[Recovery][11.09.13]CWM Advanced Edition/PhilZ Touch 5.11.+JB 4.2+exFAT

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Ich, Android-Hilfe.de oder die Entwickler/Publisher der ROM oder Mods,
übernehmen keine Haftung für mögliche Schäden an eurem Gerät!

Ihr seid daher für euer Handeln selbst verantwortlich!!!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
PhilZ Touch 5 Recovery
CWM Advanced Edition 6.x
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

PhilZ Touch features
Touch interface:
  • toggle between 4 touch modes: FULL TOUCH, DOUBLE TAP to validate and SEMI TOUCH (scroll but no touch validation) and NO TOUCH to only use hardware keys
  • written from scratch full touch code
  • safe full touch : no wrongly validations while scrolling
  • when you set full touch mode, it defaults to optimized settings for menu height, scroll sensitivity and touch accuracy (you still can alter them manually later)
  • adjust scroll sensitivity in a huge palette
  • adjust menu height in a huge palette
  • adjust touch accuracy
  • 30 color settings for each of the 8 GUI parts + 5 alpha transparency settings
  • user custom background png can be selected in addition to 30 solid colors option
  • show / hide background icon
  • show / hide bottom virtual buttons
  • show/hide + set color and transparency for menu line separators to match solid color themes, like Black...
  • set number of bottom log rows to show
  • Friendly Log View and pause on logs: no more miss logs during zip installs
  • auto dim screen after user configurable delay
  • auto turn off screen after user configurable delay
  • adjust brightness and turn off screen with a gesture action
  • show/hide clock and remaining battery %, even during nandroid operations
  • clock and battery stats now effectively refresh every 30 seconds and during nandroid operations
  • toggle vibrator on/off on touch
  • toggle key repeat for volume up/down scrolling when maintained pressed
  • key repeat also enabled for virtual buttons
  • set time zone + 30mn offset + DST: correct time can now be set for nandroid backup path and clock
  • time setting is now applied to all recovery session, including timestamp of created/modified files (v4.92.3+)
  • capture recovery screen shots with a gesture action
  • one file to save all settings
  • backup and restore settings file
  • reset to default settings option
  • prompt to restore your settings from a backup when they are wiped by a new ROM install
  • option to auto restore your settings from a backup without a prompt
  • all toggles are applied live, without restart of recovery (except reset of stock CWM background image)
  • toggle menu options are automatically right aligned and menu text left aligned based on device display size
  • configurable gesture actions: double tap, slide right/left, long press/lift, long press/move, can be associated with any of: show log, change brightness, blank screen, capture screen shot, launch Aroma File Manager
  • First to introduce true JB 4.2 migration: toggle between /data/media and /data/media/0
  • browse phone with root access using full GUI in Aroma File Manager
  • terminal access from recovery with root access through Aroma File Manager
  • Multi Zip Install menu: check multiple zip files to install in a row
  • Custom Install Zip Mode: set a default folder to start with + browse backward up to the root
  • exFAT + ext4 support in recovery for external sd
  • TWRP backup and restore support, include full md5 sum support (single and multivolume, compressed and non compressed formats)
  • Advanced statistics during backup operations shown in color: total backup size, backup size progress, backup time, compression ratio...
  • support .android_secure backup/restore from external storage and exfat partitions
  • optional reboot after custom backups/restores
  • sd-ext support (ext4)
  • nandroid backups support /preload in backup and restore jobs (custom and stock modes)
  • nandroid backups support /misc in backup and restore jobs (custom mode)
  • set special nandroid settings: time zone, toggle md5 check for lightning fast backup and restore, toggle /preload backup and restore, enable nandroid compression using pigz (multi-cpu gzip compression) and choose ors backup target volume
  • you can cancel any nandroid operation with back button
  • create custom_rom.zip from current ROM or from a pre-existing nandroid backup (based on boot, /system and optionally /preload)
  • nandroid backup path now will be named with current ROM id from build.prop (ro.modversion, then ro.romversion, then ro.build.display.id)
  • custom backup and restore job list: backup and restore freely any partition combo (include modem and efs) from old nandroid folder or new custom_backup one
  • backup/restore EFS in both tar + img formats, now with time incremented copies for both tar and .img
  • support flash modem.bin image files in addition to custom modem.img files, now support for multiple *.bin versions under dedicated folder
  • during custom restore, you can see the contents of the folder you want to restore from
  • delete custom or TWRP backups from recovery menu
  • full wipe before flashing new ROM: wipe user data + format /system and /preload. SD card content is not affected
  • full support for openrecovery script specifications include all backup and restore options
  • run openrecovery scripts in 2 modes: on start goomanager boot scripts + one touch menu to either directly open a default path or freely browse for scripts
  • define ors backup target volume from within Nandroid Settings menu
  • ors restore path supports stock clockworkmod path, TWRP path and custom_backup path
  • poweroff, reboot to recovery and reboot to download/bootloader mode options
  • dual USB mount in recovery support and mount external sd over usb for /data/media devices
  • adb root in recovery: just wait about a minute to activate
  • detailed build info in About menu

  • PhilZ Touch herunterladen und in den fastboot Ordner kopieren
  • Bootet euer One in den Bootloader und geht auf "FASTBOOT"
  • fastboot am PC starten und folgenden Befehl ausführen: fastboot flash recovery [Name der Recovery].img
  • Fertig!

