[Kernel][Yank555][Sammy 4.3 v4.1c][Sammy 4.1.2 v3.4f]

  • 8.834 Antworten
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der sudden death fix ist drin oder?

Rom++xcorx++Kernel ++yank
Schon lange

ave frater
mit dem Antiphone versandt
  • Danke
Reaktionen: rebeccadri
...ist denn für die Zukunft geplant, das der Kernel exfat unterstützt?

gesendet im letzten Jahr auf folgenden Festivals
  • Danke
Reaktionen: rebeccadri
Hey JP,
jetz scheint sich alles eingependelt zu haben. Die Akkulaufzeit ist jetzt fast genauso wie unter Sammy:thumbsup:. Ich lese immer unter deinen Posts von der 1.5l Beta und wollte mal nachfragen wie der Stand ist und was uns erwarten wird?:blushing:
ugur7495 schrieb:
Yank eine frage undzwar hing grad mein Handy und hat sich plötzlich neugestartet hab das nun zum 2. Mal erlebt .. wovon kann das handeln?


Gesendet von meinem GT-I9300 mit Tapatalk 2

Reboots können jede Menge Gründe haben.

Wäre gut nach dem Reboot die Datei /proc/last_kmsg zu posten, dann kann ich schaun was es ausgelöst hat, kann helfen.


Sent from my CM10.1 / Yank555.lu CM10.1 kernel v1.5l-beta6 (Linux 3.0.75) powered Galaxy S3 i9300 using Tapatalk 2

Der ursprüngliche Beitrag von 20:08 Uhr wurde um 20:13 Uhr ergänzt:

Gamer-king schrieb:
Hey JP,
jetz scheint sich alles eingependelt zu haben. Die Akkulaufzeit ist jetzt fast genauso wie unter Sammy:thumbsup:. Ich lese immer unter deinen Posts von der 1.5l Beta und wollte mal nachfragen wie der Stand ist und was uns erwarten wird?:blushing:

Ja, teste verschiedene Toolchains (Compiler), und muß dann jeweils 1-2 Tage den Kernel testen, dauert diesmal was länger, aber hab nun meine Entscheidung getroffen ;)

Changelog zur Zeit wäre :

  • changed to Google's Android Prebuild 4.7 Toolchain
  • Reverted : optimized for size (broke camera on CM10.1)
  • updated to kernel.org Linux 3.0.75
  • added fastscaling setting for zzmoove in Aroma
  • updated dynamic fsync to 1.1 (faux123)
  • changed zRam to Snappy compression (Zeev Tarantov)
  • added ARM cpu topology definition, Multi-core scheduler support, SMT scheduler support (Vincent Guittot)
  • minor fixes applied

Für den Sammy Kernel zusätzlich :

  • custom boot animation support

Nagelt mich nicht dran fest, die anderen Dinger (nicht Toolchain) kamen halt so reingetropft, sollte aber so bleiben.

Wollte gegen Ende der Woche der Kernel 'ausstoßen', aber mal sehn, 5 Kernel sind's mittlerweile, das braucht seine Zeit, und die ist im moment etwas knapper :(


Sent from my CM10.1 / Yank555.lu CM10.1 kernel v1.5l-beta6 (Linux 3.0.75) powered Galaxy S3 i9300 using Tapatalk 2
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Lycidias, Naderik und Gamer-king
Keine Hetik,gutes braucht halt Zeit und da wir ja alles wissen das von dir nur gutes kommt nehemn wir alle die Wartezeit gerne in kauf :). Aber sag mal wieso broken camera on CM 10.1? Bei mir ging die Kamera bisher mit jeder nightly.
So Status Update hab nun mit dem Yank - PegasusQ und cfq getestet der rest auf stock und der akku hält besser als mit zane oder yankq...

// 29.4 - 20 Uhr - 1h 35min Display - 68% Akku > Stock Slimbean Kernel
// 30.4 - 20 Uhr - 1h 45min Display - 59% Akku > Yank/Pegasus/CFQ

Nutzungsverhalten war an beiden Tagen etwa gleich.
Mit zane bzw yankq hatte ich immer unter 50 oder teils sogar 40% am Abend...

Werde das mal ein paar Tage noch beobachten und ein wenig an den Settings spielen.

Gamer-king schrieb:
Keine Hetik,gutes braucht halt Zeit und da wir ja alles wissen das von dir nur gutes kommt nehemn wir alle die Wartezeit gerne in kauf :). Aber sag mal wieso broken camera on CM 10.1? Bei mir ging die Kamera bisher mit jeder nightly.

Broken deswegen, weil sie ansonsten mit der neuen Toolchain "broken" gewesen wäre ;)

Anders gesagt :

"optimise for size = yes" mit der 4.4.3 Toolchain = camera OK.

"optimise for size = yes" mit der 4.7 Toolchain = camera KO.

"optimise for size = no" mit der 4.7 Toolchain = camera wieder OK. ;)

Unterschied ist nur, der Kernel image ist leicht größer, ist aber egal, der Stock ist auch so compiliert, war nur ein Fimmel von mir aus alten Zeiten, als die Partition kleiner war auf älteren Geräten ;)

hallo ihr experten :)
ich hab da auch ein problemchen..
hab den kernel geflasht und auch gelesen dass ich nach flashen checken sollte ob er alle scripte richtig ausführt und so..hab ich getan - tuts nicht. also die taktung, der gouverneur, das alles ist noch auf stock.
die kernel.sh datei im ordner system/etc... ist leer.
habt ihr ne ahnung wie ich jetzt die scripte finde, die das system beim booten priorisiert? und wenn ich sie gefunden habe, wie gehe ich dann vor?
vielen dank schon mal!
Aepsylot schrieb:
hallo ihr experten :)
ich hab da auch ein problemchen..
hab den kernel geflasht und auch gelesen dass ich nach flashen checken sollte ob er alle scripte richtig ausführt und so..hab ich getan - tuts nicht. also die taktung, der gouverneur, das alles ist noch auf stock.
die kernel.sh datei im ordner system/etc... ist leer.
habt ihr ne ahnung wie ich jetzt die scripte finde, die das system beim booten priorisiert? und wenn ich sie gefunden habe, wie gehe ich dann vor?
vielen dank schon mal!

Hmm ... wenn die init.kernel.sh leer ist, heisst das, daß der Skriptgenerator die Datei beim Flashen nicht erstellen konnte ?!

Das ist Neuland ?! Passieren tut das wie gesagt beim Flashen, also im Recovery.

Was für ne Recovery hast du drauf ?

Philz.. Das ist dann ja tatsächlich merkwürdig. Glaub eigentlich nicht dass ich irgendeinen "neuen" Fehler gefunden hab.. Ich überlege nochmal, vielleicht fällt mir ein ob ich irgendwann mal was anderes gemacht habe was jetzt schuld ist ;)

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9300 mit der Android-Hilfe.de App
Aepsylot schrieb:
Philz.. Das ist dann ja tatsächlich merkwürdig. Glaub eigentlich nicht dass ich irgendeinen "neuen" Fehler gefunden hab.. Ich überlege nochmal, vielleicht fällt mir ein ob ich irgendwann mal was anderes gemacht habe was jetzt schuld ist ;)

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9300 mit der Android-Hilfe.de App

OK, Philz hab ich auch drauf, sollte von daher ja mal passen ;)

Und einfach versucht im Recovery die Config neu zu generieren (also alles einstellen und in der letzten Maske "Config only" wählen), das macht nämlich genau nur das, die init.kernel.sh neu erstellen.

  • Danke
Reaktionen: Aepsylot
Aha, habs versucht und der Installer sagt:

"...starting script generator (see /data/kernel-script.log for details)
file_getprop: failed to stat "/tmp/aroma/swap/prop": No such file or directory"

Kalt oder warm?
Hallo zusammen habe mir den Kernel jetzt auch mal geflasht.

Bis jetzt läuft er echt schön:thumbsup:

Allerdings habe ich jetzt noch eine frage.
Habe bei der Installation den Boeffla sound nicht mitinstalliert.
Aber ich habe unten dann noch einstellungen ausgewählt (wie Eargasm z.B.)
Hat er diese dann trotzdem übernommen?
Nö, wenn der Master-Switch auf Off steht, ist es vollkommen egal, was du unten auswählst. Aus ist aus.
  • Danke
Reaktionen: fireworkerfp
Bin sehr zufrieden mit den kernel, danke.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9300 mit Tapatalk 2


  • uploadfromtaptalk1367431322725.jpg
    56 KB · Aufrufe: 933
Aepsylot schrieb:
Aha, habs versucht und der Installer sagt:

"...starting script generator (see /data/kernel-script.log for details)
file_getprop: failed to stat "/tmp/aroma/swap/prop": No such file or directory"

Kalt oder warm?

Höllentemperatur ! ;)

Das würde bedeuten, es wäre nicht ausreichend Platz im /tmp Verzeichnis um den Skriptgenerator dort abzulegen wärend der Installation :(

Versuch mal folgendes :

- Recovery booten
- Cache formatieren (nicht dalvik, nur cache !)
- Kernel erneut flashen (config only)

  • Danke
Reaktionen: Aepsylot
Yank das kam aus meiner last_kmsg datei raus..

 PMIC rev = PASS2(2)

Samsung S-Boot 4.0-928452 for GT-I9300 (Aug 21 2012 - 17:03:14)

EXYNOS4412(EVT 1.1) / 1023MB / 15028MB / Rev 12 / I9300XXBLH3

initialize_ddi_data: usable! (1:0x2)
<start_checksum:321>CHECKSUM_HEADER_SECTOR :4096
<start_checksum:323>offset:50, size:6296
<start_checksum:326>CHECKSUM_HEADER_INFO : NeedChecksum:0 PartNo:16
Not Need Movinand Checksum
Movinand Checksum Confirmation Pass
init_fuelgauge: fuelgauge power ok
init_fuelgauge: not POR status
get_table_soc: vcell(3776) is caculated to t-soc(50.515)
init_fuelgauge: start: vcell(3776), vfocv(3767), soc(26), table soc(50)
init_fuelgauge: finish: vcell(3776), vfocv(3767), soc(26), table soc(50)
init_microusb_ic: MUIC: CONTROL1:0x00
init_microusb_ic: MUIC: CONTROL1:0x00
init_microusb_ic: MUIC: CONTROL2:0x3b
init_microusb_ic: MUIC: CONTROL2:0x3b
PMIC_ID      = 0x02 
PMIC_IRQSRC  = 0x00 
PMIC_STATUS1 = 0x16 
PMIC_STATUS2 = 0x00 
PMIC_PWRON   = 0x04 
PMIC_IRQ1    = 0x10 
PMIC_IRQ2    = 0x00 
s5p_check_keypad: 0x0
s5p_check_reboot_mode: INFORM3 = 0 ... skip
s5p_check_upload: MAGIC(0x80c0c0c2), RST_STAT(0x10000)
microusb_get_attached_device: STATUS1:0x3f, 2:0x43
s5p_check_download: 0
microusb_get_attached_device: STATUS1:0x3f, 2:0x43
set_charger_state: buck(0), chg(0), reg(0x00)
set_charger_state: buck(1), chg(0), reg(0x04)
check_pm_status: battery ok, charger boot, waiting 500ms and check again
microusb_get_attached_device: STATUS1:0x3f, 2:0x43
check_pm_status: charger is ok, LPM boot
fimd_div:1, div:7, FB_SOURCE_CLOCK:800000000, FB_PIXEL_CLOCK:57153600
a2, 60, 90, 
load_kernel: loading boot image from 81920..
ATAG_CORE: 5 54410001 0 0 0
ATAG_MEM: 4 54410002 10000000 40000000
ATAG_MEM: 4 54410002 10000000 50000000
ATAG_MEM: 4 54410002 10000000 60000000
ATAG_MEM: 4 54410002 ff00000 70000000
ATAG_SERIAL: 4 54410006 4df171a4 27c04f23
ATAG_INITRD2: 4 54420005 42000000 15c96f
ATAG_REVISION: 3 54410007 c
ATAG_CMDLINE: 69 54410009 'console=ram loglevel=4 sec_debug.level=0 sec_watchdog.sec_pet=5 androidboot.debug_level=0x4f4c sec_log=0x100000@0x43000000 s3cfb.bootloaderfb=0x5ec00000 lcdtype=96 consoleblank=0 lpcharge=1 lpj=3981312 vmalloc=144m oops=panic pmic_info=33 cordon=ad531ba30c4e19eb438136e7086ea0d0 androidboot.emmc_checksum=3 androidboot.bootloader=I9300XXBLH3 androidboot.serialno=4df171a427c04f23 snd_soc_core.pmdown_time=1000'

Starting kernel at 0x40008000...

