[Kernel] Abyss Kernel 2.3.0 JB Sammy / ICS 2.0.2 AOSP, MIUI

  • 466 Antworten
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... naja vielleicht werde ich ihm demnächst mal wieder eine Chance geben.

Kleiner Tip am Rande:
Wenn man beim FF NoScript bzw. bei Chrome NotScript installiert hat und außer depositfiles alle anderen Scripte blockiert, kommt man sofort zum Download und wird nicht damit belästigt, dass man Kohle abdrücken soll.:D
2.2.1c released:

Changelog schrieb:
Revert to- O3 for boost i/o performance
Revert: Reduced GPU IDLE Frequency and voltage (160mhz and 850mv)
2.2.2 released:

Changelog schrieb:
Added 3.0.47/48/49 Linux patches
Added Gpu Volt Table 12 and 13
procfs: add num_to_str() to speed up /proc/stat
sched: Prevent wakeup to enter critical section needlessly
time: RCU permitted to stop idle entry via softirq
readahead: fault retry breaks mmap file read random detection
wakeup: Use irqsave/irqrestore for events_lock
Disabled Zcache
Lowmemorykiller: Added some tweaks
slub: zero page to fix crashes
block: deadline: disable front_merging
Added BFQ i/o scheduler as default
Changed S90Abyss script. Removed Manual gpu undervolt
Others fix
  • Danke
Reaktionen: haris100
2.2.2b released:

Changelog schrieb:
Added 3.0.50 Linux patches
Updated to Samsung I9300 Update6 sources
Changed to Linaro 4.7.2 toolchain
Added graphite optimization
Fixed FM Radio
Improved stability and performance
Abyss JB kernel 2.2.3 Final Stable Version

OP upgedated...
2.3.0 released:

Changelog schrieb:
Added 3.0.51 Linux patches
More ram free (859mb)
Added 6 step gpu frequencies (max 733mhz)
Reduced GPU Voltage Bottomlock to 800mv
Reduced GPU IDLE voltage to 875mV and keep the 160Mhz for stability
Added Car Dock support
Set Kconfig.hz to 300hz
netfilter: xt_qtaguid: fix error exit that would keep a spinlock
netfilter: xt_qtaguid: report only uid tags to non-privileged processes
vfs: fix up ENOIOCTLCMD error handling
proc: enable writing to /proc/pid/mem
Others fix
Hat jemand den Kernel schon mit SlimBean im Einsatz? (CM10)? Zu empfehlen?

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