[KERNEL] Semaphore ICS 1.2.6 (19/06/2012)

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Ich oder MIUI Germany übernehmen keine Haftung dafür! Ihr seid für euer Handeln selbst verantwortlich!!!


stratosk / xda

Dies ist ein Kernel auf der Basis von "pawitp" und kompatibel mit allen 4.03 ICS & MIUI V4 Roms


This is a kernel based on the pawitp's one and it works for Android 4.0.3 ICS ROMs.

- LiveOC
- Custom Voltage
- Voodoo Sound
- 374.2MB - 399.4MB
- Semaphore Script Manager 0.74
- Auto brightness driver
- Touch Wake
- Vibration intensity
- Deep Idle
- USB host driver
- Governor ondemand (default)
- ondemand: sampling_down_factor tunable by momentum, smooth_ui
- Governor conservative (module)
- Governor smartassV2 (module)
- Noop I/O scheduler (default)
- Deadline I/O Scheduler (module)
- Simple I/O Scheduler (module)
- Netfilter (iptables) as modules
- CIFS as module
- TUN as module
- Logcat disabled (as module only)
- Standard network packet scheduler
- Kernel log buffer size 4KB (from 128KB)
- Reduced debug info
- TinyRCU
- /system/etc/init.d directory creation if not exist

In order to load various modules of the kernel and enable or disable features use HM.Carbide's Semaphore Script Manager application. It automatically copies and runs the respective scripts from /res/scripts to /system/etc/init.d directory. The scripts:

- S05enable_oc_0800 (disable overclocking - caps max freq to 800Mhz)
- S05enable_oc_1000_default (disable overclocking)
- S05enable_oc_1100 (enable overclocking - max freq 1100MHz)
- S05enable_oc_1140 (enable overclocking - max freq 1140MHz)
- S05enable_oc_1200 (enable overclocking - max freq 1200MHz)
- S10enable_gov_conservative (load and enable conservative governor module)
- S10enable_gov_ondemand_default (enable ondemand governor)
- S10enable_gov_smartassV2 (load and enable conservative smartassV2 module)
- S15enable_sched_deadline (load and enable the deadline I/O scheduler module)
- S15enable_sched_noop_default (enable noop scheduler)
- S15enable_sched_sio (enable and load SIO scheduler module)
- S20enable_netfilter (load netfilter modules for firewall or WiFi, USB tethering)
- S30enable_logger (enable logging)
- S35enable_tun (load tun module)
- S40enable_cifs (load cifs module)

Custom Voltage may be configured with Voltage control or similar applications.

For more information check the semaphore kernel website: www.semaphore.gr

For questions or issues about Semaphore Script Manager please visit HM.Carbide thread

Thanks to Superuser, you may download a wonderful custom bootanimation for CM9 from Semaphore - Boot animations
Change Log:
1.2.6 (07/07/2012)
- USB mass storage disable write speed cache support (thanks kasper_h, DerTeufel1980 for the hint)
- CWM: Allow key to repeat on hold (thanks to FaultException, koush). Works for volume up, down and touch key menu (as down)
- CWM: fix selection bar color when battery < 21%
- CWM: upstream sync (thanks to koush) *
- initramfs sync some changes with CM9 (adb works in root by default in recovery)
- compiled with linaro 4.7.1 201206

* Please note that due to changes in nandroid backup/restore, previous versions of Semaphore can't restore backups from version >= 1.2.6. To be on the safe side, please renew your backups.

1.2.5 (19/06/2012)
- rebased to 3.0.17 (thanks to trailblazerz11 and eugene373 for their github)
- compiled with Linaro 4.7.1 toolchain (thanks to trailblazerz11 for his help)
- O3 optimization flag
- upstream sync (fixes for cdma in-call volume and mic gain included, thanks to pawitp, efpophis)
- WiFi PM_MAX when suspended
- fixed 800MHz underclocking
- changed boot splash screen

Normal versions (for CM9 or ROMs without hugemem configuration)
- 373.5MB - 385.7MB
For Slim ROM or patched ROMs with hugemem configuration
- 386.5MB - 398.7MB

TEST version 1.2.4 (15/06/2012)

- O3 optimization flag

TEST version 1.2.3 (13/06/2012)
- Kernel rebase to 3.0.17 (thanks to trailblazerz11 and eugene373 for their github)
- compiled with Linaro 4.7.1 toolchain (thanks to trailblazerz11 for his help)

1.2.2 (01/06/2012)

- Bootloop detection (if no normal boot is detected the phone will be forced to recovery in next boot) *
- bugfix: enabling Wi-Fi hotspot twice (copy the new netfilter script in order this to work by disabling and then enabling again netfilter in Semaphore app)
- creation of /system/lib/modules if does not exist
- removed LMK scripts
- fix some typos in scripts description (thanks to cdmackay, HiKsFiles)

* It doesn't mean that this will necessarily resolve the known bootloop issue, but it may help on bootloops because of bad OC/UV etc.

