- 10.437
No BrickBug / Root / für XX-XW LS >K/N/J/8/D/E/MS1/MS8/S/W !!!
Original Thread bei XDA
PhilZ-cwm6 - Safe Stock Based Kernel
Featuring PhilZ Touch 5
(Enhanced CWM v6.0.3.3, now with exFat+ext4 support)
Cyanogenmod/AOKP release (cm-10.1)
Die cyanogenmod/aokp kompatible Version bietet alle PhilZ Touch recovery features
Eine Erklärung zu den Auswahlmöglichkeiten zum Formatieren findet ihr hier, damit da nichts schief geht..:
weitere siehe POST 2
Note: Unterbinden der superuser Installation beim flashen: this post
Mal ein generelles Statement von Gregor901 zur Kernel-Philosophie:
Viele Alt-Flasher und Uralt-Flasher (dazu zähle ich mich selbst auch) schwören auf Siyah-Kernel bzw. dessen Abkömmling Dorimanx. Im Marketing nennt man sowas "Markentreue". D.h., es komme was wolle, die User kleben an der Marke aufgrund der guten Erfahrungen in der Vergangenheit.
Vergangenheit heißt hier aber GingerBread, Cyanogen, AOSP oder ICS.
Wir sind aber inzwischen bei JellyBean mit anderen Strukturen (z.B. "Preload").
Auf JellyBean können wir (durch den Leak) seit Mitte November zugreifen. Nach über einem Vierteljahr kann man schon von gesicherten Erkenntnissen sprechen, wenn ich festhalte:
1.) Der PhilZ-Kernel ist der geeigneteste. Er war nicht nur der erste sichere Kernel für JB, sondern ist auch derjenige, der am dichtesten am Stock-Kernel, also am Original liegt. Er berücksichtigt auch die Preload-Partition und hat enorme User-Setting-Möglichkeiten (bitte mal da tiefer einsteigen).
2.) Ähnlich wie Dorimanx im Verhältnis zu Siyah ist es mit Jeboo. Er basiert ja auf PhilZ. Sein Erfolg kam daher, weil er als erster die Samsung Sicherheitslücke (Exynos Exploid) schloss.
3.) Der PhilZ-Kernel liegt inzwischen als "Fixed" vor, d.h., er beseitigt den JB-Bootloop. Der tritt meist dann auf, wenn z.B. der Akku einfach entnommen wird, bzw. wenn die Nutzung unvermittelt beendet wird (wie z.B. bei Prgrammabstürzen).
4. ) Der PhilZ hat sehr ordentliche Benchmarkwerte, wie man hier sehen kann. Es gibt einige wenige, die bessere Benchmarks haben, aber meist eben nicht JB.
Fazit: Der momentan optimale Kernel für Samsung JellyBean ist der hier downloadbare PhilZ, der übrigens ständig aktualisiert wird (beicuxhaven sei Dank).
Featuring PhilZ Touch 5
(Enhanced CWM v6.0.3.3, now with exFat+ext4 support)
- Download xxx-signed.zip
- file auf external sd card
- Boot into stock recovery (volume up+home+power)
- Select "apply update from external storage".
