[KERNEL][JB] Mackay JB 4.1 v0.199 Final + JB 4.2 v0.333 TWRP+CWM (08.07)

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Hier findet ihr beide Mackay Kernel von kasper_h für JB 4.1 und JB 4.2

Downloads,Changelog und Original Verlinkung findet ihr in dem passenden Kernel Bereich, wenn ihr auf Text anzeigen klickt.

Original Thread auf XDA

Basierend auf Mackays CM10.1 Kernel

Changelog 0.333 compared to previous release (0.332)

-Updated CWM to
-Updated to linux v3.0.85
-Merged upstream android-linux-3.0

On 2.7.0+ Mackay ROMs, BLN/recovery/navbar can be activated in Mackay settings*

On other roms, install the kernel, reboot, open /data/local/mackay/bln/recovery/navbar and change the 0 for 1. Then reboot:
bln (set to 1) BLN will be activated
recovery (set to 1) CWM will be activated
navbar (set to 1) navbar will be activated

All features compared to stock kernel:
-build using Linaro toolchain
-O3 optimization
-updated to linux kernel version 3.0.77
-XZ compression of kernel & initramfs
-396MB RAM
-SIO scheduler
-BFQv5 scheduler (with upstream improvements)
-ROW scheduler (tweaked, default scheduler)
-many improvements to IO schedulers in general
-Deadline tuning (thanks to DerTeufel)
-Ondemand tuned (default governor)
-SmartassV2 governor
-Interactive governor (updated to android 3.4 code + fixes)
-Wheatley & Lulzactive governors
-Conservative tuned
-Call volume hack (use “Settings>Mackay Settings”* to set volumes)
-Reduced battery polling interval
-Fast charge (activate through “Settings>Advanced Settings”* or the QuickCharge toggle in MackayROM)
-WiFi PM_FAST mode selection (activate using “Settings>Mackay Settings”*)
-Battery life extender (set through “Settings>Mackay Settings”*)
-CustomVoltage (set using NSTools)
-BLN (can be enabled through “Settings>Mackay Settings”*)
-USB OTG support (needs external power supply)
-1100-1400MHz OC steps
-Custom kernel splash (Thanks to Malcho)
-Updated charging logo to match open charger
-Disabled swap & zram
-Improve memcopy/memmove
-Improve the performance of memcpy and memmove
-Kill task closest in size to memory needed to free
-LOAD_FREQ (4*HZ+61) avoids loadavg Moire
-Entropy tweaks: Russell: Sources of Randomness for Userspace [LWN.net]
-backport CPUIDLE from 3.5
-arm/crypto: Add optimized AES and SHA1 routines
-Unaligned CPU access
-Updates to binder
-Improvements to RWSEM code
-Improvements to binder code
-Improvements to tmpfs
-Added frandom (much faster random number generator)
-Updated to lowmemorykiller with PID whitelist (thanks to stratosk)

*“Settings>Mackay Settings” only available with Mackay ROM 2.7.0+
*also available through the Galaxy S & Mackay app in the launcher

-Mackay recovery (based on CWM & TWRP

-Clear NSTools settings
-Clear init.d settings
-Show battery status in recovery
-Aroma FileManager
-Include using soft keys to navigate the menu (thanks fishears for the idea)
-Enable holding keys for repeated presses
-Themed orange

-Themed orange
-Run recovery-apps (zip files should be present in /system/mackay, launch them through advanced->run app)

Downloadable with CMC & voodoo colour:
rootaxbox.no-ip.org - /kasper_h/kernels/JB42/

Source code: https://github.com/kasperhettinga/sa...s/mackay-cm101

This is a freshly started project. Ideas for improvements/additions are welcome but:
1. I try to stay close to stock
2. The time I spend on features depends on how much I like them myself

-teamhacksung/pawitp for making CyanogenMod work on our ancient phone
-stratosk/DerTeufel/Mialwe for the inspiration I got from their kernels
-rootax for providing a high-speed server for high quality downloads

Download (TWO flavours can be download: CMC=CM stock colour or VC=Voodoo Colour
rootaxbox.no-ip.org - /kasper_h/kernels/JB42/

For those who want to theme it even further, Bejda made a Mackay splash screen!

For those who want to theme TWRP (or simply get rid of the orange
), erpurohit made a TWRP theme:

This version can only be used on JB4.2-based ROMs


Original Thread auf XDA

Basierend auf Pawtip CM10 Kernel
Stock Kernel mit einpaar zusätzlichen Funktionen.

-Updated to linux kernel 3.0.71
-Combined BLN & CMLED in one kernel*
-Improved OnDemand scheduler (thanks to stratosk)

*To set BLN:
-install the kernel
-open /data/local/mackay/bln and change the 0 for 1.
-reboot: BLN will be activated

Mackay kernel 0.199Final:
-updated to linux kernel version 3.0.71
-396MB RAM
-SIO scheduler
-Deadline tuning (thanks to DerTeufel)
-BFQv5 scheduler (with upstream improvements)
-ROW scheduler (tweaked, default scheduler)
-many improvements to IO schedulers in general
-SmartassV2 governor
-Wheatley governor
-Conservative tuned
-Interactive governor (default - updated to android 3.4 code + fixes)
-Call volume hack (using “Settings>Advanced Settings”* to set volumes)
-Reduced battery polling interval
-Fast charge (activate through “Settings>Advanced Settings”* or the QuickCharge toggle in MackayROM)
-WiFi PM_FAST mode selection (activate using “Settings>Advanced Settings”*)
-Battery life extender (set through “Settings>Advanced Settings”*)
-CustomVoltage (set using NSTools)
-1100-1400MHz OC steps
-Custom kernel splash (Thanks to Malcho)
-Updated charging logo to match open charger
-Disabled swap & zram
-Improve memcopy/memmove
-Improve the performance of memcpy and memmove
-Kill task closest in size to memory needed to free
-LOAD_FREQ (4*HZ+61) avoids loadavg Moire
-Entropy tweaks: Russell: Sources of Randomness for Userspace [LWN.net]
-backport CPUIDLE from 3.5
-arm/crypto: Add optimized AES and SHA1 routines