  • Koush for having created and maintaining cwm
  • Cyanogenmod for making all this possible
  • Tallustus from Team Skyfire for his great support over IRC: MAJOR CREDITS
  • Dees_Troy from TWRP team for pigz source and many great ideas in their recovery + source for backups compatibility
  • Chenglu for his unpacking tools and porting i9505: Huge credit
  • Patrics83 and HTC One X xda community for their big help in debugging the touch events input code
  • Nihar.G for his big support in testing touch, providing logs and the HTC Pico port
  • kbc-developers for the base semi-touch code and much more
  • Gokhanmoral@Siyah for his great job / support
  • McKael for his invaluable support in fixing for Nexus 4
  • sk8erwitskil for his recovery source, a great place to start learning
  • amarullz for bringing Aroma File Manager
  • shoe63 for his testing and great help in porting to the N7000
  • Tectas and zscomp for their great support in porting to i9300, but not forgetting rulala and störte
  • wanam for compiling kernels for N71xx and i317M to fix boot delay for custom kernels
  • dr.ketan for his precious help in porting to the N7000 & N7100 (I don't own one) and all the support in threads
  • The_Steph: for his major help in debugging for n7100.
  • a3955269 for providing an updated port of TWRP to i9100
  • adishakthi, ttav and kolmanb for the time they took to debug touch UI for tablets (N8xxx/P31xx)
  • jeboo for all his feedback about fixing bootloops...
  • utkanos for his great and kind support over IRC
  • gweedo767 @ #Koush for sharing his touch code source (not used)
  • myfluxi for his xxRecovery source in fixing dual usb mount
  • RM57380 for the tip to grab pictures: fb2png
  • Chainfire for his support (stock recovery flash) and all his work for the Android community
  • superatmos and Dharam_Maniar for their great guides on unpacking/building custom kernels




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Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: MarkusK, xgamer1, sNjke und eine weitere Person
Cool schau ich mir nachher mal an :)

Gesendet von meinem Alu-Knochen
via Tapatalk
Geflasht und ausprobiert, Neustart ins System nicht möglich = Bootloop,
also TWRP wieder installiert, gleiches Problem. Nandroid-Backup unter TWRP zurückgespielen funktioniert,
geht zwar theoretisch auch unter Advanced CWM aber noch nicht probiert…
Im XDA Thread habe ich nichts Ähnliches darüber gelesen.

„ fastboot erase cache „ wurde nach dem Recovery flash vorgenommen,
Bei mir hat alles geklappt - kein Bootloop. Ist auch die erste Version. Updates werden folgen :)

  • Danke
Reaktionen: xgamer1
Glaube ich auch dass das Recovery irgendwann stabil wird,
ich habe dem Entwickler auf XDA schon berichtet!
Neue Version ist erschienen, umfangreiche Änderungen
seit der letzten Version für das One vom 16.05.2013,
werde ich heute Nachmittag mal ausprobieren, und dann berichten.

Changelog & Download unter #39
Neue Version 5.08.5 verfügbar.

5.08.5 (11.07.2013)
- Compile Aroma File Manager (by amarullz) zip installer under recovery:
* either compile whole recovery, zip will be created at first pass
* or only compile aroma zip installer in two pass:
1- mmm bootable/recovery/aromafm
2- mmm bootable/recovery/aromafm/tools
* output: [target_out]/aromafm_out/aromafm_[DeviceID].zip
- detect aroma compatibility with non NEON devices during compiling
- use less conflicting flags: TARGET_NAME --> TARGET_COMMON_NAME

5.08.0 (07.07.2013)

- improve nandroid progress bar update
- fix recovery was not prompting when backup estimated size is larger than free space
- add ors backup support for twrp format requested by BillGoss
- ors backup: when no backup name is given, generate it using same way as nandroid operations (time stamp + rom name tag)
- support separated compiling for Loki patched devices (S4 AT&T and Verizon)
- i9505: revert some changes to fix time bug for some users
- Galaxy S4 US variants: repack around Audism stock JB 4.3 kernel v3 + Samsung exfat modules + revert use of mkefs for partition corruption issue
- fix missing break in set backup compression value menu (misc_nandroid_menu())
- misc clean up code
- sync latest sources

5.07.6 (05.07.2013)
- update version
- add exfat-fuse / 2.9.2 optional support by enabling USE_EXFAT_FUSE_BIN CFLAG in BoardConfig (exfat support on cyanogenmod repacks)
- i9505: use Audism kernel v3 (Stock Samsung sources) to fix partition corruption without additional code and for better exfat support

5.07.1 (01.07.2013)
- i9100G support

5.07.0 (30.06.2013)
- fix "unknown volume for path /res/images/koush.png" on boot (do not search for a volume on ramdisk path)

5.06.8 (19.06.2013)
- fix bug introduced in v5.06.5: folder entries duplicated in some choose file menus (custom and twrp restore modes, regenerate md5 selection menu)
- by default, if /data/media/0 exists, it will be used as internal storage. You can still alter it in Advanced menu to force /data/media

5.06.7 (17.06.2013)
- Galaxy R/Z (i9103) support, thanks to Adam77Root

5.06.6 (13.06.2013)
- fix multi-zip flash "select/unselect all" persisting (static int select_all --> int select_all)
- add sdparted option to partition in ext4 fstype
- enable partition sdcard when non vfat fstype2 option is used in recovery.fstab
- merge cm-10.1 changes ( Update 8):
* Merge "recovery: Fix adb backup" into cm-10.1
* Merge "Remove (un)mount option for datamedia partitions" into cm-10.1
* recovery.c: Fix the potential segmentation fault: Extral newline can trigger recovery segmentation fault
- Nexus 10 (manta): revert font changes since they were now merged in cm-10.1 device tree
- i9505 international: migrate to jfltexx device tree and repack with newer exfat modules
- misc code cleaning

5.06.4 (06.06.2013)
- fix touch repeat on capacitive virtual buttons for some devices
- Pico: ramdisk changes to enable backup size detection for mtd partitions (boot, recovery, misc)

5.06.3 (05.06.2013)
- HTC One Sprint and TMO variants support
- Galaxy S3 - T-Mobile (d2tmo): ramdisk changes to fix exfat (load modules using recovery-loader script)

5.06.2 (04.06.2013)
- Galaxy S3 - T-Mobile (d2tmo) - SGH-T999 support


Oder wer will flasht meine selbst erstellte Zip durchs vorhandene Recovery. Habs getestet, funzt.;)


Du musst die Quelle im OP angeben, sehe kein Link zum XDA.;)


  • philz_touch_5.08.5-m7ul.zip
    8,1 MB · Aufrufe: 457
Neue Version verfügbar.

5.11.2 (19.08.2013)
- ramdisk fixes for most devices to fix adb and sideload
- n7100/n7105/i317M: update to adam 2.7 kernel sensor free
- i9500: migrate to wanam sensors-free kernel v1.8 (fix boot into recovery delays, add back ntfs support)
- i9500: do not mount /data in postrecoveryboot.sh
- i9505: migrate to audism special repacked kernel (13.1) to fix poweroff bugs + update exfat kernel modules
- i9505 variants: revise ramdisk for stock based kernel edition
- i9100/n7000: update superuser to latest version
- i9100/n7000: stop patching kernel for emmc brick bug and replacing init for bootloop fix on unattended reboot
- n7000: do not include stock recovery and redbend_ua binaries to fit zImage size
- properly unmount /data after loading recovery settings on start
- properly unmount /data on recovery start for datamedia devices as per last cm changes
- mount /data before write_recovery_version() checks
- move advanced and twrp nandroid code to separate included file for easier code maintenance with cm sources

5.11.0 (17.08.2013)
- update to cwm
* Fix issue where android device manager, etc, dont actually wipe data.
--wipe_data issues via /cache/recovery/command will now completely format data.
- i9505: update to audism kernel v13 (smaller size to fit new ntfs/exfat format options) + new exfat modules
- jfltexx (i9505 cyanogenmod version) is now built properly using new TARGET_RECOVERY_INITRC in BoardConfig
- release i9505 cyanogenmod kernel based version
- n7100: update to adam kernel v2.7 for smaller size to fit ntfs/exfat format options
- endeavoru (HTC One X): do not use NTFS modules to fit recovery size
- i9500: remove fb2png and ntfs support because of small recovery size
- pico: remove exfat and ntfs support because of small recovery size
- clean up code when calling format_device() for sd-ext
- fix repacking script for toro, toroplus, grouper, protou

5.10.8 (14.08.2013)
- update to cwm
- merge cm sources: shrink cid
- fix text file formatting for dosfstools/Android.mk (PC to UNIX)
- sync sources

5.10.7 (10.08.2013)
- add option to toggle whole progress during backups for slow phones (hide size stats, progress bar and do not log backed up files)
- reorganize power options in a single menu
- update Aroma File Manager to latest sources
- port mkdosfs from TWRP + update to latest 3.0.16
- add mkextfatfs and mk_ntfs into recovery
- add support to choose format type for vfat storage: default, vfat, exfat, ntfs, ext2, ext3, ext4
- add preload partition on /etc/fstab generation: Now supports 'mount /preload' command in edify and recovery shell (by Ryuinferno)
- fix mount exfat/ntfs volumes under recovery for fs_type == auto
- fix partition sdcard auto for fstype
- merge cm-10.2 changes
* cwm: Add liblog dependency
* Add a recovery version variable, the releasetools want this now
* Use fstab v1 as a default
* Fixes for Superuser
* su installation and detection updates for 4.3
* su 4.3 detection fix
* update to v6.0.3.5
* add su daemon runner
* unset immutable bit on install-recovery.sh
* Don't treat link-time warnings as errors when linking with libbusybox
* Fix roots.c to use fs_mgr
* move key loading to verifier code. Add an option to verifier_test to load keys from a file, the way the recovery does.
* recovery: save logs from the last few invocations of recovery. Extends the last_log mechanism to save logs from the last six invocations of recovery
* recovery: ignore voldmanaged volumes
* update wipe data option confirmation
* merge "Revert "Use fstab v1 as a default."" into cm-10.2
- misc code cleanup

5.10.0 (25.07.2013)
- reorganize Backup and Restore menu:
* remove stock CWM Advanced Restore function
* move choose backup format to Misc Nandroid Settings menu
- add Misc Nandroid Settings option to disable nandroid size progress
- nandroid size progress is now disabled by default for specific phones (i9505)
- merge cm-10.1 changes:
* remove useless Fix Permissions menu

5.09.8 (24.07.2013)
- new time set function using TZ environement variable (should fix issues for some i9505 users)
- remove warning about selinux file_contexts (log only)
- Update CWM to v6.0.3.4
* merge more headless fixes from cm-10.1
- i9505 ramdisk: fix init.rc adb and sideload
- increase refresh backup size stats delay from 0.5 to 3 seconds (a proper fix will follow for i9505 users)
- fix some /data/media files could be included in TWRP backup mode
- It's summer time: open source many parts of PhilZ Touch
* settings file config
* all misc nandroid settings menu setup
* get rom name function to stamp backup folder name
* free browse mode and custom install zip folder

5.09.2 (21.07.2013)
- fix compiler warning in nandroid.c / nandroid_callback()
- remove non used virtual_keys images from ramdisk
- resync sources
- merge cm-10.1 changes:
* SELinux: don't suppress the "no file_contexts" message on the UI
* add --headless mode

5.09.1 (20.07.2013)
- add NTFS support for external storage

5.09.0 (19.07.2013)
- exfat-fuse: use existing external/exfat and external/fuse branches
- exfat-fuse: remove old implementation for prebuilt binary

5.08.9 (18.07.2013)
- compile mount.exfat-fuse static binary along recovery source to support exfat on cm-10.1 kernels
- fix Aroma File Manager compiling for non NEON devices
- clean up code (partition sdcard menu)
- fix broken touch after screen wake-up for some phones (i9500)
- resync sources
Flashbare Version angehangen.


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    8,8 MB · Aufrufe: 439
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Scoty
Thread-Titel aktualisiert...Startbeitrag ist Sache des TEs...
Gibts dabei die möglichkeit, die interne SD karte im Recovery zu Mounten, so das man wie früher einfach am PC drauf zugreifen kann?
nein, nicht möglich.

schau dir adb-explorer an, wie z.b. droid-explorer
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Tyrion
Thread geupdatet!!! ;)
  • Danke
Reaktionen: MarkusK und xgamer1
Danke für den Tipp, FlashFreak - endlich kann ich wieder zuverlässige Backups erstellen, was bei mir - aus welchem Grund auch immer - auf einmal nicht mehr funktionierte. :)
Neue Version v5.15.0 ist da. Habe ne flashbare Zip angehangen.


5.15.0 (21.09.2013)
- fix bug where android_secure could not be restored
- add png files for 320px width devices and fix pico device tree for screen resolution + merge to cm-10.1
- selectively force tar wrapper on yaffs2 file systems (better handling of make update.zip from ROM and ors backup in cwm format)
- fix touch support for some Samsung phones
- merge latest aroma 1.91 changes to fix theme loading bug
- fix user choice format sdcard options
- i9505: powered by stock 4.3 Samsung kernel compiled and fixed by @ausdim: huge thanks to him
- i9505: fix adb root, sideload, exfat loading, time setting, touch and brightness
- i9500: fix flashing of cm-10.2 and AOKP 4.3 ROMs
- Galaxy S4 US variants: fix flashing of cm-10.2 and AOKP 4.3 ROMs
- fix /data/media toggle display was not correctly refreshed
- remove compute_archive_stats() file number calculation and replace with archive size for faster restores
- increase nandroid size check interval from 3 to 5 sec for slow storage devices (i9505)
- merge exclude google music cached files from nandroid backup
- merge new tar.gz wrapper into cm-10.1
- add pigz fast compression (-1) option + merge to cm-10.1
- add backup and restore of /data/media to external storage
- fix left free space warning when backup in compressed tar.gz mode
- fix partition sdcard menu not showing on devices without a second storage (cm-10.1 only)
- misc menus cleanup
- when key repeat is disabled: fix reboot when turning on screen after it was auto-blanked
- when key repeat is disabled: fix dim screen will not occur and only blank screen event was triggered
- fix dim/blank screen issues after reboot timer was reached and USB cable was connected
- fix various bugs with key handling through ui_wait_key()
- after screen is turned on, next touch event will now be considered (better touch response)
- more stable blank screen gesture actions (mainly on long press and move gesture)
- merge remove install update.zip from cm-10.2 to cm-10.1
- support new phones:
* Sony Xperia Z (yuga)
* Samsung S3 Sprint SPH-L710 (d2spr) - d2tmo repack
* Galaxy Exhibit Variants - SGH-T599N (codinamtr) - credits to @Unjustified Dev
* Galaxy Grand Duos (i9082) - credits @chotu222
* Galaxy S Plus - i9001 (ariesve) - thanks to @alireza7991
* HTC One V (primou) - credits to @doga.ozkaraca
* Huawei Acsend P1 U9200 (viva) - credits to @kiprap


