[RECOVERY][HTC One] TWRP Touch Recovery (08.03.2014)

  • 60 Antworten
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Da es ja nun nen Thread für CWM gibt, dachtre ich mir, machste einen für das andere Recovery.:D Stelle hiermit ein Custom Recovery auf Touch-Basis vor. Kommt vom Team Open Recovery Project und hört auf den Namen TWRP.

Hier mal ein paar bildliche Eindrücke:



Changelog v2.7.0.0:

  • Faster graphics rendering by disabling alpha blending on fully opaque objects thanks to Tassadar
  • Allow sideloading from /tmp on encrypted devices
  • Check for a crypto footer before asking for a password to prevent user confusion
  • Additional checks for validity to auto generated backup names
  • Text wrap in the console output
  • Proper caps lock support in the keyboard
  • Mouse support via USB OTG for devices with a broken digitizer
  • Improve scanning of storage locations for OpenRecoveryScript
  • Haptic feedback for buttons, keyboard, and vibration at the end of longer running actions
  • Fixed ext4 wiping when no selinux contexts are defined for that partition (e.g. sd-ext)
  • Update SuperSU to 1.93 and improve installation process
  • Added selinux contexts restoration to fix permissions
  • Load RTC offset on Qualcomm devices to fix the date/time in recovery
  • USB Mass Storage fixes Add SELinux support checking
  • Add Disk Usage class to better handle excluded folders (e.g. Google Music cache)
  • Add 4.4 decrypt support
  • Add some toolbox utilities to TWRP (namely to support SELinux functions not supported in busybox)
  • Various SELinux fixes and bug fixes
Note: 2.7 marks the first time that we are dropping support for older devices. We are doing this because of the SELinux support needed to install 4.4 Kit Kat ROMs. The non-TWRP parts of the recovery image have to be built in at least a 4.1 tree and the kernel that is included in the recovery image has to support writing SELinux contexts. We don't own most of the devices that we support so we depend on outside testers and developers to help us update devices. In many cases we can't find someone readily. Come to #twrp on Freenode if you want to help bring your device up to date. You can tell right away if your device will support 4.4 ROMs in 2.7. Boot TWRP and press the console button (the square-ish button either in the bottom middle or upper right) to view the console output. If it doesn't say "Full SELinux support" in the console, then your device still needs some work. Help us help you.

Ältere Changelogs

What's new in
  • Proper backup and restore of SELinux contexts (thanks to Tassadar)
  • Pull in some ROM information for backup name generation
  • Merge all recent patches from AOSP bringing TWRP up to date with Android 4.3
  • Add 1200x1920 theme (thanks to Tassadar)
  • A few other fixes and tweaks

What's new in

  • Initial SELinux support (only a few devices, need testers so come by IRC if your device doesn't have it and needs it)
  • Initial support for f2fs file system formatting (Moto X)
  • Update SuperSU install for 4.3 ROMs
  • Fixed a permissions bug on files created during backup
  • Fixed a bug that caused TWRP to not wait for compressed backups to finish causing 0 byte files and md5sums to not match
  • Fixed decryption of encrypted data so that both TouchWiz and AOSP decryption are possible
  • Ignore lost+found folder during backup and size calculations
  • Various other minor bug fixes and tweaks

Special Note: If you are running a custom theme, some of the changes in will likely not be visible with your custom theme.

  • Can encrypt a backup to prevent theft of private data from your backup files
  • Updated graphics / icon courtesy of shift
  • Updated exFAT to latest commits
  • Fixed a problem with Samsung TouchWiz decryption
  • Update SuperSU binary
  • Fixed saving of backup partitions list
  • Fixed saving of last used zip install folder
  • Fixed backup of datadata on devices that use a separate partition for datadata
  • Fixed some issues with the advanced wipe list (android_secure, can now wipe internal storage on data/media deivces and wipe data on the advanced list no longer formats the entire data partition)
  • Fixed some problems with partitioning a SD card
  • Various other bug fixes and tweaks

What's new in
Special Note: If you are running a custom theme, the changes in will likely not be compatible with your theme.

  • [FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode, arial]Added scrollable partition lists for mount, backup, restore, wipe, and storage selection[/FONT]
  • [FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode, arial]Add new SliderValue GUI element for selecting brightness and screen timeout (thanks to Tassadar)[/FONT]
  • [FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode, arial]Re-work AOSP and TWRP code to improve license compatibility between GPL and Apache[/FONT]
  • Added official theme for 1080x1920 portrait devices (HTC DNA, HTC Butterfly, Oppo Find 5, Sony Xperia Z, etc)
  • [FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode, arial]Fixed a problem with directory permissions on split archive backups[/FONT]
  • [FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode, arial]Fixed a problem with md5 verification of backups[/FONT]
  • [FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode, arial]Added a search function to libtar (thanks to kokotas)[/FONT]
  • [FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode, arial]Improve handling of XML errors (fix permissions)[/FONT]
  • [FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode, arial]Fixed handling of subpartitions[/FONT]
  • [FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode, arial]Improvements to recovery.fstab flags[/FONT]
  • [FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode, arial]Fixed a problem with decryption not being able to locate the decryption key in some situations[/FONT]

What's new in

  • Added another libtar hardlink workaround to fix restore of some backups (usually related to Ubuntu Touch)
  • More fixes for the file selector
  • Switched from using busybox md5sum to a direct C function call
  • Fixed capturing the exit status of tar based backups/restore - TWRP will display that there was an error if there was one again
  • Update exFAT to latest commits
  • Added a build flag to disable using the ioctl for screen blanking
What's new in

  • Fixed 2 bugs related to restore, one dealing with mknod failures (by bigbiff) and one dealing with restoring hardlinks (by Dees_Troy)
    NOTE: If your backups weren't restoring correctly in earlier 2.4.x versions they should restore correctly now. Hopefully you didn't delete those backups. If you're still having problems, run the restore, go to advanced and copy log, then give us the log. Complaints without logs will be rightfully ignored.
  • Added a scroll bar to file selectors and listboxes courtesy of Tassadar
  • Added libblkid for more accurate detection of file systems and can now detect exFAT properly thanks to bigbiff
  • Added a screen dim effect 2 seconds before screen off on some devices
  • Finally fixed file selector crash (one of the joys of working with multi-threaded software)
  • Fixed loading of screen timeout setting during startup
  • Improvements and bugfixes to screen timeout code
  • Fixed persistence of the 24 hour / military time setting

What's new in

  • Add screen timeout - screen will turn off automatically after 60 seconds, saves battery and prevents screen burn-in especially on AMOLED devices
  • Add a brightness setting (requires device specific setup and only some devices have been added)
  • Add a root checker and offer to install SuperSU if the device isn't already rooted
  • Add a write buffer to libtar backups, significant improvements to speeds when backing up to exFAT target, minor improvements for other file systems
  • Check and offer to fix root permissions if broken
  • Add an option for a 24 hour clock display instead of AM/PM (aka military time)
  • Move stock recovery reflash check to occur during the reboot cycle
  • Add support for some MTK6xxx devices
  • Change libtar to vfork to help prevent memory problems
  • Add a "clicked" effect to most buttons, file selector, and listbox
  • Improve timezone listbox to be more like file selector (per pixel kinetic scrolling, etc)
  • Remove some no longer used settings (Forced MD5 sum on zips, size checking on image backups)
  • Other minor bugfixes and improvements

What's new in

  • Fixed a problem with mkdosfs that formatted sdcards to 2GB
  • Fixed handoff between vfat and exFAT on devices where blkid didn't detect vfat (fixes some issues with mounting sdcards)
  • Fixed problems with changing working directory on MD5 creation/checking that may have prevented unmounting
  • Backups will now store a copy of the backup log after the backup is completed (only if backup is successful)
What's new in

  • Using libtar instead of busybox's tar for better control over tar file creation and breaking the 2GB barrier that busybox imposes (thanks to bigbiff)
  • Support for exFAT formatted sdcards (also thanks to bigbiff)
  • Support for decrypting Samsung TouchWiz encrypted devices including internal and external storage (special thanks to a3955269 for figuring it out)
  • Improvements to OpenRecoveryScript including displaying a proper GUI while the script is running
  • Added wipe cache and dalvik after ADB Sideload
  • Replaced many system calls with their native C counterparts
  • Fixed bugs in file manager where it would display an empty list after moving or deleting a folder
  • Fixed AOSP recovery commands to run after decryption on encrypted devices
  • Improvements for building TWRP in CM10.1
  • Other minor bugfixes and improvements
What's new in

