[ROM][16/09] ThiaiZO3D V1

  • 19 Antworten
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Fortgeschrittenes Mitglied
hier ein großartiges rom. OHNE LAGS!

ThiaiZO3D-Stock,Stable and fast Welcome to ThiaiZ O3D V1.0
I saw that a lot of people out there would like a stock,stable,fast and rooted ROM, so i decided to make one on my own, keeping it as much as stock as possible.This is my first O3D ROM (promised to myself that i would just start developing after GB update, but its comming very soon so it's time) . I'm coming from HTC Desire and Samsung Galaxy S2 where I have always developed my own ROMs.Be patient and I do really want to help this community to grow and find the best for this incredible peace of engineering called LG Optimus 3D.Suggestions are always welcome.

Here is how it looks:
YOUTUBE video comming soon

-Base: V10e
-Kernel:Acura Team Beta Kernel (Thanx Acura Team)
-Deodexed,Zipaligned (by me .apks from my old V10d)
-Some extra tweaks for speed and memory.(They are really working)
-Everything from LG is still there. (No Gulliver's book)
-ES explorer + CPU master. (Just free apps on my ROMs)
-HTC IME (Install from /data/app if you want it)
-Latest Android Market.
-Old busybox version 1.18.2 (to V6 Supercharger script)
-A little theme changing.

Known bugs:
-Default Ringtone can't be changed[FIXED]. Flash the update above

Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!

How you Install it:

Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!

-Download and copy the .ZIP file onto your SD or Phone.
-Restart device in CWM (Vol down + power)
-Backup your old Rom
-Wipe data + cache (All your data will be gone)
-Choose "Install Zip from SD card"
-Browse the .ZIP file and install it.(takes 3 minutes)
-Boot device and ENJOY.
-Start CPU master and change Scaling to "hotplug"
-Navigate with a file explorer to /system/etc/init.d and change permission on both scripts to "777" it means mark the 9 permission options.Reboot and the ROM is going to be faster.
-I do really recommend this [Script][Update 9 Beta 6!] V6 SuperCharger! The ONLY Android MEMORY FIXER! 3G & KAK! - xda-developers ask me if you dont know how to do.
-I'm not responsible for your mistakes you should know what you are doing.


-ACURA Team http://www.htcspain.com/roms-384/acu...-2011-a-50087/
-Zeppelinrox for V6 SuperCharger! The ONLY Android MEMORY FIXER! 3G & KAK! [Script][Update 9 Beta 6!] V6 SuperCharger! The ONLY Android MEMORY FIXER! 3G & KAK! - xda-developers
-Ipy (Smoothness tweak) I re-made it to our O3D

**If you think this ROM is good, buy those people under thanx or myself a beer**

Attached Thumbnails
  • Danke
Reaktionen: trax
jetzt v1.3 verfügbar: [ROM][27/09] ThiaiZO3D V1.3-Stock,Stable and fast - xda-developers
Download: Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!
  • Base: V10J
  • Kernel:Stock Kernel
  • Everything from LG is still there. (No Gulliver's book + Angry birds)
  • 3D converter.
  • Deodexed,Zipaligned
  • Some extra new tweaks for speed and memory.(They are really working)
  • ES explorer + Skype patched + APN Manager. (Just free apps on my ROMs)
  • HTC IME (Install from /data/app if you want it)
  • Latest Android Market.
  • Old busybox version 1.18.2 (to V6 Supercharger script)
  • Performance pack.
  • Original 3D games (Nova,Golf2,Asphalt6) are patched to be installed on SDCARD.

Installationshinweise im XDA-Thread beachten!!
  • Danke
Reaktionen: elturko
Funktioniert super, aber der Market geht nicht mehr. Also doch, ich kann downloaden, aktualiseren und so weiter, aber nichts mehr kaufen, dann kommt: "Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten. Versuchen sie es noch einmal" Ärgerlich.
Das ging flott: V 1.4.: [ROM][02/10] ThiaiZO3D V1.4-BaseV10K-Stock,Stable and fast - xda-developers

Download: http://www.multiupload.com/KG6CJ4WO09

-Base: V10K
-Kernel:Stock Kernel
-Everything from LG is still there. (No Gulliver's book)
-3D converter.
-Some extra new tweaks for speed and memory.(They are really working)
-ES explorer (Just free apps on my ROMs)
-HTC IME (Install from /system/app if you want it)
-Old busybox version 1.18.2 (to V6 Supercharger script)
-Performance pack.
-Original 3D games (Nova,Golf2,Asphalt6) are patched to be installed on SDCARD.
-No themes on my ROMs anymore.Instead do your own here UOT Kitchen. Kitchen .Donate to them if you think the kitchen works good.

Installationshinweise im XDA-Thread beachten!!
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
joker.20 schrieb:
hier ein großartiges rom. OHNE LAGS!

ThiaiZO3D-Stock,Stable and fast Welcome to ThiaiZ O3D V1.0
I saw that a lot of people out there would like a stock,stable,fast and rooted ROM, so i decided to make one on my own, keeping it as much as stock as possible.This is my first O3D ROM (promised to myself that i would just start developing after GB update, but its comming very soon so it's time) . I'm coming from HTC Desire and Samsung Galaxy S2 where I have always developed my own ROMs.Be patient and I do really want to help this community to grow and find the best for this incredible peace of engineering called LG Optimus 3D.Suggestions are always welcome.

