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Thanks to El_Fuego for the clear guide.

However, after rooting my lifetab S9512 I've run into some other problems:

I rooted before performing a Software update (i.e. I still have the original version 4.0.3). I was planning to make

a backup of the system after CWM installation and then update to 4.0.4.

When I try to backup the system using CWM everything works fine until the step "Backing up data..." I get the

following messages:
- No /sdcard/.android_secure found. Skipping backup of applications on external storage.
- Backing up cache...
- No sd-ext found. Skipping backup of sd-ext.
- Generating md5 sum...
- Backup complete!

As expected, I can not find the image of the system in any of the storages.

When I try to update to 4.0.4 using CWM, I get the following:
- Finding update package...
- Opening update package...
- Installing update...
- Mount partition
- Verifying current system...
- assert failed: apply_patch_check("/system/app/Launcher2.apk", .....
- E:Error in /sdcard/
- (Status 7)
- Installation aborted.

If I try to update from the normal system (i.e. outside CWM), CWM stops the update upon reboot.

Any ideas of how to update to 4.0.4 after CWM has been installed?

I have installed Super Manager from the market. When I try to enable ROOT, I get a message telling that ROOT

functions are nor supported in my device. As it could be expected, Superuser does not inform that there is an app

trying to get root priviliges, and Super Manager does not appear listed in the superuser's app list.

It appears that in newer Android builds, it is not possible for third party apps (apps that were not

preloaded on the device, but you manually installed or downloaded from Android Market / Google Play) to gain write

access to the external SD card. This was not an issue on Android 2.x but it became a problem on Android 3.x.

The implications of this (at least in my case) is that I can not create folders, copy files or move apps to the

external sd card. That even happens with the preinstalled ES Explorer. The solution to this problem is easy if root access is available. One just needs to add the line <group gid="media_rw" /> within the WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE section of the file /system/etc/permissions/platform.xml.

I have pulled the file platform.xml with adb and updated it accordingly. However, I can not push it back because the directory /system/etc/permissions is read only. Any ideas of how to circumvent this problem?

After installing the adb drivers as specified by El_Fuego's guide, when I connect the lifetab to my laptop (and USB debugging is disabled) I can not access anymore either the internal storage or the external SD card for file management.
Has anybody found this problem?

(I wrote in english coz I'm not native german speaker, however feel free to answer in german).

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Hallo zusammen, die Anleitung ist ja sehr genau, leider funktionieren die angegebenen Links zur Dropbox nicht mehr. Kann mir jemand die hier genannten files zur Verfügung stellen? cwm_s9512.img
Wäre echt super, auch wenn die Sache schon älter als 4 Jahre ist hab ich ein Tablet das insgesamt sehr gut funktioniert jedoch brauch ich für manche Anwendungen zumindest Android 4.1
hallo, hast du die files noch? Bitte, danke!
Sorry, my S9512 literally felt apart, I don't have anything to do with it anymore.

It would be nice if you could give a new link for your cwm_S9512.img.
I am myself developing, and normally I keep my work, even if the hardware is gone.
May be you still have your files somewhere stored and you can upload it again. Please.

Regards, daddle
@el_fuego Danke für den Link. Früher hiess die Datei cwm_s9512.img. Aber egal, kann man testweise flashen bzw mit booten im fastboot-mode mit
-> fastboot -i 0x17ef boot (od. flash) recovery cwm_build2.img
Und wenn es schief geht mit dem recovery.img aus der Rom.rar (s.u.) das original recovery (V.4.04) wieder flashen:
-> fastboot -i 0x17ef flash recovery recovery.img

Siehe Bemerkung an el_fuego.
Ausserdem habe ich hier eine Sicherung des Rom, Version 4.04; in der rar die build.prop zur Kontrolle und die Medion-Romflash.bat für den Download-(=bootloader) Modus eingefügt.

Treiber für den Downloadmodus -> nimm die Medion-Treiber (bis Win 7) und ergänze in der winusb.inf in der S9512-Section sowohl in der -> [Google.NTx86]- und der [Google.NTamd64] -Sektion die Zeile:

-> %SingleBootLoaderInterface% = USB_Install, USB\VID_17EF&PID_74CB&REV_0100

Die Medion-S9512.rar entpacken, ins Verzeichnis gehen und die Medion_Romflasher.bat starten (Tab in Download-Modus, Treiber installiert, im Gerätemanager muss ein Android-Gerät mit Bootloader-Interface zu sehen sein).

Ich habe das Tab nicht mehr, kann dir also nicht mehr viel weiter helfen.

Gruss, daddle
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