  • Fix renaming backups with a space in the name
  • Add decrypt button to mount page if you cancel decryption during startup
  • Added ignore blkid flag
  • Fixed handling of MTD partitions during mount
  • Fixed some keyboard mapping issues on 800x1280 layout
What's new in

  • Fixes / enhancements to handle the multiple user setup introduced by Android 4.2 (see notes)
  • Fixed a bug with deleting a backup with a space in the name
  • Added highlights on keyboard key presses
What's new in

  • Unmount system after boot to prevent some status 7 symlink failed errors on zip install
  • USB Mass Storage code improvements
  • Better handling of mounting storage during boot for some devices
  • Fixed a problem with sizes of images (boot & recovery) after resetting defaults
  • Fixed size errors during backup for some devices on recovery, etc.
  • Fixed a problem with restoring backups when multiple archives were present
What's new in

  • Rebased onto AOSP Jelly Bean source code
  • Rewrote backup, restore, wipe, and mount code in C++ classes for easier maintenance going forward
    NOTE: backups from prior versions of TWRP are still compatible with 2.3
  • ADB sideload functionality from AOSP is included in 2.3, see this link for more info
  • Re-wrote fix permissions entirely in C++ and runs in a few seconds instead of a few minutes (thanks to bigbiff)
  • Improvements to zip finding in OpenRecoveryScript (should be a lot fewer GooManager automation issues)
  • Faster boot times
  • Added charging indicator while in recovery (only updates once every 60 seconds)

While this update may not bring a host of new must-have features, this update is a significant re-write of much of the core TWRP code. AOSP Jelly Bean recovery source moved to mostly C++ code and now all of the "TWRP" code is fully rewritten into C++ as well. Now that we've laid this groundwork, we're in a much better position to pull in future AOSP recovery updates as well as implementing more great new features.

Since TWRP 2.3 is based on AOSP jelly bean sources, TWRP now uses recovery API 3 instead of 2. Some zips may no longer work if the developer is using an out-of-date update-binary. This API change should not be a problem on newer devices, but older devices will probably encounter several zips that need to be updated. If needed, you can try using this update-binary that was compiled with current sources. It goes in your zip file in the META-INF/com/google/android folder.
What's new in

  • Significantly improved sd-ext handling (ext partitions on sdcards)
  • Changes to kinetic scrolling in file selectors
  • Fixed a problem with using periods in backup names
  • Fixed problems in XML layouts with mounting system and USB storage
  • Fixed a problem with unmounting a partition before formatting during restore
  • Add Jelly Bean decrypt support
  • Updated 320x480 theme to match others (thanks to Llewelyn)
  • Improve "symlinking" of /data/media to either /sdcard or /emmc
  • Added sanitizing of device IDs for invalid characters (thanks to bigbiff)
  • Fixed free space calculation when switching backup devices on /data/media devices
  • Fixed a problem with using OpenRecoveryScript to create a backup without providing a backup name

What's new in 2.2.0:

  • On-screen keyboard in recovery! -- supports long press, backspace repeat, and swipe left deletes everything left of the cursor
  • Name new backups and rename existing backups
  • Rename files and folders in the file manager
  • Pseudo-terminal emulator
  • Support decrypting an encrypted data partition on Galaxy Nexus (enter password using keyboard)
  • Backup archive splitting -- allows backup and restore of data partitions larger than 2GB
  • Simplified XML layout support between resolutions
  • Added dual storage selection radio buttons to zip install, backup, and restore pages
  • Improved zip install compatibility
  • Updated update-binary source code
  • Numerous small bug fixes and improvements

What's new in 2.1.1 and 2.1.2:

Note: If you have a custom theme installed from 2.0 or 2.1.0, your theme will need to be updated to see the new features. It is recommended that you remove your custom theme before installing 2.1.1

  • Per-pixel kinetic scrolling in file selectors (this will be ported to the console and listbox in a future version)
  • Updated stock themes to a unified ICS-look - thanks to racks for providing the new look!
  • Fixed some problems with the implementation of HTC Dumlock
  • Fixed some device-specific problems on Nook Color and Kindle Fire
  • Fixed a bug that caused a crash and restart of recovery when rebooting system right after a zip install
  • Fixed the size calculation of a backup and the size of /data on Galaxy Nexus
  • 2.1.2 (ONLY for Galaxy Nexus) - fixed a bug in the 720x1280 XML layout that prevented restoring a backup
What's new in 2.1:

