[Recovery][11.09.13]CWM Advanced Edition/PhilZ Touch 5.11.+JB 4.2+exFAT

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Neue Version verfügbar, Mit der soll das Backup deutlich schneller gehen als zuvor.

Meine flashbare Zip habe ich angehagen.

6.13.1 (06.02.2014)
- HTC One variants (m7xx): fix charger bug
- Nexus 5 (hammerhead): use stock kernel to fix graphic issues
- LG G2 variants (d80x, vs980, ls980): add faster exfat backups using exfat modules from samsung (credits @dorimanx)
- LG G2: add d805 and d806 support
- Galaxy S4 variants (jflte): derp fix kernel random hang on boot
- SGH-I757M (celoxhd): use exfat static drivers


  • philz_touch_6.13.1-m7ul.zip
    9,8 MB · Aufrufe: 1.245
Bisschen spät aber here it is.


6.19.6 (05.03.2014)
- loki: fix auto loki was broken and clean up sources
- hammerhead: add efs backup/restore
- m7 variants: fix charger in off mode
- jewel: fix no fstab!

6.19.3 (02.03.2014)

- fix compiling for QCOM devices when using a prebuilt kernel with TARGET_PREBUILT_KERNEL
- galaxysmtd: remove ntfs-3g drivers to fit partition size

6.19.2 (01.03.2014)
- merge "nandroid: Allow tar backups of yaffs2 partitions"
- merge "update-binary: Add collect_backup_data function"
- merge "recovery: add overlay interface for recovery mode"
- merge "recovery: Add support for split display "
- merge "recovery: Fix compilation for non MSM target "
- merge "Fix overlay inclusion on MSM"
- merge "Loki: Add LG G Flex KDDI MODEL"
- merge Aroma patches:
* User selectable colorspace added to settings.
* Unmount /system at exit if mounted.
* Some more logging added.
- add 480x854 res backgrounds
- add 240x320 res backgrounds
- hlte: use new unified device builds but only for devices with new 4.4 bootloader
- hlte: fix cdrom in mount usb storage, thanks to @Chenglu
- jewel: use cm kernel with new layout partitions to fix charger
- hammerhead: revert to using cm kernel instead of stock
- falcon_gpe: use unified falcon device with init started script to swap fstab f2fs for ext4
- New: d2dcm (d2lte)
- lt02wifi: support fb2png screen shots
- loki fix for zip installers broken after unified devices releases

6.18.7 (25.02.2014)
- enable full touch gui build through re-distributable libtouch_gui
- merge "Fix mass storage in recovery"
- merge remote cm-11.0 changes
- loki: add support for unified devices
- fix loki user setting could be overridden on edify install_zip commands
- Galaxy S4 Qualcom variants: use new unified device "jflte" for all variants
- loki: show the enabled/disabled state in menu
- more comprehensive menu text display for /data/media/0 toggle
- fix potential memory leak in /data/media/0 toggle
- Galaxy S3 Qualcomm variants: use unified dlte recovery image
- New: Galaxy S2 Epic 4G Touch - SPH-D710 (d710)
- New: Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 7.0 SM-T210 WiFi (lt02wifi), credits to gr8nole and ketut.kumajaya
- New: ZTE Warp Sequent - N861 (warp2), credits to jetx2x
- New: ZTE Awe (nex), credits to cooldudezach
- New: HTC Rezound (vigor)
- merge: "P31XX: use landscape background"
- fix virtual keys on devices with 1024 pixel width resolution
- huge cleanup and potential bug fixes
- fix all compiler warnings

6.15.6 (15.02.2014)
- All Galaxy S4 variants now use one common recovery: jflte

It will properly enable loki on variants that need it and not on others

6.15.4 (13.02.2014)
- update superSU to 1.93
- sync sources
- fix recovery reboot command (adb and shell) by adding the init sys.powerctl property control
- merge "Fix mkfs.f2fs calling in roots"
- merge "Fix mass storage in recovery"
- fix display current path when navigating backward in folders
- Nandroid Simple Logging: toggle logging of file names during nandroid to keep screen progress while speed up nandroid operations for some devices
- increase NICE_INTERVAL to 300 msec (faster backup/restore on some devices)
- hide unused settings in Nandroid Settings menu (if we disable all progress on screen, hide non valid options)
- re-order nandroid settings menu
- add a toggle for fall back to pre-built update-binary to permit use of older update-binary in zip packages (doesn't persist on reboot).
this will fix the assert errors due to outdate update-binary. It could still be affected by assert error on device name getprop. However, that one is easier to fix by end users by editing updater-script. This is a workaround. The best is to hammer your ROM cooker to update his scripts and binaries
- setting for signature check toggle on zip updates will be now saved on reboot
- Aroma File Manager: mount vold managed volumes on launch from recovery
- Free Browse Mode: make it possible to install from any custom path even ramdisk
- Free browse mode: fix exceptions when setting up custom path
- Free browse mode: mount known volumes during setup
- Free browse mode: better handling of /data/media devices
- Free Browse Mode: mount vold managed volumes when navigating in
- HTC One variants (m7): fix charger
- HTC Evo 4G LTE (jewel): fix charger
- HTC Evo 4G LTE (jewel): update to new Sense 5 partition layout (/data/media)
- HTC Evo 4G LTE (jewel): use exfat modules for much faster backup speed to exfat cards
- New: Moto G variants (falcon): xt1028 xt1031 xt1032 xt1033 xt1034
- New: Moto G Google Play Edition (falcon_gpe)
- New: Galaxy Note 8.0 LTE (n5120) support
- New: HP Touch (tenderloin), no touch
- fix potential logging issues
- fix compiler warnings
- clean up code and misc fixes


  • philz_touch_6.19.6-m7ul.zip
    9,8 MB · Aufrufe: 817
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Scum
Mal wieder ein großes Update.

6.25.0 (29.03.2014)
- jflte: enable back loki for jflteatt and jfltevzw
- remove old no more needed md5 check code

6.24.8 (28.03.2014)
- libtouch_gui 1.16:
- fix when quickly doing two gesture actions one after the other, highlighted m$
we only allow gesture actions when the previous one is terminated
- set these default gesture actions:
* swipe left = screen off
* swipe right = increase brightness
* press 1 sec and lift = show log
* press 2 sec and small move = screen shot
- merge "Only init legacy property environment once"

6.24.6 (28.03.2014)
- revert using ntfs module and drop to fuse for complete write support
- use new md5digest code to generate/verify nandroid backups
- bring progress bar during nandroid md5 generation and check
- exclude log and md5 file when regenerating md5 files
- twrp mode: use new md5digest function with status bar during md5 check/create
- twrp mode: fix double md5 verification bug
- fix delete backup menu failed to reopen base backup folder + wired log message
- libtouch_gui 1.15: fix the "umount: can't umount /data: Invalid argument" log message on start when time daemon was loaded
- libtouch_gui 1.15: show "time daemon loading" message on recovery start when we're waiting for the daemon to load
- libtouch_gui 1.15: support time_daemon /data/system/time path used on some ROMs
- add Xperia ZL (odin) flags (@shoey63)
- jflte: remove /firmware and /firmware-mdm from fstab
- repack builder: fix version display during install broken after fixing cm recovery builder script

6.23.7 (25.03.2014)
- cherry-pick @mdmower patches to legacy props init: better error checking to avoid segfaulting
- really hammer lazy developers

6.23.5 (25.03.2014)
- merge: "recovery: Compatibility with upstream minui change"
- merge: "use correct USB PID for adb and new PID for adb+ums"
- merge: "Fixes makerecoveries.sh"
- merge: "nandroid: Convert selinux_android_restorecon calls to new API" from @KumaJaya
- fix fb2png flag to be enabled by default
- cherry-pick: "Revert "Add a copy of the updater binary to the recovery resources""
- cherry-pick: "Make legacy prop environment available to recovery"
- cherry-pick: "Use legacy property environment if old update-binary"
- fix potential unsafe thread code
- libtouch_gui 1.10: disable gesture actions during md5 checks as they are not thread safe

6.22.5 (22.03.2014)
- fb2pn v2.0.0 by McKael & Phil3759
* autodetect image offset to properly align frame buffer data
* fix memory leak
* fix all compiler warnings
* auto detect active frame buffer to capture
* option to force buffer to capture by user
- fix compiling of Advanced Edition

6.22.1 (18.03.2014)
- fix fb2png code for new Qualcom boards (not merged, work in progress)
- fix key repeat for hardware keys
- fix MTK board support
- fix compiling error of Advanced Edition
- fix md5 check crash when installing zip files

6.21.2 (14.03.2014)
- add progress bar while reading zip file to compute md5 check
- add color printing during md5sum checks
- (derp) fix color code printing on md5 check disappears after 5 sec (ui_wait_key() screen refresh)
- md5sum check potential bug fixes and optimizations
- libtouch_gui 1.05

6.20.6 (12.03.2014)
- add md5 sum calculation and toggle verification during install of zip files
- hammerhead: fix efs backup (derp)
- loki: use new loki_tool multi bin sources
- add missing vkeys for 240 width
- many bug fixes and code cleanups
- libtouch_gui 1.04

Habe meine flashbare Version angehnangen.


  • philz_touch_6.25.0-m7ul.zip
    9,7 MB · Aufrufe: 1.019
  • Danke
Reaktionen: pjozsef54

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