und in wiefern kann ich die einstellung dann verändern?
Folge dem Video um zu sehen, wie unsere Website als Web-App auf dem Startbildschirm installiert werden kann.
Anmerkung: This feature currently requires accessing the site using the built-in Safari browser.
* Dynamic Screen Frequency Scaling:
* --------------------------------
* Dynamicly switches the screen frequency to 40hz or 60hz depending on cpu scaling and hotplug settings.
* For compiling and enabling this functionality u have to do some more modification to the kernel sources, please take a look at AndreiLux Perseus
* repository and there at following commit: https://github.com/AndreiLux/Perseus-S3/commit/3476799587d93189a091ba1db26a36603ee43519
* After adding this patch u can enable the feature by setting "CPU_FREQ_LCD_FREQ_DFS=y" in your kernel config and if u want to check if it is
* really working at runtime u can also enable the accounting which AndreiLux added by setting LCD_FREQ_SWITCH_ACCOUNTING=y in the kernel config.
* If all goes well and u have the DFS up and running u can use following tuneables to do some screen magic:
* (thx to Yank555 for highly extend and improving this!)
* lcdfreq_enable-> to enable/disable LCDFreq scaling (possible values 0 disable or 1 enable, default: 0)
* lcdfreq_kick_in_down_delay-> the amount of samples to wait below the threshold frequency before entering low display frequency mode (40hz)
* lcdfreq_kick_in_up_delay-> the amount of samples to wait over the threshold frequency before entering high display frequency mode (60hz)
* lcdfreq_kick_in_freq-> the frequency threshold - below this cpu frequency the low display frequency will be active
* lcdfreq_kick_in_cores-> the number of cores which should be online before switching will be active. (also useable in combination
* with kickin_freq)
Helirist schrieb:@alex s.1988
Ich benutze zum Laden am USB, mein altes Kabel vom S+.
Klappt wunderbar auch mit höheren Ladestrom.
- current_now: The theoretical charging current, i.e., the rate at wich the battery *should* be charging (usually 999 on AC and 466 on USB).
- current_avg: Usually is the same as current_max (at least after some seconds).
- current_max: The maximum charging current. In other others, the phone will not get more current to charge the battery than the value displayed here. This is the value that matters most.
GerriBLN schrieb:Hallo. Bin seit jetzt in den Genuss deines Kernels gekommen. Habe mal eine frage zum Deepsleep. Habe jetzt zzmoove auf battery gestellt und wollte fragen was ich tun kann um es noch weiter zu verbessern. Bin in Sachen Kernel konfigurieren noch unerfahren was manche Optionen betrifft.
T-Virus schrieb:Ich steige nicht durch
T-Virus schrieb:w00t.. Warum das denn :banghead: