Odys Loox - [English] Hilfe zum Update

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Sorry about the english, I am danish and my german is not the greatest.

So I just recieved the Odys Loox, and I am trying to update it. However the instructions on Odys' website are only in german.
I do understand some of the instructions, but I must be doing something wrong. As I understand it I am supposed to turn off the device, and press and hold the menu button. While holding the button I should then plug in the device to the computer. Then still holding the button the program RKAndroid should recognize it, making it able to update.
However I am not able to do this, nothing seems to happen.

What am I doing wrong? You can answer me in german :)
Zitat von hier:

Hast du darauf geachtet dass das Loox an die Stromversorgung angesteckt ist?
Das Loox muss an das Netzteil angeschlossen sein, sonst funktioniert das Update gar nicht.


PS: Welcome to Android-Hilfe.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Hallo Mads,

scheitert Dein Update-Versuch vielleicht daran, daß Du den Loox anhand der falschen USB-Buchse mit Deinem PC verbunden hast? Es gibt ja bekanntlich zwei dieser Anschlüsse und anhand der offiziellen Anleitung sollte es nur mit der "USB PC"-Buchse funktionieren.
Bei mir war es gerade zudem notwendig, den Treiber unter XP zweimal manuell zu installieren, bevor der Loox auch tatsächlich richtig in der Geräteliste aufgeführt wurde.
Beim Anschließen an die RICHTIGE USB-Buchse des Loox mußte ich schließlich auch noch den Resetknopf drücken, damit alles schließlich funktionierte.
Vielleicht helfen Dir ja meine Tipps weiter?

Grüße nach Dänemark.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Thanks a lot, it worked! Now i just dont understand why on the Loox it says the build number is rk29_gingerbread_v1.28

I thought this was v1.29??
Es ist ok so. ;)

edit>It's ok, rk29_gingerbread_v1.28, there is no 1.29
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Okay, i misunderstood then...i thought it was supposed to be 1.29.

Another question, I can see that many games are not available to download through the Market, which is quite annoying. But I can see that many of you have managed to install games another way. I have a question though. What tablet/phone/graphics version should I be looking for when downloading? What fits best with the Loox?
Hi Mads,
just to let you know: there's an easier alternate method for updating: copy the file update.img to your TF card (either on PC with card reader, or even with your Android device connected via USB), then once the file is copied, and you either end the USB session, or insert the TF card, then update will automatically start ....
we have here come cool modified versions; I'm just about uploading one which has Market, VoiceSerach and Talk enabled, is rooted, and has a new launcher3 ; also you can at any time go back to previous - just a matter of another flash ...
if you're interested let me know, and I will shortly upload ...
also I have packed a cool Toolset with which you can do all modifications self - its based on a DOS batch which you can easily modify for your needs ....
Thanks a lot. Sounds interesting. Do have any idea about how to install games successfully
? I seems like there is a problem with the g sensor as well, i downloaded race of champions and the stearing was really messed up.

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