Odys Neo - Thread for international users [English]

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Hi djkail,
I think Oma had already given to you the thing you need.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: djkail und lmemperador
Oma7144 schrieb:
Well, XTeam have a pretty cool JB build. We will support that, too.

Attached a "kernel flasher". Just open with a zipper and replace your specific kernel.img.


Nice! Thank you. I have tested it but... no success... Recovery showed this:

Finding update package...
Opening update package...
Installing update...
assert failed: getprop ("ro.product.device") == "rk2918" || getprop ( "ro.build.product" ) == "rk2918"
E:Error in /emmc/download/kernel-original.zip
(Status 7)
Installation aborted.

I changed zip filename to "kernel-original" as you can see... I used winrar. I need some help.
I like your rom too much Oma, but it has two problems that make it unusable for me: Rotation (I told it some pages ago to JK, you have to tilt too much to change position) and Flash videos in browser, i mean when you are browsing a website and it has flash videos they start to play even if you didnt push play button (Vk.com server videos for example). Imagine that with 3 or more videos... Tablet hangs... That doesnt happens with XTeam.
Anyway, you have done one of the best roms for our kepler 2 (rk2918 chips) and its the best rom for playing... :rolleyes2: But i need it for everithing... Im sure you will solve it in CM10.1

Der ursprüngliche Beitrag von 16:25 Uhr wurde um 16:42 Uhr ergänzt:

Hi JK. I have to ask you something. I have noticed that kernel gobernor is always "interactive". All of them. I was watching how CPU frecuencies were used when i dont change gobernor manually with No-frills CPU. I noticed that 800 MHz its used more than other frecuencies... (deep sleep too :D )I noticed too that interactive hangs more our tablet. It doesnt happen with ondemand. But, when i manually change gobernor to "ondemand" 200Mhz and deep sleep are more used than others... (More battery, best performance) So i have to change it with "apply on boot" option. Is it intentional? Is there any problem with ondemand gobernor on boot? Why interactive?

Thank you so much my friend! :p
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Reaktionen: lmemperador
What kernel did you use?
I changed the governor to ondemand in december, so if you use the latest kernel it should have ondemand activated as the standard governor.

But you are right, I've checked it at my X8 and indeed it has interactive activated, but it should be ondemand, it's configured as the default in the kernel.
Weird thing... I'll have to look at this..
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Reaktionen: lmemperador und djkail
JochenKauz schrieb:
What kernel did you use?
I changed the governor to ondemand in december, so if you use the latest kernel it should have ondemand activated as the standard governor.

But you are right, I've checked it at my X8 and indeed it has interactive activated, but it should be ondemand, it's configured as the default in the kernel.
Weird thing... I'll have to look at this..

Im using the last one (Update 9 (12.01.2013) )
For kepler 2. But all of them are in interactive mode... I dont know why, so i asked you... :thumbsup:
djkail schrieb:
I changed zip filename to "kernel-original" as you can see... I used winrar.

The kernel file inside must named kernel.img.



  • kernl.png
    14,5 KB · Aufrufe: 279
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Reaktionen: lmemperador
Oma7144 schrieb:
The kernel file inside must named kernel.img.

Yeah Oma... I have overwritten it and tablet showed that error... Has it to be signed? :confused2:
OK, what is your kernel?

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Reaktionen: lmemperador
It's the kepler 2 kernel.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: lmemperador



  • crewrktablet_rk29_cwm_flash_kernel_kepler2.zip
    7,9 MB · Aufrufe: 103
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Reaktionen: lmemperador und djkail
djkail schrieb:
For kepler 2. But all of them are in interactive mode... I dont know why, so i asked you... :thumbsup:
Okay, I've talked to Oma, and this is something what is not caused from the kernel.
JB has as the default governour interactive, and JB overwrites my settings in the kernel. Sorry my friend, but I can do nothing against it.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: lmemperador
JochenKauz schrieb:
Okay, I've talked to Oma, and this is something what is not caused from the kernel.
JB has as the default governour interactive, and JB overwrites my settings in the kernel. Sorry my friend, but I can do nothing against it.

Its ok. It doesnt matter. I was only asking. So, do jb always change gobernor ?
Thank you both. You are great guys!

Der ursprüngliche Beitrag von 22:58 Uhr wurde um 23:09 Uhr ergänzt:

Oma7144 schrieb:


Same message... it didnt work. :confused:
Yes, JB will change it every time.

Gesendet von meinem Odys-Q mit der Android-Hilfe.de App
  • Danke
Reaktionen: lmemperador
JochenKauz schrieb:
Yes, JB will change it every time.

Gesendet von meinem Odys-Q mit der Android-Hilfe.de App

Bad luck! Well, at least we have no frills CPU... :D
djkail schrieb:
Same message... it didnt work.

Can't reproduce this fault on my hardware. No idea why this won't work with you. Sorry.



