[APP][Inoffiziell][Xposed][ARM64][5.1.1/6.0.X] Xposed Port v87.1 for Samsung S6 LL/MM by wanam

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Inoffizielle Xposed Version von wanam, für das Samsung Galaxy S6, S7 und weitere Samsung Arm64 Android 5.1.1/6.0.X Lollipop Geräte. Alle Credits gehen an rovo89, den Entwickler des originalen und offiziellen Xposed Fraemeworks und wanam für die Portierung des Frameworks.

Seid so nett und bedankt Euch bei den Entwicklern für ihre fantastische Arbeit und denkt über eine kleine Spende nach.
Spende an wanam ][ Spende an rovo89

Diese Xposed Version ist eine Portierung des originalen Frameworks, entwickelt und gestestet mit dem Galaxy S6 (920F) und S7 (G930F), sollte aber auch auf anderen Samsung Modellen mit TouchWiz Android 5.1.1 und 6.0 laufen.
  • TouchWiz 5.1.1/6.0.X ROMs
  • CWM/TWRP Recovery

Vorgehen um Fehler zu melden (im XDA Thread):
  • poste dein Xposed Logfile
  • Infos zu deinem ROM
  • sende wanam eine private Nachricht mit deinem logcat falls Du einen bootloop hast
  • lade deine "core-libart.jar" und "conscrypt.jar" aus "/system/framework/" hoch

  1. Downloade die Xposed Installer und Uninstaller Dateien von wanam und kopiere sie auf deine sdcard:
    5.1.1 Installer
    6.0.X Installer
    Modules Deactivator
    Sollte es Probleme mit Xposed, oder einem Modul, bzw. dessen Einstellungen geben, kann der Uninstaller per Custom Recovery geflasht werden. Alternativ kann man den Modules Deactivator flashen, der (wie der Name schon sagt) Xposed nicht deinstalliert, sondern lediglich alle Module deaktiviert.
  2. Boote in die Recovery
  3. Mache ein Nandroid Backup
  4. Flashe "xposed-vXX-sdkXX-tw-arm64-custom-build-by-wanam-xxxxxxxx.zip" mit deiner Custom-Recovery
  5. reboote
    Der erste Bootvorgang nach dem flashen dauert sehr lange. Nicht verzagen und mindestens 10 Minuten warten.
  6. Installiere die aktuellste Version der "Xposed Installer .apk" von rovo89:
    Xposed Installer 3.1.1 (xda-developers.com)

  • v87.1 (28.11.2016):
    This update fixes a compatibility issue with the new Note5 UX Roms (Technical details).
  • v87.0 (25.11.2016):
    This version includes @rovo89's fix to workaround the Google's November security patch that restricts zygote's access to some paths (including /data/app), more details about this issue can be found here.
  • v86.1 (04.09.2016):
    - Merged the alternative and the main MM version, the changes we used to apply for some specific Marshmallow TouchWiz are now applied within the main version, thanks to @dkcldark, (technical details).
  • v86.0 (09.07.2016):
    - More compatiblity with ROMs that use a Resources subclass for e.g. theming, like most Huawei stock ROMs (*)
    - Incorrectly compiled modules are now rejected, the warning which started to appear with v84 is now an error
    - A bit of general cleanup and minor fixes
    More details.
  • v85.1 (30.05.2016):
    - Add Huawei theming engine support (details).
    - Ensure the recompilation on Huawei EMUI Roms (details).