<6>[    0.000000] c0 Initializing cgroup subsys cpu
<5>[    0.000000] c0 Linux version 3.0.73-SGS3-U10-i9300-Yank555.lu-v3.3i+ (yank555-lu@android-dev) (gcc version 4.4.3 (GCC) ) #114 SMP PREEMPT Tue Apr 16 20:35:05 CEST 2013
<4>[    0.000000] c0 CPU: ARMv7 Processor [413fc090] revision 0 (ARMv7), cr=10c5387d
<4>[    0.000000] c0 CPU: VIPT nonaliasing data cache, VIPT aliasing instruction cache
<4>[    0.000000] c0 Machine: SMDK4x12
<6>[    0.000000] c0 cma: CMA: reserved 16 MiB at 65800000
<6>[    0.000000] c0 cma: CMA: reserved 40 MiB at 5c800000
<6>[    0.000000] c0 cma: CMA: reserved 16 MiB at 72000000
<6>[    0.000000] c0 Memory policy: ECC disabled, Data cache writealloc
<4>[    0.000000] c0 CPU EXYNOS4412 (id 0xe4412211)
<7>[    0.000000] c0 exynos4_init_clocks: initializing clocks
<6>[    0.000000] c0 S3C24XX Clocks, Copyright 2004 Simtec Electronics
<3>[    0.000000] c0 s3c_register_clksrc: clock audiocdclk has no registers set
<3>[    0.000000] c0 audiocdclk: no parent clock specified
<3>[    0.000000] c0 s3c_register_clksrc: clock armclk has no registers set
<7>[    0.000000] c0 exynos4_setup_clocks: registering clocks
<7>[    0.000000] c0 exynos4_setup_clocks: xtal is 24000000
<6>[    0.000000] c0 EXYNOS4: PLL settings, A=800000000, M=800000000, E=84000000 V=108000000
<6>[    0.000000] c0 EXYNOS4: ARMCLK=800000000, DMC=400000000, ACLK200=24000000
<6>[    0.000000] c0 ACLK160=160000000, ACLK133=133333333, ACLK100=100000000
<6>[    0.000000] c0 EXYNOS4: ACLK400=24000000 ACLK266=800000000
<6>[    0.000000] c0 uclk1: source is mout_mpll_user (6), rate is 200000000
<6>[    0.000000] c0 uclk1: source is mout_mpll_user (6), rate is 200000000
<6>[    0.000000] c0 uclk1: source is mout_mpll_user (6), rate is 200000000
<6>[    0.000000] c0 uclk1: source is mout_mpll_user (6), rate is 200000000
<6>[    0.000000] c0 sclk_csis: source is xusbxti (1), rate is 1500000
<6>[    0.000000] c0 sclk_csis: source is xusbxti (1), rate is 1500000
<6>[    0.000000] c0 sclk_cam0: source is xusbxti (1), rate is 1500000
<6>[    0.000000] c0 sclk_cam1: source is xusbxti (1), rate is 1500000
<6>[    0.000000] c0 sclk_fimc: source is xusbxti (1), rate is 1500000
<6>[    0.000000] c0 sclk_fimc: source is xusbxti (1), rate is 1500000
<6>[    0.000000] c0 sclk_fimc: source is xusbxti (1), rate is 1500000
<6>[    0.000000] c0 sclk_fimc: source is xusbxti (1), rate is 1500000
<6>[    0.000000] c0 sclk_fimd: source is mout_mpll_user (6), rate is 400000000
<6>[    0.000000] c0 sclk_fimd: source is xusbxti (1), rate is 1500000
<6>[    0.000000] c0 sclk_mdnie: source is mout_mpll_user (6), rate is 400000000
<6>[    0.000000] c0 sclk_mdnie: source is xusbxti (1), rate is 1500000
<6>[    0.000000] c0 sclk_mdnie_pwm: source is xusbxti (1), rate is 1500000
<6>[    0.000000] c0 sclk_mdnie_pwm: source is xusbxti (1), rate is 1500000
<6>[    0.000000] c0 sclk_mfc: source is mout_mfc0 (0), rate is 50000000
<6>[    0.000000] c0 sclk_g3d: source is mout_g3d0 (0), rate is 50000000
<6>[    0.000000] c0 sclk_pwi: source is xusbxti (1), rate is 3000000
<6>[    0.000000] c0 S5P/CMA: Reserved 0x70000000/0x00bcc000 for 'fimc_is'
<6>[    0.000000] c0 S5P/CMA: Reserved 0x71700000/0x00800000 for 'fimd'
<6>[    0.000000] c0 S5P/CMA: Reserved 0x6c300000/0x03d00000 for 'fimc0'
<6>[    0.000000] c0 S5P/CMA: Reserved 0x71600000/0x00100000 for 'srp'
<6>[    0.000000] c0 S5P/CMA: Reserved 0x64000000/0x00400000 for 'mfc-normal'
<6>[    0.000000] c0 S5P/CMA: Reserving 0x7800000 for secure region aligned by 0x4000000.
<6>[    0.000000] c0 S5P/CMA: Reserved 0x5c000000/0x00100000 for 'sectbl'
<6>[    0.000000] c0 S5P/CMA: Reserved 0x5c100000/0x03100000 for 'mfc-secure'
<6>[    0.000000] c0 S5P/CMA: Reserved 0x5f200000/0x04600000 for 'ion'
<0>[    0.000000] c0 (sec_debug_set_upload_magic) 66262564
<0>[    0.000000] c0 (sec_debug_set_upload_cause) cafebabe
<7>[    0.000000] c0 On node 0 totalpages: 261888
<7>[    0.000000] c0 free_area_init_node: node 0, pgdat c0977f80, node_mem_map c0df5000
<7>[    0.000000] c0   Normal zone: 1632 pages used for memmap
<7>[    0.000000] c0   Normal zone: 0 pages reserved
<7>[    0.000000] c0   Normal zone: 207264 pages, LIFO batch:31
<7>[    0.000000] c0   HighMem zone: 414 pages used for memmap
<7>[    0.000000] c0   HighMem zone: 52578 pages, LIFO batch:15
<6>[    0.000000] c0 sec_debug_magic_init: success reserving magic code area
<6>[    0.000000] c0 PERCPU: Embedded 7 pages/cpu @c15fd000 s7680 r8192 d12800 u32768
<7>[    0.000000] c0 pcpu-alloc: s7680 r8192 d12800 u32768 alloc=8*4096
<7>[    0.000000] c0 pcpu-alloc: [0] 0 [0] 1 [0] 2 [0] 3 
<6>[    0.000000] c0 Built 1 zonelists in Zone order, mobility grouping on.Total pages: 259842
<5>[    0.000000] c0 Kernel command line: console=ram loglevel=4 sec_debug.level=0 sec_watchdog.sec_pet=5 androidboot.debug_level=0x4f4c sec_log=0x100000@0x43000000 s3cfb.bootloaderfb=0x5ec00000 lcdtype=96 consoleblank=0 lpcharge=1 lpj=3981312 vmalloc=144m oops=panic pmic_info=33 cordon=ad531ba30c4e19eb438136e7086ea0d0 androidboot.emmc_checksum=3 androidboot.bootloader=I9300XXBLH3 androidboot.serialno=4df171a427c04f23 snd_soc_core.pmdown_time=1000
<6>[    0.000000] c0 sec_log_setup: *sec_log_mag:4d474f4c *sec_log_ptr:989 sec_log_buf:fd200000 sec_log_size:1048576
<6>[    0.000000] c0 sec_log_save_old: saved old log at 2441@c161c120
<6>[    0.000000] c0 sec_getlog_supply_kloginfo: 0xc3000000
<6>[    0.000000] c0 battery_get_lpm_state: Low power charging mode: 1
<6>[    0.000000] c0 drivers/misc/max77693-muic.c get_if_pmic_inifo: switch_sel: 1 if_pmic_rev:2
<6>[    0.000000] c0 PID hash table entries: 4096 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)
<6>[    0.000000] c0 Dentry cache hash table entries: 131072 (order: 7, 524288 bytes)
<6>[    0.000000] c0 Inode-cache hash table entries: 65536 (order: 6, 262144 bytes)
<6>[    0.000000] c0 Memory: 1023MB = 1023MB total
<5>[    0.000000] c0 Memory: 778008k/778008k available, 269544k reserved, 211968K highmem
<5>[    0.000000] c0 Virtual kernel memory layout:
<5>[    0.000000] c0     vector  : 0xffff0000 - 0xffff1000   (   4 kB)
<5>[    0.000000] c0     fixmap  : 0xfff00000 - 0xfffe0000   ( 896 kB)
<5>[    0.000000] c0     DMA     : 0xfea00000 - 0xffe00000   (  20 MB)
<5>[    0.000000] c0     vmalloc : 0xf3800000 - 0xfc000000   ( 136 MB)
<5>[    0.000000] c0     lowmem  : 0xc0000000 - 0xf3000000   ( 816 MB)
<5>[    0.000000] c0     pkmap   : 0xbfe00000 - 0xc0000000   (   2 MB)
<5>[    0.000000] c0     modules : 0xbf000000 - 0xbfe00000   (  14 MB)
<5>[    0.000000] c0       .init : 0xc0008000 - 0xc003f000   ( 220 kB)
<5>[    0.000000] c0       .text : 0xc003f000 - 0xc0820000   (8068 kB)
<5>[    0.000000] c0       .data : 0xc0820000 - 0xc098c1e0   (1457 kB)
<5>[    0.000000] c0        .bss : 0xc098c204 - 0xc0df4610   (4514 kB)
<6>[    0.000000] c0 SLUB: Genslabs=13, HWalign=32, Order=0-3, MinObjects=0, CPUs=4, Nodes=1
<6>[    0.000000] c0 Preemptible hierarchical RCU implementation.
<6>[    0.000000] c0 NR_IRQS:501
<6>[    0.000000] c0 notifier_call_chain : NOTIFY BAD tick_notify
<6>[    0.000000] c0 Console: colour dummy device 80x30
<6>[    0.000000] c0 Calibrating delay loop (skipped) preset value.. 1592.52 BogoMIPS (lpj=3981312)
<6>[    0.000000] c0 pid_max: default: 32768 minimum: 301
<6>[    0.000000] c0 Mount-cache hash table entries: 512
<6>[    0.000000] c0 Initializing cgroup subsys debug
<6>[    0.000000] c0 Initializing cgroup subsys cpuacct
<6>[    0.000000] c0 Initializing cgroup subsys freezer
<6>[    0.000000] c0 CPU: Testing write buffer coherency: ok
<6>[    0.000000] c0 notifier_call_chain : NOTIFY BAD tick_notify
<6>[    0.000000] c0 notifier_call_chain : NOTIFY BAD tick_notify
<6>[    0.000000] c0 L310 cache controller enabled
<6>[    0.000000] c0 l2x0: 16 ways, CACHE_ID 0x4100c4c8, AUX_CTRL 0x7e470001, Cache size: 1048576 B
<4>[    0.030000] c1 CPU1: Booted secondary processor
<6>[    0.030000] c1 notifier_call_chain : NOTIFY BAD tick_notify
<4>[    0.060000] c2 CPU2: Booted secondary processor
<6>[    0.060000] c2 notifier_call_chain : NOTIFY BAD tick_notify
<4>[    0.090000] c3 CPU3: Booted secondary processor
<6>[    0.090000] c3 notifier_call_chain : NOTIFY BAD tick_notify
<6>[    0.100000] c0 Brought up 4 CPUs
<6>[    0.100000] c0 SMP: Total of 4 processors activated (6370.09 BogoMIPS).
<3>[    0.105000] c0 gpio: GPK0 has missing PM functions
<6>[    0.105000] c0 print_constraints: dummy: 
<6>[    0.110000] c0 NET: Registered protocol family 16
<7>[    0.110000] c0 migrating range 72000 72280, retry (0)
<6>[    0.135000] c0 DMA: preallocated 2560 KiB pool for atomic coherent allocations
<7>[    0.140000] c0 midas_config_gpio_table
<6>[    0.140000] c0 midas_power_init
<6>[    0.140000] c0 [TSP] midas_tsp_init() is called
<6>[    0.140000] c0 Registered chained gpio int handler for interrupt 110.
<6>[    0.140000] c0 Registered interrupt support for gpio group 25.
<6>[    0.140000] c0 midas_tsp_init touch : 387
<6>[    0.140000] c0 Sound: start midas_sound_init
<6>[    0.140000] c0 Registered chained gpio int handler for interrupt 111.
<6>[    0.140000] c0 Registered interrupt support for gpio group 11.
<6>[    0.140000] c0 s5p_gpioint_set_type irq:395 is at GPJ0(3)
<6>[    0.140000] c0 midas_machine_init() register sii9234 driver
<6>[    0.140000] c0 Registered interrupt support for gpio group 10.
<6>[    0.140000] c0 mipi_fb_init :: fb_platform_data.hw_ver = 0x70
<7>[    0.140000] c0 usb: smdk4212_usbgadget_init: default luns=0, new luns=2
<4>[    0.140000] c0 brcm_wlan_init: start
<4>[    0.140000] c0 brcm_init_wlan_mem: WIFI MEM Allocated
<4>[    0.145000] c0 -----------------------------------------------------
<4>[    0.145000] c0 -----------------------------------------------------
<4>[    0.145000] c0 -----------------------------------------------------
<4>[    0.145000] c0 regist ret:0
<3>[    0.145000] c0 ram_console: invalid start 0 or end 0
<6>[    0.155000] c0 exynos4_pmu_init: PMU supports 4412(96)
<6>[    0.155000] c0 S3C Power Management, Copyright 2004 Simtec Electronics
<6>[    0.155000] c0 EXYNOS4: Initializing architecture
<6>[    0.155000] c0 s3c-adc samsung-adc-v4: attached adc driver
<6>[    0.155000] c0 samsung-pd samsung-pd.0: power domain registered
<6>[    0.155000] c0 samsung-pd samsung-pd.1: power domain registered
<6>[    0.155000] c0 samsung-pd samsung-pd.2: power domain registered
<6>[    0.155000] c0 lcd0 disable skip only one time
<6>[    0.155000] c0 samsung-pd samsung-pd.5: power domain registered
<6>[    0.160000] c0 samsung-pd samsung-pd.4: power domain registered
<6>[    0.160000] c0 samsung-pd samsung-pd.6: power domain registered
<6>[    0.160000] c0 samsung-pd samsung-pd.8: power domain registered
<6>[    0.160000] c0 samsung-pd samsung-pd.7: power domain registered
<6>[    0.160000] c0 s3c24xx-pwm s3c24xx-pwm.0: tin at 100000000, tdiv at 100000000, tin=divclk, base 0
<6>[    0.160000] c0 s3c24xx-pwm s3c24xx-pwm.1: tin at 100000000, tdiv at 100000000, tin=divclk, base 8
<6>[    0.160000] c0 s3c24xx-pwm s3c24xx-pwm.2: tin at 100000000, tdiv at 100000000, tin=divclk, base 12
<6>[    0.160000] c0 s3c24xx-pwm s3c24xx-pwm.3: tin at 100000000, tdiv at 100000000, tin=divclk, base 16
<4>[    0.160000] c0 UMP: UMP device driver  loaded
<6>[    0.160000] c0 s5p-sysmmu s5p-sysmmu.15: Initialized for s5p-fimg2d.
<6>[    0.160000] c0 s5p-sysmmu s5p-sysmmu.1: Initialized for s3c-fimc.0.
<6>[    0.160000] c0 s5p-sysmmu s5p-sysmmu.2: Initialized for s3c-fimc.1.
<6>[    0.160000] c0 s5p-sysmmu s5p-sysmmu.3: Initialized for s3c-fimc.2.
<6>[    0.160000] c0 s5p-sysmmu s5p-sysmmu.4: Initialized for s3c-fimc.3.
<6>[    0.160000] c0 s5p-sysmmu s5p-sysmmu.5: Initialized for s5p-jpeg.
<6>[    0.160000] c0 s5p-sysmmu s5p-sysmmu.13: Initialized for s3c-mfc.
<6>[    0.160000] c0 s5p-sysmmu s5p-sysmmu.14: Initialized for s3c-mfc.
<6>[    0.160000] c0 s5p-sysmmu s5p-sysmmu.12: Initialized for s5p-tvout.
<6>[    0.160000] c0 s5p-sysmmu s5p-sysmmu.16: Initialized for exynos4-fimc-is.
<6>[    0.160000] c0 s5p-sysmmu s5p-sysmmu.17: Initialized for exynos4-fimc-is.
<6>[    0.160000] c0 s5p-sysmmu s5p-sysmmu.18: Initialized for exynos4-fimc-is.
<6>[    0.160000] c0 s5p-sysmmu s5p-sysmmu.19: Initialized for exynos4-fimc-is.
<6>[    0.190000] c0 bio: create slab <bio-0> at 0
<6>[    0.190000] c0 print_constraints: VBATT: 5000 mV 
<7>[    0.190000] c0 max77686_pmic_init
<5>[    0.195000] c0 SCSI subsystem initialized
<6>[    0.195000] c0 usbcore: registered new interface driver usbfs
<6>[    0.195000] c0 usbcore: registered new interface driver hub
<6>[    0.195000] c0 usbcore: registered new device driver usb
<6>[    0.195000] c0 i2c-gpio i2c-gpio.19: using pins 138 (SDA) and 137 (SCL)
<6>[    0.195000] c0 i2c-gpio i2c-gpio.8: using pins 115 (SDA) and 114 (SCL)
<6>[    0.195000] c0 i2c-gpio i2c-gpio.9: using pins 47 (SDA) and 48 (SCL)
<6>[    0.195000] c0 i2c-gpio i2c-gpio.10: using pins 151 (SDA) and 152 (SCL)
<6>[    0.195000] c0 i2c-gpio i2c-gpio.11: using pins 149 (SDA) and 150 (SCL)
<6>[    0.195000] c0 i2c-gpio i2c-gpio.14: using pins 61 (SDA) and 60 (SCL)
<6>[    0.195000] c0 i2c-gpio i2c-gpio.15: using pins 51 (SDA) and 53 (SCL)
<6>[    0.195000] c0 i2c-gpio i2c-gpio.16: using pins 91 (SDA) and 89 (SCL)
<6>[    0.200000] c0 max77693_i2c_probe: device found: rev.0x2, ver.0x0
<6>[    0.265000] c0 max77693-safeout max77693-safeout: max77693_pmic_probe
<6>[    0.265000] c0 [drivers/regulator/max77693.c:488] pdata->num_regulators:3
<6>[    0.265000] c0 [drivers/regulator/max77693.c:494] for in pdata->num_regulators:3
<6>[    0.265000] c0 regulator regulator.2: func:max77693_reg_enable
<6>[    0.265000] c0 regulator regulator.2: func:max77693_get_rid
<6>[    0.265000] c0 regulator regulator.2: func:max77693_get_enable_register
<6>[    0.265000] c0 regulator regulator.2: func:max77693_get_voltage
<6>[    0.265000] c0 regulator regulator.2: func:max77693_get_rid
<6>[    0.265000] c0 regulator regulator.2: func:max77693_get_voltage_register
<6>[    0.270000] c0 regulator regulator.2: func:max77693_get_rid
<6>[    0.270000] c0 regulator regulator.2: func:max77693_list_voltage_safeout
<6>[    0.270000] c0 print_constraints: safeout1 range: at 4900 mV 
<6>[    0.270000] c0 [drivers/regulator/max77693.c:494] for in pdata->num_regulators:3
<6>[    0.270000] c0 regulator regulator.3: func:max77693_get_voltage
<6>[    0.270000] c0 regulator regulator.3: func:max77693_get_rid
<6>[    0.270000] c0 regulator regulator.3: func:max77693_get_voltage_register
<6>[    0.270000] c0 regulator regulator.3: func:max77693_get_rid
<6>[    0.270000] c0 regulator regulator.3: func:max77693_list_voltage_safeout
<6>[    0.270000] c0 print_constraints: safeout2 range: at 4900 mV 
<6>[    0.270000] c0 [drivers/regulator/max77693.c:494] for in pdata->num_regulators:3
<6>[    0.270000] c0 regulator regulator.4: func:max77693_reg_enable
<6>[    0.270000] c0 regulator regulator.4: func:max77693_get_rid
<6>[    0.270000] c0 regulator regulator.4: func:max77693_get_enable_register
<6>[    0.270000] c0 regulator regulator.4: func:max77693_get_voltage
<6>[    0.270000] c0 regulator regulator.4: func:max77693_get_rid
<6>[    0.270000] c0 regulator regulator.4: func:max77693_get_voltage_register
<6>[    0.270000] c0 regulator regulator.4: func:max77693_get_rid
<6>[    0.270000] c0 regulator regulator.4: func:max77693_list_voltage
<6>[    0.270000] c0 print_constraints: CHARGER: 60 <--> 2580 mA at 500 mA 
<6>[    0.270000] c0 i2c-gpio i2c-gpio.17: using pins 266 (SDA) and 267 (SCL)
<6>[    0.270000] c0 i2c-gpio i2c-gpio.21: using pins 72 (SDA) and 71 (SCL)
<6>[    0.270000] c0 i2c-gpio i2c-gpio.12: using pins 231 (SDA) and 232 (SCL)
<6>[    0.270000] c0 s3c-i2c s3c2440-i2c.0: i2c-0: S3C I2C adapter
<6>[    0.270000] c0 s3c-i2c s3c2440-i2c.1: i2c-1: S3C I2C adapter
<6>[    0.275000] c0 s3c-i2c s3c2440-i2c.3: i2c-3: S3C I2C adapter
<6>[    0.275000] c0 s3c-i2c s3c2440-i2c.4: i2c-4: S3C I2C adapter
<6>[    0.275000] c0 max77686 7-0009: device found
<6>[    0.275000] c0 max77686_irq_init+
<6>[    0.275000] c0 max77686_irq_init: gpio_irq=1
<6>[    0.280000] c0 max77686_irq_init-
<7>[    0.280000] c0 max77686_pmic_probe
<7>[    0.280000] c0 max77686_pmic_probe: DEVICE ID=0x2
<6>[    0.285000] c0 print_constraints: vdd_mif range: 850 <--> 1050 mV at 1000 mV 
<6>[    0.285000] c0 print_constraints: vdd_arm range: 850 <--> 1500 mV at 1100 mV 
<6>[    0.285000] c0 print_constraints: vdd_int range: 850 <--> 1100 mV at 1000 mV 
<6>[    0.285000] c0 print_constraints: vdd_g3d range: 850 <--> 1075 mV at 1000 mV 
<6>[    0.285000] c0 print_constraints: CAM_ISP_CORE_1.2V: 1000 <--> 1200 mV at 1200 mV 
<6>[    0.285000] c0 print_constraints: VCC_1.8V_AP: 1800 mV 
<6>[    0.285000] c0 print_constraints: VCC_1.8V_IO: 1800 mV 
<6>[    0.290000] c0 print_constraints: VMIPI_1.0V: 1000 mV 
<6>[    0.290000] c0 print_constraints: CAM_ISP_MIPI_1.2V: 1200 mV 
<6>[    0.290000] c0 print_constraints: VMIPI_1.8V: 1800 mV 
<6>[    0.290000] c0 print_constraints: VABB1_1.95V: 1950 mV 
<6>[    0.290000] c0 print_constraints: VUOTG_3.0V: 3000 mV 
