- 6.425
Neues Update
We received some reports from users in India that they had experienced stability issues with Oxygen OS 5.1.6 update, we have paused the rollout of this OTA.
The 5.1.7 update will not be released for India region, as we are still working on a fix based on the logs we have received from users who have reported these issues.
We will be releasing 5.1.8 update next week which will include the fix & also contain all the features included in the 5.1.7 update.
We appreciate your active feedback and attempts to reach out to us. With your help, we have been able to better optimize and improve several key areas. Thank you for your patience and as always, we look forward to hearing your continued feedback in the bug reporting forum here: https://forums.oneplus.com/feedback/.
As always, this OTA will be incremental. The OTA will reach a small percentage of users today, and we'll begin a broader rollout in a few days.
Your feedback is appreciated. We may not always be able to respond to every comment in the forums, but please be assured that we take your comments and feedback seriously. Hope you enjoy and let us know how you feel about the update in the comments below.
Download: Vollversion
@Protozoon Installation bei Root und TWRP
Die Vollversion Laden und ins Hauptverzeichnis des Telefons kopieren, TWRP installer.zip und Magisk.zip ebenso.
Ins TWRP Navigieren
1. OOS und TWRP installer installieren
2. Neustart in TWRP
3. Magisk.zip installieren
4. Neustart ins System
- Fixed schedule setting issue for Do Not Disturb(DND) mode
- Updated bootloader for system security enhancement
- General bug fixes and improvements
We received some reports from users in India that they had experienced stability issues with Oxygen OS 5.1.6 update, we have paused the rollout of this OTA.
The 5.1.7 update will not be released for India region, as we are still working on a fix based on the logs we have received from users who have reported these issues.
We will be releasing 5.1.8 update next week which will include the fix & also contain all the features included in the 5.1.7 update.
We appreciate your active feedback and attempts to reach out to us. With your help, we have been able to better optimize and improve several key areas. Thank you for your patience and as always, we look forward to hearing your continued feedback in the bug reporting forum here: https://forums.oneplus.com/feedback/.
As always, this OTA will be incremental. The OTA will reach a small percentage of users today, and we'll begin a broader rollout in a few days.
Your feedback is appreciated. We may not always be able to respond to every comment in the forums, but please be assured that we take your comments and feedback seriously. Hope you enjoy and let us know how you feel about the update in the comments below.
Download: Vollversion
@Protozoon Installation bei Root und TWRP
Die Vollversion Laden und ins Hauptverzeichnis des Telefons kopieren, TWRP installer.zip und Magisk.zip ebenso.
Ins TWRP Navigieren
1. OOS und TWRP installer installieren
2. Neustart in TWRP
3. Magisk.zip installieren
4. Neustart ins System
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