  • v85.0 (28.05.2016):
    - Fixed frequent boot freezes, especially with modules that access many files (details)
    - Built-in way to get a full logcat (details)
    - Crashes not related to Xposed/ART are no longer written to the normal Xposed logs
    - On encrypted devices with boot password, the password prompt is now shown quicker
    - Warning for developers to disable "Instant Run" in Android Studio, otherwise the module can't be loaded
    - 6.0 only: Cherry-picked some ART commit included in CyanogenMod and other ROMs
    - 6.0 only: Forced clearing Dalvik cache when upgrading from versions before 85 (would have been necessary for 84 and might have caused some boot loops)

    More details here.
    Use the download link, attachments seem to be disabled right now.
  • v84.0 (04.05.2016):
    Updated to the official Xposed v84 with support for LG encrypted apps, you can find more details about the changes here.
  • v83.0 (25.04.2016):
    Cumulative update improving some devices support (Huawei and HTC), it fixes also some bugs related to some new aosp changes, more details here and here
  • v81.0 (12.04.2016):
    Updated API to the official Xposed 81.0, this update brings XZ compression to MM builds, unfortunately Samsung still uses this compression type for its Apps odexes (Thanks to @dkcldark for the hint).
    I also included few other changes from LL to prevent boot-loop on some older devices that will get MM, we cannot trust Samsung on this, they should learn from Google/CM some basic rules about how manage their devices branches, the framework differences should not be major between different devices running the same Android version.
  • v80.1(02.04.2016):
    This update reverts an aosp wip change, this should fix some apps like Yandex maps.
  • v80.0 (11.02.2016):
    This is an update to the latest rovo89's changes, i added back the reverted commits, rovo89 fixed the issue related to the apps that uses some apk protection (MyAndroidTools).

    I made a small changes to the bridge to catch an exception on some TW 5.1.1 Roms that may not contain "restoreUnsupportedServices" method.
    I posted also a unified uninstaller for all version.
  • v79.1 (20.01.2016):
    - Reverted an aosp commit that is causing crash with some Apps native code, i still have no idea why but i hope rovo89 can figure out what's wrong with this change.
    - Mute failed Samsung hooks, Samsung Lollipop FWs have different mdpp implementation for some devices.
    - Disabled Instrumentation detection on Xposed, we need to keep the native Samsung hooks active even when instrumentation is detected, big thanks to rovo89 for investigating this issue and Enyby for the tests.
    This should fix crash on Game guardian App, My Android tools...
  • v79.0 (17.12.2015):
    This is an update to the official Xposed v79, that contains many bugs fixes, more details here.
  • v78.1 (09.12.2015):
    This update includes some fixes by @rovo89 that let stock TW Roms boot up correctly with "everything" filter.
    It includes also fixes some secure stora ge compatibility issues that I managed to reproduce running "everything" filter, i also patched Xposed bridge with a fix for SHealth and Private mode, they are required for any TW user running Xposed, so i prefer to include it on the framework, you don't need to enable it on Wanam Xposed.

    My Xposed version still runs the default "speed" filter for dex2oat, if you want to run "everything" filter to force the compilation of all apps on boot, add bellow lines to your build.prop:
    I also reverted a change related to a Samsung bug that seems to be fixed on its latest updates, i tested it with full stock G920F-OKX running stock kernel with systemless Root.
  • v78.0 (16.11.2015)
    This update includes some back ported changes and bugs fixes that @rovo89 included on Xposed for Android 6, check more details here.
  • v75.8 (30.10.2015)
    This update bypasses Class rejection on some cases where a method fails the compilation and causes the whole class to be rejected, and keep logging the compilation errors.
  • v75.7 (29.10.2015)
    The new update fixes a major boot loop issue caused by xposed safe mode, some users do intentionally disable Xposed while booting by hitting the device's hardware keys which create a file "/data/data/de.robv.android.xposed.installer/conf/disabled" that disables some required hooks i implemented to disable Mdpp security checks, and leads to a boot loop because Knox/Mdpp rejects our custom Art libraries, so we disable xposed safe mode for TW Roms, use uninstallers instead.
    This update also bypasses some classes rejections and just logs the error to avoid the "starting apps ..." popup on each boot.
  • v75.6 (26.10.2015)
    Fix for SPen Bug in v75.5
  • v75.5 (25.10.2015)
    This update include a reviewed getPublicMethodRecursive and getPublicFieldRecursive, and support XZ compression for all devices (non Samsung included).
  • v75.3 (19.10.2015)
    Revert reviewed implementation of Class.getPublicFieldRecursive() (some users reported some rare random issues on some Roms, i didn't manage to reproduce any of them, neither got any helpful logs, so reverting it for now)
  • v75.2 (18.10.2015)
    Bug fix
  • v75.1 (18.10.2015)
    Update @rovo89 implementation ofClass.getPublicFieldRecursive() following the new Aosp implementation.
    Fixed a Bridge bug, thanks to @arter97 for the head up
    Fixed a Samsung packaging bug for arm64 devices
  • v75 (08.10.2015)
    Updated to @rovo89 latest changes:
    Unified version to support old Roms and new ones that come with new app_process changes
    Disabled dex2oat watchdog
    Check here for more details.
  • v74 (07.10.2015)
    This update revert "disable must_relocate=false" and avoid the header image checks instead, as it seems the only change on previous version that may cause the random reboots reported by some users.