<6>[    0.290000] c0 print_constraints: VABB2_1.95V: 1950 mV 
<6>[    0.295000] c0 print_constraints: CAM_SENSOR_CORE_1.2V: 1200 mV 
<6>[    0.295000] c0 print_constraints: CAM_ISP_SENSOR_1.8V: 1800 mV 
<6>[    0.295000] c0 print_constraints: VT_CAM_1.8V: 1800 mV 
<6>[    0.295000] c0 print_constraints: VTF_2.8V: 2800 mV 
<6>[    0.295000] c0 print_constraints: TSP_AVDD_3.3V: 3300 mV 
<6>[    0.295000] c0 print_constraints: VDD_1.8V_TSP: 1800 mV 
<6>[    0.295000] c0 print_constraints: VCC_3.3V_LCD: 3300 mV 
<6>[    0.295000] c0 print_constraints: VCC_MOTOR_3.0V: 3000 mV 
<6>[    0.295000] c0 print_constraints: 32KHZ_PMIC: 
<6>[    0.300000] c0 s3c-i2c s3c2440-i2c.7: i2c-7: S3C I2C adapter
<3>[    0.300000] c0 max77686 5-0009: device not found on this channel (this is not an error)
<6>[    0.300000] c0 s3c-i2c s3c2440-i2c.5: i2c-5: S3C I2C adapter
<6>[    0.300000] c0 Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Driver Version 1.0.24.
<6>[    0.300000] c0 Bluetooth: Core ver 2.16
<6>[    0.300000] c0 NET: Registered protocol family 31
<6>[    0.300000] c0 Bluetooth: HCI device and connection manager initialized
<6>[    0.300000] c0 Bluetooth: HCI socket layer initialized
<6>[    0.300000] c0 Bluetooth: L2CAP socket layer initialized
<6>[    0.300000] c0 Bluetooth: SCO socket layer initialized
<6>[    0.300000] c0 cfg80211: Calling CRDA to update world regulatory domain
<6>[    0.300000] c0 Switching to clocksource mct-frc
<6>[    0.301177] c0 Switched to NOHz mode on CPU #0
<6>[    0.301530] c3 Switched to NOHz mode on CPU #3
<6>[    0.301560] c2 Switched to NOHz mode on CPU #2
<6>[    0.301592] c1 Switched to NOHz mode on CPU #1
<6>[    0.314607] c0 NET: Registered protocol family 2
<6>[    0.314856] c0 IP route cache hash table entries: 32768 (order: 5, 131072 bytes)
<6>[    0.315672] c0 TCP established hash table entries: 131072 (order: 8, 1048576 bytes)
<6>[    0.317573] c0 TCP bind hash table entries: 65536 (order: 7, 786432 bytes)
<6>[    0.318679] c0 TCP: Hash tables configured (established 131072 bind 65536)
<6>[    0.318719] c0 TCP reno registered
<6>[    0.318747] c0 UDP hash table entries: 512 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)
<6>[    0.318811] c0 UDP-Lite hash table entries: 512 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)
<6>[    0.319298] c0 NET: Registered protocol family 1
<6>[    0.319487] c0 Trying to unpack rootfs image as initramfs...
<6>[    0.410387] c0 Freeing initrd memory: 1392K
<6>[    0.410523] c0 PMU: registered new PMU device of type 0
<6>[    0.410755] c0 Exynos4 : ARM Clock down on idle mode is enabled
<7>[    0.412657] c0 gps_bcm475x_init - system_rev : c
<6>[    0.412869] c0 i2c 15-0039: i2c_add_devices - added sii9234_mhl_tx successfully
<6>[    0.413095] c0 i2c 15-003d: i2c_add_devices - added sii9234_tpi successfully
<6>[    0.413299] c0 i2c 15-0049: i2c_add_devices - added sii9234_hdmi_rx successfully
<6>[    0.413508] c0 i2c 15-0064: i2c_add_devices - added sii9234_cbus successfully
<6>[    0.413715] c0 i2c 5-003a: i2c_add_devices - added s5p_ddc successfully
<6>[    0.413929] c0 i2c 5-002b: i2c_add_devices - added pn65n successfully
<6>[    0.413969] c0 accel_gpio_init
<6>[    0.413994] c0 gyro_gpio_init
<6>[    0.414181] c0 i2c 1-0019: i2c_add_devices - added lsm330dlc_accel successfully
<6>[    0.414388] c0 i2c 1-006b: i2c_add_devices - added lsm330dlc_gyro successfully
<6>[    0.414430] c0 optical_gpio_init
<6>[    0.414626] c0 i2c 9-0018: i2c_add_devices - added cm36651 successfully
<6>[    0.414665] c0 ak8975c_gpio_init
<6>[    0.414851] c0 i2c 10-000c: i2c_add_devices - added ak8975 successfully
<6>[    0.414890] c0 lps331_gpio_init
<6>[    0.415102] c0 i2c 11-005d: i2c_add_devices - added lps331ap successfully
<6>[    0.416249] c0 wake enabled for irq 374
<6>[    0.416490] c0 sec-thermistor sec-thermistor: sec_therm_probe: SEC Thermistor Driver Loading
<7>[    0.417046] c0 migrating range 72280 72281, retry (0)
<6>[    0.426894] c0 Loaded driver for PL330 DMAC-0 s3c-pl330
<6>[    0.426931] c0     DBUFF-64x8bytes Num_Chans-8 Num_Peri-1 Num_Events-32
<7>[    0.427140] c0 migrating range 72281 72282, retry (0)
<6>[    0.436688] c0 Loaded driver for PL330 DMAC-1 s3c-pl330
<6>[    0.436724] c0     DBUFF-32x4bytes Num_Chans-8 Num_Peri-32 Num_Events-32
<7>[    0.436934] c0 migrating range 72282 72283, retry (0)
<6>[    0.446515] c0 Loaded driver for PL330 DMAC-2 s3c-pl330
<6>[    0.446552] c0     DBUFF-32x4bytes Num_Chans-8 Num_Peri-32 Num_Events-32
<4>[    0.452375] c0 highmem bounce pool size: 64 pages
<6>[    0.452718] c0 ashmem: initialized
<6>[    0.465676] c0 fuse init (API version 7.16)
<6>[    0.466136] c0 msgmni has been set to 1252
<6>[    0.466415] c0 notifier_call_chain : NOTIFY BAD cryptomgr_notify
<6>[    0.466586] c0 notifier_call_chain : NOTIFY BAD cryptomgr_notify
<6>[    0.466729] c0 notifier_call_chain : NOTIFY BAD cryptomgr_notify
<6>[    0.466866] c0 notifier_call_chain : NOTIFY BAD cryptomgr_notify
<6>[    0.466997] c0 notifier_call_chain : NOTIFY BAD cryptomgr_notify
<6>[    0.467130] c0 notifier_call_chain : NOTIFY BAD cryptomgr_notify
<6>[    0.467271] c0 notifier_call_chain : NOTIFY BAD cryptomgr_notify
<6>[    0.467540] c0 notifier_call_chain : NOTIFY BAD cryptomgr_notify
<6>[    0.467701] c0 notifier_call_chain : NOTIFY BAD cryptomgr_notify
<6>[    0.467876] c0 notifier_call_chain : NOTIFY BAD cryptomgr_notify
<6>[    0.468522] c0 notifier_call_chain : NOTIFY BAD cryptomgr_notify
<6>[    0.468700] c0 notifier_call_chain : NOTIFY BAD cryptomgr_notify
<6>[    0.468735] c2 FIPS: No test for stdrng (krng)
<6>[    0.468791] c0 io scheduler noop registered
<6>[    0.468819] c0 io scheduler deadline registered
<6>[    0.468848] c0 io scheduler row registered
<6>[    0.468874] c0 io scheduler sio registered
<6>[    0.468975] c0 io scheduler cfq registered (default)
<6>[    0.469156] c0 s3cfb s3cfb.0: vclk=57153600, div=14(2), rate=400000000
<6>[    0.469263] c0 s3cfb s3cfb.0: fimd sclk rate 400000000, clkdiv 0xffff11
<6>[    0.469634] c0 s3cfb s3cfb.0: [fb2] dma: 0x71700000, cpu: 0xf3899000, size: 0x00708000
<6>[    0.473199] c0 sec_getlog_supply_fbinfo: 0x71700000 720 1280 32 2
<6>[    0.477416] c0 Bootloader sent 'bootloaderfb' : 5EC00000
<6>[    0.478420] c0 s3cfb s3cfb.0: parent clock: 400000000, vclk: 57155000, vclk div: 7
<6>[    0.478561] c0 graphics fb0: mout_mpll rate is 800000000, fimd divider=7
<6>[    0.478602] c0 graphics fb0: 60hz div is 2
<6>[    0.478629] c0 graphics fb0: 40hz div is 3
<6>[    0.478670] c0 graphics fb0: lcdfreq_init is done
<6>[    0.478699] c0 s3cfb s3cfb.0: registered successfully
<6>[    0.479251] c0 mdnie mdnie: mode=1, scenario=0, outdoor=0, cabc=0, STANDARD_UI
<6>[    0.479295] c0 mdnie mdnie: registered successfully
<6>[    0.480810] c0 s5p-dsim s5p-dsim.0: rxhd : 1000031a
<6>[    0.480842] c0 s5p-dsim s5p-dsim.0: rcv size : 3
<6>[    0.480873] c0 s5p-dsim s5p-dsim.0: pkt-l : 109060a2
<6>[    0.480905] c0 lcd panel: ID: a2, 60, 90
<6>[    0.480930] c0 lcd panel: s6e8aa0 lcd panel driver has been probed.
<7>[    0.480965] c0 Dynamic ELVSS Information, 0x10
<6>[    0.497512] c0 s5p-dsim s5p-dsim.0: rxhd : 1500181a
<6>[    0.497543] c0 s5p-dsim s5p-dsim.0: rcv size : 24
<6>[    0.497573] c0 s5p-dsim s5p-dsim.0: pkt : 020d0000
<6>[    0.497604] c0 s5p-dsim s5p-dsim.0: pkt : 0300080a
<6>[    0.497634] c0 s5p-dsim s5p-dsim.0: pkt : 000f0000
<6>[    0.497664] c0 s5p-dsim s5p-dsim.0: pkt : 0200090b
<6>[    0.497693] c0 s5p-dsim s5p-dsim.0: pkt : fe090000
<6>[    0.497723] c0 s5p-dsim s5p-dsim.0: pkt : 0300080b
<4>[    0.497932] c0 look index : 14
<4>[    0.497954] c0 look index : 31
<4>[    0.497974] c0 look index : 51
<4>[    0.497995] c0 look index : 73
<6>[    0.498049] c0 AID Dimming is started. 96
<6>[    0.530797] c0 lcd panel: brightness=160, bl=18, candela=160
<6>[    0.530840] c0 s5p_gpioint_set_type irq:400 is at GPF3(0)
<6>[    0.531000] c0 s5p-dsim s5p-dsim.0: mipi-dsi driver has been probed
<3>[    0.531547] c0 s3cfb_extdsp s3cfb_extdsp.0: Can't find device domain.
<6>[    0.531589] c0 s3cfb_extdsp s3cfb_extdsp.0: registered successfully
<6>[    0.532050] c0 Serial: 8250/16550 driver, 4 ports, IRQ sharing disabled
<6>[    0.820369] c0 s5pv210-uart.0: ttySAC0 at MMIO 0x13800000 (irq = 16) is a S3C6400/10
<6>[    0.900085] c0 s5pv210-uart.1: ttySAC1 at MMIO 0x13810000 (irq = 20) is a S3C6400/10
<6>[    0.985080] c0 s5pv210-uart.2: ttySAC2 at MMIO 0x13820000 (irq = 24) is a S3C6400/10
<6>[    1.065083] c0 s5pv210-uart.3: ttySAC3 at MMIO 0x13830000 (irq = 28) is a S3C6400/10
<6>[    1.153908] c0 brd: module loaded
<6>[    1.158289] c0 loop: module loaded
<6>[    1.158343] c0 lkdtm: No crash points registered, enable through debugfs
<6>[    1.158982] c0 func:max77693_muic_init
<6>[    1.159079] c0 func:max77693_muic_probe
<6>[    1.159114] c0 max77693-muic max77693-muic: adc:437 chgtype:441, adc1k440
<6>[    1.159411] c0 input: max77693-muic as /devices/platform/i2c-gpio.17/i2c-17/17-0066/max77693-muic/input/input0
<6>[    1.159475] c0 max77693-muic max77693-muic: H/W rev connected UT1 UR2 pin to AP UART
<6>[    1.159519] c0 max77693_muic_probe: switch_sel: 1
<6>[    1.159853] c0 MUIC ret=0
<6>[    1.159877] c0 max77693-muic max77693-muic: func:max77693_muic_set_adcdbset value:2
<6>[    1.159923] c0 max77693-muic max77693-muic: max77693_muic_set_adcdbset: ADCDBSET(0x20)
<6>[    1.160864] c0 max77693-muic max77693-muic: func:max77693_muic_irq_init
<6>[    1.160904] c0 max77693-muic max77693-muic: max77693_muic_irq_init: system_rev=c
<6>[    1.171149] c0 max77693-muic max77693-muic: adc:437 chgtype:441 adc1k:440 vbvolt:445
<6>[    1.171693] c0 max77693-muic max77693-muic: max77693_muic_irq_init: reg=7, val=9
<6>[    1.172233] c0 max77693-muic max77693-muic: max77693_muic_irq_init: reg=8, val=11
<6>[    1.172773] c0 max77693-muic max77693-muic: max77693_muic_irq_init: reg=9, val=0
<6>[    1.173313] c0 max77693-muic max77693-muic: max77693_muic_irq_init: reg=1, val=0
<6>[    1.173853] c0 max77693-muic max77693-muic: max77693_muic_irq_init: reg=2, val=0
<6>[    1.174392] c0 max77693-muic max77693-muic: max77693_muic_irq_init: reg=3, val=0
<6>[    1.174929] c0 max77693_set_jig_state: 0
<6>[    1.175940] c0 print_constraints: WM1811 LDO1: at 3000 mV 
<6>[    1.176395] c0 print_constraints: WM1811 LDO2: at 1050 mV 
<6>[    1.206980] c0 wm8994 4-001a: Succeeded to read ID register
<6>[    1.209140] c0 wm8994 4-001a: WM1811 revision C CUST_ID 00
<6>[    1.214017] c0 Loading pn65n driver
<6>[    1.214092] c0 pn65n 5-002b: pn65n_probe : IRQ num 367
<6>[    1.214314] c0 pn65n 5-002b: pn65n_probe : requesting IRQ 367
<6>[    1.216248] c0 PPP generic driver version 2.4.2
<6>[    1.216588] c0 PPP Deflate Compression module registered
<6>[    1.216621] c0 PPP BSD Compression module registered
<6>[    1.217056] c0 notifier_call_chain : NOTIFY BAD cryptomgr_notify
<6>[    1.217125] c2 notifier_call_chain : NOTIFY BAD cryptomgr_notify
<6>[    1.217418] c0 PPP MPPE Compression module registered
<6>[    1.217452] c0 NET: Registered protocol family 24
<6>[    1.217484] c0 tun: Universal TUN/TAP device driver, 1.6
<6>[    1.217515] c0 tun: (C) 1999-2004 Max Krasnyansky <maxk@qualcomm.com>
<6>[    1.217916] c0 host_notifier host_notifier.0: notifier_prove
<6>[    1.218540] c0 ehci_hcd: USB 2.0 'Enhanced' Host Controller (EHCI) Driver
<7>[    1.218583] c0 ehci_hcd: block sizes: qh 64 qtd 96 itd 160 sitd 96
<6>[    1.218806] c0 ohci_hcd: USB 1.1 'Open' Host Controller (OHCI) Driver
<7>[    1.218846] c0 ohci_hcd: block sizes: ed 64 td 64
<6>[    1.219220] c0 usbcore: registered new interface driver usblp
<6>[    1.219255] c0 Initializing USB Mass Storage driver...
<6>[    1.219424] c0 usbcore: registered new interface driver usb-storage
<6>[    1.219461] c0 USB Mass Storage support registered.
<6>[    1.219794] c0 usbcore: registered new interface driver usbserial
<6>[    1.219830] c0 usbserial: USB Serial Driver core
<6>[    1.219975] c0 USB Serial support registered for pl2303
<6>[    1.220554] c0 max77693-muic:max77693_muic_dock_detect CONTROL1:0
<6>[    1.221200] c0 max77693-muic:max77693_muic_dock_detect STATUS1:0x3f, 2:0x43
<6>[    1.221244] c0 max77693-muic:max77693_muic_dock_detect adc:1f adcerr:0 chgtyp:3 vb:40 dxovp:0 cable_type:17
<6>[    1.221458] c0 usbcore: registered new interface driver pl2303
<6>[    1.221494] c0 pl2303: Prolific PL2303 USB to serial adaptor driver
<7>[    1.221814] c0 migrating range 72283 72284, retry (0)
<6>[    1.232090] c0 s3c-udc : S3C HS USB OTG Device Driver,(c) 2008-2009 Samsung Electronics
<6>[    1.232131] c0 s3c-udc : version 15 March 2009
<7>[    1.232164] c0 init
<6>[    1.232592] c0 usb: android_probe pdata: c0912b68
<6>[    1.232623] c0 usb: android_probe nluns=2
<7>[    1.233042] c0 usb: android_bind disconnect
<7>[    1.233070] c0 usb: usb_gadget_disconnect
<7>[    1.234495] c0 [mtp_setup]     line = [1580]
<7>[    1.235431] c0 usb: mass_storage_function_init pdata->nluns=2, cdfs = 0
<7>[    1.235474] c0 usb: usb_string_id cdev(0xebb44540)->next_string_id=1
<6>[    1.235668] c0 android_usb gadget: Mass Storage Function, version: 2009/09/11
<6>[    1.235711] c0 android_usb gadget: Number of LUNs=2
<6>[    1.235743] c0  lun0: LUN: removable file: (no medium)
<6>[    1.235775] c0  lun1: LUN: removable file: (no medium)
<7>[    1.236668] c0 usb: usb_string_id cdev(0xebb44540)->next_string_id=2
<7>[    1.236708] c0 usb: usb_string_id cdev(0xebb44540)->next_string_id=3
<7>[    1.236751] c0 usb: usb_string_id cdev(0xebb44540)->next_string_id=4
<7>[    1.236789] c0 usb: composite_bind idVendor=0x0, idProduct=0x0
<7>[    1.236823] c0 usb: composite_bind bcdDevice=0x0
<7>[    1.236852] c0 usb: composite_bind composite_manufacturer=
<6>[    1.236889] c0 android_usb gadget: android_usb ready
<6>[    1.236918] c0 usb: Skip udc_enable
<6>[    1.237306] c0 mousedev: PS/2 mouse device common for all mice
<6>[    1.238521] c0 input: gpio-keys as /devices/platform/gpio-keys.0/input/input1
<7>[    1.238846] c0 [keys]PWR 0
<6>[    1.239333] c0 input: sec_touchscreen as /devices/platform/s3c2440-i2c.3/i2c-3/3-0048/input/input2
<7>[    1.239573] c0 [TSP] melfas_power on
<6>[    1.345320] c0 melfas-ts 3-0048: [TSP]fw version 0xbd !!!!
<6>[    1.345528] c0 melfas-ts 3-0048: [TSP]hw rev = 0x01
<3>[    1.346058] c0 [TSP] ISC Ver [0xbd] [0x22] [0x22]
<6>[    1.346089] c0 melfas-ts 3-0048: 4.8 fw version update does not need
<3>[    1.346622] c0 [TSP] ISC Ver [0xbd] [0x22] [0x22]
<6>[    1.346732] c0 s5p_gpioint_set_type irq:387 is at GPM2(3)
<6>[    1.346882] c0 melfas-ts 3-0048: Melfas MMS-series touch controller initialized
<6>[    1.348685] c0 max77686_rtc_probe
<6>[    1.370213] c0 max77686-rtc max77686-rtc: max77686_rtc_init_reg: bypass init
<6>[    1.370258] c0 max77686-rtc max77686-rtc: max77686_rtc_enable_wtsr: enable WTSR
<6>[    1.420054] c0 max77686-rtc max77686-rtc: max77686_rtc_enable_smpl: enable SMPL
<6>[    1.495398] c0 max77686_rtc_read_time: 113/3/30 19:23:55(2)
<6>[    1.520414] c0 max77686_rtc_read_alarm: 113/3/30 19:24:44(2)
<6>[    1.521123] c0 using rtc device, max77686-rtc, for alarms
<6>[    1.521183] c0 max77686-rtc max77686-rtc: rtc core: registered max77686-rtc as rtc0
<6>[    1.521232] c0 max77686_irq_unmask: group=2, cur=0xfd
<4>[    1.521856] c0 S3C24XX RTC, (c) 2004,2006 Simtec Electronics
<6>[    1.521998] c0 s3c-rtc exynos-rtc: rtc disabled, re-enabling
<4>[    1.522068] c0 s3c-rtc exynos-rtc: warning: invalid RTC value so initializing it
<6>[    1.522353] c0 s3c-rtc exynos-rtc: rtc core: registered s3c as rtc1
<6>[    1.522582] c0 i2c /dev entries driver
<6>[    1.526131] c0 Linux media interface: v0.10
<6>[    1.526616] c0 lirc_dev: IR Remote Control driver registered, major 249 
<6>[    1.526657] c0 IR NEC protocol handler initialized
<6>[    1.526687] c0 IR RC5(x) protocol handler initialized
<6>[    1.526717] c0 IR RC6 protocol handler initialized
<6>[    1.526746] c0 IR JVC protocol handler initialized
<6>[    1.526775] c0 IR Sony protocol handler initialized
<6>[    1.526804] c0 IR RC5 (streamzap) protocol handler initialized
<6>[    1.526837] c0 IR LIRC bridge handler initialized
<6>[    1.526866] c0 Linux video capture interface: v2.00
<3>[    1.527384] c0 s5c73m3_spi_init
<3>[    1.527440] c0 s5c73m3_spi successfully probed
<6>[    1.527908] c0 [INFO]flite_probe:2121: FIMC-LITE0 probe success
<6>[    1.527976] c0 [INFO]flite_probe:2121: FIMC-LITE1 probe success
<6>[    1.528295] c0 fimc_is_init_mem_mgr : [cma_info] start_addr : 0x70000000, end_addr : 0x70bcc000, total_size : 0xbcc000, free_size : 0xbcc000
<6>[    1.533366] c0 ctrl->mem.base = 0x70000000
<6>[    1.533394] c0 ctrl->mem.size = 0xbcc000
<6>[    1.533419] c0 ctrl->mem.fw_ref_base = 0x70a01000
<6>[    1.533448] c0 ctrl->mem.setfile_ref_base = 0x70b81000
<6>[    1.533970] c0 FIMC-IS probe completed
<6>[    1.534276] c0 s3c-csis: Samsung MIPI-CSIS0 driver probed successfully
<6>[    1.534349] c0 s3c-csis: Samsung MIPI-CSIS1 driver probed successfully
<2>[    1.534546] c0 Initialize JPEG driver
<6>[    1.534935] c0 s5p-jpeg s5p-jpeg: JPEG driver is registered to /dev/video12
<6>[    1.535201] c0 s5p-jpeg s5p-jpeg: JPEG driver is registered to /dev/video11
<4>[    1.535481] c0 S5P HPD Driver, (c) 2009 Samsung Electronics
<6>[    1.535790] c0 s5p_int_src_ext_hpd()
<6>[    1.535820] c0 s5p_hpd_read_gpio(0)
<6>[    1.536025] c0 s5p_hpd_read_gpio(0)
<6>[    1.536726] c0 i2c i2c-5: attached s5p_ddc into i2c adapter successfully
<4>[    1.536909] c0 i2c-core: driver [s5p_ddc] using legacy suspend method
<4>[    1.536947] c0 i2c-core: driver [s5p_ddc] using legacy resume method
<6>[    1.537195] c0 mfc_init_mem_mgr[567] cma 0x5c100000 0x5f200000 0x3100000 0x3100000 1
<6>[    1.537249] c0 mfc_init_mem_mgr[621]: base 0x5c100000, size 0x3100000, addr 0xdc100000
<6>[    1.537641] c0 MFC(Multi Function Codec - FIMV v5.x) registered successfully
<6>[    1.538281] c0 Samsung Graphics 2D driver, (c) 2011 Samsung Electronics
<4>[    1.539315] c0 Mali: init_mali_clock mali_clock c08fc750 
<7>[    1.541343] c0 migrating range 72300 72b00, retry (0)
<4>[    1.567271] c0 Mali: Mali device driver  loaded
<6>[    1.567633] c0 sii9234_cfg_gpio()
<6>[    1.567671] c0 s5p_gpioint_set_type irq:405 is at GPF3(5)
<6>[    1.567711] c0 sii9234_mhl_tx_i2c_probe(): wake lock is initialized.
<6>[    1.567963] c0 s5p_gpioint_set_type irq:405 is at GPF3(5)
<6>[    1.568124] c0 sii9234 : create mhl sysfile
<6>[    1.568788] c0 input: sii9234_rcp as /devices/virtual/input/input3
<6>[    1.569825] c0 max17047_fuelgauge_i2c_probe: fuelgauge init
<6>[    1.571128] c0 max17047_get_soc: SOC(26, 2649 / 9821)
<6>[    1.572391] c0 max17047_get_soc: SOC(26, 2649 / 9821)
<6>[    1.572423] c0 max17047_fuelgauge_i2c_probe: rsoc=2678, fsoc=9850, soc=26
<6>[    1.574409] c0 max17047_get_soc: SOC(26, 2649 / 9821)
<6>[    1.576490] c0 max17047_get_soc: SOC(26, 2649 / 9821)
<6>[    1.578046] c0 max17047_set_salrt: min(1%), max(255%)
<6>[    1.579185] c0 max17047_set_talrt: min(0x80), max(0x7f)
<6>[    1.580342] c0 max17047_set_valrt: min(0mV), max(5100mV)
<6>[    1.582721] c0 wake enabled for irq 371
<6>[    1.582747] c0 max17047_test_read
<6>[    1.582775] c0 max17047_test_read: 1/1/1970 00:00
<6>[    1.652014] c0     0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    a    b    c    d    e    f
<4>[    1.652072] c0 00| 0000 ff00 7f80 ff01 0000 01d6 1787 6400 1600 bf4c 0000 0000 0014 1ace 1a0c 0218 
<4>[    1.652118] c0 10| 07d0 ffff 1e2f 4600 0290 0148 1600 002a 07d0 c376 1616 caae 00ff 2314 03c0 0204 
<4>[    1.652163] c0 20| 4d78 00ac 1e00 07d0 1400 2305 1600 7fde 0700 4ea4 203b 0003 e3e1 290e 0000 0000 
<4>[    1.652206] c0 30| bba0 bb86 1306 0800 0100 07d2 0780 05e0 0065 0930 9c5c 7fff 1680 1628 72de e000 
<4>[    1.652251] c0 40| 0000 0000 0c00 0000 c56d 007d 1052 0000 1957 bfbe 0218 0500 ffff ffff ffbe 317f 
<4>[    1.652295] c0 e0| 0ca7 0b3c 0001 167d 0003 0006 fe00 ffff 4c20 001c 4c20 0000 4000 0000 bc70 2e10 
<4>[    1.652340] c0 f0| 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 1ace 0692 3fef 5053 fffe bc70 0064 3910 bf4c 1aca 
<6>[    1.652395] c0 max17047_fuelgauge_i2c_probe: probe complete
<6>[    1.652717] c0 max77693_charger_probe: charger init
<6>[    1.656349] c0 max77693_charger_reg_init: battery cv voltage 4.35V, (sysrev 12)
<6>[    1.656758] c0 max77693_dump_reg
<6>[    1.657276] c0 max77693: c: 0xb0(0x40)
<6>[    1.657796] c0 max77693: c: 0xb1(0xff)
<6>[    1.658316] c0 max77693: c: 0xb2(0x5d)
<6>[    1.658835] c0 max77693: c: 0xb3(0x60)
<6>[    1.659355] c0 max77693: c: 0xb4(0x31)
<6>[    1.659874] c0 max77693: c: 0xb5(0x00)
<6>[    1.660410] c0 max77693: c: 0xb6(0xb6)
<6>[    1.660930] c0 max77693: c: 0xb7(0x05)
<6>[    1.661450] c0 max77693: c: 0xb8(0x34)
<6>[    1.661970] c0 max77693: c: 0xb9(0x80)
<6>[    1.662489] c0 max77693: c: 0xba(0x00)
<6>[    1.663008] c0 max77693: c: 0xbb(0xdd)
<6>[    1.663527] c0 max77693: c: 0xbc(0xd6)
<6>[    1.664047] c0 max77693: c: 0xbd(0x0c)
<6>[    1.664566] c0 max77693: c: 0xbe(0x40)
<6>[    1.665103] c0 max77693: c: 0xbf(0xbf)
<6>[    1.665624] c0 max77693: c: 0xc0(0x19)
<6>[    1.666144] c0 max77693: c: 0xc1(0xc1)
<6>[    1.666665] c0 max77693: c: 0xc2(0x00)
<6>[    1.667184] c0 max77693: c: 0xc3(0x07)
<6>[    1.667705] c0 max77693: c: 0xc4(0xc4)
<6>[    1.668224] c0 max77693: c: 0xc5(0x00)
<6>[    1.691501] c2 max77693_charger_probe: support wc power detection
<6>[    1.691761] c2 max77693_charger_probe: wpc deactive, set V_BUS_INT as PD
<6>[    1.691805] c2 max77693_charger_probe: wpc(0), vbus(1)
<6>[    1.691835] c2 max77693_charger_probe: probe complete
<6>[    1.693046] c2 device-mapper: ioctl: 4.20.0-ioctl (2011-02-02) initialised: dm-devel@redhat.com
<6>[    1.693356] c2 Bluetooth: HCI UART driver ver 2.2
<6>[    1.693389] c2 Bluetooth: HCI H4 protocol initialized
<6>[    1.694310] c2 cpuidle: using governor ladder
<6>[    1.695656] c2 cpuidle: using governor menu
<6>[    1.695827] c2 mshci: Mobile Storage Host Controller Interface driver
<6>[    1.695865] c2 mshci: Copyright (c) 2011 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd
<6>[    1.696053] c2 dw_mmc dw_mmc: clock source 0: sclk_dwmci (40000000 Hz)
<3>[    1.696335] c2 mmc0: Version ID 0x5342240a.
<6>[    1.697582] c2 mmc0: FIFO WMARK FOR RX 0x80 WX 0x40. ###########
<6>[    1.698073] c2 mmc0: MSHCI controller on samsung-mshci [dw_mmc] using IDMA
<6>[    1.698394] c2 sdhci: Secure Digital Host Controller Interface driver
<6>[    1.698432] c2 sdhci: Copyright(c) Pierre Ossman
<6>[    1.698569] c2 s3c-sdhci s3c-sdhci.2: clock source 2: sclk_mmc (88888888 Hz)
<6>[    1.698857] c2 mmc1: vtf_2.8v regulator found
<3>[    1.725852] c0 mmc0: cmd 52 response timeout error
<3>[    1.726707] c0 mmc0: cmd 52 response timeout error
<3>[    1.730753] c0 mmc0: cmd 8 response timeout error
<3>[    1.731604] c0 mmc0: cmd 5 response timeout error
<3>[    1.732433] c0 mmc0: cmd 5 response timeout error
<3>[    1.733259] c0 mmc0: cmd 5 response timeout error
<3>[    1.734086] c0 mmc0: cmd 5 response timeout error
<3>[    1.734935] c0 mmc0: cmd 55 response timeout error
<3>[    1.735785] c0 mmc0: cmd 55 response timeout error
<3>[    1.736634] c0 mmc0: cmd 55 response timeout error
<3>[    1.737483] c0 mmc0: cmd 55 response timeout error
<6>[    1.756789] c1 mmc0: VTU00M: 15010056545530304df171a427c04f23
<7>[    1.804640] c0 Registered led device: mmc1::
<6>[    1.805098] c0 mmc1: SDHCI controller on samsung-hsmmc [s3c-sdhci.2] using ADMA
<6>[    1.805347] c0 wake enabled for irq 380
<6>[    1.805375] c0 mmc1: card inserted.
<6>[    1.805524] c0 s3c-sdhci s3c-sdhci.3: clock source 2: sclk_mmc (8888888 Hz)
<3>[    1.805642] c0 mmc2: no vmmc regulator found
<7>[    1.805888] c0 Registered led device: mmc2::
<6>[    1.806205] c0 mmc2: SDHCI controller on samsung-hsmmc [s3c-sdhci.3] using ADMA
<3>[    1.806494] c0 aat1290a_led_probe : Probe
<7>[    1.811418] c0 Registered led device: led_r
<7>[    1.816004] c0 Registered led device: led_g
<7>[    1.820577] c0 Registered led device: led_b
<6>[    1.830312] c0 usbcore: registered new interface driver usbhid
<6>[    1.830373] c0 usbhid: USB HID core driver
<6>[    1.831032] c0 logger: created 2048K log 'log_main'
<6>[    1.831259] c0 logger: created 256K log 'log_events'
<6>[    1.831486] c0 logger: created 1024K log 'log_radio'
<6>[    1.831709] c0 logger: created 256K log 'log_system'
<6>[    1.831941] c0 logger: created 256K log 'log_sf'
<6>[    1.831976] c0 sec_getlog_supply_loggerinfo: 0xc0a2c58c 0xc0c2c58c 0xc0d2c58c 0xc0d6c58c
<6>[    1.832732] c0 zram: num_devices not specified. Using default: 1
<6>[    1.832769] c0 zram: Creating 1 devices ...
<6>[    1.834035] c0 zcache: cleancache enabled using kernel transcendent memory and compression buddies
<7>[    1.834537] c0 [VIB] timed_output device is registrated
<6>[    1.834780] c0 lsm330dlc_accel_probe: is started
<6>[    1.836428] c0 Registered sensors device: accelerometer_sensor
<6>[    1.836477] c0 lsm330dlc_accel_probe: successful, position = 2
<6>[    1.836741] c0 lsm330dlc_gyro_probe, started
<6>[    1.837214] c0 input: gyro_sensor as /devices/virtual/input/input4
<6>[    1.837718] c0 Registered sensors device: gyro_sensor
<6>[    1.837773] c0 lsm330dlc_gyro_probe, position = 2
<6>[    1.837806] c0 lsm330dlc_gyro_probe, successful
<6>[    1.838031] c0 akm8975_probe is called.
<6>[    1.838267] c0 s5p_gpioint_set_type irq:399 is at GPJ0(7)
<6>[    1.839182] c0 akm8975_probe: asa_x = 166, asa_y = 165, asa_z = 174
<6>[    1.839589] c0 Registered sensors device: magnetic_sensor
<6>[    1.839633] c0 akm8975_probe is successful.
<6>[    1.839854] c0 cm36651_i2c_probe is called.
<6>[    1.839885] c0 proximity_leda_on, onoff = 1
<6>[    1.864711] c0 mmc0 : 10 : 0c : 20130128 : 20120413.
<6>[    1.864748] c0 mmc0 : enable PON feature : 10 : 0c(0c) : 20130128
<4>[    1.866759] c0 mmc0: Voltage range not supported for power class.
<3>[    1.866798] c0 mmc0: power class selection to bus width 8 failed
<4>[    1.866982] c0 mmc0: Voltage range not supported for power class.
<3>[    1.867020] c0 mmc0: power class selection to bus width 8 ddr 2 failed
<6>[    1.867234] c0 mmc0: new high speed DDR MMC card at address 0001
<6>[    1.867748] c0 mmcblk0: mmc0:0001 VTU00M 14.6 GiB 
<6>[    1.867962] c0 mmcblk0boot0: mmc0:0001 VTU00M partition 1 2.00 MiB
<6>[    1.868188] c0 mmcblk0boot1: mmc0:0001 VTU00M partition 2 2.00 MiB
<6>[    1.872641] c0  mmcblk0: p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 p12
<6>[    1.876816] c0  mmcblk0boot1: unknown partition table
<6>[    1.877877] c0  mmcblk0boot0: unknown partition table
<6>[    1.905349] c0 mmc1: cmd 52 command timeout error
<6>[    1.905706] c0 mmc1: cmd 52 command timeout error
<6>[    1.909549] c0 mmc1: cmd 5 command timeout error
<6>[    1.909887] c0 mmc1: cmd 5 command timeout error
<6>[    1.910224] c0 mmc1: cmd 5 command timeout error
<6>[    1.910559] c0 mmc1: cmd 5 command timeout error
<3>[    1.915194] c0 cm36651_setup_reg: initial proximity value = 1
<6>[    1.915633] c0 cm36651_setup_reg is success.
<6>[    1.915661] c0 proximity_leda_on, onoff = 0
<6>[    1.915970] c0 input: proximity_sensor as /devices/virtual/input/input5
<3>[    1.916455] c0 cm36651_setup_irq, success
<6>[    1.916810] c0 input: light_sensor as /devices/virtual/input/input6
<6>[    1.917255] c0 Registered sensors device: proximity_sensor
<6>[    1.917454] c0 Registered sensors device: light_sensor
<6>[    1.917498] c0 cm36651_i2c_probe is success.
<6>[    1.917725] c0 lps331ap: probe start.
<6>[    1.918204] c0 lps331ap I2C driver registered!
<6>[    1.921229] c0 input: barometer_sensor as /devices/virtual/input/input7
<6>[    1.923764] c0 Registered sensors device: barometer_sensor
<6>[    1.923813] c0 lps331ap 11-005d: lps331ap: probed
<4>[    1.923973] c0 i2c-core: driver [lps331ap] using legacy suspend method
<4>[    1.924011] c0 i2c-core: driver [lps331ap] using legacy resume method
<4>[    1.924521] c0 i2c-core: driver [Si47xx] using legacy suspend method
<4>[    1.924559] c0 i2c-core: driver [Si47xx] using legacy resume method
<6>[    1.924610] c0 Mobicore API module initialized!
<6>[    1.925544] c0 usbcore: registered new interface driver snd-usb-audio
<4>[    1.926873] c0 Boeffla-sound: engine version 1.6.0 started
<6>[    1.927616] c0 Samsung Audio Subsystem Driver, (c) 2011 Samsung Electronics
<6>[    1.927749] c0 audss_init: RCLK SRC[busclk]
<6>[    1.927865] c0 audss_reg_save: SRC[0x1], DIV[0xf10], GATE[0x42]
<6>[    1.928582] c0 audss_reg_restore: SRC[0x1], DIV[0xf10], GATE[0x42]
<6>[    1.928627] c0 audss_clk_enable(1): SRC[0x1], DIV[0xf10], GATE[0x1c7]
<7>[    1.928666] c0 i2s_txctrl: Turn Off - spr is no active
<6>[    1.928714] c0 audss_reg_save: SRC[0x1], DIV[0xf10], GATE[0x42]
<6>[    1.928751] c0 audss_clk_enable(0): SRC[0x1], DIV[0xf10], GATE[0x42]
<6>[    1.943129] c0 mmc1: new high speed SDHC card at address 0001
<6>[    1.943618] c0 mmcblk1: mmc1:0001 00000 29.2 GiB 
<6>[    1.944895] c0  mmcblk1: p1
<6>[    1.983319] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: write 60 = 100
<6>[    1.984544] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: write 15 = 40
<6>[    1.984761] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: write 102 = 3
<6>[    1.984978] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: write 56 = 7
<6>[    1.985214] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: write 5d = 7e
<6>[    1.985431] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: write 5e = 0
<6>[    1.985645] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: write 102 = 0
<6>[    1.985861] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: write 38 = 30
<6>[    1.986079] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: write 402 = 1c0
<6>[    1.986297] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: write 403 = 1c0
<6>[    1.986514] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: write 406 = 1c0
<6>[    1.986731] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: write 407 = 1c0
<6>[    1.986948] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: write 502 = 1c0
<6>[    1.987165] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: write 503 = 1c0
<6>[    1.987382] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: write 400 = 1c0
<6>[    1.987598] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: write 401 = 1c0
<6>[    1.987814] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: write 404 = 1c0
<6>[    1.988032] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: write 405 = 1c0
<6>[    1.988248] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: write 500 = 1c0
<6>[    1.988466] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: write 501 = 1c0
<6>[    1.988683] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: write 610 = 3c0
<6>[    1.988900] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: write 611 = 3c0
<6>[    1.989116] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: write 612 = 3c0
<6>[    1.989333] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: write 613 = 3c0
<6>[    1.989550] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: write 421 = 210
<6>[    1.989767] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: write 423 = 210
<6>[    1.989984] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: write 521 = 210
<6>[    1.991262] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: write 34 = 10
<6>[    1.991481] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: write 35 = 10
<6>[    1.991698] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: write 38 = b0
<6>[    1.991915] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: write 37 = 80
<6>[    1.992147] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: write 440 = 9b
<6>[    1.992364] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: write 441 = 844
<6>[    1.992582] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: write 442 = e8
<6>[    1.992800] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: write 443 = 210
<6>[    1.993019] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: write 440 = 98
<6>[    1.993237] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: write 450 = 9b
<6>[    1.993455] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: write 451 = 844
<6>[    1.993673] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: write 452 = e8
<6>[    1.993890] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: write 453 = 210
<6>[    1.994109] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: write 450 = 98
<6>[    1.994328] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: write 540 = 9b
<6>[    1.994546] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: write 541 = 844
<6>[    1.994764] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: write 542 = e8
<6>[    1.994981] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: write 543 = 210
<6>[    1.995219] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: write 540 = 98
<6>[    1.995483] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: write 3d = 2f
<6>[    1.995700] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: write 3e = 27
<6>[    1.995917] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: write 18 = 18b
<6>[    1.996134] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: write 1a = 18b
<6>[    1.996351] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: write 19 = 18b
<6>[    1.996567] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: write 1b = 18b
<6>[    1.996785] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: write 26 = 179
<6>[    1.997001] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: write 27 = 179
<6>[    1.997219] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: write 1c = 1ed
<6>[    1.997435] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: write 1d = 1ed
<6>[    1.997651] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: write 20 = 1f9
<6>[    1.997867] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: write 21 = 1f9
<4>[    2.000411] c0 Boeffla-sound: codec pointer received
<6>[    2.000449] c0 Sound: enabled mclk
<7>[    2.000475] c0 pmu_debug: 0x00000900
<6>[    2.013736] c0 Sound: state: 1, use_cnt: 1
<6>[    2.014053] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: write 200 = 8
<6>[    2.014298] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: write d0 = 0
<6>[    2.014718] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: wm1811: Rev C support mic detection
<6>[    2.014842] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: write d1 = ff
<6>[    2.015309] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: write 3b = 8
<6>[    2.015528] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: write 39 = 180
<6>[    2.015746] c0 wake enabled for irq 382
<6>[    2.019714] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: write 2 = 2000
<6>[    2.019945] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: write 4 = 300
<6>[    2.020177] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: write 5 = 300
<6>[    2.020395] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: write 208 = a
<6>[    2.020615] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: write 200 = 9
<6>[    2.020937] c0 asoc: wm8994-aif1 <-> samsung-i2s.4 mapping ok
<6>[    2.021213] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: write 702 = 8101
<6>[    2.021662] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: write 703 = 8101
<6>[    2.022110] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: write 704 = 8101
<6>[    2.023385] c0 asoc: wm8994-aif2 <-> midas.cp mapping ok
<6>[    2.024460] c0 asoc: wm8994-aif3 <-> midas.bt mapping ok
<6>[    2.024557] c0 audss_reg_restore: SRC[0x1], DIV[0xf10], GATE[0x42]
<6>[    2.024601] c0 audss_clk_enable(1): SRC[0x1], DIV[0xf10], GATE[0x1c7]
<7>[    2.024640] c0 i2s_txctrl: Turn Off - spr is no active
<6>[    2.024693] c0 audss_reg_save: SRC[0x1], DIV[0xf10], GATE[0x42]
<6>[    2.024731] c0 audss_clk_enable(0): SRC[0x1], DIV[0xf10], GATE[0x42]
<7>[    2.026023] c0 migrating range 722a0 722c0, retry (0)
<7>[    2.036624] c0 migrating range 722c0 722e0, retry (0)
<6>[    2.047034] c0 asoc: wm8994-aif1 <-> samsung-i2s.0 mapping ok
<6>[    2.049234] c0 input: Midas_WM1811 Midas Jack as /devices/platform/soc-audio/sound/card0/input8
<6>[    2.049702] c0 Samsung SRP driver, (c)2011 Samsung Electronics
<6>[    2.050734] c0 ALSA device list:
<6>[    2.050761] c0   #0: Midas_WM1811
<6>[    2.050887] c0 GACT probability NOT on
<6>[    2.050918] c0 Mirror/redirect action on
<6>[    2.050944] c0 u32 classifier
<6>[    2.050964] c0     Actions configured
<6>[    2.050989] c0 Netfilter messages via NETLINK v0.30.
<6>[    2.051069] c0 nf_conntrack version 0.5.0 (13330 buckets, 53320 max)
<6>[    2.052160] c0 ctnetlink v0.93: registering with nfnetlink.
<6>[    2.052226] c0 NF_TPROXY: Transparent proxy support initialized, version 4.1.0
<6>[    2.052267] c0 NF_TPROXY: Copyright (c) 2006-2007 BalaBit IT Ltd.
<6>[    2.052643] c0 xt_time: kernel timezone is -0000
<6>[    2.054265] c0 ip_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team
<6>[    2.054448] c0 arp_tables: (C) 2002 David S. Miller
<6>[    2.054524] c0 TCP bic registered
<6>[    2.054549] c0 TCP cubic registered
<6>[    2.054572] c0 TCP westwood registered
<6>[    2.054596] c0 TCP htcp registered
<6>[    2.055489] c0 NET: Registered protocol family 10
<6>[    2.058171] c0 Mobile IPv6
<6>[    2.058220] c0 ip6_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team
<6>[    2.058478] c0 IPv6 over IPv4 tunneling driver
<6>[    2.063341] c0 NET: Registered protocol family 17
<6>[    2.063398] c0 NET: Registered protocol family 15
<6>[    2.063559] c0 Bluetooth: RFCOMM TTY layer initialized
<6>[    2.063601] c0 Bluetooth: RFCOMM socket layer initialized
<6>[    2.063635] c0 Bluetooth: RFCOMM ver 1.11
<6>[    2.063662] c0 Bluetooth: BNEP (Ethernet Emulation) ver 1.3
<6>[    2.063697] c0 Bluetooth: HIDP (Human Interface Emulation) ver 1.2
<6>[    2.063960] c0 NET: Registered protocol family 35
<6>[    2.064510] c0 EXYNOS4X12: Adaptive Support Voltage init
<6>[    2.064547] c0 EXYNOS4X12(SG):  ORIG : 2 MOD : 0 RESULT : 2
<6>[    2.064589] c0 VFP support v0.3: implementor 41 architecture 3 part 30 variant 9 rev 4
<5>[    2.064660] c0 Registering SWP/SWPB emulation handler
<6>[    2.064700] c0 DVFS : VDD_ARM Voltage table set with 2 Group
<6>[    2.065454] c0 DVFS : VDD_INT Voltage table set with 2 Group
<7>[    2.066144] c0 mif: set_hsic_lpa_states: 304: called(s5p_usb_phy_init+0x8c/0x300): 
<6>[    2.066192] c0 s5p-ehci s5p-ehci: usb phy usage(2)
<7>[    2.066352] c0 usb: set_exynos_usb_phy_tune old phy1 tune=0x2819b3 t=1
<7>[    2.066401] c0 usb: set_exynos_usb_phy_tune new phy1 tune=0x2831b3
<7>[    2.066442] c0 s5p-ehci s5p-ehci: s5p_ehci_phy_init : 0x3c00000
<7>[    2.066483] c0 s5p-ehci s5p-ehci: reset hcs_params 0x1313 dbg=0 cc=1 pcc=3 ordered ports=3
<7>[    2.066535] c0 s5p-ehci s5p-ehci: reset hcc_params 2a016 thresh 1 uframes 256/512/1024 park LPM
<6>[    2.066583] c0 s5p-ehci s5p-ehci: S5P EHCI Host Controller
<7>[    2.066672] c0 drivers/usb/core/inode.c: creating file 'devices'
<7>[    2.066715] c0 drivers/usb/core/inode.c: creating file '001'
<6>[    2.067043] c0 s5p-ehci s5p-ehci: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 1
<7>[    2.067249] c0 migrating range 72284 72285, retry (0)
<7>[    2.077212] c0 migrating range 72285 72286, retry (0)
<7>[    2.086976] c0 migrating range 72286 72287, retry (0)
<7>[    2.096652] c0 s5p-ehci s5p-ehci: park 0
<7>[    2.096682] c0 s5p-ehci s5p-ehci: support lpm
<6>[    2.096735] c0 s5p-ehci s5p-ehci: irq 134, io mem 0x12580000
<7>[    2.096779] c0 s5p-ehci s5p-ehci: reset command 0080b02  park=3 ithresh=8 period=1024 Reset HALT
<7>[    2.096836] c0 s5p-ehci s5p-ehci: init command 0010005 (park)=0 ithresh=1 period=512 RUN
<6>[    2.105093] c0 s5p-ehci s5p-ehci: USB 0.0 started, EHCI 1.00
<7>[    2.105246] c0 usb usb1: default language 0x0409
<7>[    2.105298] c0 usb usb1: udev 1, busnum 1, minor = 0
<6>[    2.105331] c0 usb usb1: New USB device found, idVendor=1d6b, idProduct=0002
<6>[    2.105378] c0 usb usb1: New USB device strings: Mfr=3, Product=2, SerialNumber=1
<6>[    2.105425] c0 usb usb1: Product: S5P EHCI Host Controller
<6>[    2.105459] c0 usb usb1: Manufacturer: Linux 3.0.73-SGS3-U10-i9300-Yank555.lu-v3.3i+ ehci_hcd
<6>[    2.105510] c0 usb usb1: SerialNumber: s5p-ehci
<6>[    2.105544] c0 call_battery_notify : VID : 0x1d6b, PID : 0x2 skipped.
<7>[    2.106056] c0 usb usb1: usb_probe_device
<7>[    2.106089] c0 usb usb1: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice
<7>[    2.106150] c0 usb usb1: adding 1-0:1.0 (config #1, interface 0)
<7>[    2.106394] c0 hub 1-0:1.0: usb_probe_interface
<7>[    2.106425] c0 hub 1-0:1.0: usb_probe_interface - got id
<6>[    2.106460] c0 hub 1-0:1.0: USB hub found
<6>[    2.106500] c0 hub 1-0:1.0: 3 ports detected
<7>[    2.106532] c0 hub 1-0:1.0: standalone hub
<7>[    2.106561] c0 hub 1-0:1.0: individual port power switching
<7>[    2.106595] c0 hub 1-0:1.0: individual port over-current protection
<7>[    2.106634] c0 hub 1-0:1.0: power on to power good time: 20ms
<7>[    2.106683] c0 hub 1-0:1.0: local power source is good
<7>[    2.106718] c0 hub 1-0:1.0: enabling power on all ports
<7>[    2.107009] c0 drivers/usb/core/inode.c: creating file '001'
<6>[    2.107141] c0 CP not ready, Active State low
<6>[    2.107553] c0 s5p-ohci s5p-ohci: usb phy usage(6)
<3>[    2.107589] c0 s5p-ohci s5p-ohci: Already power on PHY
<7>[    2.107623] c0 usb: set_exynos_usb_phy_tune old phy1 tune=0x2831b3 t=1
<7>[    2.107672] c0 usb: set_exynos_usb_phy_tune new phy1 tune=0x2831b3
<6>[    2.107715] c0 s5p-ohci s5p-ohci: s5p OHCI
<7>[    2.107761] c0 drivers/usb/core/inode.c: creating file '002'
<6>[    2.108063] c0 s5p-ohci s5p-ohci: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 2
<7>[    2.108120] c0 s5p-ohci s5p-ohci: ohci_s5p_init, ohci:ebca2108
<7>[    2.108267] c0 migrating range 72287 72288, retry (0)
<7>[    2.118020] c0 s5p-ohci s5p-ohci: created debug files
<6>[    2.118080] c0 s5p-ohci s5p-ohci: irq 134, io mem 0x12590000
<7>[    2.118118] c0 s5p-ohci s5p-ohci: ohci_s5p_start, ohci:ebca2108
<7>[    2.174073] c0 s5p-ohci s5p-ohci: OHCI controller state
<7>[    2.174112] c0 s5p-ohci s5p-ohci: OHCI 1.0, NO legacy support registers
<7>[    2.174156] c0 s5p-ohci s5p-ohci: control 0x083 HCFS=operational CBSR=3
<7>[    2.174201] c0 s5p-ohci s5p-ohci: cmdstatus 0x00000 SOC=0
<7>[    2.174240] c0 s5p-ohci s5p-ohci: intrstatus 0x00000004 SF
<7>[    2.174276] c0 s5p-ohci s5p-ohci: intrenable 0x8000005a MIE RHSC UE RD WDH
<7>[    2.174319] c0 s5p-ohci s5p-ohci: hcca frame #0005
<7>[    2.174357] c0 s5p-ohci s5p-ohci: roothub.a 02000203 POTPGT=2 NPS NDP=3(3)
<7>[    2.174402] c0 s5p-ohci s5p-ohci: roothub.b 00000000 PPCM=0000 DR=0000
<7>[    2.174442] c0 s5p-ohci s5p-ohci: roothub.status 00008000 DRWE
<7>[    2.174484] c0 s5p-ohci s5p-ohci: roothub.portstatus [0] 0x00000100 PPS
<7>[    2.174530] c0 s5p-ohci s5p-ohci: roothub.portstatus [1] 0x00000100 PPS
<7>[    2.174571] c0 s5p-ohci s5p-ohci: roothub.portstatus [2] 0x00000100 PPS
<7>[    2.174655] c0 usb usb2: default language 0x0409
<7>[    2.174709] c0 usb usb2: udev 1, busnum 2, minor = 128
<6>[    2.174746] c0 usb usb2: New USB device found, idVendor=1d6b, idProduct=0001
<6>[    2.174788] c0 usb usb2: New USB device strings: Mfr=3, Product=2, SerialNumber=1
<6>[    2.174835] c0 usb usb2: Product: s5p OHCI
<6>[    2.174865] c0 usb usb2: Manufacturer: Linux 3.0.73-SGS3-U10-i9300-Yank555.lu-v3.3i+ ohci_hcd
<6>[    2.174913] c0 usb usb2: SerialNumber: s5p-ohci
<6>[    2.174943] c0 call_battery_notify : VID : 0x1d6b, PID : 0x1 skipped.
<7>[    2.175504] c0 usb usb2: usb_probe_device
<7>[    2.175539] c0 usb usb2: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice
<7>[    2.175596] c0 usb usb2: adding 2-0:1.0 (config #1, interface 0)
<7>[    2.175850] c0 hub 2-0:1.0: usb_probe_interface
<7>[    2.175885] c0 hub 2-0:1.0: usb_probe_interface - got id
<6>[    2.175924] c0 hub 2-0:1.0: USB hub found
<6>[    2.175962] c0 hub 2-0:1.0: 3 ports detected
<7>[    2.175990] c0 hub 2-0:1.0: standalone hub
<7>[    2.176018] c0 hub 2-0:1.0: no power switching (usb 1.0)
<7>[    2.176054] c0 hub 2-0:1.0: global over-current protection
<7>[    2.176090] c0 hub 2-0:1.0: power on to power good time: 4ms
<7>[    2.176134] c0 hub 2-0:1.0: local power source is good
<7>[    2.176168] c0 hub 2-0:1.0: no over-current condition exists
<7>[    2.176208] c0 hub 2-0:1.0: trying to enable port power on non-switchable hub
<7>[    2.176511] c0 drivers/usb/core/inode.c: creating file '001'
<6>[    2.176773] c0 @@@ s5p_tmu_probe: cpufreq_limit: 1st_throttle: 8, 2nd_throttle = 14
<6>[    2.176826] c0 s5p_tmu_probe: cpufreq_level[13], busfreq_value[133133]
<6>[    2.176868] c0 @@@ get_refresh_interval = 0x2e
<6>[    2.176895] c0 @@@ get_refresh_interval = 0x5d
<6>[    2.176930] c0 ** temperature set value **
<6>[    2.176955] c0 1st throttling stop_temp  = 78, start_temp     = 80
<6>[    2.176992] c0 2nd throttling stop_temp  = 87, start_tmep     = 103
<6>[    2.177024] c0 tripping temp             = 110, s/w emergency temp = 120
<6>[    2.177059] c0 mem throttling stop_temp  = 80, start_temp     = 85
<6>[    2.177103] c0 tc_voltage stop_temp = 13, start_temp = 10
<6>[    2.179450] c0 mif: init_modem, system_rev = 12
<3>[    2.179491] c0 mif: check phone active = 0
<6>[    2.179527] c0 mif: umts_modem_cfg_gpio done
<6>[    2.179564] c0 mif: modem_link_pm_config_gpio done
<3>[    2.179878] c0 mif: modem_probe: modem_if
<6>[    2.180692] c0 wake enabled for irq 366
<6>[    2.180722] c0 mif: create_modemctl_device: xmm6262 is created!!!
<6>[    2.181336] c0 wake enabled for irq 361
<6>[    2.181663] c0 usbcore: registered new interface driver cdc_modem
<6>[    2.181719] c0 mif: if_usb_init: if_usb_init() done : 0, usb_ld (0xebca2800)
<6>[    2.181761] c0 mif: hsic_create_link_device: usb : create_link_device DONE
<3>[    2.181804] c0 mif: modem_probe: link created: usb
<6>[    2.182272] c0 mif: create_io_device: Bood device = umts_boot0
<6>[    2.192336] c0 mif: modem_probe: Complete!!!
<4>[    2.194033] c0 regulator_init_complete: VCC_3.3V_LCD: incomplete constraints, leaving on
<6>[    2.195114] c0 regulator regulator.4: func:max77693_reg_is_enabled
<6>[    2.195157] c0 regulator regulator.4: func:max77693_get_rid
<6>[    2.195191] c0 regulator regulator.4: func:max77693_get_enable_register
<4>[    2.195735] c0 regulator_init_complete: CHARGER: incomplete constraints, leaving on
<6>[    2.195786] c0 regulator regulator.3: func:max77693_reg_is_enabled
<6>[    2.195824] c0 regulator regulator.3: func:max77693_get_rid
<6>[    2.195858] c0 regulator regulator.3: func:max77693_get_enable_register
<6>[    2.196398] c0 regulator regulator.2: func:max77693_reg_is_enabled
<6>[    2.196438] c0 regulator regulator.2: func:max77693_get_rid
<6>[    2.196471] c0 regulator regulator.2: func:max77693_get_enable_register
<4>[    2.197008] c0 regulator_init_complete: safeout1 range: incomplete constraints, leaving on
<7>[    2.197158] c0 [TouchKey] i2c_touchkey_probe
<6>[    2.197486] c0 input: sec_touchkey as /devices/platform/i2c-gpio.8/i2c-8/8-0020/input/input9
<6>[    2.197773] c0 s5p_gpioint_set_type irq:395 is at GPJ0(3)
<7>[    2.205135] c2 hub 1-0:1.0: state 7 ports 3 chg 0000 evt 0000
<7>[    2.250318] c0 [TouchKey] OLED_DET = 1
<6>[    2.250435] c0 s5p_gpioint_set_type irq:395 is at GPJ0(3)
<7>[    2.251280] c2 [Touchkey] keycode_type err
<3>[    2.252090] c2 touchkey_firmware_update F/W version: 0x6, Module version:0x5
<7>[    2.252135] c2 [TouchKey] firmware auto update do not excute
<7>[    2.252170] c2 [TouchKey] firmware_ver(banary=6, current=6)
<7>[    2.252204] c2 [TouchKey] module_ver(banary=5, current=5)
<7>[    2.253121] c2 [TouchKey] data[0]=8 data[1]=6 data[2]=5 data[3]=0
<7>[    2.275103] c2 hub 2-0:1.0: state 7 ports 3 chg 0000 evt 0000
<7>[    2.356159] c2 [Touchkey] autocal Enabled
<6>[    2.380424] c0 max77686_rtc_read_time: 113/3/30 19:23:56(2)
<6>[    2.380490] c0 max77686-rtc max77686-rtc: setting system clock to 2013-04-30 19:23:56 UTC (1367349836)
<7>[    2.380668] c0 ctrl->mem.size = 0x3d00000
<7>[    2.380695] c0 ctrl->mem.base = 0x6c300000
<6>[    2.381199] c0 FIMC0 registered successfully
<7>[    2.381360] c0 ctrl->mem.size = 0xf00000
<7>[    2.381386] c0 ctrl->mem.base = 0x0
<6>[    2.381700] c0 FIMC1 registered successfully
<7>[    2.381845] c0 ctrl->mem.size = 0x0
<7>[    2.381870] c0 ctrl->mem.base = 0x0
<6>[    2.382174] c0 FIMC2 registered successfully
<7>[    2.382324] c0 ctrl->mem.size = 0x0
<7>[    2.382348] c0 ctrl->mem.base = 0xffffffea
<6>[    2.382657] c0 FIMC3 registered successfully
<6>[    2.382966] c0 S5P TVOUT Driver v3.0 (c) 2010 Samsung Electronics
<6>[    2.407294] c0 samsung_battery_probe: battery init
<6>[    2.407327] c0 samsung_battery_probe: Charger name: max77693-charger
<6>[    2.407365] c0 samsung_battery_probe: Fuelgauge name: max17047-fuelgauge
<6>[    2.407408] c0 samsung_battery_probe: Temperature source: ap adc
<6>[    2.407443] c0 samsung_battery_probe: VF detect source: charger irq
<6>[    2.407479] c0 samsung_battery_probe: Recharge voltage: 4300000
<6>[    2.407514] c0 samsung_battery_probe: not applied CTIA spec
<6>[    2.408054] c0 samsung_battery_probe: boot with charging, s(1)
<6>[    2.408983] c0 samsung_battery_probe: do not support battery gpio detect
<6>[    2.410049] c2 battery_create_attrs
<6>[    2.410175] c2 battery_create_attrs: factory attrs created
<6>[    2.410209] c2 battery_create_attrs: not support CTIA spec
<6>[    2.410243] c2 samsung_battery_probe: probe complete
<7>[    2.411185] c2 [VIB] vibtonz_pwm is called(0)
<4>[    2.411299] c2 Warning: unable to open an initial console.
<6>[    2.411374] c2 Freeing init memory: 220K
<6>[    2.418446] c0 max17047_get_soc: SOC(26, 2649 / 9821)
<6>[    2.458377] c2 max17047_get_soc: SOC(26, 2649 / 9821)
<3>[    2.754305] c2 max77693_get_cable_type: async power: CHGIN(0x0), VB(0x1), REG(0)
<3>[    2.754355] c2 max77693_get_cable_type: chgtyp detect ok, CHGIN(0x0). MU_ST2(0x43), CDR(0x0), VB(0x1), CHGTYP(0x3)
<3>[    2.754414] c2 max77693_get_cable_type: cable type(2)
<6>[    2.754821] c0 battery_interval_calulation: now in booting, set 1s
<6>[    2.754865] c0 battery_monitor_interval: apply weight(200), 1 -> 2
<6>[    2.754917] c0 [1] bat: s(26, 2678), v(3824, 56), t(34.7), cs(1, 1), cb(2), cr(999, 1000), t(1)
<6>[    2.755855] c2 max77693_irq_thread: interrupt source(0x01)
<6>[    2.756386] c2 max77693_irq_thread: charger interrupt(0x40)
<6>[    2.756424] c2 max77693_charger_irq: irq(436)
<6>[    2.782035] c2 max77693_charger_irq: INT_OK(0x5d), THM(0x0), CHGIN(0x3), CHG(0x1), BAT(0x3), ST2(0x43)
<6>[    2.782598] c2 max77693_irq_thread: interrupt source(0x01)
<6>[    2.783127] c2 max77693_irq_thread: charger interrupt(0x40)
<6>[    2.783163] c2 max77693_charger_irq: irq(436)
<6>[    2.807041] c2 max77693_charger_irq: INT_OK(0x5d), THM(0x0), CHGIN(0x3), CHG(0x1), BAT(0x3), ST2(0x43)
<3>[    2.898991] c3 init: cannot open '/initlogo.rle'
<6>[    2.904246] c3 EXT4-fs (mmcblk0p9): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts: (null)
