[THEME][N5] TWRP Materialised - Dark / Light / Play

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Die alternativen Curtains aus Post #18 sind jetzt auch Varianten.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: mj084
All themes updated and MultiROM Play released.

Download from folder 282X. The 282X version is also compatible with TWRP version 2810.
* Added "View Queue" page: If more than one file is queued for installation, a button will appear that lets you view the queue
* Made y-values for keyboard placement variables (should help porting the themes)
* Misc fixes to the keyboard templates
* Added a delay to "remove theme" function (should prevent occasional hiccups when reloading the stock ui)
* Improved Aroma FM usage: if screen timeout is set, the value will be temporarily saved, the timeout will be disabled (to prevent Aroma FM not closing correctly), timeout setting will be restored once Aroma FM is closed
* fixed vertical misalignement on "Verify password" dialog when enabling encryption of backups
* Play only: fixed Appbar color while running Aroma FM
* Play only: fixed text highlight colors for partition lists (was generic highlight, is now page specific highlight color)
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Bödi und Morphi
All themes updated.
Download from 283X folder.
* Implemented front end for mobile Android Image Kitchen for replacing the TWRP splash screen. See this post for more info
* Changed all buttons on the dark theme to a lighter shade of grey to match the grey tone used for FABs and fonts

To use the new feature (replacing the splash screen), you must install mobile AIK first.
It comes as a flashable zip, and can be downloaded here.

A zip with splash screens has been added to each resolutions download folder. It's not yet the plethora I promised a few days ago, but the first set.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Bödi und Morphi
All themes updated (again).

Download from 283X_v2 folder for your resolution.
* Added new fix permissions page that came with 2830
* Added option to wipe encryption on devices running L (also new on 2830)
* Added the Degree sign to Celsius (thanks to the unicode support that came with 2830)
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Bödi und Morphi
All themes updated

Download from 283X_v3 folder
* XML changed to use "include" logic
* revised script used for changing the accent color (should work on more devices now), thanks to @KreAch3
* added option to integrate the theme into a recovery repack (on "change splash screen" page)
* added option to theme settings for using an alternative lock screen (with visible slider and larger lock icon)
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Bödi und Morphi
Alle Themes auf aktualisiert

- added support for native image flashing
- added option to use the "old" flashify script (instead of the native image flashing) to theme settings
- added a warning dialog to the "include theme in repack" option
- changed font on app bar from Roboto Regular to Medium
- built-in theme changer now sets ownership of the ui.zip to media_rw:media_rw (should solve the problem of an "undeletable" ui.zip)
- removed "back" functionality from arrow icon on "installing zip" page
- removed "show full multirom version number" option from theme settings (MultiRom themes only: had to drop one option for another, but the info is still present on the "about" page)
- added recovery / theme version info to the about page (tab on the TWRP logo on main menu...)
- changed the highlight color on the message window from holo blue to some material green (Play themes only)
- removed the degree sign from cpu temperature, as it's not being displayed correctly (1080 and 1440 still have it, as Nexus 5 and 6 do show it correctly)

Download from the 284X_v1

All themes updated for 2840

The main challenge for this update was to integrate the native image flashing support while keeping the "old" flashify script as an option.
If you haven't used either of the two yet, here's what differentiates them:

Native image flashing
new in TWRP 2840
can flash boot and recovery images (as of yet, support for other partitions might come)
image size is checked before attempting to flash the respective partition: if the image doesn't fit the partition, flashing will be canceled
currently can't be fully integrated into the image repacking process: after the repack has been created, you'll be taken to the "install image" page, where you have to manually select the target partition and confirm the flash
flashing takes the blink of an eye (it's fast)

Flashify script
has been around since @osm0sis created it
can flash boot, recovery and radio partitions
is fully integrated into the image repacking process: after the repack has been created, the image will automatically be flashed
flashing takes multiple blinks of an eye (the old fast is the new slow)

How to switch between zip and image flashing:
on the "install" page, tab on "install zip" (app bar)
select "install image"

By default, the theme is set to use the (more secure / faster) native method.
To use the (more versatile / better integrated with the theme) flashify method, enable the option in theme settings.
If in doubt, better use default. (I've learned that while trying to "tweak" kernel settings...)
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Bödi und Morphi
Bugfix update:
* fixed flashify script info screen
* fixed back function for flash image page
* Added some missing pngs

Download from the 284X_v2 folder for your resolution.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Bödi, mj084 und Morphi
Alle Themes haben ein Update für TWRP erhalten
- changed the script used to change the splash screen to work with new recovery file structure
- added "cancel backup" button: during backups, the file progress is now shown on the appbar (next to the partition that is currently beeing backed up, as it's a partition specific value)

Keine 2.8.5.X Themes mit TWRP 2.8.4.X verwenden.
Dies führt zu einem nicht endenden Backup, welches nur mit einem harten Reboot abgebrochen werden kann!
Den Button für die Schriftgröße wegen eines Bugs aktuell nicht verwenden!
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Bödi und Morphi
Ich habe gestern Abend erst von diesen Themes gelesen. Ist echt 'ne super Sache. Da macht das Recovery einen ganz anderen Eindruck. :thumbsup:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Morphi und qu4nd
Daher der Arbeitstitel: Recovery gone App
Genau so fühlt es sich an...

mit der aktuellen TWRP und dem aktuellen Theme in Play Optik läuft bei mir alles gut.

  • Danke
Reaktionen: Bödi
Alle Themes wurden für aktualisiert:

-corrected positioning and height of headerless lists (due to fixes in the theme engine)
-corrected positioning of confirmation sliders (due to fixes in the theme engine)
-added "disable size check" option to backup page
-added support for monospace ttf in console
-added support for entering a pattern to decrypt the data partition(only accessible if device is encrypted and the theme is integrated into the image)
-added DST rules to time zones for USA and Europe
-ownership of recovery images created during repacking is now set to media_rw:media_rw (should solve the problem of "undeletable" image files)
-changed position of fab (sits closer to the navbar now)
  • Danke
Reaktionen: nonames64, Elting und Bödi
Wo befindet sich im gethemeten recovery die Möglichkeit eine weitere Rom zu flashen
War glaub ich sonst unter advanced / multirom zu finden
Hört sich an als verwendest du nicht die Multirom Version des Themes.
Denn da befindet es sich unter Multirom.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: freakout
Alle Themes für aktualisiert


  • added revised flashify script (thanks to @osm0sis)
    • the script now stops if multipartition for radio/modem is detected - this prevents a soft brick on the Nexus 6 (and possibly other devices) that a bad radio flash can cause
    • delete the old flashify.zip from "/sdcard/TWRP/flashify" if you want to use the new one
  • added "mount system read-only" checkbox and confirmation page
  • added "resize partition" button to partition options page
  • changed variable used on "install zip" page from showing path & file name to show file name only (thanks to @_that for making it possible)
  • changed theme changing script to always reboot to recovery for applying the selected theme (the "reload theme" function has proven to be too unreliable)
  • fixed overlapping buttons for dowload mode and bootloader on reboot page
  • fixed mono space ttf for console on some resolutions
  • xml: fixed mismatched tags, use of entity definitions, whitespace cleanup (thanks to @ketut.kumajaya)
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Morphi und Bödi
MultiROM themes updated for 2.8.7.X

Changelog is the same as for the non multirom version, plus:
  • added restorecon button to manage rom page

  • Danke
Reaktionen: Morphi
Alle non-multirom Themes aktualisiert

  • added option to skip the root check (useful when using systemless root) - can be enabled in theme settings or on the install su page
  • added tweak to aroma fm usage - to prevent problems with unsigned aroma fm zips, the zip verification now gets temporarily disabled
  • added fix for navbar button behaviour on mount system read-only promt (thanks to @ketut.kumajaya)
  • completely removed the "where do i have to swipe lockscreen" - former alternative lockscreen with visible slider is now the default
  • fixed text placement for some checkboxes (problem on Nexus 5X and 6P only)
  • fixed the console font - droid sans mono is used again instead of roboto regular

Download from the 287X_v2 folder for your resolution.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Morphi und Cyclotron
MultiROM themes updated

  • same as non-multirom themes
  • fixed back button on actionbar on backup secondary page
  • removed cancel button for multirom storage selection (was not cancelling anything, and making it work in an expected manner isn't possible)

Download from the 287X_v2 folder for your resolution.

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