- Now select the xxx-signed.zip von der Karte
Cyanogenmod/AOKP release (cm-10.1)
Die cyanogenmod/aokp kompatible Version bietet alle PhilZ Touch recovery features
5.18.5 (18.10.2013)
- unmount /data on user request for /data/media devices
- fix bug when reading partition link target
- do not ever log to screen mount/unmount events for sdcards (this will preserve ui_print for USB OTG volumes)
- write recovery version on exiting recovery instead of start: spare an extra partition mount/unmount on start
- Asus Nexus 7 2013 (flo) support
- HTC One AT&T support
- HTC One m7ul, m7spr, m7att, m7tmo: support exfat kernel module instead of fuse
- Galaxy S3 i9300/i9305: add exfat kernel module support in minivold
5.15.0 (21.09.2013)
- fix bug where android_secure could not be restored
- add png files for 320px width devices and fix pico device tree for screen resolution + merge to cm-10.1
- selectively force tar wrapper on yaffs2 file systems (better handling of make update.zip from ROM and ors backup in cwm format)
- fix touch support for some Samsung phones
- merge latest aroma 1.91 changes to fix theme loading bug
- fix user choice format sdcard options
- i9505: powered by stock 4.3 Samsung kernel compiled and fixed by @ausdim: huge thanks to him
- i9505: fix adb root, sideload, exfat loading, time setting, touch and brightness
- i9500: fix flashing of cm-10.2 and AOKP 4.3 ROMs
- Galaxy S4 US variants: fix flashing of cm-10.2 and AOKP 4.3 ROMs
- fix /data/media toggle display was not correctly refreshed
- remove compute_archive_stats() file number calculation and replace with archive size for faster restores
- increase nandroid size check interval from 3 to 5 sec for slow storage devices (i9505)
- merge exclude google music cached files from nandroid backup
- merge new tar.gz wrapper into cm-10.1
- add pigz fast compression (-1) option + merge to cm-10.1
- add backup and restore of /data/media to external storage
- fix left free space warning when backup in compressed tar.gz mode
- fix partition sdcard menu not showing on devices without a second storage (cm-10.1 only)
- misc menus cleanup
- when key repeat is disabled: fix reboot when turning on screen after it was auto-blanked
- when key repeat is disabled: fix dim screen will not occur and only blank screen event was triggered
- fix dim/blank screen issues after reboot timer was reached and USB cable was connected
- fix various bugs with key handling through ui_wait_key()
- after screen is turned on, next touch event will now be considered (better touch response)
- more stable blank screen gesture actions (mainly on long press and move gesture)
- merge remove install update.zip from cm-10.2 to cm-10.1
- many code cleanups and bug fixes
5.08.5 (11.07.2013)
- Compile Aroma File Manager (by amarullz) zip installer under recovery:
* either compile whole recovery, zip will be created at first pass
* or only compile aroma zip installer in two pass:
1- mmm bootable/recovery/aromafm
2- mmm bootable/recovery/aromafm/tools
* output: [target_out]/aromafm_out/aromafm_[DeviceID].zip
- detect aroma compatibility with non NEON devices during compiling
- use less conflicting flags: TARGET_NAME --> TARGET_COMMON_NAME
5.07.0 (30.06.2013)
- fix "unknown volume for path /res/images/koush.png" on boot (do not search for a volume on ramdisk path)
- fix potential memory overflow during computing of size stats in backup
- fix /efs backup not possible for devices without /preload, unless preload menu was selected once
- fix custom nandroid and twrp backups for yaffs2 devices (do not force tar format on these)
- misc fixes for supporting more devices mainly during nandroid jobs:
- merge old custom_backup folder to cwm backup folder
- old .efs_backup and .modem_bin folders also should be moved to clockworkmod/backup
- .aromafm folder is now aromafm (no more hidden folder for this)
- add regenerate md5 sum option for nandroid backups (use with caution)
- revert inverting fstype and fstype2 (see github commit for more info on this)
- fix nandroid backup fails before generating md5 for /external_sd devices when card is not inserted/mountable (.android_secure check)
- fix falling back to system mount command will fail when calling ensure_path_mounted(filename)
- potential serious bug for /data/media devices
- Advanced Backup statistics during nandroid tar operations
- Update to cwm
- 3 new colors as requested
- Add toggles to change color of header text and battery/clock display color