  • v74 (02.10.2015)
    This update comes with XZ compression support, thanks to @rovo85 for pointing me to xz-embedded.
    It should fix SPlanner, Samsung core apps and few other xz compressed System apps odexes...
    Xposed will takes more time to decompress and recompile those apps, according to my tests, it takes 6 seconds to dexopt compressed S Planner odex with a size of 2.6MB/10MB, Samsung uses this compression type because of its low compression ratio to gain more space for more and more bloats

  • v74 (15.09.2015)
    This will fix the low space issue on dirty repacked deodexed Roms that may still contains odexed files, this issue was caused by a failed verification of the image header of "boot.art" on TW Roms, somehow one of the offsets "root_image" is wrong, check here for more details.

    We just ignore it for now to let xposed boot-up on odexed Roms and avoid the misleading low space warnings, this does NOT mean stock odexed Roms are supported, i tested it only with my debloated Odexed OH8 Rom for GS6 (G920F), so use it at your own RISK and no need to report any bugs if you run it on a stock FW.

    No space version are provided, use the main on instead.

  • v74 (11.09.2015)
    Updated to official xposed v74
    This update should fix the gms maps module crashe and maybe some other non system apps that generate odex file on the device.
    I reverted back to the default speed dexopt filter for better perfs, for people who are getting a low space, i posted an other version with dexopt space filter, we still don't know the cause of this issue.
    I made an attempt to support odex Roms (included on the new version 11092015), i followed the same idea of @rovo89 used for gz compression support, renamed odex files to force installd to run dex2oat, the Rom boot up, but with the same low space issue that makes it unusable! So no need to try it for now on odexed Roms.

  • v73 (03.09.2015)
    Re-based my build on @rovo89 repos (v73)
    Fixed the shared prefs bug (thanks to @romracer and @cryptyk)
    Balanced dexopt filter to save more space on bloated TW Roms, it saves more than 300MB on my debloated Rom so it should do better on bloated ones, if you still get out of system space and apps FC, there is nothing i can do for you, going ahead to save more space will lead on a performance issue, ask your Rom cooker to debloat it.

    Do NOT flash over a Rom that comes with Xposed included, this will lead to bootloop if the framework files are modified.
    Use the uninstaller with the same version as the xposed patch, do not use old ones.

  • v71 (28.08.2015)
    Support for the Galaxy Note 5
    Get rid of the modifications on the framework files, i ported all my hacks to the Xposed bridge, and Art libraries
    Big thanks to @rovo89 for his assistance and his patches.
  • v71 22.08.2015
    No dexopt filters, this will cause more apps to recompile on the first boot, it will take more boot time but should improve the performances.
  • v71-b3 (19.08.2015)
    Added back some specific certificates checks for Chinese hosts
  • v71-b2 (18.08.2015)
    FCs von Nova und anderen Pro/Donate-Schlüsseln
  • v71-b1 (17.08.2015)


Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Cassius, mickk, medik95 und 2 andere
Bei mir läuft momentan problemlos:
Always Correct
Play Store Changelog
Secure Settings
WhatsApp Mods
Xposed Torch
YouTube Adaway