<6>[    2.904375] c3 logger_release: took 0 msec
<6>[    2.904426] c3 logger_release: took 0 msec
<3>[    2.906797] c3 init: Unable to open persistent property directory /data/property errno: 2
<6>[    2.907112] c3 notifier_call_chain : NOTIFY BAD cpufreq_stat_notifier_policy
<3>[    2.911905] c3 init: service 'console' requires console
<6>[    2.915009] c2 warning: `adbd' uses 32-bit capabilities (legacy support in use)
<6>[    2.915300] c3 adb_open
<6>[    2.930867] c2 failed to copy MFC F/W during init
<3>[    2.958075] c3 init: untracked pid 1919 exited
<4>[    2.967486] c3 !@Setting LCD to on
<6>[    2.967548] c3 request_suspend_state: wakeup (3->0) at 2967534211 (2013-04-30 19:23:57.087070624 UTC)
<7>[    2.995806] c2 led pattern : 0 is activated
<6>[    3.265136] c0 notify_change_of_tmu_state: uevent: 0, name = TMUSTATE=0
<6>[    3.265806] c0 exynos4_handler_tmu_state: inform to init state to platform.
<7>[    3.270075] c0 s5p-ohci s5p-ohci: auto-stop root hub
<6>[    3.315805] c2 max17047_get_soc: SOC(26, 2649 / 9821)
<6>[    3.318273] c2 battery_interval_calulation: now in booting, set 1s
<6>[    3.318381] c2 battery_monitor_interval: apply weight(200), 1 -> 2
<6>[    3.318505] c2 [2] bat: s(26, 0), v(3954, 186), t(34.2), cs(1, 1), cb(2), cr(999, 1000), t(2)
<6>[    4.180276] c0 max77693-muic max77693-muic: func:max77693_muic_init_detect
<6>[    4.181215] c0 max77693-muic max77693-muic: func:max77693_muic_detect_dev CONTROL1:0
<6>[    4.182217] c0 max77693-muic max77693-muic: func:max77693_muic_detect_dev irq:-1 ret:0
<6>[    4.182346] c0 max77693-muic max77693-muic: max77693_muic_detect_dev: STATUS1:0x3f, 2:0x43
<6>[    4.182495] c0 max77693-muic max77693-muic: adc:1f adcerr:0 chgtyp:3 vb:40 dxovp:0 cable_type:17
<6>[    4.182626] c0 max77693-muic max77693-muic: max77693_muic_detect_dev: ATTACHED
<6>[    4.182745] c0 max77693-muic max77693-muic: func:max77693_muic_handle_attach st1:3f st2:43 cable_type:17
<6>[    4.182883] c0 max77693-muic max77693-muic: max77693_muic_handle_attach:TA
<6>[    4.182995] c0 max77693-muic max77693-muic: func:max77693_muic_set_charging_type force_disable:0
<6>[    4.183121] c0 max77693_muic_charger_cb: 3
<5>[    4.183198] c0 melfas-ts 3-0048: melfas_ta_cb
<5>[    4.183273] c0 melfas-ts 3-0048: TA connect!!!
<6>[    4.265207] c1 notify_change_of_tmu_state: uevent: 0, name = TMUSTATE=0
<6>[    4.266208] c1 normal: free cpufreq_limit & interrupt enable.
<7>[    4.495244] c2 hub 1-0:1.0: hub_suspend
<7>[    4.495396] c2 usb usb1: bus auto-suspend
<7>[    4.495499] c2 s5p-ehci s5p-ehci: suspend root hub
<7>[    4.495884] c2 hub 2-0:1.0: hub_suspend
<7>[    4.496006] c2 usb usb2: bus auto-suspend
<7>[    4.496107] c2 s5p-ohci s5p-ohci: suspend root hub
<6>[    4.496301] c2 s5p-ohci s5p-ohci: host_phy_susp:4
<4>[    4.971329] c3 !@BATT Health : Charging 
<4>[    4.971427] c3 
<6>[    5.415078] c0 pet_watchdog_timer_fn kicking...c9ad
<6>[    6.290794] c2 max17047_get_soc: SOC(26, 2649 / 9821)
<6>[    6.325402] c2 battery_interval_calulation: now in booting, set 1s
<6>[    6.325607] c2 battery_monitor_interval: apply weight(200), 1 -> 2
<6>[    6.325824] c2 [3] bat: s(26, 0), v(3963, 195), t(34.2), cs(1, 1), cb(2), cr(999, 1000), t(5)
<4>[    6.975284] c3 !@BATT Health : Charging 
<4>[    6.975390] c3 
<6>[    8.507460] c2 max17047_get_soc: SOC(26, 2649 / 9821)
<6>[    8.541187] c2 battery_interval_calulation: now in booting, set 1s
<6>[    8.541369] c2 battery_monitor_interval: apply weight(200), 1 -> 2
<6>[    8.541597] c2 [4] bat: s(26, 0), v(3963, 195), t(35.0), cs(1, 1), cb(2), cr(999, 1000), t(7)
<4>[    8.978952] c3 !@BATT Health : Charging 
<4>[    8.979032] c3 
<6>[   10.415140] c0 pet_watchdog_timer_fn kicking...d570
<6>[   10.790866] c2 max17047_get_soc: SOC(26, 2649 / 9821)
<6>[   10.825385] c2 battery_interval_calulation: now in booting, set 1s
<6>[   10.825595] c2 battery_monitor_interval: apply weight(200), 1 -> 2
<6>[   10.825811] c2 [5] bat: s(26, 0), v(3964, 196), t(35.1), cs(1, 1), cb(2), cr(999, 1000), t(9)
<4>[   10.981982] c3 !@BATT Health : Charging 
<4>[   10.982036] c3 
<4>[   12.985875] c3 !@BATT Health : Charging 
<4>[   12.985973] c3 
<4>[   14.989748] c3 !@BATT Health : Charging 
<4>[   14.989845] c3 
<4>[   14.990379] c3 !@Setting LCD to 23
<4>[   14.990466] c3 
<6>[   15.033666] c0 lcd panel: brightness=23, bl=0, candela=20
<6>[   15.415047] c0 pet_watchdog_timer_fn kicking...d5ef
<6>[   15.659729] c2 max17047_get_soc: SOC(26, 2649 / 9821)
<6>[   15.663257] c2 battery_interval_calulation: weight(150)
<6>[   15.663388] c2 battery_monitor_interval: apply weight(150), 30 -> 45
<6>[   15.663565] c2 [6] bat: s(26, 0), v(3964, 196), t(35.0), cs(1, 1), cb(2), cr(999, 1000), t(14)
<7>[   16.240270] c0 usb: usb_ready udc_enable=0
<4>[   17.037525] c0 !@BATT Health : Charging 
<4>[   17.037619] c0 
<6>[   18.200316] c0 max77693-muic max77693-muic: func:max77693_muic_usb_detect info->muic_data->sw_path:0
<4>[   19.041185] c0 !@BATT Health : Charging 
<4>[   19.041266] c0 
<6>[   20.415147] c0 pet_watchdog_timer_fn kicking...d4f4
<4>[   21.043747] c0 !@BATT Health : Charging 
<4>[   21.043770] c0 
<4>[   23.047437] c0 !@BATT Health : Charging 
<4>[   23.047532] c0 
<4>[   25.051183] c0 !@BATT Health : Charging 
<4>[   25.051287] c0 
<6>[   25.415234] c0 pet_watchdog_timer_fn kicking...d611
<6>[   26.240309] c0 max77693-muic max77693-muic: func:max77693_muic_mhl_detect cable_type:3
<4>[   27.055009] c0 !@BATT Health : Charging 
<4>[   27.055104] c0 
<4>[   29.058824] c0 !@BATT Health : Charging 
<4>[   29.058904] c0 
<6>[   30.415139] c0 pet_watchdog_timer_fn kicking...d4a8
<6>[   30.565932] c0 sec-thermistor sec-thermistor: notify_change_of_temperature: uevent: TEMPERATURE=310
<4>[   31.061865] c0 !@BATT Health : Charging 
<4>[   31.061932] c0 
<4>[   33.065781] c0 !@BATT Health : Charging 
<4>[   33.065880] c0 
<4>[   35.069591] c0 !@BATT Health : Charging 
<4>[   35.069686] c0 
<4>[   35.070017] c0 !@Setting LCD to 0
<4>[   35.070105] c0 
<4>[   35.070494] c0 !@Setting LCD to mem
<6>[   35.070671] c0 request_suspend_state: sleep (0->3) at 35070623751 (2013-04-30 19:24:29.190155664 UTC)
<7>[   35.071086] c0 [TouchKey] sec_touchkey_early_suspend
<7>[   35.400896] c3 led pattern : 1 is activated
<6>[   35.415267] c0 pet_watchdog_timer_fn kicking...d636
<4>[   36.070176] c0 stop_drawing_early_suspend: timeout waiting for userspace to stop drawing
<5>[   36.070408] c0 melfas-ts 3-0048: mms_ts_suspend: users=1
<7>[   36.070563] c0 [TSP] release_all_fingers
<4>[   36.072180] c0 !@BATT Health : Charging 
<4>[   36.072276] c0 
<4>[   36.072408] c0 !@syn keycod: 0x0, value: 0
<4>[   36.072502] c0 
<6>[   36.072673] c0 [TSP] dvfs_lock free.
<6>[   36.072758] c0  
<7>[   36.072847] c0 [TSP] melfas_power off
<6>[   36.130140] c0 graphics fb0: lcdfreq_early_suspend
<4>[   36.130248] c0 s3cfb_extdsp_early_suspend is called
<6>[   36.130352] c0 sii9234_early_suspend()
<6>[   36.130438] c0 +s3cfb_early_suspend
<6>[   36.130521] c0 lcd panel: +s6e8ax0_early_suspend
<3>[   36.130634] c0 fail to request gpio RESET_REQ_N : -16
<6>[   36.130757] c0 lcd panel: s6e8ax0_power_off
<6>[   36.275226] c0 lcd panel: -s6e8ax0_early_suspend
<6>[   36.287989] c0 s5p-dsim s5p-dsim.0: +s5p_dsim_early_suspend
<6>[   36.288129] c0 lcd_power_on : enable=0
<6>[   36.289936] c0 s5p-dsim s5p-dsim.0: -s5p_dsim_early_suspend
<7>[   36.290048] c0 s3cfb - disable power domain
<6>[   36.290134] c0 -s3cfb_early_suspend
<6>[   36.290238] c1 sync_system +
<6>[   36.290314] c0 suspend: enter suspend
<6>[   36.290376] c1 suspend: enter suspend
<6>[   36.290443] c1 suspend: enter suspend, (2013-04-30 19:24:30.409968747 UTC)
<6>[   36.290543] c0 suspend: enter suspend, (2013-04-30 19:24:30.409970705 UTC)
<6>[   36.290643] c0 PM: Syncing filesystems ... 
<6>[   36.290710] c1 suspend: exit suspend, ret = -16 (2013-04-30 19:24:30.410179163 UTC)
<6>[   36.290816] c1 suspend: pm_suspend returned with no event
<6>[   36.290908] c1 sync_system -
<4>[   36.290953] c0 done.
<3>[   36.291236] c0 CPU_DOWN 1
<3>[   36.291288] c0 CPU_DOWN 2
<3>[   36.291378] c0 CPU_DOWN 3
<6>[   36.293102] c0 mif: link_pm_notifier_event: PDA active High to LPA suspend spot
<4>[   36.293141] c0 Freezing user space processes ... 
<6>[   36.293240] c0 active wake lock unknown_wakeups, time left 100
<4>[   36.293275] c0 
<3>[   36.293292] c0 Freezing of user space  aborted
<4>[   36.293363] c0 
<4>[   36.293377] c0 Restarting tasks ... done.
<6>[   36.293873] c0 mif: link_pm_notifier_event: post resume
<6>[   36.293907] c0 mif: link_pm_notifier_event: PDA active low to LPA GPIO state
<6>[   36.293956] c0 suspend: exit suspend, ret = -16 (2013-04-30 19:24:30.413488745 UTC)
<6>[   36.790081] c0 wake lock unknown_wakeups, expired
<6>[   36.790336] c0 suspend: enter suspend
<6>[   36.790427] c0 suspend: enter suspend, (2013-04-30 19:24:30.909943549 UTC)
<6>[   36.790549] c0 PM: Syncing filesystems ... done.
<6>[   36.793044] c0 mif: link_pm_notifier_event: PDA active High to LPA suspend spot
<4>[   36.793083] c0 Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed 0.01 seconds) done.
<4>[   36.805070] c0 Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.01 seconds) done.
<4>[   36.820077] c0 Suspending console(s) (use no_console_suspend to debug)
<6>[   36.820311] c0 samsung_battery_prepare
<6>[   36.820336] c0 battery_monitor_interval: apply weight(150), 60 -> 90
<6>[   36.821276] c0 s5p-ohci s5p-ohci: still being used(2)
<6>[   36.821376] c0 s5p-ehci s5p-ehci: usb host phy off
<6>[   36.821406] c0 CP not ready, Active State low
<6>[   36.824844] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: write 204 = 8
<6>[   36.825051] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: _wm8994_set_fll ++
<6>[   36.825087] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: _wm8994_set_fll ++
<6>[   36.825116] c0 Sound: disabled mclk
<7>[   36.825137] c0 pmu_debug: 0x00000901
<6>[   36.825157] c0 Sound: state: 0, use_cnt: 0
<7>[   36.825179] c0 xusbxti_control: 0
<6>[   36.850346] c0 max77686_rtc_read_time: 113/3/30 19:24:31(2)
<6>[   36.875340] c0 max77686_rtc_stop_alarm: 113/3/30 19:24:44(2)
<6>[   36.925370] c0 max77686_rtc_read_time: 113/3/30 19:24:31(2)
<6>[   36.925401] c0 max77686_rtc_set_alarm: 113/3/30 19:26:3(2)
<6>[   36.950338] c0 max77686_rtc_stop_alarm: 113/3/30 19:24:44(2)
<6>[   37.025339] c0 max77686_rtc_start_alarm: 113/3/30 19:26:3(2)
<6>[   37.075339] c0 max77686_rtc_read_time: 113/3/30 19:24:31(2)
<6>[   37.100337] c0 max77686_rtc_read_time: 113/3/30 19:24:31(2)
<6>[   37.100467] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: write 39 = 100
<6>[   37.101086] c0 wake enabled for irq 359
<6>[   37.101625] c0 max77693_charger_suspend
<6>[   37.102501] c0 wake enabled for irq 365
<6>[   37.102540] c0 max17047_fuelgauge_suspend
<6>[   37.102565] c0 max17047_fuelgauge_suspend: charge state(1), vcell(3964375), valrt(3350000)
<6>[   37.102605] c0 max17047_set_valrt: min(3340mV), max(5100mV)
<6>[   37.103787] c0 wake enabled for irq 375
<6>[   37.103809] c0 wake enabled for irq 353
<6>[   37.103838] c0 samsung_battery_suspend
<6>[   37.103899] c0 flite_suspend
<6>[   37.103916] c0 flite_suspend--
<6>[   37.103936] c0 flite_suspend
<6>[   37.103952] c0 flite_suspend--
<6>[   37.104010] c0 fimc_suspend
<6>[   37.104026] c0 fimc_suspend--
<6>[   37.104046] c0 fimc_suspend
<6>[   37.104061] c0 fimc_suspend--
<6>[   37.104080] c0 fimc_suspend
<6>[   37.104096] c0 fimc_suspend--
<6>[   37.104115] c0 fimc_suspend
<6>[   37.104131] c0 fimc_suspend--
<6>[   37.104154] c0 s5p_int_src_ext_hpd()
<6>[   37.104185] c0 FIMC_IS suspend
<6>[   37.104202] c0 FIMC_IS suspend end
<6>[   37.104230] c0 audss_reg_restore: SRC[0x1], DIV[0xf10], GATE[0x42]
<6>[   37.104266] c0 audss_clk_enable(1): SRC[0x1], DIV[0xf10], GATE[0x1c7]
<6>[   37.104303] c0 audss_reg_save: SRC[0x1], DIV[0xf10], GATE[0x42]
<6>[   37.104334] c0 audss_clk_enable(0): SRC[0x1], DIV[0xf10], GATE[0x42]
<6>[   37.104373] c0 sdhci_suspend_host : Enter WIFI suspend
<6>[   37.104860] c0 sdhci_suspend_host : MMC Card OFF
<7>[   37.104911] c0 usb: android_disconnect con(0), sw(0)
<7>[   37.104942] c0 usb: android_disconnect schedule_work con(0) sw(0)
<7>[   37.105374] c0 usb: android_work config=  (null),connected=0,sw_connected=0
<7>[   37.105420] c0 usb: android_work did not send uevent (0 0   (null))
<6>[   37.106381] c0 exynos4_setup_mshci_set_power : internal MMC Card OFF samsung-mshc.
<6>[   37.156408] c0 PM: suspend of devices complete after 335.297 msecs
<7>[   37.156440] c0 suspend_enter:149
<4>[   37.156726] c0 suspend_set_state: vdd_g3d range: No configuration
<4>[   37.156758] c0 suspend_set_state: vdd_int range: No configuration
<4>[   37.156788] c0 suspend_set_state: vdd_arm range: No configuration
<4>[   37.156819] c0 suspend_set_state: vdd_mif range: No configuration
<6>[   37.156853] c0 regulator regulator.3: func:max77693_reg_enable_suspend
<6>[   37.156886] c0 regulator regulator.2: func:max77693_reg_enable_suspend
<7>[   37.156919] c0 suspend_enter:157
<7>[   37.157638] c0 platform_pm_suspend_noirq: s3c2440-i2c.5+
<7>[   37.157666] c0 platform_pm_suspend_noirq: s3c2440-i2c.5-
<7>[   37.157762] c0 platform_pm_suspend_noirq: s3c2440-i2c.7+
<7>[   37.157789] c0 platform_pm_suspend_noirq: s3c2440-i2c.7-
<7>[   37.157816] c0 platform_pm_suspend_noirq: s3c2440-i2c.4+
<7>[   37.157843] c0 platform_pm_suspend_noirq: s3c2440-i2c.4-
<7>[   37.157870] c0 platform_pm_suspend_noirq: s3c2440-i2c.3+
<7>[   37.157897] c0 platform_pm_suspend_noirq: s3c2440-i2c.3-
<7>[   37.157924] c0 platform_pm_suspend_noirq: s3c2440-i2c.1+
<7>[   37.157951] c0 platform_pm_suspend_noirq: s3c2440-i2c.1-
<7>[   37.157979] c0 platform_pm_suspend_noirq: s3c2440-i2c.0+
<7>[   37.158005] c0 platform_pm_suspend_noirq: s3c2440-i2c.0-
<7>[   37.158054] c0 platform_pm_suspend_noirq: watchdog-reset+
<7>[   37.158082] c0 platform_pm_suspend_noirq: watchdog-reset-
<7>[   37.158164] c0 platform_pm_suspend_noirq: power.0+
<6>[   37.158189] c0 power_suspend_late return 0
<7>[   37.158211] c0 platform_pm_suspend_noirq: power.0-
<6>[   37.158240] c0 PM: late suspend of devices complete after 1.299 msecs
<7>[   37.158271] c0 suspend_enter:165
<4>[   37.158289] c0 Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[   37.159358] c0 CPU1: shutdown
<5>[   37.160479] c0 CPU2: shutdown
<7>[   37.160874] c0 s5p_ehci_cpu_notify: set ehci irq to cpu0
<5>[   37.161259] c0 CPU3: shutdown
<7>[   37.161670] c0 suspend_enter:180
<7>[   37.161797] c0 suspend_enter:187
<1>[   37.162134] c0 PM: SLEEP
<1>[   37.162154] c0 ARM_COREx_STATUS CORE1[0x00070000], CORE2[0x00070000], CORE3[0x00070000]
<6>[ 1099.505842] c0 WAKEUP_STAT: 0x80000001
<6>[ 1099.505842] c0 WAKEUP_INTx_PEND: 0x0, 0x0, 0x80, 0x0
<7>[ 1099.505842] c0 exynos4_pm_resume:544
<7>[ 1099.505842] c0 exynos4_pm_resume:560
<7>[ 1099.505842] c0 exynos4_pm_resume:575
<7>[ 1099.505842] c0 exynos4_pm_resume:586
<7>[ 1099.505842] c0 exynos4_pm_resume:592
<7>[ 1099.505842] c0 exynos4_pm_resume:596
<7>[ 1099.505842] c0 exynos4_pm_resume:607
<7>[ 1099.505842] c0 exynos4_pm_resume:618
<7>[   37.161814] c0 [keys] in the sleep
<6>[   37.161847] c0 Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
<6>[   37.161964] c0 notifier_call_chain : NOTIFY BAD cpufreq_stat_notifier_policy
<7>[   37.170069] c0 [keys] f PWR 1
<7>[   37.170095] c0 [keys]PWR 0
<4>[   37.173690] c1 CPU1: Booted secondary processor
<6>[   37.173752] c1 notifier_call_chain : NOTIFY BAD tick_notify
<6>[   37.174508] c0 CPU1 is up
<6>[   37.175040] c1 Switched to NOHz mode on CPU #1
<4>[   37.176036] c2 CPU2: Booted secondary processor
<6>[   37.176088] c2 notifier_call_chain : NOTIFY BAD tick_notify
<6>[   37.177119] c0 CPU2 is up
<4>[   37.178640] c3 CPU3: Booted secondary processor
<6>[   37.178693] c3 notifier_call_chain : NOTIFY BAD tick_notify
<7>[   37.179858] c0 s5p_ehci_cpu_notify: set ehci irq to cpu3
<6>[   37.179890] c0 CPU3 is up
<6>[   37.180037] c3 Switched to NOHz mode on CPU #3
<6>[   37.180069] c2 Switched to NOHz mode on CPU #2
<6>[   37.180947] c0 PM: early resume of devices complete after 1.033 msecs
<6>[   37.181128] c0 max77686_irq_unmask: group=2, cur=0xfd
<6>[   37.181266] c0 exynos4_setup_mshci_set_power : internal MMC Card ON samsung-mshc.
<6>[   37.181534] c0 mmc0: FIFO WMARK FOR RX 0x80 WX 0x40. ###########
<6>[   37.181750] c0 s3c-rtc exynos-rtc: rtc disabled, re-enabling
<6>[   37.182359] c0 sdhci_resume_host : MMC Card ON
<6>[   37.264744] c0 audss_reg_restore: SRC[0x1], DIV[0xf10], GATE[0x42]
<6>[   37.264788] c0 audss_clk_enable(1): SRC[0x1], DIV[0xf10], GATE[0x1c7]
<6>[   37.264826] c0 FIMC_IS resume
<6>[   37.264846] c0 FIMC_IS resume end
<6>[   37.264895] c0 fimc_resume
<6>[   37.264914] c0 fimc_resume--
<6>[   37.264935] c0 fimc_resume
<6>[   37.264952] c0 fimc_resume--
<6>[   37.264972] c0 fimc_resume
<6>[   37.264989] c0 fimc_resume--
<6>[   37.265010] c0 fimc_resume
<6>[   37.265048] c0 fimc_resume--
<6>[   37.265106] c0 flite_resume
<6>[   37.265124] c0 flite_resume--
<6>[   37.265145] c0 flite_resume
<6>[   37.265163] c0 flite_resume--