  • philz_touch_5.15.0-m7ul.zip
    8,8 MB · Aufrufe: 347
Thread wird morgen akt. ;)

Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Ohh der Thread wird wohl scheinbar aufgrund des Löschens des TEs nicht mehr gepflegt.

Neue Version verfügbar.

Changelog seit V5.15.0

5.18.2 (15.10.2013)
- merge @Chenglu latest changes for selinux context backup/restore (4.3 ROMs)
- user can enable/disable nandroid backup/restore of selinux context: speed up things for non JB 4.3 users
- fix bug where restore compressed archive from external storage caused vold crash because of busy volume:
- misc bug fixes
- S4 mini (i9195/i9190): use exfat/ntfs ko modules with custom kernel from samsung sources (thanks to @wanam)
- Xperia Z (yuga): use stock Sony + exfat ko module instead of fuse
- Galaxy S4 ATT and VZW: support auto loki on flash

5.17.7 (12.10.2013)
- merge su changes: "Add required libraries to list." into cm-10.2
- set lowest brightness value from 25 to 10
- i9505: use new custom kernel from google sources to fix ext4 corruption, exfat and ntfs kernel modules (huge thanks to @wanam)

5.17.6 (09.10.2013)
- Merge "Recovery: Loki patching support" into cm-10.2
- Merge "Support f2fs format"
- Fix f2fs formatting through edify scripting (roots.c entry)
- Merge "Don't print any messages regarding sd-ext to the UI"
- merge touch changes into cm-10.2
- add extra.fstab file support to provide blk_device2, fs_type2 and fs_options2
- use blk_device2 to partition sdcard and to format in ext2/ext3 for voldmanaged volumes
- fix Aroma file manager cannot see external storage due to minivold/fuse
- fix ors scripting for new cm-10.2 fstab format
- ors backup target: ensure user doesn't enter a non valid volume mount point in recovery settings file
- fix Get_Size_Via_statfs() handling of /data/media storage with new vold
- improve get_ors_backup_volume() call
- serious cm-10.2 bug: do not show partition sdcard menu for voldmanaged devices unless they have a valid blk_device2
- allow custom format of voldmanaged volumes if fs_type == auto even if they cannot be partitioned (!can_partition)
- format_device() could fail to wipe /sdcard on /data/media devices
- format_volume() could fail to wipe /sdcard on /data/media devices (edify scripting)
- ensure_path_unmounted() could not unmount /sdcard path on /data/media devices
- Find_Partition_Size() can now get /data size partition from a /data/media path (/sdcard)
- misc bug fixes for cm-10.2 and vold
- remove included device_config.h and put all additional BoardConfig.mk in one file (easier port for devs)
- ignore Rainbow commit
- improve write_recovery_version() to also unmount /sdcard on non /data/media devices
- favour kernel module over fuse to mount exfat volumes
- add get_device_mmcblk() function to read real device /dev/block path from blk_device link
- fix dd raw backup and restore to better detect real device block (efs / modem backup and restore)
- nandroid backup and restore speed fix
* spare some pthread_mutex_lock(&gUpdateMutex) on ui_delete_line() call
* do not hammer with fputs to write nandroid log
* increase NICE_INTERVAL from 100 to 350 msec to lower screen refresh rate during nandroid jobs
- do not define S4 i9505 with BOARD_HAS_SLOW_STORAGE to re-enable displaying all backup stats by default
- allow sideload to be used in conjunction with other commands.
- merge: Array max is incorrectly calculated, can lead to missed events for ids > MAX_DEVICES (thanks @jeboo)
- sync sources to update su
- merge "loki: Update to 2.0, Add support for LG G2 (and device trees in general)"
- update cwm to + sync sources
- i9505: move to wanam 1.6 kernel : small size, adb root, touch, force load of exfat
- i9505: support ntfs through ko modules

5.15.9 (26.09.2013)
- get rid of = and space in ors script (merge from twrp) + merge to cm-10.1
- touch: drop unwanted devices to handle touch events for some devices (Xperia Z...) + merge to cm-10.1
- touch: improve scroll and make it more friendly
- touch: fix slide right/left actions triggered after a scroll ending outside menu
- touch: improve long press and lift + long press and move actions and lower delay to 0.6 sec
- touch: in double tap and highlight only modes, fix unwanted scroll down while selecting a menu after a scroll
- touch: misc bug fixes + cleaner code
- HTC One X (endeavoru): repack with 4.18 stock ramdisk to fix write/read speed
- Xperia Z: fix touch handling
Meine flashbare Zip angehangen. Einfach durchs vorhandene Recovery flashen.