- Small GUI changes (fix color highlight of virtual buttons and the bottom menu line color
- touch code completely rewritten to support more devices (no more calibration needed)
- true touch scroll effect and much improved touch response
- secure touch: robust to wrong selections while scrolling + confirmation before any bad thing
- add option to completely disable touch
- options to restore Koush or PhilZ Touch background images
- restoring default backgrounds (Koush, PhilZ Touch) will apply live (a reboot was previously needed)
- fix touch on HTC Pico, HTC One S and HTC One XL
- restore support for device keys KEY_MENU and Home key (KEY_HOME, KEY_HOMEPAGE)
- add /preload support in twrp backup and restore modes
- mount /system and /data on Aroma File Explorer launch
- fix battery stats error in some circumstances
- i9100/n7000: update CWM Superuser to v1.0.1.8 (through zip installer)
- code cleaning, various fixes and optimizations
- force reset of recovery settings to v5: new settings file name
- backup file name is unchanged so that old settings can still be restored
- fix reboot to bootloader for phones without download mode
- define default values for CWM Advanced Edition builds to non officially supported devices by PhilZ Touch
- no need to confirm sideload as it can be cancelled
- move philz settings file from /system to /data
- fix compile error for non PhilZ Touch version
- revert temporary assert fix for i9100/n7000 (ramdisk changes):
* do not mount /system in init.rc
* add needed entries in default.prop
- n7000: no more replace init binary to fix /data corruption bootloop issue (ramdisk changes)
- share source for multi-zip installer
- add sideload and print commands support to ors as per TWRP specs
- always ensure sync before rebooting
- disable adb secure
- Update to CWM
* allow cancel sideload
* allow sideload install from /cache/recovery
* courier_extended_15x24
4.92.8 (05.04.2013)
>>True support for /data/media/0 for Android 4.2.2<<
First to introduce true JB 4.2 migration: live toggle between /data/media and /data/media/0
This implementation keeps compatibility with stock cwm while giving user option to force /data/media/0
When migrating from or to JB 4.2, you still need to move folders to/from /data/media/0. No one will do it for you
- fix early mount of /data for datamedia devices caused by write_recovery_version()
this could cause errors on some install scripts
- hide some external menus for devices without external storage
- fix Setup Free Browse Mode bug for devices without external storage
- fix Free Browse Mode could not browse up to the root for /data/media devices
- fix Misc Nandroid Settings menu regression for devices without external storage
- fix .nandroid_secure selection in custom backup and restore for devices without external storage
- no more mount internal/external storage when checking for ors script at startup
- do not report custom recovery logs to ROM Manager
- export error log on failure during boot installed packages
- make sure we have all the log posted by users
- misc bug fixes
- unmount /data on user request for /data/media devices
- fix bug when reading partition link target
- do not ever log to screen mount/unmount events for sdcards (this will preserve ui_print for USB OTG volumes)
- write recovery version on exiting recovery instead of start: spare an extra partition mount/unmount on start
- Asus Nexus 7 2013 (flo) support
- HTC One AT&T support
- HTC One m7ul, m7spr, m7att, m7tmo: support exfat kernel module instead of fuse
- Galaxy S3 i9300/i9305: add exfat kernel module support in minivold
5.15.0 (21.09.2013)
- fix bug where android_secure could not be restored
- add png files for 320px width devices and fix pico device tree for screen resolution + merge to cm-10.1
- selectively force tar wrapper on yaffs2 file systems (better handling of make update.zip from ROM and ors backup in cwm format)
- fix touch support for some Samsung phones
- merge latest aroma 1.91 changes to fix theme loading bug
- fix user choice format sdcard options
- i9505: powered by stock 4.3 Samsung kernel compiled and fixed by @ausdim: huge thanks to him
- i9505: fix adb root, sideload, exfat loading, time setting, touch and brightness
- i9500: fix flashing of cm-10.2 and AOKP 4.3 ROMs
- Galaxy S4 US variants: fix flashing of cm-10.2 and AOKP 4.3 ROMs
- fix /data/media toggle display was not correctly refreshed
- remove compute_archive_stats() file number calculation and replace with archive size for faster restores
