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Hallo zusammen,
Mein BQ ist gerootet, von demher bekomme ich keine OTA updates, da ich aber sah, dass das neue update Android 7 beinhält, wollte ich dies unbedingt installieren. Also spielte ich das übliche Prozedere durch; Das Image von der BQ-Website herunterladen, entpacken, im Fastboot Script die Zeile löschen welche das Userimage löscht und ausgeführt. Es sah aus, wie wenn es funktioniert hätte, nur am Anfang gab es ein paar Fails, jetzt leuchtet aber lediglich die Status-LED, starten kann ich das Phone weder per POWER-, noch per POWER-+Vol-Knopf.
Will ich nochmals Fastbooten, erkennt es kein Device, adb sieht auch keines.
Mein System: Fedora 25
Hier die Ausgabe des Fastboot-Scripts:
Mein BQ ist gerootet, von demher bekomme ich keine OTA updates, da ich aber sah, dass das neue update Android 7 beinhält, wollte ich dies unbedingt installieren. Also spielte ich das übliche Prozedere durch; Das Image von der BQ-Website herunterladen, entpacken, im Fastboot Script die Zeile löschen welche das Userimage löscht und ausgeführt. Es sah aus, wie wenn es funktioniert hätte, nur am Anfang gab es ein paar Fails, jetzt leuchtet aber lediglich die Status-LED, starten kann ich das Phone weder per POWER-, noch per POWER-+Vol-Knopf.
Will ich nochmals Fastbooten, erkennt es kein Device, adb sieht auch keines.
Mein System: Fedora 25
Hier die Ausgabe des Fastboot-Scripts:
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
error: no devices/emulators found
for not erase modemst1 and modemst2
target reported max download size of 536870912 bytes
sending 'tz' (1471 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.047s]
writing 'tz'...
FAILED (remote: Critical partition flashing is not allowed)
finished. total time: 0.049s
target reported max download size of 536870912 bytes
sending 'sbl1' (361 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.013s]
writing 'sbl1'...
FAILED (remote: Critical partition flashing is not allowed)
finished. total time: 0.015s
target reported max download size of 536870912 bytes
sending 'rpm' (163 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.008s]
writing 'rpm'...
FAILED (remote: Critical partition flashing is not allowed)
finished. total time: 0.010s
target reported max download size of 536870912 bytes
sending 'aboot' (602 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.020s]
writing 'aboot'...
FAILED (remote: Critical partition flashing is not allowed)
finished. total time: 0.022s
target reported max download size of 536870912 bytes
sending 'devcfg' (32 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.005s]
writing 'devcfg'...
OKAY [ 0.003s]
finished. total time: 0.008s
target reported max download size of 536870912 bytes
sending 'tzbak' (1471 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.048s]
writing 'tzbak'...
OKAY [ 0.028s]
finished. total time: 0.077s
target reported max download size of 536870912 bytes
sending 'sbl1bak' (361 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.015s]
writing 'sbl1bak'...
OKAY [ 0.009s]
finished. total time: 0.024s
target reported max download size of 536870912 bytes
sending 'rpmbak' (163 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.009s]
writing 'rpmbak'...
OKAY [ 0.007s]
finished. total time: 0.016s
target reported max download size of 536870912 bytes
sending 'abootbak' (602 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.022s]
writing 'abootbak'...
OKAY [ 0.012s]
finished. total time: 0.034s
target reported max download size of 536870912 bytes
sending 'devcfgbak' (32 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.005s]
writing 'devcfgbak'...
OKAY [ 0.003s]
finished. total time: 0.008s
target reported max download size of 536870912 bytes
sending 'keymaster' (220 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.009s]
writing 'keymaster'...
OKAY [ 0.007s]
finished. total time: 0.016s
target reported max download size of 536870912 bytes
sending 'cmnlib' (196 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.009s]
writing 'cmnlib'...
OKAY [ 0.008s]
finished. total time: 0.016s
target reported max download size of 536870912 bytes
sending 'cmnlib64' (249 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.010s]
writing 'cmnlib64'...
OKAY [ 0.007s]
finished. total time: 0.017s
target reported max download size of 536870912 bytes
sending 'keymasterbak' (220 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.010s]
writing 'keymasterbak'...
OKAY [ 0.007s]
finished. total time: 0.017s
target reported max download size of 536870912 bytes
sending 'cmnlibbak' (196 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.010s]
writing 'cmnlibbak'...
OKAY [ 0.008s]
finished. total time: 0.018s
target reported max download size of 536870912 bytes
sending 'cmnlib64bak' (249 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.011s]
writing 'cmnlib64bak'...
OKAY [ 0.007s]
finished. total time: 0.018s
erasing 'misc'...
OKAY [ 0.017s]
finished. total time: 0.017s
erasing 'boot'...
OKAY [ 0.026s]
finished. total time: 0.026s
target reported max download size of 536870912 bytes
sending 'modem' (86016 KB)...
OKAY [ 2.698s]
writing 'modem'...
OKAY [ 1.089s]
finished. total time: 3.786s
target reported max download size of 536870912 bytes
erasing 'system'...
OKAY [ 0.462s]
sending sparse 'system' 1/5 (515636 KB)...
OKAY [ 16.200s]
writing 'system' 1/5...
OKAY [ 6.827s]
sending sparse 'system' 2/5 (514184 KB)...
OKAY [ 16.206s]
writing 'system' 2/5...
OKAY [ 6.709s]
sending sparse 'system' 3/5 (524267 KB)...
OKAY [ 16.524s]
writing 'system' 3/5...
OKAY [ 7.754s]
sending sparse 'system' 4/5 (524253 KB)...
OKAY [ 16.516s]
writing 'system' 4/5...
OKAY [ 8.028s]
sending sparse 'system' 5/5 (451807 KB)...
OKAY [ 14.239s]
writing 'system' 5/5...
OKAY [ 6.047s]
finished. total time: 115.512s
target reported max download size of 536870912 bytes
erasing 'cache'...
OKAY [ 0.012s]
sending 'cache' (6248 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.244s]
writing 'cache'...
OKAY [ 0.083s]
finished. total time: 0.339s
target reported max download size of 536870912 bytes
sending 'recovery' (33527 KB)...
OKAY [ 1.053s]
writing 'recovery'...
OKAY [ 0.421s]
finished. total time: 1.474s
target reported max download size of 536870912 bytes
sending 'boot' (31277 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.985s]
writing 'boot'...
OKAY [ 0.396s]
finished. total time: 1.381s
target reported max download size of 536870912 bytes
sending 'dsp' (16384 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.518s]
writing 'dsp'...
OKAY [ 0.211s]
finished. total time: 0.729s
target reported max download size of 536870912 bytes
sending 'mdtp' (3686 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.119s]
writing 'mdtp'...
OKAY [ 0.048s]
finished. total time: 0.167s
erasing 'splash'...
OKAY [ 0.008s]
finished. total time: 0.008s
target reported max download size of 536870912 bytes
sending 'splash' (173 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.008s]
writing 'splash'...
OKAY [ 0.007s]
finished. total time: 0.015s
erasing 'DDR'...
OKAY [ 0.003s]
finished. total time: 0.003s
finished. total time: 0.050s