Here is how it looks:
YOUTUBE video comming soon

-Base: V10e
-Kernel:Acura Team Beta Kernel (Thanx Acura Team)
-Deodexed,Zipaligned (by me .apks from my old V10d)
-Some extra tweaks for speed and memory.(They are really working)
-Everything from LG is still there. (No Gulliver's book)
-ES explorer + CPU master. (Just free apps on my ROMs)
-HTC IME (Install from /data/app if you want it)
-Latest Android Market.
-Old busybox version 1.18.2 (to V6 Supercharger script)
-A little theme changing.

Known bugs:
-Default Ringtone can't be changed[FIXED]. Flash the update above

Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!

How you Install it:

Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!

-Download and copy the .ZIP file onto your SD or Phone.
-Restart device in CWM (Vol down + power)
-Backup your old Rom
-Wipe data + cache (All your data will be gone)
-Choose "Install Zip from SD card"
-Browse the .ZIP file and install it.(takes 3 minutes)
-Boot device and ENJOY.
-Start CPU master and change Scaling to "hotplug"
-Navigate with a file explorer to /system/etc/init.d and change permission on both scripts to "777" it means mark the 9 permission options.Reboot and the ROM is going to be faster.
-I do really recommend this [Script][Update 9 Beta 6!] V6 SuperCharger! The ONLY Android MEMORY FIXER! 3G & KAK! - xda-developers ask me if you dont know how to do.
-I'm not responsible for your mistakes you should know what you are doing.


-ACURA Team http://www.htcspain.com/roms-384/acu...-2011-a-50087/
-Zeppelinrox for V6 SuperCharger! The ONLY Android MEMORY FIXER! 3G & KAK! [Script][Update 9 Beta 6!] V6 SuperCharger! The ONLY Android MEMORY FIXER! 3G & KAK! - xda-developers
-Ipy (Smoothness tweak) I re-made it to our O3D

**If you think this ROM is good, buy those people under thanx or myself a beer**

Attached Thumbnails

can you build in the tun.ko into yor rom? I need it for a vpnc (cisco) connection.

Thanks !
trax schrieb:
can you build in the tun.ko into yor rom? I need it for a vpnc (cisco) connection.

Thanks !

you should ask to ThiaiZ (who made this rom)
ist irgendwer der meinung es sei besser als king rom 3d?? und wenn ja wieso??
eydz schrieb:
ist irgendwer der meinung es sei besser als king rom 3d?? und wenn ja wieso??

Also ich bin der Meinung, das diese besser als die King Rom ist.Mehrere Gründe sind da anzuführen.Für mich ist es leider nicht ganz so schön, dass in der King rom alles dierekt in der Rom ist.Zum Beispiel der Go louncher der in der Rom Probleme bereitete (Beim beenden und dann wieder neustarten des Handys immer die gleichen Dinge auf 2 Homescreens,obwohl nur auf einem installiert und so weiter).Das nervt schon.Mit dieser Hier ist das Gott sei dank nicht der Fall wiemit diesem Schrecklichen Komplettpaket King Rom.

Läuft in V1.5 sehr flüssig, bin begeistert. Es gibt auch wieder ein nicht aufdringliches aber doch schönes Theme von Haus aus.
Kyomo schrieb:
Läuft in V1.5 sehr flüssig, bin begeistert. Es gibt auch wieder ein nicht aufdringliches aber doch schönes Theme von Haus aus.

Screenshots bitte :)
Steffen1337 schrieb:

Screenshots bitte :)

Gerade probiert, die Anwendung com.lge.util wurde unerwartet beendet. Habe sie in Titanium aber in Ruhe gelassen... Vorhanden ist sie.
Keine Ahnung, ob ich jetzt zufällig ein Bug in der ROM gefunden habe :confused2:
-Download and copy the .ZIP file onto your SD or Phone.
-Restart device in CWM (Vol down + 3D + power)
-Backup your old Rom
-Wipe data + cache (All your data will be gone)
-Choose "Install Zip from SD card"
-Browse the .ZIP file and install it.(takes 3 minutes)
-Boot device and ENJOY.

Ist das alles was man tun muss? Oder muss man auch rooten?(was auch immer das ist^^)
Stimmt schon aber dann ist die "how to install" anleitung trotzdem unvollstaendig(sonst haette ich ja nicht gefragt)
Gibts auch ein How To fuer uotkitchen(abgesehen von dem auf der hp)?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Link ist leider tot.
Hi All,
kann mir bitte jemand sagen, wie ich diese ROM wieder runter bekomme ?
Notfallwiederherstellung funktioniert nicht. Da kommt immer nur: Diese Gerät kann nicht wiederhergestellt werden, oder so ähnlich.
Bitte helft mir. Würde gene wieder auf das originale ROM zurück.
Vielen Dank Ixi,
Du bist echt mein Held.

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