1.2.0 (15/05/2012)
- New initramfs (thanks to Mialwe for his cooperation on this)
- Bigmem reservation optional through Semaphore app (bigmem breaks 720p video recording) *
- Smooth UI implemented in conservative, smartassv2 (selected as separate option)
- Semaphore Script Manager application 0.75 (thanks to HM.Carbide)
- Fast Charge support (thanks to Chad Froebe) implemented as module **
- L4 (100MHz) int volt 1100mV (as GB)
- upstream updates


Normal versions (for CM9 or ROMs without hugemem configuration)
- 374.2MB - 386.4MB

For Slim ROM or patched ROMs with hugemem configuration
- 387.2MB - 399.4MB

* Needs reboot to takes effect. If the phone shuts down needs additional reboot.
** Enables support for fast charge. It does not enable the feature.

1.1.1 (28/04/2012)
- upstream updates
- updated initramfs
- Ondemand: smooth_ui tuner, CPU freq goes to max when touch the screen. Also sampling_down_momentum goes to max when touch the screen. (disabled by default, select from Semaphore app->Governors)
- Ondemand: bug fix sampling_down_max_momentum
- updated SIO scheduler
- touch wake fixes (from Ezekeel)
- touch wake fix enable again when proximity off (now should work always)
- cpufreq upstream fix
- cpufreq fix when max 800MHz (thanks to Mialwe, thanks to DerTeufel who pointed this out)
- cpufreq driver max freq to 800MHz when screen off
- ondemand sampling rate to 20000
- ondemand io_busy back to 0

Normal versions (for CM9 or ROMs without hugemem configuration)
- 374.2MB
- 386.4
- breaks 720p video recording

For Slim ROM or patched ROMs with hugemem configuration
- 387.2
- 399.4
- breaks 720p video recording

New test version 1.0.1s (works on memory patched ROMs)
- updated SIO scheduler
- touch wake fix (from Ezekeel)
- touch wake fix enable again when proximity off (now should work always)
- cpufreq upstream fix
- cpufreq fix when max 800MHz (thanks to Mialwe, thanks to DerTeufel who pointed this out)
- cpufreq driver max freq to 800MHz when screen off
- ondemand sampling rate to 20000
- ondemand io_busy back to 0

For Slim ROM or patched ROMs with hugemem configuration
- 387.2MB available RAM
- 399.4MB available RAM
- breaks 720p video recording

1.0.0 (09/04/2012)
- Touch Wake (thanks to Ezekeel)
- Vibrator intensity (thanks to Mialwe)
- Semaphore Script Manager application ICS themed (thanks to HM.Carbide)
- upstream fixes
- removed some stuff from kernel configuration
- Radio FM support as module
- remove kernel default script
- Ondemand: slight increased down differential ondemand
- battery polling interval to 10sec
- Some changes to compiler flags (thanks to Mialwe)
- fixed issue enable Wi-Fi hotspot twice after reboot (?)
- fixed bug ondemand sampling rate return to 10000 when awake even if user changed it (from 0.9.8)
- ondemand some optimization to sampling down momentum calculation (from 0.9.8)
- fixed bt rfkill script (from 0.9.8)

Normal versions (for CM9 or ROMs without hugemem configuration)
- 345.2MB available RAM
- 357.4MB available RAM
- breaks 720p video recording

For Slim ROM or patched ROMs with hugemem configuration
- 387.2MB available RAM
- 399.4MB available RAM
- breaks 720p video recording

0.9.7 (26/03/2012)
- Removed some debug options (600KB more available RAM - 340.2MB)
- fix smartassv2 bug (thanks to abev66, DerTeufel)
- CWM: battery indicator (thanks to kravrind)
- CWM: tiny upstream fix
- BT rfkill script added as test script (runs only when selected)

