- 15.351
Vorwort - ich weiß, dass die Info eher in den Root-Bereich gehört, ABER da das Problem mit dem Status Rooted/Unrotted beim update auf 4.4.2 automatisch auftritt, auch wenn das G2 definitiv NICHT gerooted ist, denke ich schon, dass es hier in diesen thread passt!
bezüglich der Root/Unroot Geschichte hat bei den xda-devs ein user sehr interessant "Entdeckungen" gemacht!
dem Gerät bzw dem Suffix nach dürfte es ein deutschsprachiger user sein >>> vielleicht ist der Drachenminister auch hier unterwegs!
Kurzfazit - mit 4.4.2 scheint es keinen "Root-checker" mehr zu geben
es hängt anscheinend an einem process und zwei binärdateien > process nor binary called "rctd" anymore and also no /persist/rct or /persist/rct.cfg
wenn diese wieder eingefügt werden, dann erscheint im Downloadmodus Unrooted...
Langversion (vom xda-devs Forum)
sollte der user hier sein, wäre es nett, wenn er hier seine Erfahrungen weiter konkretisiert...
bezüglich der Root/Unroot Geschichte hat bei den xda-devs ein user sehr interessant "Entdeckungen" gemacht!
dem Gerät bzw dem Suffix nach dürfte es ein deutschsprachiger user sein >>> vielleicht ist der Drachenminister auch hier unterwegs!
Kurzfazit - mit 4.4.2 scheint es keinen "Root-checker" mehr zu geben
es hängt anscheinend an einem process und zwei binärdateien > process nor binary called "rctd" anymore and also no /persist/rct or /persist/rct.cfg
wenn diese wieder eingefügt werden, dann erscheint im Downloadmodus Unrooted...
Langversion (vom xda-devs Forum)
Drachenminister schrieb:There seems to be no more Root Checker in 4.4.2 - this is what I have found on my phone. (D802.A6DEWH)
The phone came with stock 4.2.2 (d80210d-EUR-XX)
Took the OTA to d80210e-EUR-XX (still 4.2.2)
As there was no rooting done whatsoever the phone showed UNROOTED in download mode
then I rooted only the adb shell by copying over the g2_security file from ioroot as described in the manual method.
As this doesn't trip the root checker phone still showed UNROOTED
I investigated the hole root checker tool stuff using that adb root shell and found out, that there's a process called rctd (root checker tool daemon) using two files:
/persist/rct and /persist/rct.cfg
/persist/rct is a binary file containing only 4 bytes:
/persist/rct.cfg is a text file and in my case contained:Code:40 42 0f 00
at this point I made a backup of those two filesCode:Not rooted [g2:0197ec3553924872:4.16]
then I remounted /system in rw mode knowing that this would probably trip the rct
after that /persist/rct.cfg contained something like
and as expected download mode showed ROOTEDCode:rooted 21.03.2014 19:56 remounted system read/write [g2:0197ec3553924872:4.16]
then I copied over a file named rct_security containing "forel.lee" as described here xda-developers - View Single Post - Beware rooting the Verizon G2! and rebooted
After the reboot the rct_security was gone and download mode showed UNROOTED again
After that I upgraded to 4.4.2 by flashing a kdz for some d802 using the R&D Tool offline mode as described in method two here LG G2 Stock Firmware (Go Back to Stock) - xda-developers
Looking again into download mode it showed ROOTED although it clearly wasn't
I then thought that maybe that was because of the g2_security file still on the phone or maybe the fact that the rom was not made for exactly my device version or the fact that i had used R&D tool.
As I didn't have root then (not even in adb) I could not check the /persist/rct.cfg becaus I couldnt even ls /persist/
So when the update for my phone finally arived in normal LG Support Tool
I first flashed back to 4.2.2 using R&D offline and did a factory reset
download mode showed UNROOTED once more
Then again i updated to 4.4.2 (d80220b-EUR-XX), this time using stock LG Mobile Support tool (as I remember I didn't do a factory restet then)
looking into download mode showed ROOTED like after the first update to KitKat
still without root I couldn't investigate further.
Then root for 4.4.2 arived
Once rooted again I found that at least in my phone there was no process nor binary called "rctd" anymore and also no /persist/rct or /persist/rct.cfg
Then I copied over those two files from my backup from 4.2.2 and after that download mode finally shows UNROOTED once more (despite the fact that this time the phone really is fully rooted)
Download mode only looks into /persist/rct and /persist/rct.cfg and shows ROOTED or UNROOTED acordingly (and ROOTED if the files are missing)
Stock 4.2.2 has rctd so when you flash back a 4.2.2 kdz root is removed and /persist/rct and /persist/rct.cfg get created UNROOTED
Stock 4.4.2 has no rctd (at least when flashed through kdz) and by flashing 4.4.2 kdz /persist/rct and /persist/rct.cfg get erased -> ROOTED because files are missing)
Doing the OTA from 4.2.2 to 4.4.2 maybe just doesent touch the whole /persist partition and therefor leaves those two files the way they where thus stating UNROOTED in 4.4.2 if that has been the case in 4.2.2
If taking the OTA like flashing the kdz too has no rctd then rooting the phone after the OTA should still keep showing UNROOTED in download mode.
sollte der user hier sein, wäre es nett, wenn er hier seine Erfahrungen weiter konkretisiert...
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