[Mirror] Original Firmwares OxygenOS [aktuell OxygenOS 5.0.3]

  • 47 Antworten
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OxygenOS OpenBeta 15 - Android 7.1.1 eingepflegt.

Changelog OxygenOS OpenBeta 15:
Hello everyone,

It’s update time again! This update includes changes to UI with optimizations for several system apps and bug fixes.

Release notes and descriptions for this Open Beta build:
New dialer and incoming call interface
We created a new answering mechanic to go along with the refreshed UI below: Swipe down to answer and swipe up to reject an incoming call
UI optimizations for Messages, Settings and Contacts
Refreshed UI
New action bar for Messages and Settings
Collapsible and expandable action bar (more to come in the future)
Optimized high power usage notifications
Optimized the system which notifies you when apps are using a lot of battery
Bluetooth optimizations
Night mode optimizations
Bug fixes

Please make sure you take a bit of time to fill out our survey on UX & UI here: OxygenOS Open Beta build 15 (OP3) and 6 (3T).
And please remember to tell us about any bugs you may find using the bug report forums, found here. Bug Reports - OnePlus Forums

Please note:
If you have already flashed an Open Beta (you are currently running the latest Open Beta) you will receive this new build as an OTA.
If you ARE NOT running open beta software and would like to, please refer to the flashing instructions and the full ROM found in the downloads page here: Downloads - OnePlus.net
Once you migrate to the Beta path, you will continue to receive Open Beta OTAs. You will NO LONGER receive the regular Official Stable OTAs.
Moving back to the Official OTA path from the Beta path will require a full install and clean flash (FULL WIPE of all data and cache)

Please let us know how you feel about the beta builds here, we are watching.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: datt-bo und TomTim
OxygenOS OpenBeta 16 - Android 7.1.1 eingepflegt.

Changelog OxygenOS OpenBeta 16:
Hello everyone,

This new update includes optimizations and bug fixes with a new way to report any new crashes and bugs you find.

Release notes and descriptions for this Open Beta build:
  • Enabled Bug report feedback app (User Feedback)
  • Fixed duplicate Contacts after upgrading
  • Fixed Contacts search function bug
  • Fixed alarm clock occasionally not ringing
  • Fixed certain app crashes
  • Fixed some display issues with Dark and Light themes
  • Optimized power consumption
  • General bug fixes
OxygenOS OpenBeta 17 - Android 7.1.1 eingepflegt.

Changelog OxygenOS OpenBeta 17:
Release notes and descriptions for this Open Beta build:
New additions:
Ambient display 2.0
Lift up display
Sharing functionality for Shot on OnePlus
All new OnePlus Font (Available in English, Chinese, and Japanese only)
UI Improvements:
Gallery v1.7
Recorder v1.6
Weather v1.7
File Manager v1.7
Other UI refinements
Enhanced launching speed of 3rd-party apps
Optimized management of foreground and background processes
Other changes:
Setup wizard adjusted to suit the style of Android 7.1
Refined contact import process from SIM card, now supports dual numbers and an email address
Automatically add corresponding country codes when making calls during roaming
Updated Android Security Patch level to 1st May 2017

Spoiler: Explanations of features and optimizations
Ambient display 2.0
Lift up display
These two are a new implementation of Ambient display, meant to help stop accidental wakes while pulling the phone out of your pocket. Activation of the screen now requires a “double tap” action. While lift up display does exactly what it says, it turns on the screen to peek at notifications when the device is lifted.
Sharing functionality for Shot on OnePlus
You are now able to share the cool pictures you find in the Shot on OnePlus section in wallpapers
All new OnePlus Font (Available in English, Chinese, and Japanese only)
There is now a Font switcher setup in settings.
Enhanced launching speed of 3rd-party apps
Things are faster now..

Please make sure you take a bit of time to fill out our survey on UX & UI here: OxygenOS Open Beta build 17 (OP3) and 8 (3T).
And please remember to tell us about any bugs you may find using the bug report forums, found here. Bug Reports - OnePlus Forums

Please note:
If you have already flashed an Open Beta (you are currently running the latest Open Beta) you will receive this new build as an OTA.
If you ARE NOT running open beta software and would like to, please refer to the flashing instructions and the full ROM found in the downloads page here: Downloads - OnePlus.net
Once you migrate to the Beta path, you will continue to receive Open Beta OTAs. You will NO LONGER receive the regular Official Stable OTAs.
Moving back to the Official OTA path from the Beta path will require a full install and clean flash (FULL WIPE of all data and cache)
  • Danke
Reaktionen: datt-bo
OxygenOS 4.1.5 - Android 7.1.1 eingepflegt.
Achtung !!! Wurde von OnePlus zurückgezogen

Changelog OxygenOS 4.1.5:
Hi all,
We are starting the incremental roll-out of OxygenOS 4.1.5 (7.1.1) OTA for OnePlus 3 and 3T
Here are some highlights

New additions:
• Added system push notifications for important information from OnePlus

• Updated network settings for select carriers
• Updated OnePlus Community app to v1.8
• Updated Android Security Patch level to 1st May 2017
• Modified WiFi no internet indication icon

Bug fixes:
• Fixed storage issue present on 3rd party filemanagers
• Fixed VoLTE issue on certain Jio SIM cards
• Fixed connection issue on Android Auto

• Battery
• WiFi, Bluetooth and GPS
• Proximity sensor
• Camera low light focus
• Expanded screenshot

Other changes:
• Enhanced system stability

For those who were on previous versions for OnePlus 3 and 3T, we appreciate your active feedback and attempts to reach out to us. With your help, we have been able to better optimize and improve several key areas. Thank you for your patience and as always, we look forward to hearing your continued feedback in the bug reporting forum here: Bug Reports - OnePlus Forums.

As always, this OTA will be incremental. The OTA will reach a small percentage of users today, and we'll begin a broader rollout in a few days.

Your feedback is appreciated. We may not always be able to respond to every comment in the forums, but please be assured that we take your comments and feedback seriously. Hope you enjoy!

Please make sure to fill out our user survey here: OxygenOS 4.1.5 Official Release for OP3/OP3T

Never Settle.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: rendra
OxygenOS 4.1.6 - Android 7.1.1 eingepflegt.

Changelog OxygenOS 4.1.6:
Hi all,
OxygenOS 4.1.5 was withdrawn, we are pushing out the incremental roll-out of OxygenOS 4.1.6 (7.1.1) OTA for OnePlus 3 and 3T instead.
Here are some highlights

New additions:
• Added system push notifications for important information from OnePlus

• Updated network settings for select carriers
• Updated OnePlus Community app to v1.8
• Updated Android Security Patch level to 1st May 2017
• Modified WiFi no internet indication icon

Bug fixes:
• Fixed storage issue present on 3rd party filemanagers
• Fixed VoLTE issue on certain Jio SIM cards
• Fixed connection issue on Android Auto

• Battery
• Proximity sensor
• Camera low light focus
• Expanded screenshot

Other changes:
• Enhanced system stability

For those who were on previous versions for OnePlus 3 and 3T, we appreciate your active feedback and attempts to reach out to us. With your help, we have been able to better optimize and improve several key areas. Thank you for your patience and as always, we look forward to hearing your continued feedback in the bug reporting forum here: Bug Reports - OnePlus Forums.

As always, this OTA will be incremental. The OTA will reach a small percentage of users today, and we'll begin a broader rollout in a few days.

Your feedback is appreciated. We may not always be able to respond to every comment in the forums, but please be assured that we take your comments and feedback seriously. Hope you enjoy!

Please make sure to fill out our user survey here: OxygenOS 4.1.5 Official Release for OP3/OP3T

Never Settle.

****Special thanks to @ Stephan Mävers for helping out with rom validation.
OxygenOS OpenBeta 18 - Android 7.1.1 eingepflegt.

Changelog OxygenOS OpenBeta 18:
Hello everyone,

This update gives you OnePlus Community App update and bug fixes.

Release notes for this Open Beta build:
  • Updated OnePlus Community App to V 1.9
  • Bug Fixes
    • Fixed occasional duplicate notifications
    • Fixed expanded screenshot duplicate stitches
    • Fixed app locker
    • Fixed inaccurate battery percentage
    • Fixed certain display issues with OnePlus Font
    • Fixed certain display issues in the weather app
    • Fixed camera occasionally unable to open
    • Fixed sending files with 3rd party apps via hotspot
    • Fixed inaccurate displayed network speed when activating hotspot
Please make sure you take a bit of time to fill out our survey on UX & UI here: OxygenOS Open Beta build 18 (OP3) and 9 (3T).
And please remember to tell us about any bugs you may find using the bug report forums, found here. Bug Reports - OnePlus Forums

Please note:
  1. If you have already flashed an Open Beta (you are currently running the latest Open Beta) you will receive this new build as an OTA.
  2. If you ARE NOT running open beta software and would like to, please refer to the flashing instructions and the full ROM found in the downloads page here: Downloads - OnePlus.net
  3. Once you migrate to the Beta path, you will continue to receive Open Beta OTAs. You will NO LONGER receive the regular Official Stable OTAs.
  4. Moving back to the Official OTA path from the Beta path will require a full install and clean flash (FULL WIPE of all data and cache)

Please let us know how you feel about the beta builds here, we are watching.
Adam is currently on vacation, hence why I am posting the thread.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: datt-bo und edgonzo
OxygenOS OpenBeta 19 - Android 7.1.1 eingepflegt.

Changelog OxygenOS OpenBeta 19:
Hello everyone,

This update gives you a few cool new features and more optimizations.

Release notes and descriptions for this Open Beta build:

All new OnePlus Launcher v2.1:
  • Supports dynamic icons for Weather and Calendar
    Added ‘Home screen layout’ under launcher settings for grid and icon customizations
  • Grid layout will be kept irrespective of display size changes
  • Added search history records in app drawer, displaying the 5 most recent apps on the first row
  • Newly installed apps will now be tagged with a blue dot for easier recognition
  • You can access icon pack resources on the Play store directly under launcher settings
  • User interface improvements during widget selection
  • Launcher version information is now visible under launcher settings
Other additions:
  • Added an option to display battery status of connected Bluetooth devices
    Added OnePlus widget (Not usable on Shelf)
  • Email address recognition within the text message contents
  • Size of clock widget is now adjustable
  • Updated UI style for Clock
  • Smart Callback works better
  • Incoming call animations redesigned
  • OnePlus font optimizations for select languages
  • Compatibility optimizations for various Bluetooth devices
Please make sure you take a bit of time to fill out our survey on UX & UI here: OxygenOS Open Beta build 19 (OP3) and 10 (3T).
And please remember to tell us about any bugs you may find using the bug report forums, found here. Bug Reports - OnePlus Forums

Please note:
  1. If you have already flashed an Open Beta (you are currently running the latest Open Beta) you will receive this new build as an OTA.
  2. If you ARE NOT running open beta software and would like to, please refer to the flashing instructions and the full ROM found in the downloads page here: OnePlus.net
  3. Once you migrate to the Beta path, you will continue to receive Open Beta OTAs. You will NO LONGER receive the regular Official Stable OTAs.
  4. Moving back to the Official OTA path from the Beta path will require a full install and clean flash (FULL WIPE of all data and cache)
Please let us know how you feel about the beta builds here, we are watching.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: datt-bo
OxygenOS OpenBeta 21 - Android 7.1.1 eingepflegt.

Changelog OxygenOS OpenBeta 21:
Hello everyone,

Here are some fixes, a few optimizations, and a new feature. The Downloads page will be updated, and the OTA will roll out shortly.

Release notes and descriptions for this Open Beta build:

New addition:
Parallel apps:
All new parallel apps feature that lets you run a parallel version of the same app using a separate account. Right now this supports Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp, and Instagram (and a few more popular apps)
Updated to Launcher V2.1.5 :
Optimized home screen folder icon, with a preview look of first 4 icons in the folder
Redesigned UI for folders, allowing switch between folders by swiping left or right
Added double finger slide support, you can now slide the home screen with one finger while using another to hold an item
Updated to Gallery V1.8
Supports light theme
Supports opening RAW format images
Updated File Manager to V1.7.1
Long pressing search items now shows edit operations

Call histories from the same person will now be merged
Bug Fixes:
Fixed increased battery consumption after connecting to a bluetooth device

Please make sure you take a bit of time to fill out our survey on UX & UI here:
OxygenOS Open Beta build 21 (OP3) and 12 (3T) .

And please remember to tell us about any bugs you may find using the bug report forums, found here. Bug Reports - OnePlus Forums

Please note:
If you have already flashed an Open Beta (you are currently running the latest Open Beta) you will receive this new build as an OTA.
If you ARE NOT running open beta software and would like to, please refer to the flashing instructions.
Once you migrate to the Beta path, you will continue to receive Open Beta OTAs. You will NO LONGER receive the regular Official Stable OTAs.
Moving back to the Official OTA path from the Beta path will require a full install and clean flash (FULL WIPE of all data and cache)

Make sure to let us know how you feel about the beta builds here too, I am watching.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: datt-bo
OxygenOS OpenBeta 22 - Android 7.1.1 eingepflegt.

Changelog OxygenOS OpenBeta 22:
Hello everyone,

Here is the latest Open beta. This build is mostly bug fixes.

Data usage tracking optimizations
The system is now better at tracking data usage
Expanded screenshot optimizations
OnePlus apps updates
App locker, FileManager, Weather, Note (shelf), Launcher, and OnePlus Push have all been updated
Bug Fixes:
Installation issues of some parallel apps
Screenshot issues on some parallel apps
Sometimes the expanded screenshot would fail on parallel apps
Weather widget sometimes won’t update
Weather widget in Shelf will now update properly
Font issue after changing system language
Sometimes the system font did not display properly after changing system language

Please make sure you take a bit of time to fill out our survey on UX & UI here:
OxygenOS Open Beta build 22 (OP3) and 13 (3T) .
And please remember to tell us about any bugs you may find using the bug report forums, found here. Bug Reports - OnePlus Forums

Please note:
If you have already flashed an Open Beta (you are currently running the latest Open Beta) you will receive this new build as an OTA.
If you ARE NOT running open beta software and would like to, please refer to the flashing instructions and the full ROM.
Once you migrate to the Beta path, you will continue to receive Open Beta OTAs. You will NO LONGER receive the regular Official Stable OTAs.
Moving back to the Official OTA path from the Beta path will require a full install and clean flash (FULL WIPE of all data and cache)

Make sure to let us know how you feel about the beta builds here too, I am watching
OxygenOS 4.1.7 - Android 7.1.1 eingepflegt.

Changelog OxygenOS 4.1.7:
Hi all,

We are pushing out the incremental roll-out of OxygenOS 4.1.7 OTA for the OnePlus 3/3T. Here are some of the highlights of this build:

Enhanced system fluidity
Battery optimizations
Android security patch updated to August
Bug fixes:
Sound channel error while recording videos
Call is routed to speaker accidently by some 3rd party apps
Rendering issue in Indian Kannada language
App locker issue caused by some 3rd party apps
As requested by Google, Hangouts will be removed if you have never updated it on Play Store. To keep Hangouts, please update it prior to the upgrade
For those who were on previous versions for OnePlus 3 and 3T, we appreciate your active feedback and attempts to reach out to us. With your help, we have been able to better optimize and improve several key areas. Thank you for your patience and as always, we look forward to hearing your continued feedback in the bug reporting forum here: Bug Reports - OnePlus Forums.

As always, this OTA will be incremental. The OTA will reach a small percentage of users today, and we'll begin a broader rollout in a few days.

Your feedback is appreciated. We may not always be able to respond to every comment in the forums, but please be assured that we take your comments and feedback seriously. Hope you enjoy!

PS: @Tony L. is moving on to his next adventure, so I am taking over as the main point of contact for future OTA threads. If we haven't met already, nice to meet you! You might be very curious about our project around Android O since Google just officially released it less than 24 hours, so please check here to learn more. Cheers!

Never Settle.
OxygenOS OpenBeta 23 - Android 7.1.1 eingepflegt.

Changelog OxygenOS OpenBeta 23:
Hello everyone,

We’ve got a few new things and many updates for you in the latest Open beta.

Added Shot on OnePlus watermark
You can toggle the Shot on OnePlus watermark and add your name to all pictures taken in the main camera settings

Redesigned lift up display UI
Now supports displaying battery percentage
Now supports hiding of notification content from apps locked by App locker
There is now a toggle that allows you to block notifications from apps that are in the App lock list
Improved stability of Parallel apps
Adjusted color display of default screen calibration
It now tends more towards sRGB calibration
Added E-warranty card
You can now find a version of your warranty card in “About phone > E-Warranty card”
Updated Android security patch level to August

Added quick index bar in contacts UI
The contacts page/app now have an alphabetical bar on the right side for easy moving to certain groups of names
Improved experience of switching incoming calls
Improvements to suggested merges functionality

Loading speed of images improved

Improved location accuracy
Improved the experience of searching cities
New feature "Alarm calendar"
Can be used to set an irregular alarm schedule, once you set the time, you can activate this feature by hitting the 3 dot menu button to the right of "repeat"

Known issues:
Immediately following the update, you might not be able to turn on the flashlight. Please reboot the device and normal functionality will be restored.

Please make sure you take a bit of time to fill out our survey on UX & UI here:
OxygenOS Open Beta build 23 (OP3) and 14 (3T) .
And please remember to tell us about any bugs you may find using the bug report forums, found here. Bug Reports - OnePlus Forums

Please note:
If you have already flashed an Open Beta (you are currently running the latest Open Beta) you will receive this new build as an OTA.
If you ARE NOT running open beta software and would like to, please refer to the flashing instructions.
Once you migrate to the Beta path, you will continue to receive Open Beta OTAs. You will NO LONGER receive the regular Official Stable OTAs.
Moving back to the Official OTA path from the Beta path will require a full install and clean flash (FULL WIPE of all data and cache)

Make sure to let us know how you feel about the beta builds here too, I am watching.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: datt-bo
OxygenOS OpenBeta 24 - Android 7.1.1 eingepflegt.

Changelog OxygenOS OpenBeta 24:
Hello everyone,

Here is the change-log for the latest Open Beta build, we have bug fixes and a few changes for you to play with.

Added "Soft" screen calibration
We’ve reverted the screen calibration and added the new calibration from last build as “soft.” You can enable the new calibration in the "display> screen" calibration section of settings
New boot animation
Optimized the clearing of recent apps

Updated Community app to V1.9.5
Minor bug fixes

Please note: We have patched the blueborne vulnerability independent of the Android security patch. Therefore, some blueborne vulnerability scanners may not recognize our independent patch.

Please make sure you take a bit of time to fill out our survey on UX & UI here:
OxygenOS Open Beta build 24 (OP3) and 15 (3T) .

And please remember to tell us about any bugs you may find using the bug report forums, found here. Bug Reports - OnePlus Forums

If you have already flashed an Open Beta (you are currently running the latest Open Beta) you will receive this new build as an OTA.
If you ARE NOT running open beta software and would like to, please refer to the flashing instructions.
Once you migrate to the Beta path, you will continue to receive Open Beta OTAs. You will NO LONGER receive the regular Official Stable OTAs.
Moving back to the Official OTA path from the Beta path will require a full install and clean flash (FULL WIPE of all data and cache)

Make sure to let us know how you feel about the beta builds here too, I am watching.

The downloads page will be updated and the OTA will be rolled out shortly.

Edit: If your OTA fails, please proceed to download the FULL ROM to update. Your device will update normally.
OxygenOS 4.5.0 - Android 7.1.1 eingepflegt.

Changelog OxygenOS 4.5.0:
Hello all,

We are so excited to announce the OxygenOS 4.5.0 OTA update for the OnePlus 3/3T. We do hope the following new features and optimizations will bring you better user experience. Here are some of the highlights of this update:

  • Added lift up display
  • Added Gaming Do Not Disturb
  • Added low priority notification
  • Added network speed in status bar
  • Added scheduled night mode
  • Added OnePlus Slate font
  • Redesigned Dash Charge animation
  • System stability and battery improvements
  • Added Shot on OnePlus wallpaper
  • Redesigned calling UI
Camera / Gallery
  • Added Shot on OnePlus watermark
  • Redesigned photo editor in Gallery
File Manager
  • Added secure box
For those who were on previous versions for OnePlus 3 and 3T, we appreciate your active feedback and attempts to reach out to us. With your help, we have been able to better optimize and improve several key areas. Thank you for your patience and as always, we look forward to hearing your continued feedback in the bug reporting forum here: Bug Reports - OnePlus Forums.

As always, this OTA will be incremental. The OTA will reach a small percentage of users today, and we'll begin a broader rollout in a few days.

Your feedback is appreciated. We may not always be able to respond to every comment in the forums, but please be assured that we take your comments and feedback seriously. Hope you enjoy!

Never Settle.
OxygenOS OpenBeta 25 - Android 8.0.x eingepflegt.

Changelog OxygenOS OpenBeta 25:
Hey everyone!

We are very excited to announce that we are ready to put out the first Open Beta build based on Android 8.0 for the OnePlus 3 and OnePlus 3T devices. Here’s what this update entails.

As this is a major update we hope that you will fill out our survey on UX & UI here:
OxygenOS Open Beta build 25 (OP3) and 16 (3T) .

  • System changes
    • Update to Android O (8.0)
      • Added Picture in Picture
      • Added Auto-fill
      • Added Smart text selection
      • New Quick Settings design
      • September security patch
  • Launcher changes
    • Added Notification dots in Launcher
    • Added OnePlus account login for access to Shot on OnePlus
      • Now able to upload photos directly to Shot on OnePlus through wallpapers
Known issues:
  • Fingerprint actions may be slower than you are used to.
  • Shortcut to access Google Photos is unavailable
  • Some stability issues with NFC and bluetooth
  • Performance and compatibility of 3rd party apps will continue to be optimized

If you want to revert back to the last Open Beta N build (OnePlus 3 Open beta 24 or OnePlus 3T Open Beta 15) you will need to flash the special build provided below. Because of the nature of downgrading from a major version, this will cause you to lose partial data.

Instructions and Info:
  1. The build will wipe app and cache data, but Internal Storage will be saved (ie: pictures and files)
  2. Users who revert their device back to the special build can still OTA update the device to Android O build at a later date.
  3. Steps to revert:
    1. Download special build
    2. Copy to Internal storage
    3. Reboot to recovery Mode to install
      1. Choose “Install from Local”
      2. Choose the downloaded build to install
  4. Special builds for latest Android N Open Beta builds(S3 Link):
    1. OnePlus 3 OBT 24: Here
    2. OnePlus 3T OBT 15: Here
Please keep in mind that this is beta software. These builds are sometime not as stable as our official OTAs generally are. By installing this update, you accept the potential risks of data loss.

And please remember to tell us about any bugs you may find using the bug report forums, found here. Bug Reports - OnePlus Forums

Please note:
  1. If you have already flashed an Open Beta (you are currently running the latest Open Beta) you will receive this new build as an OTA.
  2. If you ARE NOT running open beta software and would like to, please refer to the flashing instructions.
  3. Once you migrate to the Beta path, you will continue to receive Open Beta OTAs. You will NO LONGER receive the regular Official Stable OTAs.
  4. Moving back to the Official OTA path from the Beta path will require a full install and clean flash (FULL WIPE of all data and cache)
Make sure to let us know how you feel about the beta builds here too, we are watching.
OxygenOS 4.5.1 - Android 7.1.1 eingepflegt.

Changelog OxygenOS 4.5.1:
Hello all,

We are pushing out the incremental roll-out of OxygenOS 4.5.1 OTA for the OnePlus 3/3T. Here are some of the highlights of this build:

  • General bug fixes and stability improvements

For those who were on previous versions for OnePlus 3 and 3T, we appreciate your active feedback and attempts to reach out to us. With your help, we have been able to better optimize and improve several key areas. Thank you for your patience and as always, we look forward to hearing your continued feedback in the bug reporting forum here: Bug Reports - OnePlus Forums.

As always, this OTA will be incremental. The OTA will reach a small percentage of users today, and we'll begin a broader rollout in a few days.

Your feedback is appreciated. We may not always be able to respond to every comment in the forums, but please be assured that we take your comments and feedback seriously. Hope you enjoy!

Never Settle.
OxygenOS OpenBeta 26 - Android 8.0.x eingepflegt.

Changelog OxygenOS OpenBeta 26:
Hey everyone,

We are are back with the first bug fix Android O build.

We hope that you will fill out our survey on UX & UI here:
OxygenOS Open Beta build 26 (OP3) and 17 (3T) .

  • User Feedback app is back
    • You can continue sending bug reports via the app again
  • Improved Wifi and Data connectivity
    • Please let us know if you see a change in the behavior of your network connections
  • Improved the performance of NFC
  • Improved stability of Picture in Picture
    • Apps that are supported by PiP are less likely to cause a reboot
  • Reduced likelihood of device heating up in certain circumstances
  • Fixed issue of missing voicemail tab in dialer
    • Sorry about that.. :oops:
  • Other general bug fixes
    • This includes things like the Notification dot issue, ambient display issues, random reboots, available storage calibration, and many other smaller issues.

Known issues:
  • Fingerprint actions may still be slower than you are used to
  • Performance and compatibility of 3rd party apps are still being optimized

Please keep in mind that this is beta software. These builds are sometime not as stable as our official OTAs generally are. By installing this update, you accept the potential risks.

And please remember to tell us about any bugs you may find using the bug report forums, found here. Bug Reports - OnePlus Forums

Please note:
  1. If you have already flashed an Open Beta (you are currently running the latest Open Beta) you will receive this new build as an OTA.
  2. If you ARE NOT running open beta software and would like to, please refer to the flashing instructions.
  3. Once you migrate to the Beta path, you will continue to receive Open Beta OTAs. You will NO LONGER receive the regular Official Stable OTAs.
  4. Moving back to the Official OTA path from the Beta path will require a full install and clean flash (FULL WIPE of all data and cache)

Make sure to let us know how you feel about the beta builds here too, we are watching.

The downloads page will be updated shortly, and the OTA will begin rolling out soon.

OxygenOS 5.0 - Android 8.0.0 eingepflegt.

Changelog OxygenOS 5.0:
Hello everyone!

We are pushing out the incremental roll-out of OxygenOS 5.0, our first official Android O OTA update for the OnePlus 3 and 3T. Here are some of the highlights of this build:

  • Update to Android O (8.0)
  • Added Parallel Apps
  • Added Picture in Picture
  • Added Auto-fill
  • Added Smart text selection
  • New Quick Settings design
  • Updated security patch to September
  • Added notification dots
  • New app folder design
  • Now able to upload photos directly to Shot on OnePlus

For those who were on previous versions for OnePlus 3 and 3T, we appreciate your active feedback and attempts to reach out to us. With your help, we have been able to better optimize and improve several key areas. Thank you for your patience and as always, we look forward to hearing your continued feedback in the bug reporting forum here: Bug Reports - OnePlus Forums.

As always, this OTA will be incremental. The OTA will reach a small percentage of users today, and we'll begin a broader rollout in a few days.

Your feedback is appreciated. We may not always be able to respond to every comment in the forums, but please be assured that we take your comments and feedback seriously. Hope you enjoy and let us know how you feel about the update in the comment below.

Thank you.
OxygenOS 5.0.1 - Android 8.0.0 eingepflegt.

Changelog OxygenOS 5.0.1:
Hello everyone!

We are pushing out the incremental roll-out of OxygenOS 5.0.1 for OnePlus 3 and 3T. Here are some of the highlights of this build:

  • Added support for aptX HD
  • Added Wi-Fi hotspot device manager
  • Added "adaptive mode" screen calibration
  • Updated Android security patch to December
  • General bug fixes and stability improvements

For those who were on previous versions for OnePlus 3 and 3T, we appreciate your active feedback and attempts to reach out to us. With your help, we have been able to better optimize and improve several key areas. Thank you for your patience and as always, we look forward to hearing your continued feedback in the bug reporting forum here: Bug Reports - OnePlus Forums.

As always, this OTA will be incremental. The OTA will reach a small percentage of users today, and we'll begin a broader rollout in a few days.

Your feedback is appreciated. We may not always be able to respond to every comment in the forums, but please be assured that we take your comments and feedback seriously. Hope you enjoy and let us know how you feel about the update in the comments below.

Never Settle.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: scara2 und datt-bo
Ich hatte beim Installieren von Lineage einen Fehler gemacht ,welcher ?? keine Ahnung.
Jetzt versuche ich seit 2 Tagen das OP3 wieder auf Orginal zu setzen was nicht klappt .
Ich habe einige Otas probiert ,alles nur mit Fehlermeldung im TWRP.
meine Fragen zu den beiden Full Rom part 1 +2 , wie werden die zu einer Zip gepackt ??
im Moment habe ich ?? 028 drauf und das Gerät will ständig eine Aktuallisierung machen die dann runtergeladen werden ,aber beim Flash in TWRP auch nur Fehlermeldungen und keine Installation.
LG der Manni
Zuletzt bearbeitet:

beide Parts downloaden in den gleichen Ordner.
Part 1 doppelklicken und die Frimware wird eintpackt und es kommt eine .zip Datei raus.
Diese dann in den Speicher des OP3 schieben und über TWRP flashen.


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