Bigmem version 0.9.7bm
- 352.4 MB available RAM
breaks 720p video recording

0.9.5beta (12/03/2012)

- Deep Idle (Ezekeel's approach) *
fix sound glitches when TOP=OFF
added option to enable/disable statistics (disabled by default)
added dflags accesible through sysfs to debug deep idle checks **
some optimization for less CPU overhead
scripts to enable/disable Deep Idle and Deep Idle statistics
- fix: Smartassv2 use LiveOC frequencies
- Option to lock min frequency to 100MHz when gpu inactive
- enable_logger: change script to always copy current version modules
- fix conservative script

** Please read this

0.9.1 (27/02/2012)

- revert back 0.9.0 changes for Semaphore auto brightness. Resolves issues with wakelocks. In order to use the driver, also select auto brightness from system settings.

0.9.0 (24/02/2012)

- LiveOC auto adjust voltages
- added OC 1140, 1200, removed 1150 script
- New boot logo (thanks to id.goPLAY)
- Semaphore Script Manager 0.74
- Dock support (untested)
- fixed Semaphore auto brightness (now completely blocks framework)
- fixed CIFS added md4.ko, nls_utf8.ko modules in script
- Kernel configuration cleaning (unnecessary stuff removed)
- upstream updates from pawitp's kernel (gpio changes tested and reverted)

0.8.1 (12/02/2012)

- fixed CWM display issue
- changed boot logo

0.8.0 (09/02/2012)

- bundled Semaphore Script Manager v0.73
- added NSTools clear settings option in CWM
- gzip kernel compression (faster boot)
- fixed BLN
- fixed mobile data limit
- fixed CWM display text position issue
- fixed root initramfs files ownership
- fixed reboot when plug charger (?)
- LiveOC: Max OC 130 (was 150)

Change log

0.7.5 (04/02/2012)

- Ezekeel's Custom Voltage
- fix logger module issue
- possibly fix reboot when plug charger
- CWM: fix font display issue
- CWM: fix mount USB storage

0.7.1 (02/02/2012)

- USB Host support (build 5)
- USB Host: mouse support as module
- USB Host: Joystick, x-box pad support as module
- BLN support (static lights don't work always, have to use blinking LEDs in pro version)
- minor change for stability (?)
- CWM: Latest upstream updates
- CWM: Roboto font
- CWM: Functional touch keys
- CWM: Added power off option
- CWM: Added Clear init.d option

- Implemented LiveOC
- Added scripts for Semaphore Scrtips Manager application to support presets to 800, 1000, 1100, 1150 max freq
- Some CPU freq driver cleaning (maybe fixes reboots?)

Please use it at your own risk!

4a963c5183993b256c5a0d52f88bc2c7 Semaphore_ICS_1.2.6.zip
408178563587859c31a4c5a90b394166 Semaphore_ICS_1.2.6s.zip
Semaphore_ICS_1.2.6.zip - (5.54 MB)
Semaphore_ICS_1.2.6s.zip - (5.54 MB)

4a963c5183993b256c5a0d52f88bc2c7 Semaphore_ICS_1.2.6.zip
408178563587859c31a4c5a90b394166 Semaphore_ICS_1.2.6s.zip
Semaphore_ICS_1.3.0.zip - (7.15 MB)
Semaphore_ICS_1.3.0s.zip - (7.15MB)

Please use it with your own risk!

The attachment zip files are for flashing from CWM recovery.

Semaphore_ICS_1.2.5.zip - (5.54 MB)
Semaphore_ICS_1.2.5s.zip - (5.54 MB)
Semaphore_ICS_1.2.5.tar - (5.27 MB)
Semaphore_ICS_1.2.5s.tar - (5.27 MB)
5d7043265693c4d001dbef16e1e10283 Semaphore_ICS_1.2.5.zip
7c4574018b73a0cc254ca3013f9969fa Semaphore_ICS_1.2.5s.zip
8811635a515b346553a21a1080d1cd6a Semaphore_ICS_1.2.5.tar
f15656b86bf916c6d4887bcda971c5b1 Semaphore_ICS_1.2.5s.tar

Test Semaphore_ICS_1.2.4.zip - (5.52 MB)
Test Semaphore_ICS_1.2.4s.zip - (5.52 MB)