  • philz_touch_5.18.2-m7ul.zip
    9,1 MB · Aufrufe: 275
  • Danke
Reaktionen: StrgAltEntf
Neue Version da. Flashbare Version angehangen.

6.00.8 (30.11.2013)
- merge selinux backup/restore changes from @xiaolu
- by default, enable selinux context backup/restore

6.00.7 (30.11.2013)
- fix unpredictable first touch on some devices
- support MTK devices backup and restore of boot, recovery and uboot

6.00.5 (29.11.2013)
- fix potential memory overflow on elapsed timers
- use clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC) for more reliable elapsed timers
- fix virtual keys won't repeat for some devices since recent cm device tree updates
- update SuperSU to v1.80
- resync sources for fixing selinux permissions on lost and found folder
- Galaxy S3 US variants (d2spr, d2tmo, d2att): fix vold dropping to fuse instead of exfat kernel module
- i9500: use adam 3.5 kernel + built in exfat + ntfs, credits @wanam
- Galaxy S Relay 4G - SGH-T699 (apexqtmo)
- Galaxy Note 8.0 (n5100)
- Galaxy S2 HD LTE - SGH-I757M (celoxhd) credits @titanic_fanatic
- Nexus 7 (2013) LTE (deb)
- LG Optimus G Pro GSM (e980)
- LG Spectrum 4G - vs920
- Motorola Atrix HD
- Galaxy S4 int + US: do not show unsafe volumes in mounts and storage

6.0.0 (24.11.2013)

Change log: so huge that it will come later
Please browse a bit inside all menus and sub menus
Check new touch kinetics
Root with superSU from chainfire
Flash kit kat
and so crazly more things

5.18.9 (04.11.2013)

- add option to disable all nags on exit (root, flash recovery)
- add menu to root system and verify recovery
- code clean-up

5.18.7 (03.11.2013)

- optimize Install zip menu + order entries
- merge "minui: Allow devices to blank/unblank using LCD backlight" into cm-10.2
- merge "recovery: Add a proper CleanSpec.mk * Clean all the stuff that conflicts with AOSP recovery."
- merge "Add guard makefile for allowing simple recovery build"
- merge "Quickly install from last install path"
- merge "Enable optional swipe based touch controls"

5.18.5 (18.10.2013)
- unmount /data on user request for /data/media devices
- Asus Nexus 7 2013 (flo) support
- HTC One AT&T support
- HTC One m7ul, m7spr, m7att, m7tmo: support exfat kernel module instead of fuse
- Galaxy S3 i9300/i9305: add exfat kernel module support in minivold
- fix bug when reading partition link target
- do not ever log to screen mount/unmount events for sdcards (this will preserve ui_print for USB OTG volumes)
- write recovery version on exiting recovery instead of start: spare an extra partition mount/unmount on start


  • philz_touch_6.00.5-m7ul.zip
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6.00.8 (30.11.2013)
- merge selinux backup/restore changes from @xiaolu
- by default, enable selinux context backup/restore


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6.08.9 (04.01.2013)
- gesture action defaults changed
- long press and lift gesture action is now triggered after finger pressed for more than 1 sec
- do not include fb2png on non supported devices
- stop always rebuilding aroma intermediates
- Update: Samsung Exhilarate SGH-I577 (exhilarate)
- New: Galaxy Express AT&T (expressatt)
- New: Asus Transformer Pad TF300T (tf300t)
- New: Asus Transformer Prime TF700T (tf700t)
- New: HTC Evo 4G LTE (jewel)
- New: LG Optimus 4X HD P880 (p880)
- New: Galaxy Tab 3 8.0 SM-T310 - Wifi (lt01wifi)
- New: Galaxy Tab 3 8.0 SM-T311 - 3G (lt013g)
- New: Galaxy Tab 3 8.0 SM-T315 - LTE (lt01lte)
- New: Galaxy Note 3 Verizon (hltevzw)
- New: Galaxy Note 3 Canada (hltecan)
- New: Sony Xperia Z1 (honami)
- New: Sony Xperia ZU (togari)

6.08.7 (03.01.2014)
- fix Free Browse Mode folder cannot be changed in menus once first setup
- add back custom format fstype using vold (now patched in cm-11.0 thanks @cyanogen)
- disable journalling when formatting non voldmanaged extra storage in ext4 fstype
- merge "recovery: Add support for performance control"
- update CWM to v6.0.4.6
- loki: sync sources (support LG G2 D80010o)
- default backup compression level is now 5 (medium)
- v500: fix background width to 1200 pixels
- e970: fix OTA assert line breaking zip installer
- New: HTC Desire 601 (zara)
- New: HTC Droid DNA (dlx)
- New: Samsung Galaxy Grand Duos GT-I9082 (i9082)

