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Du sollst Dich nicht registrieren sondern ihm eine Mail schicken, wenn Du ihm "followsed"...satmuffel schrieb:bei
Notion Ink Fan: Do You Want A Pre-Order Invitaiton?
kann man sich wohl auch vormerken lassen.
blicke das aber nich, wo man sich da registriert auf dem Blog ??![]()
If you have already been following Notion Ink Fan, you too can receive an invitation to order an Adam when the next batch is available.
If you are interested, here is what you have to do: (Please read carefully)
Since we don't have a forum with a registered members list including names and email addresses, you need to send an email message to notioninkfan@gmail.com (This is special address for this list only)
The email message should include 3 things:
1. Your Real Name
2. The email address that you want Notion Ink to send the invitation to
3. Your registered name on our website (or our youtube channel)
Please put them in that order and all on one line, and separate them with commas. Here is an example:
John Doe,john@someaddress.com,adamnut
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