Downloadlink Rescue-CD

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Da avi-plus down ist und der Link in den anderen Threads untergegangen ist, poste ich hier mal den aktuellen Link:

Falls avi-plus wieder online gehen sollte, ist hier der Link zum Originalthread:

Falls sich das Tab nicht mit der CD flashen lässt, oder die CD nicht bootet, bitte einen anderen PC bzw. einen anderen USB-Port probieren.
Es kann auch passieren, dass die HW so richtig kaputt ist und die CD u. U. nicht hilft.
Dann hilft die CD nicht. Auch Nachfragen hilft nicht. Auch Nachfragen per PN hilft nicht.
Hier noch ein copy/paste vom Originalthread:
P9516 Rescue-CD - your swiss-army-knife

I think that Linux/Unix is great stuff.
The following tool should give you an idea what can be done with Linux.
Accessing the P9516 is very easy with Linux. No need to install drivers etc, just download adb and nvflash and go ahead.

So I decided to create a bootable CD-ROM that can be used for various things you want to do with your tablet.
I started with some simple commands and now it has become some sort of swiss-army-knife

The CD-ROM is based on grml distribution ( and I had only little work to extend it to meet my needs.
Please be aware, that I haven't changed grml to install the P9516 tools together with a "harddisk installation" of grml.
If you want to do so, boot the CD-ROM, go to shell and "cd" into /usr/local/p9516. This stuff must be copied to your local harddisk.

This software comes as it is. Use it on your own risk.
I'm not responsible if anything goes wrong or if it doesn't work.

Download link (size ~ 450MB):
MD5SUM: a506dccf4c3b3aefc9a34847f3b45244

MD5SUM: 79878f6a58c4b0e1d45db1fef7d38adf


Ouh...someone found an really...maybe it's becomes a feature when it is documented...
OK, here's some documentation on the menu.
First of all:
The tool tries to detect the current tablet status by querying the USB bus
So it can detect if the tablet is in APX-mode or "normal mode" (Android or Recovery is running) or if it' switched/disconnected.
1) refresh
-- refresh current status on USB bus
2) toggle resume
-- if tablet is in APX-mode and you use nvflash to access it, it starts nv3p. This is different from APX, but looks the same on the USB bus.
-- when tablet is in nv3p, nvflash needs to use the parameter "--resume", or it will hang!
-- booting the tablet also resets nv3p.
-- if you see some nv3p message on the tablet and you want to execute another nvflash command, please ensure that Resume shows "Y"
3) readme
-- the famous readme...nothing to be proud of
4) liesmich
-- das tolle liesmich, nichts worauf ich stolz bin
5) ################ noflash ##################
-- the following commands don't use nvflash, so they should'nt be able to harm your tablet
6) adb shell
-- works with "normal" Android and CWM-recovery, but not with stock-recovery
7) adb boot recovery
-- works with krooks JellyBean and CWM-recovery, but shouldn't work with stock ICS or stock recovery
8) adb boot normal
-- works with krooks JellyBean and CWM-recovery, but shouldn't work with stock ICS or stock recovery
9) adb boot APX
-- works with krooks JellyBean and CWM-recovery, but shouldn't work with stock ICS or stock recovery
10) ################ scripts ################
11) todo....hmmmm...
12) ################ flash (APX) ################
-- this could brick your tablet! You've been warned!
13) get partitiontable
-- use nvflash to read partitiontable and show it in arranged form
14) exit APX mode
-- boot normal android
15) check/repair filesystems
-- run a script that executes e2fsck on some partitions
-- can help if your tablet stucks on Medion screen (if not too much of your filesystem is corrupt)
16) hard format /data
-- if you use "format /data" in CWM-recovery, it deletes only files on /data, but doesn't actually format it
-- this step really formats /data, and this also includes /sdcard, which resides in /data/media
-- if step 15 doesn't help, because too much of your filesystem is corrupt, try this
17) flash recovery boot
-- instructs the tablet to boot the recovery(SOS) partition
18) flash and boot CWM recovery image
-- flash famous CWM recovery to SOS partition and boot it
-- you may loose your stock recovery
-- when you reboot the CWM recovery, it may ask if you want to keep it,
-- this is because stock ICS will overwrite the SOS partition on every boot!
-- if you want to keep CWM recovery, answer YES here
19) flash root
-- installs superuser-apk and su binary on your tablet, so it's rooted
20) flash gps fix
-- this will set correct permissions on /data/gps and exchange /etc/gps/gpsconfig.xml
-- your gps should fix within 1 minute...outdoors please!
21) flash blob
-- don't use this when your tablet has 64GB internal card
-- this blob came with ICS from Lenovo/Medion
-- you shouldn't need this
22) flash clean partitiontable
-- don't use this when your tablet has 64GB internal card
-- only needed when nothing else is working, use this as a last resort!
-- erases everything and flashes blob (#21) as well as CWM (#18)
-- afterwards you have to flash JellyBean or ICS using CWM
23) flash JellyBean ...
-- flashes JellyBean on your tablet
-- if you're running ICS, please do a factory reset, or your tablet will stuck on boot!
24) flash /tmp/
-- from the main menu (grml) you can setup a network connection
-- in /usr/local/p9516/urls.txt you'll find the URLs for several ICS stock images
-- use "wget" to download one of them to /tmp/ and flash it
-- if you understand what I'm talking about, you don't need this CD
25) remove password/pattern lock
-- unlock your device
-- in case you forgot your password

Some more information:
This CD-rom is a hybrid image, you can also "flash" it onto usb sticks (see

Your tablet uses several partitions. I will focus on 3 of them to explain what this CD does and how it works:
The 3 partitions are named SOS, LNX and APP (please have a look at Yves very good description here:
In normal mode, your tablet boots the kernel from LNX partition and then starts the operating system from APP partition.
If you want to update (OTA) your tablet, the update process needs full access to these partitions, that's why you have the SOS partition.
From the SOS partition the tablet boots some mini-android that can run in memory and has full access to LNX and APP.

In most cases my CD reads the position of the SOS partition, makes a backup of this partition and then flashes CWM recovery.
Then the SOS partiton (CWM recovery) is booted and the neccesary commands are executed.
If you execute #19 (gain root) for example, a CWM installable ZIP is copied to the tablet and installed just as if you would do it manually using CWM.
Afterwards the backup of your SOS partition is flashed back to the SOS partition and the tablet is booted (to recovery mode).

If you have any questions, just ask me.
If you have any suggestions, just tell me.

V0.4 - 16.07.2013: remove password/patter; moved to
V0.2 - 07.05.2013: description updated due to problems with 64GB tablet
V0.2 - 30.03.2013: updated "su"-cmd from #19 (flash root), it was incompatible with superuser.apk
V0.1 - 27.03.2013: initial version

Gibt es davon auch eine deutsche Anleitung ? Bin Ü 50 und hatte in der Schule Russisch.....das allerdings bis zur Perfektion ;-) Danke für einen Tip :)

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