6.07.8 (28.12.2013)
- fix exiting "pause on logs" mode with virtual keys caused erroneous validation
- fix exiting screen off mode with hardware key could cause erroneous validations
- fix some devices could not exit "pause on logs" mode with screen touch
- bring immediate touch responsiveness after exiting screen off mode and "pause on logs" mode
- fix erroneous first menu validation when exiting screen off mode on some devices
- fix long press and move action could be triggered while swiping outside menus and returning to first touched area
- increase threshold for long press and move action for easier triggering
- small touch scroll optimizations
- improve touch responsiveness on low res devices
- code clean-up and optimization
- fix log text could overwrite clock/battery icons on some low res devices
- after successful zip install with sideload, hide the install background icon
- after installing zip with sideload, do not trigger "pause on logs" mode
- loki: sync latest sources (support LG G2 VS98012b)
- New: HTC One Verizon (m7vzw)
- New: Galaxy Note 3 International, Sprint and TMO (now built with cm-11.0 device tree and kernel)
- New: Galaxy S Relay 4G - SGH-T699 (apexqtmo)
- New: LG G Pad 8.3 (v500)
- New: Samsung Galaxy Premier I9260 (superior)
- New: Samsung Galaxy Mega 6.3 I9200 - SGH-i527 (meliusltexx)
- New: Samsung Galaxy Mega 5.8 i9150 (melius3gxx)
- New: Galaxy S i9000 support (galaxysmtd) : still needs cat /proc/mtd to add in extra.fstab
- New: Galaxy S3 verizon - SGH-I535 (d2vzw)

6.05.6 (21.12.2013)
- better fit text logs on non HD devices: stop slightly overwrite of bottom virtual keys separation bar and clock/battery area
- fix logs overwriting bottom virtual keys and progress bar in sideload mode
- add 5 extra partitions support in nandroid: can be added in fstab and will be auto detected
- custom backup and restore menu: move reboot item to top of partitions list
- custom backup and restore menu: auto hide all unused items
- advanced menu: hide /data/media toggle for non datamedia devices
- sync loki sources: add new LG devices
- SuperSU update to 1.86
- busybox: merge @Chenglu changes to support selinux (no tar --selinux yet)
- huge code clean ups and fixes
- New: LG G Pad 8.3 (v500)
- New: Samsung Galaxy Premier I9260 (superior)
- New: Samsung Galaxy Mega 6.3 I9200 - SGH-i527 (meliusltexx)
- New: Samsung Galaxy Mega 5.8 I9150 (melius3gxx)
- New: Galaxy S i9000 support (galaxysmtd) : still needs cat /proc/mtd to add in extra.fstab
- New: Galaxy S3 verizon - SGH-I535 (d2vzw)
- Note 3: fix device name to hlte
- Note 3: ramdisk changes to better handle enforced selinux and usb mount storage
- Note 3 (hlte): add modem support in backup/restore
- Note 3 (hlte): repack on @Chenglu ramdisk to fix time
- Note 3 (hlte): fix boardconfig for correct ums lun path (mount usb storage)
- i9100/n7000: add extra.fstab support
- i9100/n7000: use built in kernel exfat modules for faster writes to exfat cards

6.04.0 (14.12.2013)
- fix twrp backup/restore default mode
- save loki support user setting (default is now disabled)

6.03.8 (13.12.2013)
- Galaxy Note 3 - n9005 (lt03ltexx)
- add custom backup and restore options to main nandroid menu for each storage volume
- ditch stock cwm limited advanced restore function
- add toggle to switch between TWRP/CWM as default backup mode
- ors: backup mode is now the default backup mode set for all recovery session
- ors: smart restore mode to override main backup mode depending on path we restore from (TWRP vs CWM auto detection)
- backup/restore validation menu moved to top in custom modes
- sanitize rom name for backup: exclude "&" symbol and fix compiler warnings (size_t)
- when deleting backups, do not exit the menu each time
- fix new line in process_volumes()
- merge: "Don't return immediately from reboot commands."
- merge: "Enable incremental builder to find files that moved"
- merge: "Support recoveries without CONFIG_EXT4_FS_XATTR"

6.03.5 (11.12.2013)
- Nexus 5 (hammerhead) support
- rebase on KitKat Android 4.4.x cm-11 branch
- restore NICE_INTERVAL to 100 for faster refresh of progress bar during nandroid restore
- Samsung phones: use built in kernel exfat/ntfs modules + fix selinux permissions to support exfat/ntfs read/write
- fix format to any user fstype without direct call to vold functions as it was no longer supported in cm-11.0
- proper ext2/ext4 support on extra storage volumes
- fix looping into readlink for boot/recovery partitions
- Samsung: add selinux permissions for preload partition
- if minivold fails to mount a voldmanaged volume, still drop to system mount (support ext2/ext3 mount)

