[Frage] Milestone 2 und OpenRecovery!

  • 27 Antworten
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Hallo zusammen !

Da ich das Milestone 1 nutze und mir am überlegen bin mir das Milestone 2 zu besorgen ...ist meine Frage nun wie folgt :

Kann ich auf dem Milestone 2 auch die OR instalieren , und bekommt mann schon root für das Stone 2 ?

Danke :)
Es gibt zwar schon Gerüchte, dass jemand das MS2 bereits erfolgreich gerootet hat, aber mehr auch nicht. Ich habs nicht ausprobiert und werde es auch solange nicht, bis sich die Meldungen häufen.
drücke euch die daumen, dass ihr ein forum bei den xda-devs bekommt ;)
Hi, currently the bootstrap version is being tested on XT720. Also a SBF will be needed; so what is your "Firmware Configuration Version", "Baseband Configuration version" and "Build Number"? (in settings under about phone)
Hi Skrilax

I have ordered the Milestone 2 and wait for their delivery .....

I have truly the Milestone 1 and am very happy with it ... the thought for the Milestone 2 mods already exist in the way .....

If I'm here I'll take the time to post information here and some few interventions before:)
Skrilax_CZ schrieb:
Hi, currently the bootstrap version is being tested on XT720. Also a SBF will be needed; so what is your "Firmware Configuration Version", "Baseband Configuration version" and "Build Number"? (in settings under about phone)

Hi! Bootstrap App is already working, rooting with z4root works too, SetCPU works fine.

Now we need Open Recovery to make it perfect :)
I'm using my own bootstrap for the Open Recovery ;) (restart of the init process via 2nd-init). At the moment I see it like this: the bootstrap will be tested on XT720, then we need to adapt nandroid for the eMMC, and also the on-phone console keymap for the MS2 has to be done.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Berdi86 und Rotkaeqpchen

Is there a way to activate the interactive gouvernor of the Milestone 2 kernel? This will help saving battery and having good performance in emulators :)))

BTW: So you will support Milestone 2 development? :D
Here are the overclock & interactive governor module for both MS1 and MS2. No address specifying needed - it will find them on their own (using the thrid symsearch module) - put them to /system/lib/modules.

The default values (read from phone) can be read by typing in shell right after doing the insmod:
cat /proc/overclock/max_rate
cat /proc/overclock/max_vsel

Here is a sample script for 1.3 GHz overclock with interactive governor (values from Droid X). Don't forget that the symsearch.ko must be inserted in the first place:

insmod /system/lib/modules/symsearch.ko
insmod /system/lib/modules/overclock.ko

echo 60 > /proc/overclock/max_vsel
echo 1300000 > /proc/overclock/max_rate

echo "4 1000000000 51" > /proc/overclock/mpu_opps
echo "3 700000000 42" > /proc/overclock/mpu_opps
echo "2 300000000 27" > /proc/overclock/mpu_opps

echo "1 1000000" > /proc/overclock/freq_table
echo "2 700000" > /proc/overclock/freq_table
echo "3 300000" > /proc/overclock/freq_table

insmod /system/lib/modules/cpufreq_interactive.ko
echo interactive > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor


  • mapphone-froyo-modules.zip
    7,8 KB · Aufrufe: 291
Hi! And thank you very much for this post!

As I, and many others here are not that good in system modding, i'd like you to ask if you could write a step by step tutorial to apply this overclock (interactive) on boot. :)

Two things I understand: Move the files to /system/lib/modules/ Second: type the lines above into the adb shell?

Thanks, that sounds great to shortly have interactive governor :)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
That sounds so amazing! ... ... I have no fu**ing clue what you are talking about, but I think you're gonna change the direction the world spinns around! ;) Keep that good work going!!! :thumbsup:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Rotkaeqpchen
This is a good start, thank you very much for that :)

BUT, i applied everything, interactive governor now shows up in setcpu, but every scaling mode I apply, it doesnt scale anything up from the minimum frequency set. So it seem the script is somehow wrong or doesnt work for the milestone 2. Once again, every scaling mode is always 300mhz and is not scaling up.

But at least it shows the interactive governor. Could you have a look at it again :) ?

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Well I will not write that until there is a SBF for possible recovery (see post #4). The correct solution is to have the overclock applied at the startup and if anything goes wrong SBF is the only way to recover the phone to the original state now.
Hi Skrilax :) Here ist he logfile. I restarted SetCPU several times, nothing changes :(

mpu_opps[4] rate=1000000000 opp_id=4 vsel=51 sr_adjust_vsel=51
mpu_opps[3] rate=700000000 opp_id=3 vsel=42 sr_adjust_vsel=42
mpu_opps[2] rate=300000000 opp_id=2 vsel=27 sr_adjust_vsel=27
mpu_opps[1] rate=300000000 opp_id=1 vsel=33 sr_adjust_vsel=26
freq_table[0] index=0 frequency=1300000
freq_table[1] index=1 frequency=1000000
freq_table[2] index=2 frequency=700000
freq_table[3] index=3 frequency=300000
Hmmm, I actually have mpu_opps[5] field on my MS1 which is the highest one and mpu_opps[1] is unused.

Try doing this:


insmod /system/lib/modules/symsearch.ko
insmod /system/lib/modules/overclock.ko

echo 60 > /proc/overclock/max_vsel
echo 1300000 > /proc/overclock/max_rate

echo "3 1000000000 51" > /proc/overclock/mpu_opps
echo "2 700000000 42" > /proc/overclock/mpu_opps
echo "1 300000000 27" > /proc/overclock/mpu_opps

echo "1 1000000" > /proc/overclock/freq_table
echo "2 700000" > /proc/overclock/freq_table
echo "3 300000" > /proc/overclock/freq_table

insmod /system/lib/modules/cpufreq_interactive.ko
echo interactive > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Outch :D This lets my Milestone 2 freeze and reboot ^^
Hmm ... probably low voltage - try playing with it a bit if you keep getting reboots :) :
Here is my guess, but since I don't have a MS2 I can't really test it.


insmod /system/lib/modules/symsearch.ko
insmod /system/lib/modules/overclock.ko

echo 66 > /proc/overclock/max_vsel
echo 1300000 > /proc/overclock/max_rate

echo "3 1000000000 56" > /proc/overclock/mpu_opps
echo "2 700000000 46" > /proc/overclock/mpu_opps
echo "1 300000000 32" > /proc/overclock/mpu_opps

echo "1 1000000" > /proc/overclock/freq_table
echo "2 700000" > /proc/overclock/freq_table
echo "3 300000" > /proc/overclock/freq_table

insmod /system/lib/modules/cpufreq_interactive.ko
echo interactive > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor

If you keep getting reboots, try doing just this part:


insmod /system/lib/modules/symsearch.ko
insmod /system/lib/modules/overclock.ko

echo 66 > /proc/overclock/max_vsel
echo 1300000 > /proc/overclock/max_rate

Then using SetCPU set the slider so the phone is only on the 1.3GHz and do a stress test in it for a while. If it reboots, try 1.25 GHz (echo 1250000 > /proc/overclock/max_rate) etc.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Rotkaeqpchen
Wow thanks! THAT worked, interactive works and 1.3 ghz works too :D


Now, have you got a hint how to apply this on every boot, or at least how to run this script after rebooting?

I know how to do that; but actually I recommend not to do so until there is SBF or the OR, because you cannot recover if there is a mistake at the moment.

(The startup hack on Milestone is called 2nd-init; mot_boot_mode hack is deprecated, although it would do the job for this too.)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Ok thanks! Is there a way running this script as sh right from the android system? root explorer or something?

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