- increase nandroid size check interval from 3 to 5 sec for slow storage devices (i9505)
- merge exclude google music cached files from nandroid backup
- merge new tar.gz wrapper into cm-10.1
- add pigz fast compression (-1) option + merge to cm-10.1
- add backup and restore of /data/media to external storage
- fix left free space warning when backup in compressed tar.gz mode
- fix partition sdcard menu not showing on devices without a second storage (cm-10.1 only)
- misc menus cleanup
- when key repeat is disabled: fix reboot when turning on screen after it was auto-blanked
- when key repeat is disabled: fix dim screen will not occur and only blank screen event was triggered
- fix dim/blank screen issues after reboot timer was reached and USB cable was connected
- fix various bugs with key handling through ui_wait_key()
- after screen is turned on, next touch event will now be considered (better touch response)
- more stable blank screen gesture actions (mainly on long press and move gesture)
- merge remove install update.zip from cm-10.2 to cm-10.1
- many code cleanups and bug fixes
5.08.5 (11.07.2013)
- Compile Aroma File Manager (by amarullz) zip installer under recovery:
* either compile whole recovery, zip will be created at first pass
* or only compile aroma zip installer in two pass:
1- mmm bootable/recovery/aromafm
2- mmm bootable/recovery/aromafm/tools
* output: [target_out]/aromafm_out/aromafm_[DeviceID].zip
- detect aroma compatibility with non NEON devices during compiling
- use less conflicting flags: TARGET_NAME --> TARGET_COMMON_NAME
5.07.0 (30.06.2013)
- fix "unknown volume for path /res/images/koush.png" on boot (do not search for a volume on ramdisk path)
- fix potential memory overflow during computing of size stats in backup
- fix /efs backup not possible for devices without /preload, unless preload menu was selected once
- fix custom nandroid and twrp backups for yaffs2 devices (do not force tar format on these)
- misc fixes for supporting more devices mainly during nandroid jobs:
* allow use of device2 for raw backup and restore operations (using dd/cat)
* better nandroid support when device names in fstab do not match actual mtd name (revert statfs for volume->device)
- revert cm-10.1 changes: Write correctly fstab info in log (do not print to stderr)* better nandroid support when device names in fstab do not match actual mtd name (revert statfs for volume->device)
- merge old custom_backup folder to cwm backup folder
- old .efs_backup and .modem_bin folders also should be moved to clockworkmod/backup
- .aromafm folder is now aromafm (no more hidden folder for this)
- add regenerate md5 sum option for nandroid backups (use with caution)
- revert inverting fstype and fstype2 (see github commit for more info on this)
- fix nandroid backup fails before generating md5 for /external_sd devices when card is not inserted/mountable (.android_secure check)
- fix falling back to system mount command will fail when calling ensure_path_mounted(filename)
- potential serious bug for /data/media devices
- Advanced Backup statistics during nandroid tar operations
- Update to cwm
- 3 new colors as requested
- Add toggles to change color of header text and battery/clock display color
- Small GUI changes (fix color highlight of virtual buttons and the bottom menu line color
- touch code completely rewritten to support more devices (no more calibration needed)
- true touch scroll effect and much improved touch response
- secure touch: robust to wrong selections while scrolling + confirmation before any bad thing
- add option to completely disable touch
- options to restore Koush or PhilZ Touch background images
- restoring default backgrounds (Koush, PhilZ Touch) will apply live (a reboot was previously needed)
- fix touch on HTC Pico, HTC One S and HTC One XL
- restore support for device keys KEY_MENU and Home key (KEY_HOME, KEY_HOMEPAGE)
- add /preload support in twrp backup and restore modes
- mount /system and /data on Aroma File Explorer launch
- fix battery stats error in some circumstances
- i9100/n7000: update CWM Superuser to v1.0.1.8 (through zip installer)
- code cleaning, various fixes and optimizations
- force reset of recovery settings to v5: new settings file name
- backup file name is unchanged so that old settings can still be restored
- fix reboot to bootloader for phones without download mode