6.02.1 (08.12.2013)
- loki: fix new line in ui_prints
- Nexus 7 (2013) deb and flo: fix background image size to better fit screen
- Galaxy Note 8.0 GSM (n5100): fix touch at kernel level for recovery and aroma, credits to @nickdollahz
- Galaxy Note 8.0 Wifi (n5110) support
- Galaxy Note 2: stop flashing sensors on boot (credits @AndreiLux), use built in kernel exfat modules (big thanks @wanam)

6.01.7 (07.12.2013)
- loki: update to v2.1 latest sources
- loki: use libloki_recovery for easier maintenance + clean-up the code
- loki: update to latest sources
- loki: fix all compiler warnings
- loki: remove licence in header file as requested by author
- fix get size of boot and recovery partitions from device block name link on some devices (yet another round, for good this time)
- LG G2 (d801): fix assert in zip installer
- Samsung Galaxy S2 Skyrocket i727 (skyrocket) support
- Samsung Galaxy W - GT-I8150 (ancora) support
- Samsung Galaxy S Plus i9001 (ariesve) support

6.01.2 (03.12.2013)
- fix error log when changing backup format for non datamedia devices
- fix celoxhd vibrator thanks @titanic_fanatic
- support LG G2 Int (d802), LG G2 AT&T (d800), LG G2 TMO (d801), LG G2 Verizon (vs980), LG G2 Sprint (ls980)
- support LG Nitro HD AT&T (p930)

6.01.0 (01.12.2013)
- fix settings file and themes could not be saved/restored on non data media devices
- fix various issues with non data media devices (new vold names)
- settings path (/data) is unmounted only on recovery start and not on every settings refresh
- move all recovery setting files/paths to a common header file
- fix Atrix HD mbm886 compiling
- fix success/failure display when copying files
- crespo (Nexus S): revert to cm-10.2 kernel sources

Habe meine flashbare Version angehangen. Viel Spaß.


  • philz_touch_6.08.9-m7ul.zip
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6.12.8 (30.01.2014)
- time and date menu text formatting and order
- version display edit
- add ntfs write support to devices using kernel modules instead of fuse
- loki: merge "Support LG Optimus F7 ZV5_02"
- zip installer: update loki binaries for LOKI devices
- zip installer: use new update-binary sources
- add NTFS kernel module support for more Samsung devices

6.12.2 (28.01.2014)
- manually set time and date in recovery
- support Qualcom time daemon to sync time with main system (credits to dougiebee)
- support RTC offset hack for Qualcom devices without a proper time daemon in system ROM (credits to dougiebee)
- option to drop to system set time and date commands (credits to dougiebee)
- set default nandroid compression level back to low
- roll out exfat-nofuse sources from dorimanx into various kernels from Samsung and other brands
- code fix and cleanup
- New: Oppo N1

6.10.6 (23.01.2014)
- update SuperSU to 1.91
- merge android_system_core changes to adb to fix push to extra storage paths
- do not use performance mode during install zip: fixes hang on unmount /system in updater-script when usb cable is connected
- i9505 ans US variants: update kernel to fix random hang on boot
- update to CWM
- merge "Fix up bu restore"
- ROM Manager: workaround to backup/restore to/from external storage

6.10.2 (20.01.2014)
- enhance touch init (fix touch on some Sony devices)
- really fix reading device max brightness value
- loki: merge "Support Open EU LG Optimus F6 and US Cellular Optimus F7"
- New: HTC One X+ (enrc2b)

6.10.0 (18.01.2014)
- read the device max brightness setting to fix brightness toggle on some Sony devices
- merge: "Populate mount menu with new mount/format matrix" - final version
- merge: "Use cat for adb backup."

6.09.8 (16.01.2014)
- merge: "Populate mount menu with new mount/format matrix"
- New: Moto X variants: US Cellular (xt1055), Sprint (xt1056)
- New: Galaxy Tab 2 P3110 (p3110)

6.09.6 (15.01.2014)
- do not error on missing sd-ext when wiping dalvik cache
- merge: "su: Update for latest su daemon compatibility"
- merge "Clean up c formatting - 1"
- merge "Remove "Go Back" option from verify root and recovery options"
- merge "Fix potential chmod failures"
- merge: "Add a copy of the updater binary to the recovery resources"
- merge: "install: Support downgrade scenarios"
- merge: "install: Fix possible overflow condition in the updater "scanner""
- merge: "minui: do not use flexible array initialization"
- merge: "correctly mount tmpfs as /tmp in recovery"
- New: Sony Xperia SP (huashan)
- New: Sony Xperia T (mint)
- New: Samsung i9192 (serranodsub)
- New: Motorola Moto X variants: VZW (xt1060), GSM (xt1058), TMO (xt1053)
- New: Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 LTE (n8020)

6.09.2 (12.01.2013)
- toggle prompt on low free space during backup
- SuperSU update to v1.89
- loki: merge "Support LG Vu 3."
- code cleanup
- New: US Cellular CH-R530U (d2usc) support

Habe meine flashbare Version angehangen. Viel Spaß.


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