Test Semaphore_ICS_1.2.3.zip - (5.14 MB)
Test Semaphore_ICS_1.2.3s.zip - (5.14 MB)

ba01cccafb02981f00d5f3e2c9462c83 Semaphore_ICS_1.2.2.zip
6ad81714e688301c5844e39a781a7330 Semaphore_ICS_1.2.2s.zip
08d44d53f12b257382fe74c3dab77555 Semaphore_ICS_1.2.2.tar
2e796caf3a051a77b74ca2dac3bb3339 Semaphore_ICS_1.2.2s.tar
Semaphore_ICS_1.2.2.zip - (5.18 MB)
Semaphore_ICS_1.2.2s.zip - (5.18 MB)
Semaphore_ICS_1.2.2.tar - (4.91 MB)
Semaphore_ICS_1.2.2s.tar - (4.91 MB)

220d2d7200a25cb5d3d3d17f48592a5c Semaphore_ICS_1.2.0.zip
c691f451758c53607568b90259a2d02e Semaphore_ICS_1.2.0s.zip
c5389b7bcd643bf3ea7a2ad2f692307f Semaphore_ICS_1.2.0.tar
30261e82f128d8e7f135f20d02f3ccf8 Semaphore_ICS_1.2.0s.tar

Semaphore_ICS_1.2.0.zip - [Click for QR Code] (5.18 MB, 24 views)
Semaphore_ICS_1.2.0s.zip - [Click for QR Code] (5.18 MB, 24 views)
Semaphore_ICS_1.2.0.tar - [Click for QR Code] (4.91 MB, 7 views)
Semaphore_ICS_1.2.0s.tar - [Click for QR Code] (4.91 MB, 10 views)

7e2e77ba2c765566c4337667fd1e9277 Semaphore_ICS_1.1.1.zip
6df7a5f5f8be7cdd7d5a703733968345 Semaphore_ICS_1.1.1bm.zip
a1373a6a8cc8bdd77a2acc1f7a5a1a49 Semaphore_ICS_1.1.1s.zip
dd11150ee6015fb3bc244df9543476ea Semaphore_ICS_1.1.1sbm.zip

Semaphore_ICS_1.1.1.zip - [Click for QR Code] (5.60 MB, 803 views)
Semaphore_ICS_1.1.1bm.zip - [Click for QR Code] (5.60 MB, 235 views)
Semaphore_ICS_1.1.1s.zip - [Click for QR Code] (5.60 MB, 739 views)
Semaphore_ICS_1.1.1sbm.zip - [Click for QR Code] (5.60 MB, 411 views)

Alternative download from Semaphore - GT-I9000 ICS

Alternative download from Semaphore - GT-I9000 ICS
Attached Files
Semaphore_ICS_0.5.1.zip (5.09 MB, 1829 views)
Semaphore_ICS_0.6.3.zip (5.09 MB, 1552 views)
Semaphore_ICS_0.7.1.zip (5.01 MB, 1358 views)
Semaphore_ICS_0.7.5.zip (5.01 MB, 1471 views)
Semaphore_ICS_0.8.0.zip (5.96 MB, 239 views)
Semaphore_ICS_0.8.1.zip - (6.01 MB, 1025 views)
Semaphore_ICS_0.9.0.zip - (5.91 MB, 0 views)
Semaphore_ICS_0.9.1.zip - (5.95 MB, 51 views)
Semaphore_ICS_0.9.5b.zip - (5.96 MB, 35 views)
Semaphore_ICS_0.9.7.zip - (5.64 MB, 804 views)
Semaphore_ICS_0.9.7bm.zip - (5.64 MB, 499 views)

Attachment files md5sum:

1ccedfe305fb542c0a134969808834cf Semaphore_ICS_0.5.1.zip
a1904d398c350f9ead144fd4bfcfaf04 Semaphore_ICS_0.6.3.zip
09aaec818e0dda933d294eda22e2c817 Semaphore_ICS_0.7.1.zip
513acd43043d780731d840efabe26a3f Semaphore_ICS_0.7.5.zip
c3504ccc259db2d9e84185b08d4663cc Semaphore_ICS_0.8.0.zip
e7b9808061ce4cbeaadbee02378d8a1d Semaphore_ICS_0.8.1.zip
d2a7d5006ca82adb70c572f9d529b387 Semaphore_ICS_0.9.0.zip
e10cd3fa1de7eef794328c0334f89ab3 Semaphore_ICS_0.9.1.zip
1e12fd1f942c8195ce43792e5012d628 Semaphore_ICS_0.9.5b.zip
a1e26978faa06cfb0e9b49a98d28aaff Semaphore_ICS_0.9.7.zip
99171664d0743f80d26bbf1936bfcf39 Semaphore_ICS_0.9.7bm.zip
7e9377013dba1f7f6cdbccbd3629b89b Semaphore_ICS_1.0.0.zip
98445cc01a20ba73d421147ffa0de04c Semaphore_ICS_1.0.0bm.zip
291095cbbf669779fecdd032e4161466 Semaphore_ICS_1.0.0s.zip
eb89ed940d3ae5e192dfc7b0ae99e610 Semaphore_ICS_1.0.0sbm.zip