- define default values for CWM Advanced Edition builds to non officially supported devices by PhilZ Touch
- no need to confirm sideload as it can be cancelled
- move philz settings file from /system to /data
- fix compile error for non PhilZ Touch version
- revert temporary assert fix for i9100/n7000 (ramdisk changes):
* do not mount /system in init.rc
* add needed entries in default.prop
- n7000: no more replace init binary to fix /data corruption bootloop issue (ramdisk changes)
- share source for multi-zip installer
- add sideload and print commands support to ors as per TWRP specs
- always ensure sync before rebooting
- disable adb secure
- Update to CWM
* allow cancel sideload
* allow sideload install from /cache/recovery
* courier_extended_15x24
4.92.8 (05.04.2013)
>>True support for /data/media/0 for Android 4.2.2<<
First to introduce true JB 4.2 migration: live toggle between /data/media and /data/media/0
This implementation keeps compatibility with stock cwm while giving user option to force /data/media/0
When migrating from or to JB 4.2, you still need to move folders to/from /data/media/0. No one will do it for you
- fix early mount of /data for datamedia devices caused by write_recovery_version()
this could cause errors on some install scripts
- hide some external menus for devices without external storage
- fix Setup Free Browse Mode bug for devices without external storage
- fix Free Browse Mode could not browse up to the root for /data/media devices
- fix Misc Nandroid Settings menu regression for devices without external storage
- fix .nandroid_secure selection in custom backup and restore for devices without external storage
- no more mount internal/external storage when checking for ors script at startup
- do not report custom recovery logs to ROM Manager
- export error log on failure during boot installed packages
- make sure we have all the log posted by users
- misc bug fixes
Eine Erklärung zu den Auswahlmöglichkeiten zum Formatieren findet ihr hier, damit da nichts schief geht..:
weitere siehe POST 2
Note: Unterbinden der superuser Installation beim flashen: this post
Mal ein generelles Statement von Gregor901 zur Kernel-Philosophie:
Viele Alt-Flasher und Uralt-Flasher (dazu zähle ich mich selbst auch) schwören auf Siyah-Kernel bzw. dessen Abkömmling Dorimanx. Im Marketing nennt man sowas "Markentreue". D.h., es komme was wolle, die User kleben an der Marke aufgrund der guten Erfahrungen in der Vergangenheit.
Vergangenheit heißt hier aber GingerBread, Cyanogen, AOSP oder ICS.
Wir sind aber inzwischen bei JellyBean mit anderen Strukturen (z.B. "Preload").
Auf JellyBean können wir (durch den Leak) seit Mitte November zugreifen. Nach über einem Vierteljahr kann man schon von gesicherten Erkenntnissen sprechen, wenn ich festhalte:
1.) Der PhilZ-Kernel ist der geeigneteste. Er war nicht nur der erste sichere Kernel für JB, sondern ist auch derjenige, der am dichtesten am Stock-Kernel, also am Original liegt. Er berücksichtigt auch die Preload-Partition und hat enorme User-Setting-Möglichkeiten (bitte mal da tiefer einsteigen).
2.) Ähnlich wie Dorimanx im Verhältnis zu Siyah ist es mit Jeboo. Er basiert ja auf PhilZ. Sein Erfolg kam daher, weil er als erster die Samsung Sicherheitslücke (Exynos Exploid) schloss.
3.) Der PhilZ-Kernel liegt inzwischen als "Fixed" vor, d.h., er beseitigt den JB-Bootloop. Der tritt meist dann auf, wenn z.B. der Akku einfach entnommen wird, bzw. wenn die Nutzung unvermittelt beendet wird (wie z.B. bei Prgrammabstürzen).
4. ) Der PhilZ hat sehr ordentliche Benchmarkwerte, wie man hier sehen kann. Es gibt einige wenige, die bessere Benchmarks haben, aber meist eben nicht JB.
Fazit: Der momentan optimale Kernel für Samsung JellyBean ist der hier downloadbare PhilZ, der übrigens ständig aktualisiert wird (beicuxhaven sei Dank).
Aroma File Manager Support
- Download Aroma File Manager v1.8 Home Page
- File benennen aromafm.zip
- File speichern unter clockworkmod/.aromafm/aromafm.zip egal ob int. oder ext.SD
- Im Recovery, ORS Menu wählen und schon hat man den Arome File Manager zur Verfügung
ZIP Files können im Stock Recovery 3e geflasht werden: VORTEIL: No Yellow Triangle trotz Root
- Download xxx-signed.zip Kernel
- xxx-signed.zip file auf external sd card Speichern
- Ins stock recovery booten (volume up+home+power)
- Select "apply update from external storage".
- File xxx-signed.zip auf ext.SD wählen
- You are rooted + new PhilZ-cwm6 kernel with CWM6
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