- 22.973
Hier könnt ihr über das neue Update XNPH38R diskutieren, Fragen stellen etc. (mit Root, Fastboot, CustomRecovery oder ähnliche Modifikationen...)
Für Stock Thread ohne Modifikation hier lang
ROM mit Root: https://www.mediafire.com/?5qqp72wbdfu2beq
Und wie immer STAGED ROLL-OUT, das dauert ein paar Tage, bis es bei allen ankommt!
Für Stock Thread ohne Modifikation hier lang
CM 11S 38R release comes with a new firmware that improves the responsiveness of the touchscreen; a new and very cool lockscreen; the ability to take photos in RAW format, enhanced audio capabilities (now the One lets you play high resolution music24 bit, 96/192khzflac/alac/wav files without resampling); now that health is that important, weve added ANT+ support; and a slew of bug fixes we know youve been asking for.
Heres a comprehensive list of other changes youll find in this update:
Added method for users to report bugs directly to Cyanogen.
Added pause button during video recording.
Improved battery life.
Fixed issues with camera exposure compensation stuck in auto.
Fixed issues with 4G Preferred option not connecting to 3G data.
Fixed issues with delay in torch activation.
Fixed issues with unresponsive screen requiring reboot.
Fixed issues with static in speaker when changing volume while headset plugged in.
Fixed issues with rotation not triggering when rotated slowly.
Fixed issues with Quiet Hours / system UI causing battery drain on last day of month.
Fixed issues with camera not starting when LED torch is already on.
Fixed issues with Bluetooth volume low on connection.
ROM mit Root: https://www.mediafire.com/?5qqp72wbdfu2beq
Und wie immer STAGED ROLL-OUT, das dauert ein paar Tage, bis es bei allen ankommt!
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