<6>[   37.266597] c0 samsung_battery_resume
<6>[   37.266635] c0 wake disabled for irq 375
<7>[   37.266660] c0 [keys]PWR 0
<6>[   37.266679] c0 wake disabled for irq 353
<6>[   37.266786] c0 max17047_fuelgauge_resume
<6>[   37.266812] c0 max17047_set_valrt: min(0mV), max(5100mV)
<6>[   37.267972] c0 wake disabled for irq 365
<6>[   37.268499] c0 max77693_irq_thread: interrupt source(0x00)
<6>[   37.268535] c0 max77693 17-0066: max77693_irq_resume: irq_resume ret=1
<6>[   37.268577] c0 max77693_charger_resume
<6>[   37.269551] c0 wake disabled for irq 359
<6>[   37.278758] c0 max17047_get_soc: SOC(28, 2801 / 9821)
<6>[   37.280692] c0 max77686_irq_thread: irq_src=0x0
<6>[   37.280997] c0 battery_interval_calulation: raw soc delta(152), weight(170)
<6>[   37.281041] c0 battery_interval_calulation: temper delta(27), weight(150)
<6>[   37.281089] c0 battery_interval_calulation: weight(150)
<6>[   37.281122] c0 battery_monitor_interval: apply weight(150), 30 -> 45
<6>[   37.281158] c0 wakeup wake lock: alarm_rtc
<6>[   37.281197] c0 [7] bat: s(28, 152), v(3958, 187), t(32.3), cs(1, 1), cb(2), cr(999, 1000), t(36)
<6>[   37.281261] c0 max77686_irq_thread: int1=0x3, int2=0x0
<6>[   37.281690] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: write 39 = 180
<6>[   37.315358] c0 max77686_rtc_read_time: 113/3/30 19:25:56(2)
<7>[   37.315792] c0 mif: set_hsic_lpa_states: 304: called(s5p_usb_phy_init+0x8c/0x300): 
<6>[   37.315836] c0 s5p-ehci s5p-ehci: usb phy usage(2)
<7>[   37.316005] c0 usb: set_exynos_usb_phy_tune old phy1 tune=0x2819b3 t=1
<7>[   37.316052] c0 usb: set_exynos_usb_phy_tune new phy1 tune=0x2831b3
<7>[   37.316092] c0 s5p-ehci s5p-ehci: s5p_ehci_phy_init : 0x3c00000
<7>[   37.316125] c0 s5p-ehci s5p-ehci: lost power, restarting
<4>[   37.316156] c0 usb usb1: root hub lost power or was reset
<7>[   37.316197] c0 s5p-ehci s5p-ehci: reset command 0080b02  park=3 ithresh=8 period=1024 Reset HALT
<7>[   37.316246] c0 s5p-ehci s5p-ehci: ...powerup ports...
<6>[   37.325395] c0 max17047_get_soc: SOC(28, 2801 / 9821)
<6>[   37.327340] c0 Sound: enabled mclk
<7>[   37.327365] c0 pmu_debug: 0x00000900
<6>[   37.337377] c0 Sound: state: 1, use_cnt: 1
<6>[   37.337405] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: _wm8994_set_fll ++
<6>[   37.337446] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: write 221 = 700
<6>[   37.337673] c0 battery_interval_calulation: weight(150)
<6>[   37.337706] c0 battery_monitor_interval: apply weight(150), 30 -> 45
<6>[   37.337754] c0 [8] bat: s(28, 0), v(3958, 187), t(32.5), cs(1, 1), cb(2), cr(999, 1000), t(120)
<6>[   37.337823] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: write 222 = 86c2
<6>[   37.338030] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: write 223 = e0
<6>[   37.338227] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: write 224 = c88
<6>[   37.338424] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: write 220 = 5
<6>[   37.340041] c0 CP not ready, Active State low
<6>[   37.345044] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: _wm8994_set_fll --
<6>[   37.345080] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: write 200 = 11
<6>[   37.345289] c0 wm8994-codec wm8994-codec: write d0 = cc00
<7>[   37.480086] c0 [keys]PWR 1
<6>[   37.585030] c0 wake lock battery-monitor, expired
<6>[   37.790057] c0 s5p-ehci s5p-ehci: s5p_wait_for_cp_resume: retry_cnt = 30, portsc = 0x1000
<3>[   37.790105] c0 mif: force port2 off by cp reset
<7>[   37.790161] c1 usb usb1: usb resume
<7>[   37.790187] c1 s5p-ehci s5p-ehci: resume root hub after power loss
<7>[   37.820053] c1 hub 1-0:1.0: hub_reset_resume
<7>[   37.820082] c1 hub 1-0:1.0: enabling power on all ports
<6>[   37.925122] c0 s5p-ohci s5p-ohci: usb phy usage(6)
<3>[   37.925153] c0 s5p-ohci s5p-ohci: Already power on PHY
<7>[   37.925184] c0 usb: set_exynos_usb_phy_tune old phy1 tune=0x2831b3 t=1
<7>[   37.925231] c0 usb: set_exynos_usb_phy_tune new phy1 tune=0x2831b3
<7>[   37.925268] c0 s5p-ohci s5p-ohci: lost power
<7>[   37.984056] c0 s5p-ohci s5p-ohci: OHCI controller state
<7>[   37.984090] c0 s5p-ohci s5p-ohci: OHCI 1.0, NO legacy support registers
<7>[   37.984131] c0 s5p-ohci s5p-ohci: control 0x083 HCFS=operational CBSR=3
<7>[   37.984170] c0 s5p-ohci s5p-ohci: cmdstatus 0x00000 SOC=0
<7>[   37.984203] c0 s5p-ohci s5p-ohci: intrstatus 0x00000004 SF
<7>[   37.984237] c0 s5p-ohci s5p-ohci: intrenable 0x8000005a MIE RHSC UE RD WDH
<7>[   37.984278] c0 s5p-ohci s5p-ohci: hcca frame #0005
<7>[   37.984311] c0 s5p-ohci s5p-ohci: roothub.a 02000203 POTPGT=2 NPS NDP=3(3)
<7>[   37.984350] c0 s5p-ohci s5p-ohci: roothub.b 00000000 PPCM=0000 DR=0000
<7>[   37.984388] c0 s5p-ohci s5p-ohci: roothub.status 00008000 DRWE
<7>[   37.984425] c0 s5p-ohci s5p-ohci: roothub.portstatus [0] 0x00000100 PPS
<7>[   37.984464] c0 s5p-ohci s5p-ohci: roothub.portstatus [1] 0x00000100 PPS
<7>[   37.984503] c0 s5p-ohci s5p-ohci: roothub.portstatus [2] 0x00000100 PPS
<7>[   37.984539] c0 s5p-ohci s5p-ohci: restart complete
<4>[   37.984568] c0 usb usb2: root hub lost power or was reset
<7>[   37.984600] c0 s5p-ohci s5p-ohci: suspend root hub
<7>[   37.984657] c3 usb usb2: usb resume
<7>[   37.990065] c3 s5p-ohci s5p-ohci: resume root hub
<7>[   38.070055] c3 hub 2-0:1.0: hub_reset_resume
<7>[   38.070084] c3 hub 2-0:1.0: trying to enable port power on non-switchable hub
<6>[   38.175232] c0 PM: resume of devices complete after 994.058 msecs
<6>[   38.175644] c0 samsung_battery_complete
<6>[   38.175672] c0 battery_monitor_interval: apply weight(150), 120 -> 180
<4>[   38.175971] c0 Restarting tasks ... 
<7>[   38.176088] c3 hub 1-0:1.0: state 7 ports 3 chg 0000 evt 0000
<6>[   38.176130] c2 notify_change_of_tmu_state: uevent: 0, name = TMUSTATE=0
<7>[   38.176175] c3 hub 2-0:1.0: state 7 ports 3 chg 0000 evt 0000
<6>[   38.176254] c2 normal: free cpufreq_limit & interrupt enable.
<4>[   38.185577] c1 !@BATT Health : Charging 
<4>[   38.185602] c1 
<4>[   38.185636] c1 !@key events happen
<4>[   38.185658] c1 
<4>[   38.185716] c1 !@Setting LCD to on
<6>[   38.185767] c1 request_suspend_state: wakeup (3->0) at 38185748912 (2013-04-30 19:25:56.895616767 UTC)
<4>[   38.185946] c1 !@Setting LCD to 200
<4>[   38.185970] c1 
<4>[   38.186020] c1 !@keycode: 0x74, value: 1
<4>[   38.186043] c1 
<4>[   38.186426] c1 !@BATT Health : Charging 
<4>[   38.186451] c1 
<4>[   38.186488] c1 !@syn keycod: 0x0, value: 0
<4>[   38.186514] c1 
<4>[   38.186878] c1 !@BATT Health : Charging 
<4>[   38.186905] c1 
<4>[   38.186942] c1 !@key events happen
<4>[   38.186964] c1 
<4>[   38.186993] c1 !@keycode: 0x74, value: 0
<4>[   38.187016] c1 
<4>[   38.187383] c1 !@BATT Health : Charging 
<4>[   38.187408] c1 
<4>[   38.187443] c1 !@syn keycod: 0x0, value: 0
<4>[   38.187468] c1 
<4>[   38.187832] c1 !@BATT Health : Charging 
<4>[   38.187861] c1 
<4>[   38.187893] c1 !@key events happen
<4>[   38.187916] c1 
<4>[   38.187974] c1 !@Setting LCD to on
<6>[   38.188021] c1 request_suspend_state: wakeup (0->0) at 38188003716 (2013-04-30 19:25:56.897871362 UTC)
<4>[   38.188176] c1 !@Setting LCD to 200
<4>[   38.188200] c1 
<4>[   38.188247] c1 !@keycode: 0x74, value: 1
<4>[   38.188273] c1 
<4>[   38.188613] c1 !@BATT Health : Charging 
<4>[   38.188636] c1 
<4>[   38.188670] c1 !@syn keycod: 0x0, value: 0
<4>[   38.188693] c1 
<6>[   38.188948] c1 s3cfb s3cfb.0: +s3cfb_late_resume
<6>[   38.189003] c1 s5p-dsim s5p-dsim.0: +s5p_dsim_late_resume
<6>[   38.199097] c1 lcd_power_on : enable=1
<4>[   38.200056] c0 done.
<3>[   38.200366] c0 CPU_DOWN 1
<6>[   38.200576] c0 mif: link_pm_notifier_event: post resume
<6>[   38.200643] c0 mif: link_pm_notifier_event: PDA active low to LPA GPIO state
<6>[   38.200696] c0 suspend: exit suspend, ret = 0 (2013-04-30 19:25:56.910549715 UTC)
<6>[   38.200741] c0 active wake lock main
<6>[   38.200764] c0 suspend: abort suspend
<5>[   38.212288] c0 CPU1: shutdown
<6>[   38.296504] c0 s5p-dsim s5p-dsim.0: -s5p_dsim_late_resume
<6>[   38.297069] c0 s3cfb s3cfb.0: fimd sclk rate 400000000, clkdiv 0xffff11
<6>[   38.297211] c0 s3cfb s3cfb.0: parent clock: 400000000, vclk: 57155000, vclk div: 7
<6>[   38.297371] c0 mdnie mdnie: mode=1, scenario=0, outdoor=0, cabc=0, STANDARD_UI
<6>[   38.297537] c0 lcd panel: +s6e8ax0_late_resume
<6>[   38.297616] c0 lcd panel: s6e8ax0_power_on
<3>[   38.297702] c0 s5p-dsim s5p-dsim.0: s5p_dsim_wr_data fifo empty is founded
<3>[   38.297836] c0 s5p-dsim s5p-dsim.0: s5p_dsim_wr_data fifo empty is founded
<3>[   38.297965] c0 s5p-dsim s5p-dsim.0: s5p_dsim_wr_data fifo empty is founded
<6>[   38.564305] c0 lcd panel: brightness=200, bl=26, candela=200
<6>[   38.564484] c0 lcd panel: -s6e8ax0_late_resume
<6>[   38.564612] c0 s3cfb s3cfb.0: -s3cfb_late_resume
<6>[   38.564746] c0 sii9234_late_resume()
<6>[   38.564863] c0 graphics fb0: lcdfreq_late_resume
<5>[   38.564998] c0 melfas-ts 3-0048: mms_ts_resume: users=1
<7>[   38.565236] c0 [TSP] melfas_power on
<5>[   38.690270] c0 melfas-ts 3-0048: TA connect!!!
<7>[   38.690723] c0 [TouchKey] sec_touchkey_late_resume
<6>[   38.690918] c0 s5p_gpioint_set_type irq:395 is at GPJ0(3)
<7>[   38.746548] c0 [TouchKey] data[0]=8 data[1]=6 data[2]=5 data[3]=0
<7>[   38.851855] c0 [Touchkey] autocal Enabled
<7>[   38.853188] c2 [Touchkey] keycode_type err
<7>[   39.221678] c0 led pattern : 0 is activated
<7>[   39.270212] c3 s5p-ohci s5p-ohci: auto-stop root hub
<4>[   40.192408] c0 !@BATT Health : Charging 
<4>[   40.192508] c0 
<4>[   40.193536] c0 !@BATT Health : Charging 
<4>[   40.193633] c0 
<0>[   40.193738] c0 (sec_debug_set_upload_magic) 0
<6>[   40.195789] c0 graphics fb0: lcdfreq_reboot_notify
<4>[   40.195931] c0 Mali: REBOOT Notifier for mali
<6>[   40.197904] c0 REBOOT Notifier for CPUFREQ
<6>[   40.198811] c0 REBOOT Notifier for BUSFREQ
<6>[   40.198957] c0 modem_if modem_if.1: shutdown +: platform_drv_shutdown+0x0/0x24
<6>[   40.199033] c0 mif: xmm6262_off: 
<6>[   40.199073] c0 modem_if modem_if.1: shutdown -
<6>[   40.199136] c0 s5p-ohci s5p-ohci: shutdown +: platform_drv_shutdown+0x0/0x24
<6>[   40.199226] c0 s5p-ohci s5p-ohci: shutdown -
<6>[   40.199286] c0 s5p-ehci s5p-ehci: shutdown +: platform_drv_shutdown+0x0/0x24
<6>[   40.200312] c0 s5p-ehci s5p-ehci: shutdown -
<6>[   40.200541] c0 mali_dev mali_dev.0: shutdown +: platform_drv_shutdown+0x0/0x24
<4>[   40.200610] c0 Mali: Mali shutdown!!
<6>[   40.200830] c0 mali_dev mali_dev.0: shutdown -
<6>[   40.201179] c0 lps331ap 11-005d: shutdown +: i2c_device_shutdown+0x0/0x4c
<6>[   40.201247] c0 lps331ap 11-005d: shutdown -
<6>[   40.201298] c0 ak8975 10-000c: shutdown +: i2c_device_shutdown+0x0/0x4c
<6>[   40.201363] c0 ak8975 10-000c: shutdown -
<6>[   40.201411] c0 cm36651 9-0018: shutdown +: i2c_device_shutdown+0x0/0x4c
<6>[   40.201474] c0 cm36651 9-0018: shutdown -
<6>[   40.201521] c0 lsm330dlc_gyro 1-006b: shutdown +: i2c_device_shutdown+0x0/0x4c
<6>[   40.201590] c0 lsm330dlc_gyro 1-006b: shutdown -
<6>[   40.201643] c0 lsm330dlc_accel 1-0019: shutdown +: i2c_device_shutdown+0x0/0x4c
<6>[   40.201714] c0 lsm330dlc_accel_shutdown: is called.
<6>[   40.201887] c0 lsm330dlc_accel 1-0019: shutdown -
<6>[   40.201943] c0 pn65n 5-002b: shutdown +: i2c_device_shutdown+0x0/0x4c
<6>[   40.202006] c0 pn65n 5-002b: shutdown -
<6>[   40.202054] c0 s5p_ddc 5-003a: shutdown +: i2c_device_shutdown+0x0/0x4c
<6>[   40.202119] c0 s5p_ddc 5-003a: shutdown -
<6>[   40.202166] c0 sii9234_cbus 15-0064: shutdown +: i2c_device_shutdown+0x0/0x4c
<6>[   40.202235] c0 sii9234_cbus 15-0064: shutdown -
<6>[   40.202289] c0 sii9234_hdmi_rx 15-0049: shutdown +: i2c_device_shutdown+0x0/0x4c
<6>[   40.202360] c0 sii9234_hdmi_rx 15-0049: shutdown -
<6>[   40.202414] c0 sii9234_tpi 15-003d: shutdown +: i2c_device_shutdown+0x0/0x4c
<6>[   40.202480] c0 sii9234_tpi 15-003d: shutdown -
<6>[   40.202532] c0 sii9234_mhl_tx 15-0039: shutdown +: i2c_device_shutdown+0x0/0x4c
<6>[   40.202603] c0 sii9234_mhl_tx 15-0039: shutdown -
<6>[   40.202814] c0 i2c 5-0009: shutdown +: i2c_device_shutdown+0x0/0x4c
<6>[   40.202876] c0 i2c 5-0009: shutdown -
<6>[   40.202921] c0 i2c i2c-5: shutdown +: i2c_device_shutdown+0x0/0x4c
<6>[   40.202981] c0 i2c i2c-5: shutdown -
<6>[   40.203026] c0 max77686-rtc max77686-rtc: shutdown +: platform_drv_shutdown+0x0/0x24
<6>[   40.203102] c0 max77686-rtc max77686-rtc: max77686_rtc_enable_wtsr: disable WTSR
<6>[   40.275270] c0 max77686_rtc_shutdown: WTSR_SMPL reg(0x80)
<6>[   40.275325] c0 max77686_rtc_shutdown: success to disable WTSR
<6>[   40.275387] c0 max77686-rtc max77686-rtc: max77686_rtc_enable_smpl: disable SMPL
<6>[   40.340136] c0 max77686-rtc max77686-rtc: shutdown -
<6>[   40.340274] c0 dummy 7-0006: shutdown +: i2c_device_shutdown+0x0/0x4c
<6>[   40.340340] c0 dummy 7-0006: shutdown -
<6>[   40.340388] c0 max77686 7-0009: shutdown +: i2c_device_shutdown+0x0/0x4c
<6>[   40.340454] c0 max77686 7-0009: shutdown -
<6>[   40.340501] c0 i2c i2c-7: shutdown +: i2c_device_shutdown+0x0/0x4c
<6>[   40.340563] c0 i2c i2c-7: shutdown -
<6>[   40.340608] c0 wm8994 4-001a: shutdown +: i2c_device_shutdown+0x0/0x4c
<6>[   40.340671] c0 wm8994 4-001a: shutdown -
<6>[   40.340718] c0 i2c i2c-4: shutdown +: i2c_device_shutdown+0x0/0x4c
<6>[   40.340777] c0 i2c i2c-4: shutdown -
<6>[   40.340821] c0 melfas-ts 3-0048: shutdown +: i2c_device_shutdown+0x0/0x4c
<6>[   40.340890] c0 melfas-ts 3-0048: shutdown -
<6>[   40.340939] c0 i2c i2c-3: shutdown +: i2c_device_shutdown+0x0/0x4c
<6>[   40.340998] c0 i2c i2c-3: shutdown -
<6>[   40.341041] c0 i2c i2c-1: shutdown +: i2c_device_shutdown+0x0/0x4c
<6>[   40.341101] c0 i2c i2c-1: shutdown -
<6>[   40.341144] c0 i2c i2c-0: shutdown +: i2c_device_shutdown+0x0/0x4c
<6>[   40.341206] c0 i2c i2c-0: shutdown -
<6>[   40.341248] c0 i2c i2c-12: shutdown +: i2c_device_shutdown+0x0/0x4c
<6>[   40.341308] c0 i2c i2c-12: shutdown -
<6>[   40.341353] c0 an30259a 21-0030: shutdown +: i2c_device_shutdown+0x0/0x4c
<6>[   40.341419] c0 an30259a 21-0030: shutdown -
<6>[   40.341471] c0 i2c i2c-21: shutdown +: i2c_device_shutdown+0x0/0x4c
<6>[   40.341531] c0 i2c i2c-21: shutdown -
<6>[   40.341592] c0 max77693-muic max77693-muic: shutdown +: max77693_muic_shutdown+0x0/0x8c
<6>[   40.341671] c0 max77693-muic max77693-muic: func:max77693_muic_shutdown
<6>[   40.341737] c0 max77693-muic max77693-muic: max77693_muic_shutdown: JIGSet: auto detection
<6>[   40.342720] c0 max77693-muic max77693-muic: shutdown -
<6>[   40.342783] c0 dummy 17-0048: shutdown +: i2c_device_shutdown+0x0/0x4c
<6>[   40.342846] c0 dummy 17-0048: shutdown -
<6>[   40.342894] c0 dummy 17-0025: shutdown +: i2c_device_shutdown+0x0/0x4c
<6>[   40.342960] c0 dummy 17-0025: shutdown -
<6>[   40.343007] c0 max77693 17-0066: shutdown +: i2c_device_shutdown+0x0/0x4c
<6>[   40.343071] c0 max77693 17-0066: shutdown -
<6>[   40.343118] c0 i2c i2c-17: shutdown +: i2c_device_shutdown+0x0/0x4c
<6>[   40.343179] c0 i2c i2c-17: shutdown -
<6>[   40.343228] c0 i2c i2c-16: shutdown +: i2c_device_shutdown+0x0/0x4c
<6>[   40.343287] c0 i2c i2c-16: shutdown -
<6>[   40.343330] c0 i2c i2c-15: shutdown +: i2c_device_shutdown+0x0/0x4c
<6>[   40.343391] c0 i2c i2c-15: shutdown -
<6>[   40.343437] c0 max17047-fuelgauge 14-0036: shutdown +: i2c_device_shutdown+0x0/0x4c
<6>[   40.343513] c0 max17047-fuelgauge 14-0036: shutdown -
<6>[   40.343570] c0 i2c i2c-14: shutdown +: i2c_device_shutdown+0x0/0x4c
<6>[   40.343630] c0 i2c i2c-14: shutdown -
<6>[   40.343675] c0 i2c i2c-11: shutdown +: i2c_device_shutdown+0x0/0x4c
<6>[   40.343735] c0 i2c i2c-11: shutdown -
<6>[   40.343779] c0 i2c i2c-10: shutdown +: i2c_device_shutdown+0x0/0x4c
<6>[   40.343841] c0 i2c i2c-10: shutdown -
<6>[   40.343884] c0 i2c i2c-9: shutdown +: i2c_device_shutdown+0x0/0x4c
<6>[   40.343945] c0 i2c i2c-9: shutdown -
<6>[   40.343988] c0 sec_touchkey_driver 8-0020: shutdown +: i2c_device_shutdown+0x0/0x4c
<6>[   40.344061] c0 sec_touchkey_driver 8-0020: shutdown -
<6>[   40.344120] c0 i2c i2c-8: shutdown +: i2c_device_shutdown+0x0/0x4c
<6>[   40.344181] c0 i2c i2c-8: shutdown -
<6>[   40.344224] c0 Si47xx 19-0011: shutdown +: i2c_device_shutdown+0x0/0x4c
<6>[   40.344288] c0 Si47xx 19-0011: shutdown -
<6>[   40.344336] c0 i2c i2c-19: shutdown +: i2c_device_shutdown+0x0/0x4c
<6>[   40.344401] c0 i2c i2c-19: shutdown -
<6>[   40.344563] c0 s3c-sdhci s3c-sdhci.3: shutdown +: platform_drv_shutdown+0x0/0x24
<6>[   40.344658] c0 s3c-sdhci s3c-sdhci.3: shutdown -
<6>[   40.344713] c0 s3c-sdhci s3c-sdhci.2: shutdown +: platform_drv_shutdown+0x0/0x24
<6>[   40.345252] c0 sdhci_shutdown_host : MMC Card OFF
<6>[   40.345304] c0 s3c-sdhci s3c-sdhci.2: shutdown -
<6>[   40.345410] c0 mdnie mdnie: shutdown +: platform_drv_shutdown+0x0/0x24
<6>[   40.345475] c0 mdnie mdnie: shutdown -
<4>[   40.345651] c0 Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
<5>[   40.352292] c0 CPU2: shutdown
<7>[   40.352915] c0 s5p_ehci_cpu_notify: set ehci irq to cpu0
<5>[   40.358933] c0 CPU3: shutdown
<0>[   40.359472] c0 Restarting system.
<0>[   40.359556] c0 sec_reboot (104, (null))
PMIC rev = PASS2(2)