Greenify funktioniert ansich, die experimentellen Xposed/Donate Features lassen sich nicht aktivieren, bzw. bleiben nicht aktiviert. Ausnahme ist hier das enthüllen versteckter Synchronisationen.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: DanielGalaxyS und Darktrooper
Unter Installation Punkt:6 die Aktuelle ist die 3.0 Alpha4 nehme ich mal an...was bringt mir Xposed momentan in Verbindung mit der CarHDRom V 7.0? Kann mir einer die Installation schmackhaft machen..:biggrin:
Gibts noch was zu Beachten in Form von Wipe Cache Dalvik ect..?
Ja, ist die richtige.

Ohne das ich jetzt weiß, was in der CarHDRom alles enthalten ist, Xposed bietet sicher noch vieles mehr. ;-)
Einfach mal in der Repo stöbern: Module overview | Xposed Module Repository
  • Danke
Reaktionen: tomy2710
Du brauchst diese: xposed-v71-b2-sdk22-tw-arm64-custom-build-by-wanam-20150817.zip
und diese: XposedInstaller_3.0_alpha4.apk

Es gibt sehr viel nützliche Module, die man dadurch installieren kann.
Hier mal ein Link,
sonst lieber im Xposed-Thread.

[DOUBLEPOST=1440009840,1440009411][/DOUBLEPOST]Die am geläufigsten sind eigentlich Greenify (lassen sich jetzt Systemapps einschläfern), GrafityBox und Wanam.

  • Danke
Reaktionen: tomy2710
Ja das ist klar...kenne ja Xposed da ich es beim S2 schon genutzt habe in Verbindung mit CM da war es für mich unverzichtbar...gerade wegen dem Grafity Modul...
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Wie heisst noch mal das Modul zum killen von Tasks?
Wenn du Greenify meinst, das Programm killt aber nicht in dem Sinne, die Programme werden nur schlafen gelegt und bei Bedarf aufgeweckt.

Ne, es gab bei xposed mal ei Modul, dass prozesse bei kangem drücken auf die backtaste killt.
Es gibt einige umfangreiche Mods für verschiedene Geräte, die das können. Im Falle vom S6 wäre das wahrscheinlich Wanam.

Es geht aber auch ohne Xposed.
Das Alliance Framework kann das, aber auch in der All in one Gestures App lässt sich das einstellen.
All in one Gestures – Android-Apps auf Google Play
Letztere nutze ich schon sehr lange und habe damit auch die Softkeys generell etwas umgelegt.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: KayBee
Endlich wieder wanam xposed und es funktioniert fabelhaft. Wieder Titel Wechsel mit vol tasten. System.ui mods.
Nutze die TyrannusRom
Hallo, ich habe da mal ne Frage zu xposed. Ich habe mein Samsung Galaxy gerrotet und danach xposed geflasht, als die neue Versiom die b2 da ich den Nova Laucher benutze und es mit der ersten version nicht ging . Ich hatte vorher die CarHD rom drauf und alles ging super , nun habe ich die Normale Stock drauf und immer wenn ich Xposed Flashe komme ich in einem Bootloop. Das Handy kommt bis zum Logo und startet dann immer wieder neu , woran könnte das nur liegen ?
Die aktuellste Version ist beta 3, vielleicht klappt es mit der.
Hast du danach den Cache und Devik-Cache geleert?
Hab irgendwo gelesen, dass es Probleme mit dem Nova gibt, kann mich aber auch irren.

Also du hast recht mit der ersten Version gab es probleme mit Nova , aber mit der B2 ging es zb mit der HDCar rom problemlos , ich probiere nun mal den Cache zu leeren
... nimm doch gleich die b3.

Nix wie vorher auch , handy Startet ständig neu ...... was kann das sein ????????
Das wird auch nix. Denn für xposed muss die Rom deodexed sein. Das ist eine offizielle Stock Rom aber nicht.

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