partition display names
I:No recovery folder found. Using default folder.
I:Backup folder set to '/data/media/0/TWRP/BACKUPS/HT494WM01319'
I:operation_end - status=0
I:Loading package: TWRP (/data/media/0/TWRP/theme/ui.zip)
I:Loading zip theme
I:Failed to load package '/data/media/0/TWRP/theme/ui.zip'.
I:Attempting to reload stock theme...
I:Loading package: TWRP (/twres/ui.xml)
I:Load XML directly
I:PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer loading filename: '/twres/languages/uk.xml' directly
I:PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer loading filename: '/twres/languages/tr.xml' directly
I:PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer loading filename: '/twres/languages/sv.xml' directly
I:PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer loading filename: '/twres/languages/sl.xml' directly
I:PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer loading filename: '/twres/languages/sk.xml' directly
I:PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer loading filename: '/twres/languages/ru.xml' directly
I:PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer loading filename: '/twres/languages/pt_PT.xml' directly
I:PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer loading filename: '/twres/languages/pt_BR.xml' directly
I:PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer loading filename: '/twres/languages/pl.xml' directly
I:PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer loading filename: '/twres/languages/nl.xml' directly
I:PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer loading filename: '/twres/languages/it.xml' directly
I:PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer loading filename: '/twres/languages/hu.xml' directly
I:PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer loading filename: '/twres/languages/fr.xml' directly
I:PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer loading filename: '/twres/languages/es.xml' directly
I:PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer loading filename: '/twres/languages/en.xml' directly
I:PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer loading filename: '/twres/languages/el.xml' directly
I:PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer loading filename: '/twres/languages/de.xml' directly
I:PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer loading filename: '/twres/languages/cz.xml' directly
I:PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer loading filename: '/twres/languages/en.xml' directly
parsing languageFile
parsing languageFile done
I:PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer loading filename: '/twres/ui.xml' directly
I:Checking resolution...
I:Loading resources...
I:Failed to load image from indeterminate013, error -1
I:Loading variables...
I:Loading mouse cursor...
I:Loading pages...
I:Including file: /twres/portrait.xml...
I:PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer loading filename: '/twres/portrait.xml' directly
I:Loading resources...
I:Loading variables...
I:Loading mouse cursor...
I:Loading pages...
I:Loading page main
I:Loading page main2
I:Loading page install
I:Loading page flash_confirm
I:Loading page flash_zip
I:Loading page flash_done
I:Loading page flash_sleep_and_reboot
I:Loading page flashimage_confirm
I:Loading page clear_vars
I:Loading page reboot_system_routine
I:Loading page confirm_action
I:Loading page action_page
I:Loading page singleaction_page
I:Loading page action_complete
I:Loading page filecheck
I:Loading page rebootcheck
I:Loading page wipe
I:Loading page advancedwipe
I:Loading page formatdata
I:Loading page formatdata_confirm
I:Loading page checkpartitionlist
I:Loading page partitionoptions
I:Loading page refreshfilesystem
I:Loading page selectfilesystem
I:Loading page backup
I:Loading page multiuser_warning
I:Loading page backup_options
I:Loading page backupname1
I:Loading page backupname2
I:Loading page backupencryption
I:Loading page backupencryption2
I:Loading page checkbackuppassword
I:Loading page backup_run
I:Loading page restore
I:Unable to open '/data/media/0/TWRP/BACKUPS/HT494WM01319'
I:Loading page restore_read
I:Loading page restore_decrypt
I:Loading page try_restore_decrypt
I:Loading page restore_select
I:Loading page renamebackup
I:Loading page restore_run
I:Loading page mount
I:Loading page usb_mount
I:Loading page usb_umount
I:Loading page system_readonly_check
I:Loading page reboot
I:Loading page reboot2
I:Loading page installapp
I:Loading page system_readonly
I:Loading page settings
I:Loading page settings_timezone
I:Loading page settings_screen
I:Loading page settings_vibration
I:Loading page settings_language
I:Loading page copylog
I:Loading page advanced
I:Loading page partsdcardsel
I:Loading page partsdcardcheck
I:Loading page partsdcard
I:Loading page htcdumlock
I:Loading page repackselect
I:Loading page repackconfirm
I:Loading page lock
I:Loading page filemanagerlist
I:Loading page filemanageroptions
I:Loading page choosedestinationfolder
I:Loading page filemanagerrenamefile
I:Loading page filemanagerrenamefolder
I:Loading page filemanagerchmod
I:Loading page filemanagerconfirm
I:Loading page filemanageraction
I:Loading page decrypt
I:Loading page decrypt_pattern
I:Loading page trydecrypt
I:Loading page terminalcommand
I:Loading page sideload
I:Loading page fixcontexts
I:Loading page slideout
I:Loading page select_storage
I:Loading page select_language
I:Loading page decrypt_users
I:Loading page changeTwrpFolder
I:Switching packages (TWRP)
I:Loading language 'de'
I:PageManager::LoadFileToBuffer loading filename: '/twres/languages/de.xml' directly
parsing languageFile
parsing languageFile done
I:Translating partition display names
I:No recovery folder found. Using default folder.
I:Backup folder set to '/data/media/0/TWRP/BACKUPS/HT494WM01319'
I:Is_Mounted: Unable to find partition for path '/vendor'
I:operation_start: 'Toggle System Mount'
I:operation_end - status=1
I:Set page: 'main'
I:Set page: 'clear_vars'
I:Set page: 'main2'
I:Set page: 'main'
I:Set page: 'clear_vars'
I:Set page: 'main2'
I:Starting Adb Backup FIFO
I:Cannot find file /system/system/build.prop
I:Unable to open build.prop for getting 'ro.build.version.sdk'.
I:Unable to read sdk version from build prop
I:Switching packages (TWRP)
I:Set page: 'main'
I:Set page: 'clear_vars'
I:Set page: 'main2'
I:Set page: 'install'
I:Set page: 'main'
I:Set page: 'clear_vars'
I:Set page: 'main2'
I:Set page: 'install'
I:Set overlay: 'select_storage'
I:No recovery folder found. Using default folder.
I:Backup folder set to '/external_sd/TWRP/BACKUPS/HT494WM01319'
I:Set overlay: ''
I:Set page: 'clear_vars'
I:Set page: 'install'
I:Set page: 'flash_confirm'
I:Set page: 'flash_zip'
I:operation_start: 'Flashing'
Installiere ZIP '/external_sd/aicp_m8_r-16.1-WEEKLY-20211010.zip'
Aushängen der System-Partiton...
I:Update binary zip
Verifying package compatibility...
Package doesn't contain compatibility.zip entry
I:Extracting updater binary 'META-INF/com/google/android/update-binary'
I:Zip does not contain SELinux file_contexts file in its root.
I:Legacy property environment not used in updater.
SELinux: Loaded file_contexts
script aborted: This package supports bootloader(s):; this device has bootloader
This package supports bootloader(s):; this device has bootloader 25
Prozess Updater endete mit FEHLER: 1
I:Install took 0 second(s).
Fehler beim Installieren von ZIP '/external_sd/aicp_m8_r-16.1-WEEKLY-20211010.zip'
Partitions-Informationen werden aktualisiert...
I:Data backup size is 0MB, free: 10805MB.
I:Can't probe device /dev/block/mmcblk0p37
'/carrier' konnte nicht eingehängt werden (Invalid argument)
I:Actual block device: '/dev/block/mmcblk0p37', current file system: 'ext4'
I:Unable to mount '/usb_otg'
I:Actual block device: '', current file system: 'vfat'
I:Can't probe device /dev/block/mmcblk1
I:Unable to mount '/sd_ext'
I:Actual block device: '/dev/block/mmcblk1', current file system: 'ext4'
I:Set page: 'flash_done'
I:operation_end - status=1
I:Set page: 'clear_vars'
I:Set page: 'install'
I:Set page: 'main'
I:Set page: 'clear_vars'
I:Set page: 'main2'
I:Set page: 'mount'
I:sending message to remove 65537
I:[MTP] mtppipe remove storage 65537
I:Message sent, remove storage ID: 65537
I:mount -o bind '/external_sd/.android_secure' '/and-sec' process ended with RC=0
I:sending message to add 65537 '/external_sd' 'Micro SD-Karte'
I:Message sent, add storage ID: 65537 '/external_sd'
I:[MTP] mtppipe add storage 65537 '/external_sd'
I:[MTP] MtpStorage id: 65537 path: /external_sd
I:Unable to mount '/usb_otg'
I:Actual block device: '', current file system: 'vfat'
I:Unable to mount '/usb_otg'
I:Actual block device: '', current file system: 'vfat'
I:Unable to mount '/usb_otg'
I:Actual block device: '', current file system: 'vfat'
I:Unable to mount '/usb_otg'
I:Actual block device: '', current file system: 'vfat'
I:Set page: 'main'
I:Set page: 'clear_vars'
I:Set page: 'main2'
I:TWFunc::Set_Brightness: Setting brightness control to 5
I:TWFunc::Set_Brightness: Setting brightness control to 0
I:TWFunc::Set_Brightness: Setting brightness control to 255
I:Set overlay: ''
I:Set page: 'install'
I:Set overlay: 'select_storage'
I:No recovery folder found. Using default folder.
I:Backup folder set to '/data/media/0/TWRP/BACKUPS/HT494WM01319'
I:DataManager::SetBackupFolder zip path was /external_sd changing to /sdcard, /external_sd
I:Set overlay: ''
I:Set page: 'clear_vars'
I:Set page: 'install'
I:Set page: 'flash_confirm'
I:Set page: 'flash_zip'
I:operation_start: 'Flashing'
Installiere ZIP '/sdcard/aicp_m8_r-16.1-WEEKLY-20211010.zip'
Aushängen der System-Partiton...
I:Update binary zip
Verifying package compatibility...
Package doesn't contain compatibility.zip entry
I:Extracting updater binary 'META-INF/com/google/android/update-binary'
I:Zip does not contain SELinux file_contexts file in its root.
I:Legacy property environment not used in updater.
SELinux: Loaded file_contexts
script aborted: This package supports bootloader(s):; this device has bootloader
This package supports bootloader(s):; this device has bootloader 25
Prozess Updater endete mit FEHLER: 1
I:Install took 0 second(s).
Fehler beim Installieren von ZIP '/sdcard/aicp_m8_r-16.1-WEEKLY-20211010.zip'
Partitions-Informationen werden aktualisiert...
I:Data backup size is 0MB, free: 10251MB.
I:Can't probe device /dev/block/mmcblk0p37
'/carrier' konnte nicht eingehängt werden (Invalid argument)
I:Actual block device: '/dev/block/mmcblk0p37', current file system: 'ext4'
I:Unable to mount '/usb_otg'
I:Actual block device: '', current file system: 'vfat'
I:Can't probe device /dev/block/mmcblk1
I:Unable to mount '/sd_ext'
I:Actual block device: '/dev/block/mmcblk1', current file system: 'ext4'
I:Set page: 'flash_done'
I:operation_end - status=1
I:Set page: 'confirm_action'
I:Set page: 'action_page'
I:operation_start: 'Format'
Formatiere Cache mit make_ext4fs...
Creating filesystem with parameters:
Size: 402653184
Block size: 4096
Blocks per group: 32768
Inodes per group: 8192
Inode size: 256
Journal blocks: 1536
Blocks: 98304
Block groups: 3
Reserved block group size: 23
Created filesystem with 11/24576 inodes and 3131/98304 blocks
I:Recreating /cache/recovery/ folder.
I:Copied file /etc/recovery.fstab to /cache/recovery/recovery.fstab
I:Version number saved to '/cache/recovery/.version'
Partitions-Informationen werden aktualisiert...
I:Data backup size is 0MB, free: 10251MB.
I:Can't probe device /dev/block/mmcblk0p37
'/carrier' konnte nicht eingehängt werden (Invalid argument)
I:Actual block device: '/dev/block/mmcblk0p37', current file system: 'ext4'
I:Unable to mount '/usb_otg'
I:Actual block device: '', current file system: 'vfat'
I:Can't probe device /dev/block/mmcblk1
I:Unable to mount '/sd_ext'
I:Actual block device: '/dev/block/mmcblk1', current file system: 'ext4'
I:Set page: 'action_complete'
I:operation_end - status=0
I:operation_start: 'Format'
Lösche Cache & Dalvik...
Bereinigt: /data/dalvik-cache...
-- Dalvik Cache-Verzeichnisse bereinigt!
Partitions-Informationen werden aktualisiert...
I:Data backup size is 0MB, free: 10251MB.
I:Can't probe device /dev/block/mmcblk0p37
'/carrier' konnte nicht eingehängt werden (Invalid argument)
I:Actual block device: '/dev/block/mmcblk0p37', current file system: 'ext4'
I:Unable to mount '/usb_otg'
I:Actual block device: '', current file system: 'vfat'
I:Can't probe device /dev/block/mmcblk1
I:Unable to mount '/sd_ext'
I:Actual block device: '/dev/block/mmcblk1', current file system: 'ext4'
I:operation_end - status=0
I:Set page: 'clear_vars'
I:Set page: 'flash_done'
I:Set page: 'clear_vars'
I:Set page: 'install'
I:Set page: 'flash_confirm'
I:Set page: 'flash_zip'
I:operation_start: 'Flashing'
Installiere ZIP '/sdcard/aicp_m8_r-16.1-WEEKLY-20211010.zip'
Aushängen der System-Partiton...
I:Update binary zip
Verifying package compatibility...
Package doesn't contain compatibility.zip entry
I:Extracting updater binary 'META-INF/com/google/android/update-binary'
I:Zip does not contain SELinux file_contexts file in its root.
I:Legacy property environment not used in updater.
SELinux: Loaded file_contexts
script aborted: This package supports bootloader(s):; this device has bootloader
This package supports bootloader(s):; this device has bootloader 25
Prozess Updater endete mit FEHLER: 1
I:Install took 0 second(s).
Fehler beim Installieren von ZIP '/sdcard/aicp_m8_r-16.1-WEEKLY-20211010.zip'
Partitions-Informationen werden aktualisiert...
I:Data backup size is 0MB, free: 10251MB.
I:Can't probe device /dev/block/mmcblk0p37
'/carrier' konnte nicht eingehängt werden (Invalid argument)
I:Actual block device: '/dev/block/mmcblk0p37', current file system: 'ext4'
I:Unable to mount '/usb_otg'
I:Actual block device: '', current file system: 'vfat'
I:Can't probe device /dev/block/mmcblk1
I:Unable to mount '/sd_ext'
I:Actual block device: '/dev/block/mmcblk1', current file system: 'ext4'
I:Set page: 'flash_done'
I:operation_end - status=1
I:Set page: 'confirm_action'
I:Set page: 'action_page'
I:operation_start: 'Format'
Formatiere Cache mit make_ext4fs...
Creating filesystem with parameters:
Size: 402653184
Block size: 4096
Blocks per group: 32768
Inodes per group: 8192
Inode size: 256
Journal blocks: 1536
Blocks: 98304
Block groups: 3
Reserved block group size: 23
Created filesystem with 11/24576 inodes and 3131/98304 blocks
I:Recreating /cache/recovery/ folder.
I:Copied file /etc/recovery.fstab to /cache/recovery/recovery.fstab
I:Version number saved to '/cache/recovery/.version'
Partitions-Informationen werden aktualisiert...
I:Data backup size is 0MB, free: 10033MB.
I:Can't probe device /dev/block/mmcblk0p37
'/carrier' konnte nicht eingehängt werden (Invalid argument)
I:Actual block device: '/dev/block/mmcblk0p37', current file system: 'ext4'
I:Unable to mount '/usb_otg'
I:Actual block device: '', current file system: 'vfat'
I:Can't probe device /dev/block/mmcblk1
I:Unable to mount '/sd_ext'
I:Actual block device: '/dev/block/mmcblk1', current file system: 'ext4'
I:Set page: 'action_complete'
I:operation_end - status=0
I:operation_start: 'Format'
Lösche Cache & Dalvik...
-- Dalvik Cache-Verzeichnisse bereinigt!
Partitions-Informationen werden aktualisiert...
I:Data backup size is 0MB, free: 10027MB.
I:Can't probe device /dev/block/mmcblk0p37
'/carrier' konnte nicht eingehängt werden (Invalid argument)
I:Actual block device: '/dev/block/mmcblk0p37', current file system: 'ext4'
I:Unable to mount '/usb_otg'
I:Actual block device: '', current file system: 'vfat'
I:Can't probe device /dev/block/mmcblk1
I:Unable to mount '/sd_ext'
I:Actual block device: '/dev/block/mmcblk1', current file system: 'ext4'
I:operation_end - status=0
I:Set page: 'clear_vars'
I:Set page: 'flash_done'
I:Set page: 'clear_vars'
I:Set page: 'install'
I:Set page: 'flash_confirm'
I:Set page: 'flash_zip'
I:operation_start: 'Flashing'
Installiere ZIP '/sdcard/aicp_m8_r-16.1-WEEKLY-20210711.zip'
ZIP-Datei ist beschädigt!
Fehler beim Installieren von ZIP '/sdcard/aicp_m8_r-16.1-WEEKLY-20210711.zip'
Partitions-Informationen werden aktualisiert...
I:Data backup size is 0MB, free: 9840MB.
I:Can't probe device /dev/block/mmcblk0p37
'/carrier' konnte nicht eingehängt werden (Invalid argument)
I:Actual block device: '/dev/block/mmcblk0p37', current file system: 'ext4'
I:Unable to mount '/usb_otg'
I:Actual block device: '', current file system: 'vfat'
I:Can't probe device /dev/block/mmcblk1
I:Unable to mount '/sd_ext'
I:Actual block device: '/dev/block/mmcblk1', current file system: 'ext4'
I:Set page: 'flash_done'
I:operation_end - status=1
I:Set page: 'confirm_action'
I:Set page: 'action_page'
I:operation_start: 'Format'
Formatiere Cache mit make_ext4fs...
Creating filesystem with parameters:
Size: 402653184
Block size: 4096
Blocks per group: 32768
Inodes per group: 8192
Inode size: 256
Journal blocks: 1536
Blocks: 98304
Block groups: 3
Reserved block group size: 23
Created filesystem with 11/24576 inodes and 3131/98304 blocks
I:Recreating /cache/recovery/ folder.
I:Copied file /etc/recovery.fstab to /cache/recovery/recovery.fstab
I:Version number saved to '/cache/recovery/.version'
Partitions-Informationen werden aktualisiert...
I:Data backup size is 0MB, free: 9724MB.
I:Can't probe device /dev/block/mmcblk0p37
'/carrier' konnte nicht eingehängt werden (Invalid argument)
I:Actual block device: '/dev/block/mmcblk0p37', current file system: 'ext4'
I:Unable to mount '/usb_otg'
I:Actual block device: '', current file system: 'vfat'
I:Can't probe device /dev/block/mmcblk1
I:Unable to mount '/sd_ext'
I:Actual block device: '/dev/block/mmcblk1', current file system: 'ext4'
I:Set page: 'action_complete'
I:operation_end - status=0
I:operation_start: 'Format'
Lösche Cache & Dalvik...
-- Dalvik Cache-Verzeichnisse bereinigt!
Partitions-Informationen werden aktualisiert...
I:Data backup size is 0MB, free: 9724MB.
I:Can't probe device /dev/block/mmcblk0p37
'/carrier' konnte nicht eingehängt werden (Invalid argument)
I:Actual block device: '/dev/block/mmcblk0p37', current file system: 'ext4'
I:Unable to mount '/usb_otg'
I:Actual block device: '', current file system: 'vfat'
I:Can't probe device /dev/block/mmcblk1
I:Unable to mount '/sd_ext'
I:Actual block device: '/dev/block/mmcblk1', current file system: 'ext4'
I:operation_end - status=0
I:Set page: 'clear_vars'
I:Set page: 'flash_done'
I:Set page: 'clear_vars'
I:Set page: 'install'
I:Set page: 'main'
I:Set page: 'clear_vars'
I:Set page: 'main2'
I:TWFunc::Set_Brightness: Setting brightness control to 5
I:TWFunc::Set_Brightness: Setting brightness control to 0
I:TWFunc::Set_Brightness: Setting brightness control to 255
I:Set overlay: ''
I:Set page: 'advanced'
I:Set page: 'sideload'
Truncating string cache entries.
I:Set page: 'action_page'
I:operation_start: 'Sideload'
Starte ADB Sideload...
E:[MTP] request read returned -1, errno: 5, exiting MtpServer::run loop
I:Disabling MTP
Stopping adbd...
I:Lun file '/sys/class/android_usb/android0/f_mass_storage/lun0/file'
I:Found brightness file at '/sys/class/leds/lcd-backlight/brightness'
I:Got max brightness 255 from '/sys/class/leds/lcd-backlight/max_brightness'
I:TWFunc::Set_Brightness: Setting brightness control to 255
I:LANG: en
sideload-host file size 24080384 block size 65536
Installiere ZIP '/sideload/package.zip'
unknown fuse request opcode 2016
ZIP-Datei ist beschädigt!
I:Signaling child sideload process to exit.
I:Waiting for child sideload process to exit.
sideload_host finished
I:sending message to add 65539 '/data/media/0' 'Interner Speicher'
I:Message sent, add storage ID: 65539 '/data/media/0'
I:sending message to add 65537 '/external_sd' 'Micro SD-Karte'
I:Message sent, add storage ID: 65537 '/external_sd'
I:[MTP] Starting MTP
I:Set page: 'action_complete'
I:operation_end - status=1
I:[MTP] created new mtpserver object
I:[MTP] MtpServer::run fd: 21
I:[MTP] mtppipe add storage 65539 '/data/media/0'
I:[MTP] MtpStorage id: 65539 path: /data/media/0
I:[MTP] mtppipe add storage 65537 '/external_sd'
I:[MTP] MtpStorage id: 65537 path: /external_sd
I:Set page: 'clear_vars'
I:Set page: 'advanced'
I:Set page: 'filemanagerlist'
I:Set page: 'advanced'
I:Set page: 'main'
I:Set page: 'clear_vars'
I:Set page: 'main2'
I:Set page: 'wipe'
I:Set page: 'advancedwipe'
I:Set page: 'wipe'
I:Set page: 'main'
I:Set page: 'clear_vars'
I:Set page: 'main2'
I:Set page: 'mount'
I:sending message to remove 65537
I:[MTP] mtppipe remove storage 65537
I:Message sent, remove storage ID: 65537
I:Set overlay: 'select_storage'
I:Set overlay: ''
I:mount -o bind '/external_sd/.android_secure' '/and-sec' process ended with RC=0
I:sending message to add 65537 '/external_sd' 'Micro SD-Karte'
I:Message sent, add storage ID: 65537 '/external_sd'
I:[MTP] mtppipe add storage 65537 '/external_sd'
I:[MTP] MtpStorage id: 65537 path: /external_sd
I:Unable to mount '/usb_otg'
I:Actual block device: '', current file system: 'vfat'
I:Set page: 'usb_mount'
E:[MTP] request read returned -1, errno: 5, exiting MtpServer::run loop
I:Disabling MTP
I:Device doesn't have multiple lun files, mount current storage
I:USB mount '/external_sd', '/dev/block/mmcblk1p1' > '/sys/class/android_usb/android0/f_mass_storage/lun0/file'
I:Set page: 'usb_umount'
I:Cannot find file /sys/class/android_usb/android0/f_mass_storage/lun1/file
I:mount -o bind '/external_sd/.android_secure' '/and-sec' process ended with RC=0
I:Unable to mount '/usb_otg'
I:Actual block device: '', current file system: 'vfat'
Partitions-Informationen werden aktualisiert...
I:Data backup size is 0MB, free: 9724MB.
I:Can't probe device /dev/block/mmcblk0p37
'/carrier' konnte nicht eingehängt werden (Invalid argument)
I:Actual block device: '/dev/block/mmcblk0p37', current file system: 'ext4'
I:Unable to mount '/usb_otg'
I:Actual block device: '', current file system: 'vfat'
I:Can't probe device /dev/block/mmcblk1
I:Unable to mount '/sd_ext'
I:Actual block device: '/dev/block/mmcblk1', current file system: 'ext4'
I:Unmounting main partitions...
I:[MTP] Starting MTP
I:sending message to add 65539 '/data/media/0' 'Interner Speicher'
I:Message sent, add storage ID: 65539 '/data/media/0'
I:sending message to add 65537 '/external_sd' 'Micro SD-Karte'
I:Message sent, add storage ID: 65537 '/external_sd'
I:Set page: 'mount'
I:[MTP] created new mtpserver object
I:[MTP] MtpServer::run fd: 21
I:[MTP] mtppipe add storage 65539 '/data/media/0'
I:[MTP] MtpStorage id: 65539 path: /data/media/0
I:[MTP] mtppipe add storage 65537 '/external_sd'
I:[MTP] MtpStorage id: 65537 path: /external_sd
I:Set page: 'main'
I:Set page: 'clear_vars'
I:Set page: 'main2'
I:Set page: 'mount'
I:Can't probe device /dev/block/mmcblk0p37
'/carrier' konnte nicht eingehängt werden (Invalid argument)
I:Actual block device: '/dev/block/mmcblk0p37', current file system: 'ext4'
I:Set overlay: 'select_storage'
I:Set overlay: ''
I:Set page: 'clear_vars'
I:Set page: 'mount'
I:Set page: 'main'
I:Set page: 'clear_vars'
I:Set page: 'main2'
I:Set page: 'restore'
I:Unable to open '/data/media/0/TWRP/BACKUPS/HT494WM01319'
I:Unable to open '/data/media/0/TWRP/BACKUPS'
I:Set page: 'main'
I:Set page: 'clear_vars'
I:Set page: 'main2'
I:Set page: 'install'
I:Set page: 'flash_confirm'
I:Set page: 'flash_zip'
I:operation_start: 'Flashing'
Installiere ZIP '/sdcard/aicp_m8_r-16.1-WEEKLY-20211010.zip'
Aushängen der System-Partiton...
I:Update binary zip
Verifying package compatibility...
Package doesn't contain compatibility.zip entry
I:Extracting updater binary 'META-INF/com/google/android/update-binary'
I:Zip does not contain SELinux file_contexts file in its root.
I:Legacy property environment not used in updater.
SELinux: Loaded file_contexts
script aborted: This package supports bootloader(s):; this device has bootloader
This package supports bootloader(s):; this device has bootloader 25
Prozess Updater endete mit FEHLER: 1
I:Install took 0 second(s).
Fehler beim Installieren von ZIP '/sdcard/aicp_m8_r-16.1-WEEKLY-20211010.zip'
Partitions-Informationen werden aktualisiert...
I:Data backup size is 0MB, free: 9724MB.
I:Can't probe device /dev/block/mmcblk0p37
'/carrier' konnte nicht eingehängt werden (Invalid argument)
I:Actual block device: '/dev/block/mmcblk0p37', current file system: 'ext4'
I:Unable to mount '/usb_otg'
I:Actual block device: '', current file system: 'vfat'
I:Can't probe device /dev/block/mmcblk1
I:Unable to mount '/sd_ext'
I:Actual block device: '/dev/block/mmcblk1', current file system: 'ext4'
I:Set page: 'flash_done'
I:operation_end - status=1
I:Set page: 'confirm_action'
I:Set page: 'action_page'
I:operation_start: 'Format'
Formatiere Cache mit make_ext4fs...
Creating filesystem with parameters:
Size: 402653184
Block size: 4096
Blocks per group: 32768
Inodes per group: 8192
Inode size: 256
Journal blocks: 1536
Blocks: 98304
Block groups: 3
Reserved block group size: 23
Created filesystem with 11/24576 inodes and 3131/98304 blocks
I:Recreating /cache/recovery/ folder.
I:Copied file /etc/recovery.fstab to /cache/recovery/recovery.fstab
I:Version number saved to '/cache/recovery/.version'
Partitions-Informationen werden aktualisiert...
I:Data backup size is 0MB, free: 9724MB.
I:Can't probe device /dev/block/mmcblk0p37
'/carrier' konnte nicht eingehängt werden (Invalid argument)
I:Actual block device: '/dev/block/mmcblk0p37', current file system: 'ext4'
I:Unable to mount '/usb_otg'
I:Actual block device: '', current file system: 'vfat'
I:Can't probe device /dev/block/mmcblk1
I:Unable to mount '/sd_ext'
I:Actual block device: '/dev/block/mmcblk1', current file system: 'ext4'
I:Set page: 'action_complete'
I:operation_end - status=0
I:operation_start: 'Format'
Lösche Cache & Dalvik...
-- Dalvik Cache-Verzeichnisse bereinigt!
Partitions-Informationen werden aktualisiert...
I:Data backup size is 0MB, free: 9724MB.
I:Can't probe device /dev/block/mmcblk0p37
'/carrier' konnte nicht eingehängt werden (Invalid argument)
I:Actual block device: '/dev/block/mmcblk0p37', current file system: 'ext4'
I:Unable to mount '/usb_otg'
I:Actual block device: '', current file system: 'vfat'
I:Can't probe device /dev/block/mmcblk1
I:Unable to mount '/sd_ext'
I:Actual block device: '/dev/block/mmcblk1', current file system: 'ext4'
I:operation_end - status=0
I:Set page: 'clear_vars'
I:Set page: 'flash_done'
I:Set page: 'clear_vars'
I:Set page: 'install'
I:Set page: 'main'
I:Set page: 'clear_vars'
I:Set page: 'main2'
I:Set page: 'settings'
I:Set page: 'settings_timezone'
I:Set page: 'settings_screen'
I:Set page: 'settings_vibration'
Truncating string cache entries.
I:Set page: 'settings_language'
I:Set page: 'settings'
I:Set page: 'main'
I:Set page: 'clear_vars'
I:Set page: 'main2'
I:Set page: 'advanced'
I:Set page: 'main'
I:Set page: 'clear_vars'
I:Set page: 'main2'
I:TWFunc::Set_Brightness: Setting brightness control to 5
I:TWFunc::Set_Brightness: Setting brightness control to 0
I:TWFunc::Set_Brightness: Setting brightness control to 255
I:Set overlay: ''
I:Set page: 'advanced'
I:Set page: 'installapp'
I:Set page: 'action_page'
I:operation_start: 'Install TWRP App'
I:Cannot find file /system/system/build.prop
I:Unable to open build.prop for getting 'ro.build.version.sdk'.
I:Unable to read sdk version from build prop
I:Set page: 'action_complete'
I:operation_end - status=0
I:Set page: 'clear_vars'
I:Set page: 'advanced'
I:Set page: 'copylog'
I:Set page: 'action_page'
I:operation_start: 'Copy Log'
Vermutlich wäre das der richtige Weg: „htc one m8 needs a bootloader update from 3.18 to 3.19“. Des weiteren heißt es: „/Carrier“ not found …
Hängen die beiden Aussagen zusammen ? Ist es damit getan, den Bootloader zu aktualisieren oder sind das zwei unterschiedliche Probleme ?
Ich freue mich über jede Hilfe.

Zuletzt bearbeitet: