Google Kamera - HDR+ Mod

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Also das sind die gleichen Bedingungen wie bei mir, da freezed gar nichts...

Was du mal versuchen könntest ist folgendes:
1. den Speicherinhalt der App zu löschen (bei App Info - lange aufs Icon drücken).
2. danach Miniflex Ornder auf dem Internen Speicher (unter Gcam/Configs) mit einem Dateiexplorer löschen.
3. MJL wieder öffnen und die XML erneut laden.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Bödi, nik und dasacom
mache ich gleich und melde mich dann später wieder.....LG

Ich glaube es nicht.... Es funktioniert wieder!!!!
Ich hatte die App und auch den Speicherinhalt mehrmals gelöscht. Ohne Erfolg. Vermutlich hat das Löschen des Ordners/ der XML Dateien zum Erfolg geführt..... DANKE!!!!!
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Reaktionen: alice89
Miniflex v3.2
App Daten löschen (vor oder nach Installation) ist empfohlen, danach wieder eine XML laden nicht vergessen :)
- added Hard XML
- added more values to lib patcher for sharpness (from 2.0 up to 4.0)
- added two EXPERIMENTAL settings: "sharpen" and "smoothen", they do an amazing job, test them :)
- XMLs updated to use the new added functions
- ViewFinder buttons (awb/xml) now hidden in video mode and in "more tab" (thanks Arnova)
- EXPERIMENTAL settings "flip front camera" and "1:1 aspect ratio" are now stable
- some settings moved around
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Reaktionen: 2babe, TomTim, Bödi und eine weitere Person
@alice89 ich bekomme eine Fehlermeldung.
Cache und Daten habe ich gelöscht oder meintest du komplett deinstallieren?

Hat sich erledigt....
Lag wohl am Dateimanager.
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nicht deinstallieren, nur daten löschen. das löscht den cache automatisch mit :D
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Update mit gleich 3 neuen Versionen:

7.2 Urnyx v2.2
- Added Dutch translation and merged other translations
- Added 12/48 MP button (on Mi9/Mi9T, it works only with root and Eszdman's module)
- Changed some code related to resolution (thanks Arnova)
- Fixed purple tint at 48 MP
- Hidden 48 MP button while using aux lenses
- Added the option to choose 30/60 FPS (thanks Arnova)
- Added 30/60 FPS also at 4k resolution
- Added the option to change bitrate
- Fixed crash when the app was opened using Chinese as language
- Cleaned up code

7.3 Arnova beta9
Testing version.

Much improvement in this version
Normally it must be compressed like the previous versions to make 50MB.
Motion photo as was forced by google works better, but on OP6 with jpeg and raw10 there is this bug so rawsensor works better.

Currently works on Android 10

6.1 MJL Miniflex v3.3
‼ it is recommended to clear app data and apply your favorite XML again ‼
- added Elite2, Lens blur ONLY and OMG XMLs
- revert ViewFinder buttons not showing when quitting the app with back key.
- completly reworked smoothing method and added options (off, low, medium, high, max). Also improved speed, now ~4 seconds (down from ~30!).
- added new section "Post processing" with the option to save to seperate file (for better comparison). New filters: 21:9 aspect ratio, round, histogram equalization, invert and blur.
- added example pictures for each of the post processing modes in the menu.
- added new option to set up to standard XMLs for the scenarios: day, night, people and food/saturated. You can switch between those XMLs by clicking on the XML icon on ViewFinder. Some notes:
a) new indicator icons on ViewFinder when a selected standard XML is use (same icon as in the settings, no longer the xml emoji).
b) once selected, they stick until you select a different one. So on first use of v3.3 go change them to your liking.
c) scenarios you don't take pictures of can be skipped by setting it to NONE.
d) it switches in the order: day -> night -> people -> food -> day .. (if nothing skipped by c)).
For more info go to "Settings" - "Standard configurations"
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Reaktionen: Bödi, malteknalte, 2babe und 6 andere
Also die MJL Miniflex war ja schon immer saugut. Aber diese neuen Shortcuts auf der linken Seite für die verschiedenen Modi finde ich echt super!
  • Danke
Reaktionen: alice89
Gut Ding will Weile haben. In diesem Sinne:
MJL Miniflex v3.4

‼ it is recommended to clear app data and apply your favorite XML again ‼
- standard configs now let you choose from all existing xmls (previous only the included xmls)
- post processing works now on night sight
- post processing works now in portrait mode
- remove whitespaces on filename with xmlname
- xmlname in filename now also works with portrait images (human faces and objects)
- fixed every rotation issue (file, beauty mode, portrait, thumbnail ...)
- fixed thumbnail showing post processing effects and added processing indicator to it
(lasts until until hdr processing and post processing are finished)
(thumbnail is disabled during processing to prevent bugs)
- fixed awb/xml buttons hidden in video, slowmotion and more tab
- improved 12mp mode (now doesnt need to reload xml)
- added 16:9 persistent mode to "Special Settings"
- added French-kiss, Midnight-extreme, iPhone-is-dead, Diamond, OMG++ and Provia XMLs
- added Pretty XML by André Ferreira
- added Sharp & Natural XML by @MrFreeBird
- added Jahid Night and Jahid Day XMLs by Ja Hid
- updated Trek, Vericolor, Vivacolor and OMG XMLs (OMG can now be used in night sight too) and moved their predecessors to "Old/Replaced" section in XML Menu


  • 6.1_GCam_MJL_v3.4_Miniflex.apk
    115,6 MB · Aufrufe: 167
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Reaktionen: Schnullifax, Bödi, Stroky und 3 andere
Welche Version würdet Ihr denn empfehlen?
Die 6er Versionen oder erzielen die 7er Versionen die besseren Ergebnisse?
Am Wochenende mache ich v3.5 fertig und werde dann langsam anfangen an einer 7.3 zu arbeiten.

6er Versionen haben mehr Möglichkeiten. Miniflex ist stark verbessertert und in der Bildqualität bisher unerreicht von allen 7ern.
Einziger Nachteil ist, dass Zoom nicht so gut ist mit Anrdoid 10 und Astro fehlt. Dafür kann man aber eine 7er Version parallel installieren und je nach dem was man gerade braucht 6 oder 7 nutzen. Als gute Ergänzung zur Miniflex würde ich die 7.2 GCam v2.3 von Urnyx empfehlen.
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Reaktionen: Sh0X31, Bödi, bjoerniko und 2 andere
Mal wieder ein Update.

6.1 Miniflex v3.5
- added XMLs: Fast & Quick, Old-print, Robert-Doisneau
- Fast & Quick XML uses some under the hood optimizations when it is loaded to get the fastest capture speed possible (even in HDR+e!)
- fixed issues with custom xmls in stardard configurations
- fixed tmp files
- fixed 98% duplicate images issue
- fixed 12/16mp mode
- fixed thumbnail spinning like crazy when multiple pictures are taken in short time
- fixed buttons visibility when launched in landscape
- turned up exposure from 0 to +0.2, XMLs are adjusted. (0 was too dark, most XMLs used +0.2 and therefore the exposure slider on viewfinder had no effect)
- added community xml section (send yours @MarcoChr to be added) (new XMLs here: Astro-on-a-Tripod, Coffee, Jahid Day, Jahid Night, Screen)
- moved AccuNight XML to old/replaced section
- added option to "Special Settings" to use old thumbnail preview without processing
- added option to "Special Settings" to set post processing on/off for portrait mode
- much code optimizations

7.3 Urnyx v1.4
- Fixed crash with Night Sight and RAW Sensor on OP6/6T
- Added the option to use a third-party gallery
- Added the options to save and load XMLs
- Fixed portrait mode on Mi Note 10 (thanks Arnova and Skyking)

Weitere Info:
da die Urnyx 1.4 (endlich) XMLs unterstützt, habe ich bereits eine MJL (alpha) Version daraus gebastelt, die auch soweit ganz gut funktioniert. Aktuell werden erste XMLs dafür erstellt, wahrscheinlich geb ich zum nächsten Wochenende eine erste Preview Version frei.
(7.3 MJL Minilux v4.0) :)
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Reaktionen: Schnullifax, derschakal, Bödi und 7 andere
7.3 Minilux v4.0 (Download im Anhang)
✅ Built in XMLs (/GCam/Configs7/Minilux): G-Type, Juan All, Juan SRZ, Pretty, Sharp & Natural, X-Type
✅ added XML, AWB, Astro buttons on ViewFinder
✅ added XML menu, Standard configurations, ViewFinder buttons and Special settings to the settings
* XML menu: description of the xmls, hide/show them
* Standard configurations: quick switch between xmls for up to 4 specific scenarios
* ViewFinder buttons: customize and hide/show the buttons
* Special settings: additional stuff that got added
✅ removed hdr off
✅ many settings are made persistent (unchangeable with xmls)
✅ added a pop-up on first start with quick info / first steps


  • 7.3_GCam_MJL_v4.0_Minilux.apk
    50,8 MB · Aufrufe: 192
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Reaktionen: lumpi2015, Stroky, 2babe und eine weitere Person
Ersetzt die MiniLux dann die Miniflex oder wie darf man das verstehen? Oder kann man die parallel installieren?
Kann man beide gleichzeitig installieren
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Reaktionen: 2babe und Bödi
Mal wieder ein Update der neusten Versionen:

Arnova: 7.3_GCam_Arnova-v5_04-28 (im Anhang)

Urnyx: 7.3_GCam_Urnyx05-v1.7
- Slightly modified the lib to improve Sabre (thanks Arnova)
- Fixed the bug due to which buttons for auxiliary cameras weren’t hidden even if you disabled main switch (thanks Marco)
- Added the option to choose framerate in 4k
- Fixed EIS at 60 FPS on Mi9 series and other Xiaomi devices (yes, EIS works also on 4k at 60 FPS)
- Fixed videos on RN7/7 Pro and Samsung devices (EIS doesn’t work)
- Added support of all 4 lenses on OP8 Pro
- Fixed the names of auxiliary cameras on OP8 Pro
- Removed the button to set 48 MP because it didn’t work (I’ll add it again if the module will work again)
- Cleaned up code related to aux buttons (thanks Arnova)
- Fixed astrophotography on OP7 series in extreme lowlight
- Partially fixed slow motion on Mi9 series
- Updated Portuguese, Russian, Simplified Chinese and Spanish translations

MJL: 7.3_GCam_MJL_v4.1.1_Minilux
Changelog 4.1.1:
re-based on Urnyx v1.7, because it has some useful improvements.

Changelog v4.1:
it is recommended to clear app data and apply your favorite XML again
- rebased on Urnyx05 v1.6, thanks to him
- added user xml section and moved existing xmls to advanced xmls
- many new xmls
- new standard configurations for: sport, nature and zoom
- new iconset for standard configurations (you can choose between new and old in the settings)
- added a bar for switching standard configuration directly when clicking xml button (can be turned on/off), the bar contains only standard configurations with a set xml
- added base model selection (front/back), exposure compensation, exposure correction (time) separate for hdr+e / nightsight / astro, jpg compression rate
- added Pixel 4 awb
- added shortcuts to nightsight and portrait
- added post processing from Miniflex, be aware: it takes few seconds to apply to the picture
- added post processing options: vignette, brightness, sepia and saturation
- updated post processing examples
- removed vibration when camera mode changes


  • 7.3_GCam_Arnova-v5_04-28.apk
    77,5 MB · Aufrufe: 145
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Reaktionen: Schnullifax, 2babe, TomTim und 4 andere
bei der neuen Amova Version bekomme ich immer nur weiße Bilder. Habe ich etwas falsch eingestellt?
Zwei neue Versionen:

- ported every new feature added in Minilux 4.0 - 4.1.1
- moved buttons down
- removed 12/16mp mode (too many issues), now included xmls are all 12mp only
- added option to set a limit to file size (e.g. < 10MB)
- added advanced Tone Curve to post processing
- added Lens Blur resolutions
- added default zoom level
- XML description now accessable via long press XML icon
- and maaaany new and updated XMLs

- rebased on Urnyx05 v2.0, thanks to him
- removed 12/16mp mode (too many issues), now included xmls are all 12mp only
- added option to set a limit to file size (e.g. < 10MB)
- added advanced Tone Curve to post processing
- and some new and updated XMLs

it is recommended to clear app data and delete Miniflex/Minilux folder (/GCam/Configs/Minflex || /GCam/Configs7/Minilux) before installing new versions

Also vorher bitte die beiden genannten Ordner löschen und die jeweiligen App Daten (Speicherinhalt löschen)
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Reaktionen: Schnullifax, BorussenTobi, Bödi und 3 andere
Bei mir stürzt die Kamera 7.3 beim zoomen ab einer bestimmten Größe immer wieder ab.
Kann man das fixen?
Sind das bei der App automatisch die besten .xml Einstellungen oder kann gibts bessere, die man importieren kann?

Hängt von deinen Vorlieben ab...
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Reaktionen: Bödi

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