Samsung S-Boot 4.0-928452 for GT-I9300 (Aug 21 2012 - 17:03:14)

EXYNOS4412(EVT 1.1) / 1023MB / 15028MB / Rev 12 / I9300XXBLH3

initialize_ddi_data: usable! (1:0x2)
<start_checksum:321>CHECKSUM_HEADER_SECTOR :4096
<start_checksum:323>offset:50, size:6296
<start_checksum:326>CHECKSUM_HEADER_INFO : NeedChecksum:0 PartNo:16
Not Need Movinand Checksum
Movinand Checksum Confirmation Pass
init_fuelgauge: fuelgauge power ok
init_fuelgauge: not POR status
get_table_soc: vcell(3957) is caculated to t-soc(74.69)
init_fuelgauge: start: vcell(3957), vfocv(3771), soc(28), table soc(74)
init_fuelgauge: finish: vcell(3957), vfocv(3771), soc(28), table soc(74)
init_microusb_ic: MUIC: CONTROL1:0x00
init_microusb_ic: MUIC: CONTROL1:0x00
init_microusb_ic: MUIC: CONTROL2:0x3b
init_microusb_ic: MUIC: CONTROL2:0x3b
PMIC_ID      = 0x02 
PMIC_IRQSRC  = 0x00 
PMIC_STATUS1 = 0x16 
PMIC_STATUS2 = 0x00 
PMIC_PWRON   = 0x04 
PMIC_IRQ1    = 0x43 
PMIC_IRQ2    = 0x00 
s5p_check_keypad: 0x0
s5p_check_reboot_mode: INFORM3 = 12345670 ... skip
s5p_check_upload: MAGIC(0x0), RST_STAT(0x20000000)
s5p_check_download: 0
microusb_get_attached_device: STATUS1:0x3f, 2:0x43
check_pm_status: normal reset, do not enter LPM mode.
fimd_div:1, div:7, FB_SOURCE_CLOCK:800000000, FB_PIXEL_CLOCK:57153600
a2, 60, 90, 
load_kernel: loading boot image from 81920..
ATAG_CORE: 5 54410001 0 0 0
ATAG_MEM: 4 54410002 10000000 40000000
ATAG_MEM: 4 54410002 10000000 50000000
ATAG_MEM: 4 54410002 10000000 60000000
ATAG_MEM: 4 54410002 ff00000 70000000
ATAG_SERIAL: 4 54410006 4df171a4 27c04f23
ATAG_INITRD2: 4 54420005 42000000 15c96f
ATAG_REVISION: 3 54410007 c
ATAG_CMDLINE: 69 54410009 'console=ram loglevel=4 sec_debug.level=0 sec_watchdog.sec_pet=5 androidboot.debug_level=0x4f4c sec_log=0x100000@0x43000000 s3cfb.bootloaderfb=0x5ec00000 lcdtype=96 consoleblank=0 lpcharge=0 lpj=3981312 vmalloc=144m oops=panic pmic_info=33 cordon=ad531ba30c4e19eb438136e7086ea0d0 androidboot.emmc_checksum=3 androidboot.bootloader=I9300XXBLH3 androidboot.serialno=4df171a427c04f23 snd_soc_core.pmdown_time=1000'

Starting kernel at 0x40008000...

Bei mir wars so, dass ich im aroma installer kein einziges mal zurück gehen durfte. Sonst war wieder alles auf Standart, sprich scaling, max cpu_set....wurde wieder zurückgesetzt. :(

Könntest du das bitte spoilern? :cool:

Errare humanum est!
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Gamer-king, Lycidias, sgs9000A und 5 andere

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