Please use it with your own risk!
Test version 1.0.1s
md5sum: bc824c8e0a5d5ca6f39a4a32dbbd1c63

Semaphore_ICS_1.0.0.zip - [Click for QR Code] (5.60 MB, 76 views)
Semaphore_ICS_1.0.0bm.zip - [Click for QR Code] (5.60 MB, 38 views)

Semaphore_ICS_1.0.0sbm.zip - [Click for QR Code] (5.60 MB, 67 views)
Semaphore_ICS_1.0.0s.zip - [Click for QR Code] (5.60 MB, 101 views)
Thanks to

pawitp from his kernel.
zacharias.maladroit for his useful information about CM's initramfs
HM.Carbide for his Semaphore Script Manager application.

All people who support this kernel by testing, reporting issues, donating or simply using it.


The Linux Kernel
Samsung Kernel sources
Semaphore kernel sources
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: pjozsef54, Treibsand, Pumeluk2 und 5 andere
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Cool cool :D

Usb Host geht aber noch nicht, oder?

Werd ich trz. mal ausprobieren.;)

Sent with my Galaxy S using Tapatalk
Geht mit onecosmic ?

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9000 mit Tapatalk
Selbst nicht getestet - bitte um Feedback. Danke!
quasimodo schrieb:
Selbst nicht getestet - bitte um Feedback. Danke!

mach ich Bruder ^^

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9000 mit Tapatalk
Er läuft ist aber noch einer der noch zu entwickelbdem kernel . Warten schadet also noch nicht

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9000 mit Tapatalk
Semaphore ICS 0.6.3 Online und in Post 1 gelistet!

Change log

- Implemented LiveOC
- Added scripts for Semaphore Scrtips Manager application to support presets to 800, 1000, 1100, 1150 max freq
- Some CPU freq driver cleaning (maybe fixes reboots?)

Semaphore ICS 0.7.1 released.
in Post 1 aktualisiert und gelistet

Change log
0.7.1 (02/02/2012)

- USB Host support (build 5)
- USB Host: mouse support as module
- USB Host: Joystick, x-box pad support as module
- BLN support (static lights don't work always, have to use blinking LEDs in pro version)
- minor change for stability (?)
- CWM: Latest upstream updates
- CWM: Roboto font
- CWM: Functional touch keys
- CWM: Added power off option
- CWM: Added Clear init.d option
Semaphore ICS 0.7.5 released.

Change log

0.7.5 (04/02/2012)

- Ezekeel's Custom Voltage
- fix logger module issue
- possibly fix reboot when plug charger
- CWM: fix font display issue
- CWM: fix mount USB storage

[KERNEL][CM9] Semaphore ICS 0.7.5 - xda-developers
Post 1 aktualisiert! ;)
Semaphore ICS 0.8.0 Online und in Post 1 gelistet!
In Post 1 gelistet

Change log

0.8.1 (12/02/2012)

- fixed CWM display issue
- changed boot logo
Echt super Umsetzung ich nutzte den mit Code Name Android und Bin schlichtweg begeistert.
Das automatische dimmen vom Display finde ich etwas später als beim original, also es wird erst bei direkter sonnen Einfall hell.Aber das ist nicht weiter schlimm

Gruß jobbe
Habe ein Splash Screen fuer ihn gemacht, villeicht benutzt er ihn in der naechsten version.
Uebrigens der Feedback auf XDA war sehr positiv :biggrin:

Sieht sehr hübsch aus gefällt mir

Gesendet mit der Android-Hilfe.de-App
Im Startpost hier steht, dass der Kernel für CM9 gedacht ist.
Auf XDA schreibt Stratosk, dass der Kernel für alle ICS 4.0.3 ROMs ist.
Missverständnis, oder hat sich das mittlerweile geändert?

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