Hilfe: Update crasht mein Milestone

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as I said, YES, try it. I will not harm you AND you should always flash from bootloader mode only!! try it with 4.6 first.

did you try the two optins
Config->DeviceID Options , try one of the two settings, restart of Rsd lite required after selecting one
yes I tried.
Now I decided to try another Win XP SP3 PC, RSD 4.6, USB 4.5 32 bit.
Now I am on XP
USB drivers 4.5
RSD 4.6

I am trying to flash, it detected my device.
well I am sure that with XP it will flash fine (fingers crossed)!!
RSD Lite says: Status/Finished Result/PASS
Same Error on screen : err:A5,69,35,00,21
Bootloader 90.73

What should I do??
Now I am trying SDL.exe -f dach20.sbf -t 2 on XP.
what confuses me is this error:
ending 21 - usually, we get 27. i have only seen the 21 ending in some cases.... and these cases where damaged bootloaders as the wrong sbf file (for a droid) has been used....
after first reboot, it says (RSD) Finished / PASS immediately %6 then %100..
And error comes screen.. (bootloader screen + error message Err:XX...)
So is there anything to do?
Last screen: (when I push power button)


Battery OK
Ok to Program
Transfer Mode:
did you try to remove your battery and put it back in?????
removed battery , waited.. put it back.
DPAd up + Power
USB 4.5, RSD 4.6, Win XP SP3
No positive result :(
Is there anything to do?
I am running out of things to tell you to be honest.... what you could do is two more things

1. do you have any way to get access to the micro SD card, ie a micro sd to sd adapter, so you can plug it on your PC to copy data across?
then we can try a nandroid(adbrecovery file)..

2. You could try to flash a 2.0.1 full sbf...
Downloads - SBF Files - 2.0.1 o2.de FULL SBF

option 1 seems to be the most promising, although i am starting to believe that your recovery got "shot" somehow. are you sure you never tempered around with a USA file for the droid? or a USA milestone?
1.Yes I have Micro SD card adapters, readers.
But my device only open in bootloader mode, I can not access recovery mode, how will we use recovery?
2. I am downloading Full SBF. Will try it.

I am sure that I used the file that you suggested, The EU 2.1 Milestone SBF.
PS. how is you battery? all this flashing will start to drain it.

WHAT happens if your phone is OFF and you use the power charging cable to your AC outlet? does the phone charge (the phone should start and come up with the battry graphics)

thats what i though - you cannot access the recovery with CAMERA button and power, followed by VOL up and Battery? is that correct?
I use power charging cable, first it was low Batt , but now battery is OK.
I can not access recovery, so the 1st method could not be aaplicable.. Am I right?
yes :(((( and that confirms what i thought, somehow (usually with tampering with the wrong sbf file, or using "droid root helper") your Bootloader got corrupted :(

There are 2 possibly ways to cure it: safe and experimental

safe: send it back to motorola for repair (which may be difficult in your case)
eperimental: flash a bootloader 90.73, which to date, only a handful of people have tried.

if you can, use the safe approach. if you cannot wait, you have the possibilty of flashing a bootloader replacement. I have tried it ONCE, and was successful, but this is highly experimental :(
How to flash a bootloader?
Because, in normal cases, it should be accesible to recovery mode..
I tried FULL SBF but no result..
Can you help me to flash a new bootloader to my device?
I am expert on HTC WinMO devices, but android is a bit different..
If you can help I will be appreciated, because I think that the bootloader is corrupt.
I downloaded : SBF 9073, 9074 and 9078 bootloader replacers.
1. SW BL customer replacer 9073.sbf
2. SW BL customer replacer 9074.sbf
3. SW BL customer replacer 9078.sbf

so what the next?

you flash the 9073 bootloader. But i cannot warn you enough, this is experimental, and to my knowledge, there is too little feedback of whether this will help or not.......


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