Note: If you have a custom theme installed from 2.0, your theme will need to be updated to see the new features. It is recommended that you remove your custom theme before installing 2.1

  • Zip queuing as seen in TWRP 1.1.x is back
  • Dual storage capable (backup, restore, and install zips from internal or external storage - you choose)
  • Slider control (swipe to confirm most actions aka swipe to wipe)
  • Lockscreen (with slider to unlock)
  • Basic file manager (copy, move, delete, and chmod any file)
  • Added support for devices with /data/media (most Honeycomb tablets, new ICS devices like Galaxy Nexus)
  • Displays sizes of each partition in the backup menu
  • Added listbox GUI element (currently used for listing time zones)
  • Updated stock XML layouts to be more consistent and easier to port to different resolutions
  • XML layout files are significantly smaller
  • Partitions available backup are more accurate for some devices
  • Removed unneeded error messages (/misc errors, unable to stat sd-ext, etc.)
  • Fixed a bug with blkid detection code
  • Fixed bug where a blank line was inserted between every line of text during zip installs
  • Fixed a bug during zip installs where an invalid zip would cause TWRP to get stuck in the zip install
  • Added setting for themers to toggle simulation mode to make theming easier
  • New devices added - Galaxy Nexus GSM & CDMA (preview only, manual install), Acer Iconia Tab A500, HTC Vivid, Motorola Defy
  • Added support for .jpg images in the theme engine
  • Changed images for stock tablet theme - makes tablet builds about 500KB smaller
  • Removed unneeded non-GUI images from GUI - makes all builds about 100KB smaller
In addition to the above new features, TWRP 2.x features a scripting engine that allows an app to send commands to the recovery for the recovery to perform during startup. We call this scripting engine OpenRecoveryScript. This engine will be put to use immediately in the GooManager app. GooManager will be able to install recoveries automatically for most supported devices. The app will also let you choose to install multiple zips from within Android, wipe cache & dalvik, and run a backup. You can find more information on how your app can use OpenRecoveryScript on this page.

GooManager has a great setup for ROM makers that will notify users automatically when there's an update to their ROM. Combined with the recovery support, this allows users to update their software similar to a normal "OTA" update from their carrier in a simple, seamless install process. The goo.im website has a fantastic developer portal that makes it easy for ROM makers to upload new ROMs and provides free, fast hosting for developers. The GooManager app will also continue to remain free.
Key Features:

  • Ability to save custom recovery settings
  • Touchscreen driven with real buttons and drag-to-scroll
  • XML-based GUI that allows full customization of the layout – true theming!
  • Settings are saved to the sdcard and persist through reboots
  • Ability to choose which partitions to back up and which to restore
  • Ability to choose to compress backups – now with pigz (multi-core processor support for faster compression times.

Information on TWRP 2 Theming

Special Thanks To:

  • Core twrp 2 development team: agrabren, Dees_Troy, ViViDboarder, and AssassinsLament
  • Toastcfh – for his underappreciated dedication to the community
  • s0up and kevank for their hard work on the web side of things.
  • The rest of Team Win: shift, onicrom, netarchy, kevank, myndwire, bigbiff, dkelle4, shinzul, spiicytuna, and eyeballer
  • Amon_RA - for his great Recovery
  • Koush - for his dedication to the community and ClockworkMod
  • For all the help with devices and testing Akmzero, arif-ali, Evil_DevNull, gus6464, Jesusice, _jmz_, NxtGenCowboy, ohshaith55, Pyrostic, [R], and Rootzwiki
  • As always thank you to the Team's supporters and the Android Community.

2011-12-17 - v2.0.0

  • Initial release of twrp 2
  • Full GUI touchscreen with buttons and XML engine
  • Fixed sdcard free space checking
  • Fixed bugs with MD5 zip file checking
  • Now check more places for a serial number
  • Too many fixes versus twrp 1.1.1 to list

Das Einfachste ist es sich den GooManager aus dem Play Store runter zu laden, so es denn aktuell ist.
- GooManager runterladen
- installieren
- öffnen
- auf die 3 Punkte gehen
- TWRP auswählen und installieren
- nach Neustart ins Recovery sich freuen:smile:
- oder die von mir erstellte Zip flashen
- dazu braucht man allerdings ein vorhandenes Custom Recovery;)