  • cwmb.png
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Reaktionen: lmemperador
guys tested in pascal 2 , jb oma 1.2.3 with ext_sd to nand configuration (gamers)
ok, mass storage is working on my micro sd card and my tablet enters in suspend mode, so, wow, it's all working. and the kernel + rom is very very good.

the only thing i have seen is that the model fix pascal2.zip makes rotation working in reverse mode, but aplying the model fix "kepler2.zip" it works ok.

thx a lot masters thumsbup
well... i have tested more deeply, and i am so happy, but there are 2 little things i want to tell you, i am using oma jb 1.2.3 + kernel pascal 2 jk

when i flash the rom then i flash Oma JB v1.2 Format NAND
but then i flash Oma_extSD_to_NAND_OTG_fix
with this fix, i can not move applications from the main memory to the sdcard as android always let you do. when you go to settings-applications and try to move to the sdcard , you can not do it.

but if i flash Oma_extSD_to_NAND_fix (the old fix?)
then i can move the apps like always, but i can not use a usb-hub to have 1 mouse and 1 pendrive attached. this is something i can do with the Oma_extSD_to_NAND_OTG_fix ... hehehe, strange.

do you know if i am making some wrong with the procedure?

i must say that i have used Oma_JB_v1.2_Modell_fix_kepler2_overclocked1104 because Oma_JB_v1.2_Modell_fix_Pascal 2 makes my rotation working in reverse mode.

another thing i want to say is that with the same rom and kernel in the kepler 2 full charged, 100% of charge remanis for at least 30 minutes or more and in pascal 2 when i unplug the electrical cable it drops instantly to 95% and as i can see drops more at the begining part of use that Kepler2 (2 first hours) this is something that with ics roms didnt occurs.

maybe the top charge of pascal 2 is wrong, model fix kepler2.zip could be the cause?? idk...LOL just telling you guys, maybe you know something about

well, anyway i am so happy with the rom and kernel, thx a lot.

edit: i have tested it without the usb-hub, directly with the otg cable, and the pendrive is not automounted, if i try to mount it then i can not see the files in the pendrive. so the same as before. the mouse is working always, but not the pendrive, depends of the fix used
with the otgfix.zip the pendrive is automounted...strange.
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Reaktionen: JochenKauz
Hi lmemperador,
thank you for your feedback regarding the Pascal 2 kernel.

I think we have 3 issues here
1. extSD_NAND_OTG fix does not work as expected
I have made a diff of the extSD_NAND fix and the extSD_NAND_OTG fix, and I think that in the OTG version is an error.
Please try the attached modified OTG fix. If it works, then Oma can update his post.

2. Modell fix
You are completely right if you use the Kepler 2 fix on Pascal 2, cause my kernel has changes in the rotation vectors for Pascal 2. I made this changes cause I don't wanted that every Clone of NEOX needs a seperate modell fix.

3. Battery
This is a very difficult thing, and I need to explain it a little bit deeper.
RK2918 based tablets does not have a battery controller chip, as other tablets have. Normally the battery controller tells android the charge level of the battery. Because RK2918 does not have such a battery controller, the battery driver guesses the charge level thru the battery voltage. This voltage decrease if the battery discharges and increase if charged.
In the battery driver are 2 charging tables with 11 steps each. But the tables are different between Kepler 2 and Pascal 2.
And now to the problem. I use the battery tables of the official BQ GPL-Sources of Kepler 2 and Pascal 2. These values are identical to the values I have found in Odys X8 and X7 GPL Sources. But this can not be true, because Kepler 2/Pascal 2 have batteries builtin with more capacity then the X8/X7. So the Values should differ. Because of this, the Kepler 2 needs much more time to show an decrease from 100% to 95 percent, the highest battery value is too low for Kepler 2. Pascal 2 has an battery which has not so much capacity then Kepler 2, it has a battery like the X8. Therefor it shows an decrease after a much shorter time than Kepler 2.
Without a better voltage table, I'm not able to change anything.
So I'm sorry for that.


  • Oma_extSD_to_NAND_OTG_fix_2.zip
    229,3 KB · Aufrufe: 110
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Reaktionen: lmemperador
1 fix works , and you are a boss :cool2:

2 ok, so i must choose the kepler model fix for pascal 2. the overclocked one, hehehe

3 ok, but FYI kepler has 5000 mah pascal 4000 mah and loox n8 3000 or 4000 mah, isn't it?i was thinking in my old tablet, developers high the top voltage maximum, and the battery last longer, anyway i trust u, it is not the same method here, dam!!! hehehe

thx ++ jk you are a boss :cool2: i will update my spanish threads with all this info. thx again
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lmemperador schrieb:

lmemperador schrieb:
2 ok, so i must choose the kepler model fix for pascal 2. the overclocked one, hehehe
It's only the name, the fix does not overclock itself, but it is for the overclock version of the kernel.

lmemperador schrieb:
3 ok, but FYI kepler has 5000 mah pascal 4000 mah and loox n8 3000 or 4000 mah, isn't it?
My tables are from Odys NEOX8/NEOX7, not Loox. The NEOX8 has 4000mah, NEOX7 3000mah. But the tables do not differ really between X8 and X7.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: lmemperador
Hi Joken,

a Little question : I see in your git that you changed the toolchain to compile your kernel.
Why ?

Thanks for your reply ! :D



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