Mackay recovery (based on CWM
Clear NSTools settings
Clear init.d settings
Remove wipe battery function
Add reboot menu
fix default backup format selection menu
Show battery status in recovery
Aroma FileManager
Include using soft keys to navigate the menu (thanks fishears for the idea)

-Four flavours: stock-LED/stock-colours, stock-LED/voodoo-volour, BLN/stock-colours, BLN/voodoo-colour

Source code: https://github.com/kasperhettinga/sa...es/tree/mackay

This is a freshly started project. Ideas for improvements/additions are welcome but:
1. I try to stay close to stock
2. The time I spend on features depends on how much I like them myself

-teamhacksung/pawitp for making CyanogenMod work on our ancient phone
-stratosk/DerTeufel/Mialwe for the inspiration I got from their kernels
-rootax for providing a high-speed server for high quality downloads

Feature-Vorschläge für die neuen Versionen werden vom Entwickler gerne gesehen, aber mit dem Einwand, dass er so nah wie möglich an Stock bleiben will.

Mackay Kernel 0.199final
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: AndroidLover666, Bödi und Shaddix
in der Verbindung mit der JB Mackay Rom ein sehr guter Kernel. Super sparsam und schnell.
Finde ich auch! :) Weiß jemand, ob es für den Mackey Kernel auch einen "Kernel manager" oder soetwas gibt? Wenn ja, wo? Oder ob daran gearbeitet wird? Semaphore und Devil haben das...
Herzlichen Dank im Voraus!
Er meinte auf xda, er kann keine App entwerfen und werde das erstmal lassen.
Aktuell nimmt er NSTools, das finde ich wiederrum nicht besonders nützlich. Es fehlen noch so einige Funktionen.
pfffu, hat der Mackay das gleiche Problem wie der Semaphore?
gerade den Dalvik Cache gelöscht und danach in einem Bootloop hängen geblieben, Recovery futsch ...

Devil Kernel drüber und nun gehts wieder ...

Kann das mal wer testen? :D
Bei dem Kernel gibt es kaum bis gar keine bootloops. Aber testen werde ich das nicht, mein Handy hat einfach zu viel drauf.^^

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9000 mit der Android-Hilfe.de App
Kann auch mal jemand den Titel ändern?!

Das passt ja gar nicht mehr.

gesendet mit meiner Rüttelplatte
So Thread ist wieder aktuell :scared::scared:
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Shaddix und Bödi
Neuer Mackay Kernel 0.175 passend zur neuen Rom

Post 1 aktuell
Neuer Kernel 0.234 online.

kasper_h schrieb:
New version 0.234 online!

Changelog 0.234 compared to previous release (0.232)

-updated to linux kernel version 3.0.59
-backport CPUIDLE from 3.5
-arm/crypto: Add optimized AES and SHA1 routines

-Show battery status in recovery

Download (Four flavours can be download: VC=Voodoo Colour, BLN=BLN :)):

This version can only be used on JB4.2-based ROMs
  • Danke
Reaktionen: tobiasth
Version 0.239 ist online. Außerdem ist die Ankündigung einer neuen Rom inklusive Kernel-App sehr spannend finde ich. :)

kasper_h schrieb:
New version 0.239

An updated ROM version 2.4.7 including this kernel will be build and uploaded in a few hours. This ROM will include an adapted Galaxy-S settings app that allows changing kernel parameters. It is not possible to port this to other ROMs, or offer it as a separate download, as it depends on certain intent filters in the Settings app, that I created myself and are therefore not available in other ROMs.

Changelog 0.239 compared to previous release (0.236)

-updated to linux kernel version 3.0.61
-WiFi Power mode support

Download (Four flavours can be download: VC=Voodoo Colour, BLN=BLN :)):
rootaxbox.no-ip.org - /kasper_h/kernels/JB42/
  • Danke
Reaktionen: Shaddix
Also, im Moment ist kein Touchwake für den Mackay Kernel geplant....
New version 0.241

Just like for CM9&CM10, I started making a CM10.1 kernels. The philosophy is the same: stock plus a few extras

This kernel is based on my CM10 Mackay kernel.

If you like a CM10.1-based ROM with the Mackay kernel included, there is also Mackay ROM:

Thanks to all SGS-CM-kernel developers (pawitp, stratosk, DerTeufel, Glitch, mialwe, krarvind) , I learned a lot from all of you!

Changelog 0.241 compared to previous release (0.239)

Updated Linaro toolchain Jan-12

-General I/O scheduler improvements
-Specific improvements to ROW scheduler
-ROW scheduler is now default scheduler
-BFQ has been removed

-Aroma FileManager
-Include using soft keys to navigate the menu (thanks fishears for the idea)

Download (Four flavours can be download: VC=Voodoo Colour, BLN=BLN :

This version can only be used on JB4.2-based ROMs
via nexus7
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Und zwei Tage später gibt es schon wieder einen neuen :D

Mackay Kernel 0.242

kasper_h schrieb:
Changelog 0.242 compared to previous release (0.239)

-Update to linux version 3.0.62
-Small fix to fast charge code

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