Flash per CWM/TWRP

Man platziere die von mir angehängte Zip auf den internen Speicher.
- Dazu Boot ins Recovery, Vol. Down beim Neusstart drücken und festhalten. Oder per Custom ROM direkt ins Recovery booten.
- boote ins Recovery
- gehe zu "Install zip from sd card", je nach Recovery-Typ (CWM)
--> oder nur install (im TWRP)
- sucht sich den Ordner wo man die Zip rein gelegt hat
- und flasht diese nun indem man auf die Zip klickt und folgende Frage bejat (CMW) oder den Slider beim TWRP nach rechts zieht.
- Anschließend könnt ihr das CWM neustarten und habt das PhilZ drauf.

Alternativ könnt ihr es per Toolkit oder per Fastboot flashen
  • TWRP herunterladen und in den Fastboot Ordner kopieren
  • Bootet das HTC One in den Bootloader und geht anschließend auf "FASTBOOT"
  • Fastboot am PC starten und folgenden Befehl ausführen: fastboot flash recovery [Name der Recovery].img
  • Fertig!


Ich kann kein Nandroid mehr mit TWRP2.6.x auf meinen PC übertragen
Kurze Info zum nicht kopieren können von Nandroids auf PCs unter Es gibt ne Methode wie es wohl funzt. Ihr müsst lediglich nach nem erfolgreichen Backup in Advanced --> Terminal command, dann den Backup Ordner suchen und folgendes Kommando eingeben:

Ihr müsst es aber vor nem Reboot erledigt haben!!!

Das Problem scheint sich aber mit der v2.6.1.0 erledigt zu haben.


Zu den Downloads gehts hier.


  • TWRP_2.6.1.0_m7.zip
    8,2 MB · Aufrufe: 1.333
  • TWRP_2.6.3.0_m7.zip
    8,4 MB · Aufrufe: 1.725
  • TWRP_2.6.3.4_m7ul.zip
    9,2 MB · Aufrufe: 2.640
  • TWRP_2.7.0.0_m7.zip
    9,3 MB · Aufrufe: 6.425
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: hasbai, MarkusK, Hopie und eine weitere Person
Find ich super, hier ist noch ein Themes dafür

Einfach auf der im Ordner TWRP einen ordner erstellen und theme nennen, dann die ui einfügen bein nächsten start siehts schön aus.

Weitere Themes findet Ihr hier:

[THEME] Official ViperOne Theme Thread [8.11.13] - xda-developers

[THEME] TWRP Holofied - Black / Dark / Light [15/08/13] - xda-developers

[THEMES] Carbon TWRP Recovery Theme for Htc One[THEMES][07.07.2013] - xda-developers

[THEME] TWRP Recovery Themes for Htc One[THEME][17.07.2013]

wichtig, wenn Ihr ein Themes runterladet, muss die zip immer in ui benannt werden


  • ui.zip
    2 MB · Aufrufe: 564
  • IMG-20130831-WA0002[1].jpg
    48,9 KB · Aufrufe: 6.177
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: hanspampel
Ich habe das Problem, dass das Recovery bei mir keine korrekten Backups erstellt! Beim Wiederherstellen läuft es durch, bricht aber dann mit der Meldung "FAIL" ab - weitere Fehlerhinweise bekomme ich nicht. Habe jetzt den TWRP-Ordner entfernt und das Recovery neu mit fastboot geflashed, das Problem bleibt. Sowohl bei als auch bei

Habt Ihr eine Ahnung woran das liegen kann? CWM-Backups funktionieren ja auch. :mad2:
Was für eine Rom hast du drauf, bei mir geht's reibungslos

Gesendet von meinem HTC One mit der Android-Hilfe.de App
Funzt hier auch ohne Probs.
Ich habe das Viper Rom 2.1 (alles aktuell) und den 1.44.0000 Bootloader. Liegt es vielleicht daran?
Habe auch den das Viper ROM 2.1.0 und den Bootloader 1.44.0000 auf dem Handy meiner Frau drauf.

Kopieren klappt ohne Probleme. Ne Anleitung zum vorherigen Kopieren steht übrigens im OP.:)
hanspampel schrieb:
Habe auch den das Viper ROM 2.1.0 und den Bootloader 1.44.0000 auf dem Handy meiner Frau drauf.

Kopieren klappt ohne Probleme. Ne Anleitung zum vorherigen Kopieren steht übrigens im OP.:)

Ich habe ja auch nicht geschrieben, dass ich nicht kopieren kann, sondern dass die Backups fehlerhaft erstellt werden. :)

Gesendet von meinem HTC One mit der Android-Hilfe.de App
Habe ich auch nicht behauptet. Wollte nur erwähnen dass die Backups sich kopieren lassen. Und das die Backups mit gleicher Konstellation wie bei dir funzen.
Okay. Nur um wirklich alle Parameter zu vergleichen: Hast Du s-off?

Gesendet von meinem HTC One mit der Android-Hilfe.de App
Wo ich s on hatte hat es auch geklappt jetzt bei s off auch. Wählst du auch alles aus beim Backup ?
Ja, ich habe sogar Cache und Recovery gesichert. Habe auf meinem Gerät S-On.
Die Backups laufen ganz normal durch, ich bekomme auch keine Fehlermeldung - wenn ich aber die Backups wieder zurückspielen möchte, bekomme ich oben ein rotes "Fail" angezeigt. Ohne weitere Fehlerhinweise.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Habe nur S-on. Lass beim Backup mal alles auf Standard stehen. Also kein Recovery und kein Cache sichern und versuchs nochmal.
Klar, das war ja das erste, was ich gemacht habe. Backup: Failed :confused2:
Probiert twrp neu zu flashen ?
Hatte er ja schon per Fastboot. Nimm mal ein anderes Recovery und versuchs mal damit. Falls das geht flash wieder das TWRP wieder und probiers nochmal.
Ja, jetzt gerade das dritte mal. Backup erstellt, zurückgespielt... Fehler.

Ich werde das Backup mit CWM (damit funktioniert es ja) zurückspielen und dann nochmal ein Backup mit TWRP machen. Hatte eben eine Fehlermeldung, dass er das System nicht unmounten konnte oder so etwas (blöderweise zu schnell weggedrückt). Ich werde dann mal ein Foto vom Bildschirm hier ranhängen.
Danke erstmal für die Tipps! :)

Der ursprüngliche Beitrag von 21:45 Uhr wurde um 23:17 Uhr ergänzt:

Da alles ja immer weiter durchscrollt, habe ich mich entschlossen, den Kram abzutippen:

Settings: Enable MD5 verification og backup files

Backup: Boot, Data & System (Enable Compression)

Backup durchgeführt:

Updating partition details

Backup durchgeführt:

*Backup Folder: /data/media/0/TWRP/BACKUPS/SH
*Generating md5...
*MD5 created.
Backing up Data
*Generating md5...
*MD5 created.
Backing up System...
*Generating md5...
*MD5 created.
Average backup rate for file systems: 10 MB/sec
Average backup rate for imaged drives: 16 MB/sec
Updating  partition details...
[Backed Completed in 236 Seconds][

*reboot in recovery*

Restore: Boot, Data & System (Enable MD5 verification of backup files)

Restore started:

Restore folder: /data/media/0/TWRP/BACKUPS/SH
Cerifying MD5...
Restoring 3 partitions
Restoring Boot
Boot done (1 seconds)

Wiping Data...
Wiping Data without wiping /data/media/...
Restoring Data...
(Data done (110 seconds))

Wiping System...
Formationg System using mke2fs..
Restarting System...
(System Done (86 seconds))

Updating  partition details...
(Restoring complete in 221 seconds)

(Restoring Complete - Successful)

*reboot system*
Resultat: Ein System, das zwar bootet, aber mehrere Apps fehlen und der Apex Launcher sieht nicht aus wie vor der Sicherung :cursing:

Nachtrag: Habe das mit dem durchgeführt.
Eigenartigerweise klappten die Backups wochenlang hervorragend, auf einmal nicht mehr!

Der ursprüngliche Beitrag 01.09.2013 von 23:17 Uhr wurde 02.09.2013 um 00:00 Uhr ergänzt:

Okay - habe das Problem gelöst: Ich habe das neue CWM installiert :D
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Neue Version ist draussen. Flashbare Zip im OP angehangen.

Changelog v2.6.3.0:

  • Proper backup and restore of SELinux contexts (thanks to Tassadar)
  • Pull in some ROM information for backup name generation
  • Merge all recent patches from AOSP bringing TWRP up to date with Android 4.3
  • Add 1200x1920 theme (thanks to Tassadar)
